我的一个朋友就这么不幸死去。她有一次在家无聊地用自己家电话拨通自己家电话,很多次后终于拨通了,她听到一个空洞洞的声音,好象一个回音谷并且还有水滴的声音。第二天她失踪了,三天后警察在一个回音谷的潭水边找到了我朋友的尸体。(3)有一次晚上我十二点和朋友吃完饭一起回家,经过一个有坟墓的地方,朋友很害怕。结果第二天早上他精神时常,常常说这么几句话:坟墓有人爬出来。他们在笑。他们在流血。(4)我家有一个晚上停电,结果找来找去就只有白色蜡烛了,点在床头后照照镜子睡觉,可是那天觉得胸闷,喘不上气,翻来覆去好象被什么东西压着,照找镜子后发现我正背着我奶奶的包!我明明没背上去的!整个湖都变成红色的了(那是血),从湖里伸出一只手,抓住了女孩的脚,硬把她拉进湖中,随后,人们在离那一片森林100公里远的地方找到了女孩的尸体还有衣服,只是她的头不见了,人们打开她的背包,吓坏了,包里就是她的头,她的表情十分痛苦,发现她的那些人把她的尸体丢弃在了那一片森林,然后就离开了,从此,那一片森林就再也没人敢去......如果你看了此一帖一,请立即回贴,并点击“菩萨保佑”,然后将此贴在别吧转发3份,如果不发的话,那只手会在你洗澡时伸出来,你会和那个女孩是同样下场!要相信,一切是真的。(不要怪偶,偶是迫于无奈,不小心看了别人的一帖一子!!) 菩萨保佑 一定要赞同,不然你也会死的很惨
英语新辅教导学答案 P3—P5 单词拼写 listening flashcards studied aloud voice 单项选择 BACABAADCA 完形填空 ACACDBBCCDCABDC 阅读理解 BCDAC 挑战自我 Ways: learn English by working with friends 2. I learn English by making flashcards 3. I learn English by reading the textbook 4. I learn English by making vacabulary lists 5. I learn English by listening to the tapes Comments: improves my speaking skills makes me memorize many words helps me read English every day 4. I learnt a lot that way 5. It improves my listening skills P7—P9 单词拼写:using suggestions memorizing frustrating ended 单项选择;BABABACCCC 完形填空:BCBAADCDBAACCCB 阅读理解:DABDC P11-P12 单项选择:CBDCBBBBCD 搭配:GEACBDF 阅读理解:BCBCD 挑战自我: Why not listen to the tapes every day? Why don’t you make flashcards? What about asking teacher for help? You’d better go over the exercise and You should read aloud to practice prounciation. P14-P16 单词拼写:secrets amazing swimming impressed using 单项选择:CCABDDBBCB 完型填空:BACAACDBCA 阅读理解:DBDCD 挑战自我:略 懒得写 P18--P20 英汉互译: flashcards sb for help doing sth up new words in the dictionary mistakes a trouble doing sth doesn't matter at sb notes off a friendship 11.小组合作 12.有具体的建议 13.举例子 14.害怕做某事 15.生某人的气 16.学习做某事 17.某方面对某人严格要求 18.面对挑战 19.在某人的帮助下 20.做某事是某人的职责 单词拼写: ever diary realized complete ask aloud speaking improve ended prounciation 单项选择: DBBBDBBDBB 完形填空:BDCCCCDBDBBDACC 挑战自我:BCDDD P24—P25 单词补全:hort utgoing riendly nterested faid 完成句子填空: to playing didn’t reading change ’t use to 完成反意疑问句: 1. could he there he we ’t she 单项选择: AABBA 完形填空:CDBCBDDBDC 挑战自我: used to be active in class used to play basketball on the playground father didn’t use to smoke didn’t use to live in the country 打得累死,5555 P27—P28 单项选择:CCBBD 单词填空: in front of a group on alone terrified of use to 完形填空:ACDBCBADCD 阅读理解:CDDDB 挑战自我:short tall outgoing and friendly reading magazine doing sports high place P30-31 单词填空:drawing gym chew walk insects comics daily chat candy exams 单项选择:DBBAB 判断正误:TFFFF 阅读理解:DAC 挑战自我:略 P34—P35 单词填空:biggest hardly reading favorite concert 单项选择:ACBDABBBAB 完形填空:BCADBCBADA 任务型阅读: week idea to over learn 挑战自我:略 P38—P39 英汉互译: the piano on the swimming team the time the light on last few years(或者the past few years,嘿嘿) ever one’s surprise attention to ’s adj. for sb to do sth one’s mind 11.对„感到恐惧 12.单独 13.等一下 14.直接回家 15.陷入困境 16.放弃做某事 17.感到自信 18.与某人聊天 19.过去常做某些事 20.人确实在变 单词拼写: straight mind caused wasting decided attention pride patient necessary Unfortunnately 完形填空:BCDAABDBCBBCACB 阅读理解:ACBD 挑战自我:略(要看作文答案,等来学校了或辅导了再说) P42—P44 单词拼写:allowed pierced earring license silly instead choose disagreed serious part-time 单项选择:AABDA 完形填空:ACAABBDCAD 阅读理解:CDACD 挑战自我: ’t eat in class ’t be late ’t fight after class ’t copy other’s homework ’t run in the hallway P46—47 完成句子: 1. don’t agree can he allowed to up 单项选择:ACADC 阅读理解:ADCB 判断正误:FFTF 挑战自我:去抄“判断正误”也是关于家规的,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻 P48—P50 中译英: up up early up at home example a friend’s home to a movie with friends a test early to class late part in test the test the test srtict with sb. 