1、“拙政园”的英语翻译:Humble Administrator Garden
例句:The western part of the Humble Administrator's Garden is only half the
size of the central part, and is also an area of mainly water scenery.
2、“虎丘”的英语翻译:Huqiu Scenic Area
3、“狮子林”的英语翻译:Lion Forest Garden
4、“寒山寺”的英语翻译:Hanshan Temple
例句:Many foreigners now go to Hanshan Temple to celebrate Chinese New Year.
苏州市虎丘区Huqiu District, Suzhou City苏州市虎丘区Huqiu District, Suzhou City
拙政园Zhuozhengyuan Garden狮子林Lion Grove Garden寒山寺Hanshan Temple虎丘Tiger Hill
1、拙政园:Humble Administrator Garden
2、狮子林:Lion Forest Garden
3、沧浪亭:Pavilion of Surging Waves
4、留园:Lingering Garden
5、寒山寺:Hanshan Temple
Tiger Hill is an artificial hill and the burial place of He Lu.Regarded as the founder of Suzhou (in the 6th century BC ) he isbelieved to be protected by a white tiger which came to visit thegrave. Tiger Hill is famous for its scenery and popular withtourists. The brick leaning Cloud Rock Pagoda (built in the 10thcentury AD) stands on the Hill. Other temples on the hill arecomposed with the Sword Pool and the Thousand Men Stone.Entitled as "the most famous place in Wuzhong", Tiger Hill, alsonamed "Surging Sea Hill", "Surging Sea Peak", is located at thenorthwest suburbs of Suzhou city, 3.5 kilometers from the ChangGate.Tiger Hill is 36 meters high, 630 meter in perimeter with a totalarea of 20 hectare (200,000 sqm). Formed about 150,000,000 yearsago, Tiger Hill's history can be traced back to 2500 years ago, thesame time with the ancient Suzhou city. It is recorded that it wasthe very place of the tomb of Wu King Helu in the Spring and AutumnPeriod (770 B.C-476 B.C). In 496 B.C., Wu King Helu died in the warbetween Wu Kingdom and Yue Kingdom, his son then buried him underthe Tiger Hill with his excellent sword.According to Records or the Historian, three days after the burialof Wu King Helu, people found a white tiger was squatting on thetomb, hence the name Tiger Hill.During the Eastern Jin dynasty, with a temple built on the hill,Tiger Hill changed into a Buddhism hill from the tomb of the kings.In successive dynasties, more and more architectures were added hereand with the change of the dynasties, Tiger Hill experienced therise and the fall endlessly during 2400 years, which leaves usnumerous relics of legacy of history. The ancient carving, thehorizontal inscribed boards, the couplets, the poems of thecelebrities, the various scenes, the paintings and the handwritings,the proses, so forth and so on, the whole reaches a seldom seenamount, that could be hardly found around the world.Su Dongpo, literary master of the Song dynasty once remarked, "It'sa thing for regret to visit Suzhou without seeing the Tiger Hill".So popular is the saying that the Hill becomes a must on theitinerary of every visitor to Suzhou.Broken Beam Hall: popularly know as "the Second Entrance Gate", wasfirst built in the Tang dynasty and rebuilt in 1338 during the Yuandynasty (1338.A.D). Its principal beam consists of two pieces ofround timbers, showing the skill and wisdom of the ancient Chinesearchitect and builders.Sword Testing Stone: It has a split within it, seeming to be cut bya sword. Legend goes that it was cracked by Helu, who tested all hisswords on the stone. According to legend, the king was buried with3,000 swords. And because all 1,000 builders were killed afterbuilding the tomb, the secret of the swords would not be revealed.Tiger Hill Pagoda: Also named Yunyan Temple Pagoda, the pagoda wasfirst built in the Sui dynasty (581-618) and rebuilt in 961 AD inthe Northern Song dynasty. It is the oldest pagoda in Suzhou. Builton an octagonal base, it is 47.5 meters high with 7 stories. From1638A.D, the pagoda began to lean aside and now the biggestobliquity reaches 3o59', known as China's Leaning Tower. With ahistory over 1000 years, the pagoda now is regarded as the symbol ofSuzhou city.Tomb of the True Lady: It is the tomb of Hu Ruizhen, a beautifullady of the late Tang dynasty. She was good at singing and verse andwhen the bad procuress forced her to ingratiate a visitor, shecommitted suicide by hanging herself. A pavilion was built by theside of the tomb in memory of the lady.
