

小思 2024-09-19 23
健康就是财富英文摘要: 健康胜过财富英文Health is better than weath.1、Health is better than wealth健康胜于财富。2、Health is...


Health is better than weath.

1、Health is better than wealth健康胜于财富。

2、Health is happiness健康就是幸福。

3、Wealth is nothing without health失去健康,空有财产。

4、Health is better than wealth健康胜于财富。

5、A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold健全的身体比金冕更有价值。

6、A sound mind in a sound body健康的思想寓于健康的身体。

7、Fine grain collocation, less meat and more nutrients精细粮食巧搭配,少荤多素有营养。

8、Sour jujube with sugar, sleeping helps a lot酸枣加白糖,安眠帮大忙。

9、Crude grains and miscellaneous grains are nutritious and can save both health and money粗粮杂粮营养全,既保身体又省钱。

10、Eating porridge is better than eating thousands of meals吃千吃万,不如吃粥吃饭。

11、When meat is sick, fish is sore and green vegetable tofu is safe and healthy肉生疾来鱼生疮,青菜豆腐保安康。

Eat to live, but do not live to eat.吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭。Eating little and speaking little can never do harm.吃少病少,话少祸少。Bitter pills may have wholesome effects.良药苦口利于病。Every man is the architect of his own fortune.每个人都是自身幸福的建筑师。Fortune fowours those who use their judgement.动脑者交好运。Life is long if you know how to use it.善用人生,即长寿。An apple a day, keep the doctor away. 一天一个苹果,疾病远离我。The first wealth is health.健康是人生的第一财富。 Walking is man's best medicine.行走是人的最佳良药。Mischief comes by the pound and goes away by the ounce.病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。 Happiness lies first of all in health. 幸福首先在于健康。 Cheerfulness is health; its opposite, melancholy, is disease. 欢乐就是健康, 忧郁就是病痛。 It is not work that kills, but worry. 工作不损寿, 忧郁才伤身。 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作, 不玩耍, 聪明小伙也变儍。 People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness. 没有时间娱乐的人, 迟早得有时间生病。 ----- J. Wanamaker 沃纳梅克 He is wise that knows when he is well enough. 知足为智者。 He who lives with his memories becomes old. He who lives with plans for the future remains young. 终日怀旧催人老, 计划未来葆青春。 A good conscience is a continual feast. 问心无愧天天乐。 An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 一分预防胜过十分治疗。 Diet cures more than doctors. 自己饮食有节, 胜过上门求医。 He is happy that thinks himself so. 自乐者常乐。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 每天一只苹果, 无需医生进门。 ----- 英语谚语 Better wear out shoes than sheets. 宁愿把鞋子穿漏, 不愿把床单磨破。 ----- 英语谚语 Health is not valued till sickness comes. 病时方知健康可贵。 Leave off with an appetite. 吃得七分饱, 就该离餐桌。 He who has good health is young, and he is rich who owes nothing. 健康葆青春, 无债即富足。 Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone. 欢笑, 则世界与你同乐; 哭泣, 则独自悲伤。 Blessed is the person who is too busy to worry in the daytime, and too sleepy to worry at night. 白天忙得没有时间发愁, 夜里困得来不及发愁的人是真正幸福的。 Happy is he who only desires what he may and does what he ought. 不作非分之想又能尽本分的人是快乐的。 There is no greater grief than to recall a time of happiness when in misery. 没有比在悲惨中回忆幸福的时刻更痛苦。 -----Dante 但丁 (意大利诗人)

1. Happiness lies first of all in health. 幸福首先在于健康。 2. Cheerfulness is health; its opposite, melancholy, is disease. 欢乐就是健康, 忧郁就是病痛。 3. It is not work that kills, but worry. 工作不损寿, 忧郁才伤身。 4. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只工作, 不玩耍, 聪明小伙也变儍。 5. People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness. 没有时间娱乐的人, 迟早得有时间生病。 ----- J. Wanamaker 沃纳梅克 6. He is wise that knows when he is well enough. 知足为智者。 7. He who lives with his memories becomes old. He who lives with plans for the future remains young. 终日怀旧催人老, 计划未来葆青春。 8. A good conscience is a continual feast. 问心无愧天天乐。 9. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 一分预防胜过十分治疗。 10. Diet cures more than doctors. 自己饮食有节, 胜过上门求医。 11. He is happy that thinks himself so. 自乐者常乐。 12. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 每天一只苹果, 无需医生进门。 ----- 英语谚语 13. Better wear out shoes than sheets. 宁愿把鞋子穿漏, 不愿把床单磨破。 ----- 英语谚语 14. Health is not valued till sickness comes. 病时方知健康可贵。 15. Leave off with an appetite. 吃得七分饱, 就该离餐桌。 16. He who has good health is young, and he is rich who owes nothing. 健康葆青春, 无债即富足。 17. Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone. 欢笑, 则世界与你同乐; 哭泣, 则独自悲伤。 18. Blessed is the person who is too busy to worry in the daytime, and too sleepy to worry at night. 白天忙得没有时间发愁, 夜里困得来不及发愁的人是真正幸福的。 19. Happy is he who only desires what he may and does what he ought. 不作非分之想又能尽本分的人是快乐的。 20. There is no greater grief than to recall a time of happiness when in misery. 没有比在悲惨中回忆幸福的时刻更痛苦。 -----Dante 但丁 (意大利诗人)


