就是要看看 .姓名后2个字. 拼音的第一个字母
〖为您起的英文名〗:〖女生〗:Victoria 维多利亚 胜利.〖男生〗:Keith 基斯 爱尔兰 风;树林 〖起英文名小技巧〗:摩羯座男性最适合的英文名字: Richard、Howard Allen、Johnny
Ward·G·Riller 怎么样?中间的 G 可以表示 Gemma ,也可以表示 Green 。而 Riller 则是 River 和 killer 的合成。Killer·Age·Gemma中间的 Age 是 Ward,Green,River的缩写(每个单词中挑一个字母合成)。中间的 Age 也可以替换成 Are,Deer等,同理。PS:killer 在英文中也可以作为英文名,音译“基拉”。或者Gemma·GreenGreen 在英语中也有姓氏一用,音译“格林”。
Gemma killer 可以吗
synthesis 合成如,有机合成(organic synthesis)
football足球 snowfall 下雪 horse-riding骑马daughter-in-law儿媳 waiting-room候车室 greenhouse温室 income收入 afternoon下午n+n:tea break\eye-shot(视力范围)、buck-rabbit(公兔)、night-school、baby-husband(小女婿)adv+n:hard-workingn+adj:second-hand/one-way/long-distance/first-class在英语中,合成词是由两个或以上结合构成的一个词修饰或限制后一个词。在英语中,很多单词是通过合成的方式构成的,最常见合成词有合成名词、合成动词、合成形容词等几种类型。折叠构成名词1、名词+名词:一般来讲,构成的词还是名词。如:website,homework,basketball。2、名词+动词: snowfall 下雪3、名词+动词-ing : horse-riding骑马4、名词+介词+名词: daughter-in-law儿媳5、动词-ing+名词: waiting-room候车室6、形容词+名词: greenhouse温室7、副词+名词: income收入8、介词+名词: afternoon下午9、过去分词+副词: grown-up成年人折叠构成动词10、名词+动词: water-cool用水冷却11、形容词+动词: quick-charge快速充电12、副词+动词: outact行动上胜过折叠构成形容词13、名词+形容词: world-famous世界闻名的14、名词+动词-ing : peace-loving热爱和平的15、名词+过去分词: heart-broken伤心的16、动词+副词: take-away外卖的17、形容词+名词: long-distance长途的18、形容词+形容词: dark-blue 深蓝色的19、形容词+过去分词: new-born 新出生的20、副词+动词-ing : hard-working 勤劳的21、副词+过去分词: well-known著名的22、数词+名词: first-class头等的,一流的(大学)23、数词+名词+形容词: ten-year-old十岁大的24、数词+名词+ed : three-cornered三角的25、介词+名词: indoor 室内的折叠其他构词26、副词+名词:构成形容词adj.或者副词adv.。例如:upstairs,downstairs,这些既可做形容词也可作副词。27、副词+动词:一般用来构成动词。例如:download。28、名词+形容词:构成形容词。例如world-famous,homesick。
compound adj. 混合而成的;能化合的 复合的 compound interest 复利 compound [kEm5paJnd] vt., vi. 使合成;把…配成 to compound medicines 配药 增加;使更复杂 If you take this action, it will only compound your problems. 如果你这么做,只能徒然增加你的困难。 Our difficulties were compounded by shortage of petrol supply. 石油供应短缺增加了我们的困难。 〈法〉达成协议不起诉
synthesize 综合, 合成生物合成 biosynthesis
①名词+名词,如daybreak, sunrise, cattleshed, house-keeper, shoe-maker, headache, night-club, pocket-knife, arm-chair, wine-glass, ink-stand, man-servant, maid-servant, steamboat, goldsmith, newspaper, lawsuit等。②形容词+名词,如blackboard, commonweath, highway, stronghold, sweetheart, easy-chair, grandson, blueprint, deadline, high-brow, lazy-bones等。③动词+名词,如drawbridge, grindstone, playground, pickpocket, breakfast, cut-throat, makeshift, sing-song, turn-coat, washbasin 等。