等我一下。"Cinderella" is all about: Cinderella is a filial piety and kindness of girl, is abused by stepmother and sisters for a long time, doing in the kitchen maid, every day is dusty dirty, afterwards because treat small animals and filial piety touched by day, so get the help of the fairy, in through the stepmother and sisters finally after block and the prince lived happily together.《灰姑娘》讲述的是:灰姑娘是一个孝顺且心地善良的女孩子,长期受到继母和姐姐们的虐待,在厨房里做女佣,每天都是灰头土脸脏兮兮的,后来由于善待小动物而且孝感动天,所以得到了仙女的帮助,在历尽继母和姐姐们的阻挠后终于和王子快乐地生活在一起的故事。
童话主要描绘虚拟的事物和境界,出现于其中的“人物”,是并非真有的假想形象,所讲述的 故事 ,也是不可能发生的。但是童话中的种.种幻想,都植根于现实,是生活的一种折光。下面,我在这给大家带来 童话故事 之《灰姑娘》中英文,欢迎大家借鉴参考!
There once lived a cute lovable girl named Cinderella. But one day a misfortune came upon her. Cinderella's mother was ill and soon died. Every day Cinderella cried so sadly.
"Cinderella, Cinderella don't cry" Father, comforted her and comforted her. But, because Cinderella missed her mother so much she cried every day. "Cinderella please don't cry. Soon your stepmother will be arriving."
The stepmother brought with her two daughters. Cinderella was happy to have a new stepmother and stepsisters. However, it wasn't for long, for Father soon had to leave on a far away trip. "Pretty Cinderella, listen to your stepmother and stepsisters." Cinderella promised her father that she would.
Everyday, while the lazy, ugly stepsisters played they teased Cinderella. Cinderella always stayed up late cleaning and washing the laundry. "Cinderella! Clean my shoes." Cinderella always wore tattered clothes and worked all day doing housework.
One day, an invitation came from the royal palace. "Mother, the prince is having a ball in finding a bride." Stepmother and stepsisters were in a commotion is choosing there clothes for the ball.
有一天,皇室送来了 邀请函 。“妈妈,王子打算举行舞会选拔新娘。”继母和姐姐们都在叽叽喳喳地商量着穿什么衣服赴宴。
"Until we get back clean the house and have the laundry washed spotlessly." The powered and dressed up stepmother and stepsisters left for the ball. "Oh! How I wish to go to the ball too." Cinderella left all alone began to cry.
All of a sudden the room became bright and a fairy godmother appeared. "Pretty Cinderella why are you crying?" "I want to go to the ball too. But, there's so much to do and I have nothing to wear"
"Don't worry Cinderella." As soon as the fairy godmother waved her magic wand, the housework that the stepmother asked was finished. And as soon as the tattered clothes were touched by the magic wand it changed into a splendid dress. And on her feet a pair of lovely glass slippers.
“别担心,灰姑娘。”当仙女一挥魔杖,继母要求做的 家务活 儿就都做完了。破烂的衣服被魔杖一指立刻变成了一件华丽的衣服。而且她的脚上还多出了一双漂亮的玻璃鞋。
"Once the clock strikes twelve the spell will be broken. Don't forget and come before then." As soon as Cinderella arrived at the ball everyone's eyes starred at her. "Ah! Who can that lovely girl be?" The prince asked Cinderella to dance. The two danced happily.
The clock began to strike twelve. The startled Cinderella ran out of the ballroom. She left the ball so quickly that she lost one of her glass slippers. As soon as she came out of the palace the spell was broken. Cinderella went back home with one of her glass slippers.
The prince could not forget the girl who left the ball so quickly. So, the prince searched house by house to find the girl who would fit the glass slipper. However, there was no girl who was able to fit the glass slipper. Finally, he came to Cinderella's house.
The stepsisters fought over the glass slipper and tried it on. Both had big feet and did not fit the shoe. The prince was very disappointed.
"I will try on the glass slipper." Cinderella tried on the glass slipper. The shoe fit her perfectly. Cinderella took out the other glass slipper to put it on, "Ah! It was you." The prince and Cinderella went back to the palace and lived happily ever after.
Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Cinderella. She lived with her wicked stepmother and two stepsisters. They treated Cinderella very 's stepmother made her do all the hard work in the house. She had to sweep, clean, cook and wash clothes every day. Her two stepsisters, who were spoiled and lazy, did nothing but order Cinderella around. One day, the king invited all the young ladies in the land to a grand ball. They could meet the handsome Prince, and one of them might become his bride. Cinderella's stepsisters were excited. They bought the most expensive gowns and jewels to wear to the ball. Poor Cinderella had to help them dress and arrange their hair. She wished she could go to the ball too. Her stepsisters just laughed at her. "Who would want you at the ball?" they said. After her stepsisters had left, Cinderella cried on her mother's grave. Suddenly, her fairy godmother appeared! She used her magic wand to turn a pumpkin into a coach, mice into horses, lizards into footmen, and Cinderella's rags into a beautiful gown. "Now you can go to the ball, but be back before midnight when the magic ends!" said the fairy had a wonderful time at the ball, dancing with the Prince. But she had to leave before midnight. In her haste, one of her glass slippers fell Prince proclaimed that whoever could fit the glass slipper would be his bride. The Duke tried to fit the glass slipper onto each lady in the kingdom. None of them could fit into the tiny slipper. When the Duke arrived at Cinderella's house, the slipper fit perfectly. Cinderella and the Prince were married and lived happily ever after.中文翻译:从前,有个叫灰姑娘的小家伙。她与她邪恶的继母和两个 继姐妹生活在一起。他们对灰姑娘非常的严酷。 灰姑娘的继母让她每天做所有的家务劳动。她必须打扫、清洁、做饭和洗衣服。她那贪恋安逸和懒惰的两个继姐妹什么也不做,只是命令灰姑娘。 一天,国王邀请全国所有的少女参加一场盛大的舞会。她们可以遇见英俊的王子,其中一个人可能会成为他的新娘。灰姑娘的两个继姐妹兴奋不已。她们买了最昂贵的礼服和珠宝来参加舞会。 可怜的灰姑娘必须帮助她们穿衣和整理发型。她也想去舞会。她的stepsister只是嘲笑她:“谁会想要你去舞会?” 在她的两个继姐妹离开后,灰姑娘在她母亲的坟墓上哭泣。突然,她的教母仙女出现了!她用魔法棒把一只南瓜变成马车,老鼠变成马,蜥蜴变成男侍从,灰姑娘的破衣服变成一件美丽的礼服。“现在你可以去舞会了,但在魔法在午夜失效前回来!”仙女教母说。灰姑娘在舞会上度过了美妙的时光,与王子跳舞。但她必须在午夜之前离开。在匆忙之中,她的一只玻璃鞋掉落了。 王子宣称谁能穿上玻璃鞋谁就会成为他的新娘。公爵试图让王国里的每位淑女都穿上玻璃鞋。但没有一个人能穿进这个小玻璃鞋。 当公爵来到灰姑娘家的时候,这个玻璃鞋完美地套在她的脚上。灰姑娘和王子结婚并幸福地生活在一起。故事教训:这个故事告诉我们,不要因为别人的外表和衣着就轻视他们。灰姑娘虽然常年穿着破烂的衣服,但她的美丽内在最终被王子发现。这个故事也告诉我们,善良和难以妒忌他人的人最终会得到幸福。灰姑娘的善良和宽容最终战胜了她受到的苦难,并找到了真爱。这个传统的童话故事让我们学习到,我们不应该因为别人的外表就断定他们,真正重要的永远是内在的美好。只有我们对他人充满善意,别人才会回以善意。这也让我们学习到,每一个人都会有属于自己的仙女教母,也许不是真正的仙女,而是适时给予帮助的人。所以,我们要学会像灰姑娘一样,永远保持希望,相信好人终将得到好报。这个美丽的故事将鼓励人们要以善待人,多一些宽容和同情,少一些偏见和怀疑。只要我们对生活怀有希望,梦想就一定会实现。这也让我们学习到,不要被生活的困难击倒,要学会在逆境中保持信心和勇气
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl, a wicked stepmother and two unhappy sisters.
Girls are often bullied by stepmothers and two sisters, forced to do heavy work, often covered with dust, so they are nicknamed "Cinderella".
One day, the prince of the city held a dance to invite all the girls in the city, but Cinderella's stepmother and two sisters refused to let Cinderella attend.
Cinderella was also asked to do a lot of work, which made Cinderella disappointed and sad.
Then a fairy appeared and helped Cinderella shake herself into a noble Miss Qianjin, turned mice into drivers, turned pumpkins into carriages, turned into a beautiful dress and a pair of crystal (glass) shoes for Cinderella to wear.
Cinderella was so happy that she rushed to the palace to attend the dance.
Before Cinderella left, the fairy warned Cinderella that Cinderella could not stay until 12 . and the magic would be automatically lifted.
Cinderella agreed. Cinderella attended the dance.
The prince was fascinated by Cinderella and asked Cinderella to dance as soon as he saw her.
The time of joy passed quickly.
It's almost midnight. Cinderella had to leave immediately, leaving a crystal shoe in panic.
The prince was so sad that he sent ministers all over the country to look for the girl wearing crystal shoes.
Despite the obstruction of his stepmother and sister, the minister succeeded in finding Cinderella.
The prince was very happy that he proposed to Cinderella. Cinderella agreed. From then on, they lived a happy life.
Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Cinderella. She lived with her wicked stepmother and two stepsisters. They treated Cinderella very 's stepmother made her do all the hard work in the house. She had to sweep, clean, cook and wash clothes every day. Her two stepsisters, who were spoiled and lazy, did nothing but order Cinderella around. One day, the king invited all the young ladies in the land to a grand ball. They could meet the handsome Prince, and one of them might become his bride. Cinderella's stepsisters were excited. They bought the most expensive gowns and jewels to wear to the ball. Poor Cinderella had to help them dress and arrange their hair. She wished she could go to the ball too. Her stepsisters just laughed at her. "Who would want you at the ball?" they said. After her stepsisters had left, Cinderella cried on her mother's grave. Suddenly, her fairy godmother appeared! She used her magic wand to turn a pumpkin into a coach, mice into horses, lizards into footmen, and Cinderella's rags into a beautiful gown. "Now you can go to the ball, but be back before midnight when the magic ends!" said the fairy had a wonderful time at the ball, dancing with the Prince. But she had to leave before midnight. In her haste, one of her glass slippers fell Prince proclaimed that whoever could fit the glass slipper would be his bride. The Duke tried to fit the glass slipper onto each lady in the kingdom. None of them could fit into the tiny slipper. When the Duke arrived at Cinderella's house, the slipper fit perfectly. Cinderella and the Prince were married and lived happily ever after.中文翻译:从前,有个叫灰姑娘的小家伙。她与她邪恶的继母和两个 继姐妹生活在一起。他们对灰姑娘非常的严酷。 灰姑娘的继母让她每天做所有的家务劳动。她必须打扫、清洁、做饭和洗衣服。她那贪恋安逸和懒惰的两个继姐妹什么也不做,只是命令灰姑娘。 一天,国王邀请全国所有的少女参加一场盛大的舞会。她们可以遇见英俊的王子,其中一个人可能会成为他的新娘。灰姑娘的两个继姐妹兴奋不已。她们买了最昂贵的礼服和珠宝来参加舞会。 可怜的灰姑娘必须帮助她们穿衣和整理发型。她也想去舞会。她的stepsister只是嘲笑她:“谁会想要你去舞会?” 在她的两个继姐妹离开后,灰姑娘在她母亲的坟墓上哭泣。突然,她的教母仙女出现了!她用魔法棒把一只南瓜变成马车,老鼠变成马,蜥蜴变成男侍从,灰姑娘的破衣服变成一件美丽的礼服。“现在你可以去舞会了,但在魔法在午夜失效前回来!”仙女教母说。灰姑娘在舞会上度过了美妙的时光,与王子跳舞。但她必须在午夜之前离开。在匆忙之中,她的一只玻璃鞋掉落了。 王子宣称谁能穿上玻璃鞋谁就会成为他的新娘。公爵试图让王国里的每位淑女都穿上玻璃鞋。但没有一个人能穿进这个小玻璃鞋。 当公爵来到灰姑娘家的时候,这个玻璃鞋完美地套在她的脚上。灰姑娘和王子结婚并幸福地生活在一起。故事教训:这个故事告诉我们,不要因为别人的外表和衣着就轻视他们。灰姑娘虽然常年穿着破烂的衣服,但她的美丽内在最终被王子发现。这个故事也告诉我们,善良和难以妒忌他人的人最终会得到幸福。灰姑娘的善良和宽容最终战胜了她受到的苦难,并找到了真爱。这个传统的童话故事让我们学习到,我们不应该因为别人的外表就断定他们,真正重要的永远是内在的美好。只有我们对他人充满善意,别人才会回以善意。这也让我们学习到,每一个人都会有属于自己的仙女教母,也许不是真正的仙女,而是适时给予帮助的人。所以,我们要学会像灰姑娘一样,永远保持希望,相信好人终将得到好报。这个美丽的故事将鼓励人们要以善待人,多一些宽容和同情,少一些偏见和怀疑。只要我们对生活怀有希望,梦想就一定会实现。这也让我们学习到,不要被生活的困难击倒,要学会在逆境中保持信心和勇气
Cinderella was a lovely old mother father married a wife,and the stepmother has brought two elder sisters.
She does a lot of housework the girl's clothes were very called her Cinderella.
The prince gave all the females an invitation,asked them to come in the palace to join the dance Cinderella’s stepmother didn’t let her go.
The day of the party met a fairy gave Cinderella a coach,two shoots,two horses and a beautiful magic will stop working at midnight.
Cinderella arrived at the palace and walked into the dance Prince saw danced only with Cinderella,and he fell in love with her.
A clock chiming reminded Cinderella of her fairy godmother's ran out of the Prince only found Cinderella’s one glass shoot.
The next morning,The Prince proclaimed:Whoever the shoot fits,shall be wife to arrived at the stepmother's Cinderella’s sisters can’t fit the she Cinderella took the other shoot from her pocket and put it on.
Finally,the Prince and Cinderella were lived happily ever after.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl, a wicked stepmother and two unhappy sisters.
Girls are often bullied by stepmothers and two sisters, forced to do heavy work, often covered with dust, so they are nicknamed "Cinderella".
One day, the prince of the city held a dance to invite all the girls in the city, but Cinderella's stepmother and two sisters refused to let Cinderella attend.
Cinderella was also asked to do a lot of work, which made Cinderella disappointed and sad.
Then a fairy appeared and helped Cinderella shake herself into a noble Miss Qianjin, turned mice into drivers, turned pumpkins into carriages, turned into a beautiful dress and a pair of crystal (glass) shoes for Cinderella to wear.
Cinderella was so happy that she rushed to the palace to attend the dance.
Before Cinderella left, the fairy warned Cinderella that Cinderella could not stay until 12 . and the magic would be automatically lifted.
Cinderella agreed. Cinderella attended the dance.
The prince was fascinated by Cinderella and asked Cinderella to dance as soon as he saw her.
The time of joy passed quickly.
It's almost midnight. Cinderella had to leave immediately, leaving a crystal shoe in panic.
