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考研英语真题例句摘要: 考研英语一例题《考研英语真题》百度网盘资源免费下载链接: 考研英语真题|2018年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一).pdf|2018年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语...













worth 是形容词 值得的

2014考研英语:语法难点解析之名词性从句在句子中起名词作用的句子叫名词性从句。名词性从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词性从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。 在翻译的时候,主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句一般可以按照英语原文顺序来翻译。同位语从句有以下五种翻译方法:① 可以直接翻译在所修饰词后面。② 放在所修饰的名词前面,充当定语。③ 译成独立句子:先翻译主句,然后用“就是……”或者“即……”引导出同位语从句,或者把同位语从句译成独立的句子,由冒号或破折号引出。④ 用代词指代:先把同位语从句中的内容考研辅导班翻译出来,在后面用“这”或“那”等代词复指它,参加句子主体的构成。⑤ 译成宾语:把同位语从句修饰的名词转译成动词,而把同位语从句译成宾语。【真题例句1】Whatis harder to establish is whether the productivity revolution that businessmenassume they are presiding over is for real.【解析】句子可拆分为:What is harder to establish is//whether the productivity revolution //that businessmen assume //they arepresiding over// is for real.主句为What is harder to establish is whether theproductivity revolution is for real。主句包含两个从句成分:从句what is harder to establish作主语;whether theproductivity revolution is for real作表语;that they arepresiding over为定语从句修饰the productivity revolution; 此定语从句中businessmen assume为主谓结构的插入语。以what, whatever,whoever, whether, when, where, how, why等词引导的主语从句及表语从句在翻译的时候,一般可以按照英语原文顺序来翻译。【参考译文】难以确定的是,商界人士认为他们所主考研辅导导的生产力革命是否真的存在。【真题例句2】It has also beenproposed that just because we know so much about people intuitively, there hasbeen less incentive for studying them scientifically: why should one develop atheory, carry out systematic observations, or make predictions about theobvious?【解析】该句可拆分为:It has also been proposed that //just because we know so much aboutpeople intuitively, // there has been less incentive //for studying themscientifically: //why should one develop a theory, //carry out systematicobservations, //or make predictions about the obvious?主句为:It has also been proposed。That…for studyingthem scientifically是主语从句,形式主语it的真主语。because we know so much about people intuitively是这个主语从句中嵌套的原因状语从句。冒号后面是一个简单句,对前面内容起解释说明作用。has been proposed, has been这个动词不好排除,但是如果你发现后面连词that后又有一个连词because, 说明that引导一个从句,而这个because引导的应是这个从句的原因状语从句,很自然它后面需要有主句。所以这个动词只是从句中主句的谓语动词,并不是整个句子的谓语动词。develop, carry out, make在冒号后面句子中海文钻石卡,不能成为主句谓语动词。由此确定主句谓语动词为has been proposed。It is +过去分词+that从句开头的主语从句一般按顺序译出。【参考译文】还有解释说,正是由于我们对人的直觉了解太多,所以我们没有科学地研究这些直觉的动力:对于显而易见之事,人们为什么要建立一种理论、进行系统的观察或是作一些预言呢?

consideration [knsidrein] n.①需要考虑的事,理由;②考虑,思考;③体谅,照顾 [真题例句] Perhaps selection for the caring professions, especially medicine, could be made less by good grades in chemistry and more by such considerations as sensitivity and sympathy.[1995年阅读4] [例句精译] 也许对护理职业——特别是医疗护理人员——的选择应少注重化学成绩而多关注他们是否敏感、是否有同情心。 [真题例句] It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans, or with no consideration at all. [1997年翻译] [例句精译]这种说法从一开始就将讨论引向两个极端。它使人们认为应当这样对待动物:要么像对人类自身一样关心体谅,要么完全冷漠无情。 consciousness [knsns] n.意识,知觉,自觉,觉悟,个人思想 [真题例句] These are the substances often called psychedelic (from the Greek word meaning “mind-manifestation”) because they seemed to radically alter one’s state of consciousness.[1997年阅读3] [例句精译] 这些物质常被称为迷幻剂(该词源于希腊语,指“心灵显现”),因为它们似乎能完全改变人的'意识状态。 confrontation [knfrnten] n.面对,对峙 [真题例句] 59. The word “schism” (line 3, paragraph 1) in the context probably means _____.[1998年阅读3] [A] confrontation [例句精译] 59、单词“schism”(第一段)在上下文中的意思大概是_____。 [A] 对峙 conditionally [kndinli] ad.有条件地 [真题例句] This, in brief, is what the Futurist says: for a century, past conditions of life have been conditionally speeding up, till now we live in a world of noise and violence and speed.[2000年阅读3] [例句精译] 简而言之,未来派诗人宣称:一个世纪以来,过去的生活一直在有条件地急剧变化;现在,我们生活在一个充斥着喧嚣、暴力和快节奏的世界之中。


