Jack: "You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up...
no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise. Rose: "I promise."
Jack: "Never let go.
Rose: "I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go."
无论发生什么,无论……有多艰难……快答应我,罗丝……答应我,一定做到,一定做到……” 罗丝:“我答应你……杰克……一定做到……一定……”
【即使再过一千年、一万年,这样“情真意切、感人肺腑、催人泪下”的话语也不会落伍于时代, 因为它是人类崇高爱情的一种升华,是真爱的最高境界。】
2、Gone With the Wind 《乱世佳人》
"... tomorrow is another day!" “明天又是新的一天!”
"Bond. James Bond." “我是邦德,詹姆斯?邦德。”
【007电影系列的招牌台词。 此语是刺激“邦德迷”们肾上腺素加速分泌的`最有效的“催化剂” (虽已用过19次),Fans伴随着邦德一次次出生入死、一次次非凡艳遇、一次次化险为夷、 一次次惊声尖叫……邦德已成为Fans心目中不死的银幕神话。】
4、Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》
Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get." 阿甘:“妈妈常常说,生命就如同一盒朱古力,你永远不会知道你将得到什么。”
5、The Terminator《终结者》
"I'll be back!" T-800:“我会回来的!”
Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. 恐惧让你沦为囚犯。希望可以感受自由。
7、 《计程车司机》
You talkin' to me?" 你在对我说话吗?
". phone home." .打电话回家
1.《乱世佳人》 Tomorrow is another day. 2.《泰坦尼克号》 Jack: "You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise. 3.《007 系列》 "Bond. James Bond." 4. 《阿甘正传》 Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get." Mother: It's my time. It's just mytime. Oh, now, don't you be afraid sweetheart. Death is just a part of life,something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it. But I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could. Jenny: Are you stupid or something? Forrest: Momma says thatstupid is as stupid does. 5.《终结者》 "I'll be back!" 6.《英国病人》 We die, we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers, fears we have hidden inlike this wretched cave. I want all thismarked on my body. We are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps with names of powerful men. I know you will come and carry me out into the palace of winds, that's allI've wanted- to walk in such a place with you, with friends, on the earth without maps. 7.《空军一号》 “My family first” 8.《罗马假日》 I have to leave you now. I'm going to that corner there,and turn. You stay in car and drive away. Promise not to watch me go beyond the corner. Justdrive away and leave me as I leave you. Well, life isn't always what one likes, isn't it? 9.《绿野仙踪》 "There's no place like home." 10.《卡萨布兰卡》 Of all the gin joints in allthe towns in all the world,she walks into mine. 11.《我不是天使》 It’s not the men in your life thatcounts,it’s the life in your men. 12.《地狱的天使》 Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable?113.《鸭子汤》 I could dance with you’till the cows come second thoughts,I’d rather dancewith the cows’ till you came home. 14.《安娜·克里斯蒂》 Gimme a visky with ale on the side——and don’t be stinchy,baby. 15.《美梦成真》 The end ,is only the beginning. 16.《 Phenomenon》 “ Will you love me for the rest of my life?” “ No, I'll love you for the rest of mine.” 17.《日出之前》 If there's any kind of magic in this world, it must be in the attempt of understanding someone or sharing something。 18.《四个婚礼一个葬礼》 --I thought you were gone. --Without you,never 19.《教父》 Never let anyone know what you are thinking. 20.《美国派 3》 Jim: Michelle, you're the one woman I want to be with and the woman I can't be without. I love you ! Michelle: Jim, I have trouble finding the words to tell you how I feel and I realize something. Love isn't just a feeling, Love is something you do. It'sa dress, a visit to bandcamp, a speacial haircut. Jim you've give me everything I've ever wanted and It's my solemn vow to give everything I am to youLife is like a box of cholocate,you never know what you will go to get. 《阿甘正传》 if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, Ishould have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal — as we are! ’ -------如果上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会使你难于离开我,就像现2在我难于离开你。上帝没有这么做,而我们的灵魂是平等的,就仿佛我们两人穿过坟墓,站 在上帝脚下,彼此平等——本来就如此!” 《简爱》it’s a good day to die!《星际争霸》 hey ,are you all right? Do you think because I am poor, obscure, plain and little I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! I have asmuch soul as you and fully as much heart。 Tara! Home! I‘ll go home, and I‘ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day. 《乱世佳人》 I Guess it comes down to a simple choice. Getbusy living or get busy dieing! 《The Shawshank Redemption 》 love means you never have to say you\'re sorry.《love story》 I\'m a prisoner in the block untill the gunshot sets me free.《Man of Fire》 Listen, Rose. You’re going to get out of here. You’re going to go on. You’re going to make lots of babies, and you’re going to watch them grow. You’re going to die and old, an old ladyin her warm bed, not here, not this night, not like this. Do you understand me?