

小思 2024-09-19 27
金融巨头英文摘要: 金融巨头英语华尔街英语具有36年发展历史,培训机构分布在全球26个国家和地区。面对金融危机的来临,作为一个大学生,应该临危不惧" Approach that face th...



面对金融危机的来临,作为一个大学生,应该临危不惧" Approach that face the financial crisis, be an university student, should in hour of danger not 惧 ""金融危机来临,世界经济萧条"等等 谢谢了 在线跪等" the financial crisis comes, the depression of world" the etc. thanked for on-line kneeling etc

It seems that the USA is experiencing the same thing Hong Kong experienced in 2003, when the housing bubble burst and the SARS virus spread. Being a small open economy, Hong Kong can do nothing to remedy the situation. The USA is different, it has fiscal and monetary policy on its side. I hope that America will try their best to reverse the trend so that the world economy will grow again. A recession in the US will certainly affect China, because the growth of the Chinese economy is, to a certain extent, export-led and America is the largest market for Chinese goods. If the Chinese economy is affected, it will affect Hong Kong too because every year we have a large number of visitors from China. They also buy houses as well as stocks and shares in Hong Kong. However, it will be impossible to have a recession as severe as the great depression of 1930’s. The reasons are as follows:1. The gold standard has been abandoned. In the past, a dollar was not just a piece of paper, it was also a piece of gold. You could convert it into gold at a fixed rate. Now a dollar is just a piece of paper. Under the gold standard the government lost the freedom to control (or to increase) the money supply. Now the government can print as much money as she likes. The probability of having inflation is much larger than that of having a recession.2. The knowledge that private virtue is public vice. Private individuals still want to save more and spend less during bad times. But governments know that people should spend more in bad times. To encourage people to do so, governments will have deficit budgets by cutting taxes and spend more money than they have.3. Governments learn from history. The experience of the Great Depression leads them to prevent such a tragedy from happening again. The Ph.D. thesis of Ben Bernanke (Chairman of the Federal Reserve of the U.S.) is about the causes of the Great Depression and how to prevent it from happening again.4. There are coordinated measures taken by the main countries of the world, including those of the emerging economies such as China. During the Great Depression, the governments did not take coordinated measures, and one country’s measure was nullified by another country’s measure.



券商一般指的是投行,是在故事中为公开募股负责的相关公司,一般都是一方的金融巨头,在股市上拥有很高的话语权。在中国有一大批券商,而有些人不知道中美两国股市是否一样也有券商股。美国股市有没有券商股?美国券商股有哪些?转载或者引用本按文内容请注明来理源式于级太芝士回答券商收入来源不外股票交易佣金、保证金和借货沽空收取的利息,以至财富管理服务费。然而,哪一类业务对券商收入贡献较大,则家家公司不同。比方说,TDAmeritrade较倚重佣金收入,相关业务占其营业额超过四成;E*TRADE则只占25%。对后者来说,融资融券较佣金收入重要得多,因为相关业务带来的净利息收入,三倍于股票交易佣金。这它还因义决,叫观般史除严。美国比较出名的投行有:摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)、摩根大通(JP Morgan)、美国银行(Bank Of America)、美林证券(Merrill Lynch)、高盛(Goldman Sachs)、所罗门兄弟公司(Salomon Brothers)、花旗集团(citi)。学从四受千青率亲效易县。综上所述:券商股不仅存在于A股市场,全世界的股票市场上券商股都是广泛存在的,券商股一般都是极其重要的股票。

Engels: Do you bring civilization to go into all corners of the world, in order to capture new ground is to exercise your despicable greed; ... ... So when talked about morality, and when neither its own interest, not to hide some dirty hearts self-interest and bad thoughts do? ( "Marx and Engels Collected Works" Volume 1, People's Publishing House, 1956 edition, the first 602,601 pages.) Engels: Business is a legal fraud. "Critique of Political Economy Outline" • Thomas Jefferson: "merchants without borders. • U.S. financial giant George Soros: The U.S. big companies the recent acts of violations of accounting rules, reflecting the American culture between the successful and ethical principles place more importance on the former. Huxley: The Ethics of the best things (that is, the so-called good or the United States and Germany) an act of practice, including ways to approach such acts are the same in all respects in the struggle for existence in the universe that led to a successful act of opposition The. J • Baker, former U.S. Secretary of State: "the essence of capitalism is destructive of human characteristics to quell - greed, it into a benign self-interest, that is what we call 'material incentives' in something."

