

小思 2024-09-18 33
关于冬天的英语作文50字摘要: 关于讨厌冬天的英语作文50字我最讨厌冬天,因为必须要穿很多衣服,把自己捂的象只大狗熊叻。难得今天可以不穿校服,放学后,我马上把厚重的外套脱掉,露出了新买的漂亮衣服。  “咿?你...


我最讨厌冬天,因为必须要穿很多衣服,把自己捂的象只大狗熊叻。难得今天可以不穿校服,放学后,我马上把厚重的外套脱掉,露出了新买的漂亮衣服。  “咿?你看外边下雪叻...”同桌用手指着窗外让我看。  “真的...”我透过教室的玻璃向外望。“才这么小的雨...我穿这件衣服没关系吧...”看着自己刚换上的衣服,我正在考虑是否再把校服穿上。  我准备先到外边试试。  来到校门口,身上不禁掠过一思凉意。这时,身边走过一个穿裙子的女人。  “哇,她穿裙子了...”我不禁有些羡慕。  “我只是脱掉了外套,没关系的。”只穿着薄毛衣的我象补习班走去。  晚上回到家,爸爸妈妈都不在。只有正在为考研而做功课的哥哥在自己的房间里。听到我回来了,他走到大厅。  “哥,我回来了。”累了一天的我把书包放在地上,坐在沙发上。  “小冰,你怎么没穿外衣?”他问。  “奥,我觉得有点热,回到家刚脱掉的。”我故作轻松的说,顺手指了一下放在沙发上的校服。  “奥...那你吃饭吧!我去给你热热...”哥哥直径向厨房走去。看来白天上班晚上还要学习的他可真够累的,对我说的话没有一点怀疑。  第二天早上,我觉得身体特别的酸痛,还有一些发冷。但今天是考试的日子,妈妈给我吃了一些药后让我去学校,中午会让哥哥到学校接我。  “你昨天是不是穿着毛衣回来的?”临出门时,哥哥小声的问我,但是有点生气的样子。因为赶着去上班,他也没在说什么,匆匆的走了。  好不容易坚持到考试,我的全身都快散架了,摸了下头,好像比早上还烫。我被哥哥接到了医院。这时快到中午休息了,所以病人不多,哥哥把我带到他的诊室,拿来为我从食堂准备的淡粥,可我根本没有胃口,只吃了一小碗。用体温表为我测量体温,一看下一跳,竟然有三十八度四。  “你下午还要考试呀?”  “恩...有两门。在一点半之前必须进考场。”我无精打采的回答。  哥哥看了看表,离一点半还后一个半小时,本来想给我打点滴的他决定给我改注射。  “啊?”我的精神好像突然好了很多的样子。我从小最怕打针,打点滴还勉强可以接受,可如果改用注射...那我就...  “别打针行不行呀?”我用商量的语气和他说。  “只打两针就好了,下午你不是还要考试吗?打点滴时间不够呀。”他一边安慰我一边写着什么。  我被哥哥拉着走向注射室,一想到要打针,我的身体不由的向后倒。  “哥,我不想打针...”离注射室越进,我就反抗的越厉害,从一开始小声的嘟囔倒身体后退眼泪狂流,甚至倒最后拉着注射室隔壁房间的门框不肯走。  “小冰,你看有那么多人看着你呢...”哥哥一边把我向前拉一边对我说。其实都已经快到休息时间了,病人也不多,可我的叫声却引起了整个楼道的注意。  我虽然已经发高烧,可却还用尽全身剩余的力气挣扎。也不管旁人的眼光。哥哥见我挣扎的样子,不再把我往注射室里拉,而是朝相反的方向的房间走去。  “只要不去注射室,去哪里都可以。”这次我没有反抗,跟在他后边。  我们来到一个很小的房间,里边没有别人。哥哥把门反锁上后向我走来。  “哥...”这时我才清楚的看到,哥哥已经怒火中烧,话还没有说完,我就被抱到一个给病人诊治的床上。  “哥...”看来哥哥这次真的生气了,他连我的解释都不听。一手按住我的腰,一手去扒我的裤子。  “他要打我的屁股!”这个动作对我来说即陌生又熟悉。小的时候,我也被哥哥打过光屁股,但到上中学后,他就再也没这么干过。也许对于做医生的他来说看到女人的身体并不算什么,可我已经不再是从前那个小姑娘了呀!  “哥哥,不要,不要...”我大声的叫喊着,挣扎着,也不知是不要打屁股还是不要扒内裤。  “你都这么大了,怎么还象个小孩子!好,今天我就用教训小孩的方法教训你!”他一点都不听我的哭叫,把我下身的裤子都扒到膝间。  “啪!”他的大手第一次落到我的屁股上,就出现了一个掌印。本来感到十分羞愧,可当疼痛来袭时,我就顾不了那么多了,大声的叫了一声。  “啪...”“叫什么,你是不是想让全医院的人都知道你被打屁股呀!都长这么大了,还害怕打针,看你刚才的样子,真是丢人透了!不许动...”他大声的呵斥着我。  我怕打针是真的,可如果让人知道我被打屁股,那可是件更丢人的事。于是我尽量不再叫喊出声,只是默默的哭泣。因为床是皮制的,我的眼泪再床上流了一片。  “哥哥...我知道错了...”我从两巴掌的间隙吞吞吐吐的说,之后继续哭泣。  “知道错?你昨天是不是臭美,没穿外衣走回来的?”