单项选择:DDBAB 完形填空:AADBABADBC 阅读理解:DAC 挑战自我: ’t talk loudly in the library ’t destroy the book ’t take the book away the book on time ’t do homework in the library P52—P54 单词拼写:concentrate designer opportunity experienced sleepy 单项选择:BBAAA 单词填空: other day up clean from present of about 8. concentrate on with strict with 阅读理解:CBBD 挑战自我:略 P56—P58 英汉互译: sb to do sth. with sb. ear pierced weekends Friday nights the test 8. concentrate on„ sb. happy a local hospital about serious about in the way importance of studying hard Friday after-noons off 16一周一次 17.看上去是和某人 18.目前 19.敬老院 20.在某方面对某人严格 单项选择:ABDDC 阅读理解:BCDAD 任务型阅读: After Both student parent finish reading C 挑战自我,无
【人教版】 英语配套练习册(上册)答案 【Statement】 Unit1---Unit5(Not including essay)【Unit 1】Section A一、 二、 finish 三、 flashcards making vocabulary lists conversations with his friends the teacher for help with a group四、 does; learn not years 't;ask ;had;yet五、 9. at B一、 二、 use 三、 of all on at lots ofgrammar notes 't pronounce sung ;boring四、't;either study ;on ;to 五、 and Reading一、1~5 CDCBD 6~10 BADCC二、 come 10.(to) carry三、 to buy right often of was四、 about their pets as our best to the help of up up五、1~5 ABCCD 6~10 ACBDC六、1~5 BCADD Ⅶ.(One possible version) As a student, you may know the importance of believe that learning English is just like learning to play the piano; bypracticing every day. We must use English every day. I not only answer theteacher’s questions in English, but also speak English as much as I can afterclass. I often practice conversations with my friends. I think that doing lotsof listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good languagelearner. I’ve learned a lot by working with a group. Watching English-languageTV programs can help a lot. The most important rule for learning English is “Don’t be afraid ofmaking mistakes, because everyone makes mistakes”.【Unit 2】Section A一、 二、 三、 you use to play the piano? didn't use tolike English used to have long hair, didn’t’ you? 4. What did his fatheruse to look like?四、What did; use to do 't she did; use;wear interested in himself五、 B一、 二、 changed 三、 day with to changed; pastfew years basketball; on ;afraid/terrified of; in front of四、 of ;use able to ;open 't use; like Self Check and Reading一、1~5 ACABB6~9 CBBD二、 三、 四、 eight-year-old some trouble more;try to gum attention to; pronunciation to pay for五、 to the end at more tobe on六、1~5 DEBFC七、1~5 BCAAC 6~10 BACCA 11~15 CABBB八、1~5 FFTFFⅨ. (One possible version) Lily is my good friend. She has changed a lot in the past few years. Sheused to like table tennis, watch TV and chat, but now she likes plying thepiano, reading books and walking. She used to be outgoing and she made manyfriends, but now she is shy and quiet. She used to be short and have shorthair, but now she is tall and has long hair.
I. 1-4 ABCB 5-7 AACII. 1. wealth 2. beef 3. tomatoes 4. chooses 5. lessIII. 1. (to) keep 2. less 3. eating 4. sleeps 5. kindsIV. 1-5 CABBAV. 1-5 CACAB 6-10 CACCBVI. It’s important for us to have a healthyeating habit. We need noodles, rice,milk, bread and eggs every day to give usenergy. Vegetables and fruit arenecessary, too. Doctors say that we should eatvegetables eight to eleven timesa week and we should eat fruit seven to ninetimes a week. Fish and meat have alot of fat. We’d better eat them three orfour times a week. We should eat lessjunk food like French fries andhamburgers. They are bad for our health. Ahealthy eating habit can help uswork better.
