(2)能力目标:让学生进一步使用恰当地阅读方式与技能,如略读(skimming),快速阅读(fast reading),细读(close reading)等
1. 话题的引导。(Pre-reading)
2. 跟读与限时阅读 完成导学案练习
3: 阅读过程--浅层次阅读。(Reading I)
1). 其中关于人物的基本信息中,通过设计了一个信息表格的浅层次阅读练习,对文中人物有了初步了解。
2). 关于他的梦想,书本上描写得非常生动,我让班里有艺术特长的学生画了一幅漫画,利用画面反映课文第四段所描述的内容,同时用第一人称配了声音效果。
4. 阅读过程--深层次阅读。(Reading II)
1. ____________ vt. & vi. 斗争; n.努力
2. ____________ adj. 感到满意的
3. ____________ n.自由; 自主
4. ____________ vt. & vi. 配备; 装备
5. ____________ n. 产量, 输出量
6. ____________vt. 输出 n.出口
7. ____________vt. 搞乱, 使糊涂
8. ____________ n. 补给; vt.提供
9. ____________ adj. 适当的, 相配的
10. ___________vt. 使膨胀 vi. 发展
had a ___________(努力) to stop the criminal.
2. The document will be _____________ (传阅) to all members.
3. I’ll type your report if you’ll baby-sit in e_________.
4. Our farm ___________ the market with fruits and vegetables.
5. We should s__________ the results of the exam briefly and report to the headmaster.
6. Sydney’s population _____________ rapidly in the 1960s.
7. He has a ____________ (晒黑的) face and bright eyes.
8. The plane _________ speed as it was approaching the airport.
9. The workers there worked _______ crazy, with only thirty minutes’ break at noon.
10. He __________ (耕作) the farm with great success.
Comprehending:Paraphrase these sentences.
1. At that time, hunger was a disturbing problem in many parts of the countryside
his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.
3. Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid the world of hunger.
would much rahter keep time for his hobbies.
Consolidation Exercise;
your generous help, or I will not overcome the difficulty.
to B. Because
C. Thanks for D. Thank to
2. It is so_______ that he is always making noises.
A. disturbed B. disturbing
C. disturb D. disturbs
3. He missed the bus, for ________ he came late for work..
A. whom B. that D. which
5. 满意于学生的成绩,他如释重负的笑了。
6. 他宁愿在家里看电视也不愿意打篮球。
二、 教学目标
3.让学生进一步学习使用恰当的阅读方法与技能,如在细读(close reading)推断(infer)和总结归纳(summarizing)的能力,来把握课文内容并获取信息、处理信息。
二、 教学目标
3.让学生进一步学习使用恰当的阅读方法与技能,如在细读(close reading)推断(infer)和总结归纳(summarizing)的能力,来把握课文内容并获取信息、处理信息。
Step1 Lead-inand pre-reading(3mins)
1. 导入并揭题
教师先让学生看一组国外瘦骨嶙峋的儿童图片来激发学生思考什么导致这种情况的发生,之后再导入中国三年自然灾害大饥荒时的图片,引导学生说出“谁”改变了中国让我们能吃饱饭,以此引出“袁隆平”A Pioneer for all people.
T: Let’s look at somepictures on the screen and tell me what problem they show? … What aboutChina?….Who saved us and helped us solve the problem of hunger?
2. 介绍文体
T:Beforereading let’s guess what may be the style of the passage?
A. a story
B. a travel journal
C. a biography (An introduction to a person)
[意图说明] 教教师先让学生看一组国外瘦骨嶙峋的儿童图片来激发学生思考什么导致这种情况的发生,之后再导入中国三年自然灾害大饥荒时的图片,引导学生说出“谁”改变了中国让我们能吃饱饭,以此引出“袁隆平”,并在读前预测是什么文体,为下面的阅读做好铺垫。
Step2 While- reading(3mins)
1. Skimming
T:Now let’s skim the textquickly and then find the main idea of each paragraph.
2. Carefulreading
T:Ok, let’sread the text carefully and answer my questions on the screen, if you can’t doit by yourself, you can discuss them in group four. Now begin.
【Para1: Q1】
Informationof Dr. Yuan’s appearance and achievements
Achievement :
Why does Dr. Yuan consider himself as afarmer?
【Para2: Q2】
Informationof Dr. Yuan’s great contributions
1) Hiscontribution toChina
What do the numbers 22%and 7% refer to? Please find the sentences including them.
2)His contribution to the world
What are theinternational effects of his research on the UN?
【Para3: Q3】
Informationof Dr. Yuan’s hobbies and personality
1)Whatare his hobbies?
2)Whydoesn’t he care about fame and money?
a) fame:
b) money:
【Para4: Q4】
Informationof Dr. Yuan’sdreams
1)Whatare his two dreams?
3. Post-reading
Whatkind of person is Yuan Longping?
Step 3Debating (5mins)
T:Look atthe pictures on the screen ,we have known that Dr. Yuan has received so manyawards in the world and he could have lived a very rich and comfortable life,but he still lives like a farmer! It’s so strange, do you think he is a fool? …
Let’s have a debate “Do you think whether ornot his actions and spirit are out of date(过时的)?Why or why not?”
Sentence patterns:
I think his actionsand spirit are out of date now. Because… It’s a great pitythat…/It’s better for people to …
I don’t think hisactions and spirit are out of date. Because… It’s a good value(品德) for people to … From him we can learn a lot—how tobe/do…
Step 4Assignment (5mins)
1. Design a poster about Yuan Longping bysurfing the internet or reading some other materials.
an article about Dr. Yuan and evaluatehim.
