

小思 2024-09-18 76
节水灌溉英语作文摘要: 节水灌溉英语党员活动中心 CPC Members Service Center农业高效示范园 Efficiency Agriculture Demonstrational Pa...


党员活动中心 CPC Members Service Center农业高效示范园 Efficiency Agriculture Demonstrational Park节水灌溉区 Water-Saving Irrigation Area生态养殖园 Ecological Culture Park


最佳答案在洗澡的时候,先用喷头从头到脚淋湿,再全身涂抹肥皂或沐浴液搓洗,最后一次性冲洗干净。洗脸、刷牙的时候尽量使用脸盆和杯子,不任由水龙头哗哗地流。 洗衣机存满衣服的时候洗。并且,将最后一次漂洗的水留下来,作为下一批衣服的洗涤用水。 如果觉得厕所的水箱过大,可以在水箱里放一只装满水的可乐瓶,这样可以减少每一次的冲水量。 尽量一水多用。用淘米水、煮面水洗碗筷,既去油又节水;用洗菜水、洗衣水、洗碗水来浇花、洗车;洗脸水用了之后可以洗脚,然后冲厕所等。 洗手时,用盆洗比用水长流的方法更节省水,洗涤蔬菜水果或洗碗时也一样,开着水龙头不间断的冲洗非常费水,间断冲洗就能节约水。把用过的水存下来还可以再次利用。 家庭中洗衣机的用水量大,为了节水,生产厂家和科研人员都下足了功夫,要在保证洗干净衣服的前提下尽可能的节约用水。 这种倾斜的造型并不是为了美观或标新立异,10度的斜面设计自有它的道理。洗衣筒歪了10度后,它的水位就相对加深了,能达到较大水量的洗涤效果。所以它省水。 洗衣机设定的程序一般都是一次洗涤,两次漂洗,水主要都耗费在漂洗上了。如果不用洗衣粉,不就能省下漂洗的水了吗? 这种超声波洗衣机,每秒能发出2万次的冲击波,可以将污垢从衣物上“震”下来。洗衣机里还安装了一个特殊的电解水装置,能把自来水中的水分子分解成氢离子和氧离子,利用离子对污渍、灰尘的分解和吸附作用来清洁衣物。双管齐下,这种不用洗衣粉的洗衣机比普通洗衣机要节水30%以上。 还有洗衣机的水位不要定得太高,否则衣服之间缺少摩擦,洗不干净反而还浪费水。 除了洗衣机,坐便器也是家庭中的用水大户,用水量大约占居民用水量的35%左右,一个三口之家一个月就要冲掉3千多升水。 技术人员研制开发出了一种新型的坐便器,每次用水量仅为4升,比现有的坐便器要节约三分之一到二分之一的水。 它的水箱在注水的同时存积了空气,利用供水管道中的压力来压缩内部积攒的空气,再推动水以较高的速度流入便盆。与传统洁具的“拉”力不同,这种新型的洁具是采用“推”力将污物排出,冲力大,所以能节约水。 其实,家庭中的其他生活用水一样可以用来冲洗马桶,比方说经过最后一次漂洗,衣服洗干净了,从洗衣机排出的水看上去还比较干净,直接流进下水管还真有点可惜。还有像洗完脸、洗过菜的水,如果能再次利用就好了。业余发明家吴汉平研制了一套生活用水回用装置,获得了国家专利。他将厨房的洗涤槽、卫生间的面盆和坐便器水箱连接到一个储水箱上。洗涤槽、面盆流出来的比较干净的水进入储水箱,供冲厕使用。 现在我来教你省水小秘方1.要用省水形马桶,般审型马桶加装2段式冲水配件。2.水箱底下浮饼拆下 即成无段式控制出水。 3.小便池自动冲水器冲水时间调短。 4.用米水、洗衣水、洗碗水及洗澡水等清水来浇花、洗车,及擦洗地板。5.清理地毯法由湿式或蒸汽式改成乾燥粉沫式。6.将除湿机收集的水,及纯水机、蒸馏水机等净水设备的废水回收再利用。 现在我说完了6项省水秘方,你是否想到比我更好的省水方法呢?你是否在省水呢?我想你应该在省水吧! 长期以来,人们普遍认为水是“取之不尽,用之不竭”的,不知道爱惜,而浪费挥霍。事实上,水资源日益紧缺,而我市的城市供水工作更是在严重缺水的边缘艰难度日,自来水来之不易。 人不可一日无水,水是生命之源,珍惜水就是珍惜自己的生命!在此,我们介绍一些日常生活中的节水常识: 刷牙 浪费:不间断放水,30秒,用水约6升。 节水:口杯接水,3口杯,用水0.6升。三口之家每日两次,每月可节水486升。 洗衣 浪费:洗衣机不间断地边注水边冲洗、排水的洗衣方式,每次需用水约165升。 节水:洗衣机采用洗涤—脱水—注水—脱水—注水—脱水方式洗涤,每次用水110升,每次可节水55升,每月洗4次,可节水220升。 另外,衣物集中洗涤,可减少洗衣次数;小件、少量衣物提倡手洗,可节约大量水;洗涤剂过量投放将浪费大量水。 洗浴 浪费:过长时间不间断放水冲淋,会浪费大量水。 盆浴时放水过多,以至溢出,或盆浴时一边打开水塞,一边注水,浪费将十分惊人。 节水:间断放水淋浴(比如脚踏式、感应式等)。搓洗时应及时关水。避免过长时间冲淋。 盆浴后的水可用于洗衣、洗车、冲洗厕所、拖地等。 炊事 浪费:水龙头大开,长时间冲洗。烧开水时间过长,水蒸汽大量蒸发。用自来水冲淋蔬菜、水果。 节水:炊具食具上的油污,先用纸擦除,再洗涤,可节水。 控制水龙头流量,改不间断冲洗为间断冲洗。 洗车 浪费:用水管冲洗,20分钟,用水约240升。 节水:用水桶盛水洗车,需3桶水,用水约30升。使用洗涤水、洗衣水洗车。使用节水喷雾水枪冲洗。利用机械自动洗车,洗车水处理循环使用。 节水小方法: 节约用水,利在当代,功在千秋,这是经过讨论同学们一起研究出一些生活节水小方法: 一、淘米水洗菜,再用清水清洗,不仅节约了水,还有效地清除了蔬菜上的残存农药; 二、洗衣水洗拖帕、帚地板、再冲厕所。第二道清洗衣物的洗衣水擦门窗及家具、洗鞋袜等; 三、大、小便后冲洗厕所,尽量不开大水管冲洗,而充分利用使用过的“脏水”; 四、夏天给室内外地面洒水降温,尽量不用清水,而用洗衣之后的洗衣水; 五、自行车、家用小轿车清洁时,不用水冲,改用湿布擦,太脏的地方,也宜用洗衣物过后的余水冲洗; 六、冲厕所:如果您使用节水型设备,每次可节水4一5kg; 七、家庭浇花,宜用淘米水、茶水、洗衣水等; 八、家庭洗涤手巾、小对象、瓜果等少量用水。宜用盆子盛水而不宜开水龙头放水冲洗; 九、洗地板:用拖把擦洗,可比用水龙头冲洗每次每户可节水200kg以上; 十、水龙头使用时间长有漏水现象,可用装青霉素的小药瓶的橡胶盖剪一个与原来一样的垫圈放进去,可以保证滴水不漏; 十一、将卫生间里水箱的浮球向下调整2厘米,每次冲洗可节省水近3kg;按家庭每天使用四次算,一年可节药水4380kg。 十二、洗菜:一盆一盆地洗,不要开着水龙头冲,一餐饭可节省50kg; 十三、淋浴:如果您关掉龙头擦香皂,洗一次澡可节水60kg; 十四、手洗衣服:如果用洗衣盆洗、清衣服则每次洗、清衣比开着水龙头节省水200kg; 十五、用洗衣机洗衣服:建议您满桶再洗,若分开两次洗,则多耗水120kg; 十六、洗车:用抹布擦洗比用水龙头冲洗,至少每次可节水400kg;

