

小思 2024-09-18 50
介绍山西景点的英语作文摘要: 英文介绍山西景点Shanxi terrain north-south strip of the city-Northeast, Southwest low, and this...


Shanxi terrain north-south strip of the city-Northeast, Southwest low, and this formed the Southern temperature significantly higher than the northeastern part of the characteristics. When the sweltering heat of the southern region intolerable Yuncheng, in northern Luyashan, Wutai Mountain is breezy and landscape. Shanxi multi-level geographical landscape created rich natural resources. Suitable for a variety of crops, such as Yuncheng in the wheat, cotton, Shanxi Province mountain naked oats, potatoes. As Shanxi climate around the different soil different, and also formed a variety of local native products, such as Qin, millet, Qingxu grapes, the original flat pear, walnut Fenyang, Zeshan the date, and so on, are very famous. Fenjiu Xinghua Village of Fenyang there, the old mature vinegar Qingxu particularly famous, already sold overseas. Shanxi also has an abundance of mineral resources in the forest. Coal possession of first in the nation, Coalfield throughout the province more than 80 percent of counties. Shanxi Products famous Shanxiren rendition of diligence is also famous for, "Lian Li number one in the world" in Jackie Chan is Shanxiren. As in Shanxi in the history of the nation after a long period of integration, not to facilitate traffic so that the formation of Shanxi many dialects. Shanxi region of the many drama, Yangge, folk songs and other folk entertainment. But today's Shanxi has instead of the previous Shanxi, along with economic development, Shanxi has undergone earth-shaking changes. Wutai Mountain Buddhism Culture Festival, and Taiyuan International Pasta Day, Pingyao International Photography Exhibition, Shanxiren fully demonstrated the new features. Even as paper cutting, surface, etc. folk art, but also out of the Shanxi, and go out of the country, to overseas. 山西地势城南北狭长状,东北高,西南低,这样就形成了南部气温明显高于东北部的特点。当南部的运城地区酷暑难耐时,北部芦芽山、五台山却凉风习习,景色宜人。 山西多层次的地理地貌造就了丰富的物产。适宜多种农作物生长,如运城地区的小麦、棉花,晋北山区的莜麦、土豆。由于山西各地气候不同,土质不同,还形成了多种地方土特产,如沁州小米、清徐葡萄、原平的梨、汾阳核桃、稷山的枣等,都非常有名。还有汾阳杏花村的汾酒、清徐的老陈醋尤为著名,早已远销海外。 山西还有丰富的森林矿产资源。煤的藏量居全国首位,煤田遍及全省80%以上的县市。 山西的物产有名,山西人的勤俭淳朴也非常有名,“天下第一廉吏”的于成龙就是山西人。由于在山西的历史上经过了长期的民族交融,交通又不便利,从而使山西形成了众多方言。山西地区还有众多的戏剧、秧歌、民歌等民间娱乐活动。 然而今天的山西已不是以前的山西,随着经济的发展,山西发生了翻天覆地的变化。五台山佛教文化节、太原国际面食节、平遥国际摄影大展等,充分展现了山西人的新风貌。即使像剪纸、面人等民间艺术,也走出了山西,走出国门,走向海外。 演讲稿的话格式自己整理下

shanxi means the west of the moutain. shanxi province is at the west of the taihang Mountain In ancient time ,shanxi was called Hedong ,which means the East of the River.The abbreviation of shanxi province is "jin",because shanxi Province was the place swher the jin kingdom located 4000 years ago.from the name of the province,we can see that are loffy mountains and roading river in shanxi,the natural scenery in the province is beautiful.The long history of the province assures that the rich hunmane scenery in shanxi is very rich.


Pingyao Ancient City, located in the middle of Shanxi Province, was built in Zhou Xuanwang period, and expanded in 1370, which has a history of more than 2700 years.


It also preserves the basic features of county towns in Ming and Qing Dynasties, and is the most complete existing ancient city in Han ethnic areas of China.