哥哥终于停下来了,原来他已经知道了...  “...是...”我小声的说。正如我所预料的,他的大巴掌又一次次打在我的屁股上。  “这么冷的天,你竟然就穿那么少衣服...你是三岁小孩吗?”“啪...”这次打的更重了。  “我错了...我不敢了...”本来就全身无力的我现在连哭的声音都变小了。  “打不打针?”哥哥停手问我。  “打...”我哭了好一会儿,才小声的回答。这时感觉自己的屁股象火烧一样的疼。  “还臭美吗?”哥哥又问。  “不了,不了...”我赶快回答。  哥哥看到我可怜兮兮的样子,终于停手不再打了。我却继续趴在床上哭。他坐到床上,把揽在身边,从口袋里掏出纸巾为我擦眼泪。  “唔...”我还在哭,并且有越哭越凶的迹象。  “别哭了。你现在已经是大孩子了,不能老是任性。你现在生病,害的爸爸妈妈都为你担心知道吗?”他的语气已经明显缓和多了。  “知道...”我尽量使自己平静下来,可还是不住的哽咽。  “好了,现在去打针吧,一会儿你还要考试呢!”哥哥想帮我把裤子穿上。这时我才看到自己的屁股,红红的,都有些肿了,变的有些透明。不知道一会儿打针的时候会不会碰到那里。  我跟着哥哥乖乖的来到注射室。这时已经室午休时间了,屋里只有一个护士。我想她一定听到我刚才的哭叫和打屁股的声音了,脸不禁有些红。  “小冰,趴到这个床上。”护士姐姐是哥哥的同事,当然也会知道我的名字。她轻轻的指了下旁边的床,十分温柔的说。这次我真的乖了好多,尽管还是害怕,但也自己慢慢的把裤子下脱了一点,趴到床上。虽然没有全部脱掉,可还是能看到我的红屁股。  “护士姐姐一定在笑我吧!”我羞的把头钻进胳膊里。哥哥也跟着站在一旁看着我。  看着护士姐姐举着针管走到我面前,我又更加的害怕了。但又不敢下床,刚止住的眼泪又流了出来。  “小冰,忍一下就过去了。”哥哥走到我前边,用手轻抚我的头发。  护士姐姐开始给我要打针的地方消毒,还好不是挨打的地方。可当针头扎下来的时候,我又开始想逃跑了,哥哥早又预见我会乱动,一手把我的双手固定在后边,这样我就一点都不能动了。小声的哭泣成了我发泄的唯一途径。  终于打完了。看到护士姐姐把针头拔出来的那一刻,我终于松了一口气。哥哥的手好像也松了,刚想从床上下来,但又被她拦了会去。  “别动,还有一针呢!”她又举着一支针筒走过来。  “啊?”我眼睛泪汪汪的看着哥哥,希望他能告诉我这不是真的。可看来是不可能的。  “这次打这边吧!”哥哥指了指我未打过针的那半边屁股。  “啊?不要...”本来被哥哥打过的屁股就有些疼痛,左边被打了第一针后又有些酸涨了,我不想在来一次了。哥哥看到我上次打针并没有太大的挣扎,所以用的力气也小了很多。  和上次一样,哥哥重新用手压住我,但因为我这次用的力气比上次大一些,屁股不停的乱动,消毒的棉花迟迟不能下手。  “啪!啪!啪!”哥哥见我又不听话了,就又在我屁股上打了三巴掌。不知道是因为我的屁股本来就够痛了,这三下格外的疼。我当然也自知理亏,不敢乱叫,加上前面的疼痛,我只知道委屈的哭。  护士好像在旁边都看傻了。举着针筒在旁边迟疑了好一会儿才又走上前来为我打针。本来都很安静的我在被扎上这针时,感觉好像特别的疼。  “哥哥,太疼了..”我哭着求道。  “乖,马上就好了。  ...怎么还不好呀?”我感觉这一针格外的长,比刚才的长好几倍。有几个世纪长。被打针的地方非常的酸涨。我回头去看那支针筒,里面的药水好像一点都不见下。  “唔...不行了,好疼呀...”我怎么也没想到这支针这么的疼。  “好了。”护士把针头拔了出来,哥哥也把我的手松开。我顾不上屁股的疼痛,连忙从床上爬起来,生怕还会挨上一针。  打完针,我们又回到了他工作的诊室。我站在他身边,虽然已经不哭了,可还是一副眼泪随时要掉下来的样子。  “还疼吗?”哥哥边问边把我拽到他身边,用手给我揉屁股。想到他刚才打我那么用力,我有些生气,低着头没说话。  “你是不是生气我打你呀?”  “不是。”我小声的回答。  “如果你不任性,大冬天穿那么少衣服,就不会生病。如果你不任性乖乖打针,我会打你吗?”  “我知道错了。”本来生病就够惨的了,打针也够疼的了,还被打光屁股。想到这里,我的心里就感到十分的委屈,眼泪就又掉了出来。他看到后又要扒我的裤子。  “哥...”我用试图阻挡。  “没事,让哥看看。”他想看看我的伤势如何。脱掉裤子,我又一次看了一下我的屁股。好像比刚才越发红肿了。哥哥更是一副心疼的样子,还拿出抽屉里止痛消肿的药给我喷。顿时让我感觉舒服多了。  下午,哥哥送我去学校考试,我的烧也退下去了。虽然考试的成绩不是太好,可爸妈也没有怪我。而我的哥哥,还是象以前一样对我好。还是会打我的屁股

