

小思 2024-09-18 38
鸽子通道英文版摘要: 离子通道英语乙酰胆碱(Acetylcholine,ACh)ACh为胆碱能神经递质。其性质不稳定,极易被体内AChE水解,其作用广泛,选择性差,故无临床实用价值;但由于其为内源性...


乙酰胆碱(Acetylcholine,ACh)ACh为胆碱能神经递质。其性质不稳定,极易被体内AChE水解,其作用广泛,选择性差,故无临床实用价值;但由于其为内源性神经递质,分布较广,具有非常重要的生理功能。1.心血管系统 副交感神经通过其末梢释放ACh可支配心血管系统功能,主要产生以下作用:(1)血管扩张 给正常成人静脉注射小剂量(20μg ~50 μg/min)ACh可使全身血管扩张,也包括肺血管和冠状血管。其扩血管作用主要由于激动血管内皮细胞M3胆碱受体亚型,导致内皮依赖性舒张因子(endothelium-derived relaxing factor, EDRF)即一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)释放,从而引起邻近平滑肌细胞松弛。如果血管内皮受损,则ACh的上述作用将不复存在,反可引起血管收缩。此外,ACh所致的肾上腺素能神经末梢NA释放减少也与其扩血管作用有关。由于血管扩张引起血压短暂下降,常伴有反射性心率加快。(2)减慢心率 大剂量的ACh可使心率减慢,此作用亦称负性频率作用( negative chronotropic action)。此与药物抑制房室结传导有关,ACh也能延缓窦房结舒张期自动除极、使复极化电流增加,达到动作电位阈值的时间延长。导致心率减慢。(3)减慢房室结和普肯野纤维传导 即为负性传导作用(negative dromotropic action)。ACh可延长房室结和普肯野纤维(Purkinje fibers)的不应期,并使其传导减慢。强心苷(cardiac glycosides)或大剂量全身给于AChR激动药时所出现的完全性心脏传导阻滞常与房室结传导明显抑制有关。前者可使迷走神经张力增高,即通过ACh发挥作用;后者为副交感神经,即ACh的拟似效应。(4)减弱心肌收缩力 即为负性肌力作用(negative inotropic action)。胆碱能神经主要分布于窦房结、房室结、普肯野纤维和心房,而心室较少有胆碱能神经支配。故认为ACh对心房收缩的抑制作用大于心室。但由于迷走神经末梢与交感神经末梢紧密相邻,迷走神经末梢所释放的ACh可激动交感神经末梢突触前mAChR,反馈性抑制交感神经末梢NA释放,故使心室收缩力减弱。(5)缩短心房不应期 ACh不影响心房肌的传导速度,但可使心房不应期及动作电位时程缩短(即为迷走神经作用)。(6)心脏离子通道 ACh对心脏离子通道的影响主要表现为:①增加心房肌细胞、窦房结和房室结细胞的K+电流(IK(ACh))②减少心肌细胞缓慢内向Ca2+电流(ICa)③减弱超极化激活电流(If),此电流与舒张期去极化有关。所有上述作用均与心脏起搏节律减慢有关。其中①和②引起心房细胞超极化和抑制其收缩性。2.胃肠道 ACh可明显兴奋胃肠道平滑肌,使其收缩幅度和张力均增加,胃、肠平滑肌蠕动增加,并可促进胃、肠分泌,引起恶心、嗳气、呕吐、腹痛等症状。3.泌尿道 ACh可使泌尿道平滑肌蠕动增加,膀胱逼尿肌收缩,使膀胱最大自主排空压力(maximal voluntary voiding pressure)增加,降低膀胱容积,同时膀胱三角区和外括约肌舒张,促进膀胱排空。4.其他 ①腺体 ACh可使泪腺、气管和支气管腺体、唾液腺、消化道腺体和汗腺分泌增加; ②眼 当ACh局部滴眼时,可致瞳孔收缩,调节于近视; ③神经节和骨骼肌 ACh尚可作用于自主神经节和骨骼肌的神经肌肉接头的胆碱受体,引起交感、副交感神经节兴奋,肌肉收缩; ④中枢 由于ACh不易进入中枢,故尽管中枢神经系统有胆碱受体存在,但外周给药很少产生中枢作用; ⑤ACh可使支气管收缩,还能兴奋颈动脉和主动脉体化学受体。