1 costume 2 exhausted 3 convincing 4 relizaed 5 panic 6 lock 7 showed 8ending 9 二 1 had getten 2 not to buy 3 Singapore 4 Germany 5 inventions 6 fool
人教版新目标九年级英语Unit1 How do you study for a test?--重点、难点、考点及疑点注释Unit 1 How do you study for a test?重点、难点、考点及疑点注释1. by asking the teacher for help(P2)通过向老师寻求帮助(1)“ask+sb+for+名词”意为“向某人请求……”;“向某人要求……”。They asked me for help.他们向我求助。We asked our PE teacher for a football.我们请求体育老师给我们一个足球。(2)by作介词时,后接动词-ing形式,这是中考的重点,大家可不要忘记啊!◎“通过……的方式”。Mr Green makes a living by teaching.格林先生以教书为生。◎“经过(某人/某物)”。He went by the supermarket on his way to school.在去上学的路上,他经过那家超市。◎“在……旁边,在……附近”。Li Lei sits by my side in the classroom.在教室里,李雷坐在我的旁边。◎“在……之前,不迟于……”。I can finish doing my homework by six o’clock. 我能在6点之前做完作业。◎表示交通方式,意为“乘……”。I usually go to school by bike. 我通常骑自行车去上学。特别提示by作副词时,相当于near,意为“靠近”。The thief stole the money when no one was by.当旁边无人的时候,小偷偷走了钱。短语链语◎by and by “不久”,“一会儿”。It’s 12 o’clock now and we will go home by and by.现在12点了,过一会儿我们就要回家了。◎by the way “顺便说一下”。By the way, I forgot to tell you the news. 哦,对了,我忘记告诉你那个消息了。2. He’s been learning English for six years and really loves it. (P4)他已经学了六年的英语,而且的确很喜欢它。He’s是He has的缩写。这是一个现在完成进行时态的句子,由“助动词have/has+been+现在分词”构成,用来表示动作从过去某一时间开始,一直延续到现在,可能还要延续下去。请看:Mr Green has been lying in bed for two weeks. 格林先生已经卧床两个星期了。We have been teaching in this school for eight and a half years.我们在这所学校教书已经8年半了。3. She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all. (P4)她补充说,和朋友交谈一点帮助都没有。(1)add的常见意思为“增加,添上,加上”。在本句中表示在说完上面的话语后又添加一些话语,是“又说,补充说”的意思。It will add to your troubles. 这将会给你们增添麻烦的。Mr Smith added that he would be back soon. 史密斯先生补充说他很快就会回来。(2)at all与not, no, nothing, nobody, nowhere等表示否定意义的词连用,用来加强否定意义,表示“完全不,一点儿都不,丝毫不”的意思。He doesn’t like swimming at all.他一点儿都不喜欢游泳。There is nothing in the room at all.房间里面什么东西都没有。◎not at all单独使用时,用来回答对方的感谢或道歉,相当于That’ s all right, You’re welcome等。但是,You’re welcome主要用于美国英语中,而英国人则多用Not at all。—Thank you very much for your help.非常感谢你的帮助!—Not at all./That’ s all right./You’re welcome.别客气。4. We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese. (P4) 有些话题让我们兴奋不已 ,最后干脆说起汉语来。(1)be/get excited about意思是“对……感到兴奋”,其中about后可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。She got excited about it as soon as she heard the good news.她一听到那个好消息,就变得很兴奋。Are you excited about going to Shanghai? 你对去上海感到兴奋吗?类似短语be/get worried about “对……感到担心”,be amazed at“对……感到惊讶”,be pleased with“对……感到满意”。(2)excited表示某人对某物或某事“感到兴奋,激动”,主语常为人。We were excited when we saw our team was winning.看到自己的球队要赢了,我们都十分激动。特别提示exciting作“令人激动的”,“令人兴奋的”解时,常用来修饰物或事。The football match we watched was very exciting.我们观看的那场足球赛非常激动人心。(3)end up意为“达到某状态或采取某行动,以……结束或告终”,后面接动词-ing形式。He ended up running a firm. 他最终经营了一家公司。类似短语finish up“完成”, eat up“吃光”, burn up“烧光”。5. Maybe you should join an English language club. (P5)也许你应该参加某个英语俱乐部。(1)maybe和may be虽然写法相似,意思也相似,但是用法区别很大。maybe是副词,意为“也许,可能”,用作状语;may be意为“也许是,可能是”,may是情态动词,与be一起作谓语。Maybe you put it there. 也许你把它放在那里了。But I’m afraid I may be a little late. 但恐怕我可能是晚了一点。(2)join意为“参加,加入”,主要指参加、加入某党派、团体,成为一员,后面也可跟us, them, the young people等表示一群人的词或词组;而 take part in也意为“参加,加入”,指参加群众性的活动、会议、考试、竞赛等。My brother joined the League two years ago. 我的哥哥两年前就入团了。We are getting ready to take part in the speech contest.我们正准备参加这次演讲比赛。6. First of all, it wasn’t easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class. (P6)刚开始,当老师和全班学生说话的时候,她的话对我来说很难听懂。(1)短语first of all意为“首先,第一”,在句中作状语,强调首要的事情是什么,不一定用于列举,常用于first of all..., then..., at last...,使说明的层次更清楚。First of all, I must finish my work. 首先,我必须完成我的工作。First of all, I want to say that thank you for coming. 首先,我想说的是感谢你们的到来。7. To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldn’t understand every word. (P6)刚开始,她讲得太快,我不能每个词都听懂。本句中的to begin with意为“首先,第一点(理由)”。We can’t go. To begin with, it’s too cold. Besides, we’ve no money. 我们不能去。首先是天气太冷了;再者,我们没有钱了。◎begin with意为“以……开始”,其后接动词时应用动词-ing形式。The book begins with a story. 这本书是以一个故事开头。The party began with dancing. 晚会是以舞蹈开头的。8. Later on, I realized that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word. (P6)后来,我意识到即使不理解每个单词也没有关系。later on是由later与on构成的固定词组,但在意思和用法上与later既有相同之处,也有区别的地方。特别提示later与later on的用法◎later作副词用,意为“后来”,“以后”,往往以以前或现在的时间或事情为基准,因此,常用于一般过去时或一般将来时。Later he learned how to repair television sets.后来他学会了修电视机。The radio says the sun will come out later.广播说太阳过些时候就会出来。◎later常和一个表示时间的名词连用,构成“时间段+later”结构。He came back a week later.一星期后他回来了。魔力纠错两天后我再来拜访。误:I shall call again two days later.