I would like to spend with you a happy Christmas
get together,虽然看起来有点low,但是人家都是这么用的,大片里我看到都是这种表达
have a reunion 团聚
dinner party晚宴.Pot-luck party百乐餐.cocktail party鸡尾酒会.brown-bag party自备午餐会.barbecue party烤肉会.sherry party/sherry hour雪利酒会.picnic party(cook-out party/cook-outs)野餐会.New Year's Party新年酒会.holiday party节日聚会.year-end dinner party 忘年餐会.welcome party 欢迎会.hen party 女士聚会.farewell party 惜别会.stag party 男士聚会.bachelor/bachelorette party 单身男子/女子聚会.house-warming party 暖屋会.no-host party 自费社交聚会.
1、聚会的英语是party。 2、英 [pɑːti],美 [pɑːrti] 3、n. 聚会;宴会;政党;一伙人;(律)当事人 4、vi. 开派对 5、名词复数:parties,过去式:partied,过去分词:partied,现在分词:partying 6、arrange party 安排聚会 7、attend party 出席聚会 8、break up party 解散政党 9、crash party 闯入聚会 10、dissolve party 解散政党
聚会,指聚集,会合。语出《汉书·五行志下之上》:“其夏,京师郡国民聚会里巷阡陌,设张博具,歌舞祠 西王母 。那么你知道聚会用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。
家庭聚会 Special Occasions ; Home Party ; Family Gathering ; Family Party
聚会式 Partycolours ; Pscienceycolours ; Ppowerycolours ; Pcraftycolours
朋友聚会 Paay ; Parties ; Tomodachi Collection ; My Friend's Party
聚会时间 Party time ; Schedule ; Parlv Time ; Meeting
丛林聚会 Jungle Party
同学聚会 Classmate Reunion ; Class IgeuNon ; Class reunion ; Reunions
恐龙聚会 The Dinosaur Party
举办聚会 have parties ; have a party ; hold parties
午餐聚会 The Lunch Meeting
1. "You must come to Tinsley's graduation party." — "I'd be delighted."
“你一定要来参加廷斯利的 毕业 聚会。”——“我很乐意。”
2. Poor Jane was in rather a spin about the party.
3. Ted hated parties, even gatherings of people he liked individually.
4. Conrad Black gave an excellent party that surpassed expectations.
5. Would they trash the place when the party was over?
6. Scores of people tried desperately to gatecrash the party.
7. Her children had the best, most elaborate birthday parties in the neighborhood.
8. She often went to parties and dances at Littlecote.
9. The party had been overlaid with a certain nervousness.
10. It was going to be a party to end all parties.
11. Didn't I see you at the party last week?
12. Christian Lacroix is throwing a very lavish and very select party.
13. You don't have to get dressed up for this party.
14. Apparently, well known actors were at these filthy parties.
15. They settled with Colin at the end of the evening.
1. 宴会用英语怎么说
2. 派对用英语怎么说
3. 有关聚会常用英语口语
4. 英语聚会实用情景对话
5. 聚会的英语单词
6. 举行聚会的英文单词
7. 生日聚会用英语怎么说
英 ['pɑːti],美 ['pɑːrti]
n. 聚会;宴会;政党;一伙人;(律)当事人
vi. 开派对
1、arrange party 安排聚会
2、attend party 出席聚会
3、break up party 解散政党
4、crash party 闯入聚会
5、dissolve party 解散政党
n. (名词)
dinner party晚宴.Pot-luck party百乐餐.cocktail party鸡尾酒会.brown-bag party自备午餐会.barbecue party烤肉会.sherry party/sherry hour雪利酒会.picnic party(cook-out party/cook-outs)野餐会.New Year's Party新年酒会.holiday party节日聚会.year-end dinner party 忘年餐会.welcome party 欢迎会.hen party 女士聚会.farewell party 惜别会.stag party 男士聚会.bachelor/bachelorette party 单身男子/女子聚会.house-warming party 暖屋会.no-host party 自费社交聚会.
