

小思 2024-09-19 23
关于六一儿童节的英文歌曲摘要: 关于六一儿童节的英文歌ProudofYou以你为傲冯曦妤一.Loveinyoureyes你眼中充满爱Sittingsilentbymyside坐我身旁静静待Goingonhol...









六一儿童节儿童歌曲大全搞笑儿歌《我是你的小小狗》《爸爸妈妈去上班我去幼儿园》《儿童节快乐》《童心是小鸟》下载地址请到儿歌视频大全网 点击顶部的站内搜索,关键词输入六一,都是想要的儿童节儿歌了,都是免费下载,不用注册还可以到儿歌也是非常多的

ProudofYou以你为傲  冯曦妤  一.  Loveinyoureyes  你眼中充满爱  Sittingsilentbymyside  坐我身旁静静待  Goingonholdinghands  携手朝前迈  Walkingthroughthenights  走过无数个夜晚  Holdmeupholdmetight  抱起我不松开  Liftmeuptotouchthesky  托举我去把天宇摘  Teachingmetolovewithheart  教我用身心去爱  Helpingmeopenmymind  助我把心扉打开  Icanfly  我会飞  I'mproudthatIcanfly  我骄傲我会飞  Togivethebestofmine  去展示我的精彩  Tilltheendofthetime  直到天荒地老  BelievemeIcanfly  我真的会飞  I'mproudthatIcanfly  我骄傲我会飞  Togivethebestofmine  去展示我的精彩  Theheaveninthesky  天空中的乐园  二.  Starsinthesky  天上的群星  Wishingonceuponatime  很久以前许愿  Givemelove  赐予我爱  Makemesmile  造就我笑  Tilltheendoflife  直到生命的终点  Holdmeupholdmetight  抱起我不松开  Liftmeuptotouchthesky  托举我去把天宇摘  Teachingmetolovewithheart  教我用身心去爱  Helpingmeopenmymind  助我把心扉打开  Icanfly  我会飞  I'mproudthatIcanfly  我骄傲我会飞  Togivethebestofmine  去展示我的精彩  Tilltheendofthetime  直到天荒地老  BelievemeIcanfly  我真的会飞  I'mproudthatIcanfly  我骄傲我会飞  Togivethebestofmine  去展示我的精彩  Theheaveninthesky  天空中的乐园  三.  Can'tyoubelievethat  真难以置信  youlightupmyway  你点亮了我的征程  Nomatterhowthateasemypath  无论我的道路是否平坦  I'llneverlosemyfaith  我绝不会丧失信念  Seemefly  看我飞  I'mproudtoflyuphigh  我自豪向上高飞  Showyouthebestofmine  向你展示我的精彩  Tilltheendofthetime  直到天荒地老  BelievemeIcanfly  我真的会飞  I'msinginginthesky  我在天上歌唱  Showyouthebestofmine  向你展示我的精彩  Theheaveninthesky  天空中的乐园  Nothingcanstopme  没有什么能阻挡我  Spreadmywingssowide  尽情舒展我的翅膀  注:这首歌说的是,一个成功者歌颂背后默默奉献的辛勤教导者。我--会飞的人,你--教导者。  我之所以能取得成就,是因为有你,一直以来,我以有你而感到骄傲。



六一儿童节儿童歌曲大全搞笑儿歌《我是你的小小狗》《爸爸妈妈去上班我去幼儿园》《儿童节快乐》《童心是小鸟》下载地址请到儿歌视频大全网 点击顶部的站内搜索,关键词输入六一,都是想要的儿童节儿歌了,都是免费下载,不用注册还可以到儿歌也是非常多的

Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star Declan Galbraith Twinkle twinkle little star 一闪一闪小星星 How I wonder what you are? 我多想知道你是什么? Looking at your magic light 看着你闪着魔幻般的光芒 Watching over us tonight 在晚上注视着我们 Before my dreams take me away 在我的梦想带走我之前 I kneel beside my bed and pray 我在床旁边下跪并且为 For all the children in the dark 所有在黑暗中的孩子祈祷 Till tomorrow,twinkle little star. 直到明天,闪光小星星…. Promise me you'll twinkle little star. 请你许诺我,闪光小星星…. Cos everybody needs a little star.因为大家需要一个小星星.