The prince was so sad that he sent ministers all over the country to look for the girl wearing crystal shoes.
Despite the obstruction of his stepmother and sister, the minister succeeded in finding Cinderella.
The prince was very happy that he proposed to Cinderella. Cinderella agreed. From then on, they lived a happy life.
童话主要描绘虚拟的事物和境界,出现于其中的“人物”,是并非真有的假想形象,所讲述的 故事 ,也是不可能发生的。但是童话中的种.种幻想,都植根于现实,是生活的一种折光。下面,我在这给大家带来 童话故事 之《灰姑娘》中英文,欢迎大家借鉴参考!
There once lived a cute lovable girl named Cinderella. But one day a misfortune came upon her. Cinderella's mother was ill and soon died. Every day Cinderella cried so sadly.
"Cinderella, Cinderella don't cry" Father, comforted her and comforted her. But, because Cinderella missed her mother so much she cried every day. "Cinderella please don't cry. Soon your stepmother will be arriving."
The stepmother brought with her two daughters. Cinderella was happy to have a new stepmother and stepsisters. However, it wasn't for long, for Father soon had to leave on a far away trip. "Pretty Cinderella, listen to your stepmother and stepsisters." Cinderella promised her father that she would.
Everyday, while the lazy, ugly stepsisters played they teased Cinderella. Cinderella always stayed up late cleaning and washing the laundry. "Cinderella! Clean my shoes." Cinderella always wore tattered clothes and worked all day doing housework.
One day, an invitation came from the royal palace. "Mother, the prince is having a ball in finding a bride." Stepmother and stepsisters were in a commotion is choosing there clothes for the ball.
有一天,皇室送来了 邀请函 。“妈妈,王子打算举行舞会选拔新娘。”继母和姐姐们都在叽叽喳喳地商量着穿什么衣服赴宴。
"Until we get back clean the house and have the laundry washed spotlessly." The powered and dressed up stepmother and stepsisters left for the ball. "Oh! How I wish to go to the ball too." Cinderella left all alone began to cry.
All of a sudden the room became bright and a fairy godmother appeared. "Pretty Cinderella why are you crying?" "I want to go to the ball too. But, there's so much to do and I have nothing to wear"
"Don't worry Cinderella." As soon as the fairy godmother waved her magic wand, the housework that the stepmother asked was finished. And as soon as the tattered clothes were touched by the magic wand it changed into a splendid dress. And on her feet a pair of lovely glass slippers.
“别担心,灰姑娘。”当仙女一挥魔杖,继母要求做的 家务活 儿就都做完了。破烂的衣服被魔杖一指立刻变成了一件华丽的衣服。而且她的脚上还多出了一双漂亮的玻璃鞋。
"Once the clock strikes twelve the spell will be broken. Don't forget and come before then." As soon as Cinderella arrived at the ball everyone's eyes starred at her. "Ah! Who can that lovely girl be?" The prince asked Cinderella to dance. The two danced happily.
The clock began to strike twelve. The startled Cinderella ran out of the ballroom. She left the ball so quickly that she lost one of her glass slippers. As soon as she came out of the palace the spell was broken. Cinderella went back home with one of her glass slippers.
The prince could not forget the girl who left the ball so quickly. So, the prince searched house by house to find the girl who would fit the glass slipper. However, there was no girl who was able to fit the glass slipper. Finally, he came to Cinderella's house.
The stepsisters fought over the glass slipper and tried it on. Both had big feet and did not fit the shoe. The prince was very disappointed.
"I will try on the glass slipper." Cinderella tried on the glass slipper. The shoe fit her perfectly. Cinderella took out the other glass slipper to put it on, "Ah! It was you." The prince and Cinderella went back to the palace and lived happily ever after.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl, a wicked stepmother and two unhappy sisters.
Girls are often bullied by stepmothers and two sisters, forced to do heavy work, often covered with dust, so they are nicknamed "Cinderella".
One day, the prince of the city held a dance to invite all the girls in the city, but Cinderella's stepmother and two sisters refused to let Cinderella attend.
Cinderella was also asked to do a lot of work, which made Cinderella disappointed and sad.
Then a fairy appeared and helped Cinderella shake herself into a noble Miss Qianjin, turned mice into drivers, turned pumpkins into carriages, turned into a beautiful dress and a pair of crystal (glass) shoes for Cinderella to wear.
Cinderella was so happy that she rushed to the palace to attend the dance.
Before Cinderella left, the fairy warned Cinderella that Cinderella could not stay until 12 p.m. and the magic would be automatically lifted.
Cinderella agreed. Cinderella attended the dance.
The prince was fascinated by Cinderella and asked Cinderella to dance as soon as he saw her.
The time of joy passed quickly.
It's almost midnight. Cinderella had to leave immediately, leaving a crystal shoe in panic.
The prince was so sad that he sent ministers all over the country to look for the girl wearing crystal shoes.
Despite the obstruction of his stepmother and sister, the minister succeeded in finding Cinderella.
The prince was very happy that he proposed to Cinderella. Cinderella agreed. From then on, they lived a happy life.