雅虎翻译Engels: You civilized belt to world each corner, what for is captures the new world to display your mean greed; ......When then has stressed the morals, when doesn't scheme the personal gain, does not hide some not morals in the moral nature the selfish evil thought? Engels: The trade is one kind of legitimate cheat. Tomas Jefferson: The merchant does not have the national boundary. US financial magnate George Sorrows: The American Big Company appeared recently violates the rule of accounting behavior, had reflected the American culture in succeeds and between the ethical principle regards the former. Huxley: To ethics in best thing (i.e. so-called friendly or moral excellence) the practice including one behavior's way, this behavior's way is with causes the successful that kind of act opposition in various aspects in the universe survival struggle. US former Secretary of State J Baker: “capitalism's essence is subsides the destructive human characteristic - - greedy, causes it to turn the benign self-benefit, is we are called as the `material incentive ' some kind of thing.” 微软翻译Engels'thought: your civilization and brought them to every corner of the world, in order to seize a new heaven and Earth to spell or use your greed; nasy ... so when talked about morality, when not plotted the loaves and fishes, is not in the bottom of my heart to hide some unethical selfish evil thoughts?Engels'thought: commercial is a legitimate form of fraud. Thomas Jefferson: businessman nationaless.American financial giant George Soros: the great company has recently appeared on the violation of the Act, accounting rules reflects American culture in the success and moral principles of care between the former.Huxley: ethics best of everything (that is, the so-called good practice or virtue) include a acts, which acts in every aspect of life in the universe leads to success in the fight against the kind of future behaviour.Former US Secretary of J management• monopolystage bbaker: strategyis “ settles down, the destructive nature of human greed, so that it becomes a benign self interests that we called ‘ embrace ’. ”仅供参考!