1.迟做总比不做好 2.没有疼痛,没有任何好处。 3.所有的工作,不玩耍,杰克钝痛男孩 4.百闻不如一见5.健康就是财富 6.谈何容易 7.诚信支付。

健康是最大的财富.Health is the greatest wealth.

No one can deny the fact that healthy man live happily. Money or wealth cannot give a person all the happiness of life as health can. A person may have wealth, cars, servants at his service and a big house to life in cannot enjoy all these blessings without a good health. Where as a person with small income, with no servant for work and small house to live in but a healthy body enjoy a fuller life in the world. For good health and for looking younger and living longer one must follow few good principles of life. To remain healthy we should eat balance diet. Take little exercise everyday. Let not worries crowd our mind and shake our nervous system. We should not allow ill thoughts bring agony to our mind. We should live in clear and neat surrounding. We must become early risers and never go to bed very late. Good health is a precious thing and every step must be taken to guard it. Early to bed early to rise makes all men healthy, wealthy and wise. 没有人能否认的事实是健康的人快乐地生活。金钱或财富不能给一个人的生活,健康是一切幸福。没有一个良好的身体,一个人可以拥有财富,汽车,仆人和大房子的生活,但他不能享受这些。而一个仅有微薄的收入的人,没有仆人,只在小房子住,但有一个健康的身体,那么他能享受一个充实的生活世界。对于身体健康,为寻找更年轻,活得更长,就必须遵循的生活好几个原则。为了保持健康,我们应该吃平衡饮食。经常锻炼。不要让忧虑充满我们的思想,动摇我们的神经系统。我们不应该让生病的思想带来的痛苦,而我们的心灵。我们应该生活在清净整洁的环境。我们必须早起,从不晚睡。健康是一种珍贵的东西,我们必须捍卫它。早起早睡上涨使得所有的人健康,富有和聪明。

Health is the most valuable forturne.


So far as the topic Health and Wealth is concerned, different people have different opinions about it. Some think that wealth means everything. To them , wealth or having a lot of money can help them to do what they want to do. With a lot of money , they can buy the beautiful house, expensive car, beautiful clothes , and so on. They even have the idea that they can buy happiness which they like.

(参考中文)说起健康和财富,不同的人会有不同的观点。有些人士认为财富就是一切。对于这些人来说,拥有财富或拥有一大笔财产可以帮助他们实现自己的梦想。有了一大笔钱,就可以购买豪华的别墅,昂贵 的名车和漂亮的衣服,等等...所有你能想到的东西。他们甚至还认为,只要有了钱,就可以购买精神上的幸福。

On the other hand, some other people don’t agree with those people mentioned above. They believe that Healthy is more important than wealth. First, you can enjoy a happier life with healthy body than those wealthy people with poor health. Second, a healthy body is the foundation for a successful career. Third, a healthy body is also necessary for accumulating wealth.


In a word, keeping health first if you want bee wealthy. It is well-known that a person can make a large fortune if he has the right opportunities during his life. But if the person suffers from a terrible illness, then no matter how much money he may earn, he will still lead a miserable life. Therefore, health is much more important than wealth.


So far as the topic Health and Wealth is concerned, different people have different opinions about it. Some think that wealth means everything. To them , wealth or having a lot of money can help them to do what they want to do. With a lot of money , they can buy the beautiful house, expensive car, beautiful clothes , and so on. They even have the idea that they can buy happiness which they like. (参考中文)说起健康和财富,不同的人会有不同的观点。





On the other hand, some other people don't agree with those people mentioned above. They believe that Healthy is more important than wealth. First, you can enjoy a happier life with healthy body than those wealthy people with poor health. Second, a healthy body is the foundation for a successful career. Third, a healthy body is also necessary for accumulating wealth. 而有些人则站在另外一边,不认同上述的观点。