1、The World Conference for the Well-being of Children in Geneva,Switzerland proclaimedJune 1 to be International Children's Day in1925。It is not clear as to why June 1 was chosen asthe International Children's Day。


2、one theory has it that the Chinese consul-general in SanFrancisco(USA)gathered a number of Chinese orphans to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festivalin 1925,which happened to be on June 1 that year。


3、The holiday is celebrated on 1 June each year,It is usually marked with speeches onchildren's rights and wellbeing,children TV programs,parties,various actions involving ordedicated to children,families going out,etc。



1、Today is the children's day. It is a holiday for all children, and is also the first "61" children's day since I became a primary school student.


2、I spent this happy festival with my teachers and classmates. The teacher specially prepared a variety of activities for us, including sticking nose, bowling, fishing for the moon in the water, blasting balloons and so on.


3、Time flies like a shuttle. Once a year the flight of time children's Day is coming.


4、Due to the one-day holiday on June 1, our school arranged a garden tour on Tuesday. There are many interesting games, such as table tennis, checkers, water bottle and so on!


5、This year's June 1 children's Day is really happy! I wish it was June 1 every day!


一.Children's Day

In China, Children’s Day is celebrated on June 1 and is formally known as “the June 1 International Children’s Day”. Schools usually hold activities such as camping trips or free movies on Children’s Day to allow students to have fun, and children might also receive small gifts from the government. Entrance ceremonies of the Young Pioneers of China are usually held on June 1 as well. InChina, it is a big day for children. On June 1, except join some activities, their parents also take children to parks or fairground to have fun, and then have a big dinner. In general, McDonald’s and KFC are the most popular.

二.Children's Day

the Children's Day this year is the most unforgettable one for me beacause i'll soon graduate.

Even though it doesn't come yet,i believe it must be the most unforgettable. I will no loneger be a child once going to middle school

What a unforgettable Children's Day!

三.(Today is Children's Day)

Today is Children's father takes me to the are many kinds of animals,the tigers, the pandas,the lions, the elephants,the giraffes and the bears.

They are different from each other ,some are shy, some are beautiful, some are interesting , some are friendly, some are so cute. But i think these animals are unhappy, they should live in the forest,because the life in the zoo are different from that in the forest.



The activity began. There were a sea of people on the stadium. Some were selling books, some were selling toys, and others were selling all kinds of fun gadgets. There was a small stall full of people. I squeezed in and saw that the clothes of a female classmate brightened my eyes. She was wearing exquisite Han clothes, with long and wide sleeves, patterns on the cuffs and embroidered belts on her waist. She was as beautiful as a fairy. No wonder she attracted so many customers! She patiently introduced to the students and asked them to buy the toys in her hand. In front of another stall, a boy with dark skin was watching Charlie IX seriously. He couldn't put it down. The noisy environment around him has no effect on him. It's good to learn!

Towards the end of the activity, the students bought their favorite things. We happily donated the money from the charity sale to schools in poor mountainous areas. I think this is really a meaningful activity!


I'm a salesman and a porter in our class. Three other students and I moved the items donated by our classmates from the class to the gym. The lifting time made us tired quickly.

The bell rang and the charity sale officially began. The students poured fish into the gym and rushed to the shops of all classes to choose what they like, which made the salespeople dizzy.

Zhang Borui in our class waved a colored stick and shouted, "don't miss passing by!" After listening to Zhang Borui's promotion, some students stopped to patronize our shop. Tai Wanyue was also accompanied by a crisp bell. Other students and I were busy selling goods and collecting money. I also took a large bag of toys to sell outside the store. As I walked, I shouted, "come and buy them, all for one yuan, pick them up!" After listening to my selling, many students surrounded me and searched my bag. One of them bought ten at once, and I gave him another one.

After the charity sale, as soon as we settled the accounts, we sold a total of several hundred yuan. Today we had a meaningful June day.


On that day, the weather was clear and cloudless, and there were a lot of people in the stadium. Some students are selling toys, some students are selling stationery, and others are selling books. Of course, there are many students shopping. After careful observation, I found a female classmate in ancient costume. The student's clothes are made of yarn, with beautiful patterns on them, long and wide sleeves, and a white belt around his waist. It's really beautiful! She picked up a doll and seriously introduced it to her classmates. In front of another booth, there is a very special male classmate. He is thin and has a little black skin. He is not in such a hurry to choose things as others, but is absorbed in reading a book. He can't put it down.

At the end of the charity sale, the students bought what they wanted. Finally, we donated the money from the charity sale, which will be sent to children in poor mountainous areas. I think this is a very meaningful activity!