④副词虚词+名词,如afterthought, offshoot, outbreak, byway, bylaw, outpost, overcoat, underclothes, outgrowth, downpour, upkeep, bystander等。⑤副词虚词+动词,如income, outlet, outlook, onset, outfit, upstart, inlet, offspring, outburst, offset等。⑥动词+副词,如die-hard, breakdown, drawback, set-up, break-up, farewell, standstill, feedback等。⑦名词+动名词,如book-keeping, town-planning, letter-writing, word-building, tiger-hunting, paper-manufacturing, bill-collecting, car-repairing, television-advertising, window-shopping, day-dreaming, photocopying, handwriting等。⑧其他,如man-of-war, forget-me-not, son-in-law, mother-in-law, commander-in-chief, editor-in-chief, merry-go-round, hide-and-seek, stay-at-home, jack-in-the-box等。
合成词:classroomnododynowherenothinganyoneanybodyanywhereanything1.合成名词名词+名词:football足球名词+动词:snowfall 下雪名词+动词-ing :horse-riding骑马名词+介词+名词:daughter-in-law儿媳动词-ing+名词:waiting-room候车室形容词+名词:greenhouse温室副词+名词:income收入介词+名词:afternoon下午过去分词+副词:grown-up成年人2.合成动词名词+动词:water-cool用水冷却形容词+动词:quick-charge 快速充电副词+动词:outact行动上胜过3.合成形容词名词+形容词:world-famous世界文明的名词+动词-ing :peace-loving热爱和平的名词+过去分词:heart-broken伤心的动词+副词:takeaway外卖的形容词+名词:long-distance长途的形容词+形容词:dark-blue深蓝色的形容词+过去分词:new-born新出生的副词+形容词:color-blind色盲的副词+动词-ing :hard-working勤劳的副词+过去分词:well-known著名的数词+名词:first-class头等的数词+名词+形容词:ten-year-old十岁大的数词+名词+ed :three-cornered三角的
[植] lily;
lilium brownii;
[电影] Lost;
n.百合花; 纯洁的人; [女名]莉莉;
adj.洁白的; 纯洁的;
1. We sat in Lily's sunroom while I sketched in the situation.
2. Lily lives in a penthouse just off Park Avenue.
3. I rode to Lily's in a cab.
4. Lily was in one of her aggressive moods.
5. They want me to conform, to be lily-white.
6. Steve seems to have made a real conquest of Lily. They're always together.
史蒂夫好像真的赢得了莉莉的芳心. 他们总是在一起.
7. Comment upon this would be to paint the lily.
8. She is as fair as lily.
9. Gilding the lily of what is basically a romantic comedy, the director falls a little short of his best mark.
10. The dress is perfect. Don't add anything to it at all. It would just be gilding the lily.
这条裙子已经很完美了, 别再作任何修饰了, 那只会画蛇添足.
n.朝鲜蓟; 洋蓟; 洋百合; 法国百合
1. Artichoke , Signow Milo ? An artichoke is a very tasty vegetable that is popular everywhere.
迈洛先生, 您问的是朝鲜蓟 吗 ?朝鲜蓟是一种很好吃的蔬菜,在这一带很受欢迎.
2. The main components of Jerusalem artichoke powder, more dietary fiber and sugar.
其主要成分为菊芋粉 、 膳食纤维和多糖类.
3. The Jerusalem artichoke is not artichoke, nor does it come from Jerusalem.
菊芋不是朝鲜蓟, 也不产自耶路撒冷.
4. Yes , I'll have creamed chicken, just the bread and the artichoke hearts.
我点一份奶油煮鸡 、 面包和洋蓟菜心.
5. BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE were administered in a compartmented fashion.
6. Artichoke leaf has been shown to lower cholesterol.
7. Using artichoke , the technological parameter of artichoke pickled vegetable can be studied in this paper.
以草石蚕为试材, 对其泡菜罐头的工艺参数进行了研究.
8. Fuck the Upper East Side wives with their Hermes scarves and their $ 50 Balducci artichoke.
9. In the 16 th century, medicinal use of the artichoke was documented for liver problems and jaundice.
16世纪, 有洋蓟作为药物用于治疗黄疸、肝脏问题的使用记载.
10. To research the optimization procedure of polyphenols for Artichoke separation by macroporous resin HPD 400.
茉莉花 :学名:Jasminum sambac 玫瑰花:英文:Rose 丁香花:学名:Syringa oblata 桂花:英文:Sweet Osmanthus 康乃馨:英文:Carnation 紫罗兰:学名:Matthiola incana 百合:学名:LiliumL 水仙花:英文:Chinese Narsissus 荷花:英文:Hindu Lotus 莲花:英文:Hindu Lotus 百合:英文:Lily rose 玫瑰花 tulip 郁金香 balsam 凤仙花 canna 美人蕉 lily 百合花 jasmine 茉莉 sweet pea 香豌豆花 sunflower 向日葵 geranium 大竺葵 morning-glory 牵牛花 cosmos 大波斯菊 pansy 三色堇 poppy 罂粟花 marigold 金盏花 carnation 麝香石竹 amaryllis 孤挺花 dahlia 大丽花 pink 石竹花 crocus 番红花 iris 蝴蝶花 hyacinth 风信花 daffodil 黄水仙 chrysanthemum 菊 marguerite, daisy 雏菊 gladiolus 剑兰 cantury plant 龙舌兰 magnolia 木兰 yucca 丝兰 orchid 兰花 freesia 小苍兰 cyclamen 仙客来 begonia 秋海棠 anemone 银莲花 wisteria 柴藤 redbud 紫荆 dogwood 山茱萸 hawthorn 山楂 camellia 山茶 hydrangea 八仙花 hibiscus 木槿 peony 芍药 azalea 杜鹃 rhododendron 杜鹃花 daphne 瑞香 gardenia 栀子 lilac 紫丁香 中文名 英文名 花语 中文名 英文名 花语 中国水仙 new year lily 自尊/单恋 石榴 pomegranate 相思/永生 月桂 victor\'s laurel 胜利/不诚实 报春花 polyanthus 初恋/自作多情 木棉 cotton tree 热情 紫丁香 lilac 青春的回忆 吊钟 lady\'s eardrops 尝试/热心 紫荆 chinese redbud 故情/手足情 百合 lily 纯净/神圣 紫罗兰 wall flower 信任/爱的羁绊 桃花 peach 被你俘虏 紫藤 wistaria 沉迷的爱 杜鹃 azalea 爱的快乐/节制 铃兰 lily-of-the-valley 纤细/希望/纯洁 牡丹 tree paeony 富贵/羞怯 银杏 ginkgo 长寿 芍药 paeony 害羞 蝴蝶兰 moth orchid 幸福/纯洁/吉祥 辛夷 violet magnolia 友情/爱自然 蟹爪仙人掌 christmas cactus 锦上添花 玫瑰 rose 爱情/爱与美 郁金香 tulip 名誉/慈善/美丽 茶花 common camelia 美德/谦逊 千日红 common globe-amaranth 永恒的爱/不朽 非洲堇 african vioet 永恒的美 天人菊 indian blanket 团结/协力 栀子花 cape jasmine 喜悦/纯洁 木槿 rose of sharon 劝告/短暂的美 风信子 