聚会的英文:n. meeting ; gathering ; get-together。
英 [ˈmiːtɪŋ] 美 [ˈmiːtɪŋ]
n. 会议;会见;集会;汇合点
v. 会面;会合(meet的ing形式)
at a meeting 在开会
general meeting 全体大会
sports meeting 运动会
board meeting 董事会议
meeting place 聚会地点,会场
attend a meeting 参加会议
class meeting 班会;级会
They tried to foreclose the possibility of his meeting with the chairman.
英 [ˈɡæðərɪŋ] 美 [ˈɡæðərɪŋ]
n. 聚集;集会;收款
v. 聚集(gather的ing形式)
Gathering place 开场子 ; 聚集地 ; 看场子 ; 砸场子
gathering line 集油管线 ; 横桁上的支索 ; 扶手绳
grand gathering 盛大的集会 ; 盛会
gathering machine 配页机 ; 收款机
Gathering Notice 集会通知
The twenty-second annual gathering of the South Pacific Forum.
英 [ˈɡet təɡeðə(r)] 美 [ˈɡet təɡeðər]
n. 聚会,联欢会
family get-together 家庭聚会
to get-together 联欢
A Get-together 联欢会
a get -together 小型聚会聚餐吧
joyous get-together 欢会
get- together set 聚会点
Meals used to be the time when family members got together. But now fast food and quick meals are threatening such family get-together.
英 [miːt] 美 [miːt]
vt. 满足;遇见;对付
vi. 相遇;接触
n. 集会
adj. 合适的;适宜的
n. (Meet)人名;(英)米特
Cute Meet 浪漫的邂逅 ; 浪漫的相逢
invitation meet 邀请赛 ; 约请赛 ; 聘请赛
Meet Genesis 公司简介
Meet love 遇见爱情 ; 遇见爱
Meet Professor 教授见面会 ; 专家答疑 ; 家见面会
Meet albums 聚会相册
She designated the place where we were to meet.
8 F 9 T 10T
1 a balance sheet reports the assets, liabilities and stockholders' equity at a specific date. it shows the balance between the assets and the sum of liabilities and stockholders' equity. a balance sheet is like a snapshot of a company's financial condition at a specific moment in Managerial accounting is used primarily by those within a company or organization. Reports can be generated for any period of time such as daily, weekly or monthly. Reports are considered to be "future looking" and have forecasting value to those within the accounting is used primarily by those outside of a company or organization. Financial reports are usually created for a set period of time, such as a fiscal year or period. Financial reports are historically factual and have predictive value to those who wish to make financial decisions or investments in a bank deposits, checks, bank statements (debit memorandum and credit memorandum)4 they report a. the entity's ability to generate future cash flowsb. the entity's ability to pay dividends and meet obligationsc. the reasons for the difference between net income and net cash provided (used)by operating . the cash investing and financing transactions during the period5 ( do you mean journal?) the journal is referred to as the book of original entry.希望能帮到你
会计分录 1、 debit: Cash---50000 credit: Paid-up capital(or stock)----50000 debit: Fixed assets---20000 credit: Paid-up capital(or stock)----20000 2. debit: Intangible assets (tenure)-60000 Fixed assets(building)---230000 credit: Cash------------------------------------43500 Long-term note payable -----------246500 3、debit: Office allowance ---480 credit: Aount payable --------------480 4、debit: Fixed assets---17200 credit: Paid-up capital(or