close your hands 握紧你的手hold your hands 牵你手Close the hand 关闭手Close the hands 关闭的手
Wave handsmake a fistbody lean forwardshake one's hand nodshake one's headshrug one's shoulderscurl one's lipsKeep a straight faceLaughingBurst into tears
wave hand . make a fist .forward .beckon.nod.shake one's hand.curl one's lip.keep a stiff face.gales of laughter.burst out weeping.question mmark
握拳 wo quan 1.to make a fist; to clench one's fist; to double one's fist 握拳 wo quan 1.to make a fist; to clench one's fist; to double one's fist
n. 拳头;掌握;笔迹vt. 紧握;拳打;握成拳
您好,领学网为您解答:fist 英 [fɪst] 美 [fɪst] n.拳,拳头;〈口〉笔迹;掌握;[印]指标参见号 vt.紧握;握成拳;用拳打例句:He smashed his fist into Anthony's face. 他一拳打在了安东尼脸上。望采纳!
fist英 [fɪst] 美 [fɪst] n.拳,拳头;〈口〉笔迹;掌握;[印]指标参见号vt.紧握;握成拳;用拳打第三人称单数: fists 复数: fists 现在分词: fisting 过去式: fisted 过去分词: fisted
fist [fist]
head 头 throat 喉咙,咽喉 armpit hair 腋毛 nipple 乳头 chest 胸部 pit 胸口 navel 肚脐 abdomen 腹部 private parts 阴部 thigh 大腿 neck 脖子 shoulder 肩 back 背 waist 腰 hip 臀部 buttock 屁股 skull 颅骨,头盖骨 collarbone 锁骨 rib 肋骨 backbone 脊骨,脊柱 shoulder joint 肩关节 shoulder blade 肩胛骨 breastbone 胸骨 elbow joint 肘关节 pelvis 骨盆 kneecap 膝盖骨 bone 骨 skeleton 骨骼 sinew 腱 muscle 肌肉 joint 关节 blood vessel 血管 vein 静脉 artery 动脉 capillary 毛细血管 nerve 神经 spinal marrow 脊髓 brain 脑 respiration 呼吸 windpipe 气管 lung 肺 heart 心脏 diaphragm 隔膜 exhale 呼出 inhale 呼入 internal organs 内脏 gullet 食管 stomach 胃 liver 肝脏 gall bladder 胆囊 pancreas 胰腺 spleen 脾 duodenum 12指肠 small intestine 小肠 large intestine 大肠 blind gut 盲肠 vermiform appendix 阑尾 rectum 直肠 anus 肛门 bite 咬 chew 咀嚼 knead 揉捏 swallow 咽下 digest 消化 absord 吸收 discharge 排泄 excrement 粪便 kidney 肾脏 bladder 膀胱 penis 阴茎 testicles 睾丸 scroticles 阴囊 urine 尿道 ovary 卵巢 womb 子宫 vagina 阴道
fist英 [fɪst] 美 [fɪst] n.拳,拳头;〈口〉笔迹;掌握;[印]指标参见号vt.紧握;握成拳;用拳打第三人称单数: fists 复数: fists 现在分词: fisting 过去式: fisted 过去分词: fisted
直接写fist即是把(手)握成拳头的意思 或写hold fist
握紧拳头:holding your fists松开手:release your hands.
fist英 [fɪst] 美 [fɪst] n.拳,拳头;〈口〉笔迹;掌握;[印]指标参见号vt.紧握;握成拳;用拳打第三人称单数: fists 复数: fists 现在分词: fisting 过去式: fisted 过去分词: fisted
make a fistlet go/relax/open your hand
Suddenly tom straightened up and hitting upward, with his closed fist, struck the soldier, not too hard, so as not to discourage him, along the side of the jaw . 突然间,汤姆挺直身子, 攥紧拳头 朝上打去,一拳打在大兵的下颚边上,打得不太重,不让对方一下子就泄气。
You ' re so curious . clench your fist pke daddy 你真好奇像爸爸这样 攥紧拳头
I clenched my fist and hit him 我 攥紧拳头 向他击去。
Presently the confusion took form , and through the fog of battle tom appeared , seated astride the new boy , and pounding him with his fists 最后谁胜谁败逐渐见了分晓,汤姆从尘土中爬起来,骑在那个男孩的身上, 攥紧拳头 使劲地打那个男孩。
握紧拳头,瞪大眼睛with your fists clenched and eyes staring
握紧拳头:holding your fists松开手:release your hands.
fist [fist]