

小思 2024-09-19 25
货代英语培训培训摘要: 货代英语培训app学商务英语的app可以到手机商店里下载,学习专业的商务英语推荐美联英语,该机构拥有专业的教学团队。随着中国经济的发展,与其它国家的合作越来越多。因此,对商务英...


学商务英语的app可以到手机商店里下载,学习专业的商务英语推荐美联英语,该机构拥有专业的教学团队。随着中国经济的发展,与其它国家的合作越来越多。因此,对商务英语专业的需求越来越大,可以从事一些外贸、外事等口译工作。总的来说,商务英语的就业率仍然很高,都是外向型的现代商务管理工作,包括国际贸易方向:国际贸易商务人员、商务翻译、商务助理。旅游方向:涉外酒店英语导游及接待管理人员,涉外企业高级文员,外向型企业总管理员。教学方向:幼儿园、小学、初中、职业高中教师。这些职位大多要求具备商务英语口语和书面表达能力,以及管理知识。如果想学习商务英语,这些都是可以选择的就业方向。想要了解更多关于商务英语的相关信息,推荐咨询美联英语。美联英语创立于 2006年,直营培训中心近100家,覆盖 15 个省份 24 个城市,累积毕业学员20余万;针对每位学员都有1对1英语学习规划与指导,课后英语SA老师监督,保障学员的学习进步,更有英语辅导老师,7*24小时解答学习疑问,跟进学习进度和学习轨迹。【免费领取英语试听课】

专门学商务英语的app不多,我知道有一个商务英语口语app,是一款商务口语教材学习应用,除了这个像流利说,可可英语这些也都涵盖了商务英语知识,但是学英语我更加推荐阿卡索,阿卡索的外教长期生活工作在官方语言或母语为英语的国家,外教口音地道,原汁原味,保证学习者能够在一个纯英文的环境下学习,推荐试试【商务外教1对1_全英文商业操作环境模拟_抢占职场先机_点击免费体验】学习商务英语首先要端正自己的学习态度,然后记忆单词,大量的背诵、积累;练习口语,阅读更多的商务英语书籍等。1、词汇是基础;如果想说一口流利的商务英语,你应该明白英语句子是由短语组成的,短语是由单词组成的。因此,记忆单词就成了一个基础;值得注意的是商务英语的词汇与日常口语不同,商务英语更注重实用性和专业性,尤其是在特定的专业领域。而单词记忆也讲究方法,早期需要大量的背诵、积累,后期比较有效的方法是在句子中记忆单词,在实践中运用单词,只要持之以恒,效果就显著。2、口语是目的;英语口语不好有两个原因,一是不敢说;二是听力不好。因此,白领在学习商务英语时,有必要注意这两个方面,第一个就是要与自己沟通,可以在镜子前大声说英语,不介意发音正确与否,关键是要说出来,第二个就是要学会模仿,跟着录音大声朗读、录下来,进而比照自己和原音的差别,达到最佳的模仿效果。3、扩大知识储备;腹有诗书气自华,要出口成章需要有知识积累,这就要求我们不仅要阅读更多的商务英语书籍,还要了解欧美国家的背景知识,风俗习惯。当然,也可以看一些外国纪录片。这样,在与他人交流时,就会有话可说,避免尴尬。【专为“0基础打造” 1对1针对性教学 佟大为全力推荐的成人在线英语 限时免费试学】





做销售这行看书是没多大用的 要多实践,实操重要,您可以看看这几本书,或许对您有所帮助:国际货运代理实务精讲 第2版,货代高手教你做货代,外贸口语,外贸全流程攻略 货代操作实务教程书籍 进出口贸易报关单证书


你好我是教这个课的,这个课2011年用的还是2010年的国际货运代理行业人员资格培训考试专用教材,一共有5本书,分别是;国际货物运输代理概论,国际海上货运代理理论与实务,国际航空货运代理理论与实务,国际多式联运理论与实务,这四本综合考,考得是上午的理论与实务科目,还有一本教材就是货代英语,考的是下午的货代英语科目。除此之外你还可以买一本考试大纲,作复习的提纲。以上这些书都是中国国际货运代理协会编,中国商务出版社印刷的。如有不明白的可以问我 。


