动词:exist名词:existence短语:there be (is/are)
The Earth is the home that we rely for existence
Earth is the home we live.
【读音】英 [ɪɡˈzɪst] 美 [ɪɡˈzɪst]
【意思】vi. 存在;生存;生活;继续存在
1、not exist 不存在
2、exist t 存在 ; 生存 ; 生活 ; 在
3、exist on 提供关于 ; 靠……生活 ; 指“赖以生存的事物” ; 靠…为生
【读音】英 [əˈkɜː(r)] 美 [əˈkɜːr]
【意思】vi. 发生;出现;存在
1、Occur Kill 突然杀 ; 忽然杀 ; 俄然杀
2、irritation occur 出现红肿 ; 发生过敏反应 ; 出现过敏反应
3、occur r 发生 ; 出现 ; 存在
4、occur that 发生这 ; 发生
Let us work together to protect human survival earth bar
Earth is the home we live.
let's, from now, from tiny thing to do, prevent the environment which we depends on.
Let us start from the present, starts from the minor matter, protects our livelihood environment
1, a better global environment is the basis of our survival. 2, we live in this world, on the one hand, industrial sewage pouring into rivers, lakes and the sea, the sky was filled with black smoke, piles of garbage. On the other hand, the forest area dropped, desertification, climate variability, acid rain rains, droughts and floods wreak havoc, ecological disasters frequently, the gradual depletion of water resources and natural resources ...... human survival and development are facing deteriorating environment arising serious threat. 3, let's start now, from me, protect our planet, but also to protect our human yourself!
Let's exert ourselves together to safeguard the planet we depend on to survive.
Let us work together to protect human survival earth bar
《Don't Think of an Elephant!》(George Lakoff)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读
书名:Don't Think of an Elephant!
作者:George Lakoff
出版社:Chelsea Green Publishing
[美]乔治·莱考夫(George Lakoff)
我们赖以生存的隐喻 193页.pdf 文件大小: M 资源已上传百度云盘或微盘 提问者下载无需财富值请及时采纳,谢谢
摘 要 隐喻是一种重要的认知工具。隐喻作为人类思维和认知世界的方式,与词汇有着密不可分的联系。本文从隐喻的认知角度,指出应重视英语基本词汇的教学,应通过隐喻深入讲解多义词和构词,并且需要注意隐喻反映在英汉词汇上的文化异同。积极借鉴隐喻的认知理论必将推动英语词汇教学。 关键词 隐喻 认知 英语词汇教学 一、前言 隐喻不仅广泛存在于语言中,而且存在于思维中,是人类对客观世界的一种认知方式。在隐喻作为特殊用途隐喻的教学中,采用了常规隐喻的理论,发现隐喻在课文中引入了不常用的词汇。因而理解这些隐喻的用法,对理解词汇和语篇意义是个关键,因此在特殊用途英语教学中应重视隐喻的作用。 词汇作为语言的三要素(语音、词汇、语法)之一,其教学对整个外语教学来说有着举足轻重的作用。本文试图从认知角度分析隐喻理论,探讨其在英语词汇教学的应用,从而提高词汇教学的效率,帮助学生掌握更为有效的词汇学习方法。 二、隐喻认知理论 Lakoff和Johnson在其《我们赖以生存的隐喻》一书中指出“隐喻的本质是借一件事物来理解和经验另一事物”。作为源始域的“一件事物”是隐喻认知的基础,通常是人们所熟悉的、有形的、具体的东西。而作为目标域的“另一事物”往往是人们陌生的、抽象的东西。因此隐喻义是通过跨概念域映射过程后所形成的映合结果。 认知隐喻是建筑在认知哲学、格式塔心理学和原型理论基础之上的认知语言学理论。大量的研究表明,隐喻是思维的一种方式。“隐喻思维能力是随着人的认知的发展而产生的一种创造性的思维能力,是认知发展的高级阶段,是人们认识世界,特别是认识抽象事物不可缺少的一种认识能力。”它不仅是一种语言现象,更重要的是一种人类的认知现象。 三.隐喻与词汇的关系 词汇是构成语言的不可缺少的材料,词汇知识是语言能力的一个重要组成部分,词汇学习在整个语言学习中占有重要的地位。将概念隐喻理论应用于英语词汇教学,可以使词汇教学方法更符合人类的认知规律,从而帮助学生掌握更为有效的词汇学习方法。 (一)复合词中的隐喻 英语中很多复合词和派生词借助隐喻手段来描述事物,使之生动具体,它们是人们通过隐喻认知对现有的词或词素进行重新组合而形成的新词,能够准确生动地描述另一事物。复合词极大地改变了词汇匮乏和大脑记忆力有限的窘况,提高了人们认识世界的能力。这种通过复合词而形成新的隐喻词汇的手段在各种语言中都存在,是语言的一个共性。英语中有很多词由于借助了隐喻,其词义一目了然。