

小思 09-18 6
经典英语故事100篇音频摘要: 英语故事100篇音频你好!英语小故事在两分钟内一般是儿童的小故事,可以在儿歌多多,英语小伴龙里面都可以!儿童英语故事(mp3格式)的我是在 惠天儿童有声故事网 下载...



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小学生就听整篇的文章故事或许有点小难度……不如去正规书店看看像疯狂英语 日常英语之类的碟片或者磁带……短小方便 容易接受 顺便练练口语 随着年级的升高 大家都不注重口语了 不如趁小练练 培养自信心也培养兴趣嘛~个人见解、希望帮到你哦~

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Ⅷ 儿童英文小故事MP3

Andy was a little boy. on his first day at school, he learned three words. I, you, and she. The teacher taught him how to make sentences with these words. the teacher said,:"i,i am your (pointing to a girl),she is your clas *** ate. you,you are my student." after supper,his dad asked,:"what have you learned at school?" andy said at once:"i,i am yuor teacher .she (pointing to his mom),she is your clas *** , you are my student."his got very angry and said,:"i,i am your (poining to his mom)she is yuor are my son." the next morning,the teacher asked andy to make sentences with the three word."ok"he said:"i, i am your (poining to a girl), she is your , you aremy son.

Ⅸ 哪里可以找到儿童英语小故事MP3下载最好能有翻译的谢谢!

