

小思 09-18 5
高中英语阅读题推荐买哪本摘要: 高一英语阅读题推荐买哪本我个人觉得星火英语的阅读理解和完型挺好的,我在上学时一直用的这个,只要你坚持练习,认真和答案对照,理解改正,用了以后一定会有所提升很多人想知道高一用...






















《英语高考 完形填空与阅读理解(高一)》























历史:就是理解 上课记笔记 考试前背过 多做选择题 不用看辅导书。历史书要看仔细边边角角全是考点 考试就看你选择题能不能拉开分。





























什么英语语法书比较好? 章振邦 《新编英语语法教程》 这就是我们专业课的教材,老师公认最好的语法书之一,知识很系统,排布也很科学,学术性质稍强。 新东方 张满胜 《英语语法新思维》 要是基础不是特别好可以用这套,分三册,由易到难,比较适合自学。 张道真 《英语语法大全》 没看过,挺别人说挺好,有大家风范。 注:既然还在上大学这种问题请教英文系的同学和老师不是很好么,要知道利用资源呀。最好最实用的一本英语语法书哪本语法书最实用易懂 推荐《英语思维:解密英语语法的原理》一书,华东理工大学出版,国内第一本讲解英语语法原理和思维内涵的书;是第一本真正系统完整的呈现英语语法框架体系全貌的书。 该书纠正了传统英语教育的诸多谬误,理清了英语语法的脉络,带给读者一个全面完整的英语语法视野。 从动词的源头“动词原形”入手,系统地阐述了“时”和“态”的概念,并结合“时”和“态”的概念进一步阐述了英语的“时态”体系,由谓语动词的“时态”、“语态”、“语气”体系,进而讲解到非谓语动词的框架体系,最终呈现给读者一幅完整的英语骨架全貌。“时态”是英语的灵魂,可以说,理解了“时态”也就理解了英语。 此外,为了使读者对英语框架有一个清晰、直观的认识,该书还梳理了重点语法的相关图表,尤其是5张具有高度概括性、统领性的图表,几乎浓缩了全部的英语语法,方便读者对比、查找和记忆。 学完此书后,你对英语语法的理解将会有脱胎换骨之感。 什么英语语法书比较好?? 张道真的语法书比较全,但是,比较难,像本字典。 如果想容易一点,推荐你买《简明语法》,这本比较容易易懂。这个不错,我们老师推荐过的。 新编英语语法教程,主编 章振邦 总主编 戴炜栋 上外出版的 是我们用来做教材用的。 分学生用书和教师用书,不过教师用书是全英文的,可能会有些难度,学生用书挺好 学英语其实是很简单的事情,前提是肯努力哦,首先从大的方面说要应有大量的词汇,只有从字词学起才能扎实,然后就是句子课文,如果你自学的话有教科书的话可以背背那些课文,对你的英语口感的训练绝对是有帮助的,口感对英语学习者来说是很重要的。 每天做到多说多练多背多做点习题,一定要坚持啊,渐渐地你会发现你的英语水平已经提高很多了。没什么难得,有句话说得好“世上无难事,只怕有心人” 同学加油哦~* 学英语买什么语法书好 语法书一般的就行,不一定要名家的,现在出版商们都知道天下文章一大抄,所以没什么区别的,不过能否学好英语语法的关键是方法,而不是教材,真的 我是一个高考的过来人,高考成绩129分,平时大考碰狗屎运也考过130+的分数。首先我想请阁下明白一个道理冰冻三尺非一日之寒,所以坚持很重要,英语是一门很看重积累的科目。 虽然我高考已经好多年了,而且今年即将大学毕业,踏入社会。但英语一直没有丢,英语一直是我的排头兵!我对英语的自信还有,我觉得学好英语不难,重要的是你要有恒心,急躁冒进,三天打渔两天晒网都是不行的。在这里我就毛遂自荐一下我的学习方法吧: 学习语法,首先要明白什么是主谓宾定状补,什么是系动词,什么是直接宾语,间接宾语,这些是学习语法的基础,语法是房子,主谓宾定状补等是沙石砖瓦。然后就要多做一些语法专项练习,并在此过程中不断总结,并时时回顾那些了解,那些依然不理解,需要注意的是,那些不理解的一定要花时间弄清楚,否则对自己的不负责将会导致英语语法一知半解的结局!这对于想成为英语高手的人来说,是十分不利的!(注:本人从开始时不知主谓宾,到熟练掌握语法,把语法书看了不下二十遍,书都翻烂了!莫笑本人愚笨……) 求比较英语语法书哪本好 高中英语语法通霸最实用。下面是一位老师的评价: 看了下作者的介绍,是常年在一线教学的老师,怪不得在书中对于高中英语语法点的把握和解释能够呈现的那么详细。虽然现在市面上面向高中学生的语法书多如过江之鲫,但是都不够接地气。很多语法方面一时难以解释需要意会的要点在这些书中要么讲的很少,要么讲的不够详细,要么就是讲的太过深奥,要不就是给出的配套练习太少或者无法完整对应讲解的语法点,不能照顾到高中阶段学生的实际需求。而作者明显在这方面下了大功夫——给出的要点解析和例句无不面面俱到,而且练习的量也很充足(难度适中,不会让使用者感觉过浅或者过深)。仅以我详细阅读过的英语句子成分和句子结构这部分的内容来说,作者就用了浅显易懂的语言和简单的例句来呈现出英语句法的精髓和构成规则,比我自己总结的要深刻简洁的多。有了这部书在手,我在给学生上课分析句子成分和剖析句子结构的时候,更加的得心应手。真的是一本不可多得的宝书! 请哪位推荐一本好的英语语法书 薄冰英语语法


