《泰坦尼克号》 《肖申克的救赎》 It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great manto save another. 坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人。 Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies! 记着,希望是件好东西,没准儿是件最好的东西,而且从没有一样好东西会消逝! Get busy living, Or get busy dying. 忙活,或者等死 《乱世佳人》:After all,tomorrow is another day! 不管怎样,明天是新的一天! We become the most familiar strangers. 我们变成了世上最熟悉的陌生人。 Later,respectively,wander and suffer sorrow. 今后各自曲折,各自悲哀 1.《阿甘正传》:3Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you will go to get to me ,I'll never forget this ! I wish I could have been there with you. Yourwere Jenny, I am not a smart man, but I know what is love. ---Forrest Gump. "Death is a part of life" ----阿甘母亲
简:您为什么对我讲这些?您和她(英格拉姆小姐)跟我有什么关系?您以为我穷,不好看,就没有感情吗?告诉你吧,如果上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会让您难以离开我,就想我现在难以离开您。可上帝没有这样做,但我的灵魂能够同您的灵魂说话,仿佛我们都经过 坟墓,平等地站在上帝面前。 Why do you confide in me like this? What are you and she to me? You think that because I'm poor and plain, Ihave no feelings? I promise you, if God had gifted me with wealth and beauty, I would make it as hard for you to leave me now as it is for me to leave you. But He did not. But my spirit can address yours, as if both have passed through the grave and stood before heaven equal. 简:让我走,先生。Let me go, sir. 罗切斯特:我爱你。我爱你!I love you. I love you! 简:别,别让我干傻事。No, don't make me foolish. 罗切斯特:傻事?我需要你,布兰奇(英格拉姆小姐)有什么?我知道我对她意味着什么,是使她父亲的土地变得肥沃的金钱。嫁给我,简 。说你嫁给我。 Foolish? I need you. What's Blanch to me? I know what I am to her. Money to manure her father's land with. Marry me, Jane. Say you marry me. 简:你是说真的?You mean it? 罗切斯特:你的怀疑折磨着我,答应吧,答应吧。(他把她搂在怀里,吻她。)上帝饶恕我,别让任何人干涉我,她是我的,是我的。 You torture me with your yes,say yes(He takes hersintoshis arm and kisser her.)God forgive let no men meddle with is . 简发现罗切斯特先生有个精神失常的妻子之后。After Jane finds out Mr. Rochester has an insane wife. 罗切斯特:总算出来了。你把自己关在房间里一个人伤心。一句责难的话也没有。什么都没有。这就是对我的惩罚?我不是有心要这样伤你,你相信吗?我无论如何也不会伤害你,我怎么办?都对你说了我就会失去你,那我还不如去死。 So come out at shut yourself in your room and grieve alone. Not one word of that to be my punishment? I didn't mean to wound you like this. Do you believe that?I wouldn't hurt you not for the was I to do? Confess everything I might as well have lost my life. 简:你已经失去我了,爱德华。我也失去了您。You have lost me, I've lost you. 罗切斯特:为什么跟我说这些?继续惩罚我吗?简,我已经受够了!我生平第一次找到我真正的爱,你不要把她拿走。 Why did you say that to me? To punish me a little longer? Jane, I've been though! For the first time I have found what I can truly love. Don't take if away from me. 简:我必须离开您。I must leave you.
.《兄弟连》: I remember my grandson asked me the other day, he said: "Grandpa, were you a hero in the great war?" "No," I replied,” But I served in a company of heroes." 有一天我的小孙子问我"爷爷,你是大战中的英雄吗?我回答:不......但我与英雄 们一同服役。" .《勇敢的心》: WILLIAM WALLACE:"Fight, and you may die. Run, and you'll live at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now. Would you be willing to trade? All the days from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our Freedom! Freedom——" 威廉华莱士:"是啊,如果战斗,可能会死。如果逃跑,至少还能活。年复一年,直到寿终正寝。你们!愿不愿意用这么多苟活的日子去换一个机会,就一个机会!那就是回来,告诉敌人,他们也许能夺走我们的生命,但是,他们永远夺不走我们的自由!" "我们的自由!!.《when Harry Met Sally》:《when Harry Met Sally》很经典的一部爱情戏剧:电影最后Harry在除夕夜向Sally的表白 And it's not because I'm lonely and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible! (我来这)不是因为我寂寞,也不是因为除夕夜。今晚我上这来,因为如果你知道了自己想和谁一起度过余生,你会希望余生开始得越早越好!
肖申克的救赎》经典英文对白 The Shawshank can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself. A great man can save another. 懦怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以感受自由。强者自救,圣者渡人。 guess it comes down to a simple choice:get busy living or get busy dying. 生命可以归结为一种简单的选择:要么忙于生存,要么赶着去死。 is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies 希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝. 4."some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright..." 有的鸟是不会被关住的,因为它们的羽毛太美丽了! walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That`s institutionalized. 监狱里的高墙实在是很有趣。刚入狱的时候,你痛恨周围的高墙;慢慢地,你习惯了生活在其中;最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它而生存。 这就是体制化。 find I`m so excited. I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border, I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope. 我发现自己是如此的激动,以至于不能静静地坐下来思考,我想只有那些重获自由即将踏上新征程的人们才能感受到这种即将揭开未来神秘面纱的激动心情。我希望跨越千山万水握住朋友的手;我希望太平洋的海水如同梦中的一样蓝;我希望...... `s not a day goes by I don`t feel regret. Not because I`m in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then. Then a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try and talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can`t. That kid`s long gone and this old man is all that`s left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It`s just a bullshit word. So you go on and stamp your form, sorry, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don`t give a shit. 我无时不刻地对自己的所作所为深感内疚,这不是因为我在这里(指监狱),也不是讨好你们(指假释官)。回首曾经走过的弯路,我多么想对那个犯下重罪的愚蠢的年轻人说些什么,告诉他我现在的感受,告诉他还可以有其他的方式解决问题。可是,我做不到了。那个年轻人早已淹没在岁月的长河里,只留下一个老人孤独地面对过去。重新做人?人罢了!小子,别再浪费我的时间了,盖你的章吧,我没什么可说的了。