从前,在某个城镇上,有个非常可爱的女孩,她不仅聪明漂亮而且心地善良。这个女孩 没有母亲,因为她的妈妈,在她还小的时后,就病逝了。 女孩的父亲,娶了个新妈妈回来,新妈妈还带来两个新姐姐。 “哇,这下家里可热闹了。”女孩非常地高兴。” 家里突然间变的生气勃勃,热闹起来,女孩高兴得不得了。 因为她不但有爸爸有新妈妈,同时还有两个姐姐。 可是,女孩的兴奋是短暂的。因为,新妈妈根本就不疼爱女孩,甚至还虐待她。 “快去打扫,扫完以后还要去做饭哟!” 新妈妈一直命令女孩做东做西的,却让自己的两个女儿在一旁玩耍。 女孩总是在炉灶旁,灰头土脸地工作着。 所以坏心眼的姐姐们便常嘲笑、捉弄女孩。 “好讨厌啊!多么脏的女孩子呀!” “而那个脏女孩就是仙德蕾拉!” “是啊!她叫仙德蕾拉,所谓仙德蕾拉就说身上沾满着布尘,脏兮兮的意思呀!” “好有趣呀!噢!噢!” 因此这个女孩就这样被称为“仙德蕾拉(Cinderella)”。 城堡里的王子发出请帖,邀请各户人家的女孩。 “王宫里将开舞会,请务必光临。” 侍卫沿着街道喊着。 女孩们接到王子的邀请后,都欢欣雀跃。 在仙德蕾拉的家里,两个姐姐也因收到王子的请帖,而非常的高兴: “太好啦!去王宫必须穿漂亮点呀!” “是啊!要穿件引起王子注意的漂亮衣裳呀!” “我要穿那件衣服呢?” “穿那双鞋呢?” “头部要怎样装饰才好看呢?” 两个姐姐完全乐歪了。 舞会来临的当天。 仙德蕾拉仍然得打扫房间。“仙德蕾拉,你慢吞吞的干什么?还不快点扫!” 姐姐们开始责骂仙德蕾拉。 仙德蕾拉边提着水桶走出去,边伤心得抽抽噎噎地哭了。 仙德蕾拉走进自己简陋的小阁楼里。 看到映在镜子上的脸都是灰尘与污垢,而身上所穿的衣服又这么脏。不禁悲从中来,心 里好难过! “啊!我好想去参加王子的舞会呀!” 仙德蕾拉跟其他的女孩一样,也想去参加舞会。 “到底舞会有多热闹、多华丽呢?” 仙德蕾拉想到舞会,内心好兴奋,可是这身肮脏的打扮,怎么能够进入王宫,参加王子 的舞会呢? 仙德蕾拉非常羡慕两位姐姐。 姐姐们那么兴奋、愉快地准备着,可是仙德蕾拉尽做些打扫和做饭的杂事。 “仙德蕾拉!仙德蕾拉!仙德蕾拉!快来呀!” “仙德蕾拉!你死到那里去了!还不快来帮我忙,再不快点,就要耽误舞会呀!” 姐姐们大呼小叫着。 仙德蕾拉急急忙忙地赶到姐姐们的身旁,听候使唤,一点也不敢偷懒。 “仙德蕾拉!你在干什么?快来帮我梳个漂亮的头发呀!拿鞋子啊!” “快!快帮我穿衣服呀!如果不穿华丽点,王子会笑我们寒酸,那多丢人!” 姐姐们焦躁不安地说。 老实的仙德蕾拉按照姐姐们的吩咐,替姐姐们梳头穿衣服。 姐姐们不知道该穿那件衣服,东挑西选在那边大声吵叫着。不过,不管姐姐们如何地打 扮,坏心眼的姐姐们一点都不漂亮。 马车来了。 “我们走!” 两个姐姐由妈妈带着,装模作样地矫饰了一番,然后出去了。 当马车走后,仙德蕾拉好寂寞喔!只剩下她一个人留在家里看家。仙德蕾拉好可怜哦! 想着想着,仙德蕾拉真地好难过,难道自己不能去参加舞会? 仙德蕾拉在火炉旁开始抽抽噎噎地哭了。 虽然她尽量地忍耐,可是一想到王宫里的热闹舞会,她不由得又伤心了。 呜呜…….呜呜………..她独自伤心地哭着。 “喂!喂!小姐!” 突然有人站在仙德蕾拉背后叫她。 “咦!” 仙德蕾拉吓了一跳,转头一看,有位陌生的婆婆站在那儿。 老婆婆问仙德蕾拉说: “你为什么哭呢?” “嗯!” 仙德蕾拉擦干眼泪说: “我想参加王子的舞会!” 老婆婆点点头说:“这没问题,这有啥困难的!” “王宫里的那个舞会,只要是经过王子的邀请,无论谁都可以去的呀!” “可是我这身肮脏的打扮,怎么能够去王宫呢?” 老婆婆笑了。 “好,好!你真是个心地善良的好女孩,我一定让你去参加王子的舞会。” 老婆婆拿着一根拐杖,轻敲地上的南瓜。 “啊!” 多么奇妙啊!转眼间,南瓜变成漂亮的马车。 原来老婆婆是个魔术师呀!仙德蕾拉大吃一惊。老婆婆微笑说:“你看!车辆有了。可 是还缺少马匹!” 老婆婆叫老鼠出来,然后拿拐杖轻触老鼠,老鼠立刻变成车夫和马匹。 “好了,可以上车了。” 老婆婆对仙德蕾拉说。 但仙德蕾拉不肯上车。 于是老婆婆说: “咦?为什么不快上车?” “可是…….我…………….。” “噢!原来如此呀!我这个老糊涂,你穿这身脏衣服怎么去王宫呢?好!好!你稍等一 会儿!嘛穆!嘛穆!………..。” 老婆婆口中念念有词,然后用拐杖触摸仙德蕾拉的衣服。 “噢!” 转瞬之间,仙德蕾拉的脏衣服已经变成耀眼夺目的新衣。 “哇!好漂亮呀!” 仙德蕾拉不由得大叫一声。仙德蕾拉自出生到现在,都还没穿过这么漂亮的衣服呢! 老婆婆又拿出一双漂亮的金缕鞋给仙德蕾拉穿。 “哪!这么一来,你就是个漂亮的公主啦!仙德蕾拉公主呀!”老婆婆说。 “老婆婆,谢谢您,我去啦!再见了!” 漂亮的公主-仙德蕾拉公主催赶着马车,往王宫的方向驶去,心里无比地兴奋和紧张。 当仙德蕾拉进入王宫的大厅时。 “啊!好漂亮呀!这是那一个国家的公主呀?” 众人睁大眼睛看着仙德蕾拉! 王子一看见仙德蕾拉,能发自内心的喜欢她。王子对仙德蕾拉说: “请跟我跳支舞好吗?” 仙德蕾拉像双蝴蝶般的,轻快、纯熟地舞动的脚步。 仙德蕾拉的两个姐姐做梦也不会想到和王子跳舞的公主,就是那个沾满灰尘的仙德蕾拉。 “我好羡慕那个公主呀!你看她和王子那么快乐地跳舞!” “她那么漂亮,而且舞技那么纯熟!” 她的两个姐姐立在远处,悄悄地互相低语着。 仙德蕾拉和王子跳了相当久的时间,王子真的非常喜欢仙德蕾拉,他直想知道这个公主 会是哪一国的公主。 “公主!你到底是那个国家的公主呢?” 可是,如果仙德蕾拉的名字或家世被王子知道,那就糟了。 因为自己只是个魔法变成的公主啊! 她必须赶在两个姐姐前先回家,做完份内的家事。 仙德蕾拉便对王子说:“我告辞了。” 她急急忙忙赶着离开。 王子从后面追过来,然后大声说: “公主请等等!” 仙德蕾拉心想:“如果被抓住,那可就糟啦!” 所以她开始跑了起来,当她跑到台阶时,不小心摔了一跤,掉了一只鞋,可是她管不了 这只鞋了。 “公主!公主!请等一下。” 她没有理会王子的喊叫声,加快脚快,十万火急地朝着幽暗的城堡外跑去。 “再不赶快回家,可就糟了。”她心里想着。 仙德蕾拉想立刻坐上马车,却找不到那辆马车。 “糟啦!糟啦!怎么办呢?” 仙德蕾拉当然找不到那辆马车,因为她仔细一看,地上有一个南瓜。 “噢!” 魔法消失了。 车夫和马匹已经变成了老鼠,在旁边奔跑玩耍。她也发现穿在自己身上的漂亮衣服,也 已经恢复原来肮脏且缝缝补补的破旧衣服了。 “没有办法啊!这些都是会使魔法的老婆婆,运用魔术把我变成的呀!” 仙德蕾拉又恢复原来的面目,只是沾满灰尘的女孩。 圆圆的月亮,高挂在黑夜的天空中。 仙德蕾拉借着月光,独自走在崎岖的小道上,往回家的路走去。 当她好不容易走到家时,幸好姐姐们还没回来。 仙德蕾拉从后门偷偷地溜进去,而且跟往常一样,坐在炉灶前面点燃柴火、提水、扫 地、煮饭。 自从舞会结束,匆匆分开的那一刻起,王子日日夜夜地思念着仙德蕾拉公主。在王子的 心中已决定;非找到那位漂亮的公主不可。 可是不管向谁打听,都探听不出公主的事来。 所剩下的唯一证物就是公主的一只鞋。 于是王子对部下说:“你们快去找,适合这只鞋子的女孩。” 部下们拿着那只金色的鞋子,浩浩荡荡地走向街上。 他们挨家挨户地拿着一只鞋,寻访这只鞋的女主人。 “不合呀!” “我也不行啊!” 结果很难找到适合穿这只金色鞋子的女孩。这风声逐渐传遍整个城镇,引起街上人们的 骚动。 “是谁能穿这只鞋子啊?” 姐姐对仙德蕾拉说: “仙德蕾拉,无论如何你一定不能穿的,可是你也来穿穿看吧。” “是啊,虽然是白费功夫,可是这也是规定呀!” 另一个姐姐以完全瞧不起仙德蕾拉的口气说着。这时候仙德蕾拉开始试穿这只金缕鞋。 “呀!正合适呀!” 王子的部下眼睛瞪得圆圆地叫出声。金色鞋子正适合仙德蕾拉的脚呀! “就是这位小姐,正是这位小姐,是王子要找的公主呀!” “太棒了!找到啦!小姐请跟我们回宫吧!”众人大声叫嚷着。 “哦!………”两个姐姐目瞪口呆的,好惊讶啊! 仔细一看,那个漂亮的公主和仙德蕾拉脸型极其相似。 “糟糕啦!怎么办呢?”两个坏姐姐互相低语着。 “哇!是仙德蕾拉呀!” “是仙德蕾拉公主!” 仙德蕾拉公主在街上受到人们的欢呼,坐上马车向王宫奔驰而去。 仙德蕾拉把以前旧而脏的衣服脱掉,穿上漂亮、华丽、高贵的衣裳。因为这已不是魔法 变成的衣裳了,所以,仙德蕾拉再也不必担心了。 “太好啦!能够找到公主,的确太好了。” 王子非常高兴地说:“这次绝对不让她走了。” 仙德蕾拉姑娘像在梦里一般,幸福洋溢。 两个姐姐非常害怕不知仙德蕾拉会给她们怎么样的惩罚?可是心地善良的仙德蕾拉姑娘 仍像亲姊妹般对待她们。 不久,仙德蕾拉姑娘和王子举行结婚典礼,场面盛大、热闹非凡。 “恭喜!恭喜!”的祝福声,到处都是。 全国的百姓都诚挚地向他俩祝贺。 仙德蕾拉从此以后过着幸福快乐的生活。(你可以在线翻译)
