Death is not redemption.It is the end of sin.
I want to dead to cover others mistake.
China简写成CHN,这种简写其实是有规律可言的。英文有二十六个字母,元音字母只有aeiou五个,算上半元音的y,只有六个,其他的都是辅音字母。不知你玩没玩过文曲星电子词典上猜单词的游戏,就是一个单词有几个字母就给出几个小格子,然后你有多少次机会猜单词里有什么字母,猜中一个单词里有的字母,那个字母就在出现在它在单词里的位置的那个格子里。这个游戏的秘诀是元音字母好猜,所以先猜a、e之类,填出几个元音字母之后,再根据元音字母提供的线索,慢慢猜辅音字母。要是上来先猜辅音字母,20个辅音字母,可能机会用完了,还没猜中一个。这个游戏告诉我们一个道理,每个单词的与众不同、难猜、需要记住的是他的辅音字母。所以就有了这种简写方式。这种简写想还原,在简写基础上看一下aeiou和y哪些合适补上,就行了。日本Japan缩写为JPN,英尺foot缩写为ft, 楼Building缩写为bld等等都是这个意思。是否可以解决您的问题?
应该是I would like to make atonement for the world I die,I want to dead to cover others mistakes是错误的
pom白虎 sven流浪 sil沉默术士 zeus众神之王 ts受折磨的灵魂 lina火女 qop痛苦女王 centnur/CW半人马酋长 WL术士 void虚空假面 pugna遗忘法师 tiny山岭巨人 vip毒龙 thd双头龙 OM/orge食人鬼魔法师 sk沙王 snk骷髅王 bane/BE痛苦之源 na地穴刺客 TB灵魂守卫 sf影魔 bm兽王 Tinker地精修补匠 ug/Spectre幽鬼 BB刚背兽 ES/shaker撼地神牛 LA/DK地狱领主 doctor/WD巫医 Lich巫妖 Lion恶魔巫师 Visage死灵飞龙 weave/NW蚂蚁 A隐性刺客 ss暗影萨满 lucy末日使者 Alchemist 炼金术士 am/magina敌法师 Axe斧王 BA/brood/spider育母蜘蛛 wolf狼人 Bear/LD德鲁伊 furion先知 cm水晶室女 chen圣骑士 Naix食尸鬼 ursa/UW熊战士 BM兽王 bh/gondar赏金猎人 Pudge屠夫 PB/panda熊猫酒仙 bm/jugg剑圣 bone/clinkz骷髅射手 BS血魔 orge食人鬼魔法师 Pugna遗忘法师 cent/warchief半人马酋长 DP死亡先知 NAGA娜迦海妖 vs复仇之魂 EH魅惑魔女 Luna月之骑士 Sniper/DS矮人狙击手 TW/Troll巨魔战将 BH赏金猎人 DK龙骑士 DR黑暗游侠 OK全能骑士 TP树精卫士 PL幻影长矛手 Furion先知 Tiny山岭巨人 NS暗夜魔王 SG/Slardar鱼人守卫 FV虚空假面 Razor复仇电魂 PA幻影刺客 TH潮汐猎人 SB裂魂人 luna月之骑士 OD黑曜毁灭者 kotl光之守卫 Enigma谜团 Gorgon/medusa蛇发女妖 magnus半人猛犸 Goblin/techies哥布林工程师 destroyer/OD黑曜毁灭者 geo/Meeop地卜师 enchant/dryad魅惑魔女 omni/omniknight全能骑士 Necrolyte死灵法师复仇之魂:VS(英文缩写)复仇(简称)众神之王:MK(山丘之王的缩写)雷神(4个闪点技能 