

小思 2024-09-18 24
黄河母亲英文介绍摘要: 黄河母亲英语We call HuangHe River as mother.We name HuangHe River as mother.黄河母亲英文介绍首先要总体介...


We call HuangHe River as mother.We name HuangHe River as mother.



Lanzhou is the only city where the Yellow River passes through the city. Along the green corridor of Binhe Road, you can enjoy the majestic scenery of the Yellow River, the waterwheel garden, the statue of the Yellow River mother, the Zhongshan Iron Bridge, and visit Baita Mountain, the Provincial Museum, Wuquan mountain, Lanshan Park and other scenic spots.


Renshou mountain in Anning District, wetland park, annual Peach Blossom Festival and flat peach Festival, and the power of Yellow River Yintan bridge.


There are many scenic spots in the suburbs, such as Xinglong Mountain, Tusi yamen, Tulu Valley, and the project of diverting Da into Qin Dynasty.


When tourists come to Lanzhou, they can also transfer to Bingling temple, Liujiaxia, Taiji Island, Liujiaxia, bird island speedboat, feel the water of the Yellow River, and enjoy the fairyland of lotus between July and August.


Xiahe Labrang temple, Qinghai Ta'er temple, Tianshui Maiji Mountain, shuilian cave, Longshang famous mountain, Laojun superior and other scenic spots.


Lanzhou has relatively convenient transportation.


黄河风情线Huanghe River Custom Tourist Line黄河母亲The Mother of Yellow River石质雕塑,位于兰州市黄河南岸的滨河路中段、小西湖公园北侧,长6米,宽2.2米,高2.6米,总重40余吨,是目前全国诸多表现中华民族的母亲河——黄河的雕塑艺术品中最具艺术价值的。作品由"母亲"和"男婴"组成构图,分别象征了黄河母亲和华夏子孙。作品在全国首届城市雕塑方案评比中获优秀奖。“黄河母亲”现已经成为兰州的标志性雕塑,也代表着兰州形象。作者何鄂,甘肃著名的雕塑家。

Hello, I come from lanzhou, where is my hometown, it's very beautiful, abounds in lily, beef noodle soup is the characteristic here, NiangPiZi also, and here are some places of interest: ShanQiao, the Yellow River in the mother. ... . I love my hometown, and you?

Name: Gansu Province 名称:甘肃省 2. 2 。 Area: 390,000 square kilometers 面积: 390000平方公里 3. 3 。 Population: 25.62 million (the 2000 population census) 人口: 2562.0万( 2000年人口普查) 4. 4 。 Provincial Capital: Lanzhou 省会:兰州 5. 5 。 Geography: Gansu lies at the juncture of three highlands: Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, Inner-Mongolia Plateau and Huangtu Plateau, and is bounded on the east by Shanxi, on the west by Xinjiang, on the south by Sichuan, on the north by Inner-Mongolia, Ningxia and Mongolia. 地理:甘肃熟记于此时三名高原:青藏高原,内蒙古高原,黄土高原,而东面界限,由山西,西连新疆,对黎巴嫩南部的四川,北至内蒙古-蒙古,宁夏和蒙古。 Most areas of Gansu are plateau and mountainous with an altitude above 1,000 meters.大部分地区的甘肃省是高原和山地随着海拔高于1000米。 6. 6 。 Natural Resources: Gansu is rich in minerals, with 111 types having been found to date. 天然资源:甘肃丰富的矿产, 111种被发现的日期。 It is also rich in hydro-power because the Bailong River, a branch of the Yangzie River, and Huanghe River flow through Gansu.它也是丰富的水利水电,因为白龙河的一个分支,该yangzie河,黄河流经甘肃。 But the precipitation is scarce and not regular, so Gansu is also a province that suffers from drought.但降水稀少,并不能经常化,使甘肃也是一个省遭受干旱。 Gansu has large land resources as well, but the percentage of utilizable land is low, the proportion of cultivated land is small and the capacity of the land is low.甘肃有大量土地资源,良好,但百分比可利用的土地是低的,所占的比例耕地面积小且有能力的土地低。 Gansu also has plentiful biological resources, especially Chinese herbal medicine, and it is one of the most important Chinese herbal medicine production areas.甘肃省也有丰富的生物资源,特别是对中国的中草药,这是其中一个最重要的中药生产领域。 7. 7 。 Economy: In 2000, the gross domestic product (GDP) of Gansu was 98.30 billion Yuan, and the per capita GDP was 3,838 Yuan; the gross output value of industrial and farming forestry, animal husbandry and fishery was 141.034 billion Yuan, the total imports and exports was 569.53 million US dollars; and the total provincial government revenue was 10.838 billion Yuan; the yield of grain was 7.1348 million tons. 经济: 2000年,国内生产总值( GDP )的甘肃是98.30亿元,人均国内生产总值为3838元;总产值工业和农业林业,牧业和渔业是1410.34亿元,占总进口进出口569530000美元;总额省级政府的财政收入是108.38亿元;粮食单产是7134800吨。 Compared with other provinces in China, the economic level of Gansu is still low.相较于其他省份,在中国,经济水平的甘肃仍然偏低。 The situation could be shown to be the result of a weak economic and technological foundation for resources exploitation, the low degree of resource exploitation, poor industrial foundation, inadequate communication and transportation, static economic structure, less developed agricultural production, government revenue problem, capital shortage, and so on.情况也许会证明是一种结果,脆弱的经济和技术基础,为资源的开发利用,低度资源开发,扶贫,工业基础不足,通讯交通,静态的经济结构,欠发达的农业生产,政府的收入问题,资本短缺问题,等等。 8. 8 。 People's life: By the end of 2000, Gansu had employed persons of 14.92 million, or 58.24% of the total provincial population. 人的寿命:到2000年底,甘肃已聘请人的14920000 ,或58.24 % ,占全省人口。 The total wages of staff and workers were 17,997.603 million Yuan, and the total social insurance and welfare funds of employed and retired staff and workers were 2.568 billion Yuan.占总工资的工作人员和工人被1799760.30万元,总有社会保险和福利基金的聘用人员和退休人员和工人分别为25.68亿元。 The average wage of staff and workers was 7,913 Yuan, and the per capita net income of rural residents was 1,428.70 Yuan.平均工资的工作人员和工人的7913元,人均纯收入,农村居民人1428.70元。 The per capita annual disposable income of urban households was 4,916.25 Yuan.人均年度可支配收入,城镇居民家庭是4916.25元。 The average household consumption was 1,734 Yuan, 993 for rural residents and 4,890 for urban residents.平均家庭消费量为1734元, 993 ,为农村居民和4890年城镇居民。 The number of hospital beds per 1,000 persons was 2.33, and the number of doctors per 1,000 persons was 1.48.医院的病床数目每1000人,是2.33 ,和医生人数每1000人1.48 。 9. 9 。 Education: In 2000, there were 18 institutions of higher education, with the number of students enrolled being 81,700 and 7,208 teachers; 3,661 secondary schools and regular secondary schools with 2,764,300 students and 159,492 teachers; 21,557 primary schools with 3,164,600 students and 125,712 teachers. 教育: 2000年,有18个高等教育机构,注册学生人数正在81700和7208教师; 3661所中学和普通中学2764300学生和159492教师21557小学3164600学生和125712教师。 The school-age children enrolment rate was 98.83%.学校适龄儿童入学率为98.83 % 。 Although education developed at a rapid speed never seen before, the overall education level is still very low, and the nine-year compulsory education requirement has not become popular in the province.虽然教育的发展,在一个较快的速度是前所未见的,整体教育水平还很低,与九年制义务教育的规定,已不成为流行在该省。 Thus, much more attention must be paid later to education, and efforts such as raising the investment in education and improving educational facilities should be taken.因此,更必须予以高度重视后,以教育,并努力,如提高对教育的投入,改善教育设施,应采取的措施。 Meanwhile, illiteracy-alleviation measures should be carried out firmly.与此同时,文盲-缓解措施的执行应牢固。