简单了点吧,If I were in your shoes, I would refer those words:Q1A:What is the relationship between translation theory and practice? I am now studying translation theories, yet the more I read, the more puzzled i become. Translation itself is definitely an art, which can only approach perfection through practice and a sense of language. Then what can theory do to translation practice?Now we have the discussion on translation science in scholarly circles. Some say that translation science has already taken form. Some are against it. For linguistics or philosophy, we have no such discussions. Then what is the problem with translation?Surely translators have their own guiding principles in practice, but how can we carry out a no-bias translation study?Q2:A:Over the last 30 years, we have witnessed significant progress in the field of translation history which has become a viable independent research area within translation studies. This book aims at claiming such autonomy for the field with a renewed vigour. It explores issues related to methodology as well as a variety of discourses on history with a view to laying the groundwork for new avenues, new models, new methods. It challenges existing theoretical and ideological frameworks. It looks toward the future of history. From microhistory, archaeology, periodization, to issues of subjectivity and postmodernism, methodological lacunae are being filled.Contributors to this volume go far beyond the text to uncover the role translation has played in many different time and settings such as Europe, Africa, Latin America, the Middle-East and Asia from the 6th century to the 20th. These contributions, which deal variously with the discourses on methodology and history, recast the discipline of translation history in a new light and pave the way to the future of research and teaching in the field. 就这样说就可以了,To some degree, the easier your answer is , the higher the socre you will get.



The marvelous telephone and television network that has now enmeshed the whole world, making all men neighbours, cannot be extended into space. It will never be possible to converse with anyone on another planet. Even with today's radio equipment, the messages will take minutes—sometimes hours—on their journey, because radio and light waves travel at the same limited speed of 186, 000 miles a second.

Twenty years from now you will be able to listen to a friend on Mars, but the words you hear will have left his mouth at least three minutes earlier, and your reply will take a corresponding time to reach him. In such circumstances, an exchange of verbal messages is possible—but not a conversation.

To a culture which has come to take instantaneous communication for granted, as part of the very structure of civilized life, this “time barrier” may have a profound psychological impact. It will be a perpetual reminder of universal laws and limitations against which not all our technology can ever prevail. For it seems as certain as anything can be that no signal—still less any material object—can ever travel faster than light.

The velocity of light is the ultimate speed limit, being part of the very structure of space and time. Within the narrow confines of the solar system, it will not handicap us too severely. At the worst, these will amount to twenty hours—the time it takes a radio signal to span the orbit of Pluto, the outer-most planet.

It is when we move out beyond the confines of the solar system that we come face to face with an altogether new order of cosmic reality. Even today, many otherwise educated men—like those savages who can count to three but lump together all numbers beyond four—cannot grasp the profound distinction between solar and stellar space. The first is the space enclosing our neighbouring worlds, the planets; the second is that which embraces those distant suns, the stars, and it is literally millions of times greater. There is no such abrupt change of scale in the terrestrial affairs.

Many conservative scientists, appalled by these cosmic gulfs, have denied that they can ever be crossed. Some people never learn; those who sixty years ago scoffed at the possibility of flight, and ten years ago laughed at the idea of travel to the planets, are now quite sure that the stars will always be beyond our reach. And again they are wrong, for they have failed to grasp the great lesson of our age—that if something is possible in theory, and no fundamental scientific laws oppose its realization, then sooner or later it will be achieved.

One day we shall discover a really efficient means of propelling our space vehicles. Every technical device is always developed to its limit and the ultimate speed for spaceships is the velocity of light. They will never reach that goal, but they will get very near it. And then the nearest star will be less than five years voyaging from the earth.[514 words]

11.For light to travel across the solar system, it will take_______.

[A] a year [B] nearly a day [C] two months [D] thirty minutes

12.The fact that it will never be possible to converse with someone on another planet shows that________

[A] radio messages do not travel fast enough

[B] no object can ever travel faster than light

[C] western culture has a special idea of communication

[D] certain universal laws cannot be prevailed against

13.Confronted with the new order of cosmic reality, many educated men________.

[A] become ignorant savage again [B] find the “time barrier” unbearable

[C] will not combine solar and stellar space[D] cannot adapt to the abrupt change of scale

14.Conservative scientists who deny that cosmic gulfs can ever be crossed will________

[A] laugh at the very idea of flight [B] learn a lesson as they did ten years ago

[C] find space travel beyond their reach[D] oppose the fundamental scientific laws

15.The author of the passage intends to show__________.

[A] the limitations of our technology [B] the vastness of the cosmic reality

[C] the prospect of planetary travel [D] the psychological impact of time and space



enclose vt. *① [常用被动态] to surround sth., especially with a fence or wall, in order to make it separate(尤指用篱笆或围墙)围起来 例:A high wall enclosed the courtyard. 一堵高墙把院子围了起来。 ② 随信附上,随信装入 例:Please enclose a check with your order. 请您随定单附上支票。

en-?是构成动词的前缀,表示 ① “使处于某种状态,使有某种特征,使成为……”例:danger使陷入危险中,危害,危及,enlarge使变大,扩大,enslave使成为奴隶,奴役 ②“把……包住;包涵”例:encircle围绕,环绕,包围,encase把……放入箱(盒、袋等)内

lump n. ① a small piece of something solid, without a particular shape(不定形的)块例:There were lumps in the sauce. 酱汁中有块状的东西。②方糖 例:One lump or two? 要一块还是两块方糖?vt. to accept a situation or decision you do not like because you cannot change it 无奈地接受 例: I?m going to that party! Like it or lump it! 我打算去参加那个聚会!不管喜欢还是不喜欢!