临汾位于山西省西南部,地处汾水之滨而得名。临汾历史悠久,是华夏民族的重要发祥地之一和黄河文明的摇篮。又因上古帝尧曾建都于此,有“华夏第一都”之称。2000年8月撤地设市,现辖1区2市14县和2个省级经济技术开发区, 151个乡镇、20个街道办、157个社区,2966个行政村,总人口420万,总面积20275平方公里。 临汾是山西的经济大市。已形成以煤炭、焦化、冶金、电力、装备制造为骨干,煤化工、旅游、农副产品加工、物流业为配套的多元产业体系,是山西省新型能源和工业基地建设的重要组成部分。2007年,经济总量和财政收入位居全省第二,在中部六省同类城市中排名第16位。地区生产总值达到658.5亿元;财政总收入达到123.5亿元,一般预算收入达到47.1亿元;规模以上工业增加值达到335.1亿元;城镇居民人均可支配收入达到9997元;农民人均纯收入达到4065元。 临汾是山西的农业大市。是华北地区重要的粮棉生产基地,素有“棉麦之乡”和“膏腴之地”美誉 。全市耕地总面积687万亩 ,盛产小麦、棉花、玉米、谷子、烟叶、西瓜 等 ,粮食总产量占全省的15%左右,其中小麦占全省35%以上。2007年,粮食总产量达到17.2亿公斤。东西两山干鲜果品种多、产量大,林牧业相对发达,有115个农产品获得国家绿色认证。农业产业化快速发展,年销售收入500万元以上的农副产品加工企业达到49户。� 临汾是山西的矿产大市。已探明矿种38种。煤炭资源最为著名,储藏面积1.54万平方公里,占国土总面积的75%,总储量960亿吨,占全省23.7%,且煤层厚,埋藏浅,易开采,是全国三大优质主焦煤基地之一。原煤产量占全省8%,洗精煤产量占全省12%,机焦产量占全省36%。铁矿是临汾的第二大矿产资源,储量4.2亿吨,富矿占全省70%以上,生铁产量占全省43%。大理石、石膏等资源在全省也占有重要位置。� 临汾是山西的文化旅游大市。具有以丁村古人类遗址等为代表的人类文明之源,以陶寺遗址、尧庙、尧陵等为代表的中华文明之源,以晋侯墓等为代表的三晋文明之源的“三源”文化内涵。元代以前地上文物资源山西占全国总量的70%,临汾占山西的30%。现有国家4A级旅游景点3处、各级文物保护单位3000余处,其中国家级28处、省级67处。壶口瀑布、洪洞大槐树、尧庙等旅游景点在国内外享有盛名。非物质文化种类繁多,有蒲州梆子、威风锣鼓、面塑、剪纸、草编、木偶、皮影、平阳木版年画等多种民间艺术形式,被誉为“梅花之乡”、“剪纸之乡”和 “锣鼓之乡”。 临汾是山西的开放大市。地处太原、郑州、西安三个省会城市连接中点,区位优势突出,交通通讯便捷。同蒲铁路纵贯南北,侯西、侯月铁路横穿东西,大运、晋韩等高速公路交汇于此,市区距机场仅有一个小时车程。全市公路通车里程达到1.3万公里,公路密度达到64%。固定和移动电话达到220多万部,普及率为52%。所辖侯马市是全国五大物流重镇之一,拥有保税物流区、海关、商检等直通国外的商贸平台,是华北地区的“旱码头”。目前,临汾已与100多个国家和地区建立了经贸合作关系,产品出口到80个国家和地区,近两年来吸引外资达150多亿元。2008年 ,临汾被评为中国魅力中小城市。� 古老的临汾焕发出勃勃生机,勤劳勇敢的临汾人民,正日夜兼程、高歌猛进在建设科学发展、环境宜人、和谐平安、风清气正的新临汾的宏伟征程上. 山西临汾小吃 :丸子面,狗肉火锅,也是非常有名的。Lin Fen City is located in the Shanxi Province southwest part , that borders on field place Fen water but is gets a name. Lin Fen City has a long history , is one of important China nation birthplace and civilized cradle of Huanghe River. Yaozeng founds a capital because of ancient times emperor hereof, have "China the first that all " fits. Remove a field in August , 2000 setting up a city , have jurisdiction over 1 2 14 area city counties and 2 provinces level economic-technical development zones now, 151 villages and towns , 20 neighbourhood handle , 157 communities , 2966 administration villages, put population together 4,200,000, always covers an area of 20275 square kilometers. Lin Fen City is big cities of the Shanxi economy. Formation already takes that coal , coking , metallurgy , electric power , equipment make as backbone , that chemical industry , tour , farm and sideline products process coal , the logistics job is supporting multivariant estate system, is Shanxi Province new model sources of energy and the important component that the industrial base builds. Economic outputs and the budgetary income place live in a whole province in 2007, second, arranges the 16th name in six provinces of central section same kinds city. Area total output value reaches 65,850,000,000 yuan; The finance general income reaches 12,350,000,000 yuan , the general budgeted revenue reaches 4,710,000,000 yuan; Above scale, industrial added value reaches 33,510,000,000.000004 yuan; Average annual disposable incomes per urban resident reach 9997 yuan; Net incomes per peasant reach 4065 yuan. Lin Fen City is big cities of the Shanxi agriculture. Be that important North China area grain cotton produces a base , usually have "home of cotton wheat " and "fertile soil " good reputation. Whole city cultivated land always covers an area of 6,870,000 mus , abound in wheat , cotton , maize , millet , tobacco leaf , watermelon etc., total grain output accounts for about 15% of whole province , wheats among them account for more than 35% of whole province. In 2007, total grain output reaches 1,720,000,000 kilograms. Two mountain dry and fresh fruits breeds are many from east to west , output is big , forest animal husbandry is relatively developed, have 115 agricultural products to gain country green attestation. The enterprise agricultural industrialization develop rapidly , 5 million yuan the above farm and sideline products of annual income from sales of products are processed reaches 49 family. ? ? Lin Fen City is big cities of the Shanxi mineral. Already ascertain that the ore grows 38 kinds. Coal resources covers an area of 15,400 square kilometers be to famous , store most , account for 75% of area territory is general , general reserves take up a whole province 96 billion tons, 23.7%, at present the coal seam is thick , hide a tray , easy to exploit, be one of the whole nation three big high grade coking coal base. Raw coal output takes up a whole province 8%, wash clean coal output taking up a whole province 12%, machine coke output takes up a whole province 36%. The iron mine is second big mineral resources of Lin Fen City , 420 million tons of reserves , the enriched ore accounts for more than 70% of whole province , pig iron output takes up a whole province 43%. Resource such as marble , gupse can't occupy location important in the whole province. ? ? Lin Fen City is big cities of the Shanxi culture-oriented travel. Source of having the human civilization taking that the acient Ding Cun human being ruin waits as representative , source of taking earthenware temple ruin , Yao temple , Yao mausoleum etc. as the Chinese civilization representing, the marquis grave waits for "three source " culture of source of being that three Shanxi Province of representative is civilized with Shanxi Province connotation. Cultural relic resource Shanxi accounts for 70% of the whole nation all quantity on the ground Yuan Dynasty previously , Lin Fen City accounts for 30% of Shanxi. Now have more than 3,000 country 4 As level scenic spot 3 places , all of the various levels preservation of cultural relics units 28 among them state-class places , 67 step of province places. The kettle mouth waterfall , scenic spots such as Hong Dong county big Chinese scholartree , Yao temple enjoy high reputation in home and abroad. Nonmaterial culture great variety, have cattail prefecture watchman's clapper , awe-inspiring various folk art forms such as gong and drum , dough modelling , paper-cut , straw plaited article , puppet , shadow play , Ping Yang county block New Year pictures, is praised for home of "home of plum blossom " ", home of paper-cut " and "gong and drum ". Lin Fen City is big cities of the Shanxi opening to the outside world. Field place Taiyuan , Zhengzhou , three Xi'an provincial capital cities link a midpoint , geographic advantages is outstanding , traffic communication is convenient and rapid. Same Pu Tie Lu passes through from north to south , Hou Xi , Hou Yue railroad traverse through a thing, equal express highways of Han deliver grand fortune , Shanxi Province converging there is an hour vehicle Cheng in downtown area hereof, only from the airport. The whole city length of highways on operation reaches 13,000 kilometres , highway density reaches 64%. Fixation and cellular phone reach more than 2,200,000 , penetration rates are 52%. What be had jurisdiction over Hou Ma City is one of the whole nation five big logistics places of strategic importance , owning bonded logistics area , customhouse , merchant inspect up the commerce and trade platform waiting to go straight to abroad, is "dry North China area dock ". At present, Lin Fen City has built economy and trade cooperation relation already with more than 100 country and region , the product has exported to 80 countries and regions , close about 2 years has attracted foreign funds amounting to more than 15,000,000,000 yuan. Lin Fen City is judged for Chinese charm in 2008, middle-sized and small cities. Antiquited ? ? Lin Fen City is fresh with out vigorous lease of life , Lin Fen City people industrious and brave, being traveling day and night , advances triumphantly on magnificent positive new of pleasant , harmonious safe and sound , groundless clear gas Lin Fen City journey building science development , the environment. Shanxi Lin Fen City snack: Ball face , dog's meat chafing dish, are also very well-known