In a word, keeping health first if you want bee wealthy. It is well-known that a person can make a large fortune if he has the right opportunities during his life. But if the person suffers from a terrible illness, then no matter how much money he may earn, he will still lead a miserable life. Therefore, health is much more important than wealth. 总之,要想富,先强身。




So far as the topic Health and Wealth is concerned, different people have different opinions about it. Some think that wealth means everything. To them , wealth or having a lot of money can help them to do what they want to do. With a lot of money , they can buy the beautiful house, expensive car, beautiful clothes , and so on. They even have the idea that they can buy happiness which they like. (参考中文)说起健康和财富,不同的人会有不同的观点。





On the other hand, some other people don't agree with those people mentioned above. They believe that Healthy is more important than wealth. First, you can enjoy a happier life with healthy body than those wealthy people with poor health. Second, a healthy body is the foundation for a successful career. Third, a healthy body is also necessary for accumulating wealth. 而有些人则站在另外一边,不认同上述的观点。



In a word, keeping health first if you want bee wealthy. It is well-known that a person can make a large fortune if he has the right opportunities during his life. But if the person suffers from a terrible illness, then no matter how much money he may earn, he will still lead a miserable life. Therefore, health is much more important than wealth. 总之,要想富,先强身。




There are many people who think that wealth is better than health. I used to think so until one day I read a story about Howard Hughes. He was an American billionaire who got anything he wanted. However, in the last enty years of his life, his health began to deteriorate and he was miserable. He had the best doctors and nurses. However, he could still find no relief. I realized that health is worth all the money in the world. If you have millions of dollars but your health is poor, you will not be able to do what you want to do. So I would like to say don't hurt yourself trying to make money. Instead take care of your body and be happy with what you do have. Health is more is more important, health or wealth? It is a hot topic among people. I can hardly answer this question. I didn't realize that health is more imporant until I saw a busines *** an's real successful busines *** an, one of my father's friends, devoted himseff to his business. He works from morning to night every day. There is no weekends in his mind. He often says, "I must earn much money so that I can get what I want. "Lately, he is ill. Though he has a lot of money, he can do nothing but lie in the hospital's I think health is more important than wealth. People can do nothing if they are always in poor health, let alone happiness. No matter we are rich or not, we can not ignore the importance of health.【译文】很多人都认为财富宫比健康更重要。

在读到Howard Hughes的故事之前,我也是这么认为的。

Howard Hughes是美国的一个亿万富翁,能得到他想得到的任何东西。
















o(∩_∩)o 希望能帮助到你!o(∩_∩)o 请及时给予好评或采纳,万分感谢! (*^__^*)

我的健康生活方式 人生最大的财富是什么?是钱财还是身体健康? 只有失去的才知道要珍惜,当你失去健康的时候,才知道它的重要;生命对于人只有一次,当你失去了生命,再多的财富对你都是毫无用途的废物。




那么我的健康生活方式呢是什么呢? 第一是科学合理饮食习惯。










第二是适度运动和生活有规律 我们都知道生命在于运动,运动不但能加速血液循环,大量运动时,人体产生并排除大量汗水,能有效地促进人体毒素的排除。








My healthy lifestyle The greatest wealth is what? Is money or health?Only lost just know to cherish, when you lose your health, just know it's important, Life for people only once, when you lost your life, you are on the wealth without use of waste. Health is the greatest wealth, you lose your health, has lost many of the wealth in, So let us go to pursue everyone can obtain health fair to have healthy most is to have a healthy lifestyle. So my healthy lifestyle? Is?The first is scientific and reasonable themselves less meat or don't eat meat, eat more vegetables. Because the protein cannot too much, especially in an office or not, people who do manual work. Most people from animal flesh saturated fat, saturated fat is the killer, it can improve the blood of low density increases blood, thick, Thick blood, cardiac burden, significantly increased the risk of heart disease, When blood vessels of being stuck in the heart, heart disease cannot be reached when blood will attack, reach the brain occurs when the stroke, Blood can reach increase blood thick nerve, accelerate ageing of the skin. Now we have already obese, primary school, have recently statistics fatty said about 30% of the people have fatty talk about cancer. Actually many cancer is not properly produce sequelae of don't eat meat, attention is tie-in, not eating pickle grains. Peacetime eat eat only seven 80% full, drink milk for breakfast. These food law from their health and immediate family cases, and the bination of the doctor carefully discuss the diet, and formulate measures of vegetariani *** ancona said second is the life and moderate exercise regularly We all know the life lies in sports, not only can accelerate blood circulation, a large number of sports, and human body to produce large sweat, can effectively promote human body toxin. A normal *** at least ice a week can effectively prevent sweat in human body toxin. However, the modern people to indulge in a fortable life, can be burning playing mahjong, Inter, play games, but to spare some time to exercise. So now, the incidence of disease, diabetes, high blood fat, high waist intervertebral disc cone, pointed, born on the incidence of such age has declined year by life is regular exercise three times a week, and major sport is playing badminton, swim, climb. No conditions can through the movement to the sauna sweating, but have cardiovascular and heart disease person sauna careful. In dry ...