Everybody wants to be healthy. You know food is very important. There are many healthy foods. You can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and lettuce because fruits and vegetables are good for you. But don’t eat too much chocolate. It’s not good for you. But don’t eat too much chocolate. It’s not good healthy food. Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy. Remember there is a saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early and do some sports every day. Don’t be lazy! You will be healthy and happy.

1. Which is right?________

A. Everybody is healthy. B. We want to be healthy. C. We are important.

2. What are healthy foods? ____

A. Fruits and vegetables. B. Bananas, apples and chocolate.

C. Fruits and chocolate.

3. Why are healthy foods good for you? _______

A. They make you happy. B. They make you grow strong.

C. They make you grow and make you strong and happy.

4. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” means(意思是):______

A. The doctor goes away when he sees an apple.

B. The doctor runs away when you give him an apple.

C. You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy.

5. What keeps you healthy? ________

A. Fruits and vegetables. B. Healthy food.

C. Healthy food and sports.


Americans usually eat three meals a day. Breakfast usually comes before eight o’clock in the morning. They usually have eggs, some meat, bread, fruit juice and coffee. Lunch is between twelve and one o’clock. It is like a light meal and working people must take lunch with them or get it near workplace.

Children in school take sandwiches, fruit, and cookies with them or eat in school. Supper, the main meal, is between six and eight in the evening. People cook it carefully. They may have meat or chicken, turkey and duck. They may all have potatoes or rice, vegetables or salad. The drink is coffee, tea or milk. Then comes the dessert.

1. Americans have breakfast ________.

A. after eight o’clock B. at eight o’clock

C. before eight o’clock in the morning D. in the morning

2. _______ is the most important meal in a day.

A. Breakfast B. Lunch C. Meals D. Supper

3. What does “light” mean in Chinese? _______

A. 重的.B. 有用的C. 轻的D. 不太重要的

4. Americans usually have breakfast and supper at ______.

A. home B. office C. inn D. work place

5. When Americans have supper, _______ comes last.

A. drink B. meat C. dessert D. vegetables


Hello. I’m Meg. I’m 12 years old. I have a brother and a sister. My brother is 9 and my sister is only 4 years old. I like hamburgers and salad. My brother likes tomatoes and my sister likes ice cream. We have a small sports collection. We all like tennis. Today is my mother’s birthday. Today is January 21st. There’s a big birthday cake on the table. How much is it? Do you know? It’s 7 dollars. Come to my mother’s birthday party and have some cake.

1. How old is Meg’s brother? ______

A. 12. B. 4. C. 9.

2. What does Meg like? ______

A. Salad. B. Tomatoes. C. Ice cream.

3. Does Meg’s sister like tennis? ______

A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, she does. C. Yes, he does.

4. When is her mother’s birthday? ______

A. January 21st. B. January 31st. C. February 21st.

5. How much is the cake? ______

A. $12. B. $9. C. $7.

6. Where is the birthday cake? ______

A. On the TV. B. On the table. C. On the sofa.


Rick usually gets up at around six twenty in the morning. He does his homework at seven o’clock, and then he eats breakfast at home. He goes to school at eight thirty. School starts at nine o’clock.