当之无愧啊)媚惑魔女:小鹿(模型名称)变体精灵:水人(模型俗称)水晶室女:冰女(简称)流浪剑客:SVEN(名字)娜迦海妖:小NAGA(英文名字简称)捍地神牛:老牛/牛哥(这个不用说了吧)隐藏刺客:SA(英文缩写)秀逗魔导师:火女(简称)莉娜/Lina()名字德鲁伊:熊德(模型名称)剑圣:BM(英文简称)沉默术士:破法(模型名称)SILENCER(名字)树精卫士:大树/老树(模型简称)谜团:大水人(模型简称)光之守卫:光法(简称)熊战士:拍拍熊(攻击动作和释法动作基本都是拍)食人魔法师:蓝胖子(蓝色的胖子吗)2头男(2个脑袋嘛)地精修补匠:修理工(简称)Tinker(名字)幻影长矛手:白猴子(模型简称)先知:(这个好像没有吧)山岭巨人:小小(名字)Tiny(英文名字)哥布林工程师:炸弹人(俗称)圣骑士:QS(骑士。。)先知(模型名称)月之骑士:月女(简称)Luna/露娜·月光(名字)矮人狙击手:火枪(简称)巨魔战将:巨魔(简称) 绿皮(绿色的皮肤称之绿皮也)暗影撒满:小Y(模型名字)SS(英文缩写)刚背兽:小猪(模型)熊猫酒仙:熊猫(简称)PB(英文缩写)半人马酋长:人马(简称)赏金猎人:赏金(简称)龙骑士:DK(英文缩写 DK一般指地狱领主)敌法师:DH(模型名字)黑暗游侠:DR(英文缩写)黑弓(简称)全能骑士:全能(简称)兽王:这个好像也没有双头龙:同上炼金术士:再同上月之女祭祀:白虎(模型名字)蛇发女妖:大NAGA(简称)蛇发(简称)暗夜魔王:暗夜(简称)骷髅王:SK(英文缩写 不过一般SK是指沙王)骨头王(俗称)末日使者:末日(简称)Lucifer(名字)地穴刺客:小强(模型名字)鱼人守卫:鱼人(简称)Slardar(名字)痛苦女王:女王(简称)QOP(英文缩写)骷髅射手:小骷髅 骨弓(简称)Bone(名字)虚空假面:假面 没脸男(简称)冥界亚龙:毒龙 亚龙(简称)复仇电魂:电魂(简称)Razor(名字)食尸鬼:狗(俗称)N`aix(名字)灵魂守卫:大DH(模型) 魂守(简称)受折磨的灵魂:老鹿(模型)巫妖:51(音译)死亡先知:DP(英文缩写)女妖(模型)恶魔巫师:LION(名字)剧毒术士:刺蛇(模型)半人猛犸:猛犸(简称)死灵飞龙:死0龙(简称)混沌骑士:混沌(简称)狼人:没有育母蜘蛛:蜘蛛(简称)BA(英文缩写)幻影刺客:守望(模型)PA(英文缩写)Mortred(名字)遗忘法师:骨法(简称)潮汐猎人:海巨人(俗称)痛苦之源:痛苦(简称)虚无(模型)死灵法师:没有屠夫:胖子(dota里最肥的英雄嘛)钩子(来源于其最无敌的技能)裂魂人:白牛(模型)地穴编织者:蚂蚁(俗称)影魔:影子(俗称)沙王:SK(英文缩写)蝎子(模型)斧王:斧子(简称)红狗(最近出现的莫名其妙的称呼 明明是霜狼一族)血魔:BS(英文缩写)地狱领主:死骑(模型)DK(模型名)幽鬼:复仇(模型)巫医:医生(俗称)黑曜毁灭者:雕像(模型)OD(英文缩写)术士:SS(术士简称
China简写成CHN,这种简写其实是有规律可言的。英文有二十六个字母,元音字母只有aeiou五个,算上半元音的y,只有六个,其他的都是辅音字母。不知你玩没玩过文曲星电子词典上猜单词的游戏,就是一个单词有几个字母就给出几个小格子,然后你有多少次机会猜单词里有什么字母,猜中一个单词里有的字母,那个字母就在出现在它在单词里的位置的那个格子里。这个游戏的秘诀是元音字母好猜,所以先猜a、e之类,填出几个元音字母之后,再根据元音字母提供的线索,慢慢猜辅音字母。要是上来先猜辅音字母,20个辅音字母,可能机会用完了,还没猜中一个。这个游戏告诉我们一个道理,每个单词的与众不同、难猜、需要记住的是他的辅音字母。所以就有了这种简写方式。这种简写想还原,在简写基础上看一下aeiou和y哪些合适补上,就行了。日本Japan缩写为JPN,英尺foot缩写为ft, 楼Building缩写为bld等等都是这个意思。是否可以解决您的问题?
