

小思 2024-09-19 20
过程英文表达摘要: 教学过程英语表达英语课堂教学用语1.上课 (Beginning a class) (1)Let';s start now� / Let';s begin our class...


英语课堂教学用语1.上课 (Beginning a class) (1)Let';s start now� / Let';s begin our class / lesson� (2)Stand up, please� (3)Sit down, please� 2.问候 (Greeting) (4)Hello, boys and girls / children� (5)Good morning, class / everyone / everybody / children / boys and girls � (6)Good afternoon, class / everyone / everybody / children / boys and girl s (7)How are you today?3.考勤 (Checking attendance) (8)Who';s on duty today? / Who�s helping this morning / today ? (9)Is everyone / everybody here / present?(10)Is anyone away? / Is anybody away? (11)Is anyone absent? / Is anybody absent?(12)Who�s absent? / Who�s away? (13)Where is he / she? (14)Try to be on time� / Don�t be late next time� (15)Go back to your seat, please� (16)What day is it today? (17)What';s the date today? (18)What';s the weather like today? (19)What';s it like outside? 4.宣布 (Announcing) (20)Let';s start working� / Let';s begin / start a n ew lesson� / Let';s begin / start our lesson�(21) First, let';s review / do some review�(22) What did we learn in the last lesson? (23) Who can tell / remember what we did in the last lesson / yesterday? (24) Now we';re going to do something new / different� / Now let';s learn something new�(25) We have some new words / sentences�5.提起注意 (Directing attention) (26) Ready? / Are you ready? (27) Did you get there? / Do you understand? (28) Is that clear? (29) Any volunteers? (30) Do you know what to do? (31) Be quiet, please� / Quiet, please� (32) Listen, please� (33) Listen carefully, please� (34) Listen to the tape recorder / the recording�(35) Look carefully, please� (36) Look over here� (37) Watch carefully� (38) Are your watching? (39) Please look at the blackboard / picture / map��� (40) Pay attention to your spelling / pronunciation� 6.课堂活动 (Classroom activities) (41) Start! / Start now� (42) Everybody together� / All together� (43) Practise in a group� / Practise in groups� / In groups, please� (44) Get into groups of three / four ��� (45) Everybody find a partner / friend� (46) In pairs, please� (47) One at a time� / Let�s do it one by one�(48) Now you, please� / Your turn (�Student�s name).� (49) Next, please� Now you do the same, please�(50) Let';s act� / Let�s act out / do the dialogue� (51) Who wants to be A? (52) Practise the dialogue, please� (53) Now �Tom� will be A, and the other half will be B� (54) Please take (play) the part of ��� (55) Whose turn is it? (56) It';s your turn� (57) Wait your turn, please� (58) Stand in line� / Line up� (59) One by one� / One at a time, please� (60) In twos� / In pairs� (61) Don';t speak out (62) Turn around �7.请求 (Request) (63) Could you please try it again? (64) Could you please try the next one? (65) Will you please help me? 8.鼓励 (Encouraging) (66) Can you try? (67) Try, please� (68) Try your best� / Do your best� (69) Think it over and try again� (70) Don';t be afraid / shy [color=#00FF00]9.指令 (Issuing a command) (71) Say / Read after me, please� (72) Follow me, please� (73) Do what I do� (74) Repeat, please� / Repeat after me� (75) Once more, please� / One more time, please(76) Come here, please� (77) Please come to the front� / Come up and write on the blackboard / chalkboard (78) Come and write it on the blackboard� (79) Please go back to your seat� (80) In English, please� (81) Put your hand up, please� Raise your hand, please� (82) Put your hands down, please� / Hands down, please� (83) Say it / Write it in Chinese / English�(84) Please take out your books� (85) Please open your books at page ~/ Find page ~ / Turn to pag e � (86) Please answer the question / questions� / Please answer my question(s ). (87) Please read this letter / word / sentence out loud� / Please read out this letter / word / sentence� (88) Please stop now� / Stop now, please� / Stop here, please� (89) Clean up your desk / the classroom, please�(90) It';s clean�up time� / Tidy up your desk / the classroom� (91) Put your things away� / Clean off your desk� / Pick up thes craps� (92) Clean the blackboard� (93) Plug in the tape�recorder, please� (94) Put the tape�recorder away� (95) Put the tape in its box / cassette� (96) Listen and repeat� (97) Look and listen� (98) Repeat after me� (99) Follow the words� (100) Fast� / Quickly! / Be quick, please�(101) Hurry! / Hurry up, please� (102) Slow down, please� (103) Slowly� (104) Bring me some chalk, please� 10.禁止和警告 (Prohibition and warning) (105) Stop talking� / Stop talking now, please�(106) Don';t talk� / Everybody quiet, please�(107) Don';t be silly� (108) Settle down� 11.评价(109) Good, thank you� (110) Good! / Very good� / Good job� / Good work� / Good example� (111) A good answer� / Nice work� (112) Excellent� / Great! / Well done� / Very good� / I like the way you � (113) That';s interesting! (114) Don';t worry about it� / No problem� (115) OK! / That�s OK� (116) I don';t think so� (117) That';s not quite right, any other answers? / That';s close / That'; s almost right�(118) Not quite, can anyone help him / her? / Try again� (119) A good try�12.布置作业 (Setting homework)(120) For today�s homework ��� (121) Practise after class� / Practise at home�(122) Say it out loud, before you write it down�(123) Copy / Print / Write each word twice�(124) Remember (Memorize) these words / sentences(125) Learn these words / these sentences / this text by heart� (126) Do your homework� / Do the next lesson� / Do the new work� 13.下课 (Dismissing the class) (127) Hand in your workbooks, please� (128) Time is up� (129) The bell is ringing� (130) There�s the bell� (131) There goes the bell� (132) Let';s stop here� (133) That';s all for today� (134) Class is over� (135) Goodbye� / Bye� / See you next time