唐代诗人高骈《山亭夏日》:绿树阴浓夏日长,楼台倒影入池塘,水精帘动微风起,满架蔷薇一院香。 宋代诗人王令《暑旱苦热》:清风无力屠得热,落日着翘飞上山,人困已惧江海竭,天岂不惜河汉干。 宋代诗人秦观《纳凉》:携扙来追柳外凉,画桥南畔倚胡床。月明船笛参差起,风定池莲自在香。 宋代诗人杨万里《夏夜追凉》:夜热依然午热同,开门小立月明中。竹深树宻虫鸣处,时有微凉只是风。 唐代诗人孟浩然《夏日南亭怀辛大》:山光忽西落,池月渐东上。散发乘夕凉,开轩卧闲敞。荷风送香气,竹露滴清响。欲取鸣琴弹,恨无知音赏。感此怀故人,中宵劳梦想。 宋代诗人苏舜钦《夏意》:别院深深夏席清,石榴开遍透帘明。树阴满地日当午,梦觉流莺时一声。南京 南宋诗人陆游《幽居初夏》:湖山胜处放翁家,槐树阴中野径斜。水满有时观下鹭,草深无处不鸣蛙。箨龙己过头番笋,木笔犹开第一花。叹息老来交旧尽,睡来谁共午瓯茶 描写夏天的古诗和描写夏天的名句 四月维夏,六月徂暑 徂:开始。 《诗经·小雅·四月》 首夏犹清和,芳草亦未歇 首夏:孟夏,农历四月。歇:盛及而衰。 南朝宋·谢灵运《游赤石进帆海》 丽景烛春余,清阴澄夏首 春余:春末。夏首:夏初。 南朝梁·王僧儒《侍宴》 麦随风里熟,梅逐雨中黄 北周·庾信《奉和夏日应令》 山光忽西落,池月渐东上。散发乘夕凉,开轩卧闲敞 写夏季傍晚日落、月上、乘凉之景。 唐·孟浩然《夏日南亭怀辛大》 小池残暑退,高树早凉归 唐·沈佺期《夏晚寓直省中》 仲夏苦夜短,开轩纳微凉 轩:窗。 唐·杜甫《夏夜叹》 绿阴生昼静,孤花表春余 孤花:一枝花。春余:春天剩余之景,时已至初夏。 唐·韦应物《游开元精舍》 残云收夏暑,新雨带秋岚 岚:雾气。 唐·岑参《水亭送华阴王少府还县》 夏半阴气始,淅然云景秋 夏半:夏季过半,农历五月半后。淅:风吹拂的样子。 唐·韩愈《送刘师服》 残暑蝉催尽,新秋雁带来 唐·白居易《宴散》 江南孟夏天,慈竹笋如编。蜃气为楼阁,蛙声作管弦 孟夏:初夏,指农历四月。慈竹:竹名,亦称子母竹。如编:象编排起来一样。蜃气:古人以为蜃(大蛤)吹气可成楼阁虚景,实际是光线穿过不同密度的空气,经过折射,把远景显现在空中的一种幻影,也称为海市蜃楼。管弦:形容蛙的鸣叫象奏乐一样。 唐·贾弇《孟夏》 岩溜喷空晴似雨,林萝碍日夏多寒 岩溜句:岩上的泉水瀑布,凌空进发,一片云烟,象是晴天挂起一幅雨帘。林萝句:林间藤萝缠绕,浓荫蔽日,使人在盛夏感到凉意。 唐·方干《题报恩寺上方》 绿树阴浓夏日长,楼台倒影入池塘。水晶帘动微风起,满架蔷盛一院香 水晶帘:形容映入水中的楼台倒影象水晶的帘子一样晶莹明澈。 唐·高骈《山亭夏日》 墙头雨细垂纤草,水面风回聚落花 唐·张蠙《夏日题老将林亭》 晴日暖风生麦气,绿阴幽草胜花时 麦气:麦收时的气息。花时:花开之时。 宋·王安石《初夏即事》 芳菲歇去何须恨,夏木阴阴正可人 芳菲:芳香的花草。可人:合人心意。 宋·秦观《三月晦日偶题》 风老莺雏,雨肥梅子,午阴嘉树清圆 嘉树:树的美称。意谓雏莺在和风中长大了,充足的雨水催肥了梅子,正午,树下形成了清凉的圆形树阴。 宋·周邦彦《满庭芳·夏景》 过雨荷花满院香,沈李浮瓜冰雪凉 沈李浮瓜:瓜果浸于寒水之中。 宋·李重元《忆王孙·夏词》 困人天气日初长 宋·朱淑真《即景》:“谢却海棠飞尽絮,困人天气日初长。” 日长篱落无人过,惟有蜻蜓蛱蝶飞 宋·范成大《四时田园杂兴》 清风破暑连三日 元·王挥《过沙沟店》 黄梅时节家家雨,青草池塘处处蛙 宋·赵师秀《有约》:“黄梅时节家家雨,青草池塘处处蛙。有约不来过夜半,闲敲棋子落灯花。” 纷纷红紫已成尘,布谷声中夏令新 红紫:泛指各色花朵。 宋·陆游《初夏绝句》:“纷纷红紫已成尘,布谷声中夏令新。夹路桑麻行不尽,始知身是太平人

Ⅹ 幼儿英语故事MP3








Midway Tactics

Three peting store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. Observers waited for mayhem to ensue.

The retailer on the right put up huge signs saying, "Gigantic Sale!" and "Super Bargains!"

The store on the left raised bigger signs proclaiming, "Prices Slashed!" and "Fantastic Discounts!"

The owner in the middle then prepared a large sign that simply stated, "ENTRANCE".






Very Pleased to Meet You

During World War II, a lot of young women in Britain were in the army. Joan Phillips was one of them. She worked in a big camp, and of course met a lot of men, officers and soldiers.

One evening she met Captain Humphreys at a dance. He said to her, "I‘m going abroad tomorrow, but I‘d be very happy if we could write to each other." Joan agreed, and they wrote for several months.

Then his letters stopped, but she received one from another officer, telling her that he had been wounded and was in a certain army hospital in England.

Joan went there and said to the matron, "I‘ve e to visit Captain Humphreys."

"Only relatives are allowed to visit patients here," the matron said.

"Oh, that‘s all right," answered Joan. "I‘m his sister."

"I‘m very pleased to meet you," the matron said, "I‘m his mother!"








Two Soldiers

Two soldiers were in camp. The first one‘s name was Gee, and the second one‘s name was Bill. Gee said, "have you got a piece of paper and an envelope, Bill?"