My hometown, Linfen, is known as the "flower and fruit city". It also has the nickname "Snail City" and "Pingyang mansion". Linfen is the first emperor of China, the hometown of Yao, and one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization.

I love this beautiful city affectionately. There are many scenic spots and parks in my hometown, such as: the first gate, the Yao temple, the drum tower, the waterlogged River Park and so on. What I like most is the waterlogging River Park. Every season, it has its own unique style. Spring is coming. Large tulips are blooming, pink, red, yellow and purple. They are full of flowers and gorgeous. From afar, the sea of flowers is like a fairyland in the world. Children roll in flowers, butterflies and bees play in flowers. In summer, the lotus opened, rented a yacht, passed through the dense lotus clusters, picked up a piece of lotus leaf, cleaned it in the river, and wore it on the head for fun.

The arrival of autumn brought colorful chrysanthemums to the park, and colorful flowers brought visitors away, afraid that they would not see the beautiful scenery when they left. The winter was accompanied by goose snow and heavy snow, and changed into silver in the park.

In the early morning, the river was covered with mist, and the tourists sat in the boat enjoying the beautiful scenery. At noon, the sun evaporated the fog, and the sun came out. Some people were enjoying the cool under the shade of trees, fishing by some banks, and watching beautiful scenery. In the evening, the waterfalls in the river opened, and there was a cave behind the water. There was always a sense of Monkey King's appendage from behind.

Linfen is not only beautiful, but also has many specialties, such as the crisp meat noodles of Hongdong, the cut noodles of Fushan, the walnut of ancient county, the pear of Xi county, etc. But my favorite is the meatball noodles. The beef balls are spicy and refreshing, often sweating after eating. A large bowl full of red hot oil. Simple and simple delicious, heartily and thoroughly.

In summer, a bowl of hot noodles makes people forget the hot summer. In winter, a bowl of hot noodles can withstand cold and cold. It is better to use bowl noodles than any panacea.

