v【take action】通常在警匪片上用到,表示【采取行动】【take actions】意思为【采取措施】,类似与词组【take measures】例子:【We have to take action.】我们不得不采取行动。例子:【We have to take actions to protect the environment.】我们不得不采取措施保护环境。
take action to do
1. 解答: 这句话汉语可以翻译成“现在就采取行动,即刻采取措施”。take actipn表示“采取行动”,right now 属于时间副词短语,意思是“即刻,立即”。这句话是一个省略主语的祈使句。
2. 语法: 祈使句英语使用频率较高的一种句型结构,具有标志性的特点是以动词原形打头。祈使句的时态是一般现在时,在结构上省略了主语you,是对“你(们)”的指示、命令,语气生硬,命令意味强烈。为缓和这种生硬的口吻,可以在句首或者句末加感叹词please。祈使句的否定形式是在动词前面加否定助动词don't。需要注意的是,在否定的祈使句中,如果有并列的动词或名词,动词与名词之间不能用and连接,而应该改成or。
3. 例句:
① Please go away!请走开。
② Don't run or shout in the hallway. 不要在走廊奔跑或喧闹。
③ Tell me a story mom.妈妈,给我讲个故事吧。
④ Please keep calm when in danger. 危急关头,请保持镇定。
很多说法,go now! come on! take action!action!
take action (=begin to do something to solve a particular problem) 采取行动虽然action既能作可数名词也可作不可数名词,但在take action词组中action 为不可数名词,所以该词组通常不说take actions。例如:We urge the authorities to take action. 我们敦促当局采取行动。
为您解答take action on dth
Take action on something
take action to do
采取措施 [词典] [经]take steps; [例句] 我已经采取措施加快解决该问题。 I had already taken steps to speed up a solution to the problem
最常用的是take measures to do sth. 还有一些别的表达方法,如: adopt measures to do sth. take action to do sth.
最常用的是take measures to do sth. 还有一些其他的表达方法,如: take steps take a measure take action
1. We must
take measures
Measures should have been taken earlier.
take steps prime the pump take measures adopt measures
英文翻译:After taking measures
After taking measures , the problem was solved.
采取:take; adopt
措施:measure; step
因地制宜 【解释】:因:依据;制:制定;宜:适当的措施。根据各地的具体情况,制定适宜的办法。 【出自】:汉·赵晔《吴越春秋·阖闾内传》:“夫筑城郭,立仓库,因地制宜,岂有天气之数以威邻国者乎?”
find the problem and take immediate action to cope with it.
保持积极的态度英语作文篇四 Attitude Towards Life Whatever we have undergone in our life, we shouldn't complain about it. We may get a lot or lose so much in our life journey, but keeping a positive attitude should always be together with us. Nothing can defeat us if we are confident and diligent. Just as saying goes, God is equal to everyone. As he closes the door, he will also open a window for us. 无论我们在生活中经历过什么,我们都不应该抱怨。在人生旅途中我们可以得到很多也可以失去很多,但我们应该永远保持积极的态度。如果我们有信心和勤奋,没什么能打败我们。正如俗话所说的,上帝对每个人都是平等的。他关上一道门,就会为我们开启另一扇窗。 Even though we're poor in knowledge, our thinking is infinite. Maybe we will make some great achievements because of our enthusiasm. Whether we're experienced or not, it doesn't matter. Enthusiasm will take us further and deeper. 尽管我们知识匮乏,但我们的思维是无限的。因为我们的热忱也许我们会有很好的成就。不管我们是否经历过,都没有关系。热情会带我们走得更远更深入。 Please remember, everyone is so talented, and no one is born stupid. Since there's an old saying, “Through a sand, we can see a world. In a flower, we can find a heaven." 请记住,每个人都是很有才华的,没有人是天生愚蠢的。因为有句老话,“通过一粒砂,我们可以看到一个世界。通过一朵花,我们可以找到一个天堂。” 保持积极的态度英语作文篇五 乐观的态度 Positive Attitude Once, I read a story in a book, it told about an old man was on the train, he lost one of his shoes on the window, to everyone's surprise, he dropped his another shoe out of window quickly. People asked why he was doing that, he said that if the person picked up one of his shoes, it was useless, but a pair of shoes could be valuable. The old man is so general and he has the positive attitude towards life. The positive attitude is very important, when we meet difficulties, we will get over them. If we feel frustrated all the time, then we will not be happy. We can't change bad things, but we can change our attitude. 