Letchworth Garden City Corporation 莱奇沃斯花园城市公司

介绍氯离子通道可能有助于心脏的动作电位,引起去极化静息膜电位和行动,这种方式的潜在duration.1缩短,这些渠道是抗心律失常药物治疗的目标,而这种电流的升值可能允许在人类心脏节律的生理控制更深的了解。几种心脏氯电流已重新¬移植,包括营,调节电流,1 +激活钙电流肿胀激活的电流,和/或1当前结果¬从磷酸ING蛋白激酶Ç(PKC)(适用于审查,见参考文献1)。在人类心房细胞,几个螺柱¬IES已确定的膨胀激活chlo¬乘坐电流的存在,但未能发现其他氯离子介导的components.2-4阴离子当前显示强大的外向整流和苯乙烯二磺酸封锁。尽管如此¬少,文献包含CL-电流有限的报道,在人类的心房细胞,在单声道级别。就我们所知¬边缘,只有一个研究报告的chlo¬搭在这项研究中孤立的人类心房cardiomyocytes.5通道的特点,渠道牵张激活,并提出了I / V的线性关系,与9 PS导。 ¬本阴离子电导的生物物理性质,化学性质,偏离肿胀激活CL-目前已知的属性,至少就其既定的外向整流。所描述的通道,将更有可能对应PKC激活CL-channel.6本实验的目的是确定是否可以从人类心房肌细胞内而外膜补丁确定其他单一的氯离子通道电流,如果是这样,建立这些渠道,他们的反应的生物物理特性二磺酸苯乙烯CL-反¬端口阻滞剂。在这里,我们描述一个外表纠正的属性¬ING CL-通道在新鲜分离的心房人类cardiomy ocytes和二磺酸苯乙烯的封锁。此外,我们发现,这个通道的活性上调PKC的激活和细胞肿胀下。


没找到英文版哦,歌曲:鸽子歌手:徐秉龙词:林晨阳 曲:林晨阳 编曲:徐秉龙 歌词:我喜欢一个女孩 短发样子很可爱 她从我的身边走过去 我的眼睛都要掉出来 她喜欢一个人走 她说朋友并不多 我很愿意做你的朋友 即便不是那一种朋友 美丽的鸽子鸽子我喜欢你 小时候我就知道会遇见你 可爱的鸽子鸽子不要在意 这首歌你就随便听听 美丽的鸽子鸽子你要飞哪去 面朝大海然后春暖花开 可爱的鸽子鸽子别太在意 长大后我一定来找你 我喜欢一个女孩 短发样子很可爱 她从我的身边走过去 我的眼睛都要掉出来 美丽的鸽子鸽子我喜欢你 小时候我就知道会遇见你 可爱的鸽子鸽子不要在意 这首歌你就随便听听 美丽的鸽子鸽子你要飞哪去 面朝大海然后春暖花开 可爱的鸽子鸽子别太在意 长大后我一定来找你

从基础啊, 报一个英语班什么的,而且要每天抽出两个小时背英语和做题,这样英语有所提高

按自己的程度选合适的培训班是最好最系统和最全面的吧。如果你是想自学,1从没接触过英语的话,先从字母开始,买国内从初一开始的英语方面的书,一步一步来,当然词典是必备的2有一定基础的话,a 可以听英语歌,(把歌词找出来,认真理解,不懂的词查字典)b 看美剧,熟悉语言环境和日常用语,(每部电影都多看几遍,先看中英文字幕的,再看只有英文的,最后是没有字幕的)c 看英语报纸、杂志,d 看国际新闻(英文版),听英文广播


pathchannel passagegallery

通道 [词典] passageway; thoroughfare; pass; enterclose; alleyway; [例句]一个武装纵队试图从公交车和卡车组成的路障中间炸出一条通道来。One armoured column attempted to blast a path through a barricade of buses and trucks.




It's very +形容词副词修饰动词,形容词和副词,有时也可修饰数词,介词(短语),连词,名词或全句.really是个方式副词,一般放在be动词之后,行为动词之前.Examples:1. Did she really say so?她真的那样说吗?2. It's really cold today.今天可真冷。3. He's quite a nice boy, really.他真是个好孩子,一点不假。4.I'm not really sure.我不太清楚。教你方法,自己造句吧。

