Unit 1
characteristic n. 特征;特性
radium n. 镭
painter n. 画家;油漆匠
put forward 提出
scientific adj. 科学的
conclude vt. & vi. 结束;推断出
conclusion n. 结论;结束
draw a conclusion 提出结论
analyse vt. 分析
△infect vt. 传染;感染
△infections adj. 传染的
△cholera n. 霍乱
defeat vt. 打败;战胜;使受挫 n. 失败
expert adj. 熟练的;经验或知识丰富的 n. 专家;行家
attend vt. 照顾;护理;出席;参加
physician n. 医生;内科医师
expose vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光
expose…to 使显露;暴露
△ deadly adj. 致命的
cure n. 治愈;痊愈 vt. 治愈;治疗
△ outbreak n. 爆发;发作(尤指疾病或战争)
challenge n. 挑战vt. 向……挑战
victim n. 受害者
absorb vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心
suspect vt. 怀疑 n. 被怀疑者;嫌疑犯
enquiry n. 询问
neighbourhood n. 附近;邻近
severe adj. 严重的;剧烈的;严厉的
△ clue adj. 线索;提示
pump n. 泵;抽水机 vt. (用泵)抽(水)
△ Cambridge 剑桥大街
foresee vt. 预见;预知
△ investigate vt. & vi. 调查
△ investigation n. 调查
blame vt. 责备;谴责 n. 过失;责备
pollute vt. 污染;弄脏
handle n. 柄;把手 vt. 处理;操纵
△ germ n. 微生物;细菌
link vt. & n. 连接;联系
link…to… 将……和……联系或连接起来
announce vt. 宣布;通知
△ certainty n. 确信;确实
instruct vt. 命令;指示;教导
△ responsible adj. 有责任的;负责的
construct vt. 建设;修建
construction n. 建设;建筑物
contribute vt. & vi. 捐献;贡献;捐助
apart from 除……之外;此外
firework n. 烟火(燃放)
chart n. 图表
△ creative adj. 有创造力的;创造性的;独创的
△ co-operative adj. 合作的
positive adj. 积极的;肯定的;确实的
(be)strict with… 对……严格的
△Nicolaus Copernicus 尼古拉?哥白尼(波兰天文学家)
△revolutionary adj. 革命的;重大变革的
movement n. 移动;运动;动作
make sense 讲得通;有意义
backward adv. & adj. 向后地(的);相反地(的);退步地(的)
△loop n. 圈;环
△privately adv. 私下地;秘密地
spin vi. & vt. (使)旋转;纺(线或纱)
△brightness n. 明亮;亮度;聪颖
enthusiastic adj. 热情的;热心的
cautious adj. 小心的;谨慎的
reject vt. 拒绝;不接受;抛弃
universe n. 宇宙;世界
Unit 2
unite vi. & vt. 联合;团结
kingdom n. 王国
consist vi. 组成;在于;一致
consist of 由……组成
△London Heathrow Airport伦敦希思罗机场
province n. 省;行政区
△River Avon 埃文河
△River Thames 泰晤士河
△River Severn 塞文河
divide…into 把……分成
△Wales 威尔士(英)
△Scotland 苏格兰(英)
△Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰(英)
clarify vt. 澄清;阐明
accomplish vt. 完成;达到;实现
conflict n. 矛盾;冲突
unwilling adj. 不愿意(的);不乐意(的)
break away (from) 挣脱(束缚);脱离
union n. 联合;联盟;结合;协会
△the Union Jack 英国国旗
credit n. 信任;学分;赞扬;信贷
to one’s credit 为……带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在……名下
currency n. 货币;通货
institution n. 制度;机制;公共机构
△educational adj. 教育的
convenience n. 便利;方便
rough adj. 粗糙的;粗暴的
roughly adv. 粗略地;粗糙地
△Midlands 英格兰中部地区(英)
nationwide adj. 全国性的;全国范围的
attract vt. 吸引;引起注意
△historical adj. 历史(上)的;有关历史的
architecture n. 建筑学;建筑艺术
△Roman n. (古)罗马人 adj. (古)罗马的
collection n. 收藏品;珍藏;收集
administration n. 管理;行政部门
port n. 港口(城市)
△Anglo-Saxon n. 盎格鲁-撒克逊人 adj. 盎格鲁-撒克逊人的
△Norman n. 诺曼人;诺曼语 adj. 诺曼的;诺曼人(语)的
△Viking n. 北欧海盗;斯堪的纳维亚人
countryside n. 乡下;农村
enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的;使人高兴的
leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑
△opportunity n. 机会;时机
description n. 描写;描述
fax n. 传真(机) vt. 用传真传输(文件)
possibility n. 可能(性)
plus prep. 加上;和 adj. 加的;正的;零上的
quarrel n. 争吵;争论;吵架 vi. 争吵;吵架
alike adj. 相同的;类似的
take the place of 代替
break down (机器)损坏;破坏
arrange vt. 筹备;安排;整理
wedding n. 婚礼
fold vt. 折叠;对折
sightseeing n. 观光;游览
delight n. 快乐;高兴;喜悦 vt. 使高兴;使欣喜
royal adj. 王室的;皇家的;高贵的
uniform n. 制服
△St Paul’s Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂
splendid adj. 壮丽的;辉煌的;极好的
△Westminster Abbey 威斯敏斯特教堂(英国名人墓地)
statue n. 塑像;雕像
△Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫
△Greenwich n. 格林尼治(英城市)
△longitude n. 经线;经度
△imaginary adj. 想象中的;假想的;虚构的
△navigation n. 导航;航行
△Highgate Cemetery 海格特墓地(英伦敦北郊,内有马克思及其家人的坟墓)
communism n. 共产主义
△original adj. 最初的;原始的;独创的;新颖的
thrill vt. 使激动;使胆战心惊
pot n. 罐;壶
error n. 错误;过失;谬误
tense n. 时态
consistent adj. 一致的
aspect n. 方面;层面
impression n. 印象;感想;印记
take up 拿起;接受;开始;继续
constant adj. 时常发生的;连续不断的
constantly adv. 不断地
jet n. 喷气式飞机
△jet lag 飞行时差反应
△flashback n. 闪回;倒叙
previous adj. 在前的;早先的
uncertain adj. 不确切的;无把握的
guide n. 指导;向导;导游vt. 指引;指导
tablet n. 药片
△expertise n. 专家意见;专门知识(技能等)
capsule n. 太空舱;胶囊
steward n. 乘务员;服务员
stewardess n. 女乘务员
opening n. (出入的)通路;开口;开端
sideways adv. 往(向、从)一侧;侧着;侧面朝前
surrounding n. 周围的事物;环境 adj. 周围的
tolerate vt. 容忍;忍受
△combination n. 结合;组合
lack vi. & vt. 缺乏;没有 n. 缺乏;短缺的东西
adjustment n. 调整;调节
mask n. 面具;面罩;伪装
be back on one’s feet (困境后)恢复;完全复原
△hover vi. 盘旋
carriage n. 运输工具;四轮马车;客车
press vi. & vt. 按;压;逼迫
n. 按;压;印刷;新闻
fasten vt. 系牢;扎牢
belt n. 腰带;皮带
safety belt 安全带
lose sight of… 看不见……
sweep up 打扫;横扫
flash vt. & vi. (使)闪光;(使)闪现
switch n. 开关;转换 vt. 转换
timetable n. 时间表;时刻表
△exhausted adj. 筋疲力尽的; 疲惫不堪的
slide into (快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进……
optimistic adj. 乐观(主义)的
△pessimistic adj. 悲观(主义)的
speed up 加速
△pedal n. 踏板;脚蹬
△alien n. 外星人;外国人 adj. 陌生的;外国的;外星球的
mud n. 泥(浆)
desert n. 沙漠;荒原
△enormous adj. 巨大的;庞大的
△imitate vt. 模仿;仿造
△moveable adj. 可移动的;活动的
citizen n. 公民;居民;市民
typist n. 打字员
typewriter n. 打字机
postage n. 邮资
postcode n. 邮政编码
button n. 钮锃;按钮
instant n. 瞬间;片刻 adj. 立即的;立刻的
receiver n. 接受者;接收器;电话听筒
△efficiency n. 效率;功效
△efficient adj. 效率高的;有能力的
△ribbon n. 丝带;带状物
dustbin n. 垃圾箱
△dispose vt. 布置;安排
△disposal n. 清除;处理
ecology n. 生态;生态学
greedy adj. 贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的
swallow vt. 吞下;咽下
material n. 原料;材料
recycle vt. 回收利用;再利用
△manufacture vt. (用机器)大量生产;成批制造
goods n. 货物
△etc abbr. 诸如此类;等等
representative n. 代表;典型人物 adj. 典型的;有代表性的
settlement n. 定居;解决
motivation n. 动机
Unit 4
journalist n. 记者;新闻工作者
△involve vt. 牵涉;涉及;包括;使参与(卷入)……
editor n. 编辑
photograph n. 照片 vt. 给……照相
photographer n. 摄影师
△photography n. 摄影
△unforgettable abj. 难忘的;永远记得的
△assignment n. 任务;分配
delighted adj 快乐的;欣喜的
admirable adj. 值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的
unusual adj. 不同寻常的;独特的
assist vt. 帮助;协助;援助
assistant n. 助手;助理;售货员
submit vt. 递交;呈递(文件等)
profession n. 职业;专业
professional adj. 专业的;职业的 n. 专业人员
colleague n. 同事
eager adj. 渴望的;热切的
concentrate vt. 集中;聚集
concentrate on 集中;全神贯注于
amateur n. 业余爱好者
update vt. 更新;使现代化
acquire vt. 获得;取得;学到
assess vt. 评估;评定
inform vt. 告知;通知
deadline n. 最后期限
△interviewee n. 参加面试者;接受采访者
meanwhile adv. 其间;同时
depend on 依靠;依赖
case n. 情况;病例;案例
accuse vt. 指责;谴责;控告
accuse…of 因……指责或控告……
△accusation n. 指责;谴责;控告
deliberately adv. 故意地
so as to (do sth) 为了(做)……
△deny vt. 否认;拒绝
sceptical adj. 怀疑的(<美>skeptical)
guilty adj. 犯罪的;有罪的;内疚的
dilemma n. (进退两难的)困境;窘境
demand n. 需求;要求 vt. 强烈要求
△demanding adj. 要求很高的;费力的
publish vt. 出版;发行;发表;公布
△scoop n. 抢先获得的新闻、利润等;勺子;铲子
section n. 部分;节
△concise adj. 简明的;简练的
△imaginative adj. 富于想象力的
technical adj. 技术(上)的;技巧方面的
technically adv. 技术上;工艺上
thorough adj. 彻底的;详尽的
gifted adj. 有天赋的
△idiomatic adj. 惯用的;合乎语言习惯的
housewife n. 家庭主妇
crime n. 罪行;犯罪
edition n. 版(本);版次
ahead of 在……前面
department n. 部门;部;处;系
accurate adj. 精确的;正确的
senior adj. 年长的;高年级的;高级的
polish vt. 擦亮;磨光;润色
chief adj. 主要的;首席的 n. 首领;长官
approve vt. 赞成;认可;批准
process vt. 加工;处理n. 过程;程序;步骤
△negative n. 底片;否定adj. 否定的;消极的
appointment n. 约会;任命
Unit 5
aid n. & vt. 帮助;援助;资助
first aid (对伤患者的)急救
temporary adj. 暂时的;临时的
fall ill 生病
injury n. 损伤;伤害
bleed vi. & vt. (bled,bled)流血
△nosebleed n. 鼻出血;流鼻血
△sprain vt. 扭伤
△sprained adj. 扭伤的
ankle n. 踝(关节)
choke vi. & vt. (使)噎住;(使)窒息
cupboard n. 橱柜;衣柜
skin n. 皮;皮肤
△essential adj. 最重要的;不可缺少的;本质的
organ n. 器官
△layer n. 层;层次
barrier n. 屏障;障碍(物)
poison n. 毒药;毒害 vt. 毒害;使中毒
ray n. 光线;射线
complex adj. 复杂的
variety n. 变化;多样(化);多变(性)
liquid n. 液体
radiation n. 辐射;射线
mild adj. 轻微的;温和的;温柔的
mildly adv. 轻微地;温和地
pan n. 平底锅;盘子
stove n. 炉子;火炉
△heal vi. & vt. (使)康复;(使)化解
tissue n. (生物)组织;薄的织物;手巾纸
electric shock 触电;电休克
swell vi. & vt. (swelled,swollen) (使)膨胀;隆起
swollen adj. 肿胀的
△blister n. 水泡 vi. & vt. (使)起泡
△watery adj. (似)水的
△char vi. 烧焦
△nerve n. 神经;胆量
scissors n. (pl.) 剪刀
unbearable adj. 难以忍受的;不能容忍的
basin n. 盆;盆地
squeeze vt. & vi. 榨;挤;压榨
squeeze out 榨出;挤出
over and over again 反复;多次
bandage n. 绷
in place 在适当的位置;适当
△ointment n. 药膏;油膏
△infection n. 传染;传染病;感染
vital adj. 至关重要的;生死攸关的
symptom n. 症状;征兆
△label vt. 加标签或标记;分类 n. 标签;标记
kettle n. (水)壶;罐
pour vt. & vi. 倒;灌;注;涌
wrist n. 手腕
damp adj. 潮湿的