看了十几个,就这个最好ヾ ^_^♪
看了十几个,就这个最好ヾ ^_^♪
CinderellaOnce upon a time... there lived an unhappy young girl. Unhappy she was, for her mother was dead, her father had married another woman, a widow with two daughters, and her stepmother didn't like her one little bit. All the nice things, kind thoughts and loving touches were for her own daughters. And not just the kind thoughts and love, but also dresses, shoes, shawls, delicious food, comfy beds, as well as every home comfort. All this was laid on for her daughters. But, for the poor unhappy girl, there was nothing at all. No dresses, only her stepsisters' hand-me-downs. No lovely dishes, nothing but scraps. No nice rests and comfort. For she had to work hard all day, and only when evening came was she allowed to sit for a while by the fire, near the cinders. That is how she got her nickname, for everybody called her Cinderella. Cinderella used to spend long hours all alonetalking to the cat. The cat said,"Miaow", which really meant, "Cheer up! You have something neither of your stepsisters have and that is beauty."It was quite true. Cinderella, even dressed in rags with a dusty grey face from the cinders, was a lovely girl. While her stepsisters, no matter how splendid and elegant their clothes, were still clumsy, lumpy and ugly and always would be.One day, beautiful new dresses arrived at the house. A ball was to be held at Court and the stepsisters were getting ready to go to it. Cinderella, didn't even dare ask, "What about me?" for she knew very well what the answer to that would be:"You? My dear girl, you're staying at home to wash the dishes, scrub the floors and turn down the beds for your stepsisters. They will come home tired and very sleepy." Cinderella sighed at the cat."oh dear, I'm so unhappy!" and the cat murmured "Miaow".Suddenly something amazing happened. In the kitchen, where Cinderella was sitting all by herself, there was a burst of light and a fairy appeared."Don't be alarmed, Cinderella," said the fairy. "The wind blew me your sighs. I know you would love to go to the ball. And so you shall!""how can I, dressed in rags?" Cinderella replied. "The servants will turn me away!" The fairy smiled. With a flick of her magic wand... Cinderella found herself wearing the most beautiful dress, the loveliest ever seen in the realm."Now that we have settled the matter of the dress," said the fairy, "we'll need to get you a coach. A real lady would never go to a ball on foot!""Quick! Get me a pumpkin!" she ordered."Oh of course," said Cinderella, rushing away. Then the fairy turned to the cat."You, bring me seven mice!""Seven mice!" said the cat. "I didn't know fairies ate mice too!""They're not for eating, silly! Do as you are told!... and, remember they must be alive!"Cinderella soon returned with a fine pumpkin and the cat with seven mice he had caught in the cellar."Good!" exclaimed