法律法规Laws and regulations法律法规Laws and regulations
Laws and regulations(法律法规)。
1、Laws :法律
2、regulations:n. [管理] 条例;规程(regulation的复数);章则。普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。
3、and regulations:以及规章制度
2、 法律法规具有预防作用。对于法律法规的预防作用主要是通过法律法规的明示作用和执法的效力以及对违法行为进行惩治力度的大小来实现的。法律的明示作用可以使人们知晓法律而明辨是非。
3、 法律法规的校正作用。也称之为法律法规的规范作用。这一作用主要是通过法律的强制执行力来机械地校正社会行为中所出现的一些偏离了法律轨道的不法行为,使之回归到正常的法律轨道。像法律所对的一些触犯了法律的违法犯罪分子所进行的强制性的法律改造,使之违法行为得到了强制性的校正。
4、 法律法规具有扭转社会风气、净化人们的心灵、净化社会环境的社会性效益。理顺、改善和稳定人们之间的社会关系,提高整个社会运行的效率和文明程度。作为一个真正的法制社会则是一个高度秩序、高度稳定、高度效率、高度文明的社会。这也是法制的最终目的和最根本性的作用。
制定法律就是“立法”,英文单词为Legislate。 如果说制定某一部具体的法律参照楼上!
Laws and regulations(法律法规)。
1、Laws :法律
2、regulations:n. [管理] 条例;规程(regulation的复数);章则。普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。
3、and regulations:以及规章制度。
1、Contract requirements,competitor analysis,benchmarking, and processes due to statutory or regulatory requirements.
2、The laws and regulations of China and the country where the transaction is effected or requested.
3、The employees must obey the laws and regulations of our country.
4、These inputs shall include applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
5、The organization shall determine statutory and regulatory requirements related to the product.
准确用词与囊括性用语的同时存在,囊括性用语立法是常见的。遵循严格解释原则,特别是刑法解释法条时,书面文字是法官解释法律文件的唯一依据。法律语言逻辑必须清晰、准确、得当。法律追寻准确性,大多名词都有极高精确的含义,即使是囊括性用语也不会因个人理解,在法律理念体系面前显现偏差,无需描绘性形容词;表示时间、范围、程度的副词使用严格。法律是社会学科重要分支,最初立法法规设立理念就是不需要专业知识,也能读懂,所以才使用大量同义、近义词,法条见对照也随处可见,但是每一个词的位置、细微变化都是以法律逻辑明确表述为前提,用词绝不可以抗衡行为逻辑理解。《香港刑法摘要》(Digest of Hong Kong CriminalLaw)第八章关于“参加暴动并阻碍船舶、飞机、或者铁路列车罪”规定“It is an offence for any persontaking part in a riot to unlawfully and with force (a)prevent ,hinderor obstruct ,or attempt to prevent, hinder, or obstruct, the loading orunloading, or the movement of ; or (b)board, or attempt to board withintent to do so ; any motor vehicle, tramcar ,aircraft ,train or vessel.社会中,一些案件除精准的语言外还需要引用相关法律如:某一民间贷款协议中写道“I will pay back in a year”,双方当事人对“in”产生不同认识,一方认为是“within”之意(在------之内),另一方则认为是“after”之意(在------之后)。注意这不是对语言的误认,是对事实的认识偏差,因为在任何语言中都会产生不同客观认识;无论汉语、日语、俄语、英语,任何一国语言表述这么简短的意思,都会有这两个不同认识;于是也就都有了民法典意义上‘由提出条款格式的一方承担不利解释责任’的规定;起源德国传统理论;法律语言的囊括性,是指为精确表示范围,将性质、范围、程度、数量用某个名词或带修饰的名词表达。有的国家会对囊括性法律进行司法解释,特殊体质国家会有相关立法解释;以下是运用词汇一些技巧,在法律、合同法等构建下,第3条无实际意义; 法律一直有大众化趋势,各国法律随经济发展都在不断适应法律运用需求。大众化语言表达方式对国家法律体系有时会有弊端,逻辑庞杂化,平白语也原本同犯罪类型或法理论的内容间隙加深;外来词、古英语(指原词)及专门术语的使用可准确表达理念范围。 狭义上的法律术语指仅出现在或大多数情况下出现在法律文件中的法律科学的特有术语,此意义上的法律术语在法律文体中的数量不多,如:garnishee---第三债务人(指代被告保管财产并接到法院扣押令于诉讼未决期间不得处分所代管财产者)imputednegligence---转嫁的过失责任(指可向与行为人有利害关系的人或有合同关系的另一方追究责任的过失);而广义的法律术语包括在法律文体中被赋予特定法律意义的常用词语,如:action(行动~诉讼)party(党/晚会~当事人)。此外,还有大量行话,如:on the bench(担任法官职务)take silk(担任王室法律顾问)。对于法律英语的初学者而言,在理解法律术语及行话时切忌望文生义。在理解法律语言中的同义和近义术语时,应予以特别注意;鉴于法律用语的准确性要求,它们彼此一般情况下不能替换,如:solicitor---初级律师(在英国指为当事人所聘请的一般辩护律师,承办案件起诉和辩护等事物性工作)与barrister---出庭律师(在英国指有资格出席高等法院的律师),summon---普通传唤(以传票传当事人、证人出庭)与subpoena---拘传(强制到庭的或附有罚金的传票),complaint(民事起诉状或刑事自诉状)与indictment(公诉起诉状)等。 法律英语为表达行为结构,对象,结果,因果关系,特殊主体,排斥事由主要用长连句、复合句。