Bill said, "Yes, I have," and he gave them to him.

Then Gee said, "Now I haven‘t got a pen." Bill gave him his, and Gee wrote his letter. Then he put it in the envelope and said, "have you got a stamp, Bill?" Bill gave him one.

Then Bill got up and went to the door, so Gee said to him, "Are you going out?"

Bill Said, "Yes, I am," and he opened the door.

Gee said, "Please put my letter in the box in the office, and..." He stopped.

"What do you want now?" Bill said to him.

Gee looked at the envelope of his letter and answered, "What‘s your girl-friend‘s address?"











this is a glass of water, tasteless, right? however if you add sugar, it will taste sweet, but if you add vinegar, it will become bitter. the same is true with our life____ the flavor is created by our choices.

if kindness is added to a strange you will have a friend; but if hostility is added, you will have an enemy. if love is added to a pile of red bricks you will have a home, but if hatred is add to those bricks , you will have an concentration camp.

so my dear friends, never complain that life is boring and the world is disappointing. if don’t like the taste of your life, change the ingredients.

three year ago, i weighed more than 100 hundred kilograms which caused significant embarrassment and frustration in my life. like always failing my p.e examinations, like always being laughed at by girls, like being terrified to speak in public. it was my grandmother’s encouragement that revived from my passive attitude to become confident in myself. she said “ my dear, if you can’t change you figure, why not treat it as your own style. so i began to cautiously employ the new way of thinking. by choosing to change my outlook on life, i developed the confidence to make a difference and finally i found a totally new world.

so my dear friend, if faith, hope, love, endurance are added to your life, you will find the confidence to conquer your limitation and embrace new challenges. and hopefully with my speech included, you will have a fantastic speech contest.








In studying. When Qu Quan elders regardless of opposition, regardless of wind and rain, very cold, hid in the cave read "Book of Songs". After three years, he read the "Book of Songs" 305 articles, from these folk songs has absorbed rich nutrition, and finally became a great poet.

小时候,屈原不顾长辈的反对,不论刮风下雨,天寒地冻,躲到山洞里偷读《诗经》。经过整整三年,他熟读了《诗经》 305篇,从这些民歌民谣中吸收了丰富的营养,终于成为一位伟大诗人。


Assiduous. Steal light. The Western Han Dynasty, a very learned man, called Kuang Heng, Kuang Heng young was born in a poor family, in order to study, he drove a neighbor paper not home wall, borrow steal candlelight reading, this paper finally moved the neighbors did not know, in everyone's help, small Kuang Heng set. When the emperor, recommended by the great Sima, general of the van Shu Kuang Heng was sealed, doctor, Dr. moved.



By four, li Yang teacher recited aloud six grade exams, through their English level, successfully passed the College English test. Crazy English exercise by themselves, acquire a international muscle and learned fluent English, and constantly challenge themselves, to become excellent English announcer, and then set up Li Yang Crazy English company, let three hundred million Chinese speak fluent English, let China ring from all over the world. Mr. Li Yang has been Chinese English education devoted to their own light and heat. This is great, people admire, people worship.



the lion once said that he was sick on his death bed. So he asked all the animals to come and listen to his last wishes. the goat came to the lion's cave. He stood there and listened for a long time. then a sheep went in. Before she came out, a rabbit entered to hear the last wishes of the king of beasts. But soon the lion seemed to recover, and went to the mouth of his cave. He saw a fox waiting outside. “Why don't you come in?” asked the lion to the fox. “I beg Your Majesty's pardon,” said the fox, “I have seen many animals enter your cave, but none of them come out. Till they come out again, I prefer to wait outside.”