“救赎” 的英文是 redeem (动词) 和 redemption (名词),这两个词没有缩写。
盟军男平民回应What should I do?我该做什么?移动This is scary.这是骇人的。攻击I’’ll do it.我将做它 I see ’’em.我看见他们。You bet.你打赌。 *盟军女子回应What do you want.你想要什么。I like a man in uniform.我喜欢穿制服的人。Like my new hair cut?喜欢我的新发型吗?移动Can I bring my friends?我能带我的朋友吗?Alright.好的。Let’’s go!让我们走!My feet hurt.我的脚痛了。攻击If you say so如果你这样说(我就做)Do I have to?,我要做?Is this a REAL gun?这是支真枪吗?Will I get hurt?我将受伤吗?受伤I just bought this outfit.我只是买了这装备。Hey, cut it out.嗨,让它离开。I was only kidding!我仅仅在开玩笑! *俄男平民回应Where should I go?我应该去哪?You’’re wish?你的愿望吗?移动It is, safe?是这,安全吗?I hear and obey.我听到并且服从。攻击Firing.开火 For the common good.为了共同的好处。I will do as you say.我将做,正如你所说。 *俄妇女回应Da俄语的是[猜的]What is it?这是什么?I’’m cold.我很冷。Are you KGB?你是克格勃(成员)吗?(苏联类似FBI的特工组织)What a society.多好的社会。移动I’’ll be late for bread line.(这样)我排粮队会迟到的。But I was working.但是我还在工作呀。No rest for Soviet women.苏维埃妇女不休息。Where are we going?我们正在去哪?攻击If I must.如果我必须。Will you watch my children?你照看我的孩子吗?It is my duty.它是我的责任。For Romanov.为了诺曼罗夫(RA2中的苏联总理)。受伤I’’m just a woman.我只是一个女人呀。I knew this would happen.我知道这将发生。 *牛仔回应I ain’’t yeller.我忍不住大叫(依~~~哈~~~) 。Like my belt buckle.喜欢我的“带扣环”。[猜的]Hey partner!嗨,伙伴!移动Where’’s ma horse?我的马在哪里?[应该是吧]Let’’s mosey.让我们闲逛。Gittin’’ along.……向前?[不知]Hittin’’ the trail.发现痕迹[猜的] 攻击Time for a showdown.对决的时间到了。Fastest gun in the west.西部最快的枪。Ready to draw.准备好了平局。[猜的] 受伤I’’m bein’’ bushwhacked!我被伏击!Varmit shot me!混蛋射击我!Gonna die in my boots!我要死了![猜的] *超级保镖回应I’’ll take the bullet.我将带上子弹。Agent in the field.顾主在场上。[猜的]Secret service here.这里是“经情局”(美特务机构)。Need an escort?需要护卫吗?Assigment sir?委派,先生?What’’s your clearance level?你的“清理”水平怎样?移动Securing the area.放心这区域。Scanning perimeter.扫描周边(情况)。Right away sir.马上,先生。Assignment recieved.任务收到。攻击He’’s doesn’’t belong here.他不属于这儿。He’’s a threat.他是个威胁。No witnesses.没有证人。[猜的]Shoot to kill.枪毙。Executing assignment.执行任务。 *恐怖分子回应What are your conditions?你开的条件是?We must revolt.我们必须反抗。Need a smuggler?需要秘密运输船吗?移动Vamos Muchachos! 冲![猜的]I go freely.我自由地去。[猜的] 攻击Adios amigos!再见,朋友!Here’’s a hot papaya!这有个火热的番木瓜!(蘑菇云?)For the republic!为了共和国!Traitors must be eliminated!叛徒必须被清除!受伤Take me back to Havana!把我带回到哈瓦那(古巴首都)!I’’ve been discovered!我被发现了! *美国大兵回应Sir yes sir!长官,是长官!Ready!准备好了! Squared away sir!正远方,长官![猜的]Orders?命令是?How `bout some action?来一些行动,怎么样?Can do!能干!Who’’s next?下一个是谁(目标)?移动Move’’n out!移动并出去[猜的]Got it!拿下它!On my way!正在路上!Double time!快跑时间!On the move!在移动中!攻击Attacking!正在攻击!You got it!你干掉它!Enemy sighted!敌人已看见!Let’’s do it!让我们行动!Diggin’’ in!渗人里面![猜的]Safety first, sir!安全第一,长官!受伤We’’re pinned down!我们被压制了!We’’re being attacked!