【篇二 :高二英语教学计划】
6、综合检查。准备每一单元做一次练习,主要以结合当前教学内容为主要测试内容, 间或分块测试,习题的训练在于精而不在于多。在教学中尽量按照高考的知识体系有针对性地选择典型性题目。针对共性问题进行精讲,让学生在书本中找到解决问题的源泉,学会思考、整理和归纳。
1、warming up 和vocabulary一个课时;
2、reading和 language points 四课时;
3、discovering useful words and expressions 一课时;
3、discovering useful structures二课时;
4、using language一课时;
备课组成员之间互相听课,不一定是整个备课组统一进行,而是自行看着课程表安排,有空堂就可以商量互相听课 ,并且在互相听课之后互相评课。对照发下去的课堂教学评估标准,帮助对方检查是否都达到了要求,把评课重点放在学生在这节课是否学有所得,学生是否动起来了。
第1 — 2周 必修三 unit 1
第3 – 4周 必修三 unit 2
第5 – 6周 必修三 unit 3
第7 – 8周 必修三 unit 4
第9 — 10周 必修三 unit 5
第11周 期中复习、期中考试
第12 — 13周 必修四 unit 1
第14 — 15周 必修四 unit 2
第16 — 17周 必修四 unit 3
第18 – 19周 必修四 unit 4
第20 — 21 周 必修四 unit 5
第22周 期末复习、期末考试
高中英语课程强调:在进一步发展学生综合语言运用能力的基础上,着重提高学生用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力,特别注重提高学生用英语 进行思维和表达的能力;形成跨文化交际的意识和基本的跨文化交际能力;进一步拓宽国际视野,增强爱国主义精神和民族使命感。
集体备课是发挥群体优势,提高备课质量的重要途径,也是落实教学常规,提高课堂教学效率的必要措施。为此,我组的集体备课有序地进行,做到定时间、定地 点、定内容、定主讲人。活动内容有教材分析、有教法研究、有质量分析、有教学反思等,并且认真学习《新课标》,不断钻研新教材。主讲教师提前钻研教材,吃 透重难点,并能提出重难点突破方法,其他组员质疑、补充、完善,做到集思广益。集体备课后,各位老师分别承担各项任务,任务具体到人,具体到写教案、 制作课件、出单元检测、语法专项、月考试卷、模拟试卷等。
每个老师必须按时完成任务并传到共享文档, 供其他老师分享,当然,其他老师都在此基础上根据所教班级的实际情况,进行必要的修改,然后把修改过的教案等共享在网上。通过集体备课, 发挥所有老师的智慧,扎扎实实上好每一课;通过集体备课,使各位教师明确近期和远期任务。除了正式的备课时间外,我们还不分时间与地点,有问题随时随地讨论研究,并得到解决,有时是一个信息的传递,有时是一个知识点的落实,有时是一个考点的分析,有时是一点教学体会的交流—— 总之,集体备课不流于形式,更注重内容与实效。
开学初,在制定本学期工作计划时,为进一步了解学生,并了解教学情况,对学生以前学过的教材进行了仔细的研究,分析了学生现有的英语水平,以及进行纵向横向比较, 备课组各位老师共同商讨制定了详细的备课组工作计划及高一英语教育教学计划,并以此作为我们的工作指导方案来贯彻实施。
三、 措施具体化:
为了提高教学质量,高一全体英语老师都根据自己的计划,采取了具体的行动,尽最大的努力使工作细化,具体化。 如每天早读的任务,培优补差的工作,默写环节的落实,课后的个别答疑,期中考试后开始的作业分层等,老师们都费尽心机。虽然工作忙,但我们备课组内常常互相听课评课,取他人之长,补已之短。
为了使学生能尽快地适应牛津教材,我们还把每单元词汇表上没有而学生没有学过的单词整理出来,督促学生背诵、记忆。他们自主学习能力的逐渐形成。 然而,我们在肯定成绩、总结经验的同时,必须清醒地看到,我们教学经验的积累还是粗浅的,存在的问题不容忽视,也有一些困惑有待解决。
Period 1 Reading
The General Idea of This Period
This period includes Warming up,Reading and Comprehending of the introduces a day of Jane Goodall and her colleagues in the forests,observing the reading the passage the students can know about Jane Goodall’s working methods,her great achievements and her attitude towards wild the passage,the students can also learn some reading strategies such as predicting,skimming and drawing conclusions.
Teaching Important Points
Help he students to comprehend the story of Jane Goodall’s protecting the African wildlife.
Get the students to learn from Jane Goodall’s story and come to the idea that great personality is of importance to one’s success.
Learn and master some important words,phrases and sentence patterns in this period.
Teaching Difficult Points
Get the students to comprehend the story and understand what Jane Goodall has done to gain the achievements.
Get the students to believe that one’s personality as well as luck and ability is important to one’s success.
Teaching Methods
Predicting to guess the content of the passage.
Skimming to get the general idea of the text.
Scanning to get detailed information and get to understand the passage better.
Task-based activities to get the students to comprehend the passage and be able to debate about whether women can do a better job than men.
Teaching Aids
A tape recorder
A multimedia computer
Three Dimensional Teaching Aims
Knowledge and Skills
Enable the students to comprehend the story of Jane Goodall’s protecting the African wildlife.
Enable the students to learn from Jane Goodall to treat animals in a human way and come to the idea that great personality is of importance to one’s success.
Learn some useful words and expressions:achieve,achievement,condition,welfare,connection,behave,behavior,worthwhile,specialist,observe,observation argue,inspire,support,devote ... to,etc.
Learn some sentence patterns:
Watching a family wake up is our first activity of the day.
Only after her mother came to help her for the first months was she allowed to begin her project.
Process and Strategies
Group work to encourage the students to participate in class activities.
Fast reading to make the students get the main idea of the passage.
Feelings and Value
For forty years Jane Goodall has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these will do something that can satisfy their feelings and make a better world.
Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Lead-in
1. Greet the students.
T: Good morning/ afternoon,boys and girls!
Ss: Good morning/ afternoon,Miss./..
the topic of great women.
1)Show some pictures of women for the students to guess who they are and tell whether they are great women or not.
T: Do you have idols?Now I would like to show you some pictures of women to see whether they are your idols and try to tell me whether they are great women.
Show some pictures of some famous people.
The students might be very excited to see the will tell their names and the reasons why they are so they will have the same point of view that they are famous and important but they are not great women.
2) Get the students to have a discussion about the qualities needed to be a great woman.
T: Although they are so famous and important in a certain field,they are not great what do you think is needed in order to be a great woman?
(Give the students two minutes to discuss in pairs.)
T: Now what do you think is needed in order to be a great woman?Who would like to share the opinions with us?
S: Let me have a try. In my opinion,a great woman should be intelligent and hard-working,otherwise she will not achieve her goals.
S: I think a great woman should be determined and sometimes she might come across a lot of difficulties before her idea and invention are accepted by the public or other she can’t stick to her opinion,she may fail in achieving her goals.
S: According to me,I think a great woman should be modest and don’t think an arrogant and irresponsible woman will become a great woman.
Other students add their opinions.
T: I agree with all of in my opinion,most importantly a great woman should be unselfish and willing to they will not overcome different difficulties and make great contributions to humans and our you think so?
Ss: Yes.
3) Talk about great women.
T: Now can you name some famous women?
S: I think Madam Curie is a great discovered radium(镭)with her husband and made great contributions to the field of science and also our won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry and Physics.
T: else would like to express your idea?
S: I think Mother Teresa is a great worked in India to help the poor,took care of the disabled people and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.
(Some other students express their opinions.)
T: Now I would like to show you some more pictures to see whether you know them and their achievements.
(warming up)
(Get the students to read the information of the six women together.)
Step 2 Predicting
Get the Ss to read the title and predict the main content of the passage.
T: Today we are going to learn about one of the great women. Before that I would like to show you some pictures on P2.
T: What can you see in the picture?
Ss: A woman and an animal.
T: Who is the woman?
Ss: Jane Goodall.
T: What is the animal?
Ss: It’s a chimp.
T: What is she doing?
Ss: She is kissing the chimp.
T: If you meet a chimp in the forest,will you do that like Jane Goodall?
Ss: No.
T: (smiles)
Step 3Skimming to get the general idea
Get the Ss to read the passage and find the answers to the four questions (two minutes) and try to sum up the general idea of the passage.
S: Goodall is the protector. T: Now who can answer the first question?Who is the protector?
T: about the second one?What animals were observed?
S: were observed.
T: The third one?When did Jane Goodall arrive in Gombe? How old was she?
S: arrived in Gombe in 1960 when she was 26.
T: Very the last one?
S: purpose was to help the rest of the world to understand and respect the life of the chimps.
T: Good about the general idea?
S: The passage is mainly about how Jane Goodle worked with chimps in their environment and helped people understand and respect the life of these animals.
T: Wonderful did you get the right prediction?
Ss: Yes.
Step 4 Main ideas
Get the students to read the whole passage and sum up the main idea of each the same time,instruct them the way of finding or summing up the main idea.
T: Now we have a rough idea about the will the writer introduce Jane Goodall’s story to us?How will she organize the passage?I would like you to read the story carefully and sum up the main idea of each can we sum up the main idea easily?
S: Try to see whether there are any topic sentences,which are usually at the beginning or the end of a there are not any topic sentences,try to sum up the main idea according to the content of the paragraph.