正:I shall call again in two days.魔力解析“时间段+later”不可用于从现在算起的若干时间以后。说“从(现在起)……之后”,应该用“in+时间段”。◎later on作副词短语使用,也是“后来”,“以后”的意思,有时可与later互换。That happened later on/later.后来那件事发生了。◎later on只可单独使用,不能用于“时间段+later on”结构。9. It helped a lot. (P6)它很有帮助。在本句中a lot用作副词,表示“非常,相当”,等于very much。Thanks a lot. = Thanks very much.多谢。He is feeling a lot better today.他今天感觉好多了。◎a lot还可作“经常,常常”解,相当于often。They use the recorder a lot in English class.在英语课上,他们常用录音机。◎a lot of=lots of,修饰可数名词或不可数名词,意为“许多”,相当于many或much。There is a lot of(=lots of) homework to do.有许多作业要做。魔力纠错她在穿上没有花很多钱。误:She doesn’t spend a lot of money on dresses.正:She doesn’t spend much money on . I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. (P6) 我认为做大量的听力练习是成为一个好的语言学习者的秘诀之一。(1)该句是由that引导的宾语从句,当主句用一般现在时态时,从句可以用任意时态;当主句用过去时态时,从句则要用相应的过去时。I hear that Mr Brown has been to Shanghai. 我听说布朗先生去过上海。He said these answers were right. 他说这些答案是正确的。(2)one of意为“(……中的)一个”,其后接名词的复数形式,如有形容词修饰名词时,形容词要用最高级。Mr Wang is one of the most popular teachers in our school.王老师是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。11. How do we deal with our problems? (P8)我们怎样处理我们的问题?本句中的deal with意为“处理,解决”,相当于do with,其主语通常是人或物。I have many problems to deal with. 我有许多问题要解决。◎ deal with作“与……打交道”,“与……做买卖”解时,主语通常是人、公司、商店等。My elder brother will deal with you later on. 我哥哥以后会来收拾你的。特别提示deal in有时也可以表示“与……做买卖”,但后面跟具体的商品。This shop deals in computers. 这家商店做电脑买卖。12. Most of us have probably been angry with our friends, parents or teachers. (P8)我们中的大部分人可能都生过我们的朋友、父母或老师的气。本句中的be angry with意为“对某人生气”,后面常跟人作宾语;当表示生气的原因时,可以加上for doing sth。He was angry with me for not having done anything. 我什么也没有做,他为此很生气。特别提示be angry at表示“因某事生气”,后面接表示言行的名词、代词或v-ing形式或从句作宾语。He was rather angry at missing the bus.他因没有赶上公共汽车而相当生气。He was angry at what I said. 他对我所说的感到生气。13. Time goes by, and good friendships may be lost. (P8)时间流逝,良好的友谊可能也就随之逝去了。(1)go by是不及物动词短语,意为“走过”,“(时间)消逝,流逝”。Two weeks went by. 两周过去了。(2)lost是lose的过去分词。lose意为“丢失,失去”时,语气较强,一般指失去不易找回。The man lost a leg in the war. 那个人在战争中失去了一条腿。知识拓展miss意为“丢失,失去”时,指东西或人丢失了,但有找到的希望。She missed her child in the street. 她在街上把孩子丢了。◎miss可以表示“想念”的意思,而lose则不能。We shall all miss you when you are away. 你不在时我们都会想念你的。特别提示作定语或表语时,lose用过去分词形式,miss用现在分词形式。Who has found my lost pen? 谁找到了我丢失的钢笔?They set out to look for the missing girl at once. 他们立即出发去寻找丢失的女孩。
【人教版】 英语配套练习册(上册)答案 【Statement】 Unit1---Unit5(Not including essay)【Unit 1】Section A一、 二、 finish 三、 flashcards making vocabulary lists conversations with his friends the teacher for help with a group四、 does; learn not years 't;ask ;had;yet五、 9. at B一、 二、 use 三、 of all on at lots ofgrammar notes 't pronounce sung ;boring四、't;either study ;on ;to 五、 and Reading一、1~5 CDCBD 6~10 BADCC二、 come 10.(to) carry三、 to buy right often of was四、 about their pets as our best to the help of up up五、1~5 ABCCD 6~10 ACBDC六、1~5 BCADD Ⅶ.(One possible version) As a student, you may know the importance of believe that learning English is just like learning to play the piano; bypracticing every day. We must use English every day. I not only answer theteacher’s questions in English, but also speak English as much as I can afterclass. I often practice conversations with my friends. I think that doing lotsof listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good languagelearner. I’ve learned a lot by working with a group. Watching English-languageTV programs can help a lot. The most important rule for learning English is “Don’t be afraid ofmaking mistakes, because everyone makes mistakes”.【Unit 2】Section A一、 二、 三、 you use to play the piano? didn't use tolike English used to have long hair, didn’t’ you? 4. What did his fatheruse to look like?四、What did; use to do 't she did; use;wear interested in himself五、 B一、 二、 changed 三、 day with to changed; pastfew years basketball; on ;afraid/terrified of; in front of四、 of ;use able to ;open 't use; like Self Check and Reading一、1~5 ACABB6~9 CBBD二、 三、 四、 eight-year-old some trouble more;try to gum attention to; pronunciation to pay for五、 to the end at more tobe on六、1~5 DEBFC七、1~5 BCAAC 6~10 BACCA 11~15 CABBB八、1~5 FFTFFⅨ. (One possible version) Lily is my good friend. She has changed a lot in the past few years. Sheused to like table tennis, watch TV and chat, but now she likes plying thepiano, reading books and walking. She used to be outgoing and she made manyfriends, but now she is shy and quiet. She used to be short and have shorthair, but now she is tall and has long hair.