英文原文:The Yellow river is the mother river of China.英式音标:[ðə] [ˈjeləʊ] [ˈrɪvə] [ɪz] [ðə] [ˈmʌðə] [ˈrɪvə] [ɒv; (ə)v] [ˈtʃaɪnə] . 美式音标:[ðə] [ˈjɛlo] [ˈrɪvɚ] [ɪz] [ðə] [ˈmʌðɚ] [ˈrɪvɚ] [əv] [ˈtʃaɪnə] .

长江发源于“世界屋脊”——青藏高原的唐古拉山脉各拉丹冬峰西南侧,是中华民族的母亲河  。干流流经青海、西藏、四川、云南、重庆、湖北、湖南、江西、安徽、江苏、上海11个省、自治区、直辖市,于崇明岛以东注入东海,全长6397km,比黄河(5464km)长900余公里,在世界大河长度仅次于非洲的尼罗河和南美洲的亚马逊河,居世界第三位。在世界大河水流量排行中,长江也居世界第三位,仅次于亚马逊河和刚果河。但尼罗河流域跨非洲9国,亚马逊河流域跨南美洲7国,刚果河流域跨非洲7国,长江则为中国所独有。



我们叫她母亲河We call her mother river我们叫她母亲河We call her mother river



Mother River母亲河是黄河吧,那应该是Yellow River

mother river:)

就是 mother river你想问题太复杂了,试着简单一点活着

如果是比较正式的论文建议用native river如果是艺术化较强的文章还是用mother river


Koshi Turiri母亲河~the Mother River 比较惯用

mother river直译就成了

mother riverThe Yellow River is our mother river.黄河是我们的母亲河。

长江黄河:长江和黄河都发源于青藏高原。高原雪域的冰雪融化之后,汇成两条大河的源头。这两条河从第一阶梯二人下进入第二阶梯,而后南北向北而行,经过第三阶梯的平原地区,东流入海。两大河流哺育这两岸的人民,他们是中华民族的母亲河。 Changjiang, you are the symbol of the Chinese nation great. You from the highest point of the world of the Tanggula Geladandong snow mountain, and the Pentium, Yixieqianli, went straight to the East China Sea, people of the world's largest Pacific Ocean, you are such a source far flow long, boundless, surging, indomitable, great and beautiful. However, you are in difficulties and courageously forward. Three Gorges is on your exercise and test. Many cliff! How many dangerous shoals reefs! How many storms and waves! Many rapids Meng bay! Nothing can stop the your progress. You are this kind of bravery, Pentium, forever forward, forward!2, the Yangtze River with muscular arms pull up the mountains to the sea, with the sweet milk, feeding the children of all ethnic groups; irrigation with the pure clean flower land. With the power of the majestic promote new era!3, the Yellow River, like a mother, raising the Chinese people! The Yellow River, like a dragon, leading the Chinese nation!双语对照


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/lingjichu/10481.html发布于 2024-09-18