Possible version:Health is far more important than wealth. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career. On the contrary, poor health leads to can we keep healthy Here is some advice. Firstly, it is very important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins, and we have to keep a balanced diet. So we should avoid food with lots of sugar and fat/which is rich in sugar and fat. Secondly, we'd better exercise every day to make our bodies strong. Besides, we have to avoid too much work pressure. Finally, we have to get rid of those bad habits that damage our health, such as drinking and *** conclusion, if we stick to the advice given above, we will lead a healthy life.

How to Stay Healthy(如何保持健康)1.健康很重要;2.如何保持健康?(可从适当的营养、充足的睡眠、经常的锻炼方向考虑。




People are beginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever before. They begin to realize that good healthis the most valuable possession a person can have. However, many people don't know how to stay healthy although great efforts have been made in this regard. In my opinion, there are three things we can do if we want to be in , we should have the right food, because proper nutrition is the most important for good health. Avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of high protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Do not overeat. Secondly, we should get proper amount of sleep, because without enough sleep, we will often feel tired and irritable. Allow ourselves at least eight hours of sleep each day. Have a nap at noon if time permits. Finally, we should exercise regularly, because'life depends on exercise'. Regular exercise strengthens our hearts andlungs. In addition, it prevents us from putting on everyone is to do so, there will be much less plaining about poor health and there will be much more happiness in our life.

I think this article is very suitable for your subject !Pls check it."Health is wealth!".This is an old saying which the majority a rule,the wealthier you are,the weaker is your health,but this cannot be applied to begin with,a person that has health can afford to challenge all example,manual workers are usually stout and their energy,they earn their such an occupation brings little reward as pared with the energy they have exerted,they enjoy lifewhatever things may is based on in good health can absorb knowledge more good health,scientists can tackle plex technical problems and achieve more we find millionaires cling close to their doctors for they seldom have enough exercises to bring forth better lack of exercises slackens the readiness of growth of the antibodies to resist the attack of argue is that health is more important than wealth for if we do not have health,what can we benefit from wealth?

How to Stay Healthy(如何保持健康)1.健康很重要;2.如何保持健康?(可从适当的营养、充足的睡眠、经常的锻炼方向考虑。




[范文] People are beginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever before. They begin to realize that good healthis the most valuable possession a person can have. However, many people don't know how to stay healthy although great efforts have been made in this regard. In my opinion, there are three things we can do if we want to be in good. First, we should have the right food, because proper nutrition is the most important for good health. Avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of high protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Do not overeat. Secondly, we should get proper amount of sleep, because without enough sleep, we will often feel tired and irritable. Allow ourselves at least eight hours of sleep each day. Have a nap at noon if time permits. Finally, we should exercise regularly, because'life depends on exercise'. Regular exercise strengthens our hearts andlungs. In addition, it prevents us from putting on weight. If everyone is to do so, there will be much less plaining about poor health and there will be much more happiness in our life.如果觉得不错的话,加点分吧,谢谢~~好辛苦

As the up-to-dateness developed at a high speed,the phenomenon of the lack of physical work and athletic sports is being more and more changes of life style and working mode are a big threat to people's of all,the metaboli *** of the people who lack of athletic sports will those people whose body always keeps still is equal to have a pack of you want to be health and happily live a good life,please add a task of doing sports into your everyday life.希望能帮上你!

转载请注明出处 » 英语作文,财富与健康,哪个更重要

which is more important ,health or wealth?this problem have brought hot people have different people think that health is more important than wealth,money can't buy a healthy people are not healthy,they can't work or study is the most important thing in the world,they some people disagree with them ,they think wealth is the most important thing .without it ,people can't do it can't buy health,but if people are ill,it can buy the medicine .wealth can also help people lead a easy life . in my opinion,the first wealth is health .Once health is lost, it is no use having a lot of far as I am concerned, I love wealth, but I value health more. Without health money becomes meaningless. no one agrees that a wealthy person without good health can be happy. So, juat do our best and keep fit.