I love winter 我爱冬天I love winer ,not only I can get birthday gift but also play games with friends ueing snow.我爱冬天,不仅仅是因为冬天我可以收到生日礼物,还因为,冬天可以和朋友们一起打雪仗.I think it is the most beautiful view in the world that snow flies in the the things return to be white,to be pure.我觉得漫天飘雪是最美丽的风景,万事万物都成了白色,满世界都是纯净.I still remember that when I was 7 yeas old that was my first time saw snow. It was amaizing and I had the first snowman of myself which was made together with father.我至今仍然记得,那是在我7岁时,第一才看到下雪,也是第一次和爸爸做了一个雪人.精心修改,望采纳.




冬天是一年四季当中最冷又最亲切的,冬天的美很难用语言说的而清楚,为了让大家能够写出关于冬天的英文作文,的我为大家准备了三篇《描写冬天的英文作文》,欢迎大家阅读,内容供大家参考! 希望大家喜欢!!!

I like winter best. I often go skiing on Sundays with my family. When it snows, everything turns white. There is thick snow on roads,strees,trees and houses. It's a beautiful world! My friends and I like making snowmen. Sometims we paly with snow . It's very interesting and exciting, And one of the most important reasons is that Spring Festival comes at this time of the year.


Winter is my favourive season,you know?the weather in winter is very cold,and even rain hard and snow,some animals sleep all the winter ,such as snakes,tree leaves have been fell down by the strong wind .I thing the winter is the most beautiful saeson,everywhere is full of snow,and I can make little snowy perpons with my good friends,and we also can play more games with snow,the snow give us so much happiness,it make me feel relaxed and warm all the winter.


At dusk,the weather became colder while the sky was gray,and the cold wind was blowing strongly. It seemed that it was going to snow soon.

A moment later,the snowflakes began to fall the land before my eyes was all white,like a beautiful it snowed more and more trees were all covered with white whole city became a silver world.

The next morning,it stopped snowing and cleared went into the far away,I saw a beautiful silver white group of children were playing were throwing snowballs to each other,others were making a seemed to bring us warm and as it was,nobaby felt cold in the white world.

I love snow,because it is pure brings us hope and vigour.






Winter snow falls from the sky. It is crystal clear and pure. Falling to the earth, adding a silver fur coat to the earth; Winter snow falls from the sky. It is white and charming. It floats gently and gently to the branches, adding a beautiful tassel to the branches. People like snowflakes because they symbolize purity. When winter comes, people always expect snow. The snowflakes are falling on the earth. People make snowmen, have snowball fights and enjoy snowflakes... Everywhere is filled with a happy atmosphere.

With the wind and snow, plum blossoms pour out their faces. Of all the sisters, only her love came last; No more bees and butterflies flying; The sun no longer shines, and only her love is the most violent; Snowflakes are flying, matching her noble posture; The moonlight was bright and integrated with her elegant appearance. Sisters are always colorful, and she is always elegant and light. It is also recalled that Lu Meipo said, "the snow in meishsun is three-thirds white, but the snow loses Mei's fragrance." The plum blossom in full bloom is like a few stars. Although it is not remarkable in winter, its fragrance is refreshing.

"You should know that the pine is noble and clean. When the snow falls," Qingsong regards the blue sky as his companion with the clothes of pine needles. He can't compare with the elegant and light plum blossoms and the green bamboo in the garden, but he stands tall, steps on the earth and holds the blue sky.

Green pines welcome visitors and show their vitality in winter; Plum blossoms are bright and colorful in winter; Snowflakes are flying, and winter is more beautiful. The arrival of winter makes the earth white; The arrival of winter makes the flowers more fragrant. Winter is a dazzling badge in the four seasons.


The air was very fresh these two mornings because it had just rained.

In the morning, I can't see the figure of father-in-law sun. The sun is still sleeping under a thick quilt! I can't see it, but I'm still looking forward to it... I think it hasn't seen us for a long time. Have a good sleep today and come back to see how we've been in recent days!

Slowly, the sun father-in-law rose slowly from the clouds with a smile, and the bright sun shone on the newly awakened earth. When a gust of wind blew, the flowers and trees on the earth nodded and smiled, as if they were saying hello to Uncle Feng. Father-in-law sun didn't lift his spirits at that time. He hasn't seen each other for a while. He wants us to talk more with him.

After a morning, the sun seems to be cold and the wind is cold. The sun can't resist the wind and cloud. It can only wait for the wind and cloud to come again

At noon, it's time for him to start. As soon as he straightened his chest and waist, he happily greeted the people around him and ran to us. After waiting for a long time, I finally waited until that time( I hope it will last longer)

After a while, Fengyun found the sun and roared, so Fengyun grabbed the position again. However, the combination of wind and rain and sunshine is still a good match!

A twinkling of an eye, the chilly afternoon arrived, and the sun seemed afraid of getting cold, and the heat could not be emitted! I looked at the sky, the sun and the wind and cloud were facing me. At this time, I feel that the heat emitted by the sun is the most precious! Gradually, the sun disappeared in the wind and cloud... After the afternoon, the students lined up to look at the slowly returning sun and walked out of the campus in twos and threes


After a class, I heard the sound of "crackling". It turned out that Xuezi also came to the campus to have fun and dance.

After a while, the drizzle stopped and the snow turned into small snowflakes. One, two, scattered stars, fluttered gently like catkins. Gradually, the little snowflakes grew fat, became more, more dignified and more natural and unrestrained, just like the white feathers falling from a white swan; Like white butterflies dancing all over the sky; Just like the flying catkins of a weaver spinning and weaving. I couldn't help but sing the little poem: "suddenly, like the spring breeze of the night, thousands of trees and pear flowers bloom." Snow, this is the first snow on campus since winter.

In the vast expanse of white on the playground, the students are like a brisk "little squirrel" jumping around on the playground.

Some of them make snowmen; Some have snowball fights; Some are shouting: "long live God, it finally snows!" Although the outside has been turned into "too white Venus" by the heavy snow, his face is still filled with a happy and happy smile.

The teaching building and stretching building are surrounded by white "marshmallows"!

Ah! In winter, you are not as ruthless and terrible as people think; You are not as noisy as thunder in spring, snow in summer and wind in autumn. You are different. I love you, love your unique quiet beauty!