华尔街(wall street)是纽约市曼哈顿区南部一条大街的名字,长不超过一英里,宽仅11米。它是美国一些主要金融机构的所在地。华尔街是英文“墙街”的音译。荷兰统治时,在这里筑过一道防卫墙。英国人赶走荷兰人后,拆墙建街,因而得名。这条街上的联邦厅曾是美国第一届国会的所在地,首任总统华盛顿就是在这里宣誓就职的,如今大门前耸立着华盛顿像以纪念此事。不过华尔街作为政治中心只是短暂的一瞬,而作为金融中心却一直辉煌夺目,经久不衰。华尔街两旁很早就已是摩天大楼竖立,街道如同峡谷,抬头只能望见一线天。数不清的大银行、信托公司、保险公司和交易所都在这里驻足。每天成千上万的白领阶级涌到这里上班。而住在郊区的金融巨头们,则不必受挤车堵车之苦。他们上下班乘飞机,直升机场就设在华尔街东端不远的东河畔。华尔街设有纽约证券交易所、美国证券交易所、投资银行、政府和市办的证券交易商、信托公司、联邦储备银行、各公用事业和保险公司的总部以及棉花、咖啡、糖、可可等商品交易所。华尔街是金融和投资高度集中的象征。在纽约的华尔街这条全长仅有500多米、街面非常狭窄的小马路上,云集着包括纽约证券交易所、联邦储备银行在内的众多金融机构,正是这些呼风唤雨的知名机构,使其成为国际金融界的“神经中枢”。“牛”气冲天华尔街是个寸土寸金的地方,每一座建筑都充分利用有限的空间来争取最大的收益。由于建筑的间距非常小,走在街上有种喘不过气来的压抑感。这种氛围不禁使人联想到这里的股市每天上演的激烈博弈。据统计,在纽约从事金融业的职员中,有10万在华尔街工作。因此,每天的上下班时间,整条街都拥堵不堪。华尔街的快节奏生活使这里的人们步履匆匆,无暇顾及身边事。不过由于是白领和顶级富豪的聚集地,人们的衣着都非常时髦光鲜,只要看到他们的穿戴,就能捕捉到这个季节的流行脉搏了。众所周知,华尔街的标志是一座身长5米、体重6300公斤的铜牛塑像。设计者迪莫迪卡最早为它挑选的立足点是纽约证券交易所门前的人行道。当时,为了保证铜牛的安全,警察每晚8时在铜牛周围巡逻察看。当人们第一次看到这个身体健硕、鼻孔发光的庞然大物时,都被它浑身透着的“牛”气震住。不过,铜牛还是被搬到与华尔街斜交的百老汇大街上安了家。如今,它已成为“力量和勇气”的象征,似乎只要铜牛在,股市就能永保“牛”市。证券交易所大门难寻大名鼎鼎的纽约证券交易所就坐落于华尔街11号。不过有趣的是,交易所的地理位置和名气有点不成正比:许多初来乍到的人都要在华尔街上转一圈才能找到交易所的入口。原来,它的正门并不在华尔街主道上,而是“藏”在了旁边一个不起眼的支道上。在占地3700平方英尺的交易所大厅里,每天的股票交易高达25亿股,而每笔交易只需不到一分钟的时间。华尔街制造着一夜暴富的神话,但也不乏令人心酸的回忆。1929年10月24日,美国许多家最有名望的企业股票突然急剧下跌,失去控制,最终导致几百万人破产,引发了那场美国著名的经济大萧条。此外,“9·11”事件也给华尔街繁荣的金融生活带来沉重打击,当时的遇难者大多数是活跃在华尔街各大金融机构的精英。事件发生后,人们用一面巨大的美国国旗包裹住证券交易所门前的石柱,以纪念那些不幸的亡灵。金融业的象征华尔街是英语“WallStreet”的音译,但这个名称并非源于街道两旁大墙似的高楼。根据华尔街街口大厦墙上镶嵌着的铜匾记载,1653年,荷兰人统治时期,这里是新阿姆斯特丹总督的驻地。为方便警卫通行,总督下令用木头做围墙,筑起一条街,就地取名“墙街”,这就是最早的华尔街。18世纪,24个商人代表聚集在华尔街的一棵梧桐树下,签订了梧桐协议,规定在他们之间可以进行证券交易,这就是纽约证券交易所的前身。从上个世纪20年代起,华尔街已经成为美国金融行业的象征。只要一提股票,人们便会联想到华尔街,就连一些并非在此办公的金融大公司,也被人们想当然地认为是华尔街公司,可见其地位已经深入人心。


问题一:金融上市公司用英语怎么说 金融上市公司 Financial listed panies 注: listed 英 ['l?st?d] 美 ['l?st?d] adj. 列入文物保护名册的; 登记上市的; [例句]Some of Australia's largest listed panies are expected to announce huge interim earnings this week. 澳大利亚最大的一些上市公司预计将在本周宣布巨额中期盈利。 问题二:我的梦想是从事与金融行业,用英语怎么说? my drean is to be a financial advisers ,i want to make great contribution to the福chinese future economy ,so from now on ,i will study hard ,definitely ,its very necessary to learn english well ,so i have e on ,i hope i can make my dream e true someday希望对楼主有帮助不是机器翻译的 问题三:我在一家金融公司做行政用英语怎么说 我在一家金融公司做行政 I work as an administrator in a financial pany administration 问题四:金融行业用英语怎么说 卖方通过MT760发送现金支持工具。 MT760 是经对相关单证的检验,确认,查证并发送到你方后产生的一种付款责任。如果它不符合你方标准,那么钱就不会进入你方的账户。钱不可能转出账户直到证件完全符合你方所在银行的标准。但是你必须有足够的钱作为保证金,或者你必须与银行机构有良好的关系(如果没有存款或者保证金的情况),才能用某种MT(信汇)来转账。此做法是避免此保函的受益人乙方风险的最佳途径。 问题五:金融企业会计的英文怎么说 accounting of finacial institutions;Financial Enterprises Accounting;accounting of financial institutions;Accounting of Financial Enterprises 问题六:消费金融公司英文怎么写 Consumer Finance panies 词典释义 consumer finance pany 问题七:金融上市公司用英语怎么说 financial list pany