stock) -17200 5、debit: Fixed assets---2500 credit: Aount payable ----2500 6、debit: Arued wages ---800 credit: Cash --------------800 7、debit: Cash----3500 credit:Prime operating revenue ---3500 (Tax payable -value added tax payable -Substituted money on VAT -***,若此公司是提供加工及修理修配等劳务等,需交增值税,中国一般纳税人17%税率,小规模3%税率,由于本题没有相关提示,税金科目略,) 8、debit: Aount payable ----450 credit: Cash--------------------450 9、debit: Aount payable ----480 credit:Cash--------------------480 10、debit: Fixed assets---1200 credit: Cash -----------1000 Fixed assets------------200 由于没提及折旧,故清理科目略去 11、debit: Aount receivable ----1300 credit: Prime operating revenue ---1300 12、debit: Arued wages ---800 credit: Cash --------------------800 13、debit: Cash----1300 credit: Aount receivable ---1300 14、debit: Paid-up capital(or stock)---1800 credit: Cash-----------------------------1800
1 a one,the other 证明只有两个所以用both 2 a 人家祝福你,你要先谢谢,然后再祝福人家 3 b 代词 4 c 适宜的意思。再来五十个够吗?二十个就够了。 5 c such a furniture 这样的家具。因为题目中只说从北京买的,又没有复数。 6 b 楼上说得对 7 d 可以演变成这句话,Do puters save time? No, they don't. 8 d 屁护所。暴风来的时候,我们躲在道口的shop里。 9 c 否定句和疑问句用any不用some, room做空间讲时是不可数名词。 10 d 11 b 依靠,指望 12 c 13 c 梦想,向往,梦见... 14 c 空间,位置 15 a 复数是报告,报道的意思 16 a 因为有before所以应该是过去式,而且是已经完成个动作,所以用过去完成式,had had 17 c 18 a 题目中第二句用doesn't 所以用现在式
春伦 Charles查尔斯 建华 Edward爱德华(Joshua约书亚)
1、新电线被用来不断占极高精度的电火花线切割。 2、金属切削刀具必须具有各种不同性能,将不同的金属在不同条件下的严重性。 3、切割工具必须被在第一次叹息浊音。如果使用的工具是超越了这一点,它将迅速崩溃。 4、安装机器人通常是一个方式,业主可以更有竞争力,因为机器人可以做一些事情,更有效地比人。 5方面的年度支出,加工是最重要的制造工艺。加工可以被界定为的过程中去除工件材料在芯片的形式。 6、所有金属切削工具开始失去硬度当加热到足够高的温度。 7、提供自动更换刀具,索引表和几个托盘加上生产力的加工中心。 8、尺寸和位置都是正确的,信息以后可以用来创建一个程序的一部分、机。 9如果你想装置系统中不同的行为或过程控制不同的元素,所有你必须做的是更改控制程序。 10、售后服务也是我们公司工作。我们为客户提供服务,包括信息反馈处理投诉和索赔根据合同。
1.借:材料20000 应交税金——增值税3400 事业支出200 贷:财政补助收入23600 2.借:材料10000 应交税金——增值税1700 事业支出1500 贷:零余额用款额度13200 3.借:专用基金200000 应交税金——增值税14000 应交税金-----消费税10000 事业支出20000 贷:银行存款50000 财政补助收入194000 借:固定资产220000 贷:固定基金220000
多功能Kinray lite 带包为摄影和户外爱好者提供多种携带方案,使自己手边的装备条理有序便于携带。将Kinray Lite带包系于腰间或挂在肩头,装备便触手可得。带有可调分隔板且质地柔软的内部隔断可以安全保护相机及其配件或双筒望远镜。轻松摘掉内部隔断,Kinray Lite便变身为日常用包。Kinray Lite带包的特色同时还在于拥有多个配件袋和一个防雨罩。
在这里,我谢谢朋友们了呀~!我的 是所有人访问的,不用加我也可以帮我的,我急用大家的留言,真的谢谢了~! 恩 写好了。。
1、银行贴现票据时,如果收款人违约,出票人须对此票据作出补偿。 2、年终存货出错会导致本年度和下年度的净收入额错误。 3、现金的长款或短款是资产负债表中现金的相对帐户。 4、九月份的银行和帐从九月1号每本账簿的余额和每份银行报表开始。 6、银行报表的贷方记录表明银行余额的增加。 我试着翻译下,希望能帮到你。
你看到的滚动是asp运行后经过iis解析出来的代码。读取的产品是一定的。 循环滚动一次介绍后仍然会从头滚动。所以不存在不重复滚动的可能。 至于读取的产品是否唯一,用asp代码来控制就可以。是否唯一取决于你的sql如何读取,与你看到的终端滚动产品图片没有任何关系。
1) beginning I - Ending I = COGS so EI unter, COGS over sale - COGS = profit so COGS over, profit under B 5) C 6) B 8) cI am doing the Accounting Principleeverything else i am not sure