注意,任何语句使用的核心,都是为逻辑清晰!!!如:A negotiating party can expressly stop a statement from becoming anoffer,for example by stating that it can not be accepted by the otherparty or is not intended to be legally binding or by stating that acontract will only come into existence when the maker of that statementsignifies assent。(在协商过程中,任何一方当事人均可明确表示某项声明并非要约。例如,一方当事人可以明确指出对方不得就该声明作出承诺,或明确指出其无意使该声明具有法律约束力,或明确指出只有在其表示同意时合约才告成立。)阅读时,首先要对社会理念有了解,必须代入双方权利义务背景,使多个语句甚至整部法典运用其中。 法律的构建本身不是出于语言的,而是社会,从主观动静,到客观行为,到发展进程;是多个环节逻辑化结果。使用下面法言法语目的是为准确表达某一领域的意思范畴,如hold就是主管层次,必须精准,否则再套用整个法律体系和案件判例体系时将无法可依!!!用语准确是对案件事实的一种肯定;如:口语“deprivation of political rights”、“deliberate”、“think”、“start”,在法律语言中必须“civil death”、“aforethought”、“hold”、“commence”。不同法律法规解释目的不同,整体上以清晰法律逻辑体系为使命,但是有深刻法律推导逻辑的,决不能使用隐藏该法律逻辑的语句表达,对于体现深刻法理的部分可以多用提醒性规定; 英美法系国家的逻辑起点是建立在本国语言逻辑基础上的,每个词都有精准表达理念,在转译中,损失词汇含义是常态;因司法体系不同,而作用有差的用语容易区别;用语习惯导致的认识差别就需要注意;如:法律英语中的juror(陪审员)与中国的陪审员(judicial assessor)就具有不同的含义,“parole evidence rule”则译为“排除外在证据原则”,“quiet possession”为“不受干扰的占有权”。如:“table a motion”在英国为“提出动议以供讨论”,在美国则为“将动议搁置,留日后讨论”;“court of commonpleas”为(英)高等民事法庭、(美国某些州的)中级刑事及民事法庭。注意,任何一个国家法律,同一名词或动词都会有不同含义,这个时候绝对不能靠上下文认识。而是根据法学推倒理论分析法典中的作用或相关特征来确定其含义,注意法律的词汇不是一个简单的词,而是生活本身!!如:dominion在民法中指完全所有权,在国际公法中则为主权;estoppel在合同法中是不得反悔,在刑诉中则是禁止翻供。如:中国刑法典中的抢劫,在加重犯或罪名中含义都不同,有的是行为,有的是罪名,甚至有的是包含性特征;
Law and human struggle all the judges, hello: I'd like to tell you a I have ever heard of a true story: a couple emotional discord, the husband to his wife often a domestic violence. His wife to her daughter's study and life, always submit to humiliation. And in the face of the frequent family violence, the wife can't stand the husband to one's own soul and body wounds, so their brutally killed her husband. The case was caused many people's attention, and how to the wife sentence, people have a fierce debate. The court sentenced to the wife for death sentence with a reprieve. And the case, it shows us the law and human feelings of intense conflicts. The law and the conflict and has a long history, in today's high-speed development of Chinese society, the problem is particularly prominent. According to the relevant departments to reflect, the court judge in the process, often meet with similar cases. And in the face of such troublesome case, test more is the wisdom of the judge. This conflict appears the reason is various, but mainly has two aspects: on the one hand, because of China's law for the lack of Chinese traditional ethical values of the considerations, more is introduce foreign legal culture. The public laws lack of understanding and support, legal consciousness. On the other hand is, people could not really in law and human find a balance between them. Legal reasons people emotion at the same time, also cannot make emotional about law. In order to better will laws and customs combined, I think we can from the following two aspects: first, the establishment of the jury system. China's judicial trial has closed, the establishment