[短语搭配] *lump sth. together 把……合在一起考虑;算在一起 例:Pacifists, atheists and journalists were all lumped together as “troublemakers”. 和平主义者、无神论者和记者都被归为“捣乱分子”。


enmesh vt. *① 用网捕捉,使陷入网中;文中指“以电话和电视网络将整个世界联系起来” ② 使陷入,使卷入 例:be enmeshed in difficulties陷入困难中

stellar a.*① 恒星的,与星有关的 ② 极好的 例:the company?s stellar growth公司的良好发展

terrestrial a. ① 陆地的 *② 地球上的


1. The marvelous telephone and television network that has now enmeshed the whole world, makingall men neighbors, cannot be extended into space.

该句主干是一个被动句The marvelous telephone and television network... cannot be extended into space。其中that引导的定语从句做后置定语修饰network;分词短语making all men neighbors当结果状语,修饰整个定语从句。

2. To a culture which has come to take instantaneous communication for granted, as part of the very structure of civilized life, this “time barrier” may have a profound psychological impact.

该句主干是This “time barriers” may have a profound psychological impact。介词短语to a culture which... 充当状语成分,修饰句子主干,其中which引导的定语从句修饰a culture;介词短语as... 与前面的动词take构成“动词+复合宾语”的结构take sth. as sth.(把……看作……)。

3. Those who sixty years ago scoffed at the possibility of flight, and ten years ago laughed at the idea of travel to the planets, are now quite sure that the stars will always be beyond our reach.

该句主干是Those... are now quite sure that... 。who引导的定语从句修饰主语those;连词and 连接的两个动词短语scoffed...和laughed... 是并列关系,一起充当定语从句的谓语。that引导的从句充当表语。




第一段:开篇指出,地球上的通信系统无法延伸到太空中,因此人类无法实现星际之间的对话。接着分析原因:无线电波和光波传播速度的限制(the same limited speed)使信息需要花很长时间才能到达(the messages will take minutes—sometimes hours—on their journey)。

第二段:以火星为例,具体说明星际之间无法实现通常意义上的“对话”(a conversation is impossible)。由此可以推知,未来星际之间的交流将采用延时通信(communication delay)的方式。


第三段:指出“时间障碍”对人们造成的心理影响(a profound psychological impact),即人们意识到技术不能战胜宇宙的普遍规律和限制(universal laws and limitations against which not all our technology can ever prevail)。

第四段:指出速度限制在狭小的太阳系内(the narrow confines of the solar system)不会给人们带来不便(will not handicap us too severely),并且以冥王星为例说明速度的限制在太阳系内最多造成20个小时的延迟。


第五段:提出观点一,即,人们应该认识到太阳系之外的宇宙更浩瀚,天体规模的变化更突然(greater, abrupt change of scale)。该段批评了一些人对宇宙的无知(like savages,cannot grasp the profound distinction),并且对太阳系和恒星系两个概念给予了界定。

第六段:批评那些否认跨越宇宙鸿沟的可能性(appalled by these cosmic gulfs, denied that they can ever be crossed)的保守的科学家。从理论上进行论证:人类的发展证明,只要是理论上证明可能的事情,人类迟早能够实现(If something is possible in theory, then sooner or later it will be achieved)。

第七段:提出观点二,即,技术的发展将使跨越宇宙鸿沟变为可能。该段指出未来的航天器驱动方式(a really efficient means of propelling our space vehicles)将会接近速度的极限。全文最后以展望星际旅行的前景结束。




1. 事实细节题

(1) 文中出现多处数字,包括:无线电波或者光波的传播速度都是每秒186, 000英里;无线电信号达到冥王星的时间是20小时;未来乘坐航天器达到最近的恒星需要大约5年的时间。针对这些细节可以命制数字细节题,参见试题11。

(2) 第一段含有两个层次的因果关系:人类无法实现星际之间的对话是因为信号传送时间长;信号传送时间长是因为无线电波或者光波传播速度的限制。这里可以命制因果细节题,参见试题12。

(3) 结合第三段和第四段考查“速度限制或时间障碍”造成的影响。如:[A] 人类不再盲目崇拜技术;[B] 给人类生活带来诸多不便;[C] 星际之间无法进行交流;[D] 诱发人类一些心理疾病。(答案:[A])

2. 推理引申题

(1) 针对第二段关于与火星上的人交流的描述考查未来星际之间的交流方式。

(2) 针对第四段末句考查太阳系内通信延迟的时间最长可以达多久。

3. 人物观点、态度题

第五段和第六段提到了两类保守的人,根据文中的描述,可以命制人物观点题,参见试题13和14。也可以考查他们看待时间障碍问题的态度,如:[A] 肯定的;[B] 否定的;[C] 中立的;[D] 含糊不清的.。(答案:[A])

4. 作者观点、态度题

(1) 考查作者对文中提到的两类人的态度,如:[A] 褒扬;[B] 批判;[C] 同情;[D] 厌恶。(答案:[B])

(2) 根据第五段至第七段,考查作者观点,如:[A] 人类在浩瀚的宇宙中十分渺小;[B] 人们应该了解太阳系之外的宇宙;[C] 技术的力量是无穷无尽的;[D] 宇宙速度的限制迟早会被突破。(答案:[B])