△Casey 凯西(姓)
sleeve n. 袖子
blouse n. 女衬衫
tight adj. 牢的;紧的;紧密的
tightly adv. 紧地;牢牢地
firm adj. (动作)稳定有力的;坚定的
firmly adv. 坚固地;稳定地
throat n. 咽喉;喉咙
△Janson 詹森(姓)
ceremony n. 典礼;仪式;礼节
bravery n. 勇敢;勇气
△Slade 斯莱德(姓)
stab vt. & vi. 刺;戳;刺伤
a number of 若干;许多
put one’s hands on 找到
treat vt. & vi. 治疗;对待;款待 n. 款待;招待
apply vt. 涂;敷;搽;应用;运用 vi. 申请;请求;使用;有效
pressure n. 压力;挤压;压迫(感)
ambulance n. 救护车
△scheme n. 方案;计划
△Southerton 萨瑟顿(姓)
make a difference 区别对待;有影响;起(重要)作用
△bruise n. & vi. 瘀伤;擦伤
第一单元单词:1 characteristic 特征;特性 radium 镭 painter 画家 put forward 提出5 scientific 科学的 conclude 结束;推断出vt.& conclusion 结论;结束 draw a conclusion 得出结论9 analyse 分析 infect 传染;感染 infectious 传染的 cholera 霍乱 defeat 打败;受挫;使战胜vt.失败 expert 熟练的;经验或知识丰富的adj.专家;行家 attend 照顾;护理;出席;参加 physician 医生;内科医师 expose 暴露;揭露;使曝光 expose…to 使显露;暴露 deadly 致命的 cure 治愈;痊愈n.治愈;治疗 outbreak 爆发;发作 challenge 挑战n.向……挑战 victim 受害者 absorb 吸收;吸引;使专心 suspect 怀疑vt.被怀疑者;嫌疑犯 enquiry 询问 neighborhood 附近;邻近 severe 严重的;剧烈的;严厉的 clue 线索;提示 pump 泵;抽水机n.(用泵)抽(水) Cambridge street 剑桥大街32 foresee 遇见,预知 investigate 调查vt.& investigation 调查 blame 责备;谴责vt.过失;责备 pollute 污染;弄脏 handle 柄;把手n.处理;操纵 germ 微生物;细菌 link 连接;联系 link...to... 将……和……联系或连接起来41 announce 宣布;通告 certainty 确信;确实 instruct 命令;指示;教导 responsible 有责任的;负责的 construct 建设;修建 construction 建设;建筑物 contribute 捐献;贡献;捐助vt.& apart from 除……之外;此外49 firework 烟火(燃放) chart 图表 creative 有创造力的;创造性的;独创的 co-operative 合作的 positive 积极的;肯定的;确实的 be strict with... 对……严格的55 Nicolaus Copernicus 尼古拉.哥白尼(波兰天文学家)56 revolutionary 革命的;重大变革的 movement 移动;运动;动作 make sense 讲得通;有意义59 backward 向后的(地);相反的(地);退步的(地)adj.& loop 圈;环 privately 私下地;秘密地 spin (spun,spun)(使)旋转;纺(线或纱)vt.& brightness 明亮;亮度;聪颖 enthusiastic 热情的;热心的 cautious 小心的;谨慎的 reject 拒绝;不接受;抛弃 universe
英语必修五Unit1的单词: characteristic、radium、painter、put forward、scientific、conclude、conclusion、analyse、infect、infectious、cholera。
1、含义:n. 特点;特性;特色。adj. 典型的;特有的。
Ambition is a characteristic of all successful businessmen.
1、含义:n. [化]镭(元素符号Ra)。
Radium and uranium are radioactive elements.
1、含义:adj. 科学的。
We all support his scientific research.
1、含义:vt. 推断出;缔结;使结束。vi. 结束;总结;作决定;作协议。
The concert concluded with the National Anthem.
1、含义:vt. 传染;感染。
The open wound soon became infected.
拿出一本英语书,翻到后面的单词表,首先看音标,把单词读会,然后去记单词的中文意思,这样就会记住单词了,下面给大家分享一些关于 高二英语 必修五单词表,希望对大家有所帮助。
Unit 1
characteristic n. 特征;特性
radium n. 镭
painter n. 画家;油漆匠
put forward 提出
scientific adj. 科学的
conclude vt. & vi. 结束;推断出
conclusion n. 结论;结束
draw a conclusion 提出结论
analyse vt. 分析
△infect vt. 传染;感染
△infections adj. 传染的
△cholera n. 霍乱
defeat vt. 打败;战胜;使受挫n. 失败
expert adj. 熟练的; 经验 或知识丰富的n. 专家;行家
attend vt. 照顾;护理;出席;参加
physician n. 医生;内科医师
expose vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光
expose…to 使显露;暴露
△ deadly adj. 致命的
cure n. 治愈;痊愈
vt. 治愈;治疗
△ outbreak n. 爆发;发作
challenge n. 挑战
vt. 向……挑战
victim n. 受害者
absorb vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心
suspect vt. 怀疑n. 被怀疑者;嫌疑犯
enquiry n. 询问
neighbourhood n. 附近;邻近
severe adj. 严重的;剧烈的;严厉的
△ clue adj. 线索;提示
pump n. 泵;抽水机
vt. (用泵)抽(水)
△ Cambridge 剑桥大街
foresee vt. 预见;预知
△ investigate vt. & vi. 调查
△ investigation n. 调查
blame vt. 责备;谴责n. 过失;责备
pollute vt. 污染;弄脏
handle n. 柄;把手
vt. 处理;操纵
△ germ n. 微生物;细菌
link vt. & n. 连接;联系
link…to… 将……和……联系或连接起来
announce vt. 宣布;通知
△ certainty n. 确信;确实
instruct vt. 命令;指示;教导
△ responsible adj. 有责任的;负责的
construct vt. 建设;修建
construction n. 建设;建筑物
contribute vt. & vi. 捐献;贡献;捐助
apart from 除……之外;此外
firework n. 烟火(燃放)
chart n. 图表
△ creative adj. 有创造力的;创造性的;独创的
△ co-operative adj. 合作的
positive adj. 积极的;肯定的;确实的
(be)strict with… 对……严格的
△Nicolaus Copernicus 尼古拉?哥白尼(波兰天文学家)
△revolutionary adj. 革命的;重大变革的
movement n. 移动;运动;动作
make sense 讲得通;有意义
backward adv. & adj. 向后地(的);相反地(的);退步地(的)
△loop n. 圈;环
△privately adv. 私下地;秘密地
spin vi. & vt. (使)旋转;纺(线或纱)
△brightness n. 明亮;亮度;聪颖
enthusiastic adj. 热情的;热心的
cautious adj. 小心的;谨慎的
reject vt. 拒绝;不接受;抛弃
universe n. 宇宙;世界
unite vi. & vt. 联合;团结
kingdom n. 王国
consist vi. 组成;在于;一致
consist of 由……组成
△London Heathrow Airport伦敦希思罗机场
province n. 省;行政区
△River Avon 埃文河
△River Thames 泰晤士河
△River Severn 塞文河
divide…into 把……分成
△Wales 威尔士(英)
△Scotland 苏格兰(英)
△Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰(英)
clarify vt. 澄清;阐明
accomplish vt. 完成;达到;实现
conflict n. 矛盾;冲突
unwilling adj. 不愿意(的);不乐意(的)
break away (from) 挣脱(束缚);脱离
union n. 联合;联盟;结合;协会
△the Union Jack 英国国旗
credit n. 信任;学分;赞扬;信贷
to one’s credit 为……带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在……名下
currency n. 货币;通货
institution n. 制度;机制;公共机构
△educational adj. 教育 的
convenience n. 便利;方便
rough adj. 粗糙的;粗暴的
roughly adv. 粗略地;粗糙地
△Midlands 英格兰中部地区(英)
nationwide adj. 全国性的;全国范围的
attract vt. 吸引;引起注意
△historical adj. 历史(上)的;有关历史的
architecture n. 建筑学;建筑艺术
△Roman n. (古)罗马人
adj. (古)罗马的
collection n. 收藏 品;珍藏;收集
administration n. 管理;行政部门
port n. 港口(城市)
n. 盎格鲁-撒克逊人
adj. 盎格鲁-撒克逊人的
△Norman n. 诺曼人;诺曼语
adj. 诺曼的;诺曼人(语)的
△Viking n. 北欧海盗;斯堪的纳维亚人
countryside n. 乡下;农村
enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的;使人高兴的
leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑
△opportunity n. 机会;时机
description n. 描写;描述
fax n. 传真(机)
vt. 用传真传输(文件)
possibility n. 可能(性)
plus prep. 加上;和
adj. 加的;正的;零上的
quarrel n. 争吵;争论;吵架
vi. 争吵;吵架
alike adj. 相同的;类似的
take the place of 代替
break down (机器)损坏;破坏
arrange vt. 筹备;安排;整理
wedding n. 婚礼
fold vt. 折叠;对折
sightseeing n. 观光;游览
delight n. 快乐;高兴;喜悦
vt. 使高兴;使欣喜
royal adj. 王室的;皇家的;高贵的
uniform n. 制服
△St Paul’s Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂
splendid adj. 壮丽的;辉煌的;极好的
△Westminster Abbey威斯敏斯特教堂(英国名人墓地)
statue n. 塑像;雕像
△Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫
△Greenwich n. 格林尼治(英城市)
△longitude n. 经线;经度
△imaginary adj. 想象中的;假想的;虚构的
△navigation n. 导航;航行
△Highgate Cemetery 海格特墓地(英伦敦北郊,内有马克思及其家人的坟墓)
communism n. 共产主义
△original adj. 最初的;原始的;独创的;新颖的
thrill vt. 使激动;使胆战心惊
pot n. 罐;壶
error n. 错误;过失;谬误
tense n. 时态
consistent adj. 一致的
aspect n. 方面;层面
impression n. 印象;感想;印记
take up 拿起;接受;开始;继续
constant adj. 时常发生的;连续不断的
constantly adv. 不断地
jet n. 喷气式飞机
△jet lag 飞行时差反应
△flashback n. 闪回;倒叙
previous adj. 在前的;早先的
uncertain adj. 不确切的;无把握的
guide n. 指导;向导;导游
vt. 指引;指导
tablet n. 药片
△expertise n. 专家意见;
capsule n. 太空舱;胶囊
steward n. 乘务员;服务员
stewardess n. 女乘务员
opening n. (出入的)通路;开口;开端
sideways adv. 往(向、从)一侧;侧着;侧面朝前
surrounding n. 周围的事物;环境
adj. 周围的
tolerate vt. 容忍;忍受
△combination n. 结合;组合
lack vi. & vt. 缺乏;没有
n. 缺乏;短缺的东西
adjustment n. 调整;调节
mask n. 面具;面罩;伪装
be back on one’s feet (困境后)恢复;完全复原
△hover vi. 盘旋
carriage n. 运输工具;四轮马车;客车
press vi. & vt. 按;压;逼迫
n. 按;压;印刷;新闻
fasten vt. 系牢;扎牢
belt n. 腰带;皮带
safety belt 安全带
lose sight of… 看不见……
sweep up 打扫;横扫
flash vt. & vi. (使)闪光;(使)闪现
switch n. 开关;转换vt. 转换
timetable n. 时间表;时刻表
△exhausted adj. 筋疲力尽的;疲惫不堪的
slide into (快捷而悄声地)移动;溜进……
optimistic adj. 乐观(主义)的
△pessimistic adj. 悲观(主义)的
speed up 加速
△pedal n. 踏板;脚蹬
△alien n. 外星人;外国人
adj. 陌生的;外国的;外星球的
mud n. 泥(浆)
desert n. 沙漠;荒原
△enormous adj. 巨大的;庞大的
△imitate vt. 模仿;仿造
△moveable adj. 可移动的;活动的
citizen n. 公民;居民;市民
typist n. 打字员
typewriter n. 打字机
postage n. 邮资
postcode n. 邮政编码
button n. 钮锃;按钮
instant n. 瞬间;片刻
adj. 立即的;立刻的
receiver n. 接受者;接收器;电话听筒
△efficiency n. 效率;功效
△efficient adj. 效率高的;有能力的
△ribbon n. 丝带;带状物
dustbin n. 垃圾箱
△dispose vt. 布置;安排
△disposal n. 清除;处理
ecology n. 生态;生态学
greedy adj. 贪吃的;贪婪的;贪心的
swallow vt. 吞下;咽下
material n. 原料;材料
recycle vt. 回收利用;再利用
△manufacture vt.(用机器)大量生产;成批制造
goods n. 货物
△etc abbr. 诸如此类;等等
representative n. 代表;典型人物
adj. 典型的;有代表性的
settlement n. 定居;解决
motivation n. 动机
高二英语必修五单词表相关 文章 :
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★ 高二英语重点短语大全
★ 高二英语必修2知识点
★ 必修五英语语法
★ 高中英语单词表必修二汇总
★ 高中英语必修五unit1知识点
Student’s level: Senior 1, SEFC
Teaching material: Unit 1 Cultural Relics (listening and speaking part)
Teaching aims:
1、To improve students’ listening ability, such as global and detail listening; and the ability to get useful information from the listening material.