Today, around 12 noon, we lined up in a neat line and took our charity products into our booth. After arranging the charity products, we started the charity sale. Then I began to walk east and West, go to other stalls and start looking for bargains. When I came to a booth, a student came up and invited me to visit their booth, so I went up to see if there were any interesting toys and good-looking books. I found a magic cube on the stall. It's from Qibo youth. I'm itchy and want to buy it very much.

As soon as I saw that the price was three yuan, I thought it was on the high side, so I paid back the price and closed the deal at one yuan and five yuan. After I bought the Rubik's cube, I found that the slogans of each class are very distinctive, so I began to pay attention to the slogans of each class. After I read all the slogans, I found that the most distinctive one is such a slogan: we have no license, we don't return our goods, but we have heavy love. As I walked, I found that some classes had closed their stalls one after another. I was happy and thought I could buy better and cheaper things this time. So I said to the classes that didn't close the stalls: "you see, some classes have been evacuated one after another. Can you sell it to me for a cheaper price? Do you want to take it back?" I'm so accurate. I soon bought four books: "insects", "how steel is made", "Three Musketeers" and "composition of primary school examination room".


I first took out what I wanted to sell and put it neatly on the table. It may be that there are too many things with us. The place where they are placed is relatively small. Some good things overlap under the items. We don't have much business. I think what can I do if it goes on like this? At this time, I had an idea, picked up my crystal ball and shouted, "come and have a look! The brand-new 'night Pearl' has beautiful patterns and colors. Come and rush to buy, only two!" Sure enough, Kung Fu pays off. A large group of customers rushed up when they heard the clear cry and asked "how much is it?" "Ten yuan." I replied with a smile on my face. Some people thought it was too expensive and had to leave in frustration. Some people bargained because they liked it. I thought in my heart, I've lost enough. Alas, it's too difficult to make money. I thought of my parents working hard to make money and decided not to spend money indiscriminately anymore. At this time, Gong Xu, the "Iron Rooster" in the class, squeezed into the crowd and said with full wealth: "it's only ten yuan. It's too cheap. I'll take it." As he spoke, he paid for it. I was happy to see that a business had been concluded.

At this time, Tian Guifan came to me with a lovely pink hairpin and asked me to buy it. I was very excited at the sight. She quickly flattered me when she saw my look: "how suitable this clip is for you. Wearing it on your head can better set off your beauty. It's very cheap. It's only three yuan." "Three yuan? Look, you've lost all the glaze here..." I deliberately found fault to facilitate bargaining. "It's still new. I think it's up to one yuan, which others despise." When she saw me say this, she showed a embarrassed expression. "I'm really new. You can add a little more." I had to give up my love: "forget it, I won't buy it!" "Wait," she sighed, "here you are. Look at me. Do you have anything else you like?" Ha ha, I learned to bargain and bought something I like. I'm happy.

The activity ended with laughter. I looked at the colorful banknotes in front of me and felt unspeakable joy in my heart.


Today, in order to celebrate June 1, the school launched the activity of "flea market". Early in the morning, when I came to school, I saw many students discussing today's activities. I was also very excited because I could buy the book donated by Li Siyu.

When the first class was over, the teacher asked several students at work to move things down. I was very excited. As soon as I thought of going down, I could buy what I liked. At the beginning of the second class break, with the principal's order: "flea market activity officially begins!" The whole school cheered.

I first visited my class. I found Zhao Rui's dog. I like it very much because it's cute and unhappy. Then I went to the booth of class 2 and bought two very beautiful books. The most interesting thing is that I saw a book "100000 whys", but this book sells for five yuan. I have only four yuan in my pocket. What should I do? I can only bargain with my classmates who sell things. I said how much I like it and I want to buy it. The classmate saw that I liked the book very much and finally sold it to me for four yuan.

What a harvest today! I not only gain valuable things, but also gain eloquence, knowledge, communication ability and love. I spent ten yuan today. I donated ten yuan for the poor mountainous areas. Ten yuan is nothing here, but in mountainous areas, you can let several children have a full meal, buy some school supplies, and subsidize children in difficulty. Moreover, today I found old books, and the books read by others were sold to me at a low price. I also learned more knowledge. How good!

Thanks to my alma mater. This is my last International Children's Day. I am very grateful to my alma mater for letting me learn so much in this happy holiday. This is the most unforgettable 61, and I will never forget it in my life!