常用空运名词 ATA/ATD (Actual Time of Arrival / Actual Time of Departure):实际到港/离港时间的缩写。 航空货运单 (AWB) (Air Waybill):由托运人或以托运人名义签发的单据,是托运人和承运人之间货物运输的证明。 无人陪伴行李(Baggage, Unaccompanied):非随身携带而经托运的行李,以托运方式交运的行李。 保税仓库(Bonded Warehouse):在这种货仓内,或物可以在没有期限的情况下存放而无需缴纳进口关税。 散件货物 (Bulk Cargo):未经装上货板和装入货箱的散件货物。 CAO (Cargo for Freighter Only):“仅限货机承运”的缩写,表示只能用货机运载。 到付运费(Charges Collect):在航空货运单上列明向收货人收取的费用。 预付运费(Charges Prepaid):在航空货运单上列明托运人已付的费用。 计费重量(Chargeable Weight):用来计算航空运费的重量。计费重量可以是体积重量,或是当货物装于载具中时,用装载总重量减去载具的重量。 到岸价格CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freightage):指“成本、保险和运费”,即C&F外加卖方为货物购买损失和损毁的保险。卖方必须与保险商签订合同并支付保费。 收货人 (Consignee):其名字列明于航空货运单上,接收由承运人所运送的货物之人。 交运货物 (Consignment):由承运人在某一时间及地点接收托运人一件或多件的货物,并以单一的航空货运单承运至某一目的地的。 发货人 (Consignor):等同于托运人。 集运货物 (Consolidated Consignment):由两个或两个以上托运人托运的货物拼成的一批货物,每位托运人都与集运代理人签订了空运合同。 集运代理人 (Consolidator):将货物集合成集运货物的人或机构。 COSAC (Community Systems for Air Cargo):“高识”计算机系统的缩写。是香港空运货站有限公司的信息及中央物流管理计算机系统 。 海关(Customs):负责征收进出口关税、查禁走私和麻醉品交易及滥用的政府机构(在香港称香港海关)。 海关代码 (Customs Code):由香港海关(C&ED)为一批货物加注的代码,以表明清关结果或要求货站经营者/收货人采取何种清关行动。 清关(Customs Clearance):在原产地、过境和在目的地时为货物运输或提取货所必须完成的海关手续。 危险货物 (Dangerous Goods):危险货物是指在空运时可能对健康、安全或财产造成重大威胁的物品或物质。 运输申报价值 (Declared Value for Carriage):由托运人向承运人申报的货物价值,目的是要决定运费或设定承运人对损失、损害或延误所承担责任的限制。 海关申报价值 (Declared Value for Customs):适用于,为核定关税金额而向海关申报的货物价值。 垫付款 (Disbursements):由承运人向代理人或其它承运人支付,然后由最终承运人向收货人收取的费用。这些费用通常是为支付代理人或其它承运人因运输货物而付出的运费和杂费而收取的。 EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transportation):是“管理、商业和运输电子资料交换”的缩写。DIFACT是用于电子资料交换的讯息句法的国际标准。 禁运(Embargo):指承运人在一定期限内拒绝在任何航线或其中的部分航线上或接受转机的来往于任何地区或地点承运人任何商品、任何类型或等级的货物。 ETA/ETD (Estimated Time of Arrival / Estimated Time of Departure):预计到港/离港时间的缩写。 出口许可证 (Export License):准许持证人(托运人)向特定目的地出口指定商品的政府许可文件。 FIATA (Federation Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilées):FIATA 被许可人——被许可在香港发出FIATA文件[作为托运人和运输代理人收货证明(FCR)的FIATA 提单(FBL)] [FIATA Bill of Lading (FBL) "as Carrier" & Forwarders Certificate of Receipt(FCR)] 的成员。受货运代理责任保险的保障(最低责任限额:US$250,000)。 离岸价格FOB (Free on Board):在「船上交货」的条件下,货物由卖方在买卖合同指定的装船港装船。货物损失或受损害的风险在货物经过船舷(即离开码头被置于船上后)时便转移给买方,装卸费由卖方支付。 机场离岸价 (FOB Airport):这术语与一般FOB术语类似。卖方在离境机场将货物交与航空承运人后,损失风险便由卖方转移到买方。货运代理 (Forwarder)提供服务(如收货、转货或交货)以保证和协助货物运输的代理人或公司。 总重(Gross Weight):装运货物的全部重量,包括货箱和包装材料的重量。 HAFFA (Hong Kong Air Freight Forwarding Association):香港货运业协会有限公司(HAFFA)的缩写,始创于1966年,是一个推动、保障和发展香港货物运输业的非赢利性组织。 货运代理空运提单(即 :货运分运单)(HAWB) (House Air Waybill):该文件包括拼装货物中的单件货物,由混装货物集合人签发,并包括给拆货代理人的指示。 IATA (International Air Transport Association):国际航空运输协会的缩写。IATA是航空运输业的组织,为航空公司、旅客、货主、旅游服务代理商和政府提供服务。协会旨在促进航空运输安全和标准化(行李检查、机票、重量清单),并协助核定国际空运收费。IATA的总部设于瑞士日内瓦。 进口许可证 (Import Licence):准许持证人(收货人)进口指定商品的政府许可文件。 标记(Marks):货物包装上标明用以辨认货物或标明货主相关信息的记号。