acquiring company 收购公司

bad loan 呆帐

chart of cash flow 现金流量表

clearly-established ownership 产权清晰

debt to equity 债转股

diversity of equities 股权多元化

economy of scale 规模经济

emerging economies 新兴经济

exchange-rate regime 汇率机制

fund and financing 筹资融资

global financial architecture 全球金融体系

global integration, globality 全球一体化,全球化

go public 上市

growth spurt (经济的)急剧增长

have one's "two commas" 百万富翁

hedge against 套期保值

housing mortgage 住房按揭

holdings 控股,所持股份

holding company 控股公司

initial offerings 原始股

initial public offerings 首次公募

innovative business 创新企业

intellectual capital 智力资本

inter-bank lending 拆借

internet customer 网上客户

investment payoff period 投资回收期

joint-stock 参股

mall rat 爱逛商店的年轻人

means of production 生产要素

(the)medical cost social pool for major diseases 大病医疗费用社会统筹

mergers and acquisitions 并购

mobile-phone banking 移动电话银行业

moods 人气

net potato 网虫

non-store seling 直销

offering 新股

online-banking 网上银行业

online-finance 在线金融

online client (银行的')网上客户

paper profit 帐面收益

physical assets 有形资产

project fund system 项目资本金制度

pyramid sale 传销

recapitalize 资产重组

regional corrency blocks 地区货币集团

regulate 调控

sell off 变现

share(stock) option 期权,股票认购权

smart card 智能卡

slash prices 杀价

spare capacity 闲置的生产能力

strong growth 强劲的增长势头

switch trade 转手贸易

take…public 上市

tap the idle assets 盘活存量资产

transaction (银行的) 交易

transfer payment from the exchequer 财政转移支付

venture-capital 风险资本

virtual bank 虚拟银行

wire transfer 电子转帐



读音:英[ˈfaɪnæns];美[fəˈnæns, faɪ-, ˈfaɪˌnæns]。



例句:The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland's economic reform.





例句:His government began to unravel because of a banking scandal.



金融的常见英文词组:financial ratios、financial stringency、financial reform。

1、financial ratios。



例句:Ratio analysis is the process of determining and evaluating financial ratios.


2、financial stringency。

发音:[faɪˈnænʃ(ə)l ˈstrindʒənsi]。


例句:In times of financial stringency it is clear that public expenditure has to be closely scrutinized.


3、financial reform。



例句:Will we find the will to pursue serious financial reform?



deposit定金,押金earnest,earnest money保证金国外网站:Earnest money is typically money given by a buyer to a seller to bind a contract. You most often hear of earnest money when buying and selling real estate. Earnest money is presented with an offer to let the Seller know that the buyer is sincere in making the offer on the property. down payment 预付款 (可以指分期付款的第一笔款项)advance payment 预付款(可以指个人工资提前预支(预付)的那部分钱)


1. blood money 抚恤金

2. boot money 企业赞助体育的钱

3. bad money 无利可图的钱

4. bank money 银行票据

5. call money 活期存款

6. cheap money 低息借款

7. dear money 高息借款

8. dark money 加班费

9. earnest money 定金

10. fairy money 捡的钱

11. folding money 纸币

12. front money 预会金

13. glove money 贿赂

14. good money 有利可图的钱

15. hard money 价格比较稳定的钱(例如人民币,在亚洲经济中的作用)

16. hot money 短期流动资金

17. hush money 赌别人嘴的钱

18. pill money 零花钱(pocket money/pin money)

19. push money 提成

20. ready money 现金

21. seed money 本钱,本金

22. silly money 来路不明的钱

23. smart money 了解内情的人

24. table money 餐费

25. tall money 大笔的财富

26. trust money 委托金

admission (n。)指入场费。

如:admission by ticket only凭票入场

he gained admission into the association. 他获准加入军个协会。

you have to pay rmb10.0 admission. 你须付10元人民币入场费。

charge (n。)“原价、要价”,“记在帐上”。常与for连用,不及物动词,为…收取费用。


如:what are the charges in the hotel? 这家旅馆收费多少?