意思是首先,节水提示:1,儿童玩具的亲密伙伴。但有的玩具(如喷水枪)需要消耗水,不值得推荐,尤其是在区域水资源短缺,但也不应该是用。有一些顽皮的年轻人,在水下一个大的相互斗争,水仗水,水分散,很高兴,阴险,清洁地面潮湿,在过去,行人感到害怕,大量水也是浪费。更坏的!2,在家洗餐具节水洗涤餐具,最好的菜在第一篇除去油,再用热水,最后用温水或冷水。其次,淋浴节水:用喷头:(1)研究所的温度调节。(2)不去打开水从开始到结束,而不应开。(3)尽可能在你的湿从头部到脚趾,在整个身体soaptu,最后的水。没有单独的洗发水,洗上身,下身洗脚。(4)集中在洗澡,抓紧时间,不避免被冲走或边聊天边。独自在浴室和一个好朋友大吵一架。记住:时间是水!(5)不使用洗澡的机会“过”的衣服,鞋。沐浴在浴缸里,要注意:不要过水,1 / 3 - 1/ 4足壶。第三,节水马桶:(1)如果你认为厕所水箱过大,可以是一块bricktank充满水或大饮料瓶,以减少冲水量每次。应该指出,砖或饮料瓶的水箱偏见组成部分的地方活动。(2)水箱漏水一直是最具影响力的橡胶密封不严而不是灌溉,水满后流走,从溢流孔;排气口密封橡胶不断流不带水进入管道不停下来的水。(3)国内收集废水的抽水马桶,你可以用一个带水,节约水。(4)垃圾不论大小,厚度,应明确从垃圾通道,而不是从厕所水冲。