1, Products owner(A): What's the cost for a 20 feet container from Shenzhen to LA? Forwarder(B): $$$$$ 2,A: What lines do you have? B: Evergreen, Maersk, Hanjin... 3, A: Which one is the best for me if my cargo is ready on 2/21/09? B: Evergreen would be better. 4,A: How long will it take to reach at the port? B: Usually it takes around 11 days. 5, A: When can we get the container when it is in the port? B: It takes around two working days to load down the container., After that we can deliver it to you. 6,A: What's wrong with my cargo? You said it would come in today but i still havent got the notice yet! B: Im sorry. Let me check it for you....Sorry the container is still on the way and probably we can get it tomorrow. 7, A: What happened? I can't catch up with my customer's deadline! B: Im sorry. The system shows that schedule was delayed because of typhoon. I promiss you that we will keep you posted once there is an update. Would you please have a talk with your customer to delay the cancel day? 8, A: I don't have a choice, do I? B: Im sorry. We'll do it better next time.拓展资料:货代英语知识: 1、 CYC CY HANDLING CHARGE 释义:日本港口操作附加费 2、 IAC Intermodel Administrative Charge 释义:多式联运附加费 3、 SPS Shanghai Port Surcharge 释义:上海港附加费 4、 YAS Yen Applica surcharge 释义:日元货币附加费 5、 ACC ALAMEDA CORRIDOR 释义:绿色通道费 6、CAF Currency Adjustment Factor or Devaluation Surcharge 释义:币值调整费6,我当时进我们公司是先用英语自我介绍一下,经理也会用英语稍微问我几个问题,之后她找了一个她的邮件,让我翻译给她听。有一些常用词还是记一下的好,比如说cargo 货物,logistic 物流 forwarder承运人 commercial invoice发票 packing list 箱单 AFR(air freight)空运 OFR(oceian freight)海运 DOM(domestic)国内运输 airline航空公司 pick up 提货 load/upload装卸货 DEP(departure) DEST(destination)目的港,origin始发港 shipper发货人 consignee收货人 container集装箱货物将于XX时间完成?二, 货物将于XXX(时间)完成。 When will the cargo be ready? Cargo will be ready at XXX (Jan.28th). 2、 仓位紧张,请尽快确认 Please confirm soonest as possible due to tight space 3、 船公司回复——没有仓位 There is no space based on the reply of shipping lines 4、 几票货物(几家工厂)合拼一个柜子发运 Shipment would be effected by several factories 6、 几个订单合并一起出运 Those orders would be combined into one shipment 6、 截港时间 Cut off date 7、 截单时间 documentary off date 8、 开仓时间 (开始放箱的时间)Empty pick up date (Empty release time) 9、 预留仓位 Pre-booking space 10、 船期调整 Adjustment of shipping schedule (因船公司调整船期,所以原计划X月X日船,XXX提单号项下货物,调整至。。。) (Due to adjustment of shipping schedule, shipment under B/L NO.:.that carried by VES ETD on . Would be arranged on 11,客户已于XX时候装箱 / 提箱 Cargo had been stuffed on .(Container had been picked up on..) 12、 客户无法赶上本航次,要求推至下一航次 As requested by customer, cargo can not catch this voyage and will be postponed to next voyage 13、 已向船公司订舱,但未确认仓位 Booking had been ordered with shipping lines however not receive the confirmation yet. 14、 放箱 Empty Release 15、 客人出差 Customer is on his business way 16、 仓位 Space 17、 增加/减少1个柜子 add/reduce one volume 18、 客户想要通过拼箱的方式出运剩下的货物 Customer intend to ship remains cargo by LCL 19、 最新情况 the latest status 20、 没有新消息 no any news(no any further information) 21、 此1x20’G是下面所说货物中的一部分. Said 1X20GP is part of below-mentioned shipment 22、 现在还没开始放仓。Empty Pick-up is not started yet. 23、 发货人安排明日装货Cargo would be stuffed tomorrow arranged by shipper 24、 发货人急要入货通知。Shipper eager to get the shipping order(S/O) 25、 此票货物申请推迟航次 This shipment would be postponed to next voyage 26、 此票货物赶不上这个航次 This shipment can not catch this voyage 27、 事情还没有解决。It is not solved until now 28、 这票货物是继续走ZIM还是换船公司? Does this shipment keep on carrying by ZIM LINE or by other shipping lines? 29、 不知道客户是否能接受MSC? We are not sure if the customer will accept MSC as carrying line 30、 此票货物分单还没电放,请不要放货给收货人 Original House Bill of lading for this shipment is not surrendered yet, please do not release the cargo to consignee





