

小思 2024-09-18 42
静静地英文翻译摘要: 静静地的英文stealthilysilent安静地,它的英文是形容词quiet的副词,大家还知道怎么变形吗?下面是我给大家整理了安静地的英文翻译,供大家参阅!安静地的英...




安静地,它的英文是形容词quiet的副词,大家还知道怎么变形吗?下面是我给大家整理了安静地的英文翻译,供大家参阅!安静地的英文翻译 英 ['kwaɪətlɪ] 美 [ˈkwaɪətlɪ] quietly 安静地 quietly的英语例句 1. His most prized time, though, will be spent quietly on his farm. 不过,他最宝贵的时光将在自己的农场里平静地度过。 2. Quietly Mark poured and served drinks for all of them. 马克一声不响地给他们每人倒好饮料并端上来。 3. A lady always sits quietly with her hands in her lap. 淑女端坐时总是双手放在膝上,不发一言。 4. He quietly slipped away and left me to my tears. 他悄悄溜走了,独剩我一人落泪。 5. Herbert sat quietly through the telling of this saga. 在聆听这个长篇传奇 故事 时,赫伯特自始至终安静地坐着。 6. He lives quietly in the country in a village near Lahti. 他在拉赫蒂附近的一个乡村里过着平静的日子。 7. Nigel Deering, the publisher, is quietly confident about the magazine's chances. 出版商奈杰尔·迪林心中对这份杂志的成功很有把握。 8. Freddy speaks very quietly and pads around in soft velvet slippers. 弗蕾迪说话轻声细气,穿着柔软的天鹅绒拖鞋蹑手蹑脚地四处走动。 9. Kelly swore quietly, looking at the deep cut on his left hand. 凯利看着自己左手上深深的伤口,嘴里暗骂了一句。 10. The raft bobbed along more quietly. 小木筏更加平静地漂浮向前。 11. "This is goodbye, isn't it?" she said quietly. “这就算是告别了,是吗?”她轻轻地说。 12. Others were quietly tuning up their instruments. 其他人正静静地为他们的乐器调音。 13. Amy stood quietly in the doorway watching him. 埃米一言不发地站在门口看着他。 14. She's not going to go quietly. 她不会乖乖离开的。 15. I slipped away quietly. 我不声不响地溜走了。 安静地的双语例句 1. Herbert sat quietly through the telling of this saga. 在聆听这个长篇传奇故事时,赫伯特自始至终安静地坐着。 2. She carried on serenely sipping her gin and tonic. 她继续安静地小口抿着加奎宁水的杜松子酒。 3. They waited in silence and sucked their sweets. 他们安静地等着,嘴里咂着糖果。 4. The crowd listened in awed silence. 充满敬畏的人群安静地聆听。 5. The older three girls are still slumbering peacefully. 稍大的3个女孩还在安静地睡着。 6. Her son was lying peacefully on his back. 她儿子安静地仰面躺着。 7. The dog lay at rest absolutely immobile. 那条狗安静地躺着,纹丝不动. 8. The cow in the nearby field was still chewing placidly on its cud. 附近地里的牛仍在安静地反刍食物。 9. She wants to think things out quietly, so we had better leave her alone. 她要安静地考虑一下, 最好别打扰她. 10. We were just having a peaceful conversation when my neighbor pushed in without being asked. 我们正安静地谈话时,我们的邻居硬插进来打断了我们的谈话. 11. She replied to their angry question by calmly walking out of the room. 她安静地走出房间,以此作为对他们气冲冲提问的回答. 12. He listened in silence as Niccolini rattled on, emphasizing his remarks with one hand and steering with the other. 尼科利尼喋喋不休讲个不停,一只手比划着以示强调,另一只手握着方向盘,而他则安静地听着。 13. All babies need quiet times on their own and get grizzly if they've had too much stimulation. 婴儿都需要自己安静地呆一会儿,如果受到太多的刺激他们就会大声啼哭。 14. The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking. 不停的动乱和日常生活的平凡活动看来会阻碍或者至少会使人不能安静地集中思考. 15. I want to live in peace another few years, without any trouble. 我很想安静地活几年, 不愿意再找什么麻烦.

如果表达状态可以说成:in silence 例如 We eat in silence.我们静静地吃东西。














“静静”无疑是个女孩名,因此建议取谐音的女子名Jane。具体的名字含义如下:Jane读音:[dʒєn; dʒєin]音标音译: 珍,珍妮性别:女子名源自:希伯来语和法语涵意 : "God is gracious" 上帝是慈悲的;"girl" 少女变体:Jenny,Jeanne,Janet取名叫Jane的名人:最有名的应该是英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特名作《简爱》中女主人公,她相信美好爱情,坚持个性独立。比勃朗特更早一些的英国女作家奥斯汀(代表作《傲慢与偏见》)的大名也是Jane。

可以这样说I just look silently.