2、To improve students’ organization, creation and speaking ability; and urge them to use what they have learnt in daily life.
Teaching methods:
1、Review before listening to stimulate students’ memory and interests ;
2、To do the global, detail and global listening in turns with practices;
3、To stimulate students to discuss which person gave the best evidence, using the information in the formal section;
4、To let the students to judge the truth or lie in their daily life.
Teaching focus: to improve students’ listening and speaking ability;
Teaching aids:
Teaching Procedure
Ⅰ. Listening
1. Presentation
Lead in
T: Good morning boys and girls. How are you today?
S: Fine, thanks.
T: Look! What’s this?
S: The amber room.
T: Right! It’s the amber room. Last class, we have learnt an article named “in research of the amber room” do you still remember it?
S: Yes.
T: Good! Today we are going to listen to another story about the amber room. Do you want to know?
S: Yes.
T: Ok! Please look at the blackboard, there are three WH-words: who, when and what. When we say the three WH-words what can you think about?
S: Some people’s names
T: Yes. What else?
S: Time words and something will happen.
T: Good! Let’s check your guessing. Before listening, you should keep the three WH-words in your mind and write it down when you hear the answer. Ok?
S: Ok.
2. Listening
Global Listening
T: but, before listening, I will give you some new words to help you. The first one is Czech Republic, it is a country like the People’s Republic of China, means捷克共和国. The second one is explode. Look at the picture and try to guess the meaning of it. What’s it.
S: Boom.
T: Yes. It’s boom, but when we fire it, it will bang, explode. Now do you know the meaning of it?
S: 爆炸。
T: Yes. Now let’s do our global listening. (Do the global listening)
T: Ok! I think you have got your answer. Who would like to share your answer with us? You please. Who?
S: Jan Hasek
T: Good! Who can tell me when? You please.
S: In April 1945.
T: Excellent. How about the what? You please.
S: He heard something and saw some soldiers.
T: Good. Good!
Detailed Listening
T: Next, I’d like you to fill in the tables. Let’s look at it. What he heard? Just as what you answer me just now, he must hear something. Right?
S: Right.
T: But what’s it? The second one is what his reflection when he heard something? How about you? Try to guess what you will do when you hear something? Lily?
S: Maybe I’d like to see what it is.
T: Good guessing. Let’s check it latter. The last one is what he saw? Just now you answer me he saw some soldiers. Guess, what the soldiers did? Who would like to share your opinion? You please.
S: Maybe they were doing their commissions.
T: Good guessing. Please keep the three questions in your mind and write down the answers when you hear it. Am I clear?
S: Yes.
(The teacher leads the students do the detail listening and stop in one segment.)
T: Who would like to share your opinion with us? You please the first question.
S: He heard something explode at midnight.
T: Well done! Did you guess correctly? Who’d like to answer the next question? You please.
S: He got up and ran outside.
T: Good job! Who would like to try the last question? You please.
S: They saw some German soldiers were taking wooden boxes from trucks and putting them in the mine.
T: Excellent! Please give her a big hand. You all have really done a very good job.
Global Listening
T: Now please keep all the questions and answers in your mind. And we will listen to the whole story again that you can have a general review on it.
Ⅱ. Speaking
Showing directions for discussion
T: Good morning, class!
S: Good morning, teacher!
T: And next, we will do a speaking exercise. What I need you to do first is to use the information in the formal section and to discuss in pairs which person gave the best evidence. Are you clear?
S: Yes!
Showing the useful expressions
T: Before your discussion, I will give you some useful expressions. The first one is “Do/Don’t you think that…?” The second one is “Are you sure that he/she was telling the truth?” The third one is “What are your reasons for saying that?” And now who can give me more expressions about this discussion? Yes, you please!
S: I think someone is telling the truth because…
T: Very good, thank you very much! Now, I need one more useful expression, who would like to try? You please!
S: Sorry, I don’t agree with you.
Group discussion
T: Excellent, thank you very much! Next, two students a group, you can begin your discussion. Don’t forget to use the useful expressions here. Five minutes later, I need one of your groups to present your discussion to the class! Clear?
S; yes!
T: Now, ready, go!
(Five minutes later)
Demonstrating the students’ dialogues
T: OK, the time is up! Who want to show your discussion? Yes, you two please!
S: …
T: Very good! Big hands for them! Next, we have a competition. At the very beginning, I need one of you to tell a short story about yourself. You can tell a lie or tell the truth. And after your story, I need one student to analyze what you have said is a lie or the truth, then to give the reasons. And at the same time I will record everyone’s right judgments, which will determine who is the winner of this competition. Are you clear?
S: Yes!
T: Now, who want to tell a short story? Very good, you please!
S: I was washing my clothes at five o’clock yesterday.
T: Now who can judge what she said is the truth or a lie! Ok, you please!
S: She has told a lie, because I saw her in the library at five o’clock yesterday!
T: Is her judgment right?
S: Yes!
T: OK, very good! Now, who want to tell another short story? Very good, you please!
S: I was playing computer games at eleven o’clock last night.
T: Now who can judge what she said is the truth or a lie! Ok, you please!
S: She has told a lie, because I saw her doing her homework in her dormitory at eleven o’clock last night!
T: Is her judgment right?
S: Yes!
T: OK, very good! Now, the competition is over. We can see that the Lisa’s flowers rank the number one. Certainly, she is the winner of this competition. Now, Lisa, congratulations to you! Let’s give big hands for her. After exercise, who can make a conclusion about what we have learnt today? OK, you please!
S: We have learnt how to discuss and judge who is telling the truth or telling a lie.
T: Very good! You really did a very good job today. I think we must stop here. No homework today. Good-bye!
S: Bye!
Teaching objectives:
1. Ability to work:
A. listen: get information and ideas from listening materials;
Talk: express your attitude or attitude toward friends and friends in appropriate words.
C. Read: to get Ss to get the main idea
Write: write some advice about making friends
2. Knowledge target:
Talk about friends and friendship; How to make friends; How to maintain friendships
B. Use the following expressions:
I think so. / I don't think so.
I agree with you. / I don't agree.
This is correct.
Of course not.
I'm afraid not.
The ss can control direct speech and indirect speech
D words: add some cheating in the upset without careless reason list to share feeling think Germany series "outdoor crazy moonlight" is the purpose of bold, believe that indoor intelligence test by teenagers advice editor is used to communication
Add calm to the dog's care and the walk to the dog has a certain purpose, in face to face with the love
3. Project emotional goals:
Cultivate students' interest in learning English;
Encourage students to be proactive in their activities and make students confident.
Develop the ability to cooperate with others.
4. Strategic objectives:
A. Cognitive strategy for developing Ss: taking notes while listening;
B. develop the ss communication strategy.
5. Cultural objective: to make students understand different opinions and make friends from different countries.
Teaching steps:
Cycle is 1
Step 1. Warm up
1. Work Ss listen to an English song, AULD LANG SYNE.
2. Brainstorming: let students introduce some friendly, honest, friendly, brave, humorous, funny, smart, kind, open-minded, responsible, helpful... .
Step 2. Talk about your old friend
Work in junior high school talk about their old friends, talk about their appearance, personality, hobbies and so on.
2. self-introduction
Step 3. Make new friends
1. The students went around asking for information about their new friends and filling in the following forms
Name age/hobby/favorite sports, books...
2. Report to the class: who will be your friend?
Step 4. Do an investigation
Do an investigation in the text, P1
On September 5. Listening and speaking
Do the bank P41. When the students listen to the tape, ask them to pay attention to the speaker's idea of making friends.
When Ss talks, ask them to try the following expressions.
I think so. / I don't think so. I agree with you. / I don't agree.
This is correct. Of course not. Exactly. I'm afraid not.
Step 6. To discuss
Ss 4 was divided into one group and each group chose a topic for discussion. There are four themes.
Topic 1: why do you need friends? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you.
Topic 2: there is an old saying, "to have a good friend, you need to be a good friend." "How can you be a good friend?"
Topic 3: is a friend always a person? What else can your friend do? Why is that?
Topic 4: make a list of qualities that are not easy to make friends with.
Step 7. abstracts
Work allows students to sum up what is friendship and what is most important to make friends.
2. T shows more information about friendship and a poem about friendship.
What is friendship?
I want to find out the answer to this question
What is friendship?
When it rains, I think friendship is a small umbrella.
It can give me a clear sky.
When I cry, I think friendship is a white handkerchief.
It can dry my tears.
When I am sad, I think friendship is a warm word.
It can bring me happiness.
When I am in trouble, I think friendship is a powerful hand.
It can help me avoid difficulties.
When I sit in a quiet place, I think friendship is a wonderful feeling.
It cannot be torn and torn, because it is in everyone's heart.
It's from the beginning of our lives to the end.
3. Tell students: make new friends and keep old; One is silver and the other is gold.
Step 8. appraise
Complete the following assessment form. Standard: A, B, C
The content is self-rated
I am very active in talking with people.
2. I actively cooperate with others.
I can express myself fluently, accurately and properly.
4. After this lesson, I learned more about friendship.
5. Do you think you need to improve yourself in some way? What aspects?
Find new words and phrases in your warm up and reading dictionary.
2. Write an essay about your best friend.
learn some new words and expressions to describe people ,especially famous persons;
are encouraged to give more information about famous persons who they are familiar:
3. Students can realize that it is scientific spirit that makes those scientists successful.
1. Words and expressions in this unit
2. Previous knowledge of some of the famous scientists
3. Comprehending the text
(Students are assigned to learn the new words of this unit and find out the English explainations of the new words )
Definitions or explanations
principles of an art or science
or do again
once; without delay
at...carefully in order to learn about or from...
great value, worth or use
all its parts; whole; finished
or bring to an end
to order or direct
certain or sure
(The sentences are picked from the text.)
1.“All roads lead to Rome, ”he encouraged me after I failed the entrance examination.
sentence doesn’t make any sense.
English teacher is not only strict with us but also friendly to us.
is good-looking, apart from his nose.
is announced that the spacecraft, Shenzhou Ⅵ, landed on the earth successfully.
is not Tom but you who are to blame.
1995, the Chinese government put forward a plan for“rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education”.And it has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs.
you drawn any conclusion after you read this passage?
much for the learning of the new words and expressions.
Teacher introduce a famous person --Qian Xuesen and students learn to write an article about the famous scientis using the words and expressions they just learn in class.
Students share their article orally and discuss whether they have used some good and advanced expressions.
Einstein ___________________ one of the greatest scientists in
the20th century.