节约用水,人人有责。我们要珍惜爱护水资源。那么关于节约用水的 英语 作文 60词有哪些呢?以下是我为大家整理的,节约用水英语作文60词,希望大家喜欢。 节约用水英语作文篇一 No creature can live without water and human being is not an exemption as well. Our body is mainly formed by water, about 70% or more. So everyday we need to drink a lot to keep ourselves healthy and full of energy. Except that, there are lots of things we need water in our daily life. We need to use water to cook, to wash clothes, to shower and so on. As we know the water shortage is a big issue all over the world. Therefore save water is very important in our life. 节约用水英语作文篇二 Hello, my name is water. Life, everywhere. Wash and brush, wash hair, cooking, cooking, washing clothes. You see how important life everywhere, I cannot, so everyone should cherish, saving water blessing. Everybody must be hard, vying for saving little angel! Tap water, wash hands, and speak hygiene. Roll up your sleeve, the first open bibcock flushing. Close leading play soap, palm is abluent, open the rush clean bibcock, hands, wipe jilt written in water. 节约用水英语作文篇三 Water is the basic source of life. There would be no life without water. More and more water is needed in the modern society. Many places are short of water; many rivers and lakes are polluted. What’s worse, many people are wasting water. In order to protect water, let’s do something to fight against all kinds of pollution and waste of water. 节约用水英语作文篇四 In recent years, water becomes more imporant,so how we protect the water from the pollution. To begin with,All of the creatures made of the water,water is essential things that we live in the earth. So we can't live without water.Moreover,we can use water that we wash our faces with to flush the toilets, In general,We should learn how to save water and make water management an important part of our life.节约用水英语作文60词相关推荐: 1. 关于节约用水的英语作文 2. 关于节约用水英语作文范文3篇 3. 节约用水英语演讲稿3篇 4. 节约用电英语作文50词


Whenever April 22, this is the earth's festival, has already 30 years, because of "three wastes" pollution (waste water and gas and waste residue) and "top ten pollution" around the world each year, a most caused disease, disability, or death. However, the white pollution have freedom, it in the sky, the ozone layer outrages plunge broken, he let desert sand flies never stope and disturbed the people's life. Trees can't resist with it, in a hurry to leave people. If we don't can stop, white pollution will give human serious punishment, in the end, is not only the rare animals and plants, even we humans, will eventually destroy on the desert. The classmates, we cannot leave the survival of the earth, a common destiny brought us together, nature how hope it can return to uncle homes, the earth mother put heavy responsibility in the human body, because only can we save the earth and human happiness: let the green no longer sigh, nature never cry, let the earth mother wound disappearance, let the earth more strong tomorrow, lovely and beautiful! I called on: don't destroy our own home, everybody is responsible for protecting the environment, protecting the environment starts from me, from now to start with!



发音:英 [ˈwɔːtə(r)]  美 [ˈwɔːtər]


n. 水;海水;雨水;海域,大片的水

vt. 使湿;供以水;给…浇水

vi. 加水;流泪;流口水

n. (Water)人名;(英)沃特


water quality 水质

water supply 供水系统;水源

water treatment 水处理;水的处理

waste water 污水,废水

drinking water 饮用水


We cannot exist without air, food and water.