Which is more important, health or wealth? When given this question, different people have varied answers. Some insist that health plays a more important role in our life, while others see more advantages arising from wealth.   健康和财富,哪个更重要?当这个问题被提出来的时候,不同的人有不同的答案。有些人坚持认为,在我们生活中,健康扮演者更为重要的角色,然而其他人认为健康能带给我们更多利益。   The first group of people quote the old saying "Health is above wealth" to prove their idea. They argue that, on the one hand, a strong person can do almost anything as long as he/she tries hard. On the other hand, however, rich people will not be able to enjoy the wealth if their days are numbered.   支持健康更重要的人引用了一句俗语“健康就是财富”来证明他们的观点(是正确的`)。他们认为,在某一方面来说,强壮的人,只要他们肯努力,那他们几乎能做任何事情。可是,从另一方面来说,如果有钱人活着的日子屈指可数的话,那他们将没法享受健康。   In contrast, the advocates of wealth have such arguments as follows. For one thing, wealthy people will be able to buy more healthful foods. For another, they can enjoy better facilities to improve their health. Take my neighbor, Lao Wang, as an example. He had a heart attack and is in hospital. However, he cannot afford the expensive operation, which costs as much as 100,000 yuan. Therefore, he has to lie in bed hopelessly. If he were a rich man, his life could be saved.   相反地,支持财富更为重要的人就有以下的争论。首先,有钱的人能买到更有益健康的食物。其次,他们可以享受能提高健康的设备。举个例子来说,我的邻居老王,他有严重的心脏病,并且正在住院(接受治疗)。可是,他没办法负担高达100,000的手术治疗费.因此,他只能毫无希望地躺在病床上。如果他是一个有钱人,那他就能得到治疗。   As far as I am concerned, both health and wealth are important to our life. We should try to strike a balance between them and gain wealth with a healthy body.   我认为,健康和财富对我们生活都很重要。我们应该努力试着在这两者之间做到平衡,并将财富与健康的身体相伴。


So far as the topic Health and Wealth is concerned, different people have different opinions about it. Some think that wealth means everything. To them , wealth or having a lot of money can help them to do what they want to do. With a lot of money , they can buy the beautiful house, expensive car, beautiful clothes , and so on. They even have the idea that they can buy happiness which they like.

(参考中文)说起健康和财富,不同的人会有不同的观点。有些人士认为财富就是一切。对于这些人来说,拥有财富或拥有一大笔财产可以帮助他们实现自己的梦想。有了一大笔钱,就可以购买豪华的别墅,昂贵 的名车和漂亮的衣服,等等...所有你能想到的东西。他们甚至还认为,只要有了钱,就可以购买精神上的幸福。

On the other hand, some other people don’t agree with those people mentioned above. They believe that Healthy is more important than wealth. First, you can enjoy a happier life with healthy body than those wealthy people with poor health. Second, a healthy body is the foundation for a successful career. Third, a healthy body is also necessary for accumulating wealth.


In a word, keeping health first if you want bee wealthy. It is well-known that a person can make a large fortune if he has the right opportunities during his life. But if the person suffers from a terrible illness, then no matter how much money he may earn, he will still lead a miserable life. Therefore, health is much more important than wealth.


So far as the topic Health and Wealth is concerned, different people have different opinions about it. Some think that wealth means everything. To them , wealth or having a lot of money can help them to do what they want to do. With a lot of money , they can buy the beautiful house, expensive car, beautiful clothes , and so on. They even have the idea that they can buy happiness which they like. (参考中文)说起健康和财富,不同的人会有不同的观点。





On the other hand, some other people don't agree with those people mentioned above. They believe that Healthy is more important than wealth. First, you can enjoy a happier life with healthy body than those wealthy people with poor health. Second, a healthy body is the foundation for a successful career. Third, a healthy body is also necessary for accumulating wealth. 而有些人则站在另外一边,不认同上述的观点。



In a word, keeping health first if you want bee wealthy. It is well-known that a person can make a large fortune if he has the right opportunities during his life. But if the person suffers from a terrible illness, then no matter how much money he may earn, he will still lead a miserable life. Therefore, health is much more important than wealth. 总之,要想富,先强身。




So far as the topic Health and Wealth is concerned, different people have different opinions about it. Some think that wealth means everything. To them , wealth or having a lot of money can help them to do what they want to do. With a lot of money , they can buy the beautiful house, expensive car, beautiful clothes , and so on. They even have the idea that they can buy happiness which they like. (参考中文)说起健康和财富,不同的人会有不同的观点。





On the other hand, some other people don't agree with those people mentioned above. They believe that Healthy is more important than wealth. First, you can enjoy a happier life with healthy body than those wealthy people with poor health. Second, a healthy body is the foundation for a successful career. Third, a healthy body is also necessary for accumulating wealth. 而有些人则站在另外一边,不认同上述的观点。



