正在考试英语Taking an exam English
in process of examination
你好!我正在参加英语考试。这句话的英语是:I am taking an English exam now.
taking an examination
英语正在考试!可用英语翻译为:English is being tested
ism, then you’ve grown old, even at
Be/am/is/are + (verb.)ing
ongoing 读法 英 [ˈɒngəʊɪŋ] 美 [ˈɑ:ngoʊɪŋ]
ongoing task 进行中任务
project ongoing 项目实施
In their ongoing efforts to fight off their enemy they managed to destroy their planet.
proceed 读法 英 [prə'siːd] 美 [pro'sid]
vi. 开始;继续进行;发生;行进
n. 收入,获利
We proceeded with/in our game pleasantly.
4、proceed to do……与go on to do……两种表达方式有相同的意思,都指“继续做某事”。
给你一个比较地道的词组 in full swing
present tense
the present continuous tense现在进行时
"progressive tense"是“进行时”的字面翻译···你如果是问怎么说进行时态的句子怎么说,结构一般是sb+be动词(am,is are,was```)+doing sth
Be/am/is/are + (verb.)ing
机场:(一)提领行李 can't find the baggage claim area. Can you direct me, please? bags are not on the carrousel. Where can I file a lost baggage claim? (二)海关申报 have nothing to declare. Do I go through the green channel? 我没 I'm over the limit, can I just pay a duty and bring it in?(三)外币汇兑 much currency am I allowed to bring into the country? can I exchange my foreign money for local currency? 我可以在(四)航班谘询 've missed my flight. Can you get me on another airline right away? it possible to get me on an earlier flight? 'd like to upgrade my seat now, if that's possible海关:进出口海关英文术语 Customs insecption2007-10-26 09:27act of smuggling 走私行为 additional dues 附加费 bills and securities in foreign currency外币票证 cash deposit (现金)保证金 collect 收税,收费 collection of faxs and duties 征税 duty-paying values 完税价格 duty receipt 税款收据 duty rate 税率 examine cargo 验货 examine passager's luggage 检查旅客行李 excise 消费税,货物税 conceal 藏匿 customs rules 海关法规 customs seals 海关铅封 confiscate 没收 contraband goods 违禁品 customs statistics 海关统计 customs tariff 海关税则 customs uniform 海关制服 import duty 进口税 indemnify 赔偿 inspection or search a ship 检查船舶或抄船 late payment fee 滞纳金 levy 征收 make good 补交 minimum tariff rate 最低税率 duty-fee 免税的 duty memo 税款缴纳证 duty paid 已完税的 habit-forming drug 能使人成瘾的麻醉药物 impot specification list 进口明细单 import license 进口许可证 seize 没收 shortpaid 短征 tariff number 税则号码 the foreign trade control policies 对外贸易管制政策 the most favoured nation 最惠国 treatment 处理待遇 export license 出口许可证 export specification list 出口明细单 false declaration of the quantity of cargo 谎报货物数量 from infected area 来自疫区 general tariff rate 普通税率 heroin 海洛因 severe act of smuggling 严重走私行为 drawback 退税 destory 销毁 detain 扣留 dutiabel 应完税的 dutiable artical 应税货物 reckon 计算 morphia 吗啡 original decision 原始决定 remit 补还 restriced articales 限制货物 minimum amount of colletion 最低征收额,起征点 poisonous drugs 剧毒药品 prohibited articale 禁运物品 rare book 珍贵图书 飞机乘飞机英语(2009-01-20 13:04:11)标签:杂谈 往返机票round-trip ticket单程机票 one/single-way ticket其他一些在飞机上使用的英语如下:在飞机上使用一些简短实用的语言有助于快速解决一些实际问题。 1. (出示登机证给服务人员)我的座位在哪里? Where is my seat?2.我能将行李放在这儿吗? Can I put my baggage here?3.是否可以帮我更换座位? Could you change my seat, please?4. (对后座的乘客说)我是否可将座位向后倾斜? May I recline my seat?5.我可以抽烟吗? May I smoke?6.飞机上提供哪些饮料? What kind of drinks do you have?7.咖啡、茶、果汁和啤酒。We have coffee, tea, juice and .晚餐想吃牛肉、鸡肉还是鱼? Which would you like for dinner, beef, chicken or fish?9.请给我牛肉。Beef, .我觉得有些冷(热)。I feel a little cold (hot).11.请给我一个枕头和毛毯好吗?May I have a pillow and a blanket, please?12.飞机上有中文杂志吗? Do you have any Chinese magazines?13.我觉得有些不舒服,是否可以给我一些药? I feel a little sick, can I have some medicine?14.还有多久到达檀香山? How much longer does it take to get to Honolulu?15.这班班机会准时到达吗? Will this flight get there on time?16.我担心能否赶上转机班机。I'm anxious about my connecting .你能告诉我如何填写这张表格吗? Could you tell me how to fill in this form?下面是在不同情景中可是使用的:一、情景---过海关 我叫李明 My name is Ming Li我叫刘春梅 My name is Chunmei Liu我们到多伦多探亲,看看女儿一家,游览一下加拿大的风景。 We are going to visit our daughter and her family in Toronto and go on a tour of Canada.我们打算在加拿大住5个月 We are going to stay in Canada for 5 months.我们的行李是衣物,没有肉,有中国白酒2瓶 Our luggages are colthes, there is not any meat in it. We take 2 bottles of Chinese alcohols.我的女儿叫杨澜 Our daughter's name is Lan Yang .住址是安大略省多伦多北约克森林公园180号公寓 2188房 They live at 180 Parkway Forest Dr, apt 2188, NorthYork, Toronto, Ontario, M2J 1L6 Canada电话是Telephone is 二、情景--飞机上/机场里 Could I get one more blanket? It is cold. Thank you.能给我一个毯子吗?有点冷。谢谢。 Could I get one more pillow? Thank you.能给我一个小枕头吗?谢谢。 厕所 Wash Room请帮忙 Can you help me? Please?请给我一杯热水,谢谢 Hot water, Please. Thank you.谢谢你 Thank you very much.三、换乘飞机 我们要换飞机到多伦多,在找登机口,请帮忙告诉我们好么? We have to change airplane to go to Toronto, we don't know where is the right exchange gate for the air plane that goes to Toronto, can you help us and take us there?我们要换飞机到多伦多,行李是放在这里托运么?Do you know where to put our luggage’s onto the plane that goes to Toronto? Can you please help me and take me to there?中英文对应单词 靠走道的座位: Aisle Seat靠窗的座位: Window Seat护照: Passport飞机票: Air Ticket登机牌: Boarding Pass行李: Luggage吃饭前, 会发一个菜单, 有可能是中英对照的。 如果没有中文解释, 参照下面的单词:米饭: Rice面条: Noodle面包: Bread牛肉: Beef鸡肉: Chicken鱼: Fish方便面: Instant Noodle茶: Tea绿茶: Green Tea红茶: Red Tea咖啡: Coffee普通水: Water冰水: Ice Water热水: Hot Water矿泉水: Spring Water可乐: Cola果汁: Juice桔汁: Orange Juice苹果汁: Apple Juice番茄汁: Tomato Juice牛奶: Milk啤酒: Beer红酒: Red Wine除了热的茶, 咖啡, 热水, 如果你不特别说明, 其他的饮料都会给你加冰。 如果你不想加冰, 说: No Ice
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