我们正在被攻击! *动员兵回应Waiting orders.等待命令中。Comrad?同志?Conscript reporting.动员兵报告。移动Moving out.开始行动Order received.命令收到。For the Union.为了(苏维埃)联盟。攻击For home country.为祖国。You are sure?你肯定?For mother Russia!为母亲俄罗斯!受伤 Mommy!妈妈呀!We’’re being attacked!我们正被攻击! *盟军工程师回应Engineering.工程中。I have the tools.我有工具。I’’ve got the knowledge.我有知识。Need a repair?需要修理吗?移动Yes sir!是,长官!Moving.移动中。I won’’t be late.我不会迟到的。某些RA2扩展包中We’’ll have the power up in 30 seconds, sir.我们将在30秒内供电,长官。攻击Analyzing schematics.分析图表中。Studying blue prints.正在学习蓝图。Got the plans right here.恰好在这里得到了计划。受伤Get me outa here!让我离开这!I’’m unarmed!我是徒手的!(还说别人不人道?) *苏军工程师回应Tools ready.工具已备齐。I have the information.我知道信息。Something need fixing?有些东西需要修理?I know how it works.我知道它怎么工作。移动Yes Commander! 是的,指挥官!I will go.我就去。攻击Checking designs.检查方案。Examining diagrams.检验图表。 *磁暴步兵回应Tesla suit ready!磁暴服装穿好!Extra crispy.非常易碎。[猜的]Charging up.充能中。Electrodes ready!电极就绪!Checking connection.检查连接。移动Going to source.去发源地。[猜的]Yes comrade.是的,同志。Surging forward.向前挺进。[猜的]Electrician in the field.战场上的“电工”。Rubber shoes in motion.穿着橡胶鞋子运动(走着别扭?)。[猜的] 攻击 2,000 volts coming up.2000伏高压来了。(我怕怕……)He’s fried.他被“油炸”了。Completing circuit.完善电路中。[放电?猜的]Let the juice flow.让液体流动起来。Commencing Shock therapy.开始电震疗法。Congratulations!祝贺!You’ve been discharged.你被放电了。受伤Ground yourselves!土地是你们自己的!Reinforcements!增援!I’m hit!我被打了! *飞兵回应Rockets in the sky.在天空飞升。All Fired up!全部点火!Check out the view.检查视野。I can go anywhere!我能去任何地方!Gotta clear view, sir.必须视野广阔,长官。Ready to soar.准备好了滑翔。Fuel tanks are filled.燃料罐是充满的。移动Pushin’ away.冲呀[猜的]Igniting boosters.推进器点火。Riding High.高空乘骑。Up and over.升高并越过。Got a steady flow.得到了稳定的漂移。[猜的]I’ll take the high road.我将控制空路。[猜的]Lifting off.停止上升。攻击He’s got no place to hide.他没地方隐蔽。I can see ’em.我能看见他们。I got ’em Clear out the place.我把他们清除出这区域。They won’t see us comin.他们不会看见我们来了。受伤I’m losing compression!我的压缩机正在受损!There’s too much flak!那儿的防空火力太猛!My rocket’s hit!我的推进器被打中了! *防空兵回应Flak trooper reporting.防空兵报到。ready.就绪。Orders comrad?命令?同志。At least I have a job.至少我有一个工作了。移动I am going.我正在去。Moving out.移过去。This gun is heavy.这支枪很沉呀攻击Flak_attack.对空攻击。This will be messy.这将混乱。[猜的]Clouds of death.死亡之云。Flak you.射下你。受伤Can’t see through the flak.看不到高射炮火后(的东西)。(视线被“死亡之云”挡了)There shooting me.那儿在射击我。Help me Romanov.救我,诺曼罗夫(RA2中的苏联总理)。I’m just one man.我只是个人而已。 *间谍回应Commander?指挥官?Mission sir?任务,长官?Gimme a plan.给我一个计划。Agent ready.准备好了装扮。[猜的] 移动For King and Country.为总统和国家。Indeed.当然。 Under cover.隐藏着。攻击Operation underway.实施行动。Disguise ready.伪装好了。Ready to infiltrate.准备好了渗透。Obtaining intelligence.获取谍报中。受伤They found me out!