He eats lunch at school. He usually goes home at four thirty in the afternoon. He takes a shower at five ten. He eats dinner with his father and mother at around six o’clock in the evening, then he does his homework. At around nine forty, he goes to bed.

1. Rick eats breakfast ______.

A. at 7:00 B. at 8:30 C. at home D. at school

2. Rick eats lunch ______.

A. at home B. at school C. at 4:30 D. at 5:10

3. Rick’s father eats dinner ______ in the evening.

A. at school B. at 4:30 C. at 5:10 D. at 6:00

4. At 5:10 in the afternoon, Rick ______.

A. goes to bed B. eats dinner C. goes home D. takes a shower


There are some new students in my class this term. John is from Tokyo. He speaks Japanese very well. Mike comes from New York. He is twelve years old. Kathy’s mother-town is Paris. David lives in Toronto. He is now in our city with his parents. And the tallest girl, Vicky is from Brazil. She likes soccer very much. The other forty students are all Chinese. They get on well with each other.

1. John is from ______.

A. China B. Japan C. Japanese D. the USA

2. Where does Mike come from? ______

A. He comes from England. B. He is from France.

C. He comes from the USA. D. He is from Japan.

3. Which is NOT right? ______

A. David is a Canadian.

B. David’s parents are in Canada now.

C. David and his parents are all in China now.

D. David can speak English and French very well.

4. Vicky ______.

A. is short B. is from Argentina C. likes soccer D. doesn’t like China

5. There are ______ students in our class.

A. forty B. old Chinese C. forty-five D. forty-three


In almost every big university in the USA, football is a favorite sport. American football is not like soccer. Players sometimes kick the ball, but they also throw the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field. They have four chances to move the ball ten yards. They can carry it or throw it, If they move it to the end of the filed, they receive six points. This is called a touch down.

It is hard to move the ball. Eleven men in the team try to stop the man who has the ball. If the man does not move the ball ten yards, his team kicks the ball to the other team.

Each university wants its team to win. Thousands of people come to watch. They all yell for their favorite team. Young men and women called cheerleaders come on the field to help the people yell more. They dance and jump while they yell.

Each team plays ten or eleven games each season. The season begins in September and ends in November. If a team is very good, it may play another game after the season ends. The best teams play again on January 1, the first day of the New Year. Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on TV.