邓布利多:哈利,人不能活在梦里,不要依赖梦想而忘记生活。 Dumbledore: It does not to do dwell on dreams, and forget to live. 罗恩:哈利,你必须继续前进,我觉得应该去的人,不是我,不是赫敏,而是你。 Ron: Harry, it's you that has to go on, I know it. Not me, not Hermione. You! 伏地魔:世上并没有绝对的善与恶,差别只在于强者和无法分清事实的弱者。 Voldemort: There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it. .邓布利多:要挺身而出对抗敌人的确需要很大的勇气,但要挺身而出反抗朋友却需要更大的勇气。 Dumbledore: It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. (《哈利波特与魔法石》) 一、“他绝不会走,只要留下来的那些人还忠于他!”(He'll never be gone! Not as long as those who remain are loyal to him!) (人物:哈利,选自《哈利-波特与密室》) 二、“我们希望我们的波特先生总是能够扭转乾坤”“放心吧,我会的!”( will always be around to save the dead.——Don’t worry, I will be.) (人物:卢修斯-马尔福、哈利,选自《哈利-波特与密室》) 三、 “比这更重要的是--友谊和勇气。”(There are more important things, friendship and bravery.) (人物:赫敏,选自《哈利-波特与魔法石》) 四、“多比没有主人!多比是自由的小精灵!多比是来救哈利-波特和他的朋友们!”(Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter, and his friends!) (人物:多比,选自《哈利-波特与死亡圣器(上)》) 五、“爱我们的人是永远不会离开我们的。”(The ones that love us never really leave us.) (人物:小天狼星,选自《哈利-波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》) 六、“想要杀哈利,得先把我们也杀掉!”(If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us, too!) (人物:赫敏,选自《哈利-波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》) 1. 斯内普:你这个令人失望多愁善感的小子,只会苦涩的抱怨生活如何的不公平。你可能没有注意到,生活本来就是不公平的。 Severus Snape: Sentimental children forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been. Well,it may have escaped you notice, but life isn't fair. 2 . 哈利:你才是懦弱的人,你不懂得爱,也不懂得友情,我可怜你。 Harry Potter: You're the weak one. And you'll never know love,or friendship. And I feel sorry for you. 3. 卢娜:再说,我妈妈以前经常说,失去的东西总会找到方法回来的。 Luna Lovegood: Anyway, my mum always said things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end. (《哈利波特与凤凰社》)
Simba: Dad! Daad! Come on, Dad, we gotta go. Wake up! Random Lioness: Oomph! Simba: Sorry! ...Oop. {Simba starts to wake Mufasa} Simba: Dad? Daad. Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad-- Sarabi: {Over Simba's endless noise of "Dad"s, sleepily} Your son... is awake... Mufasa: {Also sleepily} Before sunrise, he's YOUR son. Simba: Dad? Daad! Come on, Dad! {tugs at Mufasa's ear.} Daa-- Whoa! {He loses his grip on Mufasa's ear, and slips and crashes into something off camera. He then comes running back on screen and butts Mufasa. Mufasa sleepily eyes his son.} Simba: You promised! Mufasa: {Seeing his son's impatience} Okay, okay. I'm up. I'm up. Simba: Yeah! {Mufasa yawns a well-recorded lion yawn. Mufasa and Sarabi follow Simba up to the top of Pride Rock. Simba rubs up against Sarabi; she nudges him ahead and stays behind. Departing shot of her, with a loving expression. The sunrise illuminates the top of Pride Rock impressively. Both Simba and Mufasa are on the point. Cue music.} Mufasa: Look, Simba. Everything the light touches is our kingdom. Simba: Wow. {The camera revolves around them, during Mufasa's speech, from a reverse view to a frontal shot.} Mufasa: A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here, and will rise with you as the new king. Simba: And this will all be mine? Mufasa: Everything. Simba: Everything the light touches. {Simba looks all around. He views the rip-rap canyon to the north} What about that shadowy place? Mufasa: That's beyond our borders. You must never go there, Simba. Simba: But I thought a king can do whatever he wants. Mufasa: Oh, there's more to being king than... getting your way all the time. {Mufasa starts back down the rock} Simba: {Awed} There's more? Mufasa: {Chuckles} Simba... {Camera switch. Mufasa and Simba are out walking on the savannah.} Mufasa: Everything you see exists together, in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures-- from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope. Simba: But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope? Mufasa: Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great Circle of Life.