the fairy. With a flick of her magic wand... wonder of wonders! The pumpkin turned into a sparkling coach and the mice became six white horses, while the seventh mouse turned into a coachman, in a smart uniform and carrying a whip. Cinderella could hardly believe her eyes."I shall present you at Court. You will soon see that the Prince, in whose honour the ball is being held, will be enchanted by your loveliness. But remember! You must leave the ball at midnight and come home. For that is when the spell ends. Your coach will turn back into a pumpkin, the horses will become mice again and the coachman will turn back into a mouse... and you will be dressed again in rags and wearing clogs instead of these dainty little slippers! Do you understand?" Cinderella smiled and said,"Yes, I understand!"When Cinderella entered the ballroom at the palace, a hush fell. Everyone stopped in mid-sentence to admire her elegance, her beauty and grace."Who can that be?" people asked each other. The two stepsisters also wondered who the newcomer was, for never in a month of Sundays, would they ever have guessed that the beautiful girl was really poor Cinderella who talked to the cat!When the prince set eyes on Cinderella, he was struck by her beauty. Walking over to her, he bowed deeply and asked her to dance. And to the great disappointment of all the young ladies, he danced with Cinderella all evening."Who are you, fair maiden?" the Prince kept asking her. But Cinderella only replied:"What does it matter who I am! You will never see me again anyway.""Oh, but I shall, I'm quite certain!" he replied.Cinderella had a wonderful time at the ball... But, all of a sudden, she heard the sound of a clock: the first stroke of midnight! She remembered what the fairy had said, and without a word of goobye she slipped from the Prince's arms and ran down the steps. As she ran she lost one of her slippers, but not for a moment did she dream of stopping to pick it up! If the last stroke of midnight were to sound... oh... what a disaster that would be! Out she fled and vanished into the night.The Prince, who was now madly in love with her, picked up her slipper and said to his ministers,"Go and search everywhere for the girl whose foot this slipper fits. I will never be content until I find her!" So the ministers tried the slipper on the foot of all the girls... and on Cinderella's foot as well... Surprise! The slipper fitted perfectly."That awful untidy girl simply cannot have been at the ball," snapped the stepmother. "Tell the Prince he ought to marry one of my two daughters! Can't you see how ugly Cinderella is! Can't you see?"Suddenly she broke off, for the fairy had appeared."That's enough!" she exclaimed, raising her magic wand. In a flash, Cinderella appeared in a splendid dress,shining with youth and beauty. Her stepmother and stepsisters gaped at her in amazement, and the ministers said,"Come with us, fair maiden! The Prince awaits to present you with his engagement ring!" So Cinderella joyfully went with them, and lived happily ever after with her Prince. And as for the cat, he just said "Miaow"! 翻译就用楼上的吧
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl, a wicked stepmother and two unhappy sisters.