1. In America, football players can _______.

A. only kick the ball B. only throw the ball

C. kick, throw and carry the ball

2. If a team wants to get points it has to move the ball _____.

A. 10 yards B. to the other end C. away from its own end

3. Most teams begin to play games in _______.

A. September B. October C. November

4. When do the best teams play again? _______

A. On Christmas. B. Before the season ends. C. On New Year’s Day.


1 Key:1-5 BACCC

2 Key:1-5 CDDAC

3 Key:1-6 CABACB

4 Key:1-4 CBDD

5 Key:1-5 BCBCC

6 Key:1-4 CBAC

同学们“小学英语阅读理解题”,在如今的英语考试中占了越来越大比重的分值,那么,应该如何提高“小学英语阅读理解题”的解题能力呢?今天就和小编一起来做几道题“小学英语阅读理解题”练习一下吧!小学英语阅读理解题1、My name is Jim. My favorite day is October l8th, because it's my birthday. I am very happy on that day. I eat eggs for breakfast. Then my friends come to my home and play with me. We sing and dance. Someone plays the piano and someone plays the guitar. Lunch is very nice. After lunch, my parents take me to see a movie. My favorite movies are comedies and action movies. After supper, my parents, my sister and I watch TV. Then I go to bed at ten thirty. I don't do my homework on that day. I am very tired but happy on my birthday( ) 1. Jim's birthday isA. October 8 B. October 18 C. December 8th D. December 18th( ) 2. Jim's favorite movies areA. comedies B. action movies C. thrillers D. A and B( ) 3. Jim goes to bed atA. 10:30 B. 10:13 C. 10:00 D. 3:10( ) 4. Does Jim do his homework on his birthday?A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn't. C. No, he isn't. D. I don't know( ) 5. How is Jim on his birthday?A. Tired. B. Happy but not tired. C. Tired but happy. D. Happy答案: BDABC小学英语阅读理解题2、My name is Lily. This is my house. There are five rooms in my house. This is my father and mother’s room. There are three pictures on the wall. There is a desk near the window. There are two chairs behind the desk. On the left of the room, there is a toilet. On the right, it’s my room. There are four pictures and a poster on the wall.( )1. This is Lily’s house.( )2. There are four rooms in the house.( )3. There are three pictures in Lily’s room.( )4. There are two chairs and a desk in father and mother’s room.( )5. The toilet is on the left of my father and mother’s room.答案:TFFTT小学英语阅读理解题3、Betty and KittyBetty and Kitty are twins. They’re 12 years old. They look the same. But they have different hobbies. Betty likes collecting stamps. She has many beautiful stamps. They’re from different cities and countries. But Kitty likes growing flowers. The flowers are all very beautiful.Betty and Kitty both like reading books. Betty likes reading storybooks. But Kitty likes reading science books.On Sunday, they usually ride bikes to the park. They can play with their friends there. Sometimes their parents go there, too.根据短文内容判断下列句子正误正确写T错误写F( ) 1. Betty is Kitty’s sister.( ) 2. Betty likes growing flowers.( ) 3. Kitty likes reading storybooks.( ) 4. They’re twelve years old.( ) 5. They usually take a bus to the park on Saturday.答案;TFFTF小学英语阅读理解题4、 Lovely pandasPandas’ faces look like cats’, but their fat bodies and short tails are like bears’. Pandas are very lovely and they are friendly to people. People likes them very much.Most Pandas live in China. The northwestern part of Sichuan Province(省) and southern part of Gansu Province are their hometowns. Pandas like to climb trees. They usually live in the forests of high mountains, eat bamboo and drink spring water.根据短文意思选出正确答案( )1. The panda mainly lives in .A. America B. Shanghai C. London D. China( )2. is like a cat’s.A. The panda B. The panda’s face C. The panda’s body D. The panda’s tail( )3. Where are the pandas’ hometowns?A. Guangdong and Gansu. B. Sichuan and Suzhou.C. Gansu and Sichuan D. Hubei and Sichuan( )4. What’s the panda’s main food?A. Rice. B. Meat. C. Bamboo. D. Grass.答案:DBCC小学英语阅读理解题5、 My name is Tom. My birthday is June 2nd. The weather is sunny and hot. It’s my favourite season. On my birthday, I usually have a birthday party.Sometimes we have a picnic. Tomorrow is my birthday. I am cleaning the room now. My mom is making a birthday cake for me.( )1.Tom’s birthday is on Children’s Day.( )2.It’s warm and sunny in summer.( )3. Today is June 1st.( )4. Tom’s mother can make a birthday cake.( )5.Usually there is a birthday party on Tom’s birthday.答案:FFTTT小学英语阅读理解题6、Early to bed, early to rise(起身)makes people healthy, wealthy and wise(健康富有聪明). This is an old English saying. Children should have ten hours’ sleep every night, or they can’t do their work very well. They will not be wise. The body needs exercise. Walking, running, swimming and playing ball games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong.( ) 1. Early to rise means that we must early.A. go to school B. get up C. go home( ) 2. Children should have hours’ sleep every night.A. 8 B. 9 C. 10( ) 3. Everybody exercise.A. need B. needs C. wants( ) 4. is good exercise, too.A. Jog B. Jogging C. Jogged( ) 5. Exercise makes us .A. fat B. stronger C. thinner参考答案:BCBBB小学英语阅读理解题7、A train stops at a station(车站). A young man wants to come out, but it is raining. A boy is standing under a big umbrella. The young man says to the boy. "Can you go and get us two hambugers, one for you and one for me? Here are two dollars." "Great!" say the boy and he goes to buy hamburgers. After some time, the boy is back. He is eating a hamburger. "Where is my hamburger?" asks the young man. "Oh, there is only one hamburger left. So I'm eating mine. Here is your dollar. "1.Where is the young man ?A At a station B Under a big umbrella C On the train2. What does the young man want to buy ?A Umbrella B Hamburgers C Dollars3. Who helps the young man ?A A boy B A man C .Nobody4. Does the young man get a hambuger ?A No ,he doesn't B Yes ,he does C .No ,he does5. Is the boy clever(聪明) ?A Yes ,he isn't B Yes ,he is C .No ,I'm not答案:ABAAB今天小编为大家推荐的几个道“小学英语阅读理解题及答案”,都是在历年的英语考试中出现过的,所以希望大家能认真的学习一下上面这个道“小学英语阅读理解题”,一定会对你的小学英语阅读理解能力有所帮助的!


