

小思 09-18 5
各种症状的英文摘要: 各种症状表现英语感冒,发烧,头痛,牙痛等各种症状,英语如何表达,看这里发烧fever 感冒 Catch a cold 头痛 headache 疼痛pain 喉咙痛就不会了。...



发烧fever 感冒 Catch a cold 头痛 headache 疼痛pain 喉咙痛就不会了。

fever 发烧;发热 cold 感冒;伤风 headache 头疼 stomachache 胃疼such as headache heartache cough toothache and soon.




One prominent symptom of the disease is progressive loss of memory.


Victoria was strangely undisturbed by this symptom, even though her husband and family were frightened.


The symptoms of the disease manifested themselves ten days later.


These symptoms may be referable to virus infection rather than parasites.


The symptoms will clear up of their own accord.



fever 发烧;发热 cold 感冒;伤风 headache 头疼 stomachache 胃疼such as headache heartache cmalnutrition 营养不良 Malta fever 马耳他热,波状热 measles 麻疹 migraine, splitting headache 偏头痛 miocardial infarction 心肌梗塞 mumps 流行性腮腺炎 neuralgia 神经痛 neurasthenia 神经衰弱 paralysis 麻痹 peritonitis 腹膜炎 pharyngitis 咽炎 phtisis 痨病,肺结核 pneumonia 肺炎 poliomyelitis 脊髓灰质炎 rabies 狂犬病 rheumatism 风湿病 rickets, rachitis 佝偻病 scabies, itch 疥疮 scarlet fever 猩红热 sciatica 坐骨神经痛 sclerosis 硬化 septicemia, septicaemia 败血病 sinusitis 窦炎 smallpox 天花 swamp fever 沼地热 syncope 晕厥 syphilis 梅毒 tetanus 破伤风 thrombosis 血栓形成 torticollis, stiff neck 斜颈 tuberculosis 结核病 tumour 瘤 (美作:tumor) typhus 斑疹伤寒 urticaria, hives 荨麻疹 whooping cough 百日咳 yellow fever 黄热病Disease 疾病 anemia, anaemia 贫血 angina pectoris 心绞痛 appendicitis 阑尾炎 arthritis 关节炎 bronchitis 支气管炎 cancer 癌 catarrh 卡他,粘膜炎 chicken pox, varicella 水痘 cholera 霍乱 cold 感冒,伤风,着凉 (head) cold 患感冒 diabetes 糖尿病 diphtheria 白喉 eczema 湿疹 epilepsy 癫痫 erysipelas 丹毒 gangrene 坏疽 German measles, rubella 风疹 gout 痛风 headache 头痛 hemiplegy, hemiplegia 偏瘫,半身不遂 interus, jaundice 黄疸 indigestion 消化不良 influenza, flu 流感 insanity 精神病 leukemia 白血病 malaria 疟疾

have a high fever 发热 get a head ache 头疼 cough 咳嗽sore throat喉咙疼 sneeze打喷嚏

一、have a toothache

英 [hæv ei ˈtu:θˌeɪk]   美 [hæv e ˈtuθˌek]



1、I ate too much candy. I have a toothache.


2、If you eat too many sweets in the evening, you will have a toothache.



英 [ˈfi:və(r)]   美 [ˈfivɚ]




第三人称单数: fevers 复数: fevers 现在分词: fevering 过去式: fevered 过去分词: fevered


1、My Uncle Jim had a high fever


2、The fever is down.



英 [kɒf]   美 [kɔ:f]

vt.& vi.咳嗽;(引擎等)发噗噗声;咳出


第三人称单数: coughs 复数: coughs 现在分词: coughing 过去式: coughed 过去分词: coughed


1、Symptoms are streaming eyes, a runny nose, headache and a cough.


2、He made up a bottle of cough medicine.



英 ['stʌməkeɪk]   美 [ˈstʌməkˌek]


复数: stomachaches


1、The patient's stomachache stopped after he took the medicine.


2、I have a stomachache.


五、catch a cold

英 [kætʃ ə kəuld]   美 [kætʃ e kold]



1、Jenny: Then you must catch a cold!


2、I am fine, I catch a cold did not have the medicine has been nurturance habit.