T: read the passage and try to find out the main ideas.
(after 4 minutes)
T: How many paragraphs are there in the passage?
Ss: Four.
T: What are the main ideas of them?
S: first paragraph is about a day in the Combe National Park.
S: second paragraph tells us Jane’s way to study chimps and her achievements.
S: third paragraph tells us her attitude to the animals.
S: last paragraph is a short summary of the whole passage,telling us that she has achieved everything she wanted to do.
T: Wonderful job.
Step 5 Scanning
Get the students to read the whole passage to get some detailed information.
T: Now we have formed an overview of the whole I would like you to read and get more information about Jane try to find out the answers to the following there are some sentences that you cannot understand,put them down and we shall solve your problems later.
T: (four minutes later) Now who can answer the questions?
S: watched the chimps wake up in the morning in the forest.
S: suggested the chimps should be left in the wild.
S: discovered that chimps hunt and eat meat,how chimps communicate with each other and worked out their social system.
(Not all the students can find the answer to the third question,or some of them can only find part of the teacher should instruct them the way of finding them get them to find the possible sentences where the answer lies—“For example,one thing she discovered was that chimps hunt and eat meat...She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other and her study of their body language helped her work out their social system.” Remind them to pay attention to the transitional words like“one thing”,“also” and “and”.)
Teaching aims:To let the students know much about Lin Qiaozhi and be inspired by her spirits.
let the students know much about Lin Qiaozhi and be inspired by her spirits.
Step I: (导入)
Leading in: look at some pictures about a kind of disease
Hand-foot-mouth disease
T: Can you guess the name of the disease?
S: 手足口病
T: How to say it in English?
S: Hand-foot-mouth disease.
T: Do you think it is important to keep the children clean and healthy?
S: Yes.
T: Whose job is it to protect them from getting diseases?
S: Doctor’s.
T: Today we’ll learn about a great woman doctor. (show the pictures of her) Who is this woman?
S: Lin Qiaozhi.
T: Who would like to say something about her?
S1: …
T: Let’s enjoy a video about her introduction.(show the video) What do you think after watching?
T: Do you want to know more about her?
S: Yes.
【课内探究】Step II : Fast reading
【自主学习】Q 1. What’s the passage mainly about?
After doing some research on Lin Qiaozhi, the writer was inspired by her and decided to study at medical college and carry on her good work
Q2. How did the writer know the information about Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women’s diseases?
By chance he came across an article about her while surfing the internet.
Q3. Why did Lin Qiaozhi write a small book?
A. It explained how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies.
B. It gave some simple rules to follow for keeping babies clean, healthy and free from sickness.
C. It was intended for women who lived in the countryside in an emergency they could not reach a doctor.
D. All the above.
【有效训练】Step III: Careful reading
What are the three achievements about Lin Qiaozhi mentioned in the passage?
1. She became a specialist in women diseases.
2. She got a medical training for her career.
3. She made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered.
【合作探究】Step IV: Group work
1. Was it easy for a woman to get medical education at that time? Give a reason.
2. What do you think are the important qualities a good doctor should have?
【精讲点拨】Step V : Retell the story
Lin Qiaozhi wrote a small book that ___ _______ ___ women in the countryside. It was difficult for a woman to ___ ______ ______ at that time, for girls education was always ______ ______ __ boys. _____ made her succeed was the _______ and ___________ she showed to her patients. She often went late at night to ______ __ _____for a poor family who couldn’t ____ her. I was inspired and decided to _____ __ her good work.
【有效训练】Step VI: Speech time
Lin Qiaozhi was a successful woman and achieved what she wanted. A Chinese saying: “Women can hold up half of the sky”. But nowadays, can women have the same chances as men in their careers? Are women and men really equal?
Show your speech !
What do you think? First discuss in your groups, then give your report to the class.
【课后延伸】Step VII : Don’t forget your homework:
1. Add more details to your speech and write it down in your exercise book.
2. Surf the internet to find more about Lin Qiaozhi.
Q 1. What’s the passage mainly about?
Q2. How did the writer know the information about Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in women’s diseases?
Q3. Why did Lin Qiaozhi write a small book?
A. It explained how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies.
B. It gave some simple rules to follow for keeping babies clean, healthy and free from sickness.
C. It was intended for women who lived in the countryside in an emergency they could not reach a doctor.
D. All the above.
What are the three achievements about Lin Qiaozhi mentioned in the passage?
III. Group work
1. Was it easy for a womam to get medical education at that time ?
Give a reason.
2. What do you think are the important qulities a good doctor should have?
IV. Retell the story
Lin Qiaozhi wrote a small book that ___ _______ ___ women in the countryside. It was difficult for a woman to ___ ______ ______ at that time, for girls education was always ______ ______ __ boys. _____ made her succeed was the _______ and ___________ she showed to her patients. She often went late at night to ______ __ _____for a poor family who couldn’t ____ her. I was inspired and decided to _____ __ her good work.
V. Homework
1. Add more details to your speech and write it down in your exercise book.
2. Surf the internet to find more about Lin Qiaozhi.
Te aching aims:
In this class, most of the students will:
1. learn the outline of the sample passage about a great woman.
2. learn some useful expressions and structures of describing a great woman;.
the students will read the sample passage and learn how to describe a great woman by imitating the sample passage.
Arouse the students’ interest of great women and learn something from them.
Teaching important points:
Students will learn to analyze the outline of a sample passage and learn to write a composition of a great woman.
Teaching difficult points
Ss learn some useful expressions: be admitted to, devote oneself to.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Warming-up:
Play a part of Roman Holidays and then talk about the famous actress a nd great woman Audrey Hepburn.
Step 2 Reading:
Activity 1. Fast reading
Ask the students to read the sample passage quickly and answer the following questions.
1. When and where was Hepburn born?
2. Which film made her famous?
Activity 2 Detailed reading.
⑴Ask the ss to read the passage carefully and fill in the blanks.
A great person
Para 1 Background (背景)
Para 2 Achievement (成就)
Para 3 Assessment (评价)
Step 3 Talking:
Ask the ss to work in groups to talk about Madame Curie according to the given information.
The whole class are divided into to 3 groups. Ss in group 1 ta lk something about her family background and education. Ss in group 2 talk something about her j obs and achievemen t. Ss in group 3 talk something ab out her impressions on others.
Step 4 Writing:
1. Ask the st udents to write down what they talked about Madame Curie within 10 mins.
2. Check in class.
Show several compositions of them in class.
设计意图:教师先批阅学生作文,起到示范的作用, 引导学生自己修改。
3. Peer check in pairs
Encourage the students to share their compositions with th eir partners and find out some good sentences and correct mistakes if necessary. The possible checklist is as follows:
1. If all the information has been included?
①Her family background and education
②Her jobs and achiev ement
③Her impressions on others
2. Right tense?
3. Right voice?
4. Are there any advanced words、structures and complex Sentences?
Step 5 Summary
T guides Ss to make a summary.
A famous saying from Madame Curie.
Improve and polish your writing after class and hand it in to me.