相信在英语学习的路上,很多家长都会各种烦恼,特别是英语启蒙阶段,孩子和家长都还是“新手上路”的时候。其实读英语绘本故事是个不错的选择,那么一年级英语绘本故事有什么推荐  1、儿童英语绘本故事书:《Bown bear,Brown bear,What do you see?》  最好的低幼认知书我认为本书绝对是低幼认知书的精品,特别适合1-3岁的孩子,本书基本没有故事情节,但是却通过"What do you see"这样的问句制造小小的悬念,让读者(包括幼儿)有想继续往下看的期望。而且读起来朗朗上口,有很强的韵律感,其用色大胆、简洁明艳,且其动物形象均为独特的拼贴画,非常容易吸引孩子的注意力。  一本非常有韵律和想象力的英文绘本,没几天孩子就能在听音频的基础上复述出来,很有成就感。  2、儿童英语绘本故事书:《Dear Zoo》  《Dear Zoo》英国著名儿童图书作家Rod Campbell 为0-5岁儿童创作的,一本趣味动物园立体翻翻书。翻翻书的设计特别吸引孩子,每次掀开盖子之前,都能给孩子屏息期待的感受。简单易懂的故事情节和生动的动物形象,让一岁的孩子也能容易理解。这本书已经成为玩具翻翻书的经典之作,入选美国纽约图书馆推荐的“每个人都应该知道的100本图画书”名单中。  3、儿童英语绘本故事书:《Where is Baby's Belly Button?》  10本书让孩子爱上英语,绘本故事,英语启蒙  美国著名低幼读物作家卡伦.卡茨代表作品,一本引导孩子自己去发现认识自己的身体,适合亲子互动的翻翻书。孩子1岁3个月-1岁6个月开始,应该可以指认自己大部分的身体部位了。这时候开始看这本书最合适不过了。大一点的孩子,如果之前没有学过各身体部位的英语怎么说,此绘本翻翻书的设计也能让其在互动中快乐地学习。  4、儿童英语绘本故事书:《Time for Bed》  这是一本非常温馨的充满韵律感的哄睡绘本。反复出现的句式,读来朗朗上口,也起到助眠的作用。另外,可以通过这个本书学习一些动物在“婴儿期”的叫法,比如baby horse叫foal,baby cow叫calf。  5、儿童英语绘本故事书:《Where's Spot?》  本书与Dear Zoo有异曲同工之妙:翻翻书的设计特别吸引孩子,简单易懂的故事情节和生动的动物形象,让一岁的孩子也能容易理解。Spot是一个系列绘本,以简单的故事和生活化的插图,吸引了很多世界各地的小朋友。该系列图书在全世界销售了5000多万册。

经典中英文绘本链接: 提取码: k4xy据研究发现人类感知语音语感的神经中枢在9-10岁之间达到活跃巅峰,所以孩子越早学语言越好。希望英语早教资源能帮到你和你的孩子

经典中英文绘本链接: 提取码: k4xy据研究发现人类感知语音语感的神经中枢在9-10岁之间达到活跃巅峰,所以孩子越早学语言越好。希望英语早教资源能帮到你和你的孩子。


1、节奏性绘本:《I Went Walking》推荐理由:简洁明了,节奏性强,节奏欢快,包含色调,小动物,姿势,利于精学。运动智能绘本:《From Head to Toe》推荐理由:动词词组风趣幽默,牵涉到姿势孩子都非常喜欢,句式简易常见。

2、绘本剧:《We're Going on a Bear Hunt》推荐理由:风趣幽默,扣人心弦,剧情焦虑不安,适合朗诵。主题绘本念书日:《David Goes to School》推荐理由:主题独特,合乎一二年级孩子心理特征,术语偏向生活化。

3、品德教育绘本:《The Doorbell Rang》推荐理由:有解析数论乘法,有品德教育,一举两得。主题真情绘本:《What Daddies / Mommies Do Best》推荐理由:教孩子心怀感恩,并且设计方案与众不同,句式可重复性强。


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/11746.html发布于 09-18