Girls are often bullied by stepmothers and two sisters, forced to do heavy work, often covered with dust, so they are nicknamed "Cinderella".
One day, the prince of the city held a dance to invite all the girls in the city, but Cinderella's stepmother and two sisters refused to let Cinderella attend.
Cinderella was also asked to do a lot of work, which made Cinderella disappointed and sad.
Then a fairy appeared and helped Cinderella shake herself into a noble Miss Qianjin, turned mice into drivers, turned pumpkins into carriages, turned into a beautiful dress and a pair of crystal (glass) shoes for Cinderella to wear.
Cinderella was so happy that she rushed to the palace to attend the dance.
Before Cinderella left, the fairy warned Cinderella that Cinderella could not stay until 12 p.m. and the magic would be automatically lifted.
Cinderella agreed. Cinderella attended the dance.
The prince was fascinated by Cinderella and asked Cinderella to dance as soon as he saw her.
The time of joy passed quickly.
It's almost midnight. Cinderella had to leave immediately, leaving a crystal shoe in panic.
The prince was so sad that he sent ministers all over the country to look for the girl wearing crystal shoes.
Despite the obstruction of his stepmother and sister, the minister succeeded in finding Cinderella.
The prince was very happy that he proposed to Cinderella. Cinderella agreed. From then on, they lived a happy life.
灰姑娘是一个童话故事中的角色,原在欧洲民间广为流传,后来才由法国作家夏尔·佩罗(Charles Perrault,1697)和德国的格林兄弟(Jacob et Wilhelm Grimm,1812)加以采集编写。
1. It's all come down to this—a Cinderella story.
2. His daily life was just like in a Cinderella story.
3. Like a Cinderella story, it all took off from there.
cinder就是“灰”的意思,比如“incinerate把...弄成灰烬”里面的ciner就是cinder的变体,ella是女性后缀,比如“slander ella诽谤姑娘,就是喜欢诽谤别人的女孩”。所以,Cinderella就是“灰姑娘”。
huī gū niang
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl, a wicked stepmother and two unhappy sisters.
Girls are often bullied by stepmothers and two sisters, forced to do heavy work, often covered with dust, so they are nicknamed "Cinderella".
One day, the prince of the city held a dance to invite all the girls in the city, but Cinderella's stepmother and two sisters refused to let Cinderella attend.
Cinderella was also asked to do a lot of work, which made Cinderella disappointed and sad.
Then a fairy appeared and helped Cinderella shake herself into a noble Miss Qianjin, turned mice into drivers, turned pumpkins into carriages, turned into a beautiful dress and a pair of crystal (glass) shoes for Cinderella to wear.
Cinderella was so happy that she rushed to the palace to attend the dance.
Before Cinderella left, the fairy warned Cinderella that Cinderella could not stay until 12 p.m. and the magic would be automatically lifted.
Cinderella agreed. Cinderella attended the dance.
The prince was fascinated by Cinderella and asked Cinderella to dance as soon as he saw her.
The time of joy passed quickly.
It's almost midnight. Cinderella had to leave immediately, leaving a crystal shoe in panic.
The prince was so sad that he sent ministers all over the country to look for the girl wearing crystal shoes.
Despite the obstruction of his stepmother and sister, the minister succeeded in finding Cinderella.
The prince was very happy that he proposed to Cinderella. Cinderella agreed. From then on, they lived a happy life.