Grandpa Dong has been to many places, fields, villages, parks... Everywhere he goes, he becomes a world of makeup and jade. The wheat in the field is covered with thick quilts. The farmer's uncle said happily, "In winter, the wheat is covered with three layers of quilts. The next year, he will sleep on steamed bread." The houses in the village are covered with white "hats". People hide in the houses. The grass and flowers in the park are all changed into new clothes. Grandpa Dong came to the little tree and said, "Are you cold? I'll make you a white quilt!" With that, he covered the "white quilt". Xiao Shu said happily, "Thank you. I'm not afraid of cold now." Grandpa Dong came to the road and saw a man with a black hat on his head, a white scarf around his neck, a red cotton padded jacket on his upper body, blue jeans on his lower body, and thick cotton shoes on his feet, but his face turned purple with cold and he shivered. Then it blew fiercely into the sky, and all the clouds dispersed, revealing the red sun. When the sun shone on the man, he suddenly felt warm. Grandpa Dong came to the river and saw that the small fish were frozen stiff. With a gentle wave, the river was covered with thick ice. The little fish plunged into the deep river and was busy preparing for the wonderful winter dance. Grandpa Dong came to see me. I felt the piercing cold wind and put on a down jacket to have a snowball fight with my friends.

Do you like Grandpa Winter? I like it because it brings me a happy childhood.


In winter, the gap between the north and the south is very large. There are more than ten degrees in the south. Generally, people can spend the winter with an extra coat. Many people do not need to wear sweaters. But most places in the north are already at about zero, and some are even more than ten degrees below zero. The ground is frozen, and it often snows heavily, making everything outside the house white. At this time, people will wear large cotton padded jacket, cotton trousers, down coat, cotton boots, gloves when going out, and some people also have to wear masks.

Besides the changes in plants, there is a big gap. The climate in the south is relatively warm, so trees, flowers and grass are still green and some flowers are still blooming, such as autumn chrysanthemum, orchid, etc. However, the trees in the north are already bare, leaving only dry branches. They can only close their eyes and rest in the cold winter, waiting for the arrival of spring. The grass is also covered with snow, and there are almost no flowers in the park or in the wild.

In winter, children in the south still play ordinary games. Playing badminton and roller skating outdoors. However, children in the north can play snowball fights, roll snowballs and skate on the ice that is as flat as a silver mirror.

In winter, there is a big difference between the north and the south!


A heavy snow fell in the evening, and it cleared up the next day. Xiaohong suggested to her mother, "Mom, let's go to the park and play!" "Good," my mother promised. So they came to the gate of the park, and they saw a vast expanse of white, as if they had entered a world of ice and snow fairy tales. The ground seems to be covered with a thick carpet, the trees seem to be covered with a white coat, and the lovely snowman at the gate of the park seems to be greeting people, saying, "Welcome to the park!"

Xiaohong and her mother came to the side of the hill. Mother said, "Just take a picture here." Xiaohong put a "POSS". Mom was about to take a picture when she found Xiao Hong running away from the camera.

What's going on here? It turned out that Xiaohong saw a little brother fall down not far away. Xiaohong hurries to comfort her and says, "Don't cry, little brother."

When my mother saw this scene not far away, she quickly pressed the shutter to take a picture of the most beautiful scene in winter.

I think this is the most beautiful scenery in winter.


In winter, the ground seems to be covered with a layer of white blanket, but we can't see such a beautiful scene as soon as the sun comes out, because the sun is just like a special snow killer. The overcoats we wore could not keep out the piercing cold. We were just like in a big refrigerator.

Although the winter is very cold, the snow in winter is very interesting. The children will roll the snow into a big snowball, and then pile it into a snowman. They will also play around it, just like a moving snowman.

In winter, the field is like a warm quilt covered with snow. Once snowflakes float into the lake, they will be eaten by the lake. Whenever I stand at the door of my house, I can see from a distance that the bamboo in the mountains in front of me is carved from white jade.


The roaring north wind whipped the fallen leaves all over the ground indiscriminately. The wind blew across the ground and made a whirl, making a sound of "Zizi". The big tree stood upright, pitifully whipped by the whip.

After a heavy snow, everything on the roof, on the car, on the trees, on the grass... became white, and the heavy snow was still falling. I reached out to pick it up. But when the snow fell on my palm, it suddenly became little drops of water, crystal clear, how lovely the snow is.

The children's laughter came from downstairs. I looked downstairs and found that several good friends were playing in the snow below. I was also a bit itchy, so I put on my hat and gloves to play with them. In this happy atmosphere, there was no one who cried loudly because of wrestling, nor did they stop playing because they were hit by snowballs. After a while, everyone became a snowman!

Ah! What a lovely winter! It's crystal clear and pure. It's a symbol of winter beauty!


This winter makes me happy! This winter makes me unforgettable! In the winter of the previous few years, I only heard or saw the snow in winter in newspapers or on TV. This year, I saw and touched the scene of thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow in Shanghai.

Ah! What a heavy snow! The river, trees and houses were all covered with a thick layer of white snow. Overlooking from afar, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains have become a world of powder and jade. Close up, those leafless trees are covered with fluffy and heavy snowballs. The partners can make snowmen outside the house, have snowball fights, and play and play freely in the silver world. I was watching the snow falling again, and I suddenly had an idea: What's the taste of snow! Now is a good opportunity to taste the snow. At first, I felt that it was not delicious, but later I felt a little sweet. The taste of the cold was like ice cream. It was delicious. I am very happy and hope it will be the same every winter. Snow has brought a beautiful world to my friends and me

Although winter is very cold, it brings us a happy winter vacation. I love you, winter!


Look! The big trees in the distance were bent by the heavy snow. Only the pine trees stood upright in the wind and snow like brave soldiers of the People's Liberation Army. They did not fear the cold and became more green under the heavy snow. When the snow stopped, the children couldn't wait to put on their cotton padded clothes, cotton padded trousers, hats and gloves and quickly ran out of the house to the snow, playing with snowballs, snowball fights, skiing and making snowmen.