Linfen welcomes the arrival of you! My friends, please believe me, you will be attracted to the beautiful scenery here and be conquered by the delicious food here.



我深情的热爱这个美丽的城市。 我的家乡风景优美,有许多景区和公园,如:天下第一门华门、尧庙、鼓楼、涝洰河公园等。可我最喜欢的就是涝洰河公园了。每个季节,它都有自己独特的风采。春天来了,大片的郁金香盛开了,有粉的,有红的;有黄的,还有紫的,它们缤纷盛开,十分艳丽。远远望去,花海一片,就仿佛身临人间仙境一般,小孩子在花海中打滚、蝴蝶、蜜蜂在花丛中嬉戏。夏天,荷花开了,租上游艇,在茂密的荷花丛中穿过,顺手摘上一片荷叶,在河中清洗干净,戴在头上遮阳真是好玩极了。






临汾位于山西省西南部,地处汾水之滨而得名。临汾历史悠久,是华夏民族的重要发祥地之一和黄河文明的摇篮。又因上古帝尧曾建都于此,有“华夏第一都”之称。2000年8月撤地设市,现辖1区2市14县和2个省级经济技术开发区, 151个乡镇、20个街道办、157个社区,2966个行政村,总人口420万,总面积20275平方公里。 临汾是山西的经济大市。已形成以煤炭、焦化、冶金、电力、装备制造为骨干,煤化工、旅游、农副产品加工、物流业为配套的多元产业体系,是山西省新型能源和工业基地建设的重要组成部分。2007年,经济总量和财政收入位居全省第二,在中部六省同类城市中排名第16位。地区生产总值达到亿元;财政总收入达到亿元,一般预算收入达到亿元;规模以上工业增加值达到亿元;城镇居民人均可支配收入达到9997元;农民人均纯收入达到4065元。 临汾是山西的农业大市。是华北地区重要的粮棉生产基地,素有“棉麦之乡”和“膏腴之地”美誉 。全市耕地总面积687万亩 ,盛产小麦、棉花、玉米、谷子、烟叶、西瓜 等 ,粮食总产量占全省的15%左右,其中小麦占全省35%以上。2007年,粮食总产量达到亿公斤。东西两山干鲜果品种多、产量大,林牧业相对发达,有115个农产品获得国家绿色认证。农业产业化快速发展,年销售收入500万元以上的农副产品加工企业达到49户。� 临汾是山西的矿产大市。已探明矿种38种。煤炭资源最为著名,储藏面积万平方公里,占国土总面积的75%,总储量960亿吨,占全省,且煤层厚,埋藏浅,易开采,是全国三大优质主焦煤基地之一。原煤产量占全省8%,洗精煤产量占全省12%,机焦产量占全省36%。铁矿是临汾的第二大矿产资源,储量亿吨,富矿占全省70%以上,生铁产量占全省43%。大理石、石膏等资源在全省也占有重要位置。� 临汾是山西的文化旅游大市。具有以丁村古人类遗址等为代表的人类文明之源,以陶寺遗址、尧庙、尧陵等为代表的中华文明之源,以晋侯墓等为代表的三晋文明之源的“三源”文化内涵。元代以前地上文物资源山西占全国总量的70%,临汾占山西的30%。现有国家4A级旅游景点3处、各级文物保护单位3000余处,其中国家级28处、省级67处。壶口瀑布、洪洞大槐树、尧庙等旅游景点在国内外享有盛名。非物质文化种类繁多,有蒲州梆子、威风锣鼓、面塑、剪纸、草编、木偶、皮影、平阳木版年画等多种民间艺术形式,被誉为“梅花之乡”、“剪纸之乡”和 “锣鼓之乡”。 临汾是山西的开放大市。地处太原、郑州、西安三个省会城市连接中点,区位优势突出,交通通讯便捷。同蒲铁路纵贯南北,侯西、侯月铁路横穿东西,大运、晋韩等高速公路交汇于此,市区距机场仅有一个小时车程。全市公路通车里程达到万公里,公路密度达到64%。固定和移动电话达到220多万部,普及率为52%。所辖侯马市是全国五大物流重镇之一,拥有保税物流区、海关、商检等直通国外的商贸平台,是华北地区的“旱码头”。目前,临汾已与100多个国家和地区建立了经贸合作关系,产品出口到80个国家和地区,近两年来吸引外资达150多亿元。2008年 ,临汾被评为中国魅力中小城市。� 古老的临汾焕发出勃勃生机,勤劳勇敢的临汾人民,正日夜兼程、高歌猛进在建设科学发展、环境宜人、和谐平安、风清气正的新临汾的宏伟征程上. 山西临汾小吃 :丸子面,狗肉火锅,也是非常有名的。Lin Fen City is located in the Shanxi Province southwest part , that borders on field place Fen water but is gets a name. Lin Fen City has a long history , is one of important China nation birthplace and civilized cradle of Huanghe River. Yaozeng founds a capital because of ancient times emperor hereof, have "China the first that all " fits. Remove a field in August , 2000 setting up a city , have jurisdiction over 1 2 14 area city counties and 2 provinces level economic-technical development zones now, 151 villages and towns , 20 neighbourhood handle , 157 communities , 2966 administration villages, put population together 4,200,000, always covers an area of 20275 square kilometers. Lin Fen City is big cities of the Shanxi economy. Formation already takes that coal , coking , metallurgy , electric power , equipment make as backbone , that chemical industry , tour , farm and sideline products process coal , the logistics job is supporting multivariant estate system, is Shanxi Province new model sources of energy and the important component that the industrial base builds. Economic outputs and the budgetary income place live in a whole province in 2007, second, arranges the 16th name in six provinces of central section same kinds city. Area total output value reaches 65,850,000,000 yuan; The finance general income reaches 12,350,000,000 yuan , the general budgeted revenue reaches 4,710,000,000 yuan; Above scale, industrial added value reaches 33,510,000, yuan; Average annual disposable incomes per urban resident reach 9997 yuan; Net incomes per peasant reach 4065 yuan. Lin Fen City is big cities of the Shanxi agriculture. Be that important North China area grain cotton produces a base , usually have "home of cotton wheat " and "fertile soil " good reputation. Whole city cultivated land always covers an area of 6,870,000 mus , abound in wheat , cotton , maize , millet , tobacco leaf , watermelon etc., total grain output accounts for about 15% of whole province , wheats among them account for more than 35% of whole province. In 2007, total grain output reaches 1,720,000,000 kilograms. Two mountain dry and fresh fruits breeds are many from east to west , output is big , forest animal husbandry is relatively developed, have 115 agricultural products to gain country green attestation. The enterprise agricultural industrialization develop rapidly , 5 million yuan the above farm and sideline products of annual income from