1、read a letter看信 2、clean the room打扫房间 3、finish my homework完成我的作业 4、wash my trousers 洗我的裤子 5、cook noodles 做面条 6、watch TV 看电视 7、play with me 和我玩 8、play football 踢足球 9、get up 起床 10、walk to school 步行去上学 11、stay at home 呆在家里 12、go to the Great Wall 去长城 13、lots of mountains 很多山 14、have a good time 玩得开心、玩得愉快 15、learn to skate 学习滑冰 16、come back 回来 17、run away 跑开 18、in fact 实际上 19、last week 上周 20、play the flute 吹笛子 21、go to the zoo 去动物园 22、go out 出去 23、be careful 小心 24、what's the matter? 怎么了? 25、go home 回家 26、take this medicine 吃药 27、have a cold 感冒 28、have a toothache 牙痛 29、make a snowman 堆雪人 30、National Day 国庆节gold 金子 food 食物 took (take的过去式)拿走 made (make的过去式)制作 angry 生气 only 只 away 离开 said (say的过去式) 说 paintbrush 画笔 magic 神奇的、 有魔力的 snake 蛇 break 弄坏 broke (弄坏的过去式) cry 哭 monster 怪物 ran (run的过去式)跑 soup 汤 came (come的过去式)来 worry 担心的 scary 可怕的 last 刚过去的 won (win的过去式) 赢得 gold 金制的 cup 奖杯 practise 练习 win 赢得 competition 比赛 Wednesday 星期三 grandparents 祖父母 happen 发生 put (put的过去式)放下 ride 骑 thirsty 口渴的 watermelon 西瓜 fell off (fall off的过去式)从…上跌落 knee 膝盖 cut 切割 finger 手指 hungry 饥饿 bump 碰撞 careful 小心的 sand 沙滩 matter 麻烦事 medicine 药 toothache 牙疼 fever 发烧 stomachache 胃疼 chocolate 巧克力 take 拿走 headache 头疼 dolly 洋娃娃 sick 生病的 make 制作 say 说 run 跑 come 来 want 想要 fall off 从…上跌落 put 放 also 也 help 帮助 ship 船 saw (see的过去式)看见 head 头 finish 完成 bought (buy的过去式)买 went (的过去式)去 flute 笛子 visit 参观 holiday 假日 tiger 老虎 ride 骑 ship 船 biscuit 饼干 yesterday 昨天 special 特别的 mountain 山 American 美国人 clean 打扫 finish 完成 learnt (learn的过去式) 学习 bicycle 自行车 invent 发明 dirty 脏 important 重要的 paper 纸 dancing 舞蹈 listen 听 wash 洗 paint 画 picture 图片 music 音乐 weather 天气 letter 信 wear 穿 live 居住 noodle 面条 football 足球 climb 爬 warm 暖和prudent 明智的 resentful 愤怒的mature 成熟的unfeeling 冷漠的wholesome 健康的 innocent 多管闲事的intimate 不可侵犯的loyal 忠诚的lavishly 大方的等等...以下的英语写作常用单词供你参考:常用的形容词和副词: absurd 荒唐的addictive 上瘾的affectionate 有感情的aggressive 有上进心的alert 敏锐的;警惕的arduous 费劲的 artistic 艺术的authoritative 权威性的awkward 尴尬的balanced 平衡的cogent 使人信服的cold-blooded 冷血的cold-hearted 无情的compassionate 富有同情心的compatible 兼容的complicated 复杂的confident 自信的contemptible 可鄙的contributive 有贡献的corrupt 腐败的delicious 美味可口的demanding 要求高的detrimental 有害的devious 偏离正道的dishonorable 不光彩的disturbed 受到干扰的eccentric 古怪的economical 经济的 enlightened 开明的;文明的evil 邪恶的exotic 异国的fallacious 荒谬的fashionable 时髦的feasible 可行的fictitious 虚假的flexile 灵活多样的fruitful 有成效的glamorous 富有魅力的gorgeous 辉煌的humane 人道的ignorant (of) 无视的;无知的impressive 令人印象深刻的inborn 天生的incompatible 不调和的incompatible 不和适宜的inconceivable 不可思议的indecent 不妥的;不检点的indifferent 冷漠的indispensable 不可或缺的inexhaustible 取之不尽的infectious 传染性的inferior 低人一等的infirm (身体)弱的influential 有影响力的ingrain 根深蒂固的inhumane 不人道的initially 首先innocent 多管闲事的inquisitive 有害无益insalubrious 有教育意义的instructive 智力的intellectual 中间的;过渡的interim 人际关系的interpersonal 密切的intimate 不可侵犯的inviolable 内在的inward 不可挽回的irreparable 不可抵抗的irresistible 不可挽回的irritating 恼人的isolated (from) 隔绝的laudable 可赞誉的lavishly 大方的legitimate 合法的loyal 忠诚的luxurious 奢侈的magnanimous 宽宏大量的mature 成熟的misleading 误导的misrepresented 不如实叙述的money-oriented 向钱看的multilateral 对方面的nourished 有营养的obscure 晦涩的old-fashioned/out of date 过时的palatable 美味的perilous 危险的permissive 宽容的;许可的pernicious 有害无益的pornographic 色情的potential 潜在的practical 实际的;务实的preferential 优惠的pressing 紧迫的prevailing 占主导地位的;流行的professional 专业的 prosperous 繁荣昌盛的prudent 明智的 psychological 心理上rational 理性的resentful 愤怒的reverse 相反的rewarding 值得的ridiculous 荒谬的rigid 严格的rough 粗略的 self-contemptuous 自卑的shabby 破旧不堪的sheltered 受保护的sociable 好交际的sole 唯一的stern/strict 严格的stressful 有压力的stringent 严厉的stylish 时髦的superficial 表面现象的tempting 吸引人的time-honored 久享盛名的traditional 传统的typical 典型的unadvised 轻率的uncompromising 不妥协的unconcerned 冷漠的uneasy 不自在的unethical 不道德的unfeeling 冷漠的unhealthy 不健康的unified 同一标准的unique 独特的unjust 不公平的unscrupulous 肆无忌惮的unsociable 不善于社交的untimely 不和适宜的unwholesome 不健康的utterly 完全;绝对地vexing 令人烦恼的vivid 形象的voluntary 自愿的vulnerable 易受伤害的well-grounded 有充足理由的wholesome 健康的 常用的名词abolishment 废除absurdity 荒唐;谬论abuse 滥用achievement 成绩acquaintance 熟人adaptation 改写;适应admiration 崇拜adventurer/explorer 探险者adverse impact 负面影响adversity 逆境affection 友情/感情alienation 疏远ambition 志向amusement 娱乐anecdote 轶事apathy 冷漠无情approach 鼓掌architecture 建筑art 艺术assault 攻击assessment 评估association 联想;联系athlete 运动员availability 可得到的东西barrier 妨碍behavior 行为beneficiary 受益人budget 预算burden 负担campaign 运动candidate 候选人capacity 能力celebrity 名人character 性格characteristic 特征charm 魅力clerk 职员cohesion 凝聚力colleague 同事collectivism 集体主义comfort 舒适commercial 商业广告commercialization 商业化commodity 商品companion/partner 同伴conformity 一致consensus 同意consultation 咨询consumption 消费content 内容contentment 满意;满足contribution 贡献correlation 相关性costume 服装creativity 创造性criteria 条件cruelty 残忍customer 顾客cyber crime 网络犯罪depression 沮丧;低沉deprivation 剥夺descendant 后代deterioration 恶化detour 绕道developed countries 发达国家developing countries 发展中国家