他们发现了我!I’ve been spotted!我被揭穿了! *疯狂伊文攻击Happy Birthday!生日快乐!(送你一个爱的礼物:)Here, hold this.这儿,拿好。I lost a bomb.我少了一个炸弹。(送一个,少一个)Do you have it?你有它吗?(没有就送你一个)Don’t play with matches.别玩火柴。(这还了得……)移动I’m goin’.我正在过去。What’s over here?这里有什么?回应K-BOOM!(开爆?:)[型号?]What’s that?那是什么?Ivan’s not home!伊文不回家![猜的]It’s too quiet here.这里是太安静了吧。(打红警就得这么想:) *海豹部队回应SEAL ready.“海豹”准备好了。I’m your man.我是你的人。A lil’ C4 knockin’ at your door.一个小C4炸弹在敲你的门。[猜的]Who’s your daddy?你父亲是谁?移动Cover me.掩护我。How about a swim?游泳怎么样?Alright, the water’s warm!好的,水挺温暖!攻击Enemy in my sites!敌人在我的地盘上!I got `em.我干掉了他们。This is too easy.这是太容易啦。Special Delivery!(炸弹)专递!Goin’ down!下沉吧!Let’s get it on!让我们进行吧![猜的] *辐射工兵回应Desolator ready.辐射炮准备就绪。Ready for melt-down.准备好了去溶化。Reactor ready.反应堆就绪。Mercury rising.水银上升。移动Find a hot spot.找一个热闹的区域。Scorched Earth.全部烧焦。Spread the Doom.展开末日。There goes the neighborhood.他在这附近。[猜的]It’ll be a Silent Spring.它将沉默的爆发。[猜的] 攻击Tagged for extinction.消灭目标。Make it glow.让它发光。(变绿)Let’s heat `em up.让我们使他们热起来。Here comes the sun.这里出太阳了。The end is near.死期将近。Let’s make an oasis of death.让我们造个“死亡绿洲”。 *阻击手回应Sniper ready.狙击手就绪。Give me a target.给我一个目标。Gimme a job.给我一个工作。Eliminate ’em.清除他们。移动Proceeding to vantage point.跑到有利地势去。Just gimme a clear view.只要给我一个广阔的视野。I love to camp.我喜欢“蹲点”。[猜的]Just get me close enough.只须让我靠的足够近。Settling in.迁入中。[猜的] 攻击Takin’ ’em out.拿下他们。He’s in my scope.他在我的射程内。He’s a dead man.他是个死人了。受伤Run for cover!为保命撤退!I need support!我需要支援!I’m in too close!我靠的太近了! *超时空军团兵回应Yes, Commander.是的,指挥官。Already there.已经在那里。I’m gone.我去了。Pick a spot.挑一个地点。Without a trace.没有踪迹。(来无影,去无踪)攻击They’re history.他们成为历史。Deconstructing Never existed.分解中决不存在。(目标被定住了)Removing.消除中。(送进“超时空”啦)受伤I don’t have time for this!我没时间干这个!Let’s get outa here!让我们离开这! *潭雅回应Anytime boss.任何时候,老板。You got an order?你得到了命令?Where’s the party?“聚会”在哪儿?Show me the way.给我指路。How ’bout some action.来一些行动,如何?移动I’m there.我在那里。How about a target?!找个目标怎样?!Moving out boss.移过去,老板。I’m on it.我在它附近。[猜的]Shake it baby!摇它,宝贝儿![猜的] 攻击Cha-Ching! [不知]Locked and loaded.锁定并装弹。Yaah Baby!呀~宝贝儿! *尤里回应Psychic ready.心灵控制准备就绪。I know your thoughts.我知道你的想法。Tell me your wish.告诉我你的愿望。(知道了还问?)Your mind is clear.你的头脑很清晰。The mind is quicker than the eye.精神比眼来的快。移动Yes, of course.是的,当然。Predictable.可预测的。Thoughts received.想法收到了。My command is your wish.我的命令就是你的愿望。攻击He belongs to us.他将属于我们。His mind is weak.他的精神力很弱。There is no resistance.这没有反抗。A new comrade joins us.一个新同志加入我们了。Look deeply into my eyes 深深地看着我的眼睛。YGYL--Just in CoolEmu *盟军车辆回应Destination Commander?目的地?指挥官Ready to roll!准备好了! *Yes sir.是,长官。Unit reporting!