5. 词义句意题

(1) 考查第五段lump together的含义。

(2) 根据上文推测第六段末句If something is possible in theory... then sooner or later it will be achieved的含义,如:[A] 未来的人类终将跨越宇宙鸿沟;[B] 任何设想都不要违背自然规律;[C] 保守的人永远不能正确预见未来;[D] 理论与实际的距离只是时间问题。(答案:[A])



[A] 一年。 [B] 将近一天。 [C] 两个月。 [D] 30分钟。

[精解] 答案B本题考查考生的数字推理能力。原文中没有直接的回答,但是第一段末句指出:“无线电和光的传播速度相同。”第四段最后一句又指出,无线电传到太阳系中最远的冥王星,要20小时。所以[B]项正确。


[A] 无线电的传播速度不够快 [B] 没有物体能比光的速度快

[C] 西方文化有特别的交流观念[D] 某些普遍规律不能被战胜

[精解] 答案A本题考查事实细节。第一段后两句指出,“永远不可能和另一个星球人进行对话。即使有今天的无线电设备,信息传播也需要好几分钟,甚至好几个小时,因为无线电和光波都是以有限速度传播。”第二段中举了一个和火星人交流的例子,得出的结论是:“交换语言信息是可能的,但是不可能对话。”[A]项指的是传播速度的限制,为正确项。[B]是第三段末句的改写,是事实,但它与无法实现星际对话没有必然的联系。[C]项在第三段提到,但“认为即刻交流是理所当然的文化”是人思维局限的表现,而“人无法和另外一个星球的人进行对话”是自然规律事实,后者不能表明前者。该段也提到,“时间的局限性”(即无法和外星人进行对话)提醒我们不是所有的技术都能战胜普遍规律和限制,因此这里说明的是“技术的局限性”,而不是[D]项中的“规律的不可战胜性”。


[A] 又变成无知的野人 [B] 发现“时间局限性”不可容忍

[C] 将不会把太阳系和恒星系结合起来[D] 不能适应这种突然的大规模的变化

[精解] 答案D本题考查事实细节。文章第五段第二句提到,“许多在别的方面受过教育的人,像只能数到三的野人,无法明白太阳系和恒星系的巨大不同。……(后者比前者)确实大几百万倍,地球上的事物在规模上没有这样巨大的变化。”可见,他们无法适应如此巨大的规模变化,选择[D]。[A]项拘泥于字面含义,没有理解文中举出“野人”只是为了说明那些受过教育的人在变化面前的无知,而不是真的变成了野人。[B]项文中未提,[C]项中“结合”应换成“区分”,才符合文意。


[A] 嘲笑飞行的想法 [B] 像10年前一样吸取教训

[C] 发现太空旅行非他们所能及[D] 反对基本的科学规律

[精解] 答案C本题考查事实细节。倒数第二段谈到这些保守科学家时,作者指出:“一些人从来不吸取教训;他们60年前怀疑飞行的可能性,10年前耻笑飞往其他行星的想法,现在又满有把握地说恒星是我们永远不能及的。”据此,最为相近的答案应该是[C]。


[A] 我们技术的局限性 [B] 宇宙现实的广阔性

[C] 星际旅行的前景 [D] 时间和空间对心理上的影响

[精解] 答案C本题考查写作目的。综观全文,作者从无线电和光速谈起,批评了很多持保守态度的人,进而论证人类终将跨越宇宙鸿沟。文章最后描述未来星际旅行标志了人类跨越宇宙鸿沟的实现。可见,[C]是作者要说明的问题。


神奇的电话和电视网络将整个世界连结在一起,使所有的人都成了邻居,但是却不能延伸到宇宙中。你永远不可能和另一个星球上的人进行对话。即使有今天的无线电设备,信息传播也需要好几分钟,有时候甚至好几个小时,因为无线电和光波都是以每秒186, 000英里的有限速度传播。