我的一个朋友就这么不幸死去。她有一次在家无聊地用自己家电话拨通自己家电话,很多次后终于拨通了,她听到一个空洞洞的声音,好象一个回音谷并且还有水滴的声音。第二天她失踪了,三天后警察在一个回音谷的潭水边找到了我朋友的尸体。(3)有一次晚上我十二点和朋友吃完饭一起回家,经过一个有坟墓的地方,朋友很害怕。结果第二天早上他精神时常,常常说这么几句话:坟墓有人爬出来。他们在笑。他们在流血。(4)我家有一个晚上停电,结果找来找去就只有白色蜡烛了,点在床头后照照镜子睡觉,可是那天觉得胸闷,喘不上气,翻来覆去好象被什么东西压着,照找镜子后发现我正背着我奶奶的包!我明明没背上去的!整个湖都变成红色的了(那是血),从湖里伸出一只手,抓住了女孩的脚,硬把她拉进湖中,随后,人们在离那一片森林100公里远的地方找到了女孩的尸体还有衣服,只是她的头不见了,人们打开她的背包,吓坏了,包里就是她的头,她的表情十分痛苦,发现她的那些人把她的尸体丢弃在了那一片森林,然后就离开了,从此,那一片森林就再也没人敢去......如果你看了此一帖一,请立即回贴,并点击“菩萨保佑”,然后将此贴在别吧转发3份,如果不发的话,那只手会在你洗澡时伸出来,你会和那个女孩是同样下场!要相信,一切是真的。(不要怪偶,偶是迫于无奈,不小心看了别人的一帖一子!!) 菩萨保佑 一定要赞同,不然你也会死的很惨
人教版新目标九年级英语Unit1 How do you study for a test?--重点、难点、考点及疑点注释Unit 1 How do you study for a test?重点、难点、考点及疑点注释1. by asking the teacher for help(P2)通过向老师寻求帮助(1)“ask+sb+for+名词”意为“向某人请求……”;“向某人要求……”。They asked me for help.他们向我求助。We asked our PE teacher for a football.我们请求体育老师给我们一个足球。(2)by作介词时,后接动词-ing形式,这是中考的重点,大家可不要忘记啊!◎“通过……的方式”。Mr Green makes a living by teaching.格林先生以教书为生。◎“经过(某人/某物)”。He went by the supermarket on his way to school.在去上学的路上,他经过那家超市。◎“在……旁边,在……附近”。Li Lei sits by my side in the classroom.在教室里,李雷坐在我的旁边。◎“在……之前,不迟于……”。I can finish doing my homework by six o’clock. 我能在6点之前做完作业。◎表示交通方式,意为“乘……”。I usually go to school by bike. 我通常骑自行车去上学。特别提示by作副词时,相当于near,意为“靠近”。The thief stole the money when no one was by.当旁边无人的时候,小偷偷走了钱。短语链语◎by and by “不久”,“一会儿”。It’s 12 o’clock now and we will go home by and by.现在12点了,过一会儿我们就要回家了。◎by the way “顺便说一下”。By the way, I forgot to tell you the news. 哦,对了,我忘记告诉你那个消息了。2. He’s been learning English for six years and really loves it. (P4)他已经学了六年的英语,而且的确很喜欢它。He’s是He has的缩写。这是一个现在完成进行时态的句子,由“助动词have/has+been+现在分词”构成,用来表示动作从过去某一时间开始,一直延续到现在,可能还要延续下去。请看:Mr Green has been lying in bed for two weeks. 格林先生已经卧床两个星期了。We have been teaching in this school for eight and a half years.我们在这所学校教书已经8年半了。3. She added that having conversations with friends was not helpful at all. (P4)她补充说,和朋友交谈一点帮助都没有。(1)add的常见意思为“增加,添上,加上”。在本句中表示在说完上面的话语后又添加一些话语,是“又说,补充说”的意思。It will add to your troubles. 这将会给你们增添麻烦的。Mr Smith added that he would be back soon. 史密斯先生补充说他很快就会回来。(2)at all与not, no, nothing, nobody, nowhere等表示否定意义的词连用,用来加强否定意义,表示“完全不,一点儿都不,丝毫不”的意思。He doesn’t like swimming at all.他一点儿都不喜欢游泳。There is nothing in the room at all.房间里面什么东西都没有。◎not at all单独使用时,用来回答对方的感谢或道歉,相当于That’ s all right, You’re welcome等。但是,You’re welcome主要用于美国英语中,而英国人则多用Not at all。—Thank you very much for your help.非常感谢你的帮助!—Not at all./That’ s all right./You’re welcome.别客气。4. We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese. (P4) 有些话题让我们兴奋不已 ,最后干脆说起汉语来。(1)be/get excited about意思是“对……感到兴奋”,其中about后可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。She got excited about it as soon as she heard the good news.她一听到那个好消息,就变得很兴奋。Are you excited about going to Shanghai? 你对去上海感到兴奋吗?类似短语be/get worried about “对……感到担心”,be amazed at“对……感到惊讶”,be pleased with“对……感到满意”。(2)excited表示某人对某物或某事“感到兴奋,激动”,主语常为人。We were excited when we saw our team was winning.看到自己的球队要赢了,我们都十分激动。特别提示exciting作“令人激动的”,“令人兴奋的”解时,常用来修饰物或事。The football match we watched was very exciting.我们观看的那场足球赛非常激动人心。(3)end up意为“达到某状态或采取某行动,以……结束或告终”,后面接动词-ing形式。He ended up running a firm. 他最终经营了一家公司。类似短语finish up“完成”, eat up“吃光”, burn up“烧光”。5. Maybe you should join an English language club. (P5)也许你应该参加某个英语俱乐部。(1)maybe和may be虽然写法相似,意思也相似,但是用法区别很大。maybe是副词,意为“也许,可能”,用作状语;may be意为“也许是,可能是”,may是情态动词,与be一起作谓语。Maybe you put it there. 也许你把它放在那里了。But I’m afraid I may be a little late. 但恐怕我可能是晚了一点。(2)join意为“参加,加入”,主要指参加、加入某党派、团体,成为一员,后面也可跟us, them, the young people等表示一群人的词或词组;而 take part in也意为“参加,加入”,指参加群众性的活动、会议、考试、竞赛等。