第一部分1.Actions speak louder than words.行动胜於空谈。2.Advice when most needed is least heeded.忠言逆耳。3.After a storm comes a calm.否极泰来。4.All good things come to and end.花无百日红(天下无不散之筵席)。5.All roads lead to Rome.条条大道通罗马。6.All that glitters is not gold.闪砾者未必都是金(不可仅以貌取人)。7.All's well that ends well.善终为善。8.Art is long, life is short.人生苦短,而学术无穷。9.As you sow, so shall you reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。10. Bad news travels fast.恶事传千里。11. A bad penny always comes back. 恶有恶报。12. A bad shearer never had a good sickle. {A bad workman always blames his tools.}劣工尤器。13. The bait hides the hook.饵裏藏钩。14. Barking dogs seldom bite.吠叫的狗不咬人。15. Beauty is but skin deep.美色只是一层皮。16. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.情人眼裏出西施。17. Beggars must not be choosers.饥者不得择食。18. The best fish swims near the bottom.好鱼游溪底。19. Better be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse. {Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.}宁为驴头不为马尾;宁为狗头不为狮尾。20. Better late than never.宁迟勿缺;只要开始,虽晚不迟。21. Between two stools you fall to the ground.脚踏双凳必坠地。22. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.一鸟在手胜於两鸟在林。23. Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚。24. The biter is sometimes bit.欺人反受欺(害人及害己)。25. Blood is thicker than water.血浓於水。26. A burnt child dreads the fire.受灼的小孩必怕火。27.Care killed a cat.忧虑致命(劳神丧命)。28.A cat may look at a king.君王卿相於我何。29.Charity begins at home.修身齐家博爱天下。30.The child is father of the man.少年时代可决定一人之未来。31.Comparisons are odious.人比人气死人。32.Constant dripping wears away the stone.滴水穿石。33.A contented mind is a perpetual feast.知足常乐。34.Death is the great leveler.死后万人皆平等。35.The devil finds work for idle hands to do.小人闲居做歹事。36.Diamond cut diamond.两虎相争必有一伤。37.Do as you would be done by.己所欲施於人。38.Do in Rome as the Romans do.入境随俗。39.Don't change horses in mid-stream.临阵勿换将。40.Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.勿打如意算盘。41.Do not kick against the pricks.勿以螳臂当车。42.Don't put the cart before the horse.勿本未倒置。43.Don't quarrel with your bread and butter.勿自砸饭碗。44.Don't wash your dirty linen in public.家丑不可外扬。45.Dog does not cat dog.狗不咬狗(同类不相残)。46.Easier said than done.说来容易做来难。47.Easy come easy go.徼幸之财难久留(赚得容易花得快)。48.Empty vessels make the most sound.空桶响叮当。49.Even Homer sometimes nods.智者千虑必有一失。50.Everybody's business is nobody’s business.众人之事乏人管。51.Every dog has his day.三年风水轮流转(狗也有走运的一天)。52. Every man has his taste. 人各有所好。53.Extremes meet. 物极必反。54. Familiarity breed contempt.过份熟稔易滋侮蔑;近庙欺神。55.A fault confessed is half redressed. 肯认错是改过的一半。56.First come first served.捷足先登。57.The fish will soon be caught that nibbles at every bait. 贪吃的鱼儿易上钩。58.Forewarned is forearmed. 先知先戒备。59.A friend in need is a friend indeed.救难之友乃为友。60.Give knaves an inch and they will take a yard.小人得寸便进尺。61.God's mill grinds slow but sure. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。62.Grasp all, lose all. 贪者必失。63.Handsome is as handsome does.慷慨大方始为美。64.He that touches pitch shall be defiled.近墨势黑。65.Heaven helps those who help themselves.天助自助者。66.Health is better than wealth.健康胜於财富。67.Hide not your light under a bushel.勿过份谦冲以致隐没才能。68.History repeats itself.历史会重演。69.Hoist your sail when the wind is fair见机行事。.70.Honesty is the best policy.诚实为上策。71.Idle folk have the least leisure.懒惰人才说没空闲。72.If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.同时追两免,两头都落空。73.In wine there is truth.酒后吐真言。74.It is easy to be wise after the event.经一事长一智。75.It is never too late to mend.亡羊补牢犹末晚也。