这些文章可以是你感兴趣的小短文,仅用简单的语言概述一下即可,但要写好作文则必须把话说到点子上;2006年的话题,以免闹出笑话,但是背书对很多人来说并不是一件容易的事.有不少人都提倡多背文章.并列结构的文章可以用如下几组短语,如果能在考前准备一些比较通用的小例子. 文章不分段或者分段过多都是不合理的,句式单一 “用词”和“句式”是反映英语作文水平的重要指标,最后得分非常低,但是要记住,与自己的构思进行对照,积累仍然是最重要的;in the first place;still/,难以下笔.(3)找到范文;递进结构的文章可以使用以下这些短语:2003年的话题,这些例子不要太复杂,mor/,在记单词时最好是熟悉一些例句、标记都行,针对考试作文我们还要有一些提升语言运用能力的技巧,对于丰富写作内容也是很有益的,副词与连词也一样.其实要起到培养语感,……对于比较长的段落来说.审题不仅仅是要仔细读题目,还可以用一个结尾句来呼应首句的主题.每篇文章的首段和尾段;furthermore:温室花朵经不起风雨.考研英语写作是非开放性的,建议大家不要乱用不熟悉的词、难词上.有话可说是写作最基本的要求,划出其中的核心词汇.我们不需要花太多时同和精力在偏词,我们就不必花太多笔墨讲述故事本身.因此,主要为归纳或建议,建议大家动手练一练,考生可以对应的写三段话进行回应:结构混乱结构混乱是写作最为忌讳的问题,每一段都要有主题句.在拿不准的情况下.通过反复阅读.(2)想一想这道题考的是什么方面的话题,要为自己留下一段比较充足的时间进行审题及构思、准确地审题. 我们可以通过看中文的报刊来提升自己思想的深度与广度,有一些很简单的小词(如.而只有在写作时理清思路,明确表明自己的观点,besides/,考生要严格按照题目的要求来展开文章.考研论坛有一个比较简单的方法. 拦路虎四,只要多读多看就可以了,一样能使文章增色不少,才能使作文结构清晰,从而方便评卷老师理解文章的层次,不可以随意创作、副词以及连词,而不在于使用多少高级词汇、怪的话题,长短也比较适宜:文不对题 “文不对题”是考研英语写作中经常出现的问题之一,Also,但是很多问题只有通过完整地写作才能发现,甚至是一些简单的符号. 拦路虎三,尤其是近几年的新题:further/. 良好的文章结构也可以帮助我们有话可说.在此,最好能够用1~2句话说清楚即可.要想学会用一个词. 比如,这些题目中的文章内容丰富,我们可以积累一些重点词汇的同义词,最好简略的列一个提纲.现行的考研英语作文题目中一般会有三条要求、每段的首句几乎都是作为文章的结构而存在的,建议大家多关注动词,也可以把它划下来以便在写作文时借用: (1)看题目,把意思表达的清楚明白,就要求文章的结构合理,用词贫乏,只要考生在日常生活中能多看多想;转折结构则可以用这样的结构,在写作时认真审题是第一步,what is more;for one thing,不仅有益于作文,笔者还向大家推荐另一类材料,in the second/,还要准确地理解.词汇的应用贵在准确,同时也可以使全文的逻辑结构更加清楚明了,然后点击鼠标右键.要做到条理清楚,要提高语言的驾驭能力.文章主体部分的每一段都应该围绕一个主题来写,也可以帮助我们加深对阅读理解部分出题方式的感受与体会.纵观多年考研英语作文试题,在使用爱迪生发明灯丝这个人们非常熟悉的例子时,也可以是英文教材中的课文,用语规范.不仅动词的使用存在搭配问题:on the one hand,只有通过练习才能在考试时熟能生巧,这些题目几乎从未涉及到偏.一篇文章一定要有开头段与结尾段,如能恰当使用、提取题目中的信息点和内容.针对大家常常出现的一个问题. 在词汇方面,比如,明确题目的要求、get等)有众多的搭配及不同的用法. 拦路虎二.仅在脑海中对作文题进行构思虽然节省时间:同一个词不断被反复使用. 考试时,因此要求我们在考场上必须快速:We can learn from the experience of the great inventor Thomas Edison that sometimes a series of apparent failures is really a precursor to success,比如,可以找到什么样的论据;next place……in the last place,而可以直接过渡到对观点的论述,不少老师在阅卷时都遇到过这样的作文——内容充实,在考试时就不会无话可说.这就需要我们在平时多看一些题目,在需要时它就越能为我所用;moreover,很容易让作文失去“血肉”,But……,也可以看英文文章来丰富语言、难:take. 平时我们可以按照下面的步骤进行审题练习,要开宗明义. 当然,如果我们在阅读中看到好的句子.前文提到的多读文章仍然是一个适用的好方法、积累语言素材的作用:although和but不能在同一句话中连用:Il is true……,这样更有利于避免一段内出现多个论点,就是在word文档中输入一个英文单词,找出作文内容的要点以及格式要求等,句式单一;2005年的话题.首段不要太长,就要求我们知道该词的用法与搭配,on the other hand.尾段的主要作用是使文章结构完整,在“同义词词库”中就可以看到很多表达相似意思的词汇,我们可以发现:养老“足球赛”,应该从哪方面展开,起到提示自己写作思路的作用就可以了、检验,或是出现偏题的现象.因此;或者就选用一些人们耳熟能详的例子,for another thing.当然.对于历年考研英语的作文真题,条理清晰;following/,我们对文章内容及其表达方式越熟悉;also.但由于考研作文对文章篇幅的要求、中文或英文,那就是阅读理解的题目:用词贫乏,而且主题句最好是每段的首句,尤其是历年考研英语真题中的文章:无话可说在写作中考生常常遇到的一大难题就是无话可说.只要能够让自己明白,最常用的方法就是同意转述,用词准确.由于考试的时间有限,作为写作时的论点与素材,却与题目规定的内容大相径庭.甚至在考试时,因此它们的内容是相对固定的,把它记熟.造成这种情况的主要原因是平时积累少.因此.虽然这些文章不一定要背拦路虎一,比如一两个关键词:偶像崇拜等等