『高中英语教案』高二英语学科教案Unit 1 Making a difference ·高二英语学科教案Unit 1 Making a difference 【教学目标】谈论科学和科学家(talk about science and scientists) ...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:4991 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』高三英语专项辅导阅读理解 ·高三英语专项辅导阅读理解一、特点: 1、词汇量不断增加,读速要求提高 2、文章题材及体裁多样化 3、能力测试多样化 4、考查内容多样化二、题形特点 高考阅读理解...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:500 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』《牛津高中英语》模块一 Unit 3 Background ·《牛津高中英语》模块一 Unit 3 Background 第一部分 教学设计 Aims and requirements ♦Read three e-mails...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:585 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』牛津高中英语江苏版Module 2 Unit 3A mazing people ·教材分析:《牛津高中英语》(江苏版)是对已有英语教材的一个全方位提升。它更强调培养学生积极主动的学习方式,关注培养学生健全的情感。该教材必修模块每单元由Welcome to the...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:451 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』译林牛津选修11�M11U3 The secret of success ·译林牛津�选修11�M11U3 The secret of success Teaching and learning plan for M11U3 The secret...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:303 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』全英文版英语教案 《牛津高中英语》Unit 3 Grammar an.. ·Unit 3 Grammar and usage Aims and requirements ♦Read three e-mails about health an...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:976 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』高中英语观摩课教案 ·中学英语观摩课教案 plans and arrangements 1、 1、设计思想:本节课是高二英语的阅读训练课,着重培养学阅读和说两种技能。整堂课注重外语教学特色——更...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:861 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』北师大版 高中英语 必修模块一 ·案例分析 教学年级 高一课题名称 Module 1, Unit 2 HERO 教材版本 北师大版 高中英语 必修模块一授课时间 45分钟一、 学生分析教学对象...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:929 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』高中英语必修3第六单元写作课教案 ·高中英语必修3第六单元写作课教案 Writing Teaching Aims get the students to know the form of the ...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:583 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』高一英语新教材Unit 4备课资料 ·高一英语新教材Unit 4备课资料一、 教材分析 1.教材概述 本套教材在保留SEFC基础上,根据当前教改精神而进行重新编写,它较好地衔接了已实施三年的初中义务教育...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:986 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』译林牛高一unit3 tomorrow s world 课文导学 ·Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world 课文导学徐凌云 刘艾琴 1. … VR can provide teenagers with another way to e...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:604 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』新课标高一必修4 Unit4教材分析与speaking教案 ·Unit 4 Body language I.单元教学目标技能目标 Skill Goals Talk about body language: cultural diff...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:806 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』高一必修4 Unit3教材分析与speaking教案 ·Unit 3 A taste of English humour I. 单元教学目标技能目标Skill Goals Talk about different types o...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:801 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』高一必修4 Unit2 教材分析与reading教案 ·Unit 2 Working the land I.单元教学目标技能目标Skill Goals Talk about agriculture: a pioneer in f...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:766 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』人教新课标高中必修四 Unit 5 Theme parks ·Unit 5 Theme parks Part One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计) 1. A sample lesson plan fo...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:663 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』人教新课标高中必修四 Unit 4 Body Language ·Unit 4 Body Language Part One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计) 1. A sample lesson plan ...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:916 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』人教新课标高中必修四 Unit 2 Working the land ·Unit 2 Working the land Part One: Teaching Design (第一部分:教学设计) 1. A sample lesson p...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:578 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』外研版新标准(NSE)高一英语教案 Unit 3 My First Ri.. ·TEACHING MATERIAL: 外研版新标准(NSE)高一英语 Book Ⅰ Unit 3 My First Ride on A Train AIMS: a) ...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:1268 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』高中英语语法教案(全套)及配套练习 ·高中英语语法教案(全套)及配套练习 1. 名词 名词可以分为专有名词和普通名词,专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。普通名词是一...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:822 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』高一下英语教案 人教版Unit7 Cultural Relics ·一、教材分析(一)教材内容分析本单元话题——文物古迹(Cultural relics )历来是全世界较为关注的焦点之一,尤其是在伊拉克战争中,大量代表古人类文明的文物、古迹...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:1035 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』人教版高二英语(下)Unit 11-20 全套教案 ·高二(下)教案 Unit 11 Pre-reading: you want to do research or start a hi-tech company...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:1482 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』北师大版高中英语第一模块第二单元教学设计 ·北师大版高中英语第一模块第二单元教学设计 Unit 2 Heroes 一、 教材分析 1. 本单元的主要教学内容 1)词汇:本单元话题词(谈论英雄人物、政治领袖、著名人士的...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:926 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』人教版英语高三上教案 Unit3 The land down under ·Step 1 Free talk and lead-in Today we’ll learn a new unit-The land down under. What...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:845 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』高中英语 《Saving the earth》教学设计 ·一. 教学目标设计本课内容的学习是建立在学生学习过Unit9 Saving the earth的基础上的讨论和辩论。通过对地球、大气、水、动物等的现状及所面临危机的阐述,突出...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:837 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』高三英语公开课教案 Unit13 The Moonstone, SBIII ·课题:Unit13 The Moonstone, SBIII Teaching Aims: 1. Make the students understand the story...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:1047 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』高中英语文公开课教案 M2u2 Grammar and usage ·Teaching Aims: 1. Understand and master the usage of the future continuous tense and the...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:774 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』高中英语教案 Pre-reading work ·What is language? 学案:Pre-reading work A) Welcome to the unit Preparation for discussion...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:675 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』高三英语教案 Module10 Unit4 ·Words for crimes and law car burglars 汽车窃贼 Thieves who steal form automobiles. 从汽车...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:691 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』高中英语教案 高二Unit 7 教案 -LIVING WITH DISEASE-.. ·I. Brief statements Based on the Unit This unit mainly talks about deadly diseases and at...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:922 推荐程度: 『高中英语教案』高中英语教案 高二Unit 3 Art and architecture ·Unit 3 Art and architecture I. Teaching aims and demands 1. After the learning of this u...... 软件大小:未知 授权方式:免费下载 下载:936 推荐程度: 首页 上一页 1 2 3 下一页 尾页 高中英语语法教案(全套)及配套练习(188页)[高中英语教案]高中英语语法教案(全套)及配套练习1.名词 名词可以分为专有名词和普通名词,专有名词是某个(些)人,地方,机构等专有的名称,如Beijing,China等。普通名词是一类人或东西或是一个抽象概念的名词,如:book,sadness等。普通名词又可分为下面四类: 1)个体名词:表示某类人或东西中的个体,如:gun。 2)集体名词:表示若干个个体组成的集合体,如...