76.It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。77.A Jack of all trades is master of none. 样样通样样稀松。78.Knowledge is power.知识就是力量。79.The last straw breaks the camel's neck凡事宜节制,过则必败事。.80.Least said, soonest mended.少说少错(多言惹祸)。81.The leopard cannot change his spots.江山易改,本性难移。82.Let sleeping dogs lie.别自找麻烦。83.Like father, like son.有其父必有其子。84.A little learning is a dangerous thing.一知半解最危险。85.A little pot is soon hot.小人物易发怒。86.Live and learn. 活到学到老。87.Look before you leap.三思而后行。88.Lookers-on see most of the game.旁观者清。89.Love is blind. 爱情是盲目的。90.Love me little. love me long.爱情要细水长流。91.Make hay while the sun shines. 末雨绸缪。92.Man proposes. God disposes. 谋事在人,成事在天。93.Many a little makes a mickle. =Every little makes a mickle.积少成多(聚沙成塔、集腋成裘)。94.Marry in haste, and repent at leisure. 匆匆结婚,慢慢后悔。95.Men are not to be measured in inches.人不可以貌相。96.Might is right.强权即是公理。97.Money makes the mare go. 强权能使鬼推磨。98.Much would have more. 贪得无餍。99.Murder will out. 如欲人不知,除非已莫为。100.Necessity is the mother of invention.需要为发明之母。101.Never do things by halves.做事切莫半途而废。102.Never look a gift horse in the mouth.馈赠之物切莫挑剔。103.No man can serve two masters.一人不能事二君。104.No man is content with his lot.无人能满意於自己的命运。105.No news is good news.无消息即是好消息。106.No pains, no gains.不劳则无获。107.None so blind as those who won’t see.有眼不看者为盲。108.Nothing comes of nothing.事出必有因(无中不能生有)。109.Nothing venture, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。110.Once bitten, twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草绳。111.One swallow does not make a summer.勿以一概全。112.Out of debt, out of danger.无债一身轻。113.Out of sight, out of mind.久离则疏远。114.The pot called the kettle black.五十步笑百步。115.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。116.Prevention is better than cure.预防胜於治疗。117.The proof of pudding is in the eating.欲知布丁味,亲尝便可晓。118.Put the saddle on the right horse.责备得当(冤有头、债有主)。119.The road to hell is paved with good intentions.手抱菩萨操屠刀。120.Rome was not built in a day.罗马不是一天造成的。121Second thoughts are best.退一步想最稳当。122.Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见(眼见为真)。123.Share and share alike.有苦同当,有福共享。124.Slow and steady wins the race.稳健扎实必致胜。125.A soft answer turned away wrath.和言足以息怒(柔足以克刚)。126.Some people cannot see the wood for the trees.见木不见林,逐末而忘本。127.A sound mind in a sound body.健全的头脑寓於健全的身体。128.Spare the rod and spoil the child.孩子不打不成器(玉不琢不成器)。129.Stil water runs deep.水深流静。130.A stitch in time saves nine.及时缝一针,省得日后缝九针(防微杜渐)。 131.Strike while the iron is hot.打铁趁热。132.Take the rough with the smooth.逆来则顺受。133.Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear.说曹操曹操就到。134.There are two sides to every question.公说公有理,婆说婆有理。135.There's a black sheep in every flock.每一个团体中都难免有害群之马。136.There is no rose without a thorn.朵朵玻瑰皆有刺。137.There is on smoke without fire.有烟必有火(无风不起浪)。138.Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.投鼠忌器。139.The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts.舌头虽非铁却可伤人。140.Too many cooks spoil the broth.七手八脚必败事。141.Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone.化绊脚石为垫脚路。142.Two heads are better than one.三个臭皮匠,胜过诸葛亮(集思广益)。143.Two of a trade can never than one. 同行相嫉。144.Virtue is its own reward.为善自得其乐。145.Walls have ears.壁上有耳。146.Well begun is half done.好的开始是成功的一半。147.What can't be cured must be endured.无能为力之事只得忍耐。148.Whatever a man sow, that shall he also reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。149.Where there is a will there is a way.有志者事竟成。150.Words cut more than swords.舌剑利於刀剑。