

小思 2024-09-19 28
贵司英文摘要: 贵司的英文your company( 贵司)(1.公司的第二人称,正式行文应为“贵公司”,所谓“贵司”只是臆造的产物,作为尊称其实不应该如此简化。 类似“监察司”等行政单位“...


your company( 贵司)(1.公司的第二人称,正式行文应为“贵公司”,所谓“贵司”只是臆造的产物,作为尊称其实不应该如此简化。 类似“监察司”等行政单位“司”的第二人称,可称“贵司”。2.“贵司”,是有些人依照“贵校”、“贵厂”等第二人称称谓,臆造而成,其实不该如此称呼。古时没有公司,西方对老爸都称你,既非遗产,也非舶来。 这样的例子还有,比如过去的“高高兴兴”是固定词语,现在非要把“开心”说成“开开心心”,其实是不符合标准汉语语法的。3.日本有个游泳运动员叫“山本贵司”,除此之外,和日本没啥关系了。)


your company

Your company


your company就可以了。中文的意思很复杂,很多中文用英文就同一个单词表示。“贵公司”在中文当中是敬词,但是到了英文中用“your company”——你的公司就可以了

贵公司,在英文中就是“you”,不需要your company等等,你可以去查阅英文电函,英文中不像中文口语、书面语差别比较大,英文是否正式的关键差别在行文格式和代副词的运用,造成文体格式比较规范。

就是 your company,或 your corporation.

your company就可以了。中文的意思很复杂,很多中文用英文就同一个单词表示。“贵司”在中文当中是敬词,但是到了英文中用“your company”——你的公司就可以了。


贵公司,在英文中就是“you”,不需要your company等等,你可以去查阅英文电函,英文中不像中文口语、书面语差别比较大,英文是否正式的关键差别在行文格式和代副词的运用,造成文体格式比较规范。

其实就是your company就翻译成贵公司了honored corporation或your company your就是个友好称谓如果非要强调“贵” 就可以用honored co.

"贵公司"your company 贵公司能我给这样一份工作, 我真是不胜感激。 I am very thankful that your company can provide such a job for me我们秉持着互利互惠的合作原则, 期望与贵公司合作。 Holding the cooperation principles of mutual benefit and reciprocality, we hope to cooperate with your company

Your company.


“我非常想应聘贵公司的销售代表一职”英文翻译I would like to apply for the position of sales representative in your company"

"应聘职位"用英语怎么说 应聘职位 [词典] employment objective; position application; job objective; [例句]要根据你应聘职位的不同而更改简历。 Be prepared to change your resume based on the position in which you are applying.招聘岗位的英语怎么说? “你们公司招聘的那个工作” 用英语怎么表达快点!! 我想应聘这份工作怎么说?英文怎么说 I want to apply for this position. I want to apply for this job. I want to apply for the vacancy. "应聘职位"用英语怎么说? Responds to a call for recruits the position 招聘员工 用英语怎么说 recruitment,Recruit Employee, recruiting staff, employment都可以表示招聘员工的意思 招聘岗位的英语怎么说 Which position is your pany hiring and what is the job duties (responsibilities) of such position? 哪个部门用 which department 公司职位用英语怎么说? position 海如:What's your position in the pany?

I'm quite willing to apply for the sales representive have extraordinary interest in the sales representive position.这样是最标准的, 说得天花乱坠是不切实际的. 这里翻译应该翻意思, 而不是单词翻译.sales marketing position 没有这种说法.或者是 sales, 或者是 marketing engineer/executive/officer

I am eagerly looking foward to applying for the the position of sales representative of your honour's 时态错.


I'm very sorry, and there are no necessary products of your company for us, and I have to inform of us more next time.

It is so sorry that we haven't the products which your need. Any requirement Please feel free to contact us.

It is sorry that there are no products for your demand,and please contact with us if you have any requirement next time.

问题一:产品英语怎么说 product -产品 问题二:“产品名称”用英文怎么说 产品名称 product name 问题三:系列产品的英语怎么说 楼上的你还好意思帮人,serious是系列吗,是严重的好不好。 正确答案:series product 问题四:产品展示的英文怎么翻译? 产品展示 product display 短语 最新产品展示 New Products Exhibition ; News Products 虚拟产品展示 virtual products ; virtual product exhibition 产品展示设计 STANDS & PRODUCT DISPLAYS ; Design for Products Display 相关例句: 1.但是我的这项举动的最好的作用就是将那些确实很棒的但具有争议的产品展示到公众的视线里,引起公众的注意。 The best part of this job is stumbling across some obscure product that’s truly great― and helping bring it to the public’s attention. 2.媒体中心:提供推广服务、媒体结算、通讯工具、互动媒介、产品展示等服务。 Media Center: providing extension and outsourcing services, media clearing, munications tools, interactive media platforms, exhibition and product displayservices. 3.说到产品展示,在计算机产业和其他相关产业领域,没有人能像史蒂夫?乔布斯做得这样好。 WHEN it came to putting on a show, nobody else in the puter industry, or any other industry for that matter, could match Steve Jobs. 问题五:”产品型号“用英语怎么说? 产品型号 Product Typ功 / Model 满意请采纳,谢谢 问题六:“套装”产品用英语怎么说 set package 问题七:本公司的xx产品,英文怎么说? This pany's xx product, 问题八:知识产品 用英文怎么说 知识产品 [词典] intellectual products; [例句]知识产品的价值实现是一种低价递减机制; It is a kind of low-priced mechani *** of successively decrease that the value ofknowledge product realizes. 问题九:商品的英文怎么翻译? 很高兴回答你的问题 good 问题十:指定产品用英语怎么说 designated products/appointed producted


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/28632.html发布于 2024-09-19
