

小思 2024-09-18 44
可爱的反义词用英语摘要: 可爱的反义词用英语怎么说【词目】可爱  【拼音】kěài  【近义词】乖巧、漂亮  【反义词】丑陋、讨厌、可恶  【英语】[respectedandbeloved;respec...


【词目】可爱  【拼音】kěài  【近义词】乖巧、漂亮  【反义词】丑陋、讨厌、可恶  【英语】[respectedandbeloved;respectable;lovable;lovely;likable、  【五笔】可:sk爱:epdc可爱:skep  【基本释义】  ①天真无邪  ②令人喜爱。  ③使人敬爱详细解释  含义  ①天真无邪  ②令人喜爱。  ③形容心灵单纯的意思。  ④单纯有点幼稚却富有爱心。


cute释义:可爱的;聪明的,精明的,伶俐的;漂亮的。那么你知道cute的 反义词 是什么吗?以下是我为大家整理的cute的英语知识,欢迎大家一起学习。

lousy:  sick;   nauseous

You lousy cheat!


I've never seen such lousy things before.


My backhand is lousy.


The lousy food upsets my stomach.


The city is lousy with perverts.


In August the place is lousy with tourists.


Isn't she a cute baby!


Leila kept smiling her outrageously cute smile.


It was cute of you to spot that.


Listen, if you drop the cute act and ask me honestly, I'll tell you the truth.


The baby is plump and very cute. 那个婴儿白白胖胖的,十分可爱。

At first, I just wanna have a date with her, but then I found out she was such acute girl. 他的意思就是:刚开始的时候,我就只是想和她约会看看,但后来我发现她可真是个可爱的女孩。

If you like someone because he or she is "cute", then it's probably not worth it toask a person out biased on this assumption. 如果你喜欢一个人是因为他或她很可爱,那么,凭借对这一假设的偏见就出去约会似乎不太值得。

We love the cute lashes on the snow lady though her outfit seems to be a little“revealing”. 虽然这位雪人女士的穿着有一点暴露,但我们喜欢她脸上那可爱的睫毛。

Check the cute stuff at the office door. If a coworker overhears you exchangingendearments like “Honey Bear” and “Lovey Pumpkin,” you'll never hear the endof it. 在办公室的门口检查一些可爱的小屋。如果一个同事无意中听到你交换亲爱的表示,像“蜜熊”和“宝贝南瓜”,你将会以后都听的到。

The piece is really cute? you can just imagine a little donkey ambling along a country road with its master? 曲子写的很好,你可以想象一头可爱的小驴和它的主人漫步在乡间小路上的情景。

I look very cute. 我看上去很可爱。

They are around all the time, they trust you, you trust them, their cute enough,they are a good friend.. 他们总是陪着你,信任你,你也信任他们,他们够可爱,他们是那么好的朋友。。。

OK, look at her postures, is she very cute? 好的。看她的姿势,是不是很可爱呢?

The ones he liked were of two cute boys, their faces visible, some of theirclothing still on—a T-shirt, or maybe their jeans, pulled down—kissing or about tokiss. 他喜欢的照片是那种两个可爱的男孩,要有看得清的脸,有些还穿着衣服——T恤衫,或许牛仔裤被拉了下来,他们正在或将要亲吻。

I nicknamed her Cute Girl. 我把她称作可爱女孩。

Talk to that cute girl on the bus. 与在车站的那个可爱女孩谈话。

That cute girl (or boy) won’t eat you if you screw up this date. 那个可爱的女孩(男孩)又不会吃了你如果你搞砸了这次约会。

I love great icons and cute icons can really add depth and sparkle to a otherwisebland design. 我喜欢好的图标,可爱的图标的确能为一个平淡的设计带来层次和亮点。

I loved the cute little button that let me quickly open new tabs and the way sheshowed me thumbnails of my favorite sites; I didn't even have to ask. 我超喜欢她那可爱的小按钮,就是那些可以让我快速打开新标签的小加号(+)。我甚至都不用告诉她,她就会自动显示我最常去站点的缩略图。

Your child is so cute. 你的孩子真是可爱。

Even if an article of clothing is very cute, but still seems overpriced for the fabricquality -- it is. 虽然一件衣服非常可爱,但是也会由于它的纤维质地而觉得价格过高。