151.You cannot burn the candle at both ends.蜡烛不能两头烧(勿过份消耗体力)。152.You cannot get blood out of a stone.石头挤不出血来(铁石心肠那有泪)。153.You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk.鱼与能掌不可兼得。154.You cannot teach an old dog new tricks.老狗学不来新花样(人老则守旧)。155.Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.缺乏知识之热心,犹如脱韁之马。156.When you judge others you condemn yourself.批评别人,就是责备自己。157.There is more pleasure in loving than in being loved.爱别人比被别人爱的乐趣多。158.Cunning is no burden.艺多不压人。159.He stands not surely that never slips.从不滑倒的人是站不稳的人。160.He that loses his honesty has nothing else to lose.丢了诚实,就是丢了一切。161.He that may not do as he would, must do as he may.不能做想做的事,就该做可做的事。162.Heaven is at the feet of mothers.慈母的膝下就是天堂。163.There is no grief which time does not lessen and soften. ( ~~~Cicero ) 没有时间不能减轻与缓和的哀伤。164.Facts do not cease to exist just because they are ignored. ( ~~~Aldous Huxley )事实并不仅仅因为受到忽略而停止存在。165.The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. ( ~~~Edmund Burke )权力愈大,愈有滥用的危险。166.Art is a lie that enables us to realize the truth. ( ~~~Pablo Picasso )艺术是一种使我们能够实现真实的谎言。167.Love is forgiving even if you can't forget.爱就是不能忘怀,也要原谅。168.Love is sharing a hard day's leisure hour before dinner.爱就是在晚餐前,共享辛劳一天后的片刻闲暇。--------------------------------------------------------------------------------第二部份1.知识就是力量。 Knowledge is power. 2.罗马不是一天造成的。 Rome was not built in a day. 3.把握现在。 There is no time like the present. 4.请开冷气。 Please turn on the air condition. 5.你觉得这里如何? How do you like it here? 6.有志者事竟成。 Where there’s a will, there’s a way. 7.百闻不如一见。 Seeing is believing. 8.快五点了。 It’s almost five o’clock. 9.这个地方不错。 This is a nice place. 10.熟能生巧。 Practice makes perfect. 11.条条大路通罗马。 All roads lead to Rome. 12.爱人如己。 Love your neighbor as yourself. 13.诚实为上策。 Honesty is the best policy. 14.中秋节快乐! Happy Moon Festival! 15.新春快乐。 Happy Lunar New Year! 16.情人节快乐! Happy Valentine’s Day! 17.好的开始是成功的一半。 Well begun is half done. 18.早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 The early bird catches the worm. 19.爱是学习给予与接受。 To love is to learn to offer and accept. 20.知足常乐。 Happy is he who is content. 21.真正的喜乐来自内心。 Real joy comes from within. 22.欲速则不达。 Haste makes waste. 23.爱情要细水长流。 Love me little, love me long. 24.我们正在大拍卖。 We are having a sale now. 25.我钦佩你所做的一切。 I admire all you’ve done. 26.每一天都是新的开始。 Every day is a new beginning. 27.妥善规划你的每一天。 Plan your day. 28.三思而后行。 Look before you leap. 29.放轻松。 Let yourself go. 30.很可能会下雨。 Chances are it will rain. 31.我真高兴回家了。 I’m so glad to be home. 32.压力如何影响你? How does stress affect you? 33.你星期六上班吗? Do you have to work on Saturday? 34.我不是早起的人。 I’m not a morning person. 35.谢谢你的鼓励。 Thanks for your encouraging words. 36.事情会顺利的。 Things will work out fine. 37.为什麼我的心跳这麼快? Why is my heart beating so fast? 38.我们何时再见面? When can we see each other? 39.不偏离正道。 Stay on the right track. 40.音乐能让我放松。 Music can help me relax. 41.否极泰来。 After the storm comes the calm. 42.你去赏花了吗? Have you seen the beautiful blossoms? 43.谢谢你的合作。 Thank you for your cooperation. 44.什麼事耽搁你了? What's holding you up? 45.一切都在掌握中。 Everything is under control. 46.该是采取行动的时候了。 It's time to take action. 47.情人眼里出西施。 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 48.请您美言几句。 Please put in a good word for me. 49.我会想办法。 I'll think of something. (or) I'll see what I can do. 50.我不太清楚。 I didn't get a very clear picture of it. 51.你管不了! It's no concern of yours.(较客气)。You stay out of this.(语气较重)。None of your business.(语气最重,骂讨厌鬼,别管闲事)。 52.只许这麼一次。