強迫症(Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder;OCD) 强迫症临床表现: 1.强迫观念是以刻板形式进入意识的思想、想象或意向,患者意识到这些是自己的思想,但却与自身的愿望和人格不符合,是不必要的或多余的;患者试图控制或摆脱这些强迫观念,但又无能为力,因此感到非常痛苦。 常见的强迫观念有: ①强迫怀疑:患者对自己言行的正确性产生反复怀疑。如怀疑出门时是否关好水、电、煤气、门窗等,反复检查,仍不放心;怀疑与人交往中由于疏忽,会造成误解或其他不良后果而反复考虑、担心等;怀疑周围充满细菌、灰尘而反复清洗等。 ②强迫性穷思竭虑:患者对日常生活中一些事物无意义地寻根问底,如1加1为什么等于2,而不等于3。 ③强迫联想:患者脑子里出现一个观念或看到一句话,便不由自主地联想起另一个观念或语句。如果联想的观念或语句与原来相反,如想起“和平”,立即联想到“战争”;看到“拥护”,立即联想到“打倒”等,称为强迫性对立性思维。由于对立观念的出现违背患者的主观意愿,常使患者感到苦恼。 ④强迫表象:在头脑里反复出现生动的画面(表象),内容常涉及恐怖、淫秽等,具有令人厌恶的性质,无法摆脱。 ⑤强迫回忆:患者经历过的事件,不由自主地在意识中反复呈现、无法摆脱。 ⑥强迫意向:反复体验到要做出与自身意愿相违背的行为的强烈冲动。如在楼上、窗前、车上时,出现一种往下跳的冲动;拿刀时出现伤人的冲动;抱着心爱的小孩走到河边,出现想把小孩往河里扔的意向等。尽管这种内心冲动十分强烈,却从不会付诸行动。 2.强迫行为是患者为减少强迫观念所引起的焦虑情绪而出现的刻板行为或仪式动作,患者明知不合理,但又不得不做。以强迫检查和强迫清洗最常见,常继发于强迫怀疑。强迫行为包括: ①强迫清洗:因强迫怀疑周围充满细菌、灰尘等脏东西,为消除被污染的担心而反复洗手、洗澡、洗衣物,甚至要求家人也按其要求清洗。 ②强迫询问:患者为求确定及减轻强迫观念所引起的焦虑,要求他人不断地给予解释与保证。如患者出现伤害父母的强迫意向时,要求家人给予反复解释并保证他不可能那么做;有的患者表现为在自己头脑里自问自答,反复进行,以增强自信。 ③强迫检查:为消除因强迫怀疑而导致对出门时水、电、煤气、门窗等是否关好的担心,而反复检查仍不放心;为消除出错的担心,而反复检查作业、信件等。 ④强迫性仪式动作:患者反复做一些他人看来不合理的或荒谬可笑的动作,但却可减轻或防止因强迫观念引起的紧张不安。如患者出门时,必先向前走两步、再向后退一步,然后才走出门,否则患者便感到强烈的紧张不安;强迫性计数也属仪式动作,如计数台阶、窗格等,本身并无现实意义,患者完成计数,只是为了解除某种担心或避免焦虑的出现;有的患者只在自己头脑里计数,或重复某些语句,以解除焦虑。 ⑤强迫性迟缓:因仪式动作而行动迟缓。例如,早晨起床后反复梳洗很长时间,患者迟迟不能出门,以至上班经常迟到。强迫性迟缓也可能是原发的,例如患者看书时,目光常停顿在第一行第一个字,不能顺利阅读以下的内容

Handbook of Fractures骨折

mental hospital精神病医院clinic诊所 physician/internist内科医生oculist/eye doctor眼科医生 surgon外科医生dentist牙医 vet兽医shrink心理医生 symptom症状have/catch a cold感冒 have a sore throat嗓子痛have a stomachache胃痛 have a fever发烧pneumonia肺炎 flu流感have a cough咳嗽have a headache头痛have a toothache牙痛liver trouble肝炎allergy过敏症twisted/sprained扭伤的feel dizzy头晕feel chilly觉得发冷asthma哮喘diabetics糖尿病患者cramps抽筋vomit/throw up/nauseate呕吐diarrhea腹泻vomitive/pukey恶心的luggies/phlegm痰have a stuffed nose鼻子不通cholera霍乱stiff neck脖子发僵abscess脓肿yellow fever黄热病hay fever枯草热pills药丸mixture合剂eyedrops眼药水syrup糖浆pad药棉块vitamin维他命tablet药片penicillin盘尼西林antibiotic抗生素ointment药膏medication药物aspirin阿司匹林bandage绷带syringe注射器stethoscope听诊器injection注射preventive injection预防针gauze纱布cold cure感冒药sweating medicine发汗药febrifuge退烧药capsule胶囊case history病历extract拔牙take one's temperature量体温see a doctor看病send for a doctor请医生feel one's pulse量脉搏take one's blood pressure量血压give a prescription开药方have an operation 动手术make an appointment预约