of jury system, can make the judicial trial at the trial is combined with public opinion, combined with the public ethical values, thus reduce the pressure of public opinion. Second, to establish judicial authority justice image, extensive and lasting law propaganda activities. Let the public know the law, CARES about judicial judgment. So as to reduce the public the misunderstanding of the judicial, reduce the jealousy and suspicion. From the two aspects, I want to solve the problem of law and human feelings between debate, can help. As a law student, I advocate law, but I also for national conditions. I want to say, they both is equal, have the same important position. Face justice, we should not for external things interference, a fair trial. Facing the public, we must consider the public will, but not flirting. For maintaining social justice, is our mission.
Negotiorum gestio system is a long-standing legal system, by the thousands of years of development, in the continental law system countries have established a complete system. The research for negotiorum gestio system in China is less, system is not comprehensive, need to accelerate the pace of legislation theory research. And in the Anglo-American law system is not exactly the same system with negotiorum gestio system, but quasi contract system of Anglo-American law system covers the contents of negotiorum gestio. So on the basis of negotiorum gestio is discussed some theory, and the quasi contract system to do a little more. This article is divided into the following several parts, the first part from the history, concept, nature, value and status in this paper introduces the basic situation of negotiorum gestio. The second part discusses the condition of negotiorum gestio. The third part and the fourth part introduces the quasi contract system of Anglo-American law system and compare it with negotiorum gestio made some. To improve the country's best negotiorum gestio system puts forward some Suggestions.
Laws and regulations
法律法规Laws and regulations法律法规Laws and regulations
law英 [lɔː]美 [lɔ]n. 法律;规律;法治;法学;诉讼;司法界vt. 控告;对…起诉vi. 起诉;控告n. (Law)人名;(东南亚国家华语)刘;(英、缅、柬)劳[网络短语]law 法律,法学,法则International Law 国际法,国际法,国际公法Denis Law 丹尼斯·劳,丹尼斯·劳,劳
Law and politics ,law法律法规,politics政策,regulations管控规定
法律法规Laws and regulations法律法规Laws and regulations
”法规与政策“可译为“laws and regulations and policies"。例:It is about the effect of environmental management, environmental laws and regulations and environmental policies on the development of environmental protection industry.环境管理、环境法规与环境政策对环保产业发展的作用。
你好,很高兴为你解答!“法规与政策”的英文翻译_百度翻译"Law and policy"[原文]“法规与政策”结果仅供参考望采纳,谢谢百度翻译
n. 法律;规律;法治;法学;诉讼;司法界;戒律;守则;准则
vi. 起诉;控告
vt. 控告;对……起诉
by law 根据法律,在法律上;附则
criminal law 刑法
We have a duty to uphold the law.
the law用于美国口语中,可表示执法者,警察,只用单数。the law还可作律师界的意思,follow the law的意思是当律师。
法律的制定:The enactment of laws立法:Legislation
law 法律legislation 立法constitution 宪法amendment 修正案rights 权利obligation 义务court 法庭act 立案judge 法官trial 审判jury陪审团