

小思 2024-09-19 32
豪华的房子用英语怎么说摘要: 豪华的英语怎么说直接在百度里面输入在线翻译,然后翻译一下就行了more luxuriousthe most luxuriousluxurious [lʌɡzjuəriə...



more luxuriousthe most luxurious

luxurious [lʌɡzjuəriəs] a. luxury, luxuryThe comparison level is: more luxuriousThe most advanced is: the most luxurious

luxurious [lʌɡˈzjuəriəs] a.奢侈的、豪华的其比较级是:more luxurious其最高级是:the most luxurious


Luxury Room

marinekupe 正解

Luxury Apartment Luxury Hotel.

Luxury Apartments !


luxurious [lʌɡˈzjuəriəs] a.奢侈的、豪华的其比较级是:more luxurious其最高级是:the most luxurious

more luxurythe most luxury 和more luxuriousthe most luxurious都可以


豪华sumptuous奢侈luxury奢侈品 luxury items日用品daily garments




De luxe suite。


Parlor car。


A lavish party。4.豪华而气派的餐厅。

a swish restaurant。


A fancy layout with a swimming pool。


The ultra-luxury mobile phone games, we should not try!


Waste of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses。8.“世纪”公寓,豪华住宅,黄金地段,中档价格。

Century apartment house, a luxurious residence, in a prosperous area, but at a moderate price。9.一套豪华的公寓套间;奢华的招待设备。

a luxury condominium;luxury accommodations。


At a spacious and luxurious restaurant at the foot of Fuji we ate a definitely not sumptuous western meal。


分别是Sumptuous Luxurious Luxury Commodity


圆床房 Round bed room大床房 King room标准双人间 Typical Guest Room 或者 double room标准间 standard room单人房 Single Bed Room 商务客房 Commercial Class Guest Room总统套房 President suite豪华山景房 Deluxe Peak View Room豪华海景房 Deluxe Harbour View Room

酒店客房部:housekeeping dept 圆床房:Round bed room床型:- 加长单人床 - X-Long Twin - 标准号 - Standard - 双子床 - Twin (单个双子床single)- 普通双人床 - Double - 中号双人床 - Queen - 大号双人床 - King 房型:标准房 Standard Room高级房 Superior Room豪华房 Deluxe Room商务房 Business Room行政房 Executive Room电脑房 Digital Room 山景房 Mountain-view Room市景房 City-view Room湖景房 Lake-view Room海景房 Ocean-view Room江景房 River-view Room单人房 Single Room单床房 Single Room (double occupancy)大床房 Queen Room**双床房 Twin Room**双人房 Double Room三人房 Triple Room家庭房 Family Room套房 Suite高级套房 Superior Suite豪华套房 Deluxe Suite商务套房 Business Suite行政套房 Executive Suite总统套房 Presidential Suite限量房 Special Promotion特价房 Special Promotion舒适房 Superior Room(包价) (package)(特价) (special promotion)(包价*晚) (package for * nights)(限住*晚) (* consecutive nights only) (连住*晚及以上) (minimum of * nights)(提前*天预订) (* days advanced booking)


房型英语怎么说 房型 house type 酒店房型用英文怎么代表 10分 酒店基本房型 按设施及规格分:单人间 Single Room 双人间 Double Room 大床间 King Size & Queen Size Room 标准间 Standard 标准间单人住 TSU(Twin for Sole Use) 三人间 Triple 四人间 Quad 套间 Suite 公寓 Apartment 别墅 Villa 按级别分: 经济间 Economic Room 普通间 Standard Room 高级间 Superior Room 豪华间 Deluxe Room 商务标间 Business Room 行政标间 Executive Room 行政楼层 Executive Floor 按朝向分: 朝街房 Front View Room 背街房 Rear View Room 城景房 City View Room 园景房 Garden View Room 海景房 Sea View Room 湖景房 Lake View Room 特殊房型: 不限房型 Run of the House 无烟标准间 Non Smoking 残疾人客房 Handicapped Room 带厨房客房 Room with Kitchen 相邻房 Adjoining Room ST-攻tandard Twin 标准双人房 SD-Standard Ded 标准大床房 LD-Lady Ded 女士房 DD-Deluxe Ded 豪华大床房 SS-Standard Single 标准单人间 DS-Deluxe Suite 豪华套房 希望上述回答对您有所帮助! 请问你要什么房型的房间该怎么用英语说? Would you please tell me what you want to what type of room room? 户型 用英文怎么说 感谢1 Household...........the layout of the room 你自选 户型设计用英文怎么说 翻译结果 户型设计用英文怎么说 Door model the design how to say it in English 户型图用英文怎么说 type of layout chart of an apartment 英文“ 小户型 ”怎么说 小户型 [网络] SOLO; studio; [例句]小户型居室放置家俱的另一大特色就是向纵向发展。 The another big characteristic that *** all family bedroom places furniture is to fore-and-aft development. 图 3户型四平面图用英语怎么说 花园洋房,英文叫Gargen House,Z就是zone,是区域、层的意思,所以说ZG户型就是带有花园的那一层户型。 酒店房型英语翻译 Economic room:Standard room:Superior Room:Deluxe Room: Business Room: Executive Room:Double room: Single room:Bed room: Non- *** oking room (floor): Suite:Deluxe Suite:Presidential Suite: Duplex Suite: 房间英文怎么翻译? 一般在翻译房子时,许多译者都会使用house的多,其实house是指一幢房子,是指带花园、车库等的房子,而在中国,大多数人住的应当是一幢房子中的一套,指一套房间或公寓,所以应当用a flat or apartment,flat是英式英语,apartment是美式英语,如:an old house divided into flats,隔成数套房间的一座古宅(牛津现代高级英汉双解辞典)。 本人经常为出国留学、移民的人翻译资料,包括申请表、房产证等,都会碰到房子这个词,比如说我拥有一套住房,就应该是:I have a flat or apartment. 而不能说:I have a house. (除非真正拥有一幢楼房)。


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/30246.html发布于 2024-09-19