headache ,stomachacepain


人食五谷杂粮,不多不少都会有生病的时候,只要我们坚持锻炼,健康饮食,就一定能预防生病。我整理了关于生病的英语对话,欢迎阅读!   关于生病的英语对话一   杰克:   Hello.   喂?   贝蒂:   Oh, hi, Jack. It`s Betty. How are you doing?   哦,你好.杰克.我是贝蒂 .你好吗?   杰克:   Terrible.   糟透了.   贝蒂:   Oh, what`s the matter?   哦.怎么了?   杰克:   I`ve got a fever and a really bad headache.   我在发烧.头疼得厉害.   贝蒂:   Oh, that`s too bad. Why don`t you take some aspirin?   哦.这可真糟糕.那你怎么不吃几片阿司匹林啊?   杰克:   I`ve already tried that. But it didn`t help.   我已经吃过了.但是好像不管用.   贝蒂:   Well, maybe you should go to the health center and see a doctor.   那也许你应该到诊所去找大夫看一看.   杰克:   Yeah, I guess I should, but you know how I hate doctors.   是啊.我想我应该去.但是你也知道我讨厌医生.   贝蒂:   Well, you`d better stay in bed at least. You really sound sick.   那你最好卧床休息啊.听你的声音你确实病得不轻呢.   关于生病的英语对话二   Steven, have you got better now?   史蒂文,你好点了吗?   Yeah, the doctor said that I can leave really miss home.   好多了,医生说我很快就可以出院了。我真想家啊。   I guess you miss your wife and children very much.   我想你是想念老婆和孩子吧。   Yeah, you are right. But I have to stay for another day for observation.   是啊,你说的没错啊。但是我必须再呆上一天观察一下才行。   If necessary, I can stay here to acpany you until you are discharged.   有必要的话,我可以在这里陪你到出院。   No, thanks. I am very grateful that you can e to the hospital to visit me.   不了,谢谢了。你能来医院看我,我已经很感激了。   You are my best friend. That's what I should do. Please don’t be a stranger.   你是我的好朋友,那是我应该做的,请不要客气了。   关于生病的英语对话三   病人:早上好,大夫。   Patient: Good morning, doctor.   医生:早上好,哪里不舒服?   Doctor: good morning. What seems to be the trouble?   病人:我最近有点失眠。   Patient: I'm suffering from insomnia.   医生:这种情况有多久了?   Doctor: How long have you had this problem?   病人:三个月了。   Doctor: Three months.   医生:服用过什么药吗?   Doctor: Have you take any medicine?   病人:试过安眠药,但是对我一点儿都不起作用。   Patient: I tried some sleeping pills, but they have done nothing for me.   医生:有头痛的情况吗?   Doctor: Do you have headaches?   病人:有时候有。吃饭也没有胃口,总是感紧不安。   Patient: Sometimes. I have no appetite and always on the edge.   医生:让我量量你的血压。你看来贫血。   Doctor: Let me take your blood pressure. You look anemic. Taking the patient's blood pressure.   医生:嗯,没什么好担心的。你只不过是有点劳累过度。   Doctor: Well, there is nothing to be alarmed about. You are just a little exhausted from overwork.   病人:我该怎么呢?   Patient: What should I do then?   医生:我想你应该多休息休息。多到户外活动。不要过度劳累。   Doctor: I think you need more rest. Try to get outdoors more. Don't strain yourself too much.   病人:谢谢你,大夫。我会照你说的去做。   Patient: Thank you. Doctor. I'll do as you say.   医生:拿着,这是给你开的处方。我相信这药会治好你的失眠症的。   Doctor: Here is the prescription for you. I'm sure the medicine will cure your insomnia.   病人:多谢了。再见!   Patient: Thanks a lot. Bye-bye!   医生:再见!   Doctor: Bye!