This morning I was writing at my favorite coffee shop when a cute Latin womanwith big, bright eyes and rosy cheeks sat down at the table across from me. 今天上午,我在我最喜欢的咖啡馆写作时,一个可爱的拉丁女子坐在了我的对面。 她有着一双明亮的眼睛和红润的面庞。

Not only were there cute wooden chairs and traditional flowery costumesdecorating the walls, but the waitstaff changed the music from Snoop Dogg toChinese folk music while we were eating. 不只是因为可爱的木椅和用传统华丽的服饰装饰的墙壁,还有在我们就餐时服务指挥者把音乐从史努比狗狗变换到中国民间音乐。

Ionly wanted to give them to all the cute girls, but you had to give them toeverybody back then. 我只想把东西送给所有可爱的姑娘,但是那时不得不送给每一个人。


1. agreeable反义词有那些

2. adequate的反义词有那些

3. 笑容满面的反义词有哪些 4. advantage的反义词 5. 有关淡然的近义词和反义词



【词目】可爱   【拼音】 kě ài   【近义词】乖巧、漂亮   【反义词】丑陋、讨厌、可恶   【英语】[respected and beloved;respectable;lovable;lovely;likable、   【五笔】可:SK 爱:EPDC 可爱:SKEP   【基本释义】   ①天真无邪   ②令人喜爱。   ③使人敬爱 详细解释  含义   ①天真无邪   ②令人喜爱。   ③形容心灵单纯的意思。   ④ 单纯有点幼稚却富有爱心。


虚伪,恶心 应该都可以



反义词厌烦 可恨 可恶 可憎 讨厌可爱 [kě ài] 生词本基本释义 详细释义 1.令人敬爱的 2.令人喜爱的,讨人喜欢的,深受热爱的近反义词反义词厌烦 可恨 可恶 可憎 讨厌百科释义天真无邪,令人喜爱,形容心灵单纯的意思。多用来形容儿童或动物,有的阳光型大男孩或者妙龄少女也可用可爱形容,令人发笑快乐而产生喜爱之情的也可以用可爱来形容。较少用来形容成年人或老年人,有时也用来形容宠物动物,很多图片也可用可爱形容。可爱在某一方面也可指“憨”。可爱也可指心灵美的,天真的小孩或拥有童心的老顽童。查看百科英文翻译Lovely

cute释义:可爱的;聪明的,精明的,伶俐的;漂亮的。那么你知道cute的 反义词 是什么吗?以下是我为大家整理的cute的英语知识,欢迎大家一起学习。

lousy:  sick;   nauseous

You lousy cheat!


I've never seen such lousy things before.


My backhand is lousy.


The lousy food upsets my stomach.


The city is lousy with perverts.


In August the place is lousy with tourists.


Isn't she a cute baby!


Leila kept smiling her outrageously cute smile.


It was cute of you to spot that.


Listen, if you drop the cute act and ask me honestly, I'll tell you the truth.


The baby is plump and very cute. 那个婴儿白白胖胖的,十分可爱。

At first, I just wanna have a date with her, but then I found out she was such acute girl. 他的意思就是:刚开始的时候,我就只是想和她约会看看,但后来我发现她可真是个可爱的女孩。

If you like someone because he or she is "cute", then it's probably not worth it toask a person out biased on this assumption. 如果你喜欢一个人是因为他或她很可爱,那么,凭借对这一假设的偏见就出去约会似乎不太值得。

We love the cute lashes on the snow lady though her outfit seems to be a little“revealing”. 虽然这位雪人女士的穿着有一点暴露,但我们喜欢她脸上那可爱的睫毛。

Check the cute stuff at the office door. If a coworker overhears you exchangingendearments like “Honey Bear” and “Lovey Pumpkin,” you'll never hear the endof it. 在办公室的门口检查一些可爱的小屋。如果一个同事无意中听到你交换亲爱的表示,像“蜜熊”和“宝贝南瓜”,你将会以后都听的到。

The piece is really cute? you can just imagine a little donkey ambling along a country road with its master? 曲子写的很好,你可以想象一头可爱的小驴和它的主人漫步在乡间小路上的情景。

I look very cute. 我看上去很可爱。

They are around all the time, they trust you, you trust them, their cute enough,they are a good friend.. 他们总是陪着你,信任你,你也信任他们,他们够可爱,他们是那么好的朋友。。。

OK, look at her postures, is she very cute? 好的。看她的姿势,是不是很可爱呢?