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-03-05 10:21:10 人教版高一(下)Unit 13-22 全套教案[高中英语教案]人教版高一(下)Unit13-22全套教案高一(下)教案Unit13TeachingAids:Individual,.Trainthestudent’sre...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-05-23 14:15:37 高二《Friend or Enemy》教案及反思[高中英语教案]LessonPlanFriendorEnemyTime:March11th,2007-4-23Class:Classone,SeniorTwo,FengxianHighSchoolContent:ModuleTwo,Unit41stperiodPresentedby:ZhongAiqunTeachingobjectives:Knowledgeobjectiv...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-21 09:33:34 外研版高中英语必修3教案 Module 1语法课[高中英语教案]外研版高中英语必修3Module1Europe语法课(2)Part1教案设计))Tolear...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-21 09:31:39 外研版高中英语必修3教案 Module 1阅读课[高中英语教案]外研版高中英语必修3Module1Europe阅读课(2)Part1教案设计...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-21 09:29:05 外研版高中英语必修3教案 Module 1听说课[高中英语教案]外研版高中英语必修3Module1Europe听说课(2)Part1教案设计'smore,contestant,company,theEiffelTow...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-21 09:27:31 外研版高中英语必修3教案 Module 2写作课2[高中英语教案]外研版高中英语必修3Module2DevelopingandDevelopedCountries写作课(1)教案Part1教案设计...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-21 09:25:48 外研版高中英语必修3教案 Module 2写作课[高中英语教案]外研版高中英语必修3Module2教案Module2DevelopingandDevelopedCountries写作课(2)Part1教案设计’skillsofmakingnotes,makin...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-21 09:24:13 外研版高中英语必修3教案 Module 2语法课[高中英语教案]外研版高中英语必修3Module2DevelopingandDevelopedCountries教案语法课(1)Part1教案设计Grammar:’ha...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-21 09:22:22 外研版高中英语必修3教案 Module 2听说课[高中英语教案]外研版高中英语必修3Module2DevelopingandDevelopedCountries教案听说课(1)Part1教案设计...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-21 09:08:17 外研版高中英语必修3教案 Module 2阅读课[高中英语教案]外研版高中英语必修3Module2DevelopingandDevelopedCountries阅读课(1)Part1教案设计TeachingAims:...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-21 09:04:22 外研版高二英语必修5Module5复习课[高中英语教案]“学案导学小组合作”式复习课教案设计一、教学目的:复习外研版高二英语必修5Module5的有关内容二、教学方法:学案导学小组互助合作交流教师点拨三、教学用具:多媒体四、教学步骤:由1988年汉城奥运会主题歌导入本课复习单词复习词组(1)夯实基础=〉(2)能力扩展复习重点句型=〉(3)综合能力巩固=〉(4)走进高考=〉(5)作业写作练习(能力运用)一.重点单词...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-17 10:38:37 人教版高二英语教案 A famous detective[高中英语教案]Unit15Afamousdetective教案一、教学目标与要求通过本单元教学,学生领略和感受英国著名作家柯南道尔侦探小说中复杂的情节和神探福尔摩斯的机智勇敢。学生在理解课文的基础上,能运用自己组织的语言复述故事,或以故事中不同人物的角度,描述事情的经过;通过对话课的学习与操练,复习表达良好祝愿的常用语句;学习并初步掌握过去分词作定语和状语的用法;正确完成...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-15 16:24:53 高三英语复习课教学设计[高中英语教案]人教版英语复习课高一上册高三英语复习课教学设计高一Unit2EnglisharoundtheworldTeachingcontent:SEBook1AUnit2EnglisharoundtheworldTeachingtime:OneperiodTeachingaimsanddemands:(认知目标)Words:equal,...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-14 13:44:02 高二英语教案 Unit 15 Destinations[高中英语教案]Unit15Destinations教案I.单元教学目标技能目标GoalsTalkabouttravelandcitiesPracticemakingcomplaintsandapologiesReviewtheNonfiniteVerbs-ing,-ed,todoWriteadescriptiveessay/paragraph目标语言功能句式Express...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-14 13:32:59 北师大版高一英语教案 Chinese seasonal festival[高中英语教案]北师大版高一英语上Module1Unit3CelebrationLesson9Chineseseasonalfestival说课教案一.教材分析1.单元内容所体现的意义:本单元的主题为Celebration,主要是介绍了中外国家的一些主要节日,以及人们在一些重要节日的庆祝活动。通过本单元的学习,可以帮助学生理解交际中的文化差异,初步形成跨文化交际意识。2.课...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-10 16:31:14 新编高三英语(下)教案 unit15[高中英语教案]新编高三英语(下)unit15教案’readingabilities,likescanning,skimming,gettingthemainideas,takingnotesa...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-10 16:30:01 新编高三英语(下)教案 Unit 17[高中英语教案]新编高三英语(下)Unit17教案Unit17Myteacher一、教学目标与要求通过本单元教学,学生应能熟练地运用表示“请求允许”的常用语,复习表语、连系动词的用法;了解海伦•凯勒自立和她的老师的敬业精神。二、教学重点与难点1.重点词汇born,bring…intotouchwith,lookback,getback,pity2.重点句...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-10 16:29:07 新编高三英语(上)教案 Unit 2[高中英语教案]新编高三英语(上)Unit2教案Unit2CaptainCook一、教学目标与要求通过本单元教学,学生应能熟练地运用表示“决定”、“建议”的常用句型;复习动词-ing形式;了解和学习库克船长一生在航海事业方面所做的奉献。二、教学重点与难点1.重点词汇store,suffer,purpose,take…bysurprise,exist,charge,setof...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:2008-04-10 16:28:12 新编高三英语(上)教案 unit6[高中英语教案]新编高三英语(上)unit6教案Unit6Mainlyrevision一、教学目标与要求通过本单元教学,学生复习第l~5单元出现的日常交际用语和语法;并围绕环境保护和废弃物处理这一题材,让学生认识废弃物的危害性和如何正确处理废弃物,从而达到保护环境这一目的。二、教学区点与难点1,重要词汇remind,throwaway,getridof,treat,brea...软件大小: 未知运行环境:Win9X/2000/XP/2003/授权方式: 免费版推荐级别:
高一 Unit 17 Great women reading 教案教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是“著名(杰出)女性”,话题涉及谈论著名及你最崇敬的女性“妇女独自南极探险”,“美国电视著名黑人女主持人奥普拉·温茀丽的故事”等,语言技能和语言知识都围绕中心话题而设计。本节课为此单元的第二课时——阅读课。“读前”(Pre-reading)设计了三个有关旅行和南北极的问题,具体涉及极地探险、动物等内容, 能够诱发学生的探索精神和想象力。通过学生的讨论、探究,自主地发现下面阅读故事的背景,有助于学生正确理解文章的深层意思,真正体会主人公Helen Thayer的伟大。“阅读”(Reading)材料是一篇记叙文,故事描叙的是作者Helen Thayer在她60岁时,独游南极洲的冒险经历。在恶劣多变的气候条件及险恶的地理状况中,作者在危急关头,虽感孤独恐惧,但表现出冷静、顽强、乐观的态度,最后克服险境。对学生今后的人生道路、心理素质、生活态度起到了陶冶和积极的导向作用。Teaching Aims: the students’reading and master the following words and phrases;1) Words: mile Antarctic threaten optimistic somehow shelter regret extreme climate value2) Phrases: struggle through threaten to do sth lie down be thankful for in good health struggle to one’s feet make a decision Teaching Important Points: the students’ reading the student to understand the text the students have strong wills and determination by reading the Difficult Points: to improve the students’reading use of some useful Methods: before reading to make the students be interested in what they learn in reading to get the general idea of the reading to answer some detailed , pair or group work to make every student work in Aids: map of the tape computerTeaching Procedures:Step I Greeting and speech Greet the students as usual and the student who is on duty give a speech before II Lead-in you like travelling ?Where do you like to travel best ? How will you travel ? you are traveling alone to the South Pole, what will you take with you ? do polar bears never eat penguins ? Step III Fast – reading
供参考的范例Module 1 Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 1 Modern Heroes
(一) 教学内容
1. 本课是Unit 2 heroes Lesson 1 Modern Heroes 的第一课时。本单元分别介绍了National hero, History makers,Sports stars 和 Superhero。这几篇文章的主题都是hero,但涉及的领域不同,它们融会贯通,承上启下,融为一体。
2. 本课是介绍National Hero,是学生比较熟悉和感兴趣的话题,前部分需要介绍杨利伟和神州五号,让学生掌握有关词汇;后一部分是介绍杨利伟乘坐神州五号宇宙飞船遨游太空的情况。
3. 本课文出现了较多的定语从句,还有生词较多(有些单词表没有而初中又没有学过),在这样的困难前提下,我引导学生通过 culture and background knowledge,结合课本内容丰富自己的知识面,拓宽学生对航天知识的了解,让学生了解航天英雄的成功之路,激发他们的民族自豪感。
(二) 学生分析
1. 组成情况职业高中高一学生年龄都在14-16岁之间,大多数学生由于初中的知识基础打得不扎实,而且缺乏主动学习的能动性,自学能力差,对学习没有持有探究性和方向性,也没有养成良好英语学习习惯,所以学习成绩不太理想。
2. 学生的知识与技能水平职业高中招生的学生,基础知识比较薄弱,甚至连音标都不会读,词汇的掌握范围狭窄,影响了阅读,听力和作文。学生的表达能力还是停留在比较低级的水平,面对每幅图片或某个主题只能说出一两句话,而且在阅读上,未能掌握泛读和精读的技巧和方法,课后的预习和复习能力较差,缺乏总结归纳的能力。
3. 学生已掌握的学习策略尽管学生的知识和技能水平一般,但经过了一定时间的训练后,他们还是掌握了pair work, group work, using the culture and background knowledge的阅读技巧。
(三) 教学目标
1. 通过快速阅读文章,学生能够对每段文章进行归纳总结,准确地把段落主题与所给的headings联系起来。
2. 通过仔细阅读,学生能够回答关于文章的细节问题。
3. 通过进一步阅读,学生能够学生能用英语对采访自己心目中的民族英雄。并尝试复述课文。
(四) 教学策略
(五) 教学过程第一步
导入T: Good morning, Everyone! Do you like watching movies? Do you know Jet Lee (李连杰)?Do you know one of his famous movie called HERO? What does ‘hero’ mean? Who are the heroes in your heart? Do you know Yan Liwei, our national hero?