例如,在“crystal-clear”中,“crystal”本意是“水晶”,而“clear”意为“清晰”,那么短语“as clear as crystal”的含义就很容易理解。类似的词还有很多,如: internet, newly-born, deadlock, loud-speaker,等等。 (二)多义词中的隐喻 概念隐喻理论在多义词的教学方面尤其具有实用价值。据统计,英语中词义的70%都是隐喻或源于隐喻。词典中每个词条下罗列的多个含义之间都存在着一定的联系:最基本的是中心义项,这是词汇的原义,一般是具体的,人类最初认识的原始意义。其他义项则是由中心义项通过隐喻映射派生得来的。人们所熟悉的表示人体各部分的词几乎都有通过隐喻机制而派生得来的其他意义,比如: the foot of a mountain(山脚), the head of an arrow(箭头), the teeth of a saw(锯齿), the hand of a clock(表针), the mouth of river(河口)等。基于此,教师应引导学生对这种内在的联系进行分析,产生联想,充分认识人的隐喻思维发展在词义发展中的作用,指导他们循着隐喻思维规律,根据认知模式由词汇的本义推导喻义。 (三)成语中的隐喻 在隐喻认知的作用下,一些词语形式简洁、固定而意思精辟,被人们长期使用,成为惯用语或成语。成语的使用充分表明了人们对隐喻的喜爱,这在英汉两种语言中均得到了证实。下面仅以表示情感的隐喻成语为例。用方位词隐喻情感,如in high spirits(兴高采烈), in low spirits(垂头丧气);用颜色隐喻情感,如in the pink(身体健壮),see red(暴怒而失去理智);用内脏的变化来隐喻情感,如broken heart(心碎的),split one’s sides(捧腹大笑)等。这些成语的使用增加了表达的精确性和形象性。 四、隐喻认知理论对英语词汇教学的启示 隐喻是人类语言的共同特性。语言的这一特性为英语教学带来很多启示。在英语教学中,利用隐喻可以取得很好的教学效果。 (一)重视基本范畴词汇习得 根据Lakoff和Johnson的调查,语言中大约有70%的表达方式源于隐喻概念。而喻体词大多为生活中常用的基本词汇,这些词使用频率较高。掌握足够的基本词汇对于学生的听、说、读、写能力有着至关重要的作用。所以在教学时教师首先应该抓好基本词汇的教学,向学生阐明基础词汇的重要性,讲解基础词的基本含义、词组搭配、隐喻意义及引申意义等。 (二)明确引导学生认识和理解语言的隐喻性 教师应该把隐喻意义的教学作为英语教学的有机组成部分,从一开始就同时讲授本义和隐喻义,使学生有意识、有针对性地学习英语。这样,学生不仅学会了单词,知道了它们的意思,同时也学会了这些词的用法,丰富了语言表达能力,也提高了学习英语的兴趣和积极性。 (三)注意英汉对应词汇的文化差异 语言和文化是密不可分的。作为语言的建筑材料,英汉对应的词汇包含着不同的隐喻意义。词汇体现着文化。因此在教学中教师应该对英汉词汇的隐喻现象进行对比、剖析,帮助学生从中认识英汉文化的不同,培养他们的文化意识,不断促进他们对英汉文化及认知方式的了解。 五、结语 认知隐喻,作为人类认识世界的主要途径,已引起越来越多人的关注。把认知隐喻引入英语词汇教学中,为词汇教学提供了新的视角,丰富了词汇教学法。它不仅能培养学生的隐喻思考技能,更能提高学生学习词汇的积极性、主动性;有助于改善和发展学习者的词汇能力,有助于他们触类旁通地领悟和应用词汇知识,并在此基础上对词汇之间的广泛联系和组合搭配进行准确合理的挖掘、提炼和引申,从而从根本上提高学生的语言学习能力和语言水平。 参考文献: [1]胡壮麟.认知隐喻学[M].北京:北京大学出版社, 2004. [2]胡壮麟.语言·认知·隐喻[J].现代外语,1997(4). 作者简介:景丽(1985-),女,河北石家庄人,渤海大学外国语学院研究生,研究方向:英语教学。
【读音】英 [ɪɡˈzɪst] 美 [ɪɡˈzɪst]
【意思】vi. 存在;生存;生活;继续存在
1、not exist 不存在
2、exist t 存在 ; 生存 ; 生活 ; 在
3、exist on 提供关于 ; 靠……生活 ; 指“赖以生存的事物” ; 靠…为生
【读音】英 [əˈkɜː(r)] 美 [əˈkɜːr]
【意思】vi. 发生;出现;存在
1、Occur Kill 突然杀 ; 忽然杀 ; 俄然杀
2、irritation occur 出现红肿 ; 发生过敏反应 ; 出现过敏反应
3、occur r 发生 ; 出现 ; 存在
4、occur that 发生这 ; 发生
就是这些了; Stands speaks `` in this completely is because it cannot be helped.. I to study all do not have any idea with ideal aspect question `... but I to know. The study completely is depends on own, the others certainly cannot help you very busy any According to the truth, diligently possibly has the repayment, is not diligently impossible to have repays Actually, has the repayment, very many times also are only the gain does not equal the loss! About is ideal, the person general meeting has the ideal, ha-ha ` has has, but very many people are not willing to go remember, is not willing to go said Because they knew, that leaves oneself very is also far China's education has written off very many person of ideals, also has buried the innumerable talented people, in this your 