sales of products are processed reaches 49 family. ? ? Lin Fen City is big cities of the Shanxi mineral. Already ascertain that the ore grows 38 kinds. Coal resources covers an area of 15,400 square kilometers be to famous , store most , account for 75% of area territory is general , general reserves take up a whole province 96 billion tons, , at present the coal seam is thick , hide a tray , easy to exploit, be one of the whole nation three big high grade coking coal base. Raw coal output takes up a whole province 8%, wash clean coal output taking up a whole province 12%, machine coke output takes up a whole province 36%. The iron mine is second big mineral resources of Lin Fen City , 420 million tons of reserves , the enriched ore accounts for more than 70% of whole province , pig iron output takes up a whole province 43%. Resource such as marble , gupse can't occupy location important in the whole province. ? ? Lin Fen City is big cities of the Shanxi culture-oriented travel. Source of having the human civilization taking that the acient Ding Cun human being ruin waits as representative , source of taking earthenware temple ruin , Yao temple , Yao mausoleum etc. as the Chinese civilization representing, the marquis grave waits for "three source " culture of source of being that three Shanxi Province of representative is civilized with Shanxi Province connotation. Cultural relic resource Shanxi accounts for 70% of the whole nation all quantity on the ground Yuan Dynasty previously , Lin Fen City accounts for 30% of Shanxi. Now have more than 3,000 country 4 As level scenic spot 3 places , all of the various levels preservation of cultural relics units 28 among them state-class places , 67 step of province places. The kettle mouth waterfall , scenic spots such as Hong Dong county big Chinese scholartree , Yao temple enjoy high reputation in home and abroad. Nonmaterial culture great variety, have cattail prefecture watchman's clapper , awe-inspiring various folk art forms such as gong and drum , dough modelling , paper-cut , straw plaited article , puppet , shadow play , Ping Yang county block New Year pictures, is praised for home of "home of plum blossom " ", home of paper-cut " and "gong and drum ". Lin Fen City is big cities of the Shanxi opening to the outside world. Field place Taiyuan , Zhengzhou , three Xi'an provincial capital cities link a midpoint , geographic advantages is outstanding , traffic communication is convenient and rapid. Same Pu Tie Lu passes through from north to south , Hou Xi , Hou Yue railroad traverse through a thing, equal express highways of Han deliver grand fortune , Shanxi Province converging there is an hour vehicle Cheng in downtown area hereof, only from the airport. The whole city length of highways on operation reaches 13,000 kilometres , highway density reaches 64%. Fixation and cellular phone reach more than 2,200,000 , penetration rates are 52%. What be had jurisdiction over Hou Ma City is one of the whole nation five big logistics places of strategic importance , owning bonded logistics area , customhouse , merchant inspect up the commerce and trade platform waiting to go straight to abroad, is "dry North China area dock ". At present, Lin Fen City has built economy and trade cooperation relation already with more than 100 country and region , the product has exported to 80 countries and regions , close about 2 years has attracted foreign funds amounting to more than 15,000,000,000 yuan. Lin Fen City is judged for Chinese charm in 2008, middle-sized and small cities. Antiquited ? ? Lin Fen City is fresh with out vigorous lease of life , Lin Fen City people industrious and brave, being traveling day and night , advances triumphantly on magnificent positive new of pleasant , harmonious safe and sound , groundless clear gas Lin Fen City journey building science development , the environment. Shanxi Lin Fen City snack: Ball face , dog's meat chafing dish, are also very well-known


My hometown is Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province, located at the southwest end of Shanxi Province. There is no beautiful West Lake in the south of the Yangtze River and no myriad customs in Rio. There is a different scenery.