第二步 介绍文章人物
T: Open your books, and turn to page 100 and 101. Let’s read two passages about
Shenzhou V and Yang V is China’s first manned spaceship. It lifted off at 9 . on Wednesday, October 15th, 2003 in Jiuquan, Gansu Province. It was carrying Yang Liwei. It was launched very successfully and landed in Inner Mongolia safely.
Yang Liwei is China’s first astronaut. He was a pilot in the army. He was chosen from 1,500 other army pilots and started training for his space flight in 1998. During the 21-hour space flight, he circled the earth 14 times. When the spaceship was doing its seventh circle, Yang Liwei showed the flags of China and the United Nations, expressing the wishes of the Chinese people to explore and use space peacefully.
第三步 阅读文章
(1) Fast Reading呈现六个headings,让学生快速阅读,要求归纳每段的主题。a. Astronaut lands safelyb. Welcome homec. International good wishedd. An exciting lift-offe. Introdutionf. During the flight学生单个回答并集体讨论改正错误。
(2) Careful Reading学生通过fast reading,完成了headings后,基本对课文有一定的了解,然后呈现出五道问题,要求学生再进行第二次阅读,对课文进行更深入的了解。
1. How did Yang Liwei feel duing the flight? How did he feel afterwards?
2. What did Yang Liwei do during the Shenzhou V’s seventh circle of the earth?
3. How many circles did the spaceship complete while Yang Liwei was sleeping?
4. What were helicopters doing as Yang Liwei returned to the earth’s atmosphere?
5. What did Yang Liwei do when he came out of the spaceship?
第四步 巩固练习
通过两次阅读让学生对课文熟悉,训练学生的阅读速度和解题技巧,最后通过ask and answer in pairs,培养学生的口语能力,并强迫他们记住文章的主要内容,为下一步语言运用打下基础。
第五步 语言运用
第六步 布置作业
A Teaching Plan for Unit 3 Celebration Lesson 1 FestivalsHUANG SHUI PING
General objectives:
read to learn the main Chinese seasonal festivals and their history origin and meanings.
help them learn some phrasal verbs and functional items about the topic and try to use them.
Language aim:
celebrated by, fall on , mark, be decorated with, tradition/traditional, serve, take part in, get together
The Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated by Chinese people.
The Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.
It marks the beginning of the hottest season of the year.
Ability aim:
1).Improving the ability of getting the general information and specific information from reading a text.
2). Using own words to describe some important Chinese festivals.
Emotion aim:
To promote students’ qualities of a patriotism(爱国主义精神,爱国心) by learning the main Chinese festivals and learn their history origin and their meanings。
Teaching important points and difficult points:
1).To get information from reading
2).To talk about festivals freely in English.
课 题: Unit 19 Modern Agriculture Modern Agriculture (Reading) (Senior English for China Student’s Book 1B)
一. 教材分析
本单元的中心话题为Modern Agriculture “现代农业”,其中包括“饮食
三.Teaching Contents 教学内容
Unit 19 Modern Agriculture (SEFC Book 1B)
Reading: Modern Agriculture
四.Design of Teaching Objectives 教学目标设计
language 目标语言
Make the students master the following words,phrases and sentence
(1)Important words(重点单词):
Protection,technique,irragation, import, production, garden, wisdom, pratical, system, condition, soil
(2)Important phrases(重点词组):
Be harmful to, be friendly to, depend on, stand for,a variety of
(3)Important sentence patterns(重点句型)
a. It is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole
population of China.
b. To make as much use of the land as possible, two or more crops are
planted each year where possible.
Improve the students’ reading ability through reading activities.(通过系列阅读活动提高学生的阅读理解能力。)
ability goals 学能目标
Enable the students to know the development of modern agriculture in
五.Teaching Important Points(教学重点)
the words and phrases listed above.
2. Enable the students to know the development of modern agriculture
in China.(让学生了解中国现代农业的发展。)
六.Teaching Difficult Points(教学难点)
the following sentences correctly.
a. It is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole
population of China.
b. To make as much use of the land as possible, two or more crops are
planted each year where possible.
to help the students understand the passage better.
七.Teaching Methods(教学方法)
reading (细读法)
八.Teaching Aids:(教学辅助手段)
2. A projector and a computer for multimedia
九.Teaching procedures (教学过程)
Step I Greeting and leading in (4 minutes)(引入,4分钟)
T:How much do you know about agriculture? Do you often help your parents to do some farming work?
(Let students think about these questions and show their ideas.)
Step II Pre-reading (5 minutes)(读前,5分钟)
T:Today we come to the Reading. Before starting our reading part,
let’s look at some pictures in the Pre-reading part on page45 of your textbook.
students to classify the pictures in the following way:
Traditional farming (1 3 5)
Modern farming (2 4 6)
Hi-tech farming (7 8)
traditional & modern farming, focusing on the advantage & disadvantage of modern farming. Then fill the form. (Show the pictures again)
Step III. While-reading(17 minutes)(读中,18分钟)
(4 minutes) (跳读,4分钟)
Ask the students to read the passage quickly. While reading, find out
the main ideas of each paragragh (On the screen).
Agriculture in general in China
Modernization in farming techniques
Balance between food production and environment
Greenhouse– a solution for the shortage of arable land
GM used in Agriculture
GM research on tamato
(Show the possible answers on the screen)(将参考答案显示在屏幕上)
设计意图:训练学生快速阅读,归纳各段落的中心意思的能力。(Skimming for the main idea)
(10 minutes)(查读,10分钟)
Get the students to read the text carefully and finish these
exercises ,then ask some students to give the answer.
(1) In China only seven percent of the land is used for farming. This is _____.
A. because farmers don’t need more land to produce food for the whole
B. because China needs more and more land to build cities
C. because there are not enough farmers to work on the land
D. because the other land cannot be used for agriculture
(2) Fertilisation is a technique that is used to ______.