赖以生存 place, the talent, ability, the school record, all is secondary! More importantly must learn to be the person and the sycophancy fart! Now thought very many ideals, actually all are fantasize, the fact often is contrary to what expects Certainly, now must learn the knowledge to be able to discuss the ideal, truly speaking, studies the knowledge is not for be ideal, only is for mix the mouth food to eat. Progresses, is not looks for oneself, is looks to the others. No person is oneself said oneself progresses, all is the unwarranted reputation which others gives. I said a little pessimistically, may not be able to go to the flight from reality, the very many times study and is ideal is does not have the relation! In the school, more importantly the academic society is the person.. The result not good has not related, if the result is very good, actually cannot be the person, that also only is the waste No matter how.. First studies a thing, later good mixes My ideal is, is living
Stands speaks `` in this completely is because it cannot be helped..I to study all do not have any idea with ideal aspect question `...but I to know. The study completely is depends on own, the otherscertainly cannot help you very busy any According to the truth,diligently possibly has the repayment, is not diligently impossible tohave repays Actually, has the repayment, very many times also areonly the gain does not equal the loss! About is ideal, the persongeneral meeting has the ideal, ha-ha ` has has, but very many peopleare not willing to go remember, is not willing to go said Becausethey knew, that leaves oneself very is also far China's education haswritten off very many person of ideals, also has buried theinnumerable talented people, in this your 赖以生存 place, thetalent, ability, the school record, all is secondary! More importantlymust learn to be the person and the sycophancy fart! Now thought verymany ideals, actually all are fantasize, the fact often is contrary towhat expects Certainly, now must learn the knowledge to be able todiscuss the ideal, truly speaking, studies the knowledge is not for beideal, only is for mix the mouth food to eat. Progresses, is notlooks for oneself, is looks to the others. No person is oneself saidoneself progresses, all is the unwarranted reputation which othersgives. I said a little pessimistically, may not be able to go to theflight from reality, the very many times study and is ideal is doesnot have the relation! In the school, more importantly the academicsociety is the person.. The result not good has not related, if theresult is very good, actually cannot be the person, that also only isthe waste No matter how.. First studies a thing, later good mixesMy ideal is, is living