charge now,pay later。现在先记在帐上,以后付款。

they do not charge at all for their services。他们的服务是免费的。

cost (n。)本义为“成本”、“原价”。


如:the cost of seeing a movie is seven dollars。看一场电影要花七美元。

at last i bought the film rights of a novel at a moderate cost。


fare (n。)票价,指旅客乘公共汽车、出租车、火车、轮船、飞机等所支付的费用。

如:all fares, please. (公共汽车售票员用语)请买票。

a single fare is 170 dollars。单程票价为170美元。

fee (n。)酬金,医生、律师或 其它 专门职业的佣金及会费、手续费、停车费等。

如:my lawyer's hourly fee is 130 dollars. 我的律师的佣金是每小时130美元。

does your school charge school fees?你们学校收费吗?

freight (n。)运费,指海运、空运、陆运的费用。

如:who will pay the freight on this order? 谁支付这批定货的运费?

railway freight 铁路运价

postage (n。)指邮费。

如:how much postage do i need to send this package?寄这个包裹须付多少钱?

price1, postage included。包括邮资在内,价款1英镑。

the postage will be extra. 邮资另付。

rent (n. )土地、建筑物、房舍、机器等定期的租费。

如:the student owed three months’rent for my house。那学生欠我三个月的房租。

rent assistance。租金援助。

i have rented a house and paid the rent。我已租了房子, 并交了租金。

tip (n。)小费。

如:i gave my barber a fat tip. 我给理发师优厚的小费。

did you tip the waiter? 你给那侍者小费没有?

i tipped the porter 50p。我给了搬运工人50便士小费。

toll (n。)道路、桥梁、港口、市场的捐税、通行费及电话费等。

如:this month i had to pay 200 yuan toll call。这个月我要缴200元的电话费。

a man collected tolls at the gateway。一个人在大门口收通行费。

tuition (n。)学费。

如:john took out a loan to pay his tuition。约翰贷款交付学费。

emily's yearly tuition is rmb7000. emily一年的学费是7000人民币。

We all know money buys luxuries like sports cars and Manolo Blahniks, necessities like groceries, and intangibles like preferential treatment. Now there is evidence that just counting money can produce valuable psychological benefits. According to a new study published in the journal Psychological Science, thumbing through your cash can reduce emotional and physical pain as well as increase feelings of internal strength, fearlessness and confidence.

众所周知,钱可以买到跑车和莫诺罗?布拉尼克斯牌女鞋这样 的奢侈品,也可以买到食品等必需品,以及优惠待遇一类的无形资 产。现在,有充分证据表明,数钱对心理有裨益。根据发表在《心理科 学》杂志上的一项新研究,数钱能减少心理和生理疼痛,也能增加内 在动力、无畏感和信心。

Focusing on the symbolic power of money, the study’s authors, Xinyue Zhou of Sun Yat-Sen University, Kathleen Vohs of the University of Minnesota and Roy Baumeister of Florida State University, started with a simple hypothesis: reminders of money can alter how people experience social interactions-especially social acceptance and rejection.

此项研究的发起人——中山大学的周欣悦,明尼苏达大学的凯瑟琳佛贺斯及佛罗里达州立大学的罗伊?鲍迈斯特,集中研究了 金钱的象征性力量,他们从一个简单的假设开始:想到钱,能改变人 们在社会交往一尤其是社会认可和排斥中的感受。

To test the idea,the researchers took the following approach: 84 students at a university were divided into two groups. One group counted 80 large-denomination bills; the other group parceled out 80 pieces of plain paper. All participants then played an online video game in which, using game controls, they could throw a ball and play catch with other Internet players. But the game was rigged so that after 10 throws, half the students would no longer get the ball thrown to them, while the rest of the students continued to play catch. When the game ended, participants who had been excluded from the second round of catch rated their level of social distress and how strong they felt. Those who had counted money before being socially excluded reported lower levels of social distress than those who had counted only paper. Additionally, the participants who had counted money also reported greater feelings of inner strength and self-sufficiency.