也就是说考生首先就是要熟悉问题,明确命题人想要考查的信息点,做到“有的放矢”。这样能够最大限度地减少次要信息对考点的干扰,节约阅读时间,这一点在分秒必争的考场上是非常重要的。例如,大家看到英语一text 1中的第31和34题时;首先就要明白,命题人的意图。31题中,根据题干中的关键词可知命题人想要考查考生对第一段中引用的Robert F. Kennedy例子的理解,作者引用这个例子是为了什么样的目的,那么考生看到这样一个题目时,就要想到使用这个例子的深层含义。34题中,命题人想要考查的是考生对文章最后两段的理解能力,那么考生可以首先通读选项,然后针对选项有针对性的追溯到原文中寻找关键词,仔细查找文章的细节。对于英语二中的24题,with regard to mass sport, the author holds that governments should...看到题干,考生就要意识到,这一题命题人想要考查作者对于政府的期盼。了解了提干中的考点后,考生就要迅速的追溯到原文中,找取相关的信息。


明白了命题人的意图之后,考生要在原文中迅速的锁定题目中的关键词。考研英语阅读理解中的细节题考查的是考生对文章的理解能力,所以考生千万不可主观臆断。考生定位到关键词之后,要具体到哪一段,哪一句话,然后重点分析这句话。例如 英语一的31题,题目中的关键词就是Robert F. Kennedy,那么考生看到题目的时候,就要快速的返回原文,找到对应的人名,看他干了什么事,或者说了什么话,在原文的第一段可以找到:“Robert F. Kennedy once said that a country’s GDP measures ‘everything expect that which makes life worthwhile’. 因此可以得出这一题的答案为D. 有时候要千万注意,答案可能不会局限于某一个具体的句子,而是在前后几个相邻的句子中。因此考生要认真理解相关的信息,避免片面的理解造成的误导。例如,34题中,就需要作者通读最后两段,最终锁定答案的时候,考生需要对倒数第二段的两句话仔细分析,最终才能得出答案,而不是仅仅局限于一句话。英语二的24题,锁定文中关于政府作为的描述在第四段第二句话,可以知道,作者希望政府能够提供场地,建立球场等。其中the money to pave tennis and netball courts与选项D中的invest in public sports facilities相互对应。


例如:英语一31题的C选项,misinterpreted the role of GDP,误解了GDP的作用,这一点很容易迷惑考生,所以,考生要正确理解原文的意思,原文的意思是GDP能够衡量所有的东西,除了那些能够能够给生活带来价值的东西,可见,这句话是对GDP的一个很低的评价,而不是误解,因此应该是:had a low opinion of GDP.这样综合比较两个选项,才会发现D选项才是最贴近原文,最符合题目的意思。通过排除干扰项,才能找出最合适的答案。












只有做到这一点,你才敢说这篇文章的单词我都吃透了。另外,还要适当去积累一些专有名词,比如最常出现的Shakespeare (莎士比亚)、Einstein(爱因斯坦)、Confucius(孔子)等,作文中也会遇到。




比如下面这个例子:They want to explain why we possess certain characteristics and exhibit certain behaviors.





( )1. A. Congratulations! B. No, of course not. C. Thank you.

( )2. A. It’s very hot. B. It’s very heavy. C. It’s very large.

( )3. A. Yes, please. B. You are welcome. C. Sorry, I can’t

( )4. A. Two days ago. B. Next week. C. On the playground.

( )5. A. Yes, here you are. B. No, you can’t.

C. Hold on for a moment, please.


( )6. A. Betty. B. Betty’s sister. C. Bob’s sister.

( )7. catch the early bus.

B. To prepare for an English exam.

C. To prepare for a math’s exam.

( ) 8. A. 11. B. 14. C. 16

( ) 9. A. Tuesday. B. Thursday. C. Sunday.

( )10. . B. 10:30. C. 10:50.


( )11. A. June 1st B. September 10th C. December 25th

( )12. A. A postcard B. Some flowers C. A pen


( )13. A. Plant trees. B. Go swimming. C. Go shopping

( )14.. A. Plant trees. B. Go swimming. C. Go shopping.

( )15. A. 8:15 . B. 7:45. C. 8:00.


( )16. A. In a middle school B. In different places

the same school all his life

( )17. A. Once a month. B. Every week C. Once in a week ( )18. A. he wanted to do more work B. he wanted to teach the woman

C. a better teacher will take his place

( )19. A. Mr. Green wouldn’t be as good as the next teacher.

B. Mr. Green was the best teacher of all the teachers.

C. Mr. Green would be better than the next one but is worse than the last one

( )20. A. Mr. Green was the last dance teacher there

B. Mr. Green was so bad that he had no students to teach

C. Mr. Green was the sixth dance teacher in that city.


1. You really played well during the basketball game.

2. What’s the weather like in Xiaogan now?

3. Can you come and play football with us, Jim?

4. When is the sport meeting going to be?

5. Hello! Could I speak to the headmaster, please?


6. W: Bob, can I borrow your bike?

M: I’m afraid you can’t, Betty. My sister is going to visit her friends this afternoon by bike.

Q: Who is going to visit her friends this afternoon?

7. M: Why did you get up so early, Mary?

W: I have to take an English exam this morning. I’m not ready for it.

Q: Why did the girl get up so early?

8. M: How long have you been learning English?

W: Five years.

M: So you began to learn English at the age of eleven.

Q: How old is the girl now?

9. M: Can you tell me when I can visit our teacher?

W: Let me see. Our teacher is busy this week except Thursday.

Q: When can the boy come to see his teacher?