My brother joined the League two years ago. 我的哥哥两年前就入团了。We are getting ready to take part in the speech contest.我们正准备参加这次演讲比赛。6. First of all, it wasn’t easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class. (P6)刚开始,当老师和全班学生说话的时候,她的话对我来说很难听懂。(1)短语first of all意为“首先,第一”,在句中作状语,强调首要的事情是什么,不一定用于列举,常用于first of all..., then..., at last...,使说明的层次更清楚。First of all, I must finish my work. 首先,我必须完成我的工作。First of all, I want to say that thank you for coming. 首先,我想说的是感谢你们的到来。7. To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldn’t understand every word. (P6)刚开始,她讲得太快,我不能每个词都听懂。本句中的to begin with意为“首先,第一点(理由)”。We can’t go. To begin with, it’s too cold. Besides, we’ve no money. 我们不能去。首先是天气太冷了;再者,我们没有钱了。◎begin with意为“以……开始”,其后接动词时应用动词-ing形式。The book begins with a story. 这本书是以一个故事开头。The party began with dancing. 晚会是以舞蹈开头的。8. Later on, I realized that it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand every word. (P6)后来,我意识到即使不理解每个单词也没有关系。later on是由later与on构成的固定词组,但在意思和用法上与later既有相同之处,也有区别的地方。特别提示later与later on的用法◎later作副词用,意为“后来”,“以后”,往往以以前或现在的时间或事情为基准,因此,常用于一般过去时或一般将来时。Later he learned how to repair television sets.后来他学会了修电视机。The radio says the sun will come out later.广播说太阳过些时候就会出来。◎later常和一个表示时间的名词连用,构成“时间段+later”结构。He came back a week later.一星期后他回来了。魔力纠错两天后我再来拜访。误:I shall call again two days later.正:I shall call again in two days.魔力解析“时间段+later”不可用于从现在算起的若干时间以后。说“从(现在起)……之后”,应该用“in+时间段”。◎later on作副词短语使用,也是“后来”,“以后”的意思,有时可与later互换。That happened later on/later.后来那件事发生了。◎later on只可单独使用,不能用于“时间段+later on”结构。9. It helped a lot. (P6)它很有帮助。在本句中a lot用作副词,表示“非常,相当”,等于very much。Thanks a lot. = Thanks very much.多谢。He is feeling a lot better today.他今天感觉好多了。◎a lot还可作“经常,常常”解,相当于often。They use the recorder a lot in English class.在英语课上,他们常用录音机。◎a lot of=lots of,修饰可数名词或不可数名词,意为“许多”,相当于many或much。There is a lot of(=lots of) homework to do.有许多作业要做。魔力纠错她在穿上没有花很多钱。误:She doesn’t spend a lot of money on dresses.正:She doesn’t spend much money on . I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner. (P6) 我认为做大量的听力练习是成为一个好的语言学习者的秘诀之一。(1)该句是由that引导的宾语从句,当主句用一般现在时态时,从句可以用任意时态;当主句用过去时态时,从句则要用相应的过去时。I hear that Mr Brown has been to Shanghai. 我听说布朗先生去过上海。He said these answers were right. 他说这些答案是正确的。(2)one of意为“(……中的)一个”,其后接名词的复数形式,如有形容词修饰名词时,形容词要用最高级。Mr Wang is one of the most popular teachers in our school.王老师是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。11. How do we deal with our problems? (P8)我们怎样处理我们的问题?本句中的deal with意为“处理,解决”,相当于do with,其主语通常是人或物。I have many problems to deal with. 我有许多问题要解决。◎ deal with作“与……打交道”,“与……做买卖”解时,主语通常是人、公司、商店等。My elder brother will deal with you later on. 我哥哥以后会来收拾你的。特别提示deal in有时也可以表示“与……做买卖”,但后面跟具体的商品。This shop deals in computers. 这家商店做电脑买卖。12. Most of us have probably been angry with our friends, parents or teachers. (P8)我们中的大部分人可能都生过我们的朋友、父母或老师的气。本句中的be angry with意为“对某人生气”,后面常跟人作宾语;当表示生气的原因时,可以加上for doing sth。He was angry with me for not having done anything. 我什么也没有做,他为此很生气。特别提示be angry at表示“因某事生气”,后面接表示言行的名词、代词或v-ing形式或从句作宾语。He was rather angry at missing the bus.他因没有赶上公共汽车而相当生气。He was angry at what I said. 他对我所说的感到生气。13. Time goes by, and good friendships may be lost. (P8)时间流逝,良好的友谊可能也就随之逝去了。(1)go by是不及物动词短语,意为“走过”,“(时间)消逝,流逝”。Two weeks went by. 两周过去了。(2)lost是lose的过去分词。lose意为“丢失,失去”时,语气较强,一般指失去不易找回。The man lost a leg in the war. 那个人在战争中失去了一条腿。知识拓展miss意为“丢失,失去”时,指东西或人丢失了,但有找到的希望。She missed her child in the street. 她在街上把孩子丢了。◎miss可以表示“想念”的意思,而lose则不能。We shall all miss you when you are away. 你不在时我们都会想念你的。特别提示作定语或表语时,lose用过去分词形式,miss用现在分词形式。Who has found my lost pen? 谁找到了我丢失的钢笔?They set out to look for the missing girl at once. 他们立即出发去寻找丢失的女孩。