In a word, keeping health first if you want bee wealthy. It is well-known that a person can make a large fortune if he has the right opportunities during his life. But if the person suffers from a terrible illness, then no matter how much money he may earn, he will still lead a miserable life. Therefore, health is much more important than wealth. 总之,要想富,先强身。




There are many people who think that wealth is better than health. I used to think so until one day I read a story about Howard Hughes. He was an American billionaire who got anything he wanted. However, in the last enty years of his life, his health began to deteriorate and he was miserable. He had the best doctors and nurses. However, he could still find no relief. I realized that health is worth all the money in the world. If you have millions of dollars but your health is poor, you will not be able to do what you want to do. So I would like to say don't hurt yourself trying to make money. Instead take care of your body and be happy with what you do have. Health is more is more important, health or wealth? It is a hot topic among people. I can hardly answer this question. I didn't realize that health is more imporant until I saw a busines *** an's real successful busines *** an, one of my father's friends, devoted himseff to his business. He works from morning to night every day. There is no weekends in his mind. He often says, "I must earn much money so that I can get what I want. "Lately, he is ill. Though he has a lot of money, he can do nothing but lie in the hospital's I think health is more important than wealth. People can do nothing if they are always in poor health, let alone happiness. No matter we are rich or not, we can not ignore the importance of health.【译文】很多人都认为财富宫比健康更重要。

在读到Howard Hughes的故事之前,我也是这么认为的。

Howard Hughes是美国的一个亿万富翁,能得到他想得到的任何东西。
















o(∩_∩)o 希望能帮助到你!o(∩_∩)o 请及时给予好评或采纳,万分感谢! (*^__^*)

我的健康生活方式 人生最大的财富是什么?是钱财还是身体健康? 只有失去的才知道要珍惜,当你失去健康的时候,才知道它的重要;生命对于人只有一次,当你失去了生命,再多的财富对你都是毫无用途的废物。




那么我的健康生活方式呢是什么呢? 第一是科学合理饮食习惯。










第二是适度运动和生活有规律 我们都知道生命在于运动,运动不但能加速血液循环,大量运动时,人体产生并排除大量汗水,能有效地促进人体毒素的排除。








My healthy lifestyle The greatest wealth is what? Is money or health?Only lost just know to cherish, when you lose your health, just know it's important, Life for people only once, when you lost your life, you are on the wealth without use of waste. Health is the greatest wealth, you lose your health, has lost many of the wealth in, So let us go to pursue everyone can obtain health fair to have healthy most is to have a healthy lifestyle. So my healthy lifestyle? Is?The first is scientific and reasonable themselves less meat or don't eat meat, eat more vegetables. Because the protein cannot too much, especially in an office or not, people who do manual work. Most people from animal flesh saturated fat, saturated fat is the killer, it can improve the blood of low density increases blood, thick, Thick blood, cardiac burden, significantly increased the risk of heart disease, When blood vessels of being stuck in the heart, heart disease cannot be reached when blood will attack, reach the brain occurs when the stroke, Blood can reach increase blood thick nerve, accelerate ageing of the skin. Now we have already obese, primary school, have recently statistics fatty said about 30% of the people have fatty talk about cancer. Actually many cancer is not properly produce sequelae of don't eat meat, attention is tie-in, not eating pickle grains. Peacetime eat eat only seven 80% full, drink milk for breakfast. These food law from their health and immediate family cases, and the bination of the doctor carefully discuss the diet, and formulate measures of vegetariani *** ancona said second is the life and moderate exercise regularly We all know the life lies in sports, not only can accelerate blood circulation, a large number of sports, and human body to produce large sweat, can effectively promote human body toxin. A normal *** at least ice a week can effectively prevent sweat in human body toxin. However, the modern people to indulge in a fortable life, can be burning playing mahjong, Inter, play games, but to spare some time to exercise. So now, the incidence of disease, diabetes, high blood fat, high waist intervertebral disc cone, pointed, born on the incidence of such age has declined year by life is regular exercise three times a week, and major sport is playing badminton, swim, climb. No conditions can through the movement to the sauna sweating, but have cardiovascular and heart disease person sauna careful. In dry ...

Possible version:Health is far more important than wealth. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career. On the contrary, poor health leads to can we keep healthy Here is some advice. Firstly, it is very important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins, and we have to keep a balanced diet. So we should avoid food with lots of sugar and fat/which is rich in sugar and fat. Secondly, we'd better exercise every day to make our bodies strong. Besides, we have to avoid too much work pressure. Finally, we have to get rid of those bad habits that damage our health, such as drinking and *** conclusion, if we stick to the advice given above, we will lead a healthy life.