"West Garden" is a big park in Yuncheng, which is also a major feature of Yuncheng, especially in spring. As soon as you enter the "West Garden", you can see the peach blossoms on both sides of the road. Each one is so pink, just like little girls smeared with rouge. They look more moving against the light green leaves.


The beautiful Nanfeng square is also a great beauty of Yuncheng. Stepping into the south wind square, the grass is like grass and the flowers are like brocade; The land is vast and the sky is far away. It is refreshing and pleasant. I love my hometown Yuncheng. Welcome friends from all over the world to visit Yuncheng!


楼上的那位用的是在线翻译吧?丸子面怎么会是“ball face??”


The Foshan Eight Scenic Spots,including the Xiqiao Mountain ,the Foshan Ancestral Temple,the Qinghui Garden, the Ancient Nanfeng Kiln,the World of Flowers,the Lotus World,the Zhaomu Mountain,the Nanguo Peach Garden .

Team Pinnacle (Nanhai county Hill) ancestral temple also widely believed (Foshan ancestral temple) Yuk Sau Ching Fai (Shunde Ching Fai Park) ancient stoves Heritage (Nam Fung Shan Cheng ancient stoves) 1,200 -- (Shunde flower world) Yunshui Lotus (formerly Lotus World) soap screen reach the clouds (smart soap screen hill) south Yuen (Nanhainan States Taoyuan)

西樵叠翠(南海西樵山)Team Pinnacle (Nanhai county Hill) 祖庙圣域(佛山祖庙)ancestral temple also widely believed (Foshan ancestral temple) 清晖毓秀(顺德清晖园)Yuk Sau Ching Fai (Shunde Ching Fai Park) 南国桃源(南海南国桃园)south Yuen (Nanhainan States Taoyuan) 古灶薪传(禅城南风古灶) ancient stoves Heritage (Nam Fung Shan Cheng ancient stoves) 花海奇观(顺德花卉世界)Shunde flower world 云水荷香(三水荷花世界)Yunshui Lotus (formerly Lotus World) 皂幕凌云(高明皂幕山) soap screen reach the clouds (gaoming smart soap screen hill) Buses Only 只准公共汽车通过 Wet Paint 油漆未干 Danger 危险 Lost and Found 失物招领处 Give Way 快车先行 Safety First 安全第一 Filling Station 加油站 No Smoking 禁止吸烟 No Photos 请勿拍照 No Visitors 游人止步 No Entry 禁止入内 No Admittance 闲人免进 No Honking 禁止鸣喇叭 Parting 停车处 Toll Free 免费通行 Admission Free免费入场 Bike Park(ing) 自行车存车处 Children and Women First 妇女、儿童优先 Save Food 节约粮食 Save Energy 节约能源 Handle with Care 小心轻放 Dogs Not Allowed 禁止携犬入内 Keep Away From Fire 切勿近火 Reduced Speed Now 减速行驶 Road Up. Detour 马路施工,请绕行 Keep Top Side Up 请勿倒立 Take Care Not to Leave Things Behind 当心不要丢失东西 Please Return the Back After Use 用毕放回架上 Luggage Depository 行李存放处 你是沧江中学学生吧!

The Temple of the Ancestors (Foshan Zumiao) dates originally from the second half of the 11th C, and was restored in 1372 following a fire. It is dedicated to the God of the North, Ruler of the Waters. Although the Chinese name ''Zumiao'' means ''Temple of the Ancestors'', this simply indicates that it is the oldest temple in town, "the ancestor of temples". The rich ceiling decoration with many figures is its most interesting feature. The complex covers an area of 3000sq.m/32,300sq.ft and includes the following buildings: the portico (Qian Dian), the main hall (Zheng Dian), the Festival Hall of Truth (Qingzhen Lou), the Pond of Scented Brocade (Jinxiang Chi) and the Theatre of a Thousand Good Fortunes (Wanfu Tai) which is decorated with gilded carvings