生病时,和别人英语对话时声音也会变得沙哑。下面就由我为大家带来生病情景英语对话,希望大家有所收获。   生病英语对话1   A:Hello.   喂?   B:Oh, hi, Jack. It`s Betty. How are you doing?   哦,你好.A.我是B .你好吗?   A:Terrible.   糟透了.   B:Oh, what`s the matter?   哦.怎么了?   A:I`ve got a fever and a really bad headache.   我在发烧.头疼得厉害.   B:Oh, that`s too bad. Why don`t you take some medicine?   哦.这可真糟糕.那你怎么不吃几药啊?   A:I`ve already tried that. But it didn`t help.   我已经吃过了.但是好像不管用.   B:Well, maybe you should go to the health center and see a doctor.   那也许你应该到诊所去找大夫看一看.   A:Yeah, I guess I should, but you know how I hate doctors.   是啊.我想我应该去.但是你也知道我讨厌医生.   B:Well, you`d better stay in bed at least. You really sound sick.   那你最好卧床休息啊.听你的声音你确实病得不轻呢.   生病英语对话2   M: Hi Benjamin. My name is Dr. Green. What seems to be the matter?   B: I've been feeling pretty ill for a few days now.   M: What are you symptoms?   B: I feel chilly, I've got cramps, I keep throwing up, and I feel dizzy and tired.   M: It sounds like you might be a bit dehydrated. Do you feel thirsty most of the day?   B: Yes. I can't seem to drink enough.   M: Have you been drinking plenty of water?   B: No, just soda.   M: Ok, well, we'll have a nurse take some blood in a few minutes to see if you're dehydrated. First, let me feel your pulse.   B: That seems to be a bit low, but that's not unmon when you're ill.   M: Is anyone else sick in your home?   B: No, but my girfriend has mono.   M: I see. I'll have the lab techs run some tests to check for mono as well then. Then nurse will e in then to take your blood, we'll run some tests, and then you can go home. You should hear form us by this afternoon.   B: Thanks   生病英语对话3   B: Hi, I'm here to pick up some medicine.   M: Do you have the prescription with you?   B: Yes, let me see... here it is.   M: Ok, so that's one prescription for some antibiotics, is that right?   B: Yes. It should be two weeks worth.   M: Hmm... it only says one week here. Would you like me to call the doctor to confirm?   B: Yes. That would be great. I'm sure she said I'd have to take the medicine for two weeks.   M: Ok. You'll have to e back in 30 minutes for that. do you need anything else?   B: Yes, I need some burn ointment, gauze, and some aspirin.   M: Ok. Here you go. Do ou want to pay for that all right now?   B: Yes, I might as well.   M: Do you have insurance?   B: Yes. Here's my card.   M: You'll just have to pay a $5 co-payment for the antibiotic prescription them.   B: How much is it all together?   M: That will be $. Would you like it all in a bag?   B: That's ok. I'll just put it all in my back pack.   M: Ok, I'll give your doctor a call and sort out the prescription. It should be ready for you by 4:00pm.   B: Ok, I'll stop by then. Thanks!   M: You're wele!



morning. What's troubling you? You don’t look so good.


morning, doctor. I have a terrible ['terɪbəl] headache and I've got no appetite ['æpɪtaɪt].I have been like this for about a day..

病人:你好,大夫。我头疼得厉害,没有食欲。我这样大约有一个天了. right, young man. Tell me how it got started.


I had a running nose. Now my nose is stuffed [stʌft əd] up. I have a sore [sɔː] throat [θrəʊt]. And I'm afraid I've got a temperature. I feel terrible.


you take your temperature?


my temperature is ok


worry, young man. Let me give you an examination. Let me take a look at your throat. Open your mouth and say "ah".




, your throat is inflamed [ɪn'flemd]. And your tongue is thickly coated. You have all the symptoms ['sɪmptəm] of influenza [ɪnflʊ'enzə].

医生:听着,你的喉咙发炎了。舌苔很厚。这些都是感冒的症状。 am I supposed to do then? Pay attention to what?

病人:那我该怎么做呢?意些什么? Doctor:A good rest is all you need, and drink more water. Usually proper motion, eating vegetables or fruit. I'll give you medicine

医生:你需要好好休息。多喝水。平时适当的运动, 多食蔬菜瓜果.我马上给你拿药。

Patient: How do I take these medicines?


Doctor: One tablet ['tæblɪt], threetimes a day 医生:一天三次,一次一片。

Patient: Thank you very much.


all right. Remember to take a good rest.


Patient: I know!Oh! Yes, If I eat spicy ['spaɪsɪ] food or hot sex fruit may be harmful? These are my true love.


Doctor: yes. Of course, it will cause illness may be worse!


Patient:I know. That's a pity.


Patient: If it is an emergency [ɪ'mɜːdʒənsɪ] case, we can e at any time, can't we? Or should we phone first? 病人:如果病情危重,我们随时都可以来,是吗?还要先打个电话不? Doctor: If you have the time better notify ['nəʊtɪfaɪ] us before you e. 医生:假如有时间,最好来之前打个电话。

Patient:I will. Goodbye, doctor.