(2)他对实验结果感到满意, 他把成绩归功于大家。
He ________________________ of the experiment and _____
Qian Xuesen was born into a wealthy family on December 11,
1911, Zhejiang Province, __________________________
_______, he went to America for his further study and gained
his doctor’s degree in the Science of Astronom
1. Target language 目标语言
a. 重点词汇和短语
attend, control, severe, pub, immediately, handle, instructor, pump, contribute, conclude, steam engine, virus, put forward, make a conclusion, expose to
b. 重点句式
To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that ... P3
2. Ability goals 能力目标
Enable the students to talk about science and scientists.
3. Learning ability goals学能目标
Enable the students to learn about some famous scientists and their contributions and how to organize a scientific research.
Talk about science and scientists.
A computer and a projector.
StepⅠ Lead-in
Ask the students to think of some great inventions and inventors in history.
T: Welcome back to school, everyone. I guess most of you have enjoyed your holiday. Maybe I should say everyone has enjoyed a scientific life. Why? Because you have enjoyed the results of the science and scientists. Now can you tell me the scientists who invented the lights, the gramophone and the computer?
S1: Edison invented the lights and the gramophone.
S2: The first computer was invented by a group of American scientists.
StepⅡ Warming up
First, ask some questions about great scientists. Second, ask all the students to try the quiz and find out who knows the most.
T: You know our life is closely related to science and scientists. We benefit a lot from them. Can you name out as many scientists as possible?
S1: Newton.
S2: Watt.
S3: Franklin.
Sample answers:
1. Archimedes, Ancient Greek (287-212 BC), a mathematician.
2. Charles Darwin, Britain (1808-1882). The name of the book is Origin of Species.
3. Thomas Newcomen, British (1663-1729), an inventor of steam engine.
4. Gregor Mendel, Czech, a botanist and geneticist.
5. Marie Curie, Polish and French, a chemist and physicist.
6. Thomas Edison, American, an inventor.
7. Leonardo da Vinci, Italian, an artist.
8. Sir Humphry Davy, British, an inventor and chemist.
9. Zhang Heng, ancient China, an inventor.
10. Stepper Hawking, British, a physicist.
Step Ⅲ Pre-reading
Get the students to discuss the questions on page 1 with their partners. Then ask the students to report their work. Encourage the students to express their different opinions.
T: Now, class, please look at the slide. Discuss these questions with your partners. Then I’ll ask some students to report their work.
Show the following on the screen.
What do you know about infectious diseases?
What do you know about cholera?
Do you know how to prove a new idea in scientific research?
What order would you put the seven in? Just guess.
Sample answer 1:
S1: Let me try. Infectious diseases can be spread easily. They have an unknown cause and may do great harm to people.
S2: People could be exposed to infectious diseases, so may animals, such as bird flu.
S3: AIDS, SARS are infectious diseases.
S4: Infectious diseases are difficult to cure.
Sample answer 2:
S1: Cholera is caused by a bacterium called Varian cholera.
S2: It infects people’s intestines, causing diarrhea, vomiting and leg cramps.
S3: The most common cause of cholera is people eat food or drink water that has been contaminated by the bacteria.
S4: Cholera can be mild or even without symptoms, but a severe case can lead to death without immediate treatment.
Sample answer 3:
S1: I know sth. about it. First we should find the problem. Then, think of a solution.
S2: We should collect as much information as possible.
S3: Analyzing results is the most important stage.
S4: Before we make a conclusion, it is necessary for us to repeat some stages or processes.
Sample answer 4:
S1: I think “Find a problem” should be the first stage.
S2: “Make up a question” should follow the first stage.
S3: “Think of a method”, “Collect results” and “Analyze results” are after that.
S4: Of course, before “Make a conclusion”, we should “Repeat if necessary”.
T: Well done! When we want to solve some problems, first we should find out the problem, do some research on it, prove your findings, and then make a conclusion. This is a scientific and objective way of researching. Now let’s see how doctor John Snow did his research.
Step Ⅳ Reading
Let the students skim the whole passage and try to work out the meanings of the new words and structures using context.
T: The effect of cholera in the nineteenth century London was devastating. Many people died without knowing the reason. It was doctor John Snow who saved the people. Please look at the screen. Let’s read the whole passage and find answers to the questions.
Show the questions on the screen.
1. What conditions allowed cholera develop?
2. Why do you think people believed that cholera multiplied in the air without reason?
3. What evidence did John Snow gather to convince people that idea 2 was right?
Sample answers:
S1: The dirty water made the cholera develop quickly.
S2: Because people could not understand its cause and could not get it cured. So people imagined that some poisonous gas in the air caused the deaths.
S3: He found that many of the deaths were near the water pump while some areas far away from the water pump had no deaths. So when people were asked not to use the water pump, the disease began to slow down. In this way, John Snow had shown that cholera was spread by germs and not in a cloud of gas.
Step Ⅴ Text analyzing
Ask the students to analyze the text in groups.
T: Please look at the chart on the screen. The chart shows that each paragraph of the text explains John Snow’s stages in his research. Please read the text and find out the general idea of each paragraph and match the stage with each paragraph. Discuss it in groups, and then report your answers.
General ideas
Sample answers:
S1: My group’s opinion is this: stage one “Find a problem” is expressed in paragraph one. The general idea is like this: John Snow wanted to find the causes of cholera.
S2: Our answer is like this: paragraph two expresses the second stage “Make up a question”. The general idea is like this: John Snow wanted to prove which theory was correct.
S3: “Think of a method” is the third stage. And it is contained in paragraph three. The general idea is like this: John Snow collected data on those who were ill or died and where they got their water.
S4: The fourth stage “Collect results” lies in paragraph four. Its general idea is like this: John Snow plotted information on a map to find out where people died or did not die.
S5: Our group believe paragraph five contains the fifth stage of John Snow’s research. The general idea is like this: John Snow analysed the water to see if that was the cause of the illness. So this stage is to “Analyse the results”.
S6: The sixth stage is “Repeat if necessary”. It is contained in the sixth paragraph. The general idea is like this: John Snow tried to find other evidences to confirm his conclusion.
S7: The last paragraph is about the seventh stage “Make a conclusion”. Its general idea is like this: The polluted dirty source of drinking water was to blame for the cause of the London cholera.
Ask some students to put their answers in the chart.
General ideas
Find a problem
The causes of cholera
Make up a question
The correct or possible theory
Think of a method
Collect data on where people were ill and died and where they got their water
Collect results
Plot information on a map to find out where people died or did not die
Analyse the results
Analyse the water to see if that is the cause of the illness
Repeat if necessary
Find other evidences to confirm his conclusion
Make a conclusion
The polluted dirty source of drinking water was to blame for the cause of the London cholera
T: Now class. Can you tell me what style of the passage belongs to?
S1: I think it is a report.
T: Here are three pieces of writing. They belong to different writing styles. Now read and find out what style each piece belongs to.
Show the chart and three pieces of writing on the screen.
Creative writing
Formal language with few adjectives
Vivid use of words with similes and metaphors
Vivid use of language and more informal style
No speech except
No speech except to help the description
Speech to show feelings, reactions etc.
Not emotional
Emotional to describe atmosphere
Emotional to describe feelings
Only one main character
No characters
May have several characters
Not factual but imaginative
Imaginative but can be based on fact
Structural according to experimental method
Not structured
Beginning, middle, end
Past tense and passive voice
Past tense
Past tense
Making Way
Once Goethe(歌德), the great German poet,was walking in a park. He was thinking about something when he noticed he came to a very, very narrow road. Just at that time, a young man came towards him from the other end of the road. It was too narrow for both of them to pass through at the same time. They stopped and looked at each other for a while. Then the young man said rudely,“I never make way for a fool.” But Goethe smiled and said, “I always do.” Then he turned back quickly and walked towards the end of the road.
Weather Report
Here’s the weather report for the next 24 hours. Beijing will be fine with the temperature from 4 to 13. Tokyo will be fine too and cloudy later in the day. The lowest temperature is l to 8. London will be rainy and windy later in the day. The highest temperature is 8 and the lowest is 4. New York will be sunny and cloudy later in the day. The temperature is 13 to 19.
Put your hand to the left side of your chest. Try to feel your heartbeating. The heart takes a little rest after each pump or beat. In boys or girls of your age, heart beats about 90 times a minute. A grown-up’s heart beats about 70 or 80 times a minute. But the heartbeat is different in the same person at different times. For example, the heart beats faster during exercise. It is also faster when a person is angry, scared, or excited. During sleep, the heartbeat slows down.
Sample answers:
S1: I think the first piece “Making A Way” is in a style of creative writing. The second piece belongs to a description style. The third piece belongs to a report style.
T: Very good. Now let’s return to our text. Who can tell me the main idea of this passage?
S2: I can. Clearly it tells us how John Snow defeated the disease cholera by doing scientific research.
StepⅥ Homework
1. Get more information about some infectious diseases and modern scientists.
2. Finish the Exercises 1, 2, 3 on pages 3 and 4.
二、 教学目标:
一) 认知目标
在运用语言的过程中培养学生的观察力、分析力、想象力和自学能力,帮 助学生加强记忆力,提高思维能力和运用英语的综合能力,激发创造能力。
三、 教材分析:
四、 教学重点:
1. 学会审题和谋篇
2. 掌握多样化的表达方式
3. 熟练各段中的固定写作套路
五、 教学难点:
1. 如何帮助学生运用写作策略,促进学生自主写作。
2. 使学生了解谋篇的重要性,培养谋篇的能力和习惯。
六、 教学方法:
七、 教学设计:
Step 1. Warming up
Come up with some proverbs for the students to put them into Chinese.
Recitation is of the first importance in any language learning!
Practice makes perfect! …
What do you learn from the above proverbs?
Step 2. Presentation
Make it clear to the students the importance of writing in English subject of the college entrance exams and then the goals of this lesson.
Step 3. Exhibition
Show on the whiteboard a writing.
本课教学内容是新课标《高中英语必修3 Unit 5》,Canada---The True North 与以往接触过的介绍国家的文章相比,本课的内容没有整体介绍加拿大的地理概况和风土人情,而是透过一个旅人的眼睛来看加拿大。相比较而言,这样的课文难度更大。
【难点突破】 设置情境,循序渐进,层层递进。
设置富有情趣的情境,激发他们的阅读欲 望,积极主动地进行自主探究。循序渐进的设计问题 , 激发学生的创造思维,层层深入地引导学生进行自主和协作学习。
在上这一课之前,我给学生布置的预习任务是介绍你最想去的地方。Which country or place would you like to visit most? Why?学生们自由组成小组,上网查找相关资料,然后对所搜集的信息进行整理,最后形成自己的powerpoint展示文件。在课堂上,由本小组的发言代表上来进行展示和介绍。这一环节是这节课的重头戏。
给学生提出这样一个问题:如果你有机会去加拿大,你最想看什么?If you have a chance to visit Canada, what would you expect to see there? 先要求他们在小组内讨论,然后再在全班同学面前发言。
经过了前面的大量的有关加拿大的信息的冲击,你愿意用哪三个词语来描述加拿大?What three words would you use to describe Canada? Why? 请小组代表发言。
这一步骤是对上几个步骤的总结,同时也是教师整合并优化了有关加拿大的各种信息所进行的展示。目的是进一步加深同学们对加拿大的了解,对他们所获取的知识进行 梳理,也为下一个步骤展开铺垫。
第六步:略读课文。(first reading)
are the cousins not flying direct to the Atlantic coast?
is the continent they are crossing?
is “The True North”?
do many people want to live in Vancouver?
happens at the Calgary Stampede?
does wheat grow in Canada?
would ship be able to reach the centre of Canada?
two natural resources that Canada has.
第七步:精读课文。(second reading)
girls went to Canada to see their relatives in Montreal.
Lin was going to drive them to Vancouver.
can cross Canada in less than five days by bicycle.
girls looked out the windows and saw Native Indians and cowboys.
Bay is a port city in the south of Canada, near Toronto.