Fold on the Milky wayYajiang sourceThe Yarlung Zangbo River Nantong Sieg Ma Jie yangzom song, the source for the Himalayas on the north slope of a series of glaciations, from west to East, through Xigaze, Tibet, Lhasa, Shannan, Nyingchi and four cities in 23 counties, has accepted Cameroon possession of cloth and Nianchu River, Lhasa River, Niyang River and main tributaries, cut at the eastern end of the Himalayan Mountains Luo Yu area, southward to the Indian sadiya, said the Brahmaputra River, flows into Bangladesh and renamed Jia wood of the Seine River. The river in Bangladesh goas Rondo near the city and Ganges RIver convergence, and finally into the India ocean to the bay of bengal. The river is mostly in the height of 3000 meters above sea level, is the highest in the world the Milky way.On the south side of the Yarlung Zangbo River stands the world highest, most young Himalayas, north of Mount Kailash and Nyainqentanglha mountains. Between the north and the South Valley in southern Tibet, Tibetan for "Rocca", meaning "southern". Guchi Chi from east to West broad Dihuan zone, the Yarlung Zangbo River is quietly flowing in the valley. Consistent with the valley of the Yarlung Zangbo River Basin landform, narrow, narrow and short. The largest length of the thing is about 1500 kilometers, while the maximum width of the north and south is only 290 kilometers.The source of the Brahmaputra River where? From the end of nineteenth Century, many domestic scholars have been to the Heyuan area. Because of the limitations of the conditions, the conclusion was very inconsistent. In 1975, Chinese Academy of Sciences organized Qinghai Tibet Plateau comprehensive scientific expedition again into the source region, finally proven Ma Jie yangzom music is the source of the Brahmaputra.The source of 5590 meters above sea level, Heyuan area is composed of Jie horse yangzom Qu and sink Zangbo river. The source of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers Ma Jie central Zong glacier, linen GA glacier, ang if glacier, a color fruit ice, constitute a huge solid reservoir. As the glaciers retreat into large area moraine, shallow valley with a "U" shape. After measurement, whether the basin area, river length or traffic, the main source of the main stream of the main. Ma Jie Qu yangzom Bingfeng forest, embrace the valley. The thrill of climbing above, the rising clouds, like the transparent camlet gently fluttering in the air.The shallow water of the river upstreamFrom the main source Ma Jie yangzom song to Zi for upstream, 268 kilometers in length, catchment area 26570 square kilometers, wide valley of 1-10 km, the annual flow of the river width only 30 to 40 meters, lack of depth 1 m, the river clear. In a confluence of mulberry wood south of source sink Zangbo said Ma Quan, east to saga County in uzbekistan.The upper section of the waterway twists and turns scattered, dotted Hutang, the water is very shallow, clear. The lush grass on both sides of the valley, during the bloom season, very beautiful and pleasing to the eye. Here sparsely populated, is the land of idyllic beauty of wild animal. Qunju wild yak, often with hundreds of foraging near the snow line. Good at running the Tibetan antelope, blue sheep everywhere. In addition, Tibetan wild ass, used the jackal, fox plateau, snow leopard, Pika and marmot some rare animals in the valley leisurely and peaceful coexistence. Ma Quan River Valley is also home to a number of rare birds can be viewed. Clear water, fine cruising with many unique fish scales on the plateau.Numerous tributaries of the riverIn Zi, the Lazi, Xigaze, Qushui, Zetang to mainling County, the village school for the middle section, 134 kilometers in length, numerous tributaries, the catchment area of 163951 square kilometers. The middle reaches of the valley width and white, a bunch of them, like beads. In this section, the bottom width of 2~8 km, a floodplain, also have high out of the water 10~20 meters terrace. Flat water, the average gradient of river below 1 per thousand. In the canyon, the valley was "V" type, both sides of the mountain steep valley, 50~100 meters wide, fast flowing. Create favorable