hyacinyh 悲哀/永远怀念 百子莲 african lily 爱的来临 牵牛花 morning glory 爱情/依赖 君子兰 kafir lily 宝贵/高贵 荷包花 lady\'s pocketbook 聚集财富 含笑花 banana shrub 矜持/含蓄 非洲菊 african daisy 神秘/兴奋 含羞草 esnsitive plant 敏感 茉莉 arabian jasmine 你属于我/亲切 猪笼草 pitcher plant 财源广进 凌霄花 creeper 好高骛远 树兰 orchid tree 平凡而清雅 康乃馨 caronation 温馨/慈祥 鸡冠花 cockscomb 永生/爱美/痴情 荷花 lotus 神圣/纯洁 鸢萝 cypress vine 关怀/依附 菩提 bo-tree 结婚/圣洁 大理花 dahlia 移情别恋/优雅 圣诞百合 christmas bell 温暖的心 一串红 scarlet sage 热切的思念 紫薇 crape myrtle 圣洁/喜悦/长寿 勿忘草 forget-me-not 不要忘记我 睡莲 water lily 信仰/纯洁的心 文心兰 dacing lady 乐不思蜀 吊兰 spider plant 无奈/还有希望 白头翁 pappy anemone 坚忍/背信之恋 向日葵 sunflower 爱慕/光辉/高傲 矢车菊 cornflower 纤细/优雅/幸福 竹 bamboo 君子/平安 金鱼草 snapdrgon 傲慢/好管闲事 夹竹桃 oleander 深刻友情/谨慎 金盏花 pot marigold 离别之痛/迷恋 扶桑 china rose 体贴之美/纤细 金银花 japanese honeysuckle 真诚的爱/羁绊 长春花 old maid 愉快的回忆 金莲花 garden nasturium 爱国心 秋海棠 begonia 亲切/诚恳/单恋 非洲凤仙 african touch-me-not 不要碰我 美人蕉 canna 妄想/猜疑 曼佗罗 angel\'s trumpet 恐怖/敬爱 晚香玉 tuberose 危险边缘的快乐 梅花 flowering apricot 忠实/坚毅 野姜花 ginger lily 无聊 圣诞红 common poinsettia 祝福你/付出 菊花 chrysamthemum 清廉/高洁 虞美人 iceland poppy 安慰/遗忘/休息 昙花 epiphyllum 热情/短暂 鸢尾 iris 优雅的心/使命 龙胆 royal blue 最爱忧伤时的你 腊梅 winter sweet 依恋/慈爱 麒麟花 bojers spurge 自卫 木芙蓉 cotton rose 纤细之美 九重葛 paper flower 夏日恋情/陶醉 火鹤花 flamingo flower 燃烧的心/烦恼 三色堇 tricolor viola 思念/爱的告白 嘉德丽亚兰 cattleya 敬爱/善意/倾慕
lily英 [ˈlɪli] 美 ['lɪlɪ] n.百合花; 纯洁的人; [女名]莉莉adj.洁白的; 纯洁的复数: lilies
银杏 ginkgo芍药 paeony蝴蝶兰 moth orchid辛夷 violet magnolia 蟹爪仙人掌 christmas cactus玫瑰 rose郁金香 tulip茶花 common camelia千日红 common globe-amaranth非洲堇 african vioet天人菊 indian blanket栀子花 cape jasmine木槿 rose of sharon风信子 hyacinyh百子莲 african lily牵牛花 morning glory君子兰 kafir lily荷包花 lady\'s pocketbook含笑花 banana shrub非洲菊 african daisy含羞草 esnsitive plant茉莉 arabian jasmine勿忘草 forget-me-not睡莲 water lily文心兰 dacing lady吊兰 spider plant白头翁 pappy anemone向日葵 sunflower矢车菊 cornflower竹 bamboo金鱼草 snapdrgon夹竹桃 oleander金盏花 pot marigold扶桑 china rose金银花 japanese honeysuckle长春花 old maid金莲花 garden nasturium秋海棠begonia 非洲凤仙 african touch-me-not美人蕉 canna曼佗罗 angel\'s trumpet晚香玉 tuberose梅花 flowering apricot野姜花 ginger lily圣诞红 common poinsettia