Helpful words and expressions
great scenery
second largest
go eastward
5,500/from west to east
here in Vancouver
surrounded by
2. 过去分词的运用
2. 过去分词在真实的生活语境中的使用。
七、学习策略: 本课将各种活动设计成小组活动并开展小组竞赛和填写课堂自我评价表等非测试性评价手段,帮助学生养成自主学习与合作学习的能力,培养创新意识和实践能力,以及具备科学的价值观。
本单元主要是围绕生日展开教学,要求学生掌握十二个月份和序数词的变化,以及日期和生日的表达。我上的是第二课 时 ,在第一课时中,学生已经学习了十二个月份和序数词,本课时主要是要求学生掌握日期的表达,以及能正确说出自己的生日, 能掌握四会句型: When’s your birthday? My birthday is on the… of … What would you like as a birthday present? I’d like …
二、 说学生
十二个月份和序数词已经在第一课时学习过,大多数学生掌握良好,但六年级学生在课堂上不爱表现自己,部分学生对于 英语学习缺少兴趣。
三、 说教法
1、 游戏教学。兴趣是的老师。在复习单词时设计了What’s missing?的游戏,让学生在课的一开始就感受学习的快乐,为进一步的学习做铺垫。
2、 朗读教学。英语是一门语言,交际是学习的目的,因此,课堂上朗读和运用是必不可少的,教师设计了多种朗读和练习方式,例如:小组朗读,个人朗读,男女对读,同桌讨论等,让学生在有限的课堂时间内得到最多的练习。
3 任务教学。在巩固句型时,设计了Do a survey 的教学任务。学生在调查时能运用语言,巩固语言知识。
1. 在课的一开始主要通过Free talk :How many days are there in a week? How many months are there in a year? 引出复习单词, 在复习单词时通过询问Which is the first/second.. month in a year来初步复习一下序数词。接着设计了What’s missing?这个游戏来进一步复习月份,同时也激发了学生学习的积极性。之后引出句型复习: When’s your birthday? My birthday is in。
2.通过复习句型When’s your birthday? My birthday is in。引出我的生日在几月几日,以及Helen 和Jim 的生日,重点掌握序数词,通过总结让学生对序数词的变化有一个整体的了解。在学生掌握序数词的基础上,让学生了解日期的表达,因为学生对于单词还不能默写,所以日期的练习只限于口头讨论和朗读。学生掌握了日期之后让学生说说自己的生日,引出本课的重点句型When’s your birthday? My birthday is on the… of …What would you like as a birthday present? I’d like … Present
3.通过讨论练习C 部分句型进一步巩固句型,最后设计了Do a survey教学活动,学生在调查时再次巩固句型,并学会了用第三人陈述重点句型。
1) Important vocabularies
Daily; advertisement; check interview; fix; develop; hand; add; deliver; speed; latest; publish; avoid; besides; get down to ; face-to face; be popular with somebody; as well; care for.
2)Daily expressions
Are you /Will you be free then?
Yes, Id be fee. Id like to go.
Lets go together then. Ill meet you at the theatre at six - thirty .
Good! See you then.
What time shall we meet?
Where is the best place to meet?
What about meeting outside? I suggest…
3) Useful phases
Whats on…? Is there anything good on?
They are said to be very good.
Finally, there is no more time left for adding new stories.
4) Grammar
Form is used to be Subject and Object
Lesson 13:口头练习:对话交际功能——日常生活用语。
Lesson 14:学生扮演主编介绍报纸出版的过程。
Lesson 15:学生扮演主编介绍《中国日报》的内容。
Lesson 16:笔头练习:写一篇介绍一种报纸或杂志的英语论文。
从本单元的对话来看,主要是学习如何用英语提出约会以及如何应答约会的日常用语,如:询问对方是否有空,建议会面时间和地点及如何应答的日常用语,并能运用Will you be free?到It’s.. What about…?等最为普通的语言功能进行日常交际, 同时也注重check, fix, face-to face, deliver, take a photograph, pass on, get down to, as well, what’s on 等重点词汇和短语在本单元中学习,本单元中的阅读课主要内容是了解报社一天的工作和报纸的出版过程及《中国日报》的一些情况,同时在这里运用了重点语法知识,形式充当主语和宾语的用法。
地理之谜 人们可能会奇怪为什么用不同的词语来描述英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰这四个国家。如果你研究英国的历史,你就能够弄明白这个问题。 首先是英格兰。威尔士于公元13世纪就同英格兰联合起来了。如今只要有人提起英格兰,你就会发现威尔士总是包括在内的。然后,于17世纪英格兰、威尔士同苏格兰联合起来,名字改为大不列颠。令人庆幸的是,当苏格兰的詹姆士国王成为英格兰和威尔士的国王时,这三个国家在无(军事)冲突的情况下实现了联合。最后在20世纪初通过同样的和平方式,英国政府尽力把爱尔兰也纳入进来,组成了联合王国。然而,爱尔兰的南部却不情愿这样并分离出去建立了自己的政府。因此只有北爱尔兰同英格兰、威尔士、苏格兰联合起来组成了联合王国,这一点从新的联合王国国旗(“联合杰克”)上就可以看得出来。 值得称赞的是:这四个国家在一些方面(比方说在货币和国际关系上),它们的确是共同合作的,但是有些制度仍然区别很大。例如,北爱尔兰、英格兰和苏格兰在教育体制和立法体制上都存在着差异,并且它们有着各自的足球队参加像世界杯之类的比赛! 在这四个国家中,英格兰是最大的。为了方便,它大致可以划分为三个地区。最靠近法国的那个地区叫做英格兰南部,中部地区叫英格兰中部,最靠近苏格兰的那个地区叫英格兰北部。你会发现大部分人口居住在南部,但是大部分工业城市在中部和北部。虽然就全国范围来说,这些城市都不像中国的城市那样大,但是它们都有着世界闻名的足球队,有的城市甚至还有两个队!令人遗憾的是这些建于19世纪的工业城市并不能吸引游客。要找历史性的建筑你得去罗马人建造的更古老的但是比较小的城镇。在那儿你能找到更多有关英国历史和文化的东西。 最具历史意义的宝地是伦敦。那儿有博物馆,有艺术珍品、剧院、公园和各种建筑物。它是全国的政治中心。它有公元一世纪由罗马人建造的最古老的港口,有盎格鲁-撒克逊人始建于11世纪60年代的最古老的建筑,还有公元1066年有后来的诺曼人统治者建造的最古老的城堡。(历史上)曾有四次对英国的入侵。最早的入侵者是罗马人,他们留下了他们的城镇和道路。其次是盎格鲁—撒克逊人,他们留下了他们的语言和政体。第三是维京人(斯堪的纳维亚人),他们对词汇和北部的地名产生了深刻的影响。第四是诺曼人,他们留下了城堡,引入了新的食物名词。 如果你到英国乡村去看看,你就会找到所有这些入侵者的痕迹。如果你想要使你的英国之旅既愉快又有价值,你就必须留心观察。
约翰·斯诺是一位著名的医生在London-so专家,他参加了维多利亚女王作为她的私人医生但是他时,他一想到要帮助灵感的普通老百姓,霍乱这是致命的疾病的日子. 既不知道它的原因也不了解它的治疗方法很多人死于成千上万感到每时每刻都有一种爆发约翰·斯诺要面对的挑战,解决这个问题他知道,霍乱也不可控制的原因被发现之前。 他变得有兴趣,可能解释两种学说 如何杀人。霍乱第一个建议霍乱增多在空气中…云的有害气体,直到它发现飘忽不定的受害者第二个建议人们把这种病毒进入他们的尸体在吃饭的时候从胃肠疾病快速攻击身体很快患者的死亡。 约翰·斯诺怀疑第二的理论是正确的,但他需要证据所以当另一暴发打伦敦1854年他已经准备好开始询问由于本病很快蔓延到贫困地区,他开始收集信息在两个特殊的街道,霍乱爆发是如此严重,500多人死于10天。他下定决心要找到原因。 他先在地图上所有的确切地点的死人。这给了他一个有价值的线索关于这种病的起因的. 许多的死亡人数接近水泵在宽阔的街道(特别是编号16,37岁,38and40)。他也注意到一些房屋(如20、21宽阔的街道和主街道)9剑桥没有死亡他没有预见到这,所以他做了进一步的调查他发现,这些人曾在酒吧街7剑桥…他们所提供的免费啤酒,所以没有喝的水从泵似乎这水是罪魁祸首。 约翰·斯诺注视下,水的来源,这两个街道他发现,它来自于河流污染肮脏的水是从伦敦来的. 他立刻告诉那些人在宽阔的街道的把手,泵,所以它并不能用此后不久,疾病慢下来他已表明霍乱是由细菌传播,而不是在一团气体。 在另一边的伦敦,他发现的证据来自另外两个死亡,被连接到百老汇大街爆发一个女人,离开了百老汇大街,喜欢水从泵,以至于她就交给她的房子的每一天。她和她的女儿死于霍乱喝完水这个额外的证据可以宣布约翰雪断定被污染的水将该病毒。 为防止这种情况再次发生,斯诺指出所有的水供应来源审查水公司被告知不要让人们暴露在污染的水有更多“莫莫王”最终战败。霍乱
约翰.斯诺击败“霍乱王” 约翰.斯诺曾经是伦敦一名著名的医生——他的确医术精湛,以至于维多利亚女王请他当私人医生。但当他一想到要帮助得了霍乱的普通老百姓时,他就会感到振奋。霍乱在当时是致命的疾病,人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。因此每次爆发霍乱时候就有数千个惊恐的人死去。约翰.斯诺想要面对挑战并解决这个问题。他知道,再找到病源之前,霍乱是无法控制的。 霍乱之所以能致人死亡,当时有两种看法,斯诺对这两种推测都很感兴趣。第一种看法是霍乱病毒在空气中繁殖着,它像一股危险的气体到处漂浮,直到找到病毒的受害者为止。第二种看法是人们在吃饭的时候把这种病毒引入体内。病毒从胃里发作而迅速殃及全身,患者就会很快死去。 约翰.斯诺推测第二种说法是正确的,但他需要证据。因此,在1854年伦敦再次爆发霍乱的时候,他就着手准备他的调查。当霍乱在贫民区迅速蔓延的时候,他就开始收集资料。在两条特定的街道上。霍乱流行的很严重,以致在10天之内就死去了500多人。他决心要查明其原因。 首先他在一张地图上标明了所有死者居住的确切地方。这给他提供了一条说明霍乱起因的很有价值的线索。许多死者是在宽街的水泵附近(特别是这条街上的16、37、38和40号)。约翰.斯诺还注意到有些住户(如宽街上的20号和21号以及剑桥街上的8号和9号)却无人死亡。他没有预料到这一点,余生他做了进一步调查。他发现,这些人都在剑桥街7号的酒馆里打工,而酒馆为他们提供免费啤酒喝,因此他们没有喝水泵抽上来的水。看来霍乱的流行要归罪于饮用水了。 其次,约翰.斯诺调查了这两条街的水源情况。他发现,水是从河里打来的,而河水被伦敦排出的脏水污染了。约翰.斯诺马上叫宽街上惊慌失措的老百姓拆掉水泵的把手。这样,水泵就用不成了。不久,疫情就得到了缓解。约翰.斯诺在此之前就曾经表明,霍乱是由病菌而不是由气团传播的。 在伦敦是另一个地方,他从两个与宽街爆发的霍乱有关联的死亡病例中找到了证据。有一位妇女是从宽街搬来的,她特别喜欢那里的水,每天都要派人从水泵打水运到家里来。她和她的女儿喝了这种水,都得了霍乱而死去。又了这个额外的证据,约翰.斯诺就能够肯定的宣布这种被污染了的水携带有病菌。 为了防止这种情况的再度发生,约翰.斯诺建议所以水源都要经过检验。自来水公司接到指令,不能再让人们接触被污染的水了。最后,“霍乱王”终于被击败了。
作为Victor Hugo,一旦说, “笑声是从人的face'and驾驶冬天的太阳 到现在没人比查理・卓别林能做这好。 他brightend中间虽则美国人和英国生活二次世界大战和坚硬岁月。他使人嘲笑时候,当他们感觉depressd,因此他们可能感觉与他们的生活的更多内容。 没有查理的自己的生活是容易的£ ¡他出生在父母的一个可怜的家庭是两个可怜的音乐厅执行者。您可以发现它令人惊异查理被教唱歌,当他可能讲话和跳舞,当他可能走。特别是当家庭收入经常是不定的,这样训练是共同的在代理家庭此时。不幸地他的父亲死了,留给家庭更坏,因此度过了他的童年照看他病的母亲和他的兄弟的查理。在他的十几岁之前,查理有,通过他的幽默,成为的演员可能模仿和行动傻瓜的一个最普遍的孩子 做普通的每天任务。不耐烦观看他他微妙行动的做的everthing的招待的没人。 随时间的推移,他开始拍电影。他增长越来越普遍,虽然他迷人的个性,一点流浪者,出名在世界各地。流浪者、鞋子和小圆的黑帽会议。他在僵硬运载一个拐杖附近走了。这个字符是社会失败,但是被爱为了他的乐观和决心能克服所有困难。他是亲切的处劣势方,既使当其他是unkingd给他。 一点流浪者怎么做了enertaing一个哀伤的情况?这从的一个例子他的一部最著名的影片,金子是中间第十九个世纪,并且金子在加利福尼亚discoered。象许多其他,一点流浪者和他的朋友冲了那里寻找金子,但是,不用成功。反而他们在一个小小屋掩藏在山边缘在与没什么的暴风雪期间吃。他们很饿他们设法煮沸一个对他们的晚餐的皮鞋。查理首先挑选鞋带并且吃他们,好象他们意粉。然后他切除了鞋子的皮革上面,好象它最美好的牛排。最终他设法削减和嚼鞋子的底部。他吃充满伟大的享受的每满嘴。行动很令人信服它使您相信它是他品尝的其中一最佳的饭食! 查理・卓别林写了,导演了并且制作了他担任主角的电影。在1972年给了他他卓著的工作的特别奥斯卡在影片。他在英国和美国居住,但是度过了他的去年在瑞士,他在1977.他被埋葬被爱并且记得作为一名了不起的演员可能inpire人有伟大的信心。