部队报到!Vehicle ready.车辆就绪。移动Bound forward!往前开Outstanding!等待中 (这句我虽然觉得怪但却又不知道怎么翻)On our way, sir.正在路上,长官。High speed, low drag.高速度,低拖延。(这句话在WW官方BBS上是笑料之一)Good to go!可以走了! *Securing Position!加强防御地点! *攻击Fire zone confirmed.开火区域确认。Driver up!驱动器开动!Closing in!接近中!Commencing assault!开始袭击!Weapon ready.武器就绪。 *苏军车辆回应Awaiting orders.等候命令中。Ready comrade.准备好了,同志。Vehicle reporting.车辆报到。移动Changing position.改变位置中。Moving.移动中。Location confirmed.地点已确认。攻击Attacking!攻击!We will bury them.我们将埋葬他们。Encounting enemy.遭遇敌人! * *自爆卡车回应Why don’t you drive.为什么你不来开。I shall avenge us!我将替我们报仇!Let’s make a delivery!让我们去“交货”!My truck is loaded!我的卡车已装载!移动Watch out for the bumps.小心碰撞。[易燃、易爆、轻举轻放]As you wish.如你所愿。One way trip.单程旅途(再也回不来了)。 *攻击Don’t wait up for me.别等我。It will be a smoking crater.它将成为冒烟的弹坑。I am prepared to die!我准备好就义!For my people!为我的人民(自爆)! *入侵者战机回应Pilot reporting.飞行员报告。Destination?目的地?Channel clear.频道清晰。Aircraft reporting.飞机报告。移动Like the wind.象风一般。Changing vector.改变矢量。*(与飞行坐标有关)Thrusters engaged.推进器开动了。Willco.再联系。[猜的] 攻击Instruments locked on.已锁定(目标)。We’re goin’ in.我们过去了。(对着目标)We have’m on radar.他们在雷达上出现了。 *Watch my six.看我的“6” 。Ready to strike!准备好打击!归西We’re going down.我们正在坠落。Bail out!跳伞!Eject! Eject!弹出!快弹出! *黑鹰战机回应Korea’s finest.韩国最佳产品。 (这句话在WW官方BBS上是笑料之一) *Eagle squadron.黑鹰中队Black Eagle reporting.黑鹰报告。At your service.为你服务。Standing by.等待中。移动Calibrating airspeed.校准飞行速度。In transit.通行中。 *Command received.命令收到。攻击Easy target!简单的目标!Gunner in position.炮手就位。归西Let’s take’m out.(已爆)让我们出去。 (?) *基洛夫空艇回应Helium mix optimal.氦已最佳混合。Airship ready.飞艇就绪Acknowledged.收到(指示)。 *Kirov reporting.基洛夫报到。移动Bearings set.方向已定。 *Maneuver props engaged.螺旋桨已开动。 *Setting new course.设定新航线。攻击Bombardiers to your stations.投弹手各就各位。 *Closing on target.正在接近目标。 *Target acquired.目标已确认。Bombing bays ready.炸弹舱就绪。 *受伤Duck and cover!躲避和保护归西She’s gonna blow!她要爆炸了! *We’re losing altitude!我们正在失去高度!Mayday! Mayday!求救!求救(信号)! *夜鹰运兵机回应What’s your request?你的要求?Pick’m up, set’m down. 装上他们,放下他们。 *(?)Air transport ready.空运准备好了。Need a lift?需要载一程吗? * 移动Visibility clear.能见度开阔。Tour underway.航行中。Gotcha.收到了。 *Maneuvers in progress.前进中。攻击LZ is hot.着陆区是“火热”的。 (?)Clearing a path.清除出一条路径。Fire on sight.看见就打。 (ps.夜鹰可以攻击吗?我怎么不知道?)*盟军战舰回应Standing by.等待中。Captain on the bridge.船长在梁上。Navigation systems ready.航行系统就绪。Allied Ship reporting.盟军舰只报告。移动Steady as she goes.她行动稳定。 *(?)Aye commander.是,司令。Rudder set for new heading.已转舵向新目标。 *Main engines engaged.主引擎开动。Speed to full.全速(前进)。攻击Battle-stations!进入战斗岗位!Attacking.攻击中。Enemy spotted.发现敌人。 * *苏军战舰回应Yes Commander?什么?指挥官。Vessel ready.舰只准备好了。 *Ship reporting.舰船报告。移动Engines engaged.引擎已发动。 *Navigating.航行中。Course set.路线已设定。Captain confirming.船长确认中。攻击Close and fire!接近并开火!Fire at will.自由开火。*Target sighted.目标进入视野