On the way to school, I kept thinking: what's going to be performed today? What time does the program start? Is there anything delicious? When I got to school, I was shocked! Almost all the girls are wearing beautiful skirts, and the boys are also very handsome! This happy atmosphere also "infected" me. I put down my schoolbag and began to discuss the program with my classmates. It was fun.

After the math class, I finally got to the party. The monitor and I were lucky to be the host of this meaningful party.

First, the talent show, Zhu Yuhan summoned up the courage to bring the Latin dance 98K to the students. At first, she was very shy, but she was slowly relieved with the rhythm of the music and won a round of applause from the "audience".

Next is the game link, the old-fashioned and fun game of grabbing stools: six boys stood in a row and turned around four chairs. When the music stopped, they began to compete for chairs. Their looks and expressions were very funny, which made people laugh.

After lunch, the teacher brought us coke in order to reward us. Raise your glasses and shout, cheers.

At more than one o'clock in the afternoon, each of us received a game card. The teacher said, "you can go to each class of grade 5 and 6 to participate in the game and collect the seal, so you can exchange your favorite snacks." After listening, everyone was in high spirits. I'll go to class 6 (2) to play the game of Zhu Bajie carrying his daughter-in-law. Carry a doll on your back and jump over the circle on the ground, even if you complete the task. I got this seal smoothly. Next, I will finish the task one by one and get the seal.

Everyone returned to the classroom with full "achievements". The teacher assigned us snacks such as candy and potato chips according to the number of seals, and everyone ate with relish. The last link is to take photos. The students left their names on the blackboard and took pictures to commemorate this beautiful six years.

Although this is the last International Children's Day, there is no sadness, there is joy!

Happy June day!


Since I can remember, I have been looking forward to the arrival of June 1. Because on this day, I can honestly ask my parents for gifts, take a day off without scruples, and... So I hope that day will come soon.

However, June this year is the key time for junior high school students to study. Every day, I am immersed in intense study. The coming of "61" children's day has brought me some happiness and nostalgia

The twelfth festival of childhood is not worth going back, and it is also worth going back with the wind of my childhood. I want to compete with the old man for time, but time is like a plate of loose sand, sliding between my fingers, gently falling and disappearing; I tried to pick them up, but I lost them

Childhood life is colorful. Standing in front of the mirror, I was stunned to find that I was no longer the fantasy, naive and lovely baby. I grew up with a mature face and youthful vitality. I can't believe everything in my eyes. I hope it's not true. I hope to wake up and become a naive and lovely little girl again. I want to listen to the rustling rain outside the window, the whispering words of swallows, and the crisp singing of cuckoo birds: "cuckoo, cuckoo"

It was another night full of stars. One of the stars radiated colorful light, which predicted that I would enter another beautiful period of youth. In this period, I will leave childishness and become mature. A new period is coming to me. During this period, I will work harder and join the Communist Youth League as soon as possible. May 4 every year will become my festival again. In today's special day, my mood is half happy and half worried. What I like is that I have grown up for another year; The worry is how the new life is, which is still a mystery... But I will try to adapt to it and integrate into it.


8: The performance started on time. We sat in our own position and began to concentrate on the performance. This time, on the commodity list of various "stores", there are: the pure award ceremony of the Holy Spirit, humorous sketches, strange and beautiful dances and beautiful songs.

What I like most is the English version of the three little pigs. The story is: three little pig brothers build a house in an open space, and the boss builds a straw house; The second built a wooden house; Only the third built a stone house with solid bricks. When the boss and the second saw each other, they laughed at him and went home playing the flute and violin. One day, the wolf father took her sons out to look for food. They came to the place where the three little pigs built the house. They first came to the boss's house, blew a big breath, and blew away the boss's straw house. The eldest son hurried to the second son's house in a panic. The father wolf and his children followed him all the way to the second son's house. They still used the previous method to blow away the wooden house. The eldest son and the second son were very afraid and hurried to the third son's house. The father wolf and his children shouted arrogantly, "the door opened!" The third replied immediately, "I will not open, my house is strong." Father wolf blew a few more mouthfuls of air as soon as he was angry, but the house still didn't move at all. The father of the old wolf and his children had to leave reluctantly. When the three little pig brothers saw the father of the old wolf and his children go, they happily began to sing and dance again.

11: After the performance, we happily spent the last "June day". This time we gained a lot. I learned to do something meaningful in the moment of my alma mater, so as not to let this beautiful time disappear in vain!