英语 短语 对于以后我们的考试和练习题之中,都会发挥不可言说的作用。下面我为大家带来最常用英语短语,欢迎大家参考学习! 最常用英语短语 1. get warm 变暖和 2. get well 痊愈 3. get together 团聚 4. get to 到达(某地) 5. get to know 逐渐认识到 6. get to work 开始工作(学习) 7. give advice to 给……提建议 8. give sb a call 给某人打电话 9. give back 归还,送回 10. give first aid 进行急救 11. give sb a push 推某人一下 12. give sb a talk 给某人做 报告 ,发表讲话 13. give…a big hug 热情拥抱… 14. give… a hand 给予……帮助 15. give a warm welcome to… 热烈欢迎 16. give an operation 做手术 17. give up 放弃 18. give up doing sth 放弃做某事 19. give up smoking 戒烟 20. given name 名字 21. go abroad 出国 ;在国外 22. go away 走开,离开 23. go extinct 灭绝 24. go back 回去 25. go past/by 走(路)过 26. go for a walk 去散步 27. go for walks去散步 28. go home 回家 29. go on 继续 30. go on doing sth。 继续做某事 31. go on trips/a trip (去)旅行 32. go out for a walk去外散步 33. go over 复习go over 复习 34. go cycling/shopping 骑自行车/去买东西 35. go swimming/skating 去 游泳 /滑冰 36. go skiing/climbing 去滑雪 37. have a seat坐下 38. have a swim游泳 39. have a talk谈话 40. have a walk散步 41. have a wash洗脸(手等) 42. have an exam考试 43. have an accident出事故 44. have an idea有一个主意 45. have breakfast/lunch/supper吃早餐/午餐/晚餐 46. have fun玩得愉快 47. have fun doing sth做某事有乐趣 48. have gone to 已经去某地 49. have got有 50. have got a cough患咳嗽 实用英语 短语 1. have interest in对……感兴趣 2. have lessons/classes上课 3. have no idea不知道,不了解 4. have sports进行 体育运动 5. have some medicine吃(服)药 6. have success in在……(方面)成功 7. have sb/sth do sth 让某人做某事 8. have sb/sth doingsth 让某人一直做某事 9. have sth done 做某事;让某人做某事 10. have to不得不,必须 11. have trouble with在……(方面)有麻烦 12. hear from sb收到某人的来信 13. hear of听说 14. help sb (to)do sth帮助某人做某事 15. help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事 16. help oneself (to sth)请随便吃/用 17. here and there到处 18. high school 中学 19. high jump 跳高 20. hold on等一等(别挂电话);坚持,继续 21. hold a world record保持一项世界记录 22. hot dog 热狗 23. hour after hour一小时又一小时地,持续地 24. how about怎么样 25. how far/deep/tall/wide多远/深/高/宽 26. how long(时间)多久,多长;(长度)多长 27. how many多少 28. how much多少;多少钱 29. how often多久,多长时间一次(用于询问频度) 30. how old几岁;多在岁数 31. hundreds of数百 32. hurry up赶快,快点 33. hurry off匆匆离去;赶快去 34. hurt oneself伤着自己 35. go through 穿过 36. go to bed 睡觉 37. go to hospital 去医院(看病) 38. go to school 上学 39. go to sleep 入睡,睡着 40. go to the cinema 去看电影 41. go to the movie 去看电影 42. go up 上升,增长 43. go wrong 走错路 44. good idea 好主意 45. face to face 面对面 46. far away 遥远 47. far behind 落后 48. far from 远离 49. fall asleep 入睡 50. fall down 倒下;跌倒;从……落下 日常必备英语短语 1. fall ill/sick 生病 2. fall in 在……失败,(考试)不及格 3. fall on top of 掉到了……上面 4. fall off 从……掉下来/摔下来 5. fall one’s exam 考试不及格 6. fall over 滑倒,摔倒 7. family name 姓 8. family tree 家谱 9. feel afraid 觉得害怕 10. feel at home 像在家里一样舒适 11. feel proud 感到自豪 12. feel lonely 感到寂寞 13. feel like doing sth 想要做某事 14. feel tired 感到疲劳 15. feel well 觉得舒服 16. feel worried 感到忧虑 17. field trip 野外旅游 18. fight against 为反对……而斗争 19. fill with 装满 20. fill in the blanks 填空 21. finish doing sth 完成/结束…… 22. find out 查出,查明,发现,了解 23. find it difficult to do sth 发现很难做某事 24. (sth)fit(sb)well 非常合身 25. fly a kite 好风筝 26. follow one’s example 仿照……的榜样 27. follow one’s instruction 听从某人的指导 28. for a moment 一会儿 29. for a walk 散步 30. for ever 永远 31. for example 例如 32. for long 很长,很长时间 33. forget doing sth 忘记做过某事 34. four times as…as…是……的四倍 35. form now on 从此以后,今后 36. from then on 从那时起 37. from…to… 从……到…… 38. full name 全名 39. full of 装满 40. get back 返回,取回 41. get down 下来,落下 42. get dressed 穿衣服 43. get home 到家 44. get in 收集,进入 45. get into 搭乘(出租车) 46. get lost 迷路,丢失 47. get long/short 变长/短 48. get off 下车,取下,离开 49. get on 上车 50. get on…with sb 与某人相处…… 51. get on well with sb与某人相处融洽 52. get married 结婚 53. get more exercise做更多运动 54. get out of 从……出来,把……拿出来, 从出租车(轿车)下来 55. get out of bed 起床 56. 