A. make poor soil better
B. make wet land drier
C. make dry land better
D. grow vegetables with their roots
in water instead of earth
(3) Modern agriculture means finding ways to _____.
A. increase irrigation and stop using fertilisers
B. stop irrigation and using fertilisers
C. increase production and be friendly to the environment
D. produce the same amount while taking better care of nature
(4) In the sentence “„ they are protected from the wind, rain and insects”, “they” means _____.
A. greenhouses B. roots
C. vegetables D. tomatoes
(5) In GM “M” stands for “modified”, which means “changed”. What changes is ______.
A. the way in which poor soil is made better
B. the way in which Chinese farmers work on their land
C. the way in which crops develop from seed
D. the way in which farmers take care of the environment
Step Ⅳ Language study(5 minutes)(语言学习 5分钟)
There are some useful words and phrases the studeuts should learn to
Step V Group work (7 minutes)小组讨论(7分钟)
Ask the students to discuss the questions on Page47 in groups to make further understanding of the text. Decide which fruit, vegetables and farm animals you would change. Explain how you would change them and why.
Step Ⅵ Conclusionand Homwork(1 minutes)总结和布置作业 (1分钟)
Make a brief summary about the text and assign the homework.
T: Today, we’ve read the passage about modern Chinese agriculture. We are sure we’ll have healthier and mo delicious food in the near future with the new technology. After class, please read the text once agaim and find the sentences you appreciate most.
十二.Reflection after teaching (教学反思)
在活动中主要让学生独立完成各项任务,达到了英语阅读的训练目的。 但是,本堂课也还存在一些不足,需要加以改进:
3. 多媒体的使用虽然带来了诸多方便,但同时呈现的内容过多,能让学生记住的东西却反而少。
【答案】: 必修四 Unit1: 1.努力提高工厂工人的工作条件是值得做的事情. (It is worthwhile to…; condition) It is worthwhile to improve working condition for factory workers. 2.她的行为鼓舞了替他人继续为野生动物保护而奋斗. (behavior; inspire) Her behavior. inspired others to carry on the fight for wildlife protection. 3.作为一名学生你应该谦虚, 不应该瞧不起那些知道得比你少的同学. (modest; look down upon) As a student, you should be modest and not look down upon the classmates who don’t know as much as you. 4.如果人类继续这样干, 我们很快就会陷入能源危机. (human beings; be short of) If human beings go on behaving like this, we will be short of energy soon. 5.年轻的一代中, 许多人都喜欢外国音乐和电影. (generation) Many of the young generation enjoy foreign music and films. 6.如果想知道如何翻译这个句子, 你最好查字典. (refer to) If you want to know how to translate this sentence, you’d better refer to a dictionary. 7.当游行的队伍离开广场后, 人群拥了进来. (move off; crowd in) When the parade moved off from the square, the people crowed in.
Ⅰ. 1. science 2. tired 3. biology 4. subject 5. Tuesday 6. Wednesday 7. Monday 8. busy 9. city 10. asks Ⅱ. 1. D 题意:吉姆最喜欢的一天是星期五,因为这天上体育课。time指时间,month指月份,date指日期,day意为“天,白天,一天,一日”,由Friday可知选D。 2. B 题意:科学是我最喜欢的科目。它非常有趣。根据favorite可知是科学对我来说是有趣的。well是副词,一般修饰动词;difficult意为“困难的”,boring是“无聊的”。故选B。 3. C 题意:“你最喜欢的颜色是什么?”“蓝色。”由blue可知问句涉及颜色,所以color符合题意。TV show意为“电视节目”,food “食物”,sport “体育运动”,均不符合题意。 4. D 题意:星期六是一个星期的第七天。星期天是一个星期的第一天,所以星期六为第七天,本题强调顺序所以应用序数词。故选D。 5. A 题意:“今天星期几?”“今天星期四。”根据答语可知是提问星期,所以选A。B项提问时刻,C项是一般疑问句,应用yes或no回答,D项提问日期。 6. C 题意:“今天上午你们上什么课?”“我们上中文、美术和历史。”friend意为“朋友”,picture是“图画,照片”,history意为“历史”,blue是“蓝色”,根据题意可知应选C。 7. B 题意:他在星期一和星期四上数学课。在星期几要用介词on。 8. D 题意:“露西最喜欢的科目是什么?”“她最喜欢的科目是美术。”此处应用形容词性物主代词,C项为名词所有格,与问句重复,不是正确的表达方式, 故选D。 9. A 题意:我们的老师对我很严格。be strict with sb.意为 “对某人要求严格”, be strict in sth.是“对某事要求严格”。故正确答案为A。 10. D 题意:我喜欢和同学一起玩。play with sb.意为“和某人一起玩”,是固定短语。 11. C 题意:琳达在学校里有一些朋友,但是在家里没有朋友。some一般用于肯定句,any一般用于否定句或疑问句,故正确答案为C。 12. A 题意:“她为什么喜欢英语?”“因为英语有趣。”根据答语中的because可知是提问原因,所以用why提问,故选A。 13. B 题意:星期三是一个星期的第四天。星期天是一个星期的第一天,所以星期三为第四天。故选B。 14. C 题意:格林先生非常严格,课后我通常感到很累。根据题意可知tired“劳累的,疲倦的”符合题意,故选C。 15. B 题意:上午,我们从8点到9点上语文课。根据题意可知是指一个过程,而不是一个时间点,短语from…to…意为“从„„到„„”。故选B。 Ⅲ. 1. gets 2. goes 3. has 4. favorite 5. likes 6. interesting 7. lunch 8. relaxing 9. does 10. boring Ⅳ. 1. What is your 2. Why do 3. When; you have 4. Who is 5. My favorite subject Ⅴ. 1. favorite sport 2. is strict with 3. for an hour 4. have math 5. Why; because Ⅵ. 1. D thank you for…意为“为„„感谢”,for表示原因,故选D。 2. A 根据句意此处是“喜欢自己的学校”。 3. C 短语from…to…意为“从„„到„„”。 4. B 本句意为“在上午有四节课,在下午有两节课”,是并列关系,应用连词and。 5. A 根据下文可知此处指课外活动时间时很忙。 6. A 由于hours是复数形式,可确定答案为A。 7. B 本句意为“在星期二的下午我们有一部分人上歌唱课”。much后跟不可数名词,只有B项some“一些”符合题意。也可以根据下一句话中的some来推断出答案。 8. D 此处指的是上电脑课,又由于some后省略了名词students, 所以谓语应用复数形式have,所以答案为D。 9. B with sb.意为“和某人一起”。 10. C 根据上下句的句意指的是“我的父母亲”,应用形容词性物主代词my。 Ⅶ. A) 1. C 根据第二句Now they are in Tianjin.可知正确答案为C。 2. B 根据第三句Every morning they get up very early.可知正确答案为B。 3. B 根据第五句They start their work at 8:30.可知正确答案为B。 4. C 根据文章中间In the evening they take Chinese lessons.可知正确答案为C。 5. C 根据They want to learn Chinese. They want to talk with Chinese people.可知正确答案为C。 B) 6. . 7. Because it‟s exciting and fun. 8. On Monday and Thursday. can play soccer, basketball and baseball. 10. A blue basketball Ⅷ. One possible version: My name is Li Lei. I am 12 years old. I‟m a middle school student. My e-mail address is lilei@. My telephone number is 0106995968. My favorite subject is English. My favorite sport is playing ping-pong. My favorite color is yellow. Do you want to be my friend ?