以下包括必修一与必修二 survey 调查.测验 add up 合计 upset adj 心烦意乱的;不安的,不适的 ignore不理睬.忽视 have got to 不得不;必须 concern(使)担比:涉及;关系到 n 担心;关注.(利害)关系 be concerned about 关心.挂念 walk the dog 遇狗 loose adj 松的.松开的 vet 兽医 go through 经历;经受 Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) Netherlands 荷兰(西欧国家) Jew 犹太人的;犹太族的 German 德国的.德国人的.德语的. Nazi 纳粹党人 adj 纳粹党的 set down 记下;放下.登记 series 连续,系列 a series of 一连串的.一系列;一套 outdoors在户外.在野外 spellbind 迷住;迷惑 purpose 故意 in order to 为了 dusk 黄昏傍晚 at dusk 在黄昏时刻 thunder vi 打雷雷鸣 n 雷,雷声 entier adj 整个的;完全的,全部的 entily ady. 完全地.全然地.整个地 Power能力.力量.权力。 Face to face 面对面地 Curtain 窗帘;门帘.幕布 dusty adj 积满灰尘的 no longer /not … any longer 不再 partner 伙伴.合作者.合伙人 settle 安家.定居.停留vt 使定居.安排.解决 suffer vt & 遭受;忍受经历 suffer from 遭受.患病 loneliness 孤单寂寞 highway高速公路 recover痊愈;恢复. Get/be tired of 对…厌烦 Pack捆扎;包装打行李 n 小包:包裹 pack ( sth ) up 将(东西)装箱打包 suitcase手提箱;衣箱 overcoat大衣外套 teenager 十几岁的青少年 get along with 与…相处.进展 gossip 闲话 闲谈 fall in love 相爱;爱上 exactly 确实如此.正是;确切地山 disagree 不同意 grateful感激的.表示谢意的 dislike不喜欢.厌恶 join in 参加.加入 tip提示.技巧.尖;尖端.小费 倾斜;翻倒 secondly第二.其次 swap交换 item 项目.条款 subway <美>地铁 elevator n 电梯;升降机 petrol <英>汽油( = <美> gasoline ) gas汽油.气体.煤气;毒气。 official adj 官方的.正式的.公务的 voyage n 航行.航海 conquer 征服.占领 because of 因为 native 本国的;本地的 n 本地人.本国人 come up 走近,上来.提出 apartment<美>公寓住宅.单元住宅 actually实际上,事实上 base根据 n 基部;基地,墓础 at present 现在;目前 gradual 逐渐的.逐步的 enrich 使富裕;充实,改善 vocabulary 词汇.词汇量.词表 make use of 利用 使用 spelling拼写.拼法 latter 较后的后平的;(两者中)后者的 . identity 本身.本体 fluent 流利的.流畅的 frequent adj 频繁的.常见的 usage 使用.用法.词语惯用法 command命令;指令;掌握 request请求;要求 dialect 方言 expression 词语;表示表达 midwestern 中西部的.有中西部特性的 African adj 非洲的:非洲人的;非洲语言的 play a part ( in )扮演个角色:参与 lightning 闪电 straight 街区 cab出租车 journal日记;杂志.定期刊物 transport运送.运输 Prefer更喜欢选择某事物而不选择其他事物disadvantage不利条件;不便之处 fare费用 route人路线.路途 flow 流动.流出 n 流动.流量 ever since 从那以后 persuade说服.劝说 cycle骑自行车 graduate 毕业 n 大学毕业生 finally最后.终于 schedule进度表 fond心喜爱的.慈爱的宠爱的 be fond of 喜爱;喜欢 short coming缺点 stubborn顽固的;固执的 organize 组织,成立 care about 关心;忧虑; detail 细节;详情 determine讨决定;确定;下定决心 change one’s mind改变主意 journey 旅行.旅程 altitude 海拔高度.高处 make up one’s mind 下决心.决定 give in 投降.屈服.让步 valley谷流域 waterfall 瀑布 Pace缓漫而行.踱步入一步.速度;步调 bend弯,拐角 meander蜿蜒缓慢流动飞 attitude.看法 forecast预测;预报 parcel小包;包裹 insurance 保险 wool羊毛.毛织 as usual 照常 reliable可信赖的.可靠的 pillow 枕头;枕垫 midnight 午夜;子夜 at midnight 在午夜 flame火焰.光芒 beneath 在…下面 temple 庙宇寺庙 cave 洞穴.地窖 earthquake地震 right away 立刻马上 well井 burst爆裂;爆发 突然破裂,爆发 million 百万 event事件;大事 as if 仿佛.好像 at an end 结束;终结 nation民族.国家国民 canal 运河.水道 steam 蒸汽.水汽 dirt污垢;泥土 ruin 废墟.毁灭.毁灭.使破产 in ruins 严重受损破败不堪 suffering苦难.痛苦 extreme极度的 injure /损害.伤害 survivor幸存者.生还者;残存物 destroy 破坏;毁坏.消灭 brick砖.砖块 dam水坝.堰堤 track轨道.足迹.痕迹 useless无用的.无效的.无益的 shock(使)震凉震动n休克打击 rescue 援救:营救 trap陷入困境 n 陷阱;困境 electricity 电,电流;电学 disaster 灾难.灾祸 dig out 掘出.发现 bury埋葬;掩埋.隐藏 mine矿.矿山矿井 miner矿工 shelter掩蔽.掩蔽处避身处 a(great)number of许多.大量的 title标题;头衔.资格 damage损失损害 frighten使惊吓;吓唬 frightened受惊的.受恐吓的 frightening心令人恐俱的 congratulation 祝贺.(复数) Judge裁判员.法官以断定;判断;判决 sincerely真诚地.真挚地 express表示.表达 快车;速递 outline 要点;大纲.轮廓 headline报刊的大字标题 quality质量:品质;胜质 active 积极的.活跃的 generous 慷慨的大方的 easygoing 随和的.温和宽容的 self 自我自身 selfish自私的 selfless无私的.忘我的 devote献身.专心于 republic 共和国.共和政体 principle法则.原则;原理 nation民族主义国家主义 peaceful和平的.平静的.安宁的 giant巨大的.庞大的 mankind人类 layer律师 guidance指导.领导 legal法律的.依照法律的 fee费(会费、学费等) passbook 南非共和国有色人种的身份证 out of work 失业 helpful有希望的 league同盟;联双.联合会 youth青年团 stage舞台阶段;时期 vote 投票;选举儿投票选票;表决 attack进攻;攻击;抨击 violence暴力;暴行 as a matter of fact 事实 blow up使充气;爆炸 equal 相等的.平等的 in trouble 在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑的处境中 willing乐意的.自愿的 unfair不公正的.不公平的 turn to 求助于;致力于 release释放;发行 lose heart 丧失勇气或信心 escape逃脱,逃走泄露 blanket毛毯.毯子 educate教育 educated受过教育的.有教养的 come to power 当权;上台 beg 请求;乞求 relative亲戚亲属 terror恐怖 恐怖时期 恐怖活动 cruelty残忍残酷 reward报酬;奖金酬劳.奖赏 set up 建立 sentence 判决,宣判 president总统;会长;校长;行长 opinion 意见 看法 主张 cultural文化的 relic遗物.遗迹;纪念物 rare 稀罕的;稀有的,珍贵的 valuable 贵重的 有价值的 survive 幸免;幸存 生还 vase 花瓶.瓶 dynasty 朝代 王朝 in search of 寻找 amaze 吃惊,惊讶 amazing令人吃惊的 select 挑选;选择 honey 蜜.蜂蜜 design设计.图案.构思 vt 设计计划.构思 fancy奇特的.异样的 想象;设想,爱好 style风格.风度.类型 decorate装饰.装修 jewel 珠宝.宝石 artist艺术家 belong属于.为的一员 belong to 属于 in return 作为报答.回报 troop群.组.军队 reception 接待,招待会.接收 at war 处于交战状态 remove移动;搬开 less than 少于 wooden 木制的 doubt怀疑.疑惑 vt 怀疑不信 mystery 神秘.神秘的事物 former以前的.从前的 worth值得的,相当于…的价值.价值.作用值钱的rebuild重建 local本地的;当地的 apart分离地,分别地 take apart 拆开 painting绘画;画 castle城堡 trial审判.审讯,试验 evidence 根据,证据 explode爆炸 entrance 入口 sailor水手;海员;船员 sink 下沉;沉下 maid少女.女仆 Berlin柏林(德国首都) Think highly of 看重;器重 informal非正式的 debate争论;辩论 ancient adj 古代的.古老的 compete vi 比赛竞争 competitor n 竞争者 take part in 参加;参与 medal n 奖章;勋章;纪念章 stand for 代表:象征,表示 mascot n 吉祥物 Greece希腊 Greek 希腊人的;希腊语的 n 希腊人;希腊语 magical adj 巫术的.魔术的.有魔力的 volunteer志愿者.志愿兵.志愿的,义务的 homeland 祖国;本国 regular adj 规则的.定期的.常规的 basis 基础,根据 athlete n 运动员;运动选手 admit容许.承认.接纳 slave 奴隶 nowadays 现今.现在 gymnastics 体操;体能训练 athletics 体育运动.竞技 stadium (露天大型)体育场 gymnasium ( gym ) 体育馆、健身房 as well 也;又.还 host 做东;主办;招待 n 主人 responsibility n 责任.职责 olive 橄榄树.橄榄叶;橄榄枝;橄榄色 wreath 花圈、花冠、圈状物卿 replace 取代替换.代替 motto 座右铭;格言;警句 swift 快的.迅速的 similarity 相像性:相似点 Athens 雅典(希腊首都) charge 收费.控诉.费用.主管 in charge主管 看管 physical adj 物理的.身体的 poster 海报,招贴 advertise 做广告.登广告 princess 公主 glory 光荣.荣誉 bargain 讨价还价.讲条件.便宜货 prince王子 hopeless 心没有希望的;绝望的 foolish adj 愚蠢的,傻的 goddess 女神 pain 疼痛.痛苦 one after another 陆续地.一个接一个地 deserve 应受.值得 striker (足球的)前锋 abacus n 算盘 calculate n 计算器 PC( = personal comPuter )个人电脑,个人计算laptop 手提电脑 PDA ( personal digital assistant )掌上电脑 个人数码助理 analytical adj 分析的 calculate计算 universal adj 普遍的.通用的.宇宙的 simplify 简化 sum 总数.算术题.金额 operator (电脑)操作员;接线员 logical 逻辑的;合情理的 logically 逻辑上;合逻辑地.有条理地 technology工艺.科技.技术 technological adj 科技的 revolution革命 artificial 人造的.假的 intelligence 智力:聪明智能 intelligence adj 智能的:聪明的 solve 解决.解答 mathematical数学的 from … on 从时起 reality 真实.事实.现实 designer 设计师 personal 私人的.个人的.亲自的 personally 就个人而言,亲自 tube 管;管子;电子管 transistor 碎片;芯片 as a result 结果 total adj 总的:整个的 n 总数.合计 so … that … 如此.以致于 network网络;网状物 web 网 application 应用:用途;申请 finance金融;财经 mobile 可移动的.机动的 rocket 火箭 explore 探索.探侧.探究 Mars火星 Anyhow (也作 anyway )无论如何.即使如此 goal 目标.目的;球门;(进球)得分 happiness 幸福;快乐 human rare人类 supporting adj 支持的,支撑的 download 下载 programmer 程序员;程序师 virus病毒 android 机器人 signal发信号 信号 teammate同伴;伙伴 in away 在某种程度上 coach 教练 arise出现;发生 with the help of 在的帮助下 electronic adj 电子的 appearance 外观.外貌;出现 character 胜格.