培训教材须经“FIATA货运代理资格证书”认证委员会认证,并符合FIATA职业培训咨询委员会(The Advisory Body Vocational Training – FIATA ABVT) 颁布的“FIATA 货运代理证书获证最低标准” (Minimum Standards to Obtain the FIATA Diploma in Freight Forwarding)。经FIATA认定的教材有:CIFA组织编写的《国际货运代理基础知识》、《国际海上货运代理理论与实务》、《国际多式联运与现代物流理论与实务》、《国际航空货运代理理论与实务》、《国际货运代理专业英语》。辅助教材有:郑海棠、王学峰主编的《FIATA货运代理资格证书培训及考试指南》。



1, Products owner(A): What's the cost for a 20 feet container from Shenzhen to LA? Forwarder(B): $$$$$ 2,A: What lines do you have? B: Evergreen, Maersk, Hanjin... 3, A: Which one is the best for me if my cargo is ready on 2/21/09? B: Evergreen would be better. 4,A: How long will it take to reach at the port? B: Usually it takes around 11 days. 5, A: When can we get the container when it is in the port? B: It takes around two working days to load down the container., After that we can deliver it to you. 6,A: What's wrong with my cargo? You said it would come in today but i still havent got the notice yet! B: Im sorry. Let me check it for you....Sorry the container is still on the way and probably we can get it tomorrow. 7, A: What happened? I can't catch up with my customer's deadline! B: Im sorry. The system shows that schedule was delayed because of typhoon. I promiss you that we will keep you posted once there is an update. Would you please have a talk with your customer to delay the cancel day? 8, A: I don't have a choice, do I? B: Im sorry. We'll do it better next time.拓展资料:货代英语知识: 1、 CYC CY HANDLING CHARGE 释义:日本港口操作附加费 2、 IAC Intermodel Administrative Charge 释义:多式联运附加费 3、 SPS Shanghai Port Surcharge 释义:上海港附加费 4、 YAS Yen Applica surcharge 释义:日元货币附加费 5、 ACC ALAMEDA CORRIDOR 释义:绿色通道费 6、CAF Currency Adjustment Factor or Devaluation Surcharge 释义:币值调整费6,我当时进我们公司是先用英语自我介绍一下,经理也会用英语稍微问我几个问题,之后她找了一个她的邮件,让我翻译给她听。有一些常用词还是记一下的好,比如说cargo 货物,logistic 物流 forwarder承运人 commercial invoice发票 packing list 箱单 AFR(air freight)空运 OFR(oceian freight)海运 DOM(domestic)国内运输 airline航空公司 pick up 提货 load/upload装卸货 DEP(departure) DEST(destination)目的港,origin始发港 shipper发货人 consignee收货人 container集装箱货物将于XX时间完成?二, 货物将于XXX(时间)完成。 When will the cargo be ready? Cargo will be ready at XXX (Jan.28th). 2、 仓位紧张,请尽快确认 Please confirm soonest as possible due to tight space 3、 船公司回复——没有仓位 There is no space based on the reply of shipping lines 4、 几票货物(几家工厂)合拼一个柜子发运 Shipment would be effected by several factories 6、 几个订单合并一起出运 Those orders would be combined into one shipment 6、 截港时间 Cut off date 7、 截单时间 documentary off date 8、 开仓时间 (开始放箱的时间)Empty pick up date (Empty release time) 9、 预留仓位 Pre-booking space 10、 船期调整 Adjustment of shipping schedule (因船公司调整船期,所以原计划X月X日船,XXX提单号项下货物,调整至。。。) (Due to adjustment of shipping schedule, shipment under B/L NO.:.that carried by VES ETD on . Would be arranged on 11,客户已于XX时候装箱 / 提箱 Cargo had been stuffed on .(Container had been picked up on..) 12、 客户无法赶上本航次,要求推至下一航次 As requested by customer, cargo can not catch this voyage and will be postponed to next voyage 13、 已向船公司订舱,但未确认仓位 Booking had been ordered with shipping lines however not receive the confirmation yet. 14、 放箱 Empty Release 15、 客人出差 Customer is on his business way 16、 仓位 Space 17、 增加/减少1个柜子 add/reduce one volume 18、 客户想要通过拼箱的方式出运剩下的货物 Customer intend to ship remains cargo by LCL 19、 最新情况 the latest status 20、 没有新消息 no any news(no any further information) 21、 此1x20’G是下面所说货物中的一部分. Said 1X20GP is part of below-mentioned shipment 22、 现在还没开始放仓。Empty Pick-up is not started yet. 23、 发货人安排明日装货Cargo would be stuffed tomorrow arranged by shipper 24、 发货人急要入货通知。Shipper eager to get the shipping order(S/O) 25、 此票货物申请推迟航次 This shipment would be postponed to next voyage 26、 此票货物赶不上这个航次 This shipment can not catch this voyage 27、 事情还没有解决。It is not solved until now 28、 这票货物是继续走ZIM还是换船公司? Does this shipment keep on carrying by ZIM LINE or by other shipping lines? 29、 不知道客户是否能接受MSC? We are not sure if the customer will accept MSC as carrying line 30、 此票货物分单还没电放,请不要放货给收货人 Original House Bill of lading for this shipment is not surrendered yet, please do not release the cargo to consignee