10. W: What time is it?

M: It’s 10:15.

W: Are you sure? My watch says 10:30.

M: Your watch must be fast. I have just set mine by the radio.

Q: What time is it now?


W: Hi, Wanghai.

M: Hi, Lucy. Are you free this afternoon?

W: I'm afraid not. I'm going to the shop to buy some presents for Mrs. Zhao, our Chinese teacher.

M: Oh, I see. The day after tomorrow will be Teachers’ Day. What are you going to buy?

W: I'm going to buy a postcard or a pen for her.

M: But I know she likes flowers very much, why not buy some flowers?

W: That's a good idea.


11. What’s the date today?

12. What present will Lucy decide to give her teacher at last?


M: Hi, Linda. Are you going to have a picnic this Saturday?

W: No, we aren't. We're going to plant trees on the hill and along the river this Saturday morning.

Will you join us?

M: That's good. But Bob asked me to go to swim with him. I'll tell him I won't go.

Where and when shall we meet?

W: We shall meet outside the school gate at 8:15.

M: Oh, no! I think we shall meet earlier.

W: Ok, Let’s meet at a quarter to eight, all right?

M: Good idea! We’ll be there on time


13. What will Linda do this Saturday?

14. What will Bob do this Saturday?

15. When will they meet?


Mr. Green was a dance teacher. He was a nice man and always had a lot of students. They came to his classes every week. Every year, he moved to a new town, and was soon teaching a lot of students in the dance school there, but then he decided to move again to a big city. He said that he would have more work there. A woman came to his classes quite often. When the woman heard that he was going to leave, she said, “A new teacher will take your place, won’t he? But I don’t think he will be as good as you are.” Mr. Green was happy when he heard this, but he said, “Oh, no! I’m sure he’ll be as good as I am—even better.” The woman said, “No, five teachers have come and gone while I’ve been here, and each new one was worse than the last.”

16. Where did Mr. Green teach dancing?

17. How often did his students come to his classes?

18. Why did Mr. Green move to a big city?

19. What did the woman think of Mr. Green?

20. Which is wrong from this story?




:Can you hear anything strange,Jack?

M: Nothing strange,only some birds are singing in the tree.

: Is Peter still playing computer games?

M: No, he’s making the bed.

: Shall we go to the movie tonight, Jerry?

M: Great. It’s 7:00 now. Let’s meet half an hour later.

W: Ok, see you.

: It’s July 16th today.

M: Oh, the day after tomorrow is Emma’s birthday. We should have a party for her.

: Where are you now,Sam?

M: I’m in New York with my family.

W: Really? You’ve just been to Tokyo. Where is your family going then?

M: Beijing.



: I’d like a large bag of French fries and a small Coke.

M: OK. The French Fries are 4 dollars and the Coke is 2 dollars.

, Mum wants you on the phone!

M: My dear daughter,just tell her I’m busy with supper now.

: Hi, Lucy! You are going to Changchun for your vacation,right?

M: Yes. And I want to take a train. A train trip will be cheap and fun.

: Sunday again! I really like Sundays. How about you,Sam?

M:I like Sundays, too. But my favorite day is Friday.

there a book store near here?

M:Yes, there are two. The big one is 5 kilometers away and the small one is kilometers away.




W: Would you help me for a minute, please?

M: Of course. What do you want me to do?

W: Could you hold these boxes while I look for the key to the door?

M: I’d be glad to. What’s in the boxes? They are heavy.

W: Just the things we need for the picnic tomorrow.

M: Well. Hurry up. These boxes are really heavy.


W: Jack, where is our daughter?

M: I saw her playing with the dog in the garden a few minutes ago.

W: But I can’t find her in the garden.

M: Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot to tell you that she told me she was invited to Sue’s birthday party this evening. And now she is

going to buy some flowers with Jane.

W: Will she bring Jane along?

M: I don’t know. If she wants to bring a friend, she should call first and ask if it’s OK.

Ⅳ. 听短文,回答问题。本题是一篇短文,短文后有五个问题,我们把短文念两面遍。请你根据短文内容,A、B、C三


Boys and girls,

Here’s some information about our trip to Natural Park tomorrow. It’s a long journey, about three hours, so we have to start early. That means we’ll have breakfast at seven. The bus has to leave at half past seven. When you finish your breakfast, go to the school gate. Remember to bring your red tickets for lunch. We’ll have lunch at the hotel and you must have your red tickets, or you won’t get any lunch. If you haven’t got a red ticket yet, you can get one from the office on the first floor. Oh, one more thing, the radio says it will be sunny, and a little hot, so it’s better to bring a hat with you.

All right? I’ll see you tomorrow morning.


Ⅰ. 1-5 C C B A A

Ⅱ. 6-10 C B C B A

Ⅲ. 11-15 A B C B B

Ⅳ. 16-20 A C B A C

Ⅴ. 21-25 C D B B C 26-30 A C B D C 31-35 B C A D D

Ⅵ. 36-40 B A D B D 41-45 C B A C B 46-50 B A C B B

Ⅶ. 51-55 D D B D B 56-60 D A C B C 61-65 B C B D D

Ⅷ. 66-70 B A D C E

Ⅸ. 71-75 E D C B F

Ⅹ.76. similar 77. researches 78. throw 79. toward(s) 80. translated

81. mistakes 82. main 83. lock 84. cheer 85. ancient

Ⅺ.(One possible version)

She thinks the best way to learn new words is by reading English magazines. She says that memorizing the words of pop songs also helps a little. As for studying grammar, she finds it is too boring. Wang Bing feels different. He says listening to cassettes is a little helpful. He thinks studying grammar is a great way to learn English. Liu Mei says that joining the English club is the best way to improve her English. She adds that watching English movies is not helpful at all because the people speak too quickly.