特点 mop 拖把 deal with 处理 watch over 看守,监视 naughty 顽皮的,淘气的 niece 侄女 spoil 损坏 wildlife 野生动植物 protection 保护 habitat 栖息地 threaten 恐吓 decrease 减少 die out 灭绝 loss 损失 reserve 保护区 hunt 打猎 zone 地域 地带 in peace 和平地 species 种类 物种 carpet 地毯 respond 回答 相应 distant 远的 远处的 fur 毛皮 毛 软毛 antelope 羚羊 relief (痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除 in relief 如释重负,松了口气 laughter 笑 笑声 burst into laughter 突然笑起来 mercy 仁慈 certain 确定的,某一,一定 importance 重要(性) rub 擦 摩擦 protect…from 保护…不受…(危害) mosquito 蚊子 millipede 千足虫 insect 昆虫 contain 包含 容纳 容忍 powerful 强大的 有力的 affect 影响 感动 侵袭 attention 注意 关注 注意力 pay attention to 注意 appreciate 鉴赏 感激 意识到 succeed 成功 secure 安全的 income 收入 employ 雇佣 利用 harm 损害 危害 bite 叮,咬,刺痛 extinction 灭绝 消亡 dinosaur 恐龙 come into being 形成,产生 inspect 检查 视察 unexpected 没料到的 意外的 incident 事件 事变 dust 灰尘,尘土 according to 按照,根据…所说 fierce 凶猛的,猛烈的 so that 以致于 结果 roll 滚动 摇摆 orchestra 管弦乐队 rap 说唱乐 folk 民间的 jazz 爵士乐 choral 合唱队的 musician 音乐家 dream of 梦见 梦想 pretend 假装,假扮 to be honest 说实在的,说实话 attach 系上 附加 连接 attach to 认为有 form 组成.形成构成 fame名声 名望 passer-by 过路人.行人 earn赚;挣得;获得 extra 额外的 外力 perform表演;履行;执行 pub酒馆 酒吧 cash 现金 in cash 用现金;有现钱 studio工作室.演播室 millionaire 百万富翁;富豪 play jokes on 戏弄 actor 男演员;行动者 rely依赖.依靠 rely on 依赖 依靠 broadcast 播;播放 humorous 幽默的.诙谐的 familiar熟悉的;常见的;亲近的 be /get familiar with 熟悉 与…熟悉起来 or so 大约 break up 碎;分裂;解体 addition吸引人的、有吸引力的 sort out 分类 excitement 兴奋.刺激 dip浸;蘸 lily百合花 brief 简短的;简要的 n 摘要;大纲 devotion投人;热爱 sensitive v / adj 敏感的;易受伤害的.灵敏的 painful adj 痛苦的 疼痛的 above all 最重要首先
人教版高一英语单词表 以下包括必修一与必修二 survey 调查.测验 add up 合计 upset adj 心烦意乱的;不安的,不适的 ignore不理睬.忽视 have got to 不得不;必须 concern(使)担比:涉及;关系到 n 担心;关注.(利害)关系 be concerned about 关心.挂念 walk the dog 遇狗 loose adj 松的.松开的 vet 兽医 go through 经历;经受 Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) Netherlands 荷兰(西欧国家) Jew 犹太人的;犹太族的 German 德国的.德国人的.德语的. Nazi 纳粹党人 adj 纳粹党的 set down 记下;放下.登记 series 连续,系列 a series of 一连串的.一系列;一套 outdoors在户外.在野外 spellbind 迷住;疑惑 purpose 故意 in order to 为了 dusk 黄昏傍晚 at dusk 在黄昏时刻 thunder vi 打雷雷鸣 n 雷,雷声 entier adj 整个的;完全的,全部的 entily ady. 完全地.全然地.整个地 Power能力.力量.权力。 Face to face 面对面地 Curtain 窗帘;门帘.幕布 dusty adj 积满灰尘的 no longer /not … any longer 不再 partner 伙伴.合作者.合伙人 settle 安家.定居.停留vt 使定居.安排.解决 suffer vt &遭受;忍受经历 suffer from 遭受.患病 loneliness 孤单寂寞 highway高速公路 recover痊愈;恢复. Get/be tired of 对…厌烦 Pack捆扎;包装打行李 n 小包:包裹 pack ( sth ) up 将(东西)装箱打包 suitcase手提箱;衣箱 overcoat大衣外套 teenager 十几岁的青少年 get along with 与…相处.进展 gossip 闲话 闲谈 fall in love 相爱;爱上 exactly 确实如此.正是;确切地山 disagree 不同意 grateful感激的.表示谢意的 dislike不喜欢.厌恶 join in 参加.加入 tip提示.技巧.尖;尖端.小费 倾斜;翻倒 secondly第二.其次 swap交换 item 项目.条款 subway <美>地铁 elevator n 电梯;升降机 petrol <英>汽油( = <美> gasoline ) gas汽油.气体.煤气;毒气。 official adj 官方的.正式的.公务的 voyage n 航行.航海 conquer 征服.占领 because of 因为 native 本国的;本地的 n 本地人.本国人 come up 走近,上来.提出 apartment<美>公寓住宅.单元住宅 actually实际上,事实上 base根据 n 基部;基地,墓础 at present 现在;目前 gradual 逐渐的.逐步的 enrich 使富裕;充实,改善 vocabulary 词汇.词汇量.词表 make use of 利用 使用 spelling拼写.拼法 latter 较后的后平的;(两者中)后者的 . identity 本身.本体 fluent 流利的.流畅的 frequent adj 频繁的.常见的 usage 使用.用法.词语惯用法 command命令;指令;把握 request哀求;要求 dialect 方言 expression 词语;表示表达 midwestern 中西部的.有中西部特性的 African adj 非洲的:非洲人的;非洲语言的 play a part ( in )扮演个角色:参与 lightning 闪电 straight 街区 cab出租车 journal日记;杂志.定期刊物 transport运送.运输 Prefer更喜欢选择某事物而不选择其他事物disadvantage不利条件;不便之处 fare费用 route人路线.路途 flow 流动.流出 n 流动.流量 ever since 从那以后 persuade说服.劝说 cycle骑自行车 graduate 毕业 n 大学毕业生 finally最后.终于 schedule进度表 fond心喜爱的.慈祥的宠爱的 be fond of 喜爱;喜欢 short coming缺点 stubborn顽固的;固执的 organize 组织,成立 care about 关心;忧虑; detail 细节;详情 determine讨决定;确定;下定决心 change one’s mind改变主意 journey 旅行.旅程 altitude 海拔高度.高处 make up one’s mind 下决心.决定 give in 投降.屈服.让步 valley谷流域 waterfall 瀑布 Pace缓漫而行.踱步入一步.速度;步调 bend弯,拐角 meander蜿蜒缓慢流动飞 attitude.看法 forecast猜测;预告 parcel小包;包裹 insurance 保险 wool羊毛.毛织 as usual 照常 reliable可信赖的.可靠的 pillow 枕头;枕垫 midnight 午夜;子夜 at midnight 在午夜 flame火焰.光线 beneath 在…下面 temple 庙宇寺庙 高中各年级课件教案习题汇总语文数学英语物理化学cave 洞穴.地窖 earthquake地震 right away 连忙连忙 well井 burst爆裂;爆发 忽然破裂,爆发 million 百万 event事件;大事 as if 仿佛.似乎 at an end 结束;终结 nation民族.国家国民 canal 运河.水道 steam 蒸汽.水汽 dirt污垢;泥土 ruin 废墟.毁灭.毁灭.使破产 in ruins 严峻受损破败不堪 suffering苦难.痛苦 extreme极度的 injure /损害.伤害 survivor幸存者.生还者;残存物 destroy 破坏;毁坏.消灭 brick砖.砖块 dam水坝.堰堤 track轨道.足迹.痕迹 useless无用的.无效的.无益的 shock(使)震凉震惊n休克打击 rescue 援救:营救 trap陷入困境 n 陷阱;困境 electricity 电,电流;电学 disaster 灾害.灾祸 dig out 掘出.发现 bury埋葬;掩埋.隐藏 mine矿.矿山矿井 miner矿工 shelter掩蔽.掩蔽处避身处 a(great)number of许多.大量的 title标题;头衔.资格 damage损失损害 frighten使惊吓;吓唬 frightened受惊的.受吓唬的 frightening心令人恐俱的 congratulation 祝贺.(复数) Judge裁判员.法官以断定;判定;判决 sincerely真诚地.真挚地 express表示.表达 快车;速递 outline 要点;大纲.轮廓 headline报刊的大字标题 quality质量:品质;胜质 active 积极的.活跃的 generous 慷慨的大方的 easygoing 随和的.暖和宽容的 self 自我自身 selfish自私的 selfless无私的.忘我的 devote献身.用心于 republic 共和国.共和政体 principle法则.原则;原理 nation民族主义国家主义 peaceful和平的.平静的.安宁的 giant巨大的.庞大的 mankind人类 layer律师 guidance指导.领导 legal法律的.依照法律的 fee费(会费、学费等) passbook 南非共和国有色人种的身份证 out of work 失业 helpful有希望的 league同盟;联双.联合会 youth青年团 stage舞台阶段;时期 vote 投票;选举儿投票选票;表决 attack进攻;攻击;抨击 violence暴力;暴行 as a matter of fact 事实 blow up使充气;爆炸 equal 相等的.平等的 in trouble 在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑的处境中 willing乐意的.自愿的 unfair不公正的.不公平的 turn to 求助于;致力于 release释放;发行 lose heart 丧失勇气或信心 escape逃脱,逃走泄露 blanket毛毯.毯子 educate教育 educated受过教育的.有教养的 come to power 当权;上台 beg 哀求;乞求 relative亲戚亲属 terror恐怖 恐怖时期 恐怖活动 cruelty残忍残酷 reward报酬;奖金酬劳.奖赏 set up 建立 sentence 判决,宣判 president总统;会长;校长;行长 opinion 意见 看法 主张 cultural文化的 relic遗物.遗迹;纪念物 rare 稀罕的;稀有的,贵重的 valuable 贵重的 有价值的 survive 幸免;幸存 生还 vase 花瓶.瓶 dynasty 朝代 王朝 in search of 寻找 amaze 吃惊,惊奇 amazing令人吃惊的 select 挑选;选择 honey 蜜.蜂蜜 design设计.图案.构思 vt 设计计划.构思 fancy奇异的.异样的 想象;设想,兴趣 style风格.风度.类型 decorate装饰.装修 jewel 珠宝.宝石 artist艺术家 belong属于.为的一员 belong to 属于 in return 作为报答.回报 troop群.组.军队 reception 接待,招待会.接收 at war 处于交战状态 remove移动;搬开 less than 少于 wooden 木制的 doubt怀疑.疑惑 vt 怀疑不信 mystery 神秘.神秘的事物 former以前的.从前的 worth值得的,相称于…的价值.价值.作用值钱的rebuild重建 local本地的;当地的 apart分离地,分别地 take apart 拆开 painting绘画;画 castle城堡 trial审判.审讯,试验 evidence 根据,证据 explode爆炸 entrance 入口 sailor水手;海员;船员 sink 下沉;沉下 maid少女.女仆 Berlin柏林(德国首都) Think highly of 看重;器重 informal非正式的 debate争论;辩论 ancient adj 古代的.古老的 compete vi 比赛竞争 competitor n 竞争者 take part in 参加;参与 medal n 奖章;勋章;纪念章 stand for 代表:象征,表示 mascot n 吉祥物 Greece希腊 Greek 希腊人的;希腊语的 n 希腊人;希腊语 magical adj 巫术的.魔术的.有魔力的 volunteer志愿者.志愿兵.志愿的,义务的 homeland 祖国;本国 regular adj 规则的.定期的.常规的 basis 基础,根据 athlete n 运动员;运动选手 admit容许.承认.接纳 slave 奴隶 nowadays 现今.现在 gymnastics 体操;体能练习 athletics 体育运动.竞技 stadium (露天大型)体育场 gymnasium ( gym ) 体育馆、健身房 as well 也;又.还 host 做东;主办;招待 n 主人 responsibility n 责任.职责 olive 橄榄树.橄榄叶;橄榄枝;橄榄色 wreath 花圈、花冠、圈状物卿 replace 取代替换.代替 motto 座右铭;格言;警句 swift 快的.迅速的 similarity 相像性:相似点 Athens 雅典(希腊首都) charge 收费.控诉.费用.主管 in charge主管 看守 physical adj 物理的.身体的 poster 海报,招贴 advertise 做广告.登广告 princess 公主 glory 光荣.荣誉 bargain 讨价还价.讲条件.便宜货 prince王子 hopeless 心没有希望的;绝望的 foolish adj 愚蠢的,傻的 goddess 女神 pain 疼痛.痛苦 one after another 陆续地.一个接一个地 deserve 应受.值得 striker (足球的)前锋 abacus n 算盘 calculate n 计算器 PC( = personal comPuter )个人电脑,个人计算laptop 手提电脑 PDA ( personal digital assistant )掌上电脑 个人数码助理analytical adj 分析的 calculate计算 universal adj 普遍的.