The most interesting thing is making a snowman. Its round head has a smiling mouth, a big and sharp nose, a pair of bright eyes above the nose, and two hands on both sides of its fat body. Finally, the children put a hat on the snowman, and finally they were done. Looking at my masterpiece, I smiled with satisfaction.

At this time, the north wind was blowing. The children are not afraid of the cold. They are still singing, dancing and chasing in the snow! It was very exciting and fun.


When making a snowman, first roll a big snowball and make a snowdoll. Then use the button as the eye, the radish as the nose, and the broom as the hand. After making the snowman, we hid behind the snowman and had a snowball fight. We formed a ball of snow and threw it at each other, often covered with snow.

What I like most is skating. It's very interesting to skate on the skater! However, if you fall down carelessly, you may break your leg, so you must pay attention to safety.

Children are happy in winter. We played games on the snow, running and laughing happily. The scene was like moving flowers embroidered on white satin. Happy laughter adds infinite vitality to the silver world. In particular, it is interesting to spend winter in the countryside during the winter vacation. On the fallen persimmon tree, several remaining persimmons were red and lovely.


This morning, I listened to the teacher in the classroom. I heard someone outside shouting, "It's snowing! It's snowing!" Suddenly, my heart flew out of the window... My heart has been wandering in the clouds for a long time, but the class is still not over

The bell finally rang, which changed my mind from the horizon. I quickly ran out of the classroom and came to the playground.

"Eh!" How can it snow? I remember the weather forecast didn't say snow! It's sunny today. Is it because I have a bad memory. No matter how much, play! I looked at the sky and saw big snowflakes flying all over the sky. The earth seemed to be covered with a layer of white carpet, and it was soft to step on. Seeing such heavy snow reminds me of an idiom related to snow, "sending charcoal in snowy weather".

After school, I strode to Grandma's house. When I got home, I plunged into the house and ran to the yard to play with snow after finishing my homework

Ah! What a beautiful winter!


The snowflakes are dancing in the sky. They can't wait to come to the earth mother's arms to cover the sleeping grass with thick quilts and the tall trees with big pajamas. Footprints on the ground are signs of winter.

If people leave the air-conditioned room and come to the snow, they will find that the snow is so interesting in winter. You can play with the snow everywhere. You can make snowmen, have snowball fights, enjoy the white beauty of winter, and of course, you can also ride sledges and ski. It's very interesting.

Winter is full of snow. Although it is cold, it is very interesting. Everything is white and beautiful in winter.



Winter snow falls from the sky. It is crystal clear and pure. Falling to the earth, adding a silver fur coat to the earth; Winter snow falls from the sky. It is white and charming. It floats gently and gently to the branches, adding a beautiful tassel to the branches. People like snowflakes because they symbolize purity. When winter comes, people always expect snow. The snowflakes are falling on the earth. People make snowmen, have snowball fights and enjoy snowflakes... Everywhere is filled with a happy atmosphere.

With the wind and snow, plum blossoms pour out their faces. Of all the sisters, only her love came last; No more bees and butterflies flying; The sun no longer shines, and only her love is the most violent; Snowflakes are flying, matching her noble posture; The moonlight was bright and integrated with her elegant appearance. Sisters are always colorful, and she is always elegant and light. It is also recalled that Lu Meipo said, "the snow in meishsun is three-thirds white, but the snow loses Mei's fragrance." The plum blossom in full bloom is like a few stars. Although it is not remarkable in winter, its fragrance is refreshing.

"You should know that the pine is noble and clean. When the snow falls," Qingsong regards the blue sky as his companion with the clothes of pine needles. He can't compare with the elegant and light plum blossoms and the green bamboo in the garden, but he stands tall, steps on the earth and holds the blue sky.

Green pines welcome visitors and show their vitality in winter; Plum blossoms are bright and colorful in winter; Snowflakes are flying, and winter is more beautiful. The arrival of winter makes the earth white; The arrival of winter makes the flowers more fragrant. Winter is a dazzling badge in the four seasons.


The air was very fresh these two mornings because it had just rained.

In the morning, I can't see the figure of father-in-law sun. The sun is still sleeping under a thick quilt! I can't see it, but I'm still looking forward to it... I think it hasn't seen us for a long time. Have a good sleep today and come back to see how we've been in recent days!

Slowly, the sun father-in-law rose slowly from the clouds with a smile, and the bright sun shone on the newly awakened earth. When a gust of wind blew, the flowers and trees on the earth nodded and smiled, as if they were saying hello to Uncle Feng. Father-in-law sun didn't lift his spirits at that time. He hasn't seen each other for a while. He wants us to talk more with him.

After a morning, the sun seems to be cold and the wind is cold. The sun can't resist the wind and cloud. It can only wait for the wind and cloud to come again

At noon, it's time for him to start. As soon as he straightened his chest and waist, he happily greeted the people around him and ran to us. After waiting for a long time, I finally waited until that time( I hope it will last longer)

After a while, Fengyun found the sun and roared, so Fengyun grabbed the position again. However, the combination of wind and rain and sunshine is still a good match!

A twinkling of an eye, the chilly afternoon arrived, and the sun seemed afraid of getting cold, and the heat could not be emitted! I looked at the sky, the sun and the wind and cloud were facing me. At this time, I feel that the heat emitted by the sun is the most precious! Gradually, the sun disappeared in the wind and cloud... After the afternoon, the students lined up to look at the slowly returning sun and walked out of the campus in twos and threes


After a class, I heard the sound of "crackling". It turned out that Xuezi also came to the campus to have fun and dance.