A person in the shelter under the eaves, Kuan Yin is to see through umbrella. The man said: "The Goddess of Mercy, Purdue creatures like you, take me for some how?" Yin said: "I am the rain, you no rain, you do not need my degree." The man immediately jumped out , standing in the rain: "Now I am also the rain, and the degree of me?" Yin said: "You in the rain, I am also the rain, I will not be poured, because there are umbrella; you are the rain, because No umbrella. why is not my own degrees, but my umbrella degrees. you want, the do not have to look for me, please umbrella brought to! "he will go. The next day, this person has encountered difficult for it to Kuan Yin temple. Entering the temple, it was found before as the Kuan Yin is also a person in worship, that the same individual look and Guanyin, no less. The man asked: "You are Guanyin it?" The man replied: "I is Guanyin." The man asked: "Why do you worship their own?" Guanyin laughed: "I have encountered a difficult, but I know "



One hot summer day a fox was walking through an orchard.He stopped before a bunch of grapes.They were ripe and juicy.

"I'm just feeling thirsty," he thought.So he backed up a few paces,got a running start,jumped up,but could not reach the grapes.

He walked back.One,two,three,he jumped up again,but still,he missed the grapes.

The fox tried again and again,but never succeeded.At last he decided to give it up.

He walked away with his nose in the air,and said“I am sure they are sour.”






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I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often help each other with lessons.Both of us like helping others. We both like sports very much.Jim enjoy playing basketball.but Ilike palying soccer. She likes green but Ilike red. Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends

In china, people believe that, at the beginning, the tiger and the cat were friends, and the cat was much smarter than the tiger .The cat learned the physical skills quickly, and the tiger was always behind. Gradually, the tiger had to learn from the cat, and the cat was patient to teach the tiger. Day after day, month after month, finally, the tiger could also run, jump, roll, grasp, tear, and strike as well as the cat. 在中国,人们相信在很久以前猫和老虎是好朋友,而且猫比老虎聪明的多。猫学习动作技巧很快,老虎却总是落后。渐渐的,老虎不得不向猫学习了,猫也很有耐心的教老虎。日复一日,月复一月,老虎终于也可以像猫一样,跑,跳,打滚,扑抓,撕咬,击打。One summer afternoon, the cat was taking a nap as the tiger sitting nearby. Looking at the cat, the tiger suddenly thought, why should he keep befriending with such a small animal since he had already learnt all the skills from the cat? The evil tiger decided to kill the sleeping cat as a before dinner snack. The tiger stood up and approached the cat viciously. Just as this moment, the cat woke up. Opening up her eyes, the smart cat immediately realized what the tiger was trying to do and swiftly jumped onto a nearby tall tree and climbed to the top branch. 一个夏天的下午,猫在打盹,老虎在边上坐着。老虎看着猫,忽然想到,既然自己已经学会了猫的所有本领,为什么还要和这么小的动物一直做朋友呢?邪恶的老虎决定杀死熟睡中的猫,当作晚餐前的点心。老虎站起来,邪恶的一步步靠近猫。就在这时,猫醒来了。聪明的她睁开眼睛立刻意识到老虎要干什么,于是立刻灵活的跳到了附近的大树上,爬到树顶。The tiger thought he had already learned every skill from the cat .But he never knew that the cat had hidden the tree climbing from him. 老虎以为他已经学到了猫的所有本领,但他不知道猫还藏了一手爬树的本事。“I kept the last technique of the tree climbing from you just because I suspected you might be can ungrateful friend.” The cat loudly told the tiger who watched under the tree helplessly.“我没有让你学这最后一个爬树的技巧,因为我怀疑你可能会是个不知感恩的朋友。”猫高声告诉树下无奈的老虎。 The Rabbit and The Wolf’ One day a rabbit was walking near the hill. He heard someone crying,‘Help! Help!’It was a wolf. A big stone was on the wolfs back. He cried, "Mr. Rabbit, take this big stone from my back, or I will die." The Rabbit moved the stone from the wolfs back. Then the wolf jumped and caught the rabbit. “If you kill me, I will never help you again.” Cried the rabbit . “Ha,ha!You will not live, because I will kill you." said the wolf.‘I helped you. How can you kill me? It’s unfair. You ask Mrs. Duck. She will say that you are wrong." said the rabbit. “I will ask her,” said the wolf. So they went to ask Mrs. Duck. The duck listened to their story and said,” What stone? I must see it. Then I can know who is right. “So the wolf and the rabbit and the duck went to see the stone. "Now, put the stone back," said Mrs. Duck. So they put the stone back. Now the big stone is on the wolf’s back again.That’s all for my story. Thanks for listening.兔子和狼 一天,兔子先生正在山坡附近遛哒,他听到有人在呼救:“救命呀!救命呀!”他这边瞧瞧,那边望望,他发现了可怜的狼先生,一块大石头掉下来压在狼先生的背上,他起不来了。他喊道:“兔先生,把这块大石头从我背上搬开,要不然我会死的。”兔子好不容易把大石头从狼背上搬开,这时,狼跳起来,把兔子叼在嘴里。“如果你吃了我,”兔子叫喊着,“只要我还活着,我再也不帮你的忙了。” “你不会活了,”狼说,“因为我要吃了你了。” “好人是不会杀救过他命的恩人的,”兔子说,“这很不公平,你去问鸭子夫人,她很胖,她样样事情都通晓,她一定会说没有一个好人会干出这种事情来。” “我去问她”,于是,狼和兔子到了鸭子家。狼说:“当兔子先生在山坡附近坐下时,我抓住了他,因此,我要吃掉他。现在你来谈谈你是怎样想的吧。” “我从他的背上搬开好大的一块石头,”兔子说,“因此,我说他不应该吃掉我,因为我救了他。现在你说说你的看法吧。” “什么石头?”鸭子夫人问。“山附近一块石头,”兔子说。“我必须去看看,”鸭子说,“如果我连那块石头也没有看见,那我怎么说得出我的看法?”于是,狼、兔子和鸭子一起去看那块石头。现在你知道结果是什么了。