conditions for the width and white river valley hydropower resources development.Middle reaches of the river brings together the chief tributary of the Yarlung Zangbo River, abundant water, the river is wide and deep, to the plateau shipping provides favorable conditions. Kayak and canoe from the West Lazi, pass to the east of the Zetang, about 400 kilometers is the world's highest navigable. From the tributaries of the Lhasa River, Shigatse and other river valleys, the altitude is below 4100 meters, the general wide 2~3 km or 6~7 km, long, up to tens of kilometers. Where abundant sunshine, good irrigation condition, frost free period of 120 to 150 days, densely populated, is Tibet's most important, the richest agricultural region, known as the Tibetan "granary," said. Crops to wheat, barley, potato.Downstream of the canyonFrom mainling County Township sent to Pakistan in the past card is near the Yarlung Zangbo River on the downstream section, 496 km long river, watershed area 49959 square kilometers. Torrential river water from the vicinity of the mainling county dragon began to gradually break to the Northeast flow and sent Xiang Zhuan for north east direction, import to Palongzangbu flash ash turns sharply south flow, into the continuous narrow canyon. After the Pakistan past card into India. Turn on both sides of the top, with an altitude of 7151 meters and 7756 meters of Gallas and white barrier at namjagbarwa. From Namjagbarwa to Yarlung Zangbo River water vertical high amounted to 71 meters can be referred to as the world on cutting the deepest canyon, which is famous of the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon. Here the narrow river, river beach reef Qibu, river flow waves, rumbling noise, spectacular.地上天河雅江源头雅鲁藏布江上源为杰马央宗曲,源出于喜马拉雅山中段北坡的一系列冰川,由西向东,穿行西藏日喀则、拉萨、山南、林芝四个地市23个县,先后接纳喀藏布、年楚河、拉萨河、尼洋河等主要支流后,切过喜马拉雅山脉东端的洛渝地区,向南流入印度的萨地亚,称布拉马普特拉河,流入孟加拉国后又改称贾木纳河。河水在孟加拉国戈阿隆多市附近与恒河汇合,最后注入印度洋的孟加拉湾。雅鲁藏布江河床高度大都在海拔3000米以上,是世界上最高的天河。雅鲁藏布江的南面耸立着世界上最高、最年轻的喜马拉雅山,北面为冈底斯山和念青唐古拉山脉。南北之间为藏南谷地,藏语称之为“罗卡”,意为“南方”,谷地呈一东西走向的宽阔低缓地带,雅鲁藏布江就静静地流淌在这一谷地里。与谷地的地貌相一致,雅鲁藏布江流域东西狭长,南北窄短。东西最大长度约1500千米,而南北最大宽度只有290千米。 雅鲁藏布江的源头在哪里?从19世纪末开始,不少国内学者就曾前往河源区考察。由于当时条件的限制,结论很不一致。1975年,中国科学院组织了青藏高原综合科学考察队再次进入河源区,终于探明杰马央宗曲为雅鲁藏布江的正源。源头海拔5590米,河源区由杰马央宗曲和库比藏布两河组成。在两河源头有杰马央宗冰川、夏布嘎冰川、昂若冰川、阿色甲果冰川等,构成了巨大的固体水库。由于冰川退缩成大面积冰碛物,谷地呈浅“U”形。经测量,无论是流域面积、河长还是流量,杰马央宗曲均应为主源。杰马央宗曲冰峰林立,拥抱着谷地。冰峰上面,冉冉升起的云雾,像透明的羽纱在半空中轻轻地飘动。水浅河清的上游从主源杰马央宗曲至里孜为上游段,全长268千米,集水面积26570平方千米,河谷宽达1~10千米,常年有水流的河道宽仅30~40米,水深不足1米,河水清澈。在桑木张汇合南源库比藏布后称马泉,向东流到萨噶县的里孜。整个上游段水道曲折分散,湖塘星罗棋布,水很浅,清澈见底。河谷两侧草类茂盛,每逢花开时节,显得分外艳丽悦目。这里人烟稀少,却是野生动物的世外桃源。性喜群居的野牦牛,往往结伴上百只在雪线附近觅食。善于奔跑的藏羚羊、岩羊等比比皆是。此外,藏野驴、藏豺、高原狐、雪豹、鼠兔和旱獭等一些珍贵动物在谷地悠然自得,和平共处。马泉河谷地还栖息着许多可供观赏的名贵鸟类。清澈的河水中,游弋着许多高原上特有的细鳞鱼。 支流众多的中游里孜以下,经拉孜、日喀则、曲水、泽当到米林县的派乡为中游段,全长1340千米,支流众多,集水面积163951平方千米。中游河谷宽窄相间,一束一放,犹如串珠。在宽谷段,谷底宽达2~8千米,有河漫滩,也有高出水面10~20米的阶地。水流平缓,河道平均坡降1‰以下。在峡谷段,河谷呈“V”型,两岸山体陡峻,谷底宽50~100米,水流湍急。宽窄相间的河谷为水能资源开发创造了有利条件。中游河段汇集了雅鲁藏布江的主要支流,水量充沛,江宽水深,为高原航运提供了有利条件。皮船和木船可以从西边的拉孜,通至东边的泽当,长约400千米,是世界上最高的通航河段。由支流冲积的拉萨、日喀则等河谷平原,海拔都在4100米以下,一般宽2~3千米或6~7千米,长可达数十千米。这里日照充足,灌溉条件好,无霜期120~150天,人烟稠密,是西藏最重要、最富庶的农业区,素有西藏“粮仓”之称。作物以青稞、马铃薯、小麦为主。峡谷密布的下游从米林县的派乡到巴昔卡附近是雅鲁藏布江的下游段,河长496千米,集水面积49959平方千米。滔滔江水从米林县里龙附近开始逐渐折向东北流,经派乡转为北东流向,至帕隆藏布汇入后,骤灰急转南流,进入连续的高山峡谷段,经巴昔卡流入印度。在大拐弯顶部两侧,有海拔7151米和7756米的加拉白垒峰和南迦巴瓦峰。从南迦巴瓦峰到雅鲁藏布江水面垂直高差达7100米,可称为世界上切割最深的峡谷,这便是著名的雅鲁藏布大峡谷。这里江面狭窄,河床滩礁棋布,江水流急浪高,响声隆隆,蔚为壮观。

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故宫,意为过去的皇宫,就是过去人们常说的紫禁城,位于北京市中心。故宫建成于明永乐十八年(1420年),占地72万平方米,建筑面积16万平方米,有宫殿建筑9000多间,是中国乃至世界现存最大最完整的古代宫殿建筑群。Imperial Palace, Italy for past imperial palace, was Forbidden City which the past people often said that located at Beijing town center. the Imperial Palace completed the bright Yunglo 18 years in (in 1420), occupied a land area of 720,000 square meters, the floor space 160,000 square meters, had the palace to construct more than 9000, was Chinese and even the world extant most greatly most complete ancient times palace architectural complex.

江西有许多很好玩的旅游景点There are many interesting tourist attractions in Jiangxi.江西有许多很好玩的旅游景点There are many interesting tourist attractions in Jiangxi.



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyu/9583.html发布于 2024-09-18