The ones he liked were of two cute boys, their faces visible, some of theirclothing still on—a T-shirt, or maybe their jeans, pulled down—kissing or about tokiss. 他喜欢的照片是那种两个可爱的男孩,要有看得清的脸,有些还穿着衣服——T恤衫,或许牛仔裤被拉了下来,他们正在或将要亲吻。

I nicknamed her Cute Girl. 我把她称作可爱女孩。

Talk to that cute girl on the bus. 与在车站的那个可爱女孩谈话。

That cute girl (or boy) won’t eat you if you screw up this date. 那个可爱的女孩(男孩)又不会吃了你如果你搞砸了这次约会。

I love great icons and cute icons can really add depth and sparkle to a otherwisebland design. 我喜欢好的图标,可爱的图标的确能为一个平淡的设计带来层次和亮点。

I loved the cute little button that let me quickly open new tabs and the way sheshowed me thumbnails of my favorite sites; I didn't even have to ask. 我超喜欢她那可爱的小按钮,就是那些可以让我快速打开新标签的小加号(+)。我甚至都不用告诉她,她就会自动显示我最常去站点的缩略图。

Your child is so cute. 你的孩子真是可爱。

Even if an article of clothing is very cute, but still seems overpriced for the fabricquality -- it is. 虽然一件衣服非常可爱,但是也会由于它的纤维质地而觉得价格过高。

This morning I was writing at my favorite coffee shop when a cute Latin womanwith big, bright eyes and rosy cheeks sat down at the table across from me. 今天上午,我在我最喜欢的咖啡馆写作时,一个可爱的拉丁女子坐在了我的对面。 她有着一双明亮的眼睛和红润的面庞。

Not only were there cute wooden chairs and traditional flowery costumesdecorating the walls, but the waitstaff changed the music from Snoop Dogg toChinese folk music while we were eating. 不只是因为可爱的木椅和用传统华丽的服饰装饰的墙壁,还有在我们就餐时服务指挥者把音乐从史努比狗狗变换到中国民间音乐。

Ionly wanted to give them to all the cute girls, but you had to give them toeverybody back then. 我只想把东西送给所有可爱的姑娘,但是那时不得不送给每一个人。


1. agreeable反义词有那些

2. adequate的反义词有那些

3. 笑容满面的反义词有哪些 4. advantage的反义词 5. 有关淡然的近义词和反义词

【词目】可爱  【拼音】kěài  【近义词】乖巧、漂亮  【反义词】丑陋、讨厌、可恶  【英语】[respectedandbeloved;respectable;lovable;lovely;likable、  【五笔】可:sk爱:epdc可爱:skep  【基本释义】  ①天真无邪  ②令人喜爱。  ③使人敬爱详细解释  含义  ①天真无邪  ②令人喜爱。  ③形容心灵单纯的意思。  ④单纯有点幼稚却富有爱心。




【词目】可爱 【拼音】 kě ài 【近义词】乖巧、漂亮 【反义词】丑陋、讨厌、可恶 【英语】[respected and beloved;respectable;lovable;lovely;likable、 【五笔】可:SK 爱:EPDC 可爱:SKEP 【基本释义】 ①天真无邪 ②令人喜爱。 ③使人敬爱 详细解释含义 ①天真无邪 ②令人喜爱。 ③形容心灵单纯的意思。 ④ 单纯有点幼稚却富有爱心。



反义词厌烦 可恨 可恶 可憎 讨厌可爱 [kě ài] 生词本基本释义 详细释义 1.令人敬爱的 2.令人喜爱的,讨人喜欢的,深受热爱的近反义词反义词厌烦 可恨 可恶 可憎 讨厌百科释义天真无邪,令人喜爱,形容心灵单纯的意思。多用来形容儿童或动物,有的阳光型大男孩或者妙龄少女也可用可爱形容,令人发笑快乐而产生喜爱之情的也可以用可爱来形容。较少用来形容成年人或老年人,有时也用来形容宠物动物,很多图片也可用可爱形容。可爱在某一方面也可指“憨”。可爱也可指心灵美的,天真的小孩或拥有童心的老顽童。查看百科英文翻译Lovely




作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyu/8007.html发布于 2024-09-18