这里sucking on my face是指人昏倒后的一种急救行动,所以stop sucking on my face就是别救我。 别担心。如果我们搞砸了,他们会先向我开刀;要是我倒下,别救我,赶快逃吧。
"救我"_有道翻译翻译结果:"Save mesave英 [seɪv]美 [sev]prep. 除...之外n. 救援vi. 节省;挽救vt. 节省;保存;储蓄;解救n. (Save)人名;(法)萨夫;(意、保、西、罗、塞、瑞典)萨薇 (女名),萨韦Save 保存,节省,萨韦河 (加龙河支流)Save Energy 节约能源,节能,节省能源
别担心,如果我们振作起来,他们将会第一个击毙我.如果我接受停止吸取我的脸和运行 .好象是个错误的句子额
China简写成CHN,这种简写其实是有规律可言的。英文有二十六个字母,元音字母只有aeiou五个,算上半元音的y,只有六个,其他的都是辅音字母。不知你玩没玩过文曲星电子词典上猜单词的游戏,就是一个单词有几个字母就给出几个小格子,然后你有多少次机会猜单词里有什么字母,猜中一个单词里有的字母,那个字母就在出现在它在单词里的位置的那个格子里。这个游戏的秘诀是元音字母好猜,所以先猜a、e之类,填出几个元音字母之后,再根据元音字母提供的线索,慢慢猜辅音字母。要是上来先猜辅音字母,20个辅音字母,可能机会用完了,还没猜中一个。这个游戏告诉我们一个道理,每个单词的与众不同、难猜、需要记住的是他的辅音字母。所以就有了这种简写方式。这种简写想还原,在简写基础上看一下aeiou和y哪些合适补上,就行了。日本Japan缩写为JPN,英尺foot缩写为ft, 楼Building缩写为bld等等都是这个意思。是否可以解决您的问题?
英 [rɪˈdempʃn] 美 [rɪˈdempʃn]
记忆技巧:red + empt 拿;获得 + ion 表名词 → 赎回,买回
英 [seɪv] 美 [seɪv]
save sb's bacon/neck:(informal) 解救某人摆脱困境
绝命救赎 Salvage
救赎队 Redeem Team
心灵救赎 Spiritual redemption ; Soul redemption
1. the redemptive power of love
2. We understand how great he is because of his redemptive work.
3. We have to recover from some poison, need saving , ransoming.
我们需要消毒,需要治疗, 需要救赎.
4. Do you renounce the devil and embrace Jesus Christ as your lord and savior?
你愿意抛弃魔鬼并信奉基督为你的主和救赎 吗 ?
5. Upon death, the priest becomes the Spirit of Redemption for 10 sec.
死亡后, 牧师成为救赎之魂10秒.
6. A man offered a serpent to the sun, and prayed for salvation.
一个男人向太阳祭献了一条蛇, 希望得到救赎.
7. Relieving or recovering from a long illness is on one hand redemption.
8. Plead my cause and redeem me; Revive me according to Your word.
诗 119:154 求你为我辨屈、救赎我、照你的话将我救活.
9. To let them know that God will redeem and revive them.
10. Could save me and bring me back to you?
还能够救赎我,把我带回你身边 吗 ?
11. NIV Come near and rescue me; redeem me because of my foes.
[和合]求你亲近我, 救赎我,求你因我的仇敌把我赎回.
12. Counting is the religion of the generation, its hope and salvation.
计算是这一代的信仰 、 希望和救赎.
13. Rise up and help us; redeem us because of your unfailing love.
26求你起来帮助我们, 凭你的慈爱救赎我们.
14. King of kings salvation brings Let loving hearts enthrone Him.
15. Indicative - salvation accomplished once for all in Christ and received by faith.
1. 我的朋友四年级英语作文
2. 发英文的说说
3. 就业用英语怎么说
4. 救赎用英语怎么说
5. 创世用英语怎么说
“救赎” 的英文是 redeem (动词) 和 redemption (名词),这两个词没有缩写。
breathe one's last
死亡游戏 Game of Death ;
死亡笔记 Death Note ;
死亡蛇 Common Death Adder ;
死亡客机 Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak on a Plane ; Plane of the Dead