词根: water



watering 灌溉的;浇水用的

watered 掺水的;洒有水的,洒了水的;有波纹的;加虚股的(面值增加而实值未按比例增加)



watering 浇水;灌溉;排水沟

waterer 饮水器;供给饮水的人

wateriness 平淡;多水;稀薄


watering 浇水;灌溉(water的ing形式)

watered 浇水,供以水(water的过去式和过去分词)


英 [ˌɪrɪ'ɡeɪʃn] 美 [ˌɪrɪ'ɡeɪʃn]

n. 灌溉,[医]冲洗

例句:We used the money to set up an irrigation project.


短语:irrigation norm 灌溉定额



英 [flʌd]   美 [flʌd]

v. 淹没,充满

n. 洪水

例句:The cellar floods whenever it rains heavily.


短语:cause a flood 引起洪水泛滥


英 [ˈwɔːtə(r)]  美 [ˈwɔːtər]



示例:He went out to water the plants。











Use of waterWater is the most valuable asset on the earth, because life cannot live without it. First of all, it is an essential part of our body, water is a means of transport, to transport blood to every part of the body. If a person loses 10 percent of his or her water, he or she will dry, and water can be used to generate energy.In the early days of the industrial revolution, people boiled water to produce steam and steam to drive machines to work. Water was used to make power. Finally, water can be used to clean things.We can use water to clean our bodies, our food and our homes. Water is in our lives There are many uses that we shouldn't waste.中文翻译:水是地球上最宝贵的资产,因为生物离不开它。首先,它是我们身体里必不可少的部分,水是运输工具,把血液输送到身体的每一个部位。如果人失去了百分之十的水,他或她就会干燥,水可以用来产生能量在工业革命早期人们把水煮沸产生蒸汽和蒸汽推动机器工作,水被用来制造动力最后,水可以用来清洁东西我们可以用水来清洁我们的身体,我们的食物和我们的家里得出结论,水在我们的生活中有很多用途我们不应该使用浪费它。

滴灌(drip irrigation)是利用塑料管道将水通过直径约10mm毛管上的孔口或滴头送到作物根部进行局部灌溉。它是目前干旱缺水地区最有效的一种节水灌溉方式,水的利用率可达95%。滴灌较喷灌具有更高的节水增产效果,同时可以结合施肥,提高肥效一倍以上。可适用于果树、蔬菜、经济作物以及温室大棚灌溉,在干旱缺水的地方也可用于大田作物灌溉。其不足之处是滴头易结垢和堵塞,因此应对水源进行严格的过滤处理。





1. 60% of you are water on the earth, where there is water, there is life. All life activities originate from water. Water in human body accounts for about 65% of body weight. Among them, brain marrow contains 75% water, blood contains 83% water, muscle contains 76% water, and even hard bones contain 22% water! Without water, nutrients in food can't be absorbed, wastes can't be excreted, and medicines can't reach the active parts. Once the human body is short of water, the consequences are very serious. 1%-2% water shortage, thirsty; 5% water shortage, dry mouth, wrinkled skin, unconsciousness and even hallucination; Water shortage of 15% is often worse than hunger. Without food, people can live for a long time (some people estimate it as two months). If there is no water, people can live for about a week at most.

2. The lifeblood of crops. Grab a handful of plants with your hands, and you will feel wet and cool. This is because of water. Plants contain a lot of water, accounting for about 80% of body weight, vegetables contain 90%-95% of water, and aquatic plants actually contain more than 98% of water. Water transports nutrients for plants; Water keeps the branches and leaves of plants in graceful shape; Participate in photosynthesis and make organic matter; The evaporation of water keeps the plants at a stable temperature and prevents them from being burned by the sun. Plants are not only covered with water。