热身Warm- up导入 Leading-in展示 Presentation预习 Preview复习Review操练 Practice练习 Exercises巩固 Consolidation小结 Summary检测 Test

teaching process

1、热身 Warming- up。2、导入 Leading-in。3、展示 Presentation。4、预习 Preview。5、复习Review。6、操练 Practice。7、练习 Exercises。8、巩固 Consolidation。9、小结 Summary。10、检测 Test。


1.warming-up    英['wɔ:mɪŋ'ʌp]    美['wɔ:mɪŋ'ʌp]    n.    准备运动,准备活动;

2.leading-in    英['ledɪŋ'ɪn]    美['ledɪŋ'ɪn]    [词典]    导入,引入;

3.presentation    英[ˌpreznˈteɪʃn]    美[ˌpri:zenˈteɪʃn]    n.    提交; 演出; 陈述,报告; 颁奖仪式;

4.preview    英[ˈpri:vju:]    美[ˈpriˌvju]    n.    试映,预演; 预告片; 象征,预示;    vt.    预映; 预先观看; 概述; 扼要介绍;

5.review    英[rɪˈvju:]    美[rɪˈvju]    n.    回顾; 复习; (报刊的) 评论; [法] 复审;    vt.    评论; 复习; 复查; 检验;    vi.    复习功课; 写评论;

6.practice    英[ˈpræktɪs]    美[ˈpræktɪs]    n.    实践; 练习; 惯例; (医生或律师的) 业务;    vi.    练习; 实习; 实行; 惯常地进行;    vt.    练习; 执业; 实行,实践; 惯常地进行;

7.exercises    英['eksəsaɪzɪz]    美['eksəsaɪzɪz]    n.    演习; 练习( exercise的名词复数 ); (弹钢琴指法等的) 训练; 使用;    v.    锻炼,训练,练习( exercise的第三人称单数 ); 锻炼(身体某部位); 使焦虑; 发挥(作用);

8.consolidation    英[kənˌsɒlɪ'deɪʃən]    美[kənˌsɑlɪˈdeʃən]    n.    巩固; 合并; 联合; 变坚固;

9.summary    英[ˈsʌməri]    美[ˈsʌməri]    n.    摘要,概要; 总结,一览;    adj.    概括的,总结的; 即刻的,立即的;