Suzhou huqiu is famous scenic spot, located in suzhou outside a only 30 meters high on a hill, as \"wuzhong first places of interest\" and celebrated. For two thousand five hundred years long history, the song dynasty giant su dongpo \"to suzhou huqiu is not swim regret!\" Thousands of words, make it drives become tourists to suzhou will swim land It drives, formerly known as HaiChong mountain, according to the records of the prince HeLv buried in this, legends buried three days after a \"crouching tiger on its\", the name. It drives is only covers an area of more than three hundred mu, the high mountain just over 30 meters but has a \"river QiuHe left the table\" demeanor, absolutely filled with loving rock song of the diversity, and nine of the scene is mostly 18 victories. The most famous is the tower of temple of hu qiuyun cliff and sword pool: towering tower of temple of hu qiuyun cliff has one thousand years of history, is the world's second Leaning Tower, male of of primitive simplicity, has long been the ancient symbol of suzhou; Sword deep pool's mysterious, buried a prince of HeLv burial riddle, and the beauty of the word of god to goose the legend, the wind YunQuan crane, a lingering hooked. Located in XiLu huqiu all the scene home collection Sue sent the essence of miniascape, borrow mountain of minarets, pleasantness picturesque; It drives reckoned vegetation cover, trees rich, formed a pleasant green microclimate, become to the paradise of the birds perched, each to autumn day, there are myriad herons plodded around the tower hovered, spectacular, become a special skill. Suzhou huqiu or folk important meeting place, according to, \"three city three\" history, scenic spot innovation launched the spring art show, show peony, tulips, Belgium cuckoo, a large number of lily flower of rare attractive charm, have high art taste; In contrast with flower will print is folk customs of rich golden temple fair, the emersion the magnificence of the tang, tells the north and south of the folk art programs blend, so visitors love, and now, a year two meetings has become a famous special tourism project is suzhou tourism hot spots. It drives with its unique glamour, to show people of a human resources and natural landscape perfect combination, including landscape, history with a beautiful picture scroll, is the humanity of the rare cultural treasures.
雅思辅导培训班比较好的有以下几个:1、新东方教育。这是国内规模最大和最具影响力的综合性教育集团,以语言培训为核心,集教育培训、教育产品研发、教育服务等于一体,拥有短期培训系统、基础教育系统、文化传播系统、科技产业系统、咨询服务系统等多个发展平台;不仅满足了大众多样化的教育需求,还为推动中国教育的进步与均衡发展做出了积极贡献。2、环球教育。环球教育是中国专注于提供海外留学语言培训的领先机构之一,致力于为年轻人提供从游学考察、考前培训、留学咨询直至模拟课堂的一站式服务;旗下拥有300余家教学中心,遍布中国200多个城市,累计为60余万名学员提供雅思、托福、SAT等出国考试培训及配套服务。3、新航道。新航道雅思培训机构创办于2004年,美国国际数据集团(IDG)和美国Kaplan国际教育集团参与战略投资,下辖培训学校、留学咨询公司、美国AP课程服务中心、在线教育事业部、优加青少英语事业部、图书出版事业部、加盟事业部等分支机构。4、朗阁教育。朗阁已经发展成为拥有六大品牌的多语种培训机构,如“朗阁培训”包括雅思、新托福、新SAT等海外考试语言培训;“智美教育”提供美国国际升学考试培训及留美解决方案;“欧风小语种”专注德法西意等欧系语言定制培训课程;“日韩道”提供日韩语培训等。5、学为贵教育。学为贵教育汇集了海内外语言教育精英,创立GETS英语真经教学体系,其服务涵盖雅思、托福、GMAT、SAT、青少英语、四六级等英语培训及出国留学服务,是雅思考试官方白金级合作伙伴及托福联盟项目成员。多年学术沉淀,上百本原创英语教材;多款移动App提供个性化、互动化、智能化的学习体验;旗下英澳新留学免申请费+奖学金模式广受好评。以上内容参考 百度百科——新东方以上内容参考 百度百科——新航道以上内容参考 百度百科——学为贵以上内容参考 百度百科——朗格教育以上内容参考 百度百科——环球教育
成人高等学校招生全国统一考试(Adult university entrance exam)简称成人高考,是我国成人高等学校选拔合格的毕业生以进入更高层次学历教育的入学考试,属于国民教育系列教育,已经列入国家招生计划。
最新十大少儿英语培训机构排名,哪家好? 说到这个,我可算是经验丰富,毕竟为了让孩子上个适合又好的英语补习班,我可不少走歪路了!刚开始的时候,不知道天高地厚,看到宣传广告好的就去上课,却发现试听课跟正式上课的老师不同,或者是外教并不是固定等等问题。 于是,再找的时候就很关注一些问题,也看了很多宝妈的们的推荐,就觉得找英语辅导班,并不一定要看排名,因为排名也有可能是刷上去的,看外教、课程还有价格这三点很重要。 现在的英语学习班,都有免费的体验课程,我家小孩报的就有,分享一下给大家吧:【免费试听】试听课,是机构的检验石,不上都不知道是否适合小孩,外教怎么样。这点真的要去体验,不要害怕麻烦,还有就是外教是否有证,挂羊头卖狗肉的时候可多了!课程是否根据孩子的实际情况定制,是否一对一或者固定,价格是否在20-100之间,因为我们报的才是20左右一节课,效果很不错呢,就从这些方面对货比,就不容易踩坑了!