Hydraulic specialistHydraulic expert


The loess plateau is the world's largest loess area, is also our country and even in the world the most serious soil and water loss of the region. Because of the serious soil and water loss, not only caused fragmented landform, TongShan TuLing topography and bad ecological environment, restricted the region sustainable economic and social development, and massive release of sediment, the downstream channel of siltation, great threat to the safety of the lower Yellow River, a problem the Chinese nation several thousand years of sting."The Yellow River to harm the, the root in the sediment", and 60% ~ 70% and sediment from in the loess plateau fragmented landform. Therefore, control and management of the channel sediment became the key to solve the problem of the Yellow River. Practice has proved, ecological engineering of dam system can not only effectively intercept sediment, silt place great, development, increasing irrigation 'income, but also can improve the ecological environment of the Yellow River basin, promote the stability and promote regional economic development and social progress, it is also because of its comprehensive function, of dam system ecological engineering by the local people to the real support and support.At present, however, more than 80% of the existing check before 1970 s is built in the mass movement, no unified planning, design, the flood control standard is low, "water small braces, dalian dam go ditch water", make the loess plateau in a large number of warping DAMS engineering were serious damaged by flood. In this warping DAMS serious damaged by flood, according to the requirements of the HuangWeiHui at that time the spirit, we started to "the loess plateau ecological engineering relative stability of dam system for the pilot study.This research is mainly in the test for the channel, medium and small dam backbone laid warping DAMS, observation the operation conditions, the maximum development area of watersheds, guarantee 100 years in in a flood, the capacity of observation change, the deposition, and the growth of crop planting observation, and want to observe different management degrees slope, closing the safety of the crop of the effect and the benefits, etc. Thus puts forward the relative stability of dam system to achieve, the most basic three conditions, that is: one is the relative stability coefficient must is equal to or greater than the allowable value of certain, this is relatively stable of dam system to achieve the key; Two is to have enough flood control ability; Three of dam system engineering safety is no seepage path.The results of the study on construction relative stability of dam system provides scientific basis, to solve the major problems of the damaged by flood serious warping DAMS, make the loess plateau ecological of dam system engineering intercept LanHong sediment, and water storage, increase the good land, water development, promote the reforestation, improve the ecological environment, land use and industrial structure adjustment, the flood control and disaster alleviation, protection of farmland and public facilities and downstream increase the income of the economic, ecological and social three performance got the full play.

Loess Plateau is the world's largest loess area, China and the world is the most serious soil erosion areas. Because of severe soil erosion, causing not only a thousand myriad ditch, bare hill bald ridge topography and poor ecological environment, limiting economic and social sustainable development, but also a lot of sediment discharged, blockage downstream, the threat of great the safety of the lower Yellow River has become a scourge for thousands of years plagued the Chinese nation. "Yellow damage, root in the sand", and sediment 60% to 70% has come from the Loess Plateau gully TIMES 1000. Therefore, control and sediment control channel becomes the key to solving the problem of the Yellow River. Practice shows that Dam ecological engineering can not only effectively intercept sediment, Silting land reclamation, irrigation development, increase production, but also improve the ecological environment of the Yellow River long-term stability, promoting regional economic development and social progress, it is also because of its comprehensive function of ecological engineering Dam only by the local people's genuine support and strong support. However, there is more than 80% of the existing dam is the 20th century, before the mass movement in the 70's built, there is no unified planning, design, flood control standard is low, "a small brace of water ditch, water Dalian dam go," so that loess large dam projects plateau brutally serious damaged. Dam severely damaged in this case, in accordance with the spirit of the then Yellow River Conservancy Committee's request, we began to "the relative stability of the Loess Plateau Ecological Engineering Dam" in the pilot study. This study was conducted in the test channel backbone dam, medium, small dam layout, observing its operations, to maximize the development area of dam, in a 100 year frequency flood situation, observing changes in their storage capacity, sedimentation situation, and observing the growth of crops, and to observe different management degree slope, on dam safety to crops and its benefits and so on. Proposed dam system to achieve relatively stable, the most basic of the three conditions, namely: First, the relative stability factor must be greater than or equal to a certain allowable value, which is relatively stable dam system to achieve the key; Second, adequate flood protection capacity; Third Dam System security has not been dangerous. The results of the relative stability of the Dam construction to provide a scientific basis to solve the major issues of dam severely damaged, so that intercept sediment Dam System Loess Plateau, Lan Hong storage, increased farmland, the development of irrigation, promote reforestation and improve the ecological environment, adjust land use and industrial structure, flood control, protection of downstream farmland and public facilities as well as increasing people's income and other economic, ecological and social benefits in full play. Keywords: relative stability of dam on the Loess Plateau好长,,,论文摘要一般200字左右吧? 哪有你的那么多呀!!


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyu/9599.html发布于 2024-09-18