为验证这一想法,研究者采取了下列 方法 :将84个大学生分为 两组。一组点数80张大面额纸币,另一组分发80张普通的纸。然后所 有参与者玩一个在线视频游戏,他们使用游戏控制器,可以跟其他 网络玩家一起投球和接球。但研究者操纵了这个游戏,10次投球后, 一半学生无法再接到传给他们的球,而剩下的学生则继续传球。游 戏结束时,在第二轮传球中出局的学生评价了他们的社交窘迫程度 及感觉有多么沮丧。受到社交排斥后,那些之前数钱的人 报告 的社 交窘迫程度,较那些仅仅数纸片的人要低一些。此外,数钱的参与者 也报告称内在动力和自我满足的感觉更强。

To see if counting money also reduces physical pain-previous research indicates that psychological and physical pain are experienced in a similar way—the researchers repeated the earlier social-exclusion test, except this time they replaced the ball game with a pain-sensitivity task, in which half the participants were put in a moderate-pain condition (their hands were immersed in warm water), while the other half were subjected to a high-pain condition (hands were immersed in very hot water). Again, those who had counted money reported lower levels of pain.

为了调査数钱是否也会减轻生理疼痛——先前的研究表明心 理和生理的疼痛可以以同样的方式感受到研究者重复了之前 的社交排斥试验,但这一次,他们把球类游戏换成了疼痛敏感性任务,一半参与者处于中度疼痛状况下(他们的手浸在温水里),而另一半则处于高度疼痛状况下(手 浸在滚烫的水中)。又一次,数钱的人报告的疼痛程度较低。

To complete their study, the researchers conducted additional experiments. They also found that reminder of having spent money aggravated feelings of social distress and that both social rejection and ideas of physical discomfort fueled participants’ desire for money as well as made them less generous.

为完善这项研究,研究者进行了更多的试验。他们也发现,想到消费情况会恶化社交窘迫情 绪,而且社交排斥和生理不适的念头激起了参与者对钱的渴望,也让他们变得不那么慷慨大方。

So what does any of this mean for people in the real world-especially in this down-and-out economy? One implication, not entirely surprising, is that a job loss may pose an additional challenge. A layoff is a kind of rejection, and that could increase a person’s desire for money at the same time he or she has less than before, says Vohs of the University of Minnesota. Put another way: “The recession can make people crave what they can’t have,” she says.

那么,这对现实世界——尤其是经济状况穷困潦倒——的人意味着什么呢?明尼苏达大学的 佛贺斯说,这不足为奇,一个影响是失业可能带来另外的挑战。裁员是一种排斥,可能增加人们对 金钱的渴望,此时他们钱包里的钱也比以前少。换句话,她说:“经济衰退让人们对他们无法拥有的 东西念念不忘。”

Fortunately, the research also offers a possible solution for landing a new job. “It might be handy to sit down and count a stack of money before going out to the job interview,” says Baumeister of Florida State University. Another option? “Set up a screensaver that shows money,” says Vohs. “That might help ameliorate some of those feelings of being rejected,”

幸运的是,研究也为找到新工作提供了一个可行的解决办法。佛罗里达州立大学的鲍迈斯特 说出门 面试 前,不妨坐下来数一叠钱。”其他选择呢?佛贺斯说,“设置一个金钱画面的屏幕保护 程序,有助于改善一些受排斥的情绪。”

And while money can’t buy love, counting it could help you find that special person. “Maybe young men who are going out to bars to try to meet women should count money,” muses Baumeister. “I gather they have to approach a lot and get rejected a lot. I am not a specialist in bars, but it would make the men feel strong and probably make them not as bothered about being rejected over and over.”