通用的.宇宙的 simplify 简化 sum 总数.算术题.金额 operator (电脑)操作员;接线员 logical 逻辑的;合情理的 logically 逻辑上;合逻辑地.有条理地 technology工艺.科技.技术 technological adj 科技的 revolution革命 artificial 人造的.假的 intelligence 智力:智慧智能 intelligence adj 智能的:智慧的 solve 解决.解答 mathematical数学的 from … on 从时起 reality 真实.事实.现实 designer 设计师 personal 私人的.个人的.亲自的 personally 就个人而言,亲自 tube 管;管子;电子管 transistor 碎片;芯片 as a result 结果 total adj 总的:整个的 n 总数.合计 so … that … 如此.以致于 network网络;网状物 web 网 application 应用:用途;申请 finance金融;财经 mobile 可移动的.机动的 rocket 火箭 explore 探索.探侧.探究 Mars火星 Anyhow (也作 anyway )无论如何.即使如此 goal 目标.目的;球门;(进球)得分 happiness 幸福;快乐 human rare人类 supporting adj 支持的,支撑的 download 下载 programmer 程序员;程序师 virus病毒 android 机器人 signal发信号 信号 teammate同伴;伙伴 in away 在某种程度上 coach 教练 arise出现;发生 with the help of 在的帮助下 electronic adj 电子的 appearance 外观.外貌;出现 character 胜格.特点 mop 拖把 deal with 处理 watch over 看守,监视 naughty 顽皮的,调皮的 niece 侄女 spoil 损坏 wildlife 野生动植物 protection 保护 habitat 栖息地 threaten 恐吓 decrease 减少 die out 灭绝 loss 损失 reserve 保护区 hunt 打猎 zone 地域 地带 in peace 和平地 species 种类 物种 carpet 地毯 respond 回答 相应 distant 远的 远处的 fur 毛皮 毛 软毛 antelope 羚羊 relief (痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除 in relief 如释重负,松了口气 laughter 笑 笑声 burst into laughter 忽然笑起来 mercy 仁慈 certain 确定的,某一,一定 importance 重要(性) rub 擦 摩擦 protect…from 保护…不受…(危害) mosquito 蚊子 millipede 千足虫 insect 昆虫 contain 包含 容纳 容忍 powerful 强盛的 有力的 affect 影响 感动 侵袭 attention 注重 关注 注重力 pay attention to 留意 appreciate 鉴赏 感激 意识到 succeed 成功 secure 安全的 income 收入 employ 雇佣 利用 harm 损害 危害 bite 叮,咬,刺痛 extinction 灭绝 消亡 dinosaur 恐龙 come into being 形成,产生 inspect 检查 视察 unexpected 没料到的 意外的 incident 事件 事变 dust 灰尘,尘土 according to 按照,根据…所说 fierce 凶猛的,猛烈的 so that 以致于 结果 roll 滚动 摇晃 orchestra 管弦乐队 rap 说唱乐 folk 民间的 jazz 爵士乐 choral 合唱队的 musician 音乐家 dream of 梦见 梦想 pretend 假装,假扮 to be honest 说实在的,说实话 attach 系上 附加 连接 attach to 认为有 form 组成.形成构成 fame名声 名望 passer-by 过路人.行人 earn赚;挣得;获得 extra 额外的 外力 perform表演;履行;执行 pub酒馆 酒吧 cash 现金 in cash 用现金;有现钱 studio工作室.演播室 millionaire 百万富翁;富豪 play jokes on 戏弄 actor 男演员;行动者 rely依赖.依赖 rely on 依靠 依靠 broadcast 播;播放 humorous 幽默的.诙谐的 familiar认识的;常见的;亲近的 be /get familiar with 认识 与…熟悉起来 or so 大约 break up 碎;分裂;解体 addition吸引人的、有吸引力的 sort out 分类 excitement 高兴.刺激 dip浸;蘸 lily百合花 brief 简短的;简要的 n 摘要;大纲 devotion投人;热爱 sensitive v / adj 敏感的;易受伤害的.敏捷的 painful adj 痛苦的 疼痛的 above all 最重要首先
英 ['æksent] 美 ['æksent]
n. 重音;口音;强调
vt. 重读;强调
She spoke with an Irish accent.
英 ['ɜːlɪ] 美 ['ɝli]
adj. 早期的;早熟的
adv. 提早;在初期
例:I decided that I was going to take early retirement.
1、含义:n. 天才;天赋。
He makes much account of her musical genius.
He is a mathematical genius.
英 [iːst] 美 [iːst]
adj. 东方的
adv. 向东方
n. 东方;东部
2、east可与介词at, in, on, to等搭配,表示“位于…的东方”。
英 [ə'mɪt] 美 [ə'mɪt]
vt. 省略;遗漏;忘记;删去
I could omit the overseas section at this point.
英 [ʌp'set] 美 [ʌp'set]
adj. 心烦的;苦恼的;不安的;不适的
v. 推翻;翻倒;颠覆;打乱;使心烦
n. 混乱;推翻
There is no reason to get so upset.
v. (动词)
academic [,ækə'demik] adj. 学术的
province ['prɒvins] n. 省
enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'æstik] adj.热心的,
amazing [ə'meiziŋ] adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的
information [,infə'meiʃən] n. 消息
website [ web’sait] n.网站;网址
brilliant ['briljənt] adj.(口语)极好的
comprehension [,kɒmpri'henʃən] n. 理解,领悟
instruction [in'strʌkʃən] n.(常作复数)指示;说明
method ['meθəd] n. 方法
bored ['bɒ: d] adj.厌烦的;厌倦的
embarrassed [im'bærəst] adj.尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的
attitude ['ætitju:d] n. 态度
behaviour [bi'heivjə] n. 行为; 举动
previous ['pri:viəs] adj.以前的;从前的
description [di'skripʃən] n.记述; 描述
amazed [ə'meizd] adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的
embarrassing [im'bærəsiŋ] adj.令人尴尬的;令人难堪的
technology [tek'nɒlədʒi] n. 技术
impress [im'pres] vt.使印象深刻
correction [kə'rekʃən] n. 改正;纠正
encouragement [in'kʌridʒmənt] n. 鼓励;激励
enjoyment [in'dʒɒimənt] n.享受;乐趣
fluency ['flu:ənsi] n.流利;流畅
misunderstanding [,misʌndə'stændiŋ] n. 误解
disappointed [,disə'pɒintid] adj. 失望的
disappointing [,disə'pɒintiŋ] adj.令人失望的
system ['sistəm] n. 制度;体系;系统
teenager ['ti:nidʒə] n.少年
disappear [,disə'piə] vi. 消失
move [mu:v] adj.搬家
assistant [ə'sistənt] n. 助手, 助理
cover ['kʌvə] vt.包含
diploma [di'pləumə] n. 文凭, 毕业证书
in other words 换句话说
look forward to 期待;盼望
at the start of 在……开始的时候
at the end of 在……结束的时候
go to college 上大学
be divided into 被(划)分成……
take part in 参加
amusing [ə'mju:ziŋ] adj. 有趣的; 可笑的
energetic [,enə'dʒetik] adj. 精力充沛的
intelligent [in'telidʒənt] adj. 聪明的
nervous ['nə:vəs] adj.紧张的;焦虑的
organized ['ɒ:gənaizd] adj.有组织的;有系统的
patient ['peiʃənt] adj.耐心的
serious ['siəriəs] adj. 严肃的
shy [ʃai] adj.害羞的;羞怯的
strict [strikt] a. 严格的;严厉的
impression [im'preʃən] n. 印象
avoid [ə'vɒid] vt.(故意)避开
hate [heit] vt.讨厌;不喜欢
incorrectly [,inkə'rektli] adv.不正确地
completely [kəm'pli:tli] adv. 十分地;完全地
immediately [i'mi:diətli] adv.立即;即刻
appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit] vt.感激
admit [əd'mit] vt. 承认
scientific [,saiən'tifik] adj. 科学的
literature ['litərətʃə] n. 文学
loudly ['laudli] adv. 大声地
wave [weiv] vt.挥(手);招(手)
joke [dʒəuk] n. 玩笑;笑话
summary ['sʌməri] n.总结;摘要;提要
respect [ri'spekt] vt.&n.尊敬;尊重
grade [greid] n.(美)成绩;分数
headmaster ['hed'mɑ:stə] n.校长
headmistress ['hed'mistris] n.女校长
period ['piəriəd] n.一段时间
revision [ri'viʒən] n.复习
translation [træns'leiʃən] n. 翻译
timetable ['taimteibl] n. 时间表
topic ['tɒpik] n.话题;题目
vacation [vei'keiʃən] n. 假期
evise [ri'vaiz] vt.温习(功课)
discipline ['disiplin] n.纪律
relationship [ri'leiʃənʃip] n. 关系
formal ['fɒ:məl] adj. 正式的
relaxed [ri'lækst] adj.轻松的;松懈的;宽松的
similarly ['similəli] adv.同样地,类似地
make sure 确定;确信;查明;弄清楚
so that (引起表示结果的从句)因此
make progress 取得进步
as a result 结果
in fact 事实上
fall asleep 睡着
tell jokes 讲笑话;开玩笑
helicopter ['helikɒptə] n.直升飞机
motorbike ['məutə, baik] n.摩托车
tram [træm] n.电车
distance ['distəns] n. 距离
abandoned [ə'bændənd] adj.被遗弃的
camel ['kæml] n. 骆驼
cassette [kæ'set] n.录音带
desert ['dezət] n. 沙漠
diamond ['daiəmənd] n. 钻石
expert ['ekspə:t] n. 专家
midnight ['midnait] n. 半夜
product ['prɒdʌkt] n. 产品
scenery ['si:nəri] n. 风景; 景色
shoot [ʃu:t] vt.(shot,shot)射杀
soil [sɒil] n. 土壤
journey ['dʒə:ni] n. 旅程
train [trein] vt. 训练
circus ['sə:kəs] n. 马戏团
seaside ['si:said] n. 海滨
stadium ['steidiəm] n. 运动场;体育场
eagle ['i:gl] n. 鹰
frighten ['fraitn] vt.是吃惊;惊吓
kindergarten ['kində,gɑ:tn] n.幼儿园
apartment [ə'pɑ:tmənt] n.(美)公寓;单元住宅
cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n] n. 卡通;漫画
interview ['intəvju:] n.面试;面谈
interviewer ['intəvju:ə] n.(面试时的)主考官;面谈者
event [i'vent] n. 事件
exhausted [ig'zɒ:stid] adj.疲惫不堪的
downtown ['daun'taun] adj.商业区的;市中心的
vacuum [`'vækjuəm] n. 真空; 空白
rail [reil] n.铁轨
ceremony ['seriməni] n.仪式
track [træk] n. 轨道
souvenir [,su:və'niə] n. 纪念品