最常用英语短语精选 57. get ready for sth 为……作准备 58. get ready to do sth 准备做某事 59. get up 起床,起立 60. good luck 好运 61. good manners 有礼貌 62. good night 晚安 63. grow vegetables 种菜 64. grow up 成长/长大 65. Happy New Year!新年快乐 66. Happy birthday!生日快乐 67. had better do(not) sth 最好(不)做某事 68. half an hour 半小时 69. hand in 交上,交进 70. hand out 发给,散发 71. hands up举手 72. harder and harder越来越难/硬/努力 73. hate doing sth讨厌做某事 74. have a baby生孩子 75. have a class上课 76. have a cold感冒 77. have a cough (患)咳嗽 78. have a good/great/nice time 过得愉快,玩得高兴 79. have a good rest/talk好好休息/谈一谈 80. have a great/nice trip一次愉快的旅行 81. have a drink of喝一点 82. have a look(at)看一看 83. have a match/test进行比赛/测验 84. have/hold a meeting开会 85. have a picnic野餐
释义:n. 重聚;(班级或学校的)同学会,同窗会。
reunion dinner 团圆饭
college reunion 校友联谊会
family reunion 合家欢聚
hold a reunion 举行联欢会
1、Our family has a yearly reunion.
2、He was instrumental in the reunion of the two parties.
3、We have a family reunion every New Year's Day.
4、The round moon is a symbol or completeness, and family reunion.
5、The whole family was there for this big family reunion.
团聚一般指家庭成员或者亲友聚会,也有若干细小粘粒集合在一起的过程的意思。那么你知道团聚用英语怎么说吗?今天我在这里为大家介绍团聚的表达及 造句 ,欢迎大家阅读!
团聚球馆 Reunion Arena
团聚机理 agglomeration mechanisms ; agglomeration mechanism ; agglomerate mechanism
团聚控制 agglomerate control ; aggregation control ; agglomeration control
期待团聚 Looking forward to reunion
团聚模型 agglomerating model ; incorporation model
球形团聚 spherical agglomeration
1. Mimi and her family went off to Tunisia to rejoin her father.
2. He went back to Yorkshire to join his loyal, long-suffering wife.
3. She has been reunited with her natural mother.
4. Last night she was reunited with her children.
5. All the members of the family get together once a year.
6. She is trying her best to reunite with her father.
7. He spent his weekend in the bosom of his family.
8. We had a happy reunion after many years.
9. She spent the post-war years of her marriage trying to reunite father and son.
10. She and her youngest son were finally allowed to be reunited with their family.
11. How glad he was to be united with his family after all those years!
12. The children weren't allowed to see her for nearly a week. It was a very emotional reunion.
13. The poor woman was extremely happy to be reunited with her two sons who had been carried off by a swindler.
14. Married women visit their parents'home bearing gifts -- zongba, geese, and ducks.
出嫁的姑娘必须携带粽 粑 、 鹅鸭等礼物回娘家,同父母兄妹团聚.
15. Sonny's joy at that reunion had been real.
1. 英语造句学习方法
2. 英语怎样造句子的方法
3. 英语造句有哪些基本规则
4. 如何学会英语造句
5. 初中英语写作中如何遣词造句
6. 货架用英语怎么说