Get out! Get out! Get out of here! 走开…走开 I love this! Bowling for buzzards. 快走开 我喜欢赶走秃鹰 Gets 'em every time. 每次都成功 Uh-oh. Hey,Timon,you better come look. 丁满,你最好过来看看 I think it's still alive. 我看他好像还活着 All righty,what have we got here? 哎哟!这什么东西呀? Jeez,it's a lion! 天啊!是只狮子 Run,Pumbaa,move it! 彭彭,快跑 Hey,Timon,it's just a little lion. 丁满,他只是只小狮子 Look at him. He's so cute and all alone. 你看他那么可爱 - Can we keep him? 而且是一个人 我们能留下他吗? - Pumbaa,are you nuts? 彭彭,你疯了吗? You're talking about a lion. 躺在这儿的是只狮子 Lions eat guys like us. - But he's so little. 狮子就是专门吃我们的 - He's going to get bigger. 但是他还那么小 他以后会长大的 Maybe he'll be on our side. 也许他会变得跟我们一国 Ha! That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. Maybe he'll... 这是我听过最蠢的话了 maye be 或许他会… Hey,I got it. 咦…我有点子了 What if he's on our side? 如果他跟我们一国 You know,having a lion around might not be such a bad idea. 有只狮子在身边或许蛮不错的 So,we're keeping him? 那我们就留下他罗 Of course. Who's the brains of this outfit? 当然,这里是谁做主啊? My point exactly. 我认为他应该留下 Jeez,I'm fried. 哎哟!天啊!我热死了 Let's get out of here and find some shade. 我们快离开这儿 找个阴凉的地方 - You OK,kid? - I guess so. 你还好吧?孩子 - You nearly died. 我想是吧 你差点就死了 - I saved you. 我救了你 Well,Pumbaa helped... a little. 彭彭也帮了…一滴滴忙 Thanks for your help. 谢谢你们帮忙 - Hey,where you going? 你要去哪里? - Nowhere. 不知道 Gee,he looks blue. 他看起来很BLUE I'd say brownish gold. 我倒觉得是金黄色 No,no,no. I mean he's depressed. 不,我是说…沮丧 Kid,what's eating you? 孩子你在烦什么? Nothing. He's at the top of the food chain. 烦?狮子可是万兽之王 The food chain. 烦个屁呀! So,where you from? 那你从哪儿来的? Who cares? I can't go back. 谁在乎?我又不能回去 Ah,you're an outcast. 你是被扫地出门的 - That's great. So are we. 好极了!我们也是 - What'd you do,kid? 你做了什么事? Something terrible,but I don't want to talk about it. 很可怕的事 但是我不想跟你们说 Good. We don't want to hear about it. 很好,我们也不想听 Come on,Timon. Anything we can do? 拜托,丁满 我们能帮忙吗? Not unless you can change the past. 除非你们能够改变历史 Kid,in times like this,my buddy Timon here says... 孩子你要知道在这个时候 我这位伙伴丁满说 you got to put your behind in your past. 你必须把你的背后抛到过去 - No,no,no. 不… Amateur. - I mean... 我是说… 笨蛋 Lie down before you hurt yourself. 能不能闭上你的乌鸦嘴呀 It's,you got to put your past behind you. 是…你必须把过去抛到脑后 Look,kid,bad things happen... 孩子 你常会碰到一些倒霉的事 and you can't do anything about it,right? 而你却拿它没办法,对吧? - Right. - Wrong! 对 错 When the world turns its back on you... 当这个世界遗弃你的时候 you turn your back on the world. 你就去遗弃这个世界 Well,that's not what I was taught. 我以前学的不是这样 Then maybe you need a new lesson. 那么你或许应该学点新知识 Repeat after me. 跟着我一起念 - Hakuna matata. - What? HAKUNAMATATA Hakuna matata 什么? HAKUNAMATATA It means "no worries." 就别担心
Show me the money!“拿钱给我看!”—— 征服情海(Jerry Maguire, 1996)被公司解雇的体育经纪人杰瑞.马圭尔拼命打电话试图留住自己的客户,啰嗦的橄榄球运动员罗德提出的条件是杰瑞必须“让他看到钱”。
Why don’t you e up sometime and see me?“你干嘛不常来看看我呢?”—— 侬本多情(She Done Him Wrong, 1933)露夫人是一家夜总会的老板,生性 *** ,喜欢周旋在许多情人之间。影片中当她看到年轻英俊的萨吉时便用这句台词跟他调情。
I’m walking here! I’m walking here!“我正在这走呢,我正在这走呢!”—— 午夜牛郎(Midnight Cowboy, 1969,Ratso是个街头,影片中有个镜头是他和另一位男主角乔一起过马路,差点被一辆计程车撞到。这个镜头据说是即兴发挥的,达斯丁.霍夫曼说他本来想说的是:“我们这里在拍电影。”结果说出来的却是现在这句著名的台词。
Play it, Sam. Play ‘As Time Goes By.’“弹吧,山姆。弹‘时光飞逝’。”—— 卡萨布兰卡(Casablanca, 1942)伊尔莎和丈夫一起走进瑞克的酒吧,当她认出山姆后,便请他弹这首以前和瑞克在一起时经常听他弹奏的曲子。
You can’t handle the truth!“你担当不起真相!”—— 好人寥寥(A Few Good Men, 1992) 30. I want to be alone.“我想一个人呆着。”—— 大饭店(Grand Hotel, 1932)
After all, tomorrow is another day!“毕竟,明天又是新的一天!”—— 乱世佳人(Gone with the Wind, 1939) 32. Round up the usual suspects.“围捕嫌犯。”—— 卡萨布兰卡(Casablanca, 1942)影片结尾,瑞克枪杀德国军官后束手待毙。面对闻讯赶来的部下,雷诺警长出人意料地命令他们搜捕嫌犯,放过了瑞克。