【人教版】 英语配套练习册(上册)答案 【Statement】 Unit1---Unit5(Not including essay)【Unit 1】Section A一、 二、 finish 三、 flashcards making vocabulary lists conversations with his friends the teacher for help with a group四、 does; learn not years 't;ask ;had;yet五、 9. at B一、 二、 use 三、 of all on at lots ofgrammar notes 't pronounce sung ;boring四、't;either study ;on ;to 五、 and Reading一、1~5 CDCBD 6~10 BADCC二、 come 10.(to) carry三、 to buy right often of was四、 about their pets as our best to the help of up up五、1~5 ABCCD 6~10 ACBDC六、1~5 BCADD Ⅶ.(One possible version) As a student, you may know the importance of believe that learning English is just like learning to play the piano; bypracticing every day. We must use English every day. I not only answer theteacher’s questions in English, but also speak English as much as I can afterclass. I often practice conversations with my friends. I think that doing lotsof listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good languagelearner. I’ve learned a lot by working with a group. Watching English-languageTV programs can help a lot. The most important rule for learning English is “Don’t be afraid ofmaking mistakes, because everyone makes mistakes”.【Unit 2】Section A一、 二、 三、 you use to play the piano? didn't use tolike English used to have long hair, didn’t’ you? 4. What did his fatheruse to look like?四、What did; use to do 't she did; use;wear interested in himself五、 B一、 二、 changed 三、 day with to changed; pastfew years basketball; on ;afraid/terrified of; in front of四、 of ;use able to ;open 't use; like Self Check and Reading一、1~5 ACABB6~9 CBBD二、 三、 四、 eight-year-old some trouble more;try to gum attention to; pronunciation to pay for五、 to the end at more tobe on六、1~5 DEBFC七、1~5 BCAAC 6~10 BACCA 11~15 CABBB八、1~5 FFTFFⅨ. (One possible version) Lily is my good friend. She has changed a lot in the past few years. Sheused to like table tennis, watch TV and chat, but now she likes plying thepiano, reading books and walking. She used to be outgoing and she made manyfriends, but now she is shy and quiet. She used to be short and have shorthair, but now she is tall and has long hair.
我的一个朋友就这么不幸死去。她有一次在家无聊地用自己家电话拨通自己家电话,很多次后终于拨通了,她听到一个空洞洞的声音,好象一个回音谷并且还有水滴的声音。第二天她失踪了,三天后警察在一个回音谷的潭水边找到了我朋友的尸体。(3)有一次晚上我十二点和朋友吃完饭一起回家,经过一个有坟墓的地方,朋友很害怕。结果第二天早上他精神时常,常常说这么几句话:坟墓有人爬出来。他们在笑。他们在流血。(4)我家有一个晚上停电,结果找来找去就只有白色蜡烛了,点在床头后照照镜子睡觉,可是那天觉得胸闷,喘不上气,翻来覆去好象被什么东西压着,照找镜子后发现我正背着我奶奶的包!我明明没背上去的!整个湖都变成红色的了(那是血),从湖里伸出一只手,抓住了女孩的脚,硬把她拉进湖中,随后,人们在离那一片森林100公里远的地方找到了女孩的尸体还有衣服,只是她的头不见了,人们打开她的背包,吓坏了,包里就是她的头,她的表情十分痛苦,发现她的那些人把她的尸体丢弃在了那一片森林,然后就离开了,从此,那一片森林就再也没人敢去......如果你看了此一帖一,请立即回贴,并点击“菩萨保佑”,然后将此贴在别吧转发3份,如果不发的话,那只手会在你洗澡时伸出来,你会和那个女孩是同样下场!要相信,一切是真的。(不要怪偶,偶是迫于无奈,不小心看了别人的一帖一子!!) 菩萨保佑 一定要赞同,不然你也会死的很惨
I. 1-4 ABCB 5-7 AACII. 1. wealth 2. beef 3. tomatoes 4. chooses 5. lessIII. 1. (to) keep 2. less 3. eating 4. sleeps 5. kindsIV. 1-5 CABBAV. 1-5 CACAB 6-10 CACCBVI. It’s important for us to have a healthyeating habit. We need noodles, rice,milk, bread and eggs every day to give usenergy. Vegetables and fruit arenecessary, too. Doctors say that we should eatvegetables eight to eleven timesa week and we should eat fruit seven to ninetimes a week. Fish and meat have alot of fat. We’d better eat them three orfour times a week. We should eat lessjunk food like French fries andhamburgers. They are bad for our health. Ahealthy eating habit can help uswork better.