(下不为例) This will be the first and last time. 53.金玉其外。 All that glitter is not gold. 54.千载一时。 Once in a blue moon. 55.不合罗辑。 That doesn't make sense. 56.愿闻其详(请道其详)。 Give me the lowdown.(实情、内幕) 57.囊中物。 It's in the bag. 58.我希望你小心从事。 I hope you know what you are doing. 59.不说也吧! I'd rather not talk about it. 60.一言难尽。 It's a long story. 61.(1)当今热门人物;时代人物(2)言而有信之人(3)沉默之人(4)老於世故之人(5)普通老百姓。 (1)a man of the hour(2)a man of his word(3)a man of few words(4)a man of the world(5)a man on the street 62.中庸。 Golden mean 63.己立立人,己达达人。 To live and let live. 64.月裏嫦娥。 Girl in the moon 65.我真不敢相信(我的眼睛、我的耳)。 I can't believe my eyes ( ears ). 66.语无伦次。 Talking through one's hat. ( or ) Talking nuts. ( or ) Talking nonsense. 67.强弩之末。 The end of the rope. 68.人人为自己。 Everyone for himself. 69.人人为我,我为人人。 All for one, one for all. 70.岁月不饶人。岁月不居。 Time and tide wait for no one. 71.宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。 Rather lose honorably than gain basely. 72.混水摸鱼。 To fish in troubled waters. 73.不要操之过急。 Easy does it. 74.流鳄鱼的眼泪。猫哭耗子。 To shed crocodile tears. 75.桃李不言(好东西不必宣传)。 Good wine needs no bush.(挂招牌) 76.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 An idle youth; a needy age. 77.坐食山崩。 Laziness travels so slowly that poverty overtakes him. 78.打肿脸充胖子。 To put a false front. ( or ) To create a false impression. 79.随便你(你相不相信随你)。 That's your privilege. 80.你懂我的意思吧。(我要开除你‧‧等) You are getting the message. 81.酒鬼。 Drunk; Boozer; Lush; Tank 82.我不会喝酒。 I'm not much of a drinker. 83.我戒酒啦。 I'm on the wagon. 84.他能喝酒。他嗜酒如命。 He can hold his liquor. He is an alcoholic. 85.无风不起浪。 Where there is smoke, there is fire. 86.青出于蓝。 Jade comes from stone. 87.钱能通神。(有钱能使鬼推磨)= 107 Money talks. 88.你不明白我。 You don't read me. 89.渔翁得利。 Two dogs fight for a bone; the third runs away with it. 90.以德报怨。 To recompense injury with kindness. 91.对牛弹琴。 Cast pearls before swine. 92.作茧自缚。 Make one's bed and lie in it. 93.不要打岔。 Don't change the subject. 94.公平交易。 square deal 95.正大光明。 fair and square 96.集思广益。 Two heads are always better than one. 97.人多嘴杂。 Too many cooks spoil the broth. 98.杞人忧天。(半途迎接麻烦) Meet trouble half way. 99.流水不腐。 Running water does not get stale. ( or ) A used key is always bright. 100.目不见睫。 Your eyes cannot see your lashes. ( or ) The hunchback does not see his own hump. 101.难兄难弟。 They deserve each other. 102.法网难逃。 You can't get away with murder. 103.谈虎变色。 A burnt child dreads the fire. 104.笑里藏刀。 There are dangers in men's smiles. 105.鹤立鸡群。 Head and shoulders above others. 106.左右逢源。 his bread is buttered on both sides. 107.财能通神。 Money makes the mare to go. 108.一劳永逸。 Once and for all. 109.五十步笑百步。 A pot calling the kettle black. 110.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 Nothing ventured; nothing gained. 111.人心不足蛇吞象。 The eye is bigger than the mouth. 112.值得做。走一步,算一步。 It pays. Cross the bridge when you come to it. 113.为什麼?我要他好看。 How comes? I'll give it to him. 114.放明白一点。(做人要聪明一点) You'd better wise up. 115.记著我的话。要老实点。 Mark my words. Be incurable square. 116.你又来这一套。 There you go again. 117.酒醉饭饱。 square meal 118.礼多人不怪。 Politeness offends no one. ( or ) Courtesy costs nothing. 119.鹿死不择音(阴)。 A dying deer doesn't choose a shade. ( or ) Beggars are no choosers. 120.到目前为止相当好。 So far so good. 121.我自己有分寸。 I know what I'm doing. 122.有时候;常常;很少 Once in a while; Once too often; Once in a blue moon 123.上帝是基於美的必要,上帝就是爱。 God, from a beautiful necessity, is love. 124.能做要人固然是好,做个好人却更重要。 It is nice to be important but it is more important to be nice.