货代 Freight Forwarder A freight forwarder (often just forwarder) is a third party logistics provider. As a third party (or non asset based) provider a forwarder dispatches shipments via asset based carriers and books or otherwise arranges space for those shipments. Carrier types include waterborne vessels, airplanes, trucks or railroads.Freight forwarders typically arrange cargo movement to an international destination. Also referred to as international freight forwarders, they have the expertise that allows them to prepare and process the documentation and perform related activities pertaining to international shipments. Some of the typical information reviewed by a freight forwarder is the commercial invoice, shipper's export declaration, bill of lading and other documents required by the carrier or country of export, import, or transshipment. Much of this information is now processed in a paperless environment.In the U.S., a freight forwarder involved with international ocean shipping is licensed by the Federal Maritime Commission as an Ocean Transportation Intermediary. Similarly, freight forwarders that handle air freight will frequently be accredited with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) as a cargo agent.What is a Freight Forwarder? An international freight forwarder is an agent for the exporter in moving cargo to an overseas destination. These agents are familiar with the import rules and regulations of foreign countries, the export regulations of the U.S. government, the methods of shipping, and the documents related to foreign trade. Export freight forwarders are licensed by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to handle air freight and the Federal Maritime Commission to handle ocean freight.Freight forwarders assist exporters in preparing price quotations by advising on freight costs, port charges, consular fees, costs of special documentation, insurance costs, and their handling fees. They recommend the packing methods that will protect the merchandise during transit or can arrange to have the merchandise packed at the port or containerized. If the exporter prefers, freight forwarders can reserve the necessary space on a vessel, aircraft, train, or truck. The cost for their services is a legitimate export cost that should be included in the price charged to the customer (see Chapter 11 of the Basic Guide to Exporting for pricing information.).Once the order is ready for shipment, freight forwarders should be review all documents to ensure that everything is in order. This is of particular importance with letter of credit payment terms. They may also prepare the bill of lading and any special required documentation. After shipment, they can route the documents to the seller, the buyer, or to a paying bank. Freight forwarders can also make arrangements with customs brokers overseas to ensure that the goods comply with customs export documentation regulations. A customs broker is an individual or company that is licensed to transact customs business on behalf of others. Customs business is limited to those activities involving transactions related to the entry and admissibility of merchandise; its classification and valuation; the payment of duties, taxes, or other charges assessed or collected; or the refund, rebate, or drawback thereof.

名词 名词可以分为专有名词(Proper Nouns)和普通名词 (Common Nouns),专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness等。普通名词又可分为下面四类: 1)个体名词(Individual Nouns):表示某类人或东西中的个体,如:gun。 2)集体名词(Collective Nouns):表示若干个个体组成的集合体,如:family。 3)物质名词(Material Nouns):表示无法分为个体的实物,如:air。 4)抽象名词(Abstract Nouns):表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念,如:work。个体名词和集体名词可以用数目来计算,称为可数名词(Countable Nouns),物质名词和抽象名词一般无法用数目计算,称为不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)。归纳一下,名词的分类可以下图表示:_______________________________________ | |专有名词 | | | 名 | | 个体名词 | | | | | | 可数名词 | | | | 集体名词 | | | |普通名词 | | | | 词 | | 物质名词 | | | | | | 不可数名词| | | | 抽象名词 | |


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/29542.html发布于 2024-09-19