Long long ago, there was a shepherd boy who grazed sheep on a hill everyday.One day the boy felt a little lonely and wanted to make fun of the farmers laboring at the foot of the hill. So he climbed up a big stone, and shouted:"wolves have come! wolves have come!"In a minute, the farmers came only to find there were no wolves at all. Seeing the farmers were taken in, the boy laughed and said, ‘I am just joking, Don't take it seriously.’ Then the farmers shook their head and left.A few days later, the farmers heard the boy shout again. So they ran up the hill and found that they were cheated again. Another day, several wolves really came. The boy was frightened and cried out: ‘ help! Wolves have come!” But this time, no one came.从前,有个放羊娃,每天都去山上放羊。一天,他觉得十分无聊,就想了个捉弄大家寻开心的主意。他向着山下正在种田的农夫们大声喊:“狼来了!狼来了!救命啊!”农夫们听到喊声急忙拿着锄头和镰刀往山上跑,他们边跑边喊:“不要怕,孩子,我们来帮你打恶狼!”农夫们气喘吁吁地赶到山上一看,连狼的影子也没有!放羊娃哈哈大笑:“真有意思,你们上当了!”农夫们生气地走了。第二天,放羊娃故伎重演,善良的农夫们又冲上来帮他打狼,可还是没有见到狼的影子。放羊娃笑得直不起腰:“哈哈!你们又上当了!哈哈!”大伙儿对放羊娃一而再再而三地说谎十分生气,从此再也不相信他的话了。过了几天,狼真的来了,一下子闯进了羊群。放羊娃害怕极了,拼命地向农夫们喊:“狼来了!狼来了!快救命呀!狼真的来了!”农夫们听到他的喊声,以为他又在说谎,大家都不理睬他,没有人去帮他,结果放羊娃的许多羊都被狼咬死了。



In studying. When Qu Quan elders regardless of opposition, regardless of wind and rain, very cold, hid in the cave read "Book of Songs". After three years, he read the "Book of Songs" 305 articles, from these folk songs has absorbed rich nutrition, and finally became a great poet.