In the afternoon, we will hold a special garden tour in each grade, that is, to play games in each class and reward.

Finally it was afternoon. Mr. Ye gave everyone a note for visiting the garden. I went to play the game of sticking my nose with my good friends first. There are so many people. The original sticking nose is to draw a head on the blackboard, and then stick the "nose" to the right place. Only when it is pasted correctly can there be a reward. Looking at the people in front of me, I was very excited. When it was my turn, I became more nervous. I first put on an eye mask, turned around a few times, and walked to any place. There was a burst of laughter behind me, saying "go to the right, go to the right". Now I know I'm in the wrong place. I went to the TV. I couldn't help blushing and red ears. I quickly adjusted the direction and pasted the "nose" correctly under the teacher's reminder. After I got the reward, I went to other classes with my good friends. It took a while for the tension to subside.

Later, we went to class six with the least number of people to play. It turns out that just throw the table tennis ball into the washbasin. All the people in front have passed. It's my turn. After I aimed, I threw it out. The ball fell to the ground, bounced up, hit the newspaper on it, fell down again, and fell into the washbasin in a perfect arc. I was very excited. Later, I played several games and won many prizes. I was very happy!

How happy this garden tour is!


My mother ordered a pair of skates online for me very early. My mother said it would arrive soon, but I waited for several days and didn't see the shadow of my express uncle. However, at noon on children's day, I saw a green van coming to my house. I thought: is my skates here? I'm looking forward to it!

After a while, I didn't expect the car to really stop at my door. Uncle express took out a big parcel. After my mother signed for it, I rushed to the living room with the big bag in my arms. I can't wait to open the package. WOW! A new pair of skates was displayed in front of me and became my "61" gift. I'm so happy! Because I finally have my own pair of skates.

This "61" children's day, I am very happy, because today I received my favorite gift.


At the party, I also performed a program. I told you an English story. The content of the story is the story between the cunning fox and the clever and brave chicken and duckling, but it's a pity that I didn't tell the students the Chinese meaning of the English story after I finished. Because we haven't had an English class yet, and we don't know if the students understand? I will tell my classmates again in the future!

My family will give me gifts every International Children's Day, but this year when my grandmother asked me what I wanted, I only chose a simple "rubber band" because I was learning the game of jumping rubber band with my classmates, so I chose it. I think I'm already a primary school student. The gifts I choose should be useful to my study and life. I can't ask for some useless toys like when I was a child.

Although my parents didn't take me out to play this year, my mother cooked a delicious meal for our family. The family spent the festival with me. The children who were busy with their parents and didn't have time to spend the festival with them had a better holiday than mine? Happy?


Along the way, we laughed and played, the mottled shadows of the trees fell on our foreheads, and the singing sparrows on the branches added a happy atmosphere to our festival.

Delicate lotus flowers are scattered on the mirror like lake. Faded wooden boats are put on the bridge head. Cormorants on the boat sometimes fall down, beat black-and-white wings, and stretch their long mouths into the water to catch fish. The imitation old water town ancient building is erected on the opposite bank, and a long reflection is put into the water. All this seems to come out of the painting, which is breathtaking.

The pavilion on the hillside leaned gracefully there, like a girl with long hair in plain clothes.

When you open the wooden doors, you can see the big drums on both sides, "Dong Dong Hua la..." the sound of drums and water are intertwined, like the talk of nature

The suspension bridge at dusk has a unique flavor. The waterwheel in the distance overlaps the sunset, and high-rise buildings with suspended feet are connected together, surrounding the magnificent stage.

It was getting dark, and the lights of the drum tower lit up one by one, which set off the tall and majestic stage

In the night, all kinds of brightly lit buildings are reflected in the water, true or false, false, ethereal and ethereal. The lake in the moonlight is full of color and beauty.

This fairyland like beauty makes my June day picturesque and colorful!


Today, I came to the school early. As soon as I entered the school gate, I felt that the whole school was full of a happy and festive atmosphere: I saw a large stage set up on the playground, which was filled with all kinds of novel props, surrounded by colorful balloons, and the middle of the stage was prominently written "art lights up dreams".