I’ll have what she’s having.“给我来份和她一样的。”—— 当哈利遇到莎莉(When Harry Met Sally, 1989)34. You know how to whistle, don’t you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow.“你知道怎么吹口哨,是吗,斯蒂夫?只要把嘴唇闭上然后吹气就行了。”—— 逃亡(To Have and Have Not, 1944)
You’re gonna need a bigger boat。“你需要一艘更大的船。—— 大白鲨(Jaws, 1975)36. Badges? We ain’t got no badges! We don’t need no badges! I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!“警徽?我们没有警徽!我们不需要警徽!我用不着给你看什么臭警徽!”—— 碧血金砂(The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 1948)
I’ll be back.“我会回来的。”—— 终结者(The Terminator, 1984)这句台词出现在T800被拒绝进入警察局时,随后他开着卡车冲进了警局。
Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.“今天,我认为自己是地球表面最幸运的人。”—— 扬基的骄傲(The Pride of the Yankees, 1942)本片是纽约洋基队传奇巨星鲁.盖瑞的传记片,这句台词出自他退役前在洋基体育场的著名演讲。
If you build it, he will e.“你建好了,他就会来。”—— 梦幻之地(Field of Dreams, 1989)40. Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.“妈妈总是说,生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你会得到什么。”—— 阿甘正传(Forrest Gump, 1994)
We rob banks.“我们是抢银行的[]。”—— 雌雄大盗(Bonnie and Clyde, 1967)
Plastics.“橡胶业。”—— 毕业生(The Graduate, 1967)在为本举行的庆祝宴会上,父亲的合伙人马圭尔先生特意把本叫到一边,郑重地建议他从事塑胶业。在本片上映后的一年间,塑胶制造业非常兴旺,不少人认为与这句台词有关。
We’ll always have Paris.“我们将永远拥有巴黎(的美好时光)”—— 卡萨布兰卡(Casablanca, 1942)瑞克在机场与伊尔莎依依惜别,用这句话安慰伊尔莎。如果你与情人分手时不知道该说什么,就用这句话吧。
I see dead people.“我能看见死人。”—— 第六感(The Sixth Sense, 1999)科尔对克罗医生(布鲁斯.威利斯饰)说过这句话,后者却不以为意。影片接近尾声时,医生终于明白了这句话的含义。
Stella! Hey, Stella!“斯黛拉!嗨,斯黛拉!”—— 欲望号街车(A Streetcar Named Desire, 1951)
Oh, Jerry, don’t let’s ask for the moon. We have the stars.“哦,杰瑞,不用追寻月亮。我们已经有星星了。—— 扬帆(Now, Voyager, 1942)夏洛特和有妇之夫杰瑞互相倾心却无法结合。杰瑞问她是否感到快乐,夏洛特用这句话作为回答。其含义类似于“不求天长地久,但求曾经拥有。”
Shane. Shane. Come back!“谢恩,谢恩,回来吧!”—— 原野奇侠(Shane, 1953)Shane帮助斯塔瑞一家消灭了小镇上的恶势力,当他离开小镇时,小男孩在他身后大声呼唤他回来。Shane是著名的西部英雄形象。
Well, nobody’s perfect.“人无完人。”—— 热情似火(Some Like It Hot, 1959)富翁奥斯古德.菲尔丁被男扮女装的主角杰瑞(杰克.莱蒙饰)迷得神魂颠倒。影片最后,杰瑞扯掉假发告诉他自己是男人,结果富翁不以为然地说:“人无完人嘛。”
It’s alive! It’s alive!“它还活着!它还活着!”—— 科学怪人(Frankenstein, 1931)演员:柯林.克利夫(饰亨利.弗兰肯斯坦) 科学家弗兰肯斯坦博士制作了一个没有生命的人体,一道闪电过后,它并没有变成博士理想中的“完人”,而是变成了一个相貌丑陋的怪物。怪物将弗兰肯斯坦博士当作自己的爸爸,但后者却将其赶出了家门。
Houston, we have a problem.“休斯顿,我们有问题了。—— 阿波罗13号(Apollo 13, 1995)宇航员吉姆.洛威尔向地面控制中心汇报故障情况。在网上可以找到当年的通讯录音,原话是“Houston, we’ve had a problem.”。这句台词后来变得非常流行,在告诉别人某个严重问题时,经常以这句话作为开场白,以达到一种轻松诙谐的效果。
You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya, punk?“你应该问自己一个问题:‘我感到幸运吗?’你觉得呢,痞子?”—— 警探哈利(Dirty Harry, 1971)卡拉汉警官在追捕罪犯时有自己独特的方法,完全无视法律的束缚。这是当他用枪指着罪犯时常说的话。
Jack: "You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up...
no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise. Rose: "I promise."
Jack: "Never let go.
Rose: "I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go."
无论发生什么,无论……有多艰难……快答应我,罗丝……答应我,一定做到,一定做到……” 罗丝:“我答应你……杰克……一定做到……一定……”
【即使再过一千年、一万年,这样“情真意切、感人肺腑、催人泪下”的话语也不会落伍于时代, 因为它是人类崇高爱情的一种升华,是真爱的最高境界。】
2、Gone With the Wind 《乱世佳人》
"... tomorrow is another day!" “明天又是新的一天!”
"Bond. James Bond." “我是邦德,詹姆斯?邦德。”
【007电影系列的招牌台词。 此语是刺激“邦德迷”们肾上腺素加速分泌的`最有效的“催化剂” (虽已用过19次),Fans伴随着邦德一次次出生入死、一次次非凡艳遇、一次次化险为夷、 一次次惊声尖叫……邦德已成为Fans心目中不死的银幕神话。】
4、Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》
Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get." 阿甘:“妈妈常常说,生命就如同一盒朱古力,你永远不会知道你将得到什么。”
5、The Terminator《终结者》
"I'll be back!" T-800:“我会回来的!”
Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. 恐惧让你沦为囚犯。希望可以感受自由。
7、 《计程车司机》
You talkin' to me?" 你在对我说话吗?