How to Stay Healthy(如何保持健康)1.健康很重要;2.如何保持健康?(可从适当的营养、充足的睡眠、经常的锻炼方向考虑。




People are beginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever before. They begin to realize that good healthis the most valuable possession a person can have. However, many people don't know how to stay healthy although great efforts have been made in this regard. In my opinion, there are three things we can do if we want to be in , we should have the right food, because proper nutrition is the most important for good health. Avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of high protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Do not overeat. Secondly, we should get proper amount of sleep, because without enough sleep, we will often feel tired and irritable. Allow ourselves at least eight hours of sleep each day. Have a nap at noon if time permits. Finally, we should exercise regularly, because'life depends on exercise'. Regular exercise strengthens our hearts andlungs. In addition, it prevents us from putting on everyone is to do so, there will be much less plaining about poor health and there will be much more happiness in our life.

I think this article is very suitable for your subject !Pls check it."Health is wealth!".This is an old saying which the majority a rule,the wealthier you are,the weaker is your health,but this cannot be applied to begin with,a person that has health can afford to challenge all example,manual workers are usually stout and their energy,they earn their such an occupation brings little reward as pared with the energy they have exerted,they enjoy lifewhatever things may is based on in good health can absorb knowledge more good health,scientists can tackle plex technical problems and achieve more we find millionaires cling close to their doctors for they seldom have enough exercises to bring forth better lack of exercises slackens the readiness of growth of the antibodies to resist the attack of argue is that health is more important than wealth for if we do not have health,what can we benefit from wealth?

How to Stay Healthy(如何保持健康)1.健康很重要;2.如何保持健康?(可从适当的营养、充足的睡眠、经常的锻炼方向考虑。




[范文] People are beginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever before. They begin to realize that good healthis the most valuable possession a person can have. However, many people don't know how to stay healthy although great efforts have been made in this regard. In my opinion, there are three things we can do if we want to be in good. First, we should have the right food, because proper nutrition is the most important for good health. Avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of high protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Do not overeat. Secondly, we should get proper amount of sleep, because without enough sleep, we will often feel tired and irritable. Allow ourselves at least eight hours of sleep each day. Have a nap at noon if time permits. Finally, we should exercise regularly, because'life depends on exercise'. Regular exercise strengthens our hearts andlungs. In addition, it prevents us from putting on weight. If everyone is to do so, there will be much less plaining about poor health and there will be much more happiness in our life.如果觉得不错的话,加点分吧,谢谢~~好辛苦

As the up-to-dateness developed at a high speed,the phenomenon of the lack of physical work and athletic sports is being more and more changes of life style and working mode are a big threat to people's of all,the metaboli *** of the people who lack of athletic sports will those people whose body always keeps still is equal to have a pack of you want to be health and happily live a good life,please add a task of doing sports into your everyday life.希望能帮上你!

转载请注明出处 » 英语作文,财富与健康,哪个更重要

So far as the topic Health and Wealth is concerned, different people have different opinions about it. Some think that wealth means everything. To them , wealth or having a lot of money can help them to do what they want to do. With a lot of money , they can buy the beautiful house, expensive car, beautiful clothes , and so on. They even have the idea that they can buy happiness which they like.

(参考中文)说起健康和财富,不同的人会有不同的观点。有些人士认为财富就是一切。对于这些人来说,拥有财富或拥有一大笔财产可以帮助他们实现自己的梦想。有了一大笔钱,就可以购买豪华的别墅,昂贵 的名车和漂亮的衣服,等等...所有你能想到的东西。他们甚至还认为,只要有了钱,就可以购买精神上的幸福。

On the other hand, some other people don’t agree with those people mentioned above. They believe that Healthy is more important than wealth. First, you can enjoy a happier life with healthy body than those wealthy people with poor health. Second, a healthy body is the foundation for a successful career. Third, a healthy body is also necessary for accumulating wealth.


In a word, keeping health first if you want bee wealthy. It is well-known that a person can make a large fortune if he has the right opportunities during his life. But if the person suffers from a terrible illness, then no matter how much money he may earn, he will still lead a miserable life. Therefore, health is much more important than wealth.


Which is more important, wealth or health? Different people have different opinions.

Some people prefer wealth, holding that money can not bring everything, but without it, one can do nothing. In order to get more money they can do anything. However, other people regard health as more important. Once health is lost, it is no use having a lot of money.

As far as I am concerned, I love wealth, but I value health more. Everybody wants to live a happy life. So they try their best to earn money which they can ensure they lead a fortable life, but if happiness and fort are achieved at the cost of their health, how can they be happy Without health money bees meaningless.