After a while, the drizzle stopped and the snow turned into small snowflakes. One, two, scattered stars, fluttered gently like catkins. Gradually, the little snowflakes grew fat, became more, more dignified and more natural and unrestrained, just like the white feathers falling from a white swan; Like white butterflies dancing all over the sky; Just like the flying catkins of a weaver spinning and weaving. I couldn't help but sing the little poem: "suddenly, like the spring breeze of the night, thousands of trees and pear flowers bloom." Snow, this is the first snow on campus since winter.

In the vast expanse of white on the playground, the students are like a brisk "little squirrel" jumping around on the playground.

Some of them make snowmen; Some have snowball fights; Some are shouting: "long live God, it finally snows!" Although the outside has been turned into "too white Venus" by the heavy snow, his face is still filled with a happy and happy smile.

The teaching building and stretching building are surrounded by white "marshmallows"!

Ah! In winter, you are not as ruthless and terrible as people think; You are not as noisy as thunder in spring, snow in summer and wind in autumn. You are different. I love you, love your unique quiet beauty!

冬天,是银装素裹的,能让你欣赏到雪压松枝不弯腰的那种景象。关于冬天的 英语 作文 你知道怎么写吗?下面是我整理的关于冬天英语 小学作文 5篇,欢迎大家阅读分享借鉴,希望对大家有所帮助。







It is cold and dry outside. The wind often blows strongly. The days are shorter and the nights are longer. Many animals go to sleep. They will sleep for a long time till the spring comes. People don’t like to go outside. They have to wear heavy coats, scarves and gloves. But children like to be outside. Because it often snows. There is snow around. There is ice on the ground. Children can throw snowballs, make the snowmen. Oh, look. What a surprise! Do you see? The river is frozen! Here come the boys, there come the girls, they are skating in the river happily.

Oh! Winter comes. It is really an interesting season. It has so much fun!


Winter is cold. Let’s play the snowball and make snowman.

The snowman is big . I like to play snowball. I am on the snow. The snow is cold. I have a scarf and coat. So I am not cold. I like the Christmas. Because I can see santa clus in Christmas . Christmas tree is beautiful. The presents are on the Christmas tree.

I like winter. Do you like winter?


The weather in winter is a set of all the phenomena in a given atmosphere at a given time. It also includes interactions with the hydrosphere. The term usually refers to the activity of these phenomena over short periods (hours or days), as opposed to the term climate, which refers to the average atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time. When used without qualification, weather" is understood to be the weather of Earth.

Winter is cold. Let’s play the snowball and make snowman. The snowman is big . I like to play snowball. I am on the snow. The snow is cold. I have a scarf and coat. So I am not cold. I like the Christmas. Because I can see santa clus in Christmas . Christmas tree is beautiful. The presents are on the Christmas tree. I like winter. Do you like winter?


The weather in winter is a set of all the phenomena in a given atmosphere at a given time.

It also includes interactions with the term usually refers to the activity of these phenomena over short periods (hours or days), as opposed to the term climate, which refers to the average atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time.

When used without qualification, weather" is understood to be the weather of Earth.


Winter is my favourite 's coming also means snow " following.

I believe no one dislike snow ,the white ,beautiful it snowing,we will rush out of the warm and comfortable houses,run and play on the ground in snow,enjoying the happiness that belongs to us children.

I also like to skiI with several , how can I forget the winter,and the white ,beautiful flowers,and our simple happiness

关于冬天英语小学作文5篇相关 文章 :

★ 描写冬天的英语作文5篇

★ 我喜欢冬天英语作文5篇

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★ 关于冬天的英语小短文美文阅读

★ 描写冬天英语作文演讲稿5篇

★ 关于冬天小学英语作文带翻译

★ 关于冬天的英文小短文


Grandpa Dong has been to many places, fields, villages, parks... Everywhere he goes, he becomes a world of makeup and jade. The wheat in the field is covered with thick quilts. The farmer's uncle said happily, "In winter, the wheat is covered with three layers of quilts. The next year, he will sleep on steamed bread." The houses in the village are covered with white "hats". People hide in the houses. The grass and flowers in the park are all changed into new clothes. Grandpa Dong came to the little tree and said, "Are you cold? I'll make you a white quilt!" With that, he covered the "white quilt". Xiao Shu said happily, "Thank you. I'm not afraid of cold now." Grandpa Dong came to the road and saw a man with a black hat on his head, a white scarf around his neck, a red cotton padded jacket on his upper body, blue jeans on his lower body, and thick cotton shoes on his feet, but his face turned purple with cold and he shivered. Then it blew fiercely into the sky, and all the clouds dispersed, revealing the red sun. When the sun shone on the man, he suddenly felt warm. Grandpa Dong came to the river and saw that the small fish were frozen stiff. With a gentle wave, the river was covered with thick ice. The little fish plunged into the deep river and was busy preparing for the wonderful winter dance. Grandpa Dong came to see me. I felt the piercing cold wind and put on a down jacket to have a snowball fight with my friends.

Do you like Grandpa Winter? I like it because it brings me a happy childhood.


In winter, the gap between the north and the south is very large. There are more than ten degrees in the south. Generally, people can spend the winter with an extra coat. Many people do not need to wear sweaters. But most places in the north are already at about zero, and some are even more than ten degrees below zero. The ground is frozen, and it often snows heavily, making everything outside the house white. At this time, people will wear large cotton padded jacket, cotton trousers, down coat, cotton boots, gloves when going out, and some people also have to wear masks.

Besides the changes in plants, there is a big gap. The climate in the south is relatively warm, so trees, flowers and grass are still green and some flowers are still blooming, such as autumn chrysanthemum, orchid, etc. However, the trees in the north are already bare, leaving only dry branches. They can only close their eyes and rest in the cold winter, waiting for the arrival of spring. The grass is also covered with snow, and there are almost no flowers in the park or in the wild.

In winter, children in the south still play ordinary games. Playing badminton and roller skating outdoors. However, children in the north can play snowball fights, roll snowballs and skate on the ice that is as flat as a silver mirror.