“静静”无疑是个女孩名,因此建议取谐音的女子名Jane。具体的名字含义如下:Jane读音:[dʒєn; dʒєin]音标音译: 珍,珍妮性别:女子名源自:希伯来语和法语涵意 : "God is gracious" 上帝是慈悲的;"girl" 少女变体:Jenny,Jeanne,Janet取名叫Jane的名人:最有名的应该是英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特名作《简爱》中女主人公,她相信美好爱情,坚持个性独立。比勃朗特更早一些的英国女作家奥斯汀(代表作《傲慢与偏见》)的大名也是Jane。

楼主问得有点模糊啊如果是叫人静一静 就是keep silent如果是安静 silent/quiet




quiet 英 [ˈkwaɪət] 美 [ˈkwaɪɪt]adj.清静的;僻静的;不起眼的;不激动的vt.& vi.安静下来,使…安静,平静vt.减轻(病痛、疑虑、恐惧等);[法律]确定(产权等)prep.克制的,稳重的,不张扬的n.宁静;寂静adv.安静地,平静地例句:She was received in a small, quiet office她在一个安静的小办公室里受到接待。I told them to be quiet and go to sleep我叫他们不要说话,马上睡觉。

quiet 读音 [ˈkwaɪɪt]

adj.    清静的;僻静的;不起眼的;不激动的

vt.& vi.    安静下来,使…安静,平静

vt.    减轻(病痛、疑虑、恐惧等);[法律]确定(产权等)

prep.    克制的,稳重的,不张扬的

n.    宁静;寂静

adv.    安静地,平静地


安静地,它的英文是形容词quiet的副词,大家还知道怎么变形吗?下面是我给大家整理了安静地的英文翻译,供大家参阅!安静地的英文翻译 英 ['kwaɪətlɪ] 美 [ˈkwaɪətlɪ] quietly 安静地 quietly的英语例句 1. His most prized time, though, will be spent quietly on his farm. 不过,他最宝贵的时光将在自己的农场里平静地度过。 2. Quietly Mark poured and served drinks for all of them. 马克一声不响地给他们每人倒好饮料并端上来。 3. A lady always sits quietly with her hands in her lap. 淑女端坐时总是双手放在膝上,不发一言。 4. He quietly slipped away and left me to my tears. 他悄悄溜走了,独剩我一人落泪。 5. Herbert sat quietly through the telling of this saga. 在聆听这个长篇传奇 故事 时,赫伯特自始至终安静地坐着。 6. He lives quietly in the country in a village near Lahti. 他在拉赫蒂附近的一个乡村里过着平静的日子。 7. Nigel Deering, the publisher, is quietly confident about the magazine's chances. 出版商奈杰尔·迪林心中对这份杂志的成功很有把握。 8. Freddy speaks very quietly and pads around in soft velvet slippers. 弗蕾迪说话轻声细气,穿着柔软的天鹅绒拖鞋蹑手蹑脚地四处走动。 9. Kelly swore quietly, looking at the deep cut on his left hand. 凯利看着自己左手上深深的伤口,嘴里暗骂了一句。 10. The raft bobbed along more quietly. 小木筏更加平静地漂浮向前。 11. "This is goodbye, isn't it?" she said quietly. “这就算是告别了,是吗?”她轻轻地说。 12. Others were quietly tuning up their instruments. 其他人正静静地为他们的乐器调音。 13. Amy stood quietly in the doorway watching him. 埃米一言不发地站在门口看着他。 14. She's not going to go quietly. 她不会乖乖离开的。 15. I slipped away quietly. 我不声不响地溜走了。 安静地的双语例句 1. Herbert sat quietly through the telling of this saga. 在聆听这个长篇传奇故事时,赫伯特自始至终安静地坐着。 2. She carried on serenely sipping her gin and tonic. 她继续安静地小口抿着加奎宁水的杜松子酒。 3. They waited in silence and sucked their sweets. 他们安静地等着,嘴里咂着糖果。 4. The crowd listened in awed silence. 充满敬畏的人群安静地聆听。 5. The older three girls are still slumbering peacefully. 稍大的3个女孩还在安静地睡着。 6. Her son was lying peacefully on his back. 她儿子安静地仰面躺着。 7. The dog lay at rest absolutely immobile. 那条狗安静地躺着,纹丝不动. 8. The cow in the nearby field was still chewing placidly on its cud. 附近地里的牛仍在安静地反刍食物。 9. She wants to think things out quietly, so we had better leave her alone. 她要安静地考虑一下, 最好别打扰她. 10. We were just having a peaceful conversation when my neighbor pushed in without being asked. 我们正安静地谈话时,我们的邻居硬插进来打断了我们的谈话. 11. She replied to their angry question by calmly walking out of the room. 她安静地走出房间,以此作为对他们气冲冲提问的回答. 12. He listened in silence as Niccolini rattled on, emphasizing his remarks with one hand and steering with the other. 尼科利尼喋喋不休讲个不停,一只手比划着以示强调,另一只手握着方向盘,而他则安静地听着。 13. All babies need quiet times on their own and get grizzly if they've had too much stimulation. 婴儿都需要自己安静地呆一会儿,如果受到太多的刺激他们就会大声啼哭。 14. The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking. 不停的动乱和日常生活的平凡活动看来会阻碍或者至少会使人不能安静地集中思考. 15. I want to live in peace another few years, without any trouble. 我很想安静地活几年, 不愿意再找什么麻烦.