10.test   英[test]    美[test]    n.    试验; 测验; 考验; 化验;    vt.    测验; 考验; 考查; 勘探;    vi.    受试验; 受测验; 受考验; 测得结果;




industrial control其实我还是建议你每次遇到这样的问题时,自己去百度上收索翻译比较好或者直接下个翻译软件,比如“有道桌面词典”就是一款还比较好用的英语翻译软件。

过程process/course/procedure/transversion/plication过程控制 process control/process monitoring

procedurecontrol the procedure


Teaching Procedure

the procsee of teaching

teaching procedure

the process of teaching











小学英语课可以分为五个教学基本环节:(1)课前准备(Warming up) 这一阶段包括课前准备,复习旧知识等;(2)呈现新知(Presentation) 也就是导入阶段,包括和学生互动,新语言的导入等;(3)语言练习(Practice) 包括新语言的呈现、详细讲解、操练等; (4)语言的实际应用(Production) 这一阶段是新语言的练习,巩固,延伸到应运; (5)小结(Summary) 加强学习,让学生全面掌握新语言。

1、慢动作(Slow Motion)

把要复习的单词的教师卡片或图放在信封或一一个口袋内。教师慢慢地拿出,一次只让学生看卡片或图的一小部分。奖励班里第- 一个说出这个单词的学生。

2、快动作(Fast Motion)








教学对象又称为学习者, 学习者既是教学的对象,又是教学活动中学习和自 我教育的主体, 具有双重身份。所以在教学之前对学习者进行分析是非常重要的 一步。






教学设计要遵循教学过程的基本规律,选择教学目标,以解决教什么的问题。 其次,教学设计是实现教学目标的计划性和决策性活动。










wash the clothes

The process of washing clothes请采纳谢谢

Washing Clothing;手洗

1). Put some detergent (according to the quantity of the laundry or clothes you are going to wash) to cold water and let it melt in the water.

2). Put the clothes into the detergent water and let them totally soak in it for about half an hour and let the detergent work well.

3). Rub clothes with hands from the dirtiest parts and then whole thing.

4). Dry clothes by isting from the detergent water.

5). Wash clothes 2-3 times with clean water till the water is clean. (wash off the detergent in the clothing)

6). Hang the clothes up and let them dry.

1). First,put some detergent (according to the quantity of the laundry or clothes you are going to wash) to cold water and let it melt in the ).Next, Put the clothes into the detergent water and let them totally soak in it for about half an hour and let the detergent work ).Then, rub clothes with hands from the dirtiest parts and then whole ). Dry clothes by isting from the detergent ). Wash clothes 2-3 times with clean water till the water is clean. (wash off the detergent in the clothing)6).Finally, hang the clothes up and let them dry。

First half basin of water in the basin, and then put the dirty clothes into the out pletely soaked, and then pour the right amount of detergent evenly, can by hand rub is. Clean coat, scrub your hands neckline, soon, the dirt on the neckline magic away. Then rub o cuff \ front, other places just rub, wash coat. Trousers mainly wash leg o boards and a bottom. After washing, rinse, has been thoroughly until there is no bubble. Dries clothes at last.先报把盆子里装半盆水,再把脏衣服放进出去完全浸湿,然后再倒适量的洗衣粉揉匀,就可以用手搓洗了。


裤子主要是洗裤脚口和 *** 板两块。洗完之后,用清水漂洗,一直透到没有泡沫为止。


I hlep mother to wash the clothes

mather's love is true takes care of us since we were does much for i want to do something for her to show my love in this winter.

i decided to help her wash collected the dirty clothes and sort them according to the colour,next,i put the big ones into the washing machine,like :jeans ,coat and so the lotion into it got to i put socks and underwears into a that, i put some water and turn on the clothes .finally,a few minutes later,i began to put forth my strength to wash them . with time going by ,i the clean clothes ,i felt proud of myself,meanwhile i knew how hard my mother worked made my mind to help her evertday.