有一次,我在一本书上读到一个 故事 ,讲述了火车上的一位老人,他在窗边弄丢了一只鞋子,令大家感到吃惊的是,他迅速把另外一只鞋子也扔出窗外。人们问他为什么那样做,他说如果有人捡到他的一只鞋子,是没有用处的,但是一双鞋子就有价值。老人家是慷慨的,他对生活有着乐观的态度。乐观的态度是很重要的,当我们遇到困难了,就能克服。如果我们总是觉得沮丧,就不会开心。我们无法改变坏事情,但是可以改变我们的态度。 保持积极的态度英语作文篇六 As we all know, Mr. Cao xueqin's Lin daiyu, young and beautiful, full of talent. But heaven had struck the woman a great deal. Her family was broken and her fate was ill-fated, and her youthful unhappy experience made her a sentimental character. She took a very pessimistic view of life, to look at her life, and eventually to the pain and the loss of the jade. "The red light has no pity, the flowers fall to death." I can't help it! But xue baochai, another woman in the dream of the red chamber, is worth a while. In the face of family changes, life setbacks, she chooses to accept optimism. She was tolerant of the injustice of life and accepted her misfortune. Finally, she was appreciated by jia mu, and married her as her own sun daughter-in-law, who took charge of the whole family, and gave life to the highest point of life! Life is the supreme ruler. On the road of life, there are always thorns and storm. If you choose to be pessimistic, you can only lead to destruction. My father, who was a young man who failed in the college entrance exam, was frustrated by his life, and he even thought of looking down before death. However, when he reworked his courage to face the whole of life, he was pleasantly surprised to find that life was still open to him, waving at him and smiling at him. So he laughed and went on with his life.
have a positive attitudehave self-confidencedraw lesson from failures
积极态度,要有自信,从失败中吸取经验Be positive, be confident and learn from failure重点词汇释义积极positive; active; energetic态度attitude; manner; bearing; how one conducts oneself自信self-confidence; self-confident; believe in oneself; assuredness; be sure of oneself失败fail; be defeated; lose; come to nothing; a case of crabs吸取draw; absorb; suck up; assimilate; extract经验experience
take a positive attitude
英语The trick is to be active翻译成中文是:“诀窍在于积极主动”。
单词音标:英 [ˈæktɪv] 美 [ˈæktɪv]
The trick is to be active的中文翻译是诀窍在于积极主动
音标:英 [trɪk] 美 [trɪk]
n. 戏法, 把戏;计谋, 诡计, 花招;诀窍, 技巧, 技艺
vt. 哄; 欺;打扮
adj. 用于特技的;有意捉弄人的
clever trick 高明的把戏;聪明的花招;熟练的伎俩
trick question 偏题
The teacher was known for not missing a trick.
Patience is the trick in doing a job well.
Some of the magic tricks called for audience participation.
vt. 欺;哄;装饰;打扮 sell,paint,hang,dress oneself,fox
The trick is to be active可以翻译为“诀窍是要积极。”
重点单词:trick:英 [trɪk] 美 [trɪk]
词形变换: 复数 tricks ;第三人称单数 tricks; 现在分词 tricking ;过去式 tricked ;过去分词 tricked。
Sakura Trick 樱Trick ; 樱Trick主题歌
Little trick 小动作 ; 小把戏
play a trick on 捉弄 ; 开玩笑 ; 搞恶作剧 ;
樱Trick Sakura Trick
trick shot 桌球大师 ; 桌球 ; 击球把戏
You're really a good sport to treat our trick with a smile.
He invented the famous trick of sliding under a moving stagecoach.
英语The trick is to be active的翻译:关键是要积极主动。
active filter [电子] 有源滤波器 ; 滤波器 ; 主动式滤波器 ; 有源滤波
active transport [生理] 主动运输 ; [植] 主动转运 ; 织运输 ; 自动运输
Active suspension 主动悬架 ; 主动式悬吊 ; 主动式悬架
We should play an active role in politics, both at the national and local level.
Companies need to take active steps to increase exports.