死亡金属 Death Metal ; Die For Metal ; Grindcore ; Death metal or Grindcore
死亡飞车 Death Race ; Bond ; Cars And Guns ; paul haslinger-death race-score
死亡地带 The Dead Zone ; HARDLINE ; Zone Of The Dead ; zone of death
1. Accidents are still the number one cause of premature death for Americans.
2. The auguries of death are fast gathering round his head.
3. Premature birth is the main cause of perinatal mortality.
4. In 1970, guitarist Jimi Hendrix died of a drug overdose.
5. It was only by the grace of God that no one died.
6. Persons dying from cancer grow thin and visibly waste away.
7. Death and suffering had been visited on thousands of innocents.
8. An autopsy was being done to establish the cause of death.
9. As they shorten, cells become more prone to disease and death.
10. The report mentions the death of 18 people in suspicious circumstances.
那份 报告 提到18人死亡情况可疑。
11. Certain kinds of property are transferred automatically at death.
12. We are learning how to confront death instead of avoiding its reality.
13. Round about one and a half million people died.
14. Alan Tomlinson has reconstructed the events that led up to the deaths.
15. The incident brings the total of people killed to fifteen.
The study found the "moderately" overweight now had lower rates of early death than those who were normal weight, underweight or obese.
The work, published in JAMA, looked at many thousands of people's height, weight and death rates at three different time periods since the 1970s.
In the mid-1970s, those with the lowest death rates were a normal weight and the obese faced a 30% higher risk of early death, the doctors, from Copenhagen University, found.
But now the threat to people's survival from being obese was now almost negligible
The authors say the most likely explanation is that health systems are now much better at treating obesity-linked conditions, such as high cholesterol and blood pressure.
Lead investigator Prof Borge Nordestgaard said: "Our results should not be interpreted as suggesting that now people can eat as much as they like, or that so-called normal-weight individuals should eat more to become overweight. That said, maybe overweight people need not be quite as worried about their weight as before."
The Danish researchers say their work shows a need to update the global categories that define excess weight, which are now two decades old.
But that idea was rejected by a British expert in metabolic medicine.
Prof Naveed Sattar, from the University of Glasgow, said: "These data are of interest, but they do not change advice we have been giving on obesity and its treatment and prevention. The current findings do not mean that being overweight is protecting you from death, far from it."
1. 死亡率用英语怎么说
2. 死亡的英文是什么
3. 用死亡造句
4. 死亡的英文短语
5. 死亡笔记用英语怎么说
vt.& vi. 死亡,熄灭; 凋零,枯萎; 渴望,盼望;
n. 钢型,硬模; 骰子;
变形 过去分词: died 过去式: died 现在分词: dying 第三人称单数: dies
1. Accidents are still the number one cause of premature death for Americans.
2. The auguries of death are fast gathering round his head.
3. Premature birth is the main cause of perinatal mortality.
4. In 1970, guitarist Jimi Hendrix died of a drug overdose.
5. It was only by the grace of God that no one died.
6. Persons dying from cancer grow thin and visibly waste away.
7. Death and suffering had been visited on thousands of innocents.
8. An autopsy was being done to establish the cause of death.
9. As they shorten, cells become more prone to disease and death.
10. The report mentions the death of 18 people in suspicious circumstances.
11. Certain kinds of property are transferred automatically at death.
12. We are learning how to confront death instead of avoiding its reality.
13. Round about one and a half million people died.
14. Alan Tomlinson has reconstructed the events that led up to the deaths.
15. The incident brings the total of people killed to fifteen.
1. He won his first Derby on the aptly named "Never Say Die".
2. You stay here, you die. No two ways about it.
3. A new study proved conclusively that smokers die younger than non-smokers.
4. Lung cells die and are replaced about once a week.
5. They often take a long time to die back after flowering.
6. He did die a pauper and is buried in an unmarked grave.
7. We were worried that she was going to die.
8. Her father and her brothers would die of shame.
9. He knew that under the surgeon's knife he would surely die.
10. If the soil is allowed to dry out the tree could die.
11. The youngest child, John, was to die at the age of fourteen.
12. It is better to die oneself than to kill.
13. 5,000 people die every year because of accidents in the home.
14. Half a million women die needlessly each year during childbirth.
15. Everyone wants to be a hero, but no one wants to die.
die 动词 死亡death名词 死dead形容词 死pass away 去世 he passed away 他去世了end of life 生命的终结 死亡