小时候,屈原不顾长辈的反对,不论刮风下雨,天寒地冻,躲到山洞里偷读《诗经》。经过整整三年,他熟读了《诗经》 305篇,从这些民歌民谣中吸收了丰富的营养,终于成为一位伟大诗人。


Assiduous. Steal light. The Western Han Dynasty, a very learned man, called Kuang Heng, Kuang Heng young was born in a poor family, in order to study, he drove a neighbor paper not home wall, borrow steal candlelight reading, this paper finally moved the neighbors did not know, in everyone's help, small Kuang Heng set. When the emperor, recommended by the great Sima, general of the van Shu Kuang Heng was sealed, doctor, Dr. moved.



By four, li Yang teacher recited aloud six grade exams, through their English level, successfully passed the College English test. Crazy English exercise by themselves, acquire a international muscle and learned fluent English, and constantly challenge themselves, to become excellent English announcer, and then set up Li Yang Crazy English company, let three hundred million Chinese speak fluent English, let China ring from all over the world. Mr. Li Yang has been Chinese English education devoted to their own light and heat. This is great, people admire, people worship.



the lion once said that he was sick on his death bed. So he asked all the animals to come and listen to his last wishes. the goat came to the lion's cave. He stood there and listened for a long time. then a sheep went in. Before she came out, a rabbit entered to hear the last wishes of the king of beasts. But soon the lion seemed to recover, and went to the mouth of his cave. He saw a fox waiting outside. “Why don't you come in?” asked the lion to the fox. “I beg Your Majesty's pardon,” said the fox, “I have seen many animals enter your cave, but none of them come out. Till they come out again, I prefer to wait outside.”



A person in the shelter under the eaves, Kuan Yin is to see through umbrella. The man said: "The Goddess of Mercy, Purdue creatures like you, take me for some how?" Yin said: "I am the rain, you no rain, you do not need my degree." The man immediately jumped out , standing in the rain: "Now I am also the rain, and the degree of me?" Yin said: "You in the rain, I am also the rain, I will not be poured, because there are umbrella; you are the rain, because No umbrella. why is not my own degrees, but my umbrella degrees. you want, the do not have to look for me, please umbrella brought to! "he will go. The next day, this person has encountered difficult for it to Kuan Yin temple. Entering the temple, it was found before as the Kuan Yin is also a person in worship, that the same individual look and Guanyin, no less. The man asked: "You are Guanyin it?" The man replied: "I is Guanyin." The man asked: "Why do you worship their own?" Guanyin laughed: "I have encountered a difficult, but I know "



One hot summer day a fox was walking through an orchard.He stopped before a bunch of grapes.They were ripe and juicy.

"I'm just feeling thirsty," he thought.So he backed up a few paces,got a running start,jumped up,but could not reach the grapes.

He walked back.One,two,three,he jumped up again,but still,he missed the grapes.

The fox tried again and again,but never succeeded.At last he decided to give it up.

He walked away with his nose in the air,and said“I am sure they are sour.”





The Old Man and the Old CatAn old man has a cat. The cat is very old, too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth are bad. One evening, the old cat sees a little mouse. He catches it, but he can’t eat it because his teeth are not strong enough. The mouse runs away.The old man is very angry. He beats his cat. He says: “You are a fool cat. I will punish you!” the cat is very sad. He thinks:“When I was young, I worked hard for you. Now you don’t like me because I’m too old to work. You should know you are old, too.”故事二 老人和老猫一个年迈的老人养一只猫。这只猫也非常老了。她跑得很快,但是牙齿很糟糕。一天王还是那个,这只老猫看见一只小老鼠。它抓住了小老鼠,但是它却吃不了它,因为它的牙齿不够锋利了。这只小老鼠逃跑了。老人很生气,他打了小猫,并且对它说:“你这只蠢猫!我要惩罚你!”猫非常伤心,它想:“在我还年轻的时候,我为你努力工作。现在你却因为我太老了不能工作而不喜欢我。你应该知道你也老了。”



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyu/5361.html发布于 09-18
