

小思 2024-09-18 36
胡思乱想英文版摘要: 胡思乱想的英文Entertain foolish ideas胡思乱想 [词典] make blind and disorderly conjectures; b...


Entertain foolish ideas

胡思乱想 [词典] make blind and disorderly conjectures; be lost in various fancies and conjectures;be moved by confused, foolish reflections; entertain all sorts of ideas; have a bee in one's head; [例句]当有合适的女人出现时,这种胡思乱想就会停止了。When the right woman comes along, this bad dream will be over.

胡思乱想have a bee in one's bonnetCranky

就是说做事或想事情没有中心,东一下,西一下,漫无目的。出处:老舍《骆驼祥子》一:“她不愿再往下想,也不愿再看见那些不干不净的字眼,胡思乱想,搅得她头昏眼花。”示例:他坐在电车上,~,不知道应该到哪里去。近义词:胡思乱想 反义词:心如止水 歇后语:张飞绣花—没有功夫 谜语:张飞绣花 用法:联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;形容没有中心的想。例句:我们做事情,不要胡思乱想,要有自己的目标。英文:be on a mind of mischief and thoughts 日文:思考をつくる 俄文:союзование 德文:be mindful and careful 法文:be contemplative ly 荷兰文:mindful and careful


胡思乱想 [词典] make blind and disorderly conjectures; be lost in various fancies and conjectures;be moved by confused, foolish reflections; entertain all sorts of ideas; have a bee in one's head; [例句]当有合适的女人出现时,这种胡思乱想就会停止了。When the right woman comes along, this bad dream will be over.

胡思乱想 hu si luan xiang 1.to wander; to imagine things; to think confusedly; to go off into wild flights of fancy; to have a maggot in one's head (or brain); to have a bee in one's bonnet 2.idle fancy; wild flights of fancy

day dream/random thought前者还可作动词:eg. Stop day dreaming. 别胡思乱想了



have a bee in one's head或者woolgather

1.Your word had totally driven her mad.2.Do you know how much I hate you / love you ?3.Tha'is enough of your these words…4.He cared little about your feelings./ For my sake, forget it.5.Come on, a toast to you!6.Don't make fantasies.7 That boy run away from home because of his parents' quarrels.8.There too many mistakes between us.9. Don't play dump before me, you know what you did.

指没有根据,不切 实际 的瞎想。

成语出处: 《朱子全书·学》:“宜于日用 之间 ,稍立课程,不要如此胡思乱量,过却子也。”

成语例句: 杏莉母亲正在 胡思乱想 之际,听到有人敲门,高兴极了!

繁体写法: 胡思乱想

注音: ㄏㄨˊ ㄙㄧ ㄌㄨㄢˋ ㄒㄧㄤˇ

胡思乱想的近义词: 痴心妄想 根本办不到的空想。比喻不切实际的希望次日,王慕善还痴心妄想。《官场现形记》 胡思乱量 犹胡思乱想。 宋 苏辙 《龙川别志》卷下:“慈圣意不怿,曰:‘皇亲辈皆笑太后欲於旧涡寻兔儿。’闻者 游思网箱

胡思乱想的反义词: 确信不疑

成语语法: 联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;形容毫无收益的思想

常用程度: 常用成语

感情.色彩: 中性成语

成语结构: 联合式成语

产生年代: 古代成语

英语翻译: entertain all sorts of ideas

俄语翻译: предавáться пустым мечтáниям

日语翻译: あれやこれやとくだらぬことを思いめぐらす

其他翻译: <德>von etwas phantasieren <法>laisser vagabonder son imagination

成语谜语: 做梦娶西施

读音注意: 乱,不能读作“làn”。

写法注意: 胡,不能写作“糊”。

歇后语: 大天白日做美梦


问题一:胡思乱想的英文名词怎么说? woolgatherer 空想, 幻想; 心不在焉, 胡思乱想 问题二:math!!!!!!math!!!!!!!! maximum part=[5*9/10+3] /(3+5)= 15/16 问题三:胡思乱想的英文怎么说? day dream/random thought 前者还可作动词: eg. Stop day dreaming. 别胡思乱想了 问题四:胡思乱想的英文怎么说 make blind and disorderly conjectures 瞎想乱猜;胡思乱想 注: conjectures n. 推测,猜想( conjecture的名词复数 ); v. 推测,猜测,猜想( conjecture的第三人称单数 ); [例句]There are several conjectures. 存在着几种猜测。 [其他] 原型: conjecture 问题五:为一个人胡思乱想,真的是够了 英文怎么翻译 为一个人胡思乱想,真的是够了 It is really enough to make blind and disorderly conjectures about a person. 满意的话请点击“满意”【采纳】 问题六:“别胡思乱想”“想都别想” 用英语分别怎么说? Don't aim at the moon! No way! 比较地道的说法 问题七:胡思乱想的英文名词怎么说? woolgatherer 空想, 幻想; 心不在焉, 胡思乱想 问题八:math!!!!!!math!!!!!!!! maximum part=[5*9/10+3] /(3+5)= 15/16 问题九:“你别胡思乱想了!”用英语怎么说? Don't think too much. 问题十:胡思乱想的英文怎么说 make blind and disorderly conjectures 瞎想乱猜;胡思乱想 注: conjectures n. 推测,猜想( conjecture的名词复数 ); v. 推测,猜测,猜想( conjecture的第三人称单数 ); [例句]There are several conjectures. 存在着几种猜测。 [其他] 原型: conjecture

1.Your word had totally driven her mad.2.Do you know how much I hate you / love you ?3.Tha'is enough of your these words…4.He cared little about your feelings./ For my sake, forget it.5.Come on, a toast to you!6.Don't make fantasies.7 That boy run away from home because of his parents' quarrels.8.There too many mistakes between us.9. Don't play dump before me, you know what you did.

thinking aimlessly.

Wild thinking?



turbid 形容词,浑浊的污浊的,也指(思想等)混乱的,迷茫的uddy也有浑浊的意思`


The Hun is muddy


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyu/4926.html发布于 2024-09-18