". phone home." .打电话回家
A: How have you been?B: Great, what about you?A: Pretty ok. And...how's the married life? Any fun?B: Oh well, I think it's : That doesn't sound too : No, no, it's not that. What I meant was...well..you know..life still carries on. Just that you have someone else with : To share your life and step all over your toes!B: Hey don't put it this way. Look I know you're still upset with me but let's not dwell in the past, shall we?A: Whatever. Ok look, I'm running late for an appointment. So I have to go. Nice meeting you. And good luck on the : Hey...hey...*A runs off admist B's calling.
经典的英文电影数不胜数,除了各种或感人或励志,亦或者是悬疑惊悚的电影情节外,经典英文电影台词也是让我们印象深刻。下面我和大家一起回味下50句经典英文电影台词,哪一句英文电影台词最经典? 英文电影台词 1:a woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for many things, but will stick around. 如果一个女人真的爱你,她会因为很多事情对你发脾气,却始终坚守在你身边 2:if you really love me, then why do i see is to breed.倘若你真的爱我,那么为什么我看到的只是繁衍。 3:dream most deep place, only then the smile is not tired. 梦的最深处,只有微笑不累。 4:create good memories today, so that you can have a good past。今天创造出一份美好记忆,明天就能拥有一段美好回忆。 5:every hour of lost time is a chance of future misfortune.一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。 50句经典英文电影台词排行榜出炉 1.《乱世佳人》1939 Frankly,my dear,I don’t give a damn 坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。 2.《教父》1972 I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse. 我会给他一个无法拒绝的价钱。 3.《码头风云》1954 You don’t understand!I could a had could a been a could’ve been some body,instead of a bum,which is what I am. 你根本不能明白!我本可以获得社会地位,我本可以是个竞争者,我本可以是任何有头有脸的人而不是一个毫无价值的游民! 4.《绿野仙踪》1939 Toto,I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore. 托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。 5.《卡萨布兰卡》1942 Here’s looking at you,kid. 永志不忘。 6.《拨云见日》1983 Go ahead,make my day. 来吧,让我也高兴高兴。 7.《日落大道》1950 All right,’m ready for my close-up. 好了,德米勒先生,我已经准备好拍摄我的特写镜头了。 8.《星球大战》1977 May the Force be with you. 愿原力与你同在。 9.《彗星美人》1950 Fasten your ’s going to be a bumpy night. 系紧你的安全带,这将是一个颠簸的夜晚。 10.《出租车司机》1976 You talking to me? 你是在和我说话吗? 11.《铁窗喋血》1967 What we’ve got here is failure to communicate. 我们在这里的交流以失败告终。 12.《现代启示录》1979 I love the smell of napalm in the morning. 我喜欢闻弥漫在清晨空气中的汽油弹味道。 13.《 爱情 故事 》1970 Love means never having to say you’re sorry. 爱就是永远不必说对不起。 14.《马耳他之鹰》1941 The stuff that dreams are made of. 构成梦想的材料。 15.《.》1982 home. .打电话回家。 16.《炎热的夜晚》1967 They call me Mister Tibbs! 他们叫我蒂比斯先生! 17.《公民凯恩》1941 Rosebud. 玫瑰花蕾。 18.《白热杀机》1949 Made it,Ma!Top of the world! 好好去做吧,站在世界之巅! 19.《广播电视网》1976 I’m as mad as hell,and I’m not going to take this anymore! 我疯狂得如同地狱中的恶魔,我不会再这样继续下去了! 20.《卡萨布兰卡》1942 Louis,I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. 路易斯,我认为这是一段美好友谊的开始。 21.《沉默的羔羊》1991 A census taker once tried to test ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. 曾经有人想调查我,我就着蚕豆和酒,把他的肝脏吃掉。 22.《诺博士》007系列第一集1962 Bond,James Bond. 邦德,詹姆士邦德。 23.《绿野仙踪》1939 There’s no place like home. 没有一个地方可以和家相提并论。 24.《日落大道》1950 I’m big!It’s the pictures that got small. 我是巨大的!是这些照片让我变得渺小了。 25.《甜心先生》1996 Show me the money! 让我看到钱! 26.《侬本多情》1933 Why don’t you come up sometime and see me? 那你哪天过来看我吧? 27.《午夜牛郎》1969 I’m walking here!I’m walking here! 这条路是给我走的! 28.《卡萨布兰卡》1942 Play it,‘As Time Goes By’ 弹这首,山姆,就弹“时光流逝”。 29.《好人寥寥》1992 You can’t handle the truth! 你不能操纵事实! 30.《大饭店》1932 I want to be alone. 我想一个人呆着! 31.《乱世佳人》1939 After all,tomorrow is another day! 毕竟,明天又是新的一天! 32.《卡萨布兰卡》1942 Round up the usual suspects. 围捕惯犯。 33.《当哈利遇到萨利》1989 I’ll have what she’s having. 我会拥有她所拥有的! 34.《逃亡》1944 You know how to whistle,don’t you,Steve?You just put your lips together and blow. 你知道如何吹口哨,史蒂夫?你只要把你的嘴唇一起打击。 35.《大白鲨》1975 You’re gonna need a bigger boat. 你得弄条更大的船。 36.《碧血金沙》1948 Badges? We ain’t got no badges!I don’t have to show you any stinking badges! 徽章?我们没有徽章!我们不需要徽章!我没有必要给你看什么徽章! 37.《终结者》1984 I’ll be back. 我会回来的。 38.《扬基的骄傲》1942 Today,I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. 现在,我想我是这个世界上最幸运的人! 39.《梦想成真》1989 If you build it,he will come. 只要敢做梦,梦就会成真。 40.《阿甘正传》1994 Mama always said life was like a box of never know what you’re gonna get. 妈妈说生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远都不知道你会得到什么。 41.《雌雄大盗》1967 We rob banks. 我们去抢劫银行。 42.《 毕业 生》1967 Plastics. 塑胶业。 43.《卡萨布兰卡》1942 We’ll always have Paris. 我们永远都怀念巴黎(那段美好的时光)。 44.《第六感》1999 I see dead people. 我看见了死人。 45.《欲望号街车》1951 Stella!Hey,Stella! 斯黛拉!嘿 斯黛拉! 46.《扬帆》1942 Oh,Jerry,don’t let’s ask for the moon,We have the stars. 噢,杰瑞,不要再乞求能得到月亮了,我们已经拥有星星了。 47.《原野奇侠》1953 back! 夏恩,夏恩,回来! 48.《热情似火》1959 Well,nobody’s perfect. 人无完人。 49.《科学怪人》1931 It’s alive!It’s alive! 它是活的!它是活的! 50.《阿波罗13》1995 Houston,we have a problem. 休斯顿,我们出了点状况。 50句经典英文电影台词相关 文章 : 1. 50句经典的英语名言 2. 20句英语电影台词 3. 电影经典英文台词对白 经典电影台词中英文 英文电影中的经典台词 4. 经典英语名言50句 5. 50句唯美英文励志语录