钱并不能买到爱情,而数钱则可能帮你找到亲密爱人。鲍迈斯特喃喃自语道也许泡吧的小 伙子要认识女孩,应该数数钱,我想他们接近了很多女孩,也被拒绝了很多次。我不是一个泡吧专 家,但数钱会让小伙子们感觉强壮有力,这样他或许不会因再三被拒而烦恼不已。”


1. 有关金钱经典英语名言

2. 常用金融英语专业术语

3. 2017金融英语词汇

4. 表示雨的各种英文词汇

5. 精选有关金钱的英语经典谚语

6. 银行常用英语词汇及短语


▼ money的英语意思


复数: moniesmoneys

▼ money的 短语 搭配

pocket money


dirty money

赃款, 不义之财;污损补贴金

danger money


money supply


value for money


money market


spending money


paper money


good money


easy money

来得容易的钱, 来路不明的钱, 以低利率借到的钱

seed money


money order


on the money


earnest money


smart money


money talks


money changer


ready money


even money


beer money


▼ money的英语例句

1. I spent lots of money on smart new outfits for work.


2. Now is the time to touch him for a loan.


3. Stein rolled up the paper bag with the money inside.


4. Legal action is being taken to try to recover the money.


5. Buying budget-priced furniture needn't mean compromising on quality or style.


6. It's just not enough money to start life over.


7. T-shirts are a nice little earner and it's better than the dole.


8. All the bills had the same serial number. The cash was counterfeit.


9. Until next payday, I was literally without any money.


10. You get an interesting meal for a reasonable price.


11. Dermot's putting his money by, in a Deposit Account.


12. The war against drug peddling is all about cash.


13. He was a high-earning broker with money to burn.


14. He cannot reveal how much money is involved in the scheme.


15. "How much is he paying you?" — "Oh, five thousand." —"Not bad."


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finance 英[ˈfaɪnæns] 美[fəˈnæns, faɪ-, ˈfaɪˌnæns] n. 金融; 财政; 资金; 财源; vt. 为…供给资金, 从事金融活动; 赊货给…; 掌握财政; The report recommends an overhaul of public finances 该报告建议对公共财政进行彻底改革。Be prepared for unexpected news concerning your finances对财务上的意外状况要做到有备无患。Government expenditure is financed by taxation and by borrowing.政府开支依靠征税款和借贷来维持。A former Finance Minister and five senior civil servants are accused of fraud. 一名前财政大臣和五名高级公务员被指控诈骗。

finance 名词

1).economy n.经济 If you want to be acquainted with the development of economy in China, you can read some books about economics 如果你想对中国的经济发展有所了解,你可以读一些经济学方面的书籍。 2).macroeconomics n.宏观经济学 l cant tell the difference between macroeconomics and microeconomics. 我说不出宏观经济学和微观经济学之间的区别。 3).depression n.萧条期,经济衰退 As far as l know, many people lost their jobs during the great depression 据我所知,许多人在大萧条时期丢了工作。 4).stagnant adj.停滞的,萧条的 He complained that his business was stagnant at present 他抱怨说目前生意不景气。 5).revitalize v.使恢复生机 Anyway we should take measures to revitalize industry 不管怎样我们都应该采取措施振兴工业。 6).prosper v.繁荣,兴旺 After he got married, his family began to prosper 结婚后,他的'家开始兴旺发达起来。 7).finance n.资金,金融 An expert in finance will tell you how to manage your money 财务专家会告诉你如何理财 8).capital n.资金,资本 In order fo collect enough capital to build a factory. he turned to his uncle for help 为了筹集到足够的资金建工厂,他向他叔叔求助。 9).privatize v.使私有化 His purpose of doing so is to privatize our company 他这样做的目的是使我们公司私有化。 10).invest v.投资 I should have planed to invest in a new car, but now almost all my money was stolen. 我本打算投资买一辆新车呢,但是现在几乎所有的钱都被偷走了。 11).debenture n.(公司)债券 He is very concerned about the issue of debenture 他很关心公司证券的发行情况。 12).stock n.股份,股票 She privately purchased a large amount of shares of that company 她私下里收购了那家公司的许多股份。 13).stock market 股票交易所,股市 Stock market is a place where stocks can be bought and sold 股票市场是一个股票可以买进和卖出的地方。

finance英 [ˈfaɪnæns] 美 [fəˈnæns, faɪ-, ˈfaɪˌnæns] n.金融;财政;资金;财源vt.为…供给资金, 从事金融活动;赊货给…;掌握财政


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/29954.html发布于 2024-09-19