How to Wash Your Clothes Learning how to wash clothes is a very important skill. Failure to acquire this may not only turn out to be unhealthy, but also expensive, in the case that the washing goes wrong. Fortunately, then, it is not a very difficult skill to master. Steps: Collect all your dirty clothes from the bathroom floor, or wherever else you keep them. Keep in mind that your socks may be in the living room or under your desk. Make sure you've found everything. Sort the clothes into piles. There are o important considerations here: what material your clothes are, and what color. Read all the labels, and pick out the clothes that (a) cannot be washed (need to be taken to a dry cleaner), (b) all clothes that say delicate, or have other restrictions. These are monly materials such as silk, wool, and certain synthetic fibers. Remember delicates may have to be washed by hand. This means using a sink or a bucket, and adding water (read labels to verify the temperature) and detergent. The water should feel slippery. Warning: remember to sort the colors (see point five below). Sort the remaining clothes (generally materials such as cotton, linen, synthetic fibers) according to color. All whites should go with only whites (or very light colors if the item has been washed many times). Then put all the reds, pinks, and oranges in a separate pile (never keep this close to the white pile as you will be wearing pink shirts for a long time). Then, depending on how much more you have left, put the other colors together, possibly into a lighter (. greys, yellows, light blues) and a darker pile (blacks, dark blues, browns, purples). Know that, each pile is its own load. It is remended to start with the highest priority pile, usually the one with socks and underwear. Put the first pile into the washer. Add detergent (the bottle/box should say how much you need). Read all instructions on the washer carefully, and examine all the knobs to make sure you are washing the clothes the way you are planning to. Whites and underwear usually go on hot temperatures. Colored clothes and sheets usually go on warm or cold temperatures. Close the door and push the on button. all dried and foldedCome back when the washer is done and take the clothes out. Shake them gently, and either put into a dryer (remember to read the label) or hang them up to dry. Tips: If you're sharing an apartment or living with people you know, it sometimes helps to join in the washing. This is especially the case with reds, as many people don't have a full load of red clothes in their wardrobe. Doing laundry together saves money and time, and lowers your impact on the environment. Fold as little as possible. Just stack your undies like pancakes. Over drying wears fabric out faster; try to leave a little moisture in (not too much though), it will dry before you get to using it anyway. Take the sheets off the bed, wash them and put them right back on. Less time will be spent folding/storing. Go one step further and divide your dress sock drawer in o. Put clean socks in one side and draw from the other. When they are gone, reverse. This way you wear your socks evenly and can throw them all out at the same time and start over, hence less waste. Also- no folding, just throw them together like worms. The remended detergent amounts are about ice what you need. Use half of what they remend & your clothes will be just as clean and your detergent will last ice as long. I f your dryer is near the shower, pull towels/clothes directly from the dryer if they are in there, hence less folding. Have hooks in your closet for your favorite pants and shirts that you wear constantly, don't fold and store them, just hang them up. Warnings:Always check the labels of your clothes. If you are ever unsure, wash on the lower temperature, or by hand, and don't spin the clothes. New clothes with bright colors may have to be washed by themselves for the first few times unless you have something in a very similar color. Blue Jeans should be inside out to retain their dark color. If you wash your tennis shoes, don't put them in the dryer, they will never be the same. Let them dry in the sun. Never wash and dry dark and light colored shirts together. Never put bleach on shirts that are not white. Things You'll Need Clothes Detergent A washing machine Or a bucket / sink A drier to dry the clothes, or somewhere to hang them。

First half basin of water in the basin, and then put the dirty clothes into the out pletely soaked, and then pour the right amount of detergent evenly, can by hand rub is. Clean coat, scrub your hands neckline, soon, the dirt on the neckline magic away. Then rub o cuff \ front, other places just rub, wash coat. Trousers mainly wash leg o boards and a bottom. After washing, rinse, has been thoroughly until there is no bubble. Dries clothes at last. 先报把盆子里装半盆水,再把脏衣服放进出去完全浸湿,然后再倒适量的洗衣粉揉匀,就可以用手搓洗了。


裤子主要是洗裤脚口和 *** 板两块。洗完之后,用清水漂洗,一直透到没有泡沫为止。


the process of washing clothesFirst you should empty all the pockets in your clothes. Then you pour a proper amount of water into the fridge and put some laundry detergent in it. You have to mix them together. Lastly you put your dirty clothes in the fridge. Remember not to mix the light color clothes with those in dark color.


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/28966.html发布于 2024-09-19