In winter, there is a big difference between the north and the south!


A heavy snow fell in the evening, and it cleared up the next day. Xiaohong suggested to her mother, "Mom, let's go to the park and play!" "Good," my mother promised. So they came to the gate of the park, and they saw a vast expanse of white, as if they had entered a world of ice and snow fairy tales. The ground seems to be covered with a thick carpet, the trees seem to be covered with a white coat, and the lovely snowman at the gate of the park seems to be greeting people, saying, "Welcome to the park!"

Xiaohong and her mother came to the side of the hill. Mother said, "Just take a picture here." Xiaohong put a "POSS". Mom was about to take a picture when she found Xiao Hong running away from the camera.

What's going on here? It turned out that Xiaohong saw a little brother fall down not far away. Xiaohong hurries to comfort her and says, "Don't cry, little brother."

When my mother saw this scene not far away, she quickly pressed the shutter to take a picture of the most beautiful scene in winter.

I think this is the most beautiful scenery in winter.


In winter, the ground seems to be covered with a layer of white blanket, but we can't see such a beautiful scene as soon as the sun comes out, because the sun is just like a special snow killer. The overcoats we wore could not keep out the piercing cold. We were just like in a big refrigerator.

Although the winter is very cold, the snow in winter is very interesting. The children will roll the snow into a big snowball, and then pile it into a snowman. They will also play around it, just like a moving snowman.

In winter, the field is like a warm quilt covered with snow. Once snowflakes float into the lake, they will be eaten by the lake. Whenever I stand at the door of my house, I can see from a distance that the bamboo in the mountains in front of me is carved from white jade.


The roaring north wind whipped the fallen leaves all over the ground indiscriminately. The wind blew across the ground and made a whirl, making a sound of "Zizi". The big tree stood upright, pitifully whipped by the whip.

After a heavy snow, everything on the roof, on the car, on the trees, on the grass... became white, and the heavy snow was still falling. I reached out to pick it up. But when the snow fell on my palm, it suddenly became little drops of water, crystal clear, how lovely the snow is.

The children's laughter came from downstairs. I looked downstairs and found that several good friends were playing in the snow below. I was also a bit itchy, so I put on my hat and gloves to play with them. In this happy atmosphere, there was no one who cried loudly because of wrestling, nor did they stop playing because they were hit by snowballs. After a while, everyone became a snowman!

Ah! What a lovely winter! It's crystal clear and pure. It's a symbol of winter beauty!


This winter makes me happy! This winter makes me unforgettable! In the winter of the previous few years, I only heard or saw the snow in winter in newspapers or on TV. This year, I saw and touched the scene of thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow in Shanghai.

Ah! What a heavy snow! The river, trees and houses were all covered with a thick layer of white snow. Overlooking from afar, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains have become a world of powder and jade. Close up, those leafless trees are covered with fluffy and heavy snowballs. The partners can make snowmen outside the house, have snowball fights, and play and play freely in the silver world. I was watching the snow falling again, and I suddenly had an idea: What's the taste of snow! Now is a good opportunity to taste the snow. At first, I felt that it was not delicious, but later I felt a little sweet. The taste of the cold was like ice cream. It was delicious. I am very happy and hope it will be the same every winter. Snow has brought a beautiful world to my friends and me

Although winter is very cold, it brings us a happy winter vacation. I love you, winter!


Look! The big trees in the distance were bent by the heavy snow. Only the pine trees stood upright in the wind and snow like brave soldiers of the People's Liberation Army. They did not fear the cold and became more green under the heavy snow. When the snow stopped, the children couldn't wait to put on their cotton padded clothes, cotton padded trousers, hats and gloves and quickly ran out of the house to the snow, playing with snowballs, snowball fights, skiing and making snowmen.

The most interesting thing is making a snowman. Its round head has a smiling mouth, a big and sharp nose, a pair of bright eyes above the nose, and two hands on both sides of its fat body. Finally, the children put a hat on the snowman, and finally they were done. Looking at my masterpiece, I smiled with satisfaction.

At this time, the north wind was blowing. The children are not afraid of the cold. They are still singing, dancing and chasing in the snow! It was very exciting and fun.


When making a snowman, first roll a big snowball and make a snowdoll. Then use the button as the eye, the radish as the nose, and the broom as the hand. After making the snowman, we hid behind the snowman and had a snowball fight. We formed a ball of snow and threw it at each other, often covered with snow.

What I like most is skating. It's very interesting to skate on the skater! However, if you fall down carelessly, you may break your leg, so you must pay attention to safety.

Children are happy in winter. We played games on the snow, running and laughing happily. The scene was like moving flowers embroidered on white satin. Happy laughter adds infinite vitality to the silver world. In particular, it is interesting to spend winter in the countryside during the winter vacation. On the fallen persimmon tree, several remaining persimmons were red and lovely.


This morning, I listened to the teacher in the classroom. I heard someone outside shouting, "It's snowing! It's snowing!" Suddenly, my heart flew out of the window... My heart has been wandering in the clouds for a long time, but the class is still not over

The bell finally rang, which changed my mind from the horizon. I quickly ran out of the classroom and came to the playground.

"Eh!" How can it snow? I remember the weather forecast didn't say snow! It's sunny today. Is it because I have a bad memory. No matter how much, play! I looked at the sky and saw big snowflakes flying all over the sky. The earth seemed to be covered with a layer of white carpet, and it was soft to step on. Seeing such heavy snow reminds me of an idiom related to snow, "sending charcoal in snowy weather".

After school, I strode to Grandma's house. When I got home, I plunged into the house and ran to the yard to play with snow after finishing my homework

Ah! What a beautiful winter!


The snowflakes are dancing in the sky. They can't wait to come to the earth mother's arms to cover the sleeping grass with thick quilts and the tall trees with big pajamas. Footprints on the ground are signs of winter.