After the morning reading, everyone lined up in a neat queue, brought their own stools to the playground, sat down in the designated position, and looked forward to the activity starting soon. At 8:10 ., the members of the guzheng team kicked off the whole "June 1" activity with a cheerful "harvest gongs and drums". Then, the dance team and chorus performed various programs respectively: social dance, textbook drama, etc. "four hundred years ago, seven grade officials, the legacy of Gan Tang has been passed down to now..." this is the line we recited in Grade 5. My parents said that our queue was the most orderly and our voice was the loudest. And my favorite is one. The fashion show performed by the second grade children, because they are full of childhood joy and vitality, let us see a healthy and enterprising spirit. Finally, class 5 (2) ended the whole activity with "charming fire pond" and "jingling bells". Although the activity was over, the joy of the festival was still on the campus.


In the afternoon, we watched a wonderful literary performance. There are wonderful programs brought by our school folk music ensemble, musical "growing pains", and many wonderful programs.

Among them, I like the composition of the musical growing pains to celebrate International Children's Day. The characters are mother, congcongcong and her classmates. Congcong is playing with her classmates. When her mother saw it, she called her back to study. Congcong said, "let me play with them for a while." "No, I'm for you. I'm for a good university in the future."

Then his mother said, "I'm a little hungry. Go shopping and eat." Congcong said, "Mom, you know what to eat and what to do. You eat like a pig." On the way back, my mother read a newspaper. It said that now there is a kind of cram school, which can improve the children's wisdom. My mother came home and said to congcongcong, "tomorrow I'll help you sign up for four kinds of cram classes, seven o'clock math, eight o'clock English, nine o'clock piano and ten o'clock calligraphy." the students were frightened when they heard that congcongcong was going to cram for four kinds of classes. Mother said, "Congcong, just bear it! When you get into college, you won't study any more." After hearing Congcong's difficulties, the students decided to help her. Congcong's diary "growing pains" says, mom, can you let me play like other children, and don't help me sign up for so many remedial classes. After reading Congcong's diary, her mother thought that her child should study and play. Later, her mother danced with congcongcong.

This time the International Children's Day was so happy! I really want the next International Children's Day to come soon!


As early as two weeks ago, the head teacher, Mr. Wang, announced to everyone that he would start the program. Hearing the news program, everyone was so happy that they burst into a pot and enthusiastically reported their own programs.

Today, we are excited and nervous because we are going to perform on the stage soon. We are eager to show our style color on the stage, but we are afraid of any mistakes. But I'm not nervous at all, because I'm an audience. I took a glass of juice and watched the program attentively. All the students on the stage acted very seriously and intoxicated. There are also many kinds of programs, including singing, dancing, playing zither, painting, playing violin and performing sketches. Although the performance was not very professional, it was wonderful. After all, it was the students' own stage. They could give full play to their imagination and creativity. Everyone enjoyed it.

It was time for dinner. Under the temptation of food, everyone scrambled to grab it. The head teacher, Mr. Wang, was afraid of scalding us when he saw this situation. He ran to maintain order and everyone lined up orderly. As soon as Miss Wang walked away, there was chaos again. We've never had such a delicious dinner.

The following is the general mobilization. Boys and girls are taking model steps, playing games, stepping on balloons, cutting ribbons, circling, etc. everyone has a serious and happy time.

Unknowingly, at 9 ., the happy time quickly flowed away. It's time for everyone to say goodbye. We left reluctantly. What an unforgettable children's Day!


Let's talk about drums. First of all, Liu zhanqun performed a song called horse racing, which was really as majestic as riding a horse. Many people followed us and rode together to the boundless grassland. And Nie zekun, who performed a song that he believed in himself. He waved his hands on the stage and performed with the rhythm of the music. It seemed that he had many hands and played very passionately off the stage, which won warm applause from the audience!

The last one is hip-hop dance. There are six hip-hop dancers. They dance very well, especially the middle student. He dances around on the stage like a little rabbit. Other students are very good. Everyone's face is sweating!

Today's celebration of June 1 is really beautiful! I really want to celebrate International Children's Day every day!


That morning, every student who walked into the school walked into the campus with a brisk pace wearing makeup, a neat school uniform or a beautiful skirt. All of them are in high spirits, as if they have super confidence in the chorus of their class.

That morning, God didn't know what happened. It rained halfway through the third grade performance. After the rain stopped, we continued to perform. The four hosts continued to smile and presided over the stage again and again

Although the third grade pupils are not as old as us, their performances are no worse than ours, and some are even better than ours. Seeing that the chorus performances of other classes are better than each other, I am also determined to play normally and don't fall off the chain after playing.