In my opinion, no one agrees that a wealthy person without good health can be happy. So, just do our best and keep fit.

No one can deny the fact that healthy man live happily. Money or wealth cannot give a person all the happiness of life as health can. A person may have wealth, cars, servants at his service and a big house to life in cannot enjoy all these blessings without a good health. Where as a person with *** all ine, with no servant for work and *** all house to live in but a healthy body enjoy a fuller life in the world.

For good health and for looking younger and living longer one must follow few good principles of life. To remain healthy we should eat balance diet. Take little exercise everyday.

Let not worries crowd our mind and shake our nervous system. We should not allow ill thoughts bring agony to our mind. We should live in clear and neat surrounding. We must bee early risers and never go to bed very late.

Good health is a precious thing and every step must be taken to guard it. Early to bed early to rise makes all men healthy, wealthy and wise.




When you are faced the choice beeen health and wealth, which one would you choose? As far as i am concerned, i would choose the health, because life is the most the life is threatened,how could we get wealth?Therefore, if we want to be a rich person , we are supposed to be a healthy one at one have been rich,he would not enjoy the wealth without would be more meaningful for you to get rich with your healthy body.


Wealth and Health





From the ancient times on, health and wealth were always o eternal themes that people most focused on. Different people have different opinions.

Some people prefer wealth,holding that money can not bring everything,but without it,one can do order to get more money they can do people regard health as more health is lost,it is no use having a lot of money.

As far as I am concerned,I love wealth,but I value health wants to live a happy they try their best to earn money which they can ensure they lead a fortable life,but if happiness and fort are achieved at the cost of their health,how can they be happy? Without health ,money bees meaningless.

In my opinion,no one agrees that a wealthy person without good health can be do our best and keep fit.

转载请注明出处作文大全网 » 英语作文健康与财富 英语作文财富与健康哪个更重要

A healthy body

Have a healthy body it is very important for to have a healthy body?It is necessaryto keep a balanced diet if you want to have a healthy 'd better eat enough vegatableswhich contain rich vitamin, proper meat is needed,too. Avoid fried or toasted is importantto do regular exercises, such as running or playing badminton. Keeping high mood is good formentally health. We should renew our spirits and release our stress, so that we can have a goodattitude towards life. To enjoy our beautiful life, we must be bound to keep healthy.

拥有一-个健康的身体对我们来说很重要。如何才能有一-个健康的身体呢?如果想有-个好的身体,均衡的饮食很重要。你最好吃足够的蔬菜,因为它包含丰富的维生素。适量的肉类也是需要的。避免油炸和烤制食品。有规律地做- -些运动也很重要,比如说跑步或者打打羽毛球。保持好的情绪对心理健康很重要。我们应该有新的思想,而且要释放压力,这样我们才能对生活有一个好的态度。为了享受美好生活,我们必须保持健康。

Which is more important, wealth or health? Different people have different opinions.

Some people prefer wealth, holding that money can not bring everything, but without it,one can do nothing. In order to accumulate more money they can do anything. However, otherpeople regard health as more important. Once health is lost, it is no use having a lot of money.

As far as | am concerned, | love wealth, but | value health more. Everybody wants to live ahappy life. So they try their best to earn money which can ensure they lead a comfortable life, butif happiness and comfort are achieved at the cost of their health, how can they be happy? Withouthealth money becomes meaningless.

In my opinion, no one agrees that a wealthy person without good health can be happy. So,just do our best to keep healthy.


有些人喜欢财富,认为金钱不能带来- -切, 但没有财富,人们什么也做不了。为了积累更多的钱,他们可以做任何事情。然而,其他人认为健康更重要。- -旦失去健康,拥有很多钱是没有用的。就我而言,我热爱财富,但我更重视健康。每个人都想过.上幸福的生活。因此,他们尽最大努力赚钱,以确保他们过上舒适的生活,但如果以健康为代价来获得幸福和舒适,他们怎么能快乐呢?没有健康,金钱就失去意义。



健康胜于财富的英语是:Health is better than wealt.



Health is better than wealth.


There is no doubt that health is better than wealth.


It goes without saying that health is above wealth.


Good health is above wealth.


A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold.


A sound mind in a sound body.


Fine grain collocation, less meat and more nutrients.


Sour jujube with sugar, sleeping helps a lot.


Crude grains and miscellaneous grains are nutritious and can save both health and money.


Eating porridge is better than eating thousands of meals.

Health is more important than wealth健康比财富更重要

Health is above wealth.

是:Health is more important than money.


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/28303.html发布于 2024-09-19