quiet,发音 [ˈkwaɪɪt]


安静地,它的英文是形容词quiet的副词,大家还知道怎么变形吗?下面是我给大家整理了安静地的英文翻译,供大家参阅!安静地的英文翻译 英 ['kwaɪətlɪ] 美 [ˈkwaɪətlɪ] quietly 安静地 quietly的英语例句 1. His most prized time, though, will be spent quietly on his farm. 不过,他最宝贵的时光将在自己的农场里平静地度过。 2. Quietly Mark poured and served drinks for all of them. 马克一声不响地给他们每人倒好饮料并端上来。 3. A lady always sits quietly with her hands in her lap. 淑女端坐时总是双手放在膝上,不发一言。 4. He quietly slipped away and left me to my tears. 他悄悄溜走了,独剩我一人落泪。 5. Herbert sat quietly through the telling of this saga. 在聆听这个长篇传奇 故事 时,赫伯特自始至终安静地坐着。 6. He lives quietly in the country in a village near Lahti. 他在拉赫蒂附近的一个乡村里过着平静的日子。 7. Nigel Deering, the publisher, is quietly confident about the magazine's chances. 出版商奈杰尔·迪林心中对这份杂志的成功很有把握。 8. Freddy speaks very quietly and pads around in soft velvet slippers. 弗蕾迪说话轻声细气,穿着柔软的天鹅绒拖鞋蹑手蹑脚地四处走动。 9. Kelly swore quietly, looking at the deep cut on his left hand. 凯利看着自己左手上深深的伤口,嘴里暗骂了一句。 10. The raft bobbed along more quietly. 小木筏更加平静地漂浮向前。 11. "This is goodbye, isn't it?" she said quietly. “这就算是告别了,是吗?”她轻轻地说。 12. Others were quietly tuning up their instruments. 其他人正静静地为他们的乐器调音。 13. Amy stood quietly in the doorway watching him. 埃米一言不发地站在门口看着他。 14. She's not going to go quietly. 她不会乖乖离开的。 15. I slipped away quietly. 我不声不响地溜走了。 安静地的双语例句 1. Herbert sat quietly through the telling of this saga. 在聆听这个长篇传奇故事时,赫伯特自始至终安静地坐着。 2. She carried on serenely sipping her gin and tonic. 她继续安静地小口抿着加奎宁水的杜松子酒。 3. They waited in silence and sucked their sweets. 他们安静地等着,嘴里咂着糖果。 4. The crowd listened in awed silence. 充满敬畏的人群安静地聆听。 5. The older three girls are still slumbering peacefully. 稍大的3个女孩还在安静地睡着。 6. Her son was lying peacefully on his back. 她儿子安静地仰面躺着。 7. The dog lay at rest absolutely immobile. 那条狗安静地躺着,纹丝不动. 8. The cow in the nearby field was still chewing placidly on its cud. 附近地里的牛仍在安静地反刍食物。 9. She wants to think things out quietly, so we had better leave her alone. 她要安静地考虑一下, 最好别打扰她. 10. We were just having a peaceful conversation when my neighbor pushed in without being asked. 我们正安静地谈话时,我们的邻居硬插进来打断了我们的谈话. 11. She replied to their angry question by calmly walking out of the room. 她安静地走出房间,以此作为对他们气冲冲提问的回答. 12. He listened in silence as Niccolini rattled on, emphasizing his remarks with one hand and steering with the other. 尼科利尼喋喋不休讲个不停,一只手比划着以示强调,另一只手握着方向盘,而他则安静地听着。 13. All babies need quiet times on their own and get grizzly if they've had too much stimulation. 婴儿都需要自己安静地呆一会儿,如果受到太多的刺激他们就会大声啼哭。 14. The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking. 不停的动乱和日常生活的平凡活动看来会阻碍或者至少会使人不能安静地集中思考. 15. I want to live in peace another few years, without any trouble. 我很想安静地活几年, 不愿意再找什么麻烦.

英 ['kwaɪət]   美 ['kwaɪət]



你好,安静地:quietly. (quiet安静的+ly=quietly安静地)希望对你有用



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyu/5664.html发布于 2024-09-18