The host stood on the stage, waiting for our arrival. The silence of the campus was broken by everyone's laughter. Everyone looked at the stage with happy faces and meticulous eyes, looking forward to the wonderful performance of the actors. Next, we all listened to the headmaster's speech. In order to welcome the arrival of International Children's Day, our school held a grand International Children's Day party. This sentence is deeply imprinted in my mind. The first program had a "good start". The actors were dressed in yellow and tied colorful ribbons on their feet. Danced in various forms, which made people intoxicated! The second program is to welcome rats to steal oil. This program: a rat king went to inquire about Elvis Presley. He was sleeping. As soon as the rat King sounded the order, the little mice poured out. They reached their shoulders and leaned against their feet, eating oil while doing exercises. The programs are more and more wonderful. imperceptibly,

It's already more than 5 o'clock. I really hope time can stop at the moment that belongs to us. After the party, everyone left the performing arts hall with more than enough to say. I had a very, very happy day today. I really hope there will be a "June 1" children's day every month.


Our class elected two through "democratic voting": one is Mao Wenyan and the other is Hu Binbin. At the beginning of the program, Mr. Pan sang a song "with happiness" for us. I don't know if I don't listen. I'm scared. She sings a song. It's gentle and euphemistic, but it sounds good. If I only listened to the sound, I could hardly recognize it. This opening made us more interested in watching the game! Among them, I like a lot of players, but my favorite is Hu Binbin of our class. His song is happy, you know. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt inside. As soon as the music sounded, he began to dance with great familiarity. I looked at him. Unconsciously, I felt the faint light shining behind him, as if he were a shining star on the stage. At the end of the competition, a group of girls in pink skirts ran up and danced in group dance, which ended the competition for our top ten singers.

After lunch, our school began to be lively again. Neat lines, loud slogans and beating "notes" made the whole audience very quiet. Because we started the rhythmic gymnastics competition.

In children's day, I had a very happy and full time.


The magician said: "I should not only give you the magic also teach magic." We all cheered happily here. Magicians give us a lot of wonderful magic: a fake eggs into real eggs, the white paper into real money, breaking the glass from a distance... . After watching these magical and wonderful magic show, we move the chair while humming a ditty happy back to class.

Back to us in the class and happy to eat the delicious buffet. Is mouth-watering buffet in cookies, cakes, nutrient-rich pitaya, cantaloupes and small steamed bun, we all love to eat more chicken wings, fish, and sausage.

Today the teacher showed us a wonderful magic show also eat the delicious buffet. We are really happy!


Entrance ceremonies of the Young Pioneers of China are usually held on June 1 as well. InChina, it is a big day for children. On June 1, except join some activities, their parents also take children to parks or fairground to have fun, and then have a big dinner. In general, McDonald’s and KFC are the most popular.


they are different from each other ,some are shy, some are beautiful, some are interesting , some are friendly, some are so cute. but i think these animals are unhappy, they should live in the forest,because the life in the zoo are different from that in the forest.

the children`s day is coming .so i am very think that day i am going to buy a beautiful gift for that wonderful day, i am going to play in that children‘s garden whit my mother and father. it will be the most happy day!


After returning to the classroom, the students scrambled to show their carefully prepared programs for everyone. Classmates who tell jokes delight everyone in the past. The students who tell stories fascinate us. The students' beautiful songs have introduced us into another world. Dancing makes people lively and lovely. Some students in the classroom enjoy wonderful programs brought by their classmates while eating snacks. Some classrooms are whispering, but the teacher lets students talk interesting stories with their peers in a low voice ...

Children's day is really happy! I wish children all over the country a happy June 1st.


This children's day of June 1st is unusual for me, because the day before yesterday, we and the third grade students P bombed balloons, and I somehow became the captain. what can I do? I have thought of a good way, and you will listen.

I decided to put a word " snake array". what do you think is " word snake array"? Hee hee, watch: I arranged a few people to bomb them with balloons, and we stood in a line. when those people were about to be bombed, we rushed. unexpectedly, this plan was really successful, and they were unprepared. we bombed them and flew them all the time, but what I didn't know was that they had an ambush. we fled straight away. suddenly, I found that we were all carrying ribbons with us, and we took them out, turned defeat into victory, and spewed them out. they also had no choice but to " surrender".

This June 1st children's day is very unusual, and I look forward to the coming of the next June 1st children's day!


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/26420.html发布于 2024-09-19