Doctor: You'll get better soon. Bye!



N1:护士1 Ma:病人母亲 doctor:医生 patient:病人 N2:护士2 Chemist:药剂师

seems to be the problem?

Ma:my daughter is running a high fever and feeling terribly bad.

long has she had the problem?

last night.

have to fill in this registration card for your daughter. her age ,gender,address and things like that.

Ma:No problem. Which department should I register with ,madam?

better go to the medical department.

is the registration card.

you .the registration fee is 3 yuan.

, but can you tell me how to get to the medical department,please?

N1: take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn .go along the you will see the sign on your right.

a lot.

are wele. Doctor: Good morning. What’s troubling you?

Ma : Good morning, doctor. My daughter have a terrible headache.

Doctor: All right. Tell me how it got started,little girl. Patient: Yesterday I had a running nose. Now my nose is stuffed up. I have a sore throat. And I’m afraid I’ve got a temperature. I feel terrible. Doctor: Done worry, little girl. Let me give you an examination. First let me take a look at your throat. Open your mouth and say “ah”.

Patient: Ah. 医生:很好。把你的舌头伸出来。好的。接下来让我检查以下你的胸膛。把衬衫的扣子解开。让我检查你的心和肺。深呼吸,屏住气。吸气,呼气。顺便问一下,你女儿曾经患过肺结核吗?

Doctor: Good. Now put your tongue out. All right, let me examine your chest. Please unbutton your shirt. Let me check your heart and lungs. Take a deep breath and hold it. Breathe in, and out. By the way, does your daughter has a history of tuberculosis,madam?

Ma: No,definitely not. 医生:听着,你的喉咙发炎了。舌苔很厚。这些都是感冒的症状。

Doctor: Look, her throat is inflamed. And her tongue is thickly coated. She has all the symptoms of influenza.

Ma: What am I supposed to do then? 医生:你需要好好休息。多喝水。我马上给你开药方。

Doctor: A good rest is all she need, and drink more water. I’ll write you a prescription for your daughter。

Ma: Thank you very much.

Doctor: That’s all right. Remember to take a good rest. .

Patient: I will. Goodbye, doctor.

Doctor: Bye! me, could you please tell me how to get the Prescriptions?

N1:of course ,let me have a look at your Prescriptions, well , the prescription written by doctor is Western medicine .So take the lift to the fifth floor and then make a right turn .go along the corridor until you will see the sign on your left.

a lot.

are wele

N1: good morning,madam. What can I do for you?

Patient: can you fill the prescription for me?

N1: of course. please show me the prescription.

Patient: here you are. N1: just a moment, please. All right .your prescriptionis ready.

Patient: thank you very much.

N1: Don`t mention it .by the way, you got the prescription from ,didn`t you?

, indeed.

N1: did he tell you how to take the medicine?

Patient: No , she didn`t say anything about it.

N1: all right. Let me tell you what you have to two of these tablets three times a day after meals.

Patient: how about this cough syrup?

N1: first shake the bottle. Take two spoonful of the cough syrup three times a day.

Patient: hank you very much indeed.

N1: you`re wele . I hope your daughter will recover in no time.



B:Good morning! What's the matter?


A:I feel sore all over and I have a am afraid that is a cold.


B:This is a thermometerθəˈmɔmɪtə you are! B:这是体温计,给你测 *** 温。



B:How long have you been like this?


A:About Since last was trembling with cold. A:大概从昨晚开始吧,我冷得发抖。

C:She also has a runny nose.


D:she also can’t stop sneezing lastnight.


B:Oh, me the thermometer.



C:Oh,my ’s 40 degrees.


D: You actually are hanging on!


B:Let me look you over carefully.


A:Is it serious?


B:Not 've got the are some pills for take them three times a day and drink more water.


A:Thank you very much!


D:How soon can she be all right again?


B:If you have a good rest,you will be all right in three :如果你能好好休息,最多三天就能好了。

C:I hope you can recover as quickly as possible.


B:Good luck!


A、C、D:Thank you!Goodbye!

A、C、D:谢谢,再见! B:Bye!



有哪些症状英文翻译是:What are the symptoms,见下图百度翻译

symptom英 ['sɪm(p)təm]美 ['sɪmptəm]n. [临床] 症状;征兆 [网络短语]Symptom 症状,症状,征候withdrawal symptom 戒断症状,禁戒症状,退瘾症状early symptom 早期症状

What are the symptoms?


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/11591.html发布于 09-18