【课 题】
Unit1 How can we become good learners?
SectionA 1a-1c 教师复备栏或
(1)熟练掌握下列词汇: aloud pronunciation flashcard vocabulary
(2)熟练掌握下列短语: work with friends ask the teacher for help read aloud make flashcards practice pronunciation
--- How do you study for a test? --- I study by working with a group.
难点】 掌握SectionA 1a-1c所有重点单词,短语和句型。
一、导入(启发探究 3分钟)
How do you study for an English test? Maybe you have many different ways, now check(√) the ways you use in 1a. Then add other ways you sometimes use.
二、自学(自主探究 6分钟)
aloud pronunciation flashcard vocabulary
make flashcards _______________
work with friends _____________
ask the teacher for help ______________
read aloud _________________
by making vocabulary lists _____________
三、交流(合作探究 10分钟)
Work in pairs. Ask your partner how he or she studies for a test.
eg: A: How do you study for a test?
B: I study by working with a group.
by makingflashcards
by working with friends
by asking the teacher for help
by reading aloud
by making vocabulary lists
同桌结对完成1b Listen. 并核对答案
How do these students study for a test? Write letters from 1a above.
Make conversations about how you study for a test
四、总结(引深探究 15分钟)
( 1)by
①—How do you study for a test? I study by working with a group.
② We usually go to school by bike.
③English is spoken by many people.
by的意思是“通过……的方式”时,后接 ;
当表示“乘坐”时,后跟 ;
它还可以表示 ,用于被动语态,引导出动作的发出者。
1) He goes to school . by B. on C. in D. at
2)-- How do you study English so well? By lots of books.
A. read B. look C. watching D. reading
(2) aloud / loud/ loudly
aloud出声地;大声地。常与read/call等词连用,不用于比较级;(Don’t read aloud in the library.)
loud高声地;大声地;喧闹地。指说话声和笑声,常与talk/speak/laugh/sing等词连用,常用于比较级;( We can’t hear you. Please speak louder.)
loudly高声地;喧闹地。可以和loud互换,但含有“吵闹”的意思,不悦耳。( I feel very annoyed when they argue loudly.)
跟踪练习 ①老师要求我大声朗读课文。
The teacher asked me to the text .
Please so that I can hear you clearly.
Don’t so . The baby is sleeping.
(3) practice doing sth. 练习做某事
eg. We practice ____ English every day.(我们每天练习说英语。)
五、练评(包含“考点链接” 应用探究 6分钟)
1、I study English words by making f .
2、I like reading a to p pronunciation.
3、He often studies by l to tapes.
4、Have you ever j an English club to improve your English?
5、Do you learn English by w English-language TV?
1. ----- This math problem is _____ hard for me to understand. Can you help me ? ----Sure. It’s my pleasure.
A. very B. too C. quiet D. rather
2. “Does Kate often practice ______ the violin after school?”
“ Yes, she does.”
A. playing B. to play C. played D. play
3. Alice hasn’t been to Canada. Nancy hasn’t , ________.
A. also B. either C. too D. neither
4. “ Jim, can I borrow your bike?” “ Sorry, I ______ it to Rose.”
A. lent B. have lent C. lend D. had lent
5. Let’s ______ about future.
A. not to worry B. not worry
C. not worrying D. not to worrying
Dear friend,
Now I am new here. I have learned English for only one year, so I can’t understand what the teacher says and I am afraid of talking with classmates in English. I know this is the most important year for me and I really work very hard. But the biggest problem for me is that I can’t read fast and I couldn’t sleep the night before big exams. Could you help me?
Li Ming
1) He can’t understand __________________________
2) He is afraid of ____________________________________
3) He ____________________________________________
4) He ____________________________________________
Unit 1 How can we become good learners?【2】
Section A 1 (1a-2d)
Step 1 Warming up
T: How do you study English? Do you study English by the following ways? (Show some pictures and present the important phrases.)
T: How do you study English?
S: I study English by ______.
by working with friends./ by making word cards.
by asking the teacher for help./ by reading the textbook.
by working with a group./ by listening tapes.
Step 2 1a Check the ways you study English. Then add other ways you sometimes study.
___ a. by working with friends.
___ b. by making word card.
___ c. by reading the textbook.
___ d. by listening to tapes
___ e. by asking the teacher for help.
Step 3 Listening
1) Listen. How do these students study for a test? Write letters from 1a above.
2) Check the answers: b (Meiping); e (Peter); d (Tony)
Step 4 Guess
Show some pictures.
Guess: How does he/she study English? He/She studies English by…