Unit 4 第2课时ReadingⅠ.单词拼写1.He________(代表)our class making a speech at the .The boy is very________(好奇)and he is always asking .When the fierce dog________(靠近)her, she hid herself behind the .How can you________(表达)your feeling when faced with such a problem?5.The________(令人厌烦的)speech made her rather .She used to s________in my troubles as well as my .There was an e________of danger on her .I don't think that we should be seen traveling together—people might .Mr. Green got up from behind his desk to g________ .Let me i________ myself: my name is Melody Johnson.答案: 5.boring 9.greet Ⅱ.易混模块a)用manner, means, way, method, approach填空1.This book provides a good________to the learning of foreign .Smith invented a new .Students sometimes support themselves by________of evening .In this________over several days, the artist and his mice became good .He has developed his own________of acting.答案: )根据句子意思用 close的正确形式填空1.I went________, and saw clearly a tall man in the .Come________. I want to tell you something .The policeman followed the strange .The scientists got________in touch with the .Physics is________related to .He was ________to .They observed him________as they worked together with him.答案: )根据句子意思用major, leading, main, chief的适当形式填空1.He________in .He was one of the________political figures of this .Shanghai is one of the________cities in .One of the________disadvantages of the system is that it uses very large amount of .The printed newspaper was not such as the ________editor had expected.答案: Ⅲ.短文填空根据课文内容进行填空,每空限填一词。 Yesterday, another student and I,__1__our university's student__2__, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year's international students to Beijing University. After half an hour of waiting for their__3__to arrive, I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking first to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia. Tony__5__Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek! She stepped back as if in__6__. I guessed there was probably a__7__. When I met Ahmed Aziz from Jordan, he moved very__8__to me as I__9__myself Darlene from France came__10__through the door and shook hands with actions are not good or bad, but are simply ways in which cultures have ...答案: .approached .introduced Ⅳ.单项填空从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1.—Tommy, why is the baby crying?—En... I only .he; the B.him; theC.him; his D.he; his答案:B 本题考查代词与冠词的用法。表示触及某人的某个部位为:及物动词+sb.+on/in+the+身体部位。应该注意的是在身体的部位前要用定冠词the,而不用物主代词,故选B。2.All the different races of the country were________at the .represented B.stood forC.taken the place of D.intended答案:A 题意:游行队伍中有该国各种族的代表。represent表示“代表”。3.I agree with most of what you said, but I don't agree with________A.everything B.anythingC.something D.nothing答案:A 题意:我同意你所说的大多数谈话内容,但并非完全同意。everything与not连用表示部分否定,意为“并非任何……都”。4.—Which team is________to win the game?—In my opinion, it is________for our team to .probable; likely B.possible; probableC.likely; probable D.likely; possible答案:D 题意:“哪支球队很可能赢得比赛的胜利?”“在我看来,我们的球队很可能获胜。”当主语为表示“人”的词时,表语只能采用形容词likely,不能使用possible或probable。此外,possible可以用于句型It is possible(for sb.)to do sth.,其它两词不可以。5.The company was willing to provide us with what we needed,________made us .what B.itC.which D.that答案:C which指代前面所说的整件事,引导非限制性定语从句。6.I am going to do all I can________the bad impression you have of .to remove B.removeC.to leave D.leave答案:A “to remove the bad impression...”是动词不定式短语在句中作状语。原句又可表达为:I'm going to do all that I can do in order to remove the bad impression you have of .Yesterday I met a(n)________teacher by chance who taught me English in the university three years .early B.formerC.first D.advanced答案:B former“以前的”。early“早期的”;first“第一个”;advanced“高级的,先进的”。8.Oh, boy, why are you killing your time this way? Can't you find something________doing?A.useful B.worthyC.valuable D.worth答案:D worth作形容词时,后面要求跟名词或动名词形式,表示“值得……”。9.Simon and his mother used to live in a house________windows faced .its B.whoseC.which D.where答案:B whose作windows的定语表示所属关系,引导定语从句。10.The teacher came into the classroom,________his .followed B.followed byC.follow D.to follow答案:B followed by his students作伴随状语,老师是被学生跟着的所以用过去分词表示。如果表示老师跟着学生进了教室则用following his students。11.—I would never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible!—.Nor am I B.Neither would IC.Same with me D.So do I答案:B 本题考查neither/nor引导的倒装句。本结构有以下两种形式:(1)否定句+nor/neither+be(情态动词/助动语)+主语;(2)否定句+and neither/nor+be(情态动词/助动词)+主语。该结构表示前面所说的情况也同样适合于后者。根据题意“我不会再来这家餐馆就餐了,饭菜质量太差了!”“我也不会再来了”可知,B为正确答案。12.________are in the classroom. In fact many students were late for school ________me because of the heavy .No students; exceptB.Not every student; besidesC.Not all the students; exceptD.No every student; except答案:C 本题考查not all表示部分否定的用法。从动词are可知主语用复数名词,B不正确。every不可用no修饰,而要用not修饰,故D不可选;A与句子意思“不是所有的学生都在教室里。事实上,不包括我,有很多学生因为大雨迟到了”相矛盾,因此,正确答案为C。13.(2010·广东省深圳高级中学高一下期末)________what many people thought, the graduate came here not to________fame or money but the true value of .On the contrary with; look forB.To the contrary of; hunt forC.Opposite to; searchD.Contrary to; seek答案:D 题意:和大多数人的想法相反,毕业生来到这里不是求名和利而是寻求生活的真正价值。第一空contrary to“与……相反”;第二空seek fame or money“求名利”。14.(2010·广东省深圳高级中学高一下期末)Property insurance helps you to________against natural disasters, in front of which humans appear too .prevent B.defend C.protect D.shelter答案:B 考查动词。题意:财产保障帮助你抵御自然灾害,人类在其面前非常渺小。defend against“抵御”。15.(2010·广东省深圳高级中学高一下期末)He is not________to be the kind of man who could have done such a rude thing to a must have been .likely B.possible C.probable D.maybe答案:A 考查形容词。题意:他不可能是那种对女士如此粗鲁的人。你一定是搞错了。be likely to do“可能”。而possible和probable必须用it做主语,maybe词性不对。Ⅴ.完形填空请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Reading body language correctly is import英语高一新人教版必修4Unit4同步练习(2)及答案解析网友评论头衔:确定取消 编辑头衔邮箱:确定取消 跟踪回复0条评论0次被喜欢
【答案】: 必修四 Unit1: 1.努力提高工厂工人的工作条件是值得做的事情. (It is worthwhile to…; condition) It is worthwhile to improve working condition for factory workers. 2.她的行为鼓舞了替他人继续为野生动物保护而奋斗. (behavior; inspire) Her behavior. inspired others to carry on the fight for wildlife protection. 3.作为一名学生你应该谦虚, 不应该瞧不起那些知道得比你少的同学. (modest; look down upon) As a student, you should be modest and not look down upon the classmates who don’t know as much as you. 4.如果人类继续这样干, 我们很快就会陷入能源危机. (human beings; be short of) If human beings go on behaving like this, we will be short of energy soon. 5.年轻的一代中, 许多人都喜欢外国音乐和电影. (generation) Many of the young generation enjoy foreign music and films. 6.如果想知道如何翻译这个句子, 你最好查字典. (refer to) If you want to know how to translate this sentence, you’d better refer to a dictionary. 7.当游行的队伍离开广场后, 人群拥了进来. (move off; crowd in) When the parade moved off from the square, the people crowed in.