经典英文电影对白 1.《乱世佳人》 Tomorrowis another day. 2.《泰坦尼克号》 Jack:"You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise. 3.《007系列》 " Bond." 4.《阿甘正传》 Mommaalways said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get." Mother:It's my time. It's just my time. Oh, now, don't you be afraid sweetheart. Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it. But I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could. Jenny:Are you stupid or something? Forrest:Momma says that stupid is as stupid does. 5.《终结者》 "I'llbe back!" 6.《英国病人》 Wedie, we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers, fears we have hidden in like this wretched cave. I want all this marked on my body. We are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps with names of powerful men. I know you will come and carry me out into the palace of winds, that's all I've wanted- to walk in such a place with you, with friends, on the earth without maps. 7.《空军一号》 “Myfamily first” 8.《罗马假日》 Ihave to leave you now. I'm going to that corner there,and turn. You stay in car and drive away. Promise not to watch me go beyond the corner. Just drive away and leave me as I leave you. Well,life isn't always what one likes, isn't it? 9.《绿野仙踪》 "There'sno place like home." 10.《卡萨布兰卡》 Ofall the gin joints in all the towns in all the world,shewalks into mine. 11.《我不是天使》 It’snot the men in your life that counts,it’sthe life in your men. 12.《地狱的天使》 Wouldyou be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable? 13.《鸭子汤》 Icould dance with you’till the cows come second thoughts,I’drather dance with the cows’ till you came home. 14.《安娜?克里斯蒂》 Gimmea visky with ale on the side——and don’t be stinchy,baby. 15.《美梦成真》 Theend ,isonly the beginning. 16.《Phenomenon》 “Will you love me for the rest of my life?” “No,I'll love you for the rest of mine.” 17.《日出之前》 Ifthere's any kind of magic in this world,it must be in the attempt of understanding someone or sharing something。 18.《四个婚礼一个葬礼》 --Ithought you were gone. --Withoutyou,never 19.《教父》 Neverlet anyone know what you are thinking. 20.《美国派3》 Jim:Michelle, you're the one woman I want to be with and the woman I can't be without. I love you ! Michelle:Jim, I have trouble finding the words to tell you how I feel and I realize something. Love isn't just a feeling, Love is something you do. It's a dress, a visit to bandcamp, a speacial haircut. Jim you've give me everything I've ever wanted and It's my solemn vow to give everything I am to you Lifeis like a box of cholocate,you never know what you will go to get. 《阿甘正传》 ifGod had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal — as we are! ’ -------如果上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会使你难于离开我,就像现在我难于离开你。上帝没有这么做,而我们的灵魂是平等的,就仿佛我们两人穿过坟墓,站在上帝脚下,彼此平等——本来就如此!”《简爱》 it’sa good day to die!《星际争霸》 hey,are you all right? Doyou think because I am poor, obscure, plain and little I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! I have as much soul as you and fully as much heart。 Tara!Home! I‘ll go home, and I‘ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day. 《乱世佳人》 IGuess it comes down to a simple choice. Get busy living or get busy dieing! 《TheShawshank Redemption 》 lovemeans you never have to say you\'re sorry.《lovestory》 I\'ma prisoner in the block untill the gunshot sets me free.《Manof Fire》 Listen,Rose. You’re going to get out of here. You’re going to go on. You’re going to make lots of babies, and you’re going to watch them grow. You’re going to die and old, an old lady in her warm bed, not here, not this night, not like this. Do you understand me?《泰坦尼克号》
Jack: "You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up...
no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise. Rose: "I promise."
Jack: "Never let go.
Rose: "I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go."
无论发生什么,无论……有多艰难……快答应我,罗丝……答应我,一定做到,一定做到……” 罗丝:“我答应你……杰克……一定做到……一定……”
【即使再过一千年、一万年,这样“情真意切、感人肺腑、催人泪下”的话语也不会落伍于时代, 因为它是人类崇高爱情的一种升华,是真爱的最高境界。】
2、Gone With the Wind 《乱世佳人》
"... tomorrow is another day!" “明天又是新的一天!”