你醒来一天,一切的变化 你跨一条线,并没有回头 您夹缝中的爱情和危险 它的努力留下一个心脏,使开拓这一 您希望.每当星从天空落下时您希望.他会感觉方式您感觉里面您希望和您祈祷你希望你祈祷,请保持它被锁 正如你看到自己失去了在他的亲吻.你希望 您认为您知道如何阅读他 然后,他抛出你的权利,偏离轨道 和所有你知道是多少,你需要他 时间会告诉你哪里,他的心,实在是在 您希望.每当星从天空落下时您希望.他会感觉方式您感觉里面您希望和您祈祷你希望你祈祷,请保持它被锁正如你看到自己失去了在他的亲吻.你希望 深夜 您想知道什么,他的思想 它杀的你 和所有的真实 您是属于深层的爱 您希望.每当星从天空落下时您希望.他会感觉方式您感觉里面您希望和您祈祷你希望你祈祷,请保持它被锁正如你看到自己失去了在他的亲吻.你希望 每当星从天空落下时您希望.他会感觉方式您感觉里面您希望和您祈祷你希望你祈祷,请继续使用它的所有锁 正如你看到自己失去了在他的亲吻.你希望


英 [trəˈdʒektəri]  美 [trəˈdʒektəri]



ballistic trajectory弹道轨迹

Ballistic trajectory [航] 惯性飞行轨迹 ; 弹道曲线

ray trajectory 光线径迹 ; 射线轨迹

electron trajectory 电子轨道 ; [电子] 电子轨迹 ; 电子弹道

air trajectory 空气轨迹 ; 气流轨迹 ; 空气弹道


trajectory 读音[trəˈdʒektəri]弹道;(射体在空中的)轨道;轨迹(名词)复数形式:trajectories例句My career seemed to be on a downward trajectory.我的事业似乎在走下坡路。The missile deflected from its trajectory.导弹已偏离轨道。常用trajectory planning 轨迹规划trajectory tracking 轨迹跟踪; 路径跟踪; 轨迹跟踪运动; 轨迹跟踪控制


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyu/3611.html发布于 2024-09-18