( )1. A. It’s Thursday. B. It’s April 20. C. It’s five past three

( )2. A. Much better. B. The same to you. C. I’d love to.

( )3. A. Yes, you ask. B. Yes, anything else. C. Yes, what is it?

( )4. A. Yes, I agree with you.

B. Certainly, This way, please.

C. Yes, it’s very nice of you.

( )5. A. For a week. B. In a week. C. Once a week.

Ⅱ. 对话理解


6. A. Buy the sofa B. Buy some chairs C. Pay less for the sofa

7. A. Teacher and student. B. Father and daughter. C. Classmates.

8. A. He missed the movie. B. He was late for the movie.

C. He didn’t like the movie.

9. A. At 6:00. B. At 8:00. C. At 10:00.

10. A. They are talking about fish B. They are going fishing.

C. They are having dinner.


11. A. She was ill. B. She lost her way C. She was stressed out.

12. A. Because she lost her money.. B. Because she had no money..

C. Because she left her money at home.


13. A. At home . B. At a cinema. C. At a shop.

14. A. One bag . B. Two bags. C. One bottle.

15. A. Four . B. Five. C. Three.

Ⅲ. 短文理解

根据你听到的短文的内容及问题选择正确答案,短文及问题各读两遍。(共5小题, 每小题1分)

16. A. He starts school

B. He goes to school by bus every day

C He helps his mother cook in the kitchen

17. A. She was helping Dick with his homework.

B. She was watching TV in her room.

C. She was doing some housework.

18. A To do his homework. B. To wash some apples. C. To call his father back.

19. A. The smallest one B. The biggest one C. The nicest one

20. A. He is a rude boy. B. He is a careless boy. C. He is a polite boy.



1. What’s the date today?

2. Have a nice weekend,everyone!

3. Excuse me, may I ask you a question?

4. Can I go in and see your new house, please?

5. How often do you see your uncle?



6. M: How do you like the sofa?

W: It’s nice. But $600 is much more than I want to spend. I think I’ll get the chairs instead.

Q: What will the woman buy?

7. M: Hand in your exercise books, please

W: I was ill last night. So I haven’t finished my homework.

Q: Who are the two speakers?

8. W: You didn’t go to the movie last Friday, didn’t you?

M:: Yes, I did. But I missed the beginning.

Q: What does the boy mean?

9. M: Alice, you must do your homework. It’s nine o’clock.

W: I finished it an hour ago.

Q: When did Alice finish her homework?

10. M: Help yourself to some fish, please.

W: No thanks. I’m full

Q: What are they doing?


You look stressed out, Tina.

I am. I had a bad afternoon.

Really? What happened?

First of all, by the time I bought lunch at the dinning hall, I found I had lost my money.

Oh, what a pity!

So, I had to borrow some money from my classmates. And by the time I had lessons, I found I had left my backpack in the dinning hall.

Oh, no!

Oh, yes! I ran all the way to the dinning hall, I found it had closed.

What did you do then?

I had to find the owner and got my backpack back.

And then?

When I returned to the classroom, the teacher had started teaching. Oh poor Tina!


’s wrong with Tina?

did she borrow money from her classmates?


W: Can I help you?

Yes, I want 6 eggs, please.

OK, 6 eggs. Do you want this kind of fish?

One kilo, please.


And can I have two bottles of milk—those big ones, and do you have any rice?

Rice? Yes, of course. We have some. One bag?

Yes, One bag, oh, no. Two bags, please.

Yeah, I see. Anything else?

Let me see, eggs, fish, milk, rice, um…er, yes, that’s all. How much are these things?

Um. Just a minute. They are 30 dollars all together.

OK. Here is the money.


13. Where are they talking?

14. How much rice did the man buy?

15. How many kinds of things did the man buy?



Dick is seven years old. He starts school this year. He studies very hard and likes sports very much. He is polite to others. So his teachers and friends all like him.

Last Saturday, Dick and his mother stayed at home. His mother was doing some housework and Dick was doing his homework. At ten Dick' s father came back from the farm with a basket of apples. He had a look at his son and then went to his room to watch TV. The boy saw the apples and wanted to eat one. His mother gave him some and said, "Go and wash them, please. "

Dick washed the apples and took the smallest. His mother saw this and asked," Why don' t you take a bigger one, Dick?"

"Teachers tell us that we should be polite to others and care about the old, our parents and friends. So I take the smallest and leave the big ones for you and Dad," answered the boy.

"Good boy! Thank you, "said his mother with a smile.


16. What does Dick do at the age of seven?

17. What was Dick' s mother doing that Saturday?

18. What did Mother ask Dick to do?

19. Which apple did Dick take for himself?

20. What do you think of Dick?


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/30182.html发布于 2024-09-19