"Bond. James Bond." “我是邦德,詹姆斯?邦德。”
【007电影系列的招牌台词。 此语是刺激“邦德迷”们肾上腺素加速分泌的`最有效的“催化剂” (虽已用过19次),Fans伴随着邦德一次次出生入死、一次次非凡艳遇、一次次化险为夷、 一次次惊声尖叫……邦德已成为Fans心目中不死的银幕神话。】
4、Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》
Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get." 阿甘:“妈妈常常说,生命就如同一盒朱古力,你永远不会知道你将得到什么。”
5、The Terminator《终结者》
"I'll be back!" T-800:“我会回来的!”
Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. 恐惧让你沦为囚犯。希望可以感受自由。
7、 《计程车司机》
You talkin' to me?" 你在对我说话吗?
". phone home." .打电话回家
《阿甘正传》里的。I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental—like on a breeze。Maybe both get happening at the same time 。我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是我们生命中的偶然,像在风中飘,或许两者同时发生。if there is anything you need , I will not be far away 。如果你需要,我就在你身边。
A man can be destroyed but not defeated.一个人可以被毁灭,却不能被打败。《老人与海》Love means never having to say you ' re sorry. 爱就是永远不必说对不起。《爱情故事》Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get。生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料 。《阿甘正传》
1.《乱世佳人》 Tomorrow is another day. 2.《泰坦尼克号》 Jack: "You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise. 3.《007 系列》 "Bond. James Bond." 4. 《阿甘正传》 Momma always said: "Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get." Mother: It's my time. It's just mytime. Oh, now, don't you be afraid sweetheart. Death is just a part of life,something we're all destined to do. I didn't know it. But I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could. Jenny: Are you stupid or something? Forrest: Momma says thatstupid is as stupid does. 5.《终结者》 "I'll be back!" 6.《英国病人》 We die, we die rich with lovers and tribes, tastes we have swallowed, bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers, fears we have hidden inlike this wretched cave. I want all thismarked on my body. We are the real countries, not the boundaries drawn on maps with names of powerful men. I know you will come and carry me out into the palace of winds, that's allI've wanted- to walk in such a place with you, with friends, on the earth without maps. 7.《空军一号》 “My family first” 8.《罗马假日》 I have to leave you now. I'm going to that corner there,and turn. You stay in car and drive away. Promise not to watch me go beyond the corner. Justdrive away and leave me as I leave you. Well, life isn't always what one likes, isn't it? 9.《绿野仙踪》 "There's no place like home." 10.《卡萨布兰卡》 Of all the gin joints in allthe towns in all the world,she walks into mine. 11.《我不是天使》 It’s not the men in your life thatcounts,it’s the life in your men. 12.《地狱的天使》 Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable?113.《鸭子汤》 I could dance with you’till the cows come second thoughts,I’d rather dancewith the cows’ till you came home. 14.《安娜·克里斯蒂》 Gimme a visky with ale on the side——and don’t be stinchy,baby. 15.《美梦成真》 The end ,is only the beginning. 16.《 Phenomenon》 “ Will you love me for the rest of my life?” “ No, I'll love you for the rest of mine.” 17.《日出之前》 If there's any kind of magic in this world, it must be in the attempt of understanding someone or sharing something。 18.《四个婚礼一个葬礼》 --I thought you were gone. --Without you,never 19.《教父》 Never let anyone know what you are thinking. 20.《美国派 3》 Jim: Michelle, you're the one woman I want to be with and the woman I can't be without. I love you ! Michelle: Jim, I have trouble finding the words to tell you how I feel and I realize something. Love isn't just a feeling, Love is something you do. It'sa dress, a visit to bandcamp, a speacial haircut. Jim you've give me everything I've ever wanted and It's my solemn vow to give everything I am to youLife is like a box of cholocate,you never know what you will go to get. 《阿甘正传》 if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, Ishould have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal — as we are! ’ -------如果上帝赐予我财富和美貌,我会使你难于离开我,就像现2在我难于离开你。上帝没有这么做,而我们的灵魂是平等的,就仿佛我们两人穿过坟墓,站 在上帝脚下,彼此平等——本来就如此!” 《简爱》it’s a good day to die!《星际争霸》 hey ,are you all right? Do you think because I am poor, obscure, plain and little I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! I have asmuch soul as you and fully as much heart。 Tara! Home! I‘ll go home, and I‘ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day. 《乱世佳人》 I Guess it comes down to a simple choice. Getbusy living or get busy dieing! 《The Shawshank Redemption 》 love means you never have to say you\'re sorry.《love story》 I\'m a prisoner in the block untill the gunshot sets me free.《Man of Fire》 Listen, Rose. You’re going to get out of here. You’re going to go on. You’re going to make lots of babies, and you’re going to watch them grow. You’re going to die and old, an old ladyin her warm bed, not here, not this night, not like this. Do you understand me?《泰坦尼克号》 《肖申克的救赎》 It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great manto save another. 坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人。 Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies! 记着,希望是件好东西,没准儿是件最好的东西,而且从没有一样好东西会消逝! Get busy living, Or get busy dying. 忙活,或者等死 《乱世佳人》:After all,tomorrow is another day! 不管怎样,明天是新的一天! We become the most familiar strangers. 我们变成了世上最熟悉的陌生人。 Later,respectively,wander and suffer sorrow. 今后各自曲折,各自悲哀 1.《阿甘正传》:3Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you will go to get to me ,I'll never forget this ! I wish I could have been there with you. Yourwere Jenny, I am not a smart man, but I know what is love. ---Forrest Gump. "Death is a part of life" ----阿甘母亲