If people leave the air-conditioned room and come to the snow, they will find that the snow is so interesting in winter. You can play with the snow everywhere. You can make snowmen, have snowball fights, enjoy the white beauty of winter, and of course, you can also ride sledges and ski. It's very interesting.

Winter is full of snow. Although it is cold, it is very interesting. Everything is white and beautiful in winter.



Grandpa Dong has been to many places, fields, villages, parks... Everywhere he goes, he becomes a world of makeup and jade. The wheat in the field is covered with thick quilts. The farmer's uncle said happily, "In winter, the wheat is covered with three layers of quilts. The next year, he will sleep on steamed bread." The houses in the village are covered with white "hats". People hide in the houses. The grass and flowers in the park are all changed into new clothes. Grandpa Dong came to the little tree and said, "Are you cold? I'll make you a white quilt!" With that, he covered the "white quilt". Xiao Shu said happily, "Thank you. I'm not afraid of cold now." Grandpa Dong came to the road and saw a man with a black hat on his head, a white scarf around his neck, a red cotton padded jacket on his upper body, blue jeans on his lower body, and thick cotton shoes on his feet, but his face turned purple with cold and he shivered. Then it blew fiercely into the sky, and all the clouds dispersed, revealing the red sun. When the sun shone on the man, he suddenly felt warm. Grandpa Dong came to the river and saw that the small fish were frozen stiff. With a gentle wave, the river was covered with thick ice. The little fish plunged into the deep river and was busy preparing for the wonderful winter dance. Grandpa Dong came to see me. I felt the piercing cold wind and put on a down jacket to have a snowball fight with my friends.

Do you like Grandpa Winter? I like it because it brings me a happy childhood.


In winter, the gap between the north and the south is very large. There are more than ten degrees in the south. Generally, people can spend the winter with an extra coat. Many people do not need to wear sweaters. But most places in the north are already at about zero, and some are even more than ten degrees below zero. The ground is frozen, and it often snows heavily, making everything outside the house white. At this time, people will wear large cotton padded jacket, cotton trousers, down coat, cotton boots, gloves when going out, and some people also have to wear masks.

Besides the changes in plants, there is a big gap. The climate in the south is relatively warm, so trees, flowers and grass are still green and some flowers are still blooming, such as autumn chrysanthemum, orchid, etc. However, the trees in the north are already bare, leaving only dry branches. They can only close their eyes and rest in the cold winter, waiting for the arrival of spring. The grass is also covered with snow, and there are almost no flowers in the park or in the wild.

In winter, children in the south still play ordinary games. Playing badminton and roller skating outdoors. However, children in the north can play snowball fights, roll snowballs and skate on the ice that is as flat as a silver mirror.

In winter, there is a big difference between the north and the south!


A heavy snow fell in the evening, and it cleared up the next day. Xiaohong suggested to her mother, "Mom, let's go to the park and play!" "Good," my mother promised. So they came to the gate of the park, and they saw a vast expanse of white, as if they had entered a world of ice and snow fairy tales. The ground seems to be covered with a thick carpet, the trees seem to be covered with a white coat, and the lovely snowman at the gate of the park seems to be greeting people, saying, "Welcome to the park!"

Xiaohong and her mother came to the side of the hill. Mother said, "Just take a picture here." Xiaohong put a "POSS". Mom was about to take a picture when she found Xiao Hong running away from the camera.

What's going on here? It turned out that Xiaohong saw a little brother fall down not far away. Xiaohong hurries to comfort her and says, "Don't cry, little brother."

When my mother saw this scene not far away, she quickly pressed the shutter to take a picture of the most beautiful scene in winter.

I think this is the most beautiful scenery in winter.


In winter, the ground seems to be covered with a layer of white blanket, but we can't see such a beautiful scene as soon as the sun comes out, because the sun is just like a special snow killer. The overcoats we wore could not keep out the piercing cold. We were just like in a big refrigerator.

Although the winter is very cold, the snow in winter is very interesting. The children will roll the snow into a big snowball, and then pile it into a snowman. They will also play around it, just like a moving snowman.

In winter, the field is like a warm quilt covered with snow. Once snowflakes float into the lake, they will be eaten by the lake. Whenever I stand at the door of my house, I can see from a distance that the bamboo in the mountains in front of me is carved from white jade.


The roaring north wind whipped the fallen leaves all over the ground indiscriminately. The wind blew across the ground and made a whirl, making a sound of "Zizi". The big tree stood upright, pitifully whipped by the whip.

After a heavy snow, everything on the roof, on the car, on the trees, on the grass... became white, and the heavy snow was still falling. I reached out to pick it up. But when the snow fell on my palm, it suddenly became little drops of water, crystal clear, how lovely the snow is.

The children's laughter came from downstairs. I looked downstairs and found that several good friends were playing in the snow below. I was also a bit itchy, so I put on my hat and gloves to play with them. In this happy atmosphere, there was no one who cried loudly because of wrestling, nor did they stop playing because they were hit by snowballs. After a while, everyone became a snowman!

Ah! What a lovely winter! It's crystal clear and pure. It's a symbol of winter beauty!


This winter makes me happy! This winter makes me unforgettable! In the winter of the previous few years, I only heard or saw the snow in winter in newspapers or on TV. This year, I saw and touched the scene of thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow in Shanghai.

Ah! What a heavy snow! The river, trees and houses were all covered with a thick layer of white snow. Overlooking from afar, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains have become a world of powder and jade. Close up, those leafless trees are covered with fluffy and heavy snowballs. The partners can make snowmen outside the house, have snowball fights, and play and play freely in the silver world. I was watching the snow falling again, and I suddenly had an idea: What's the taste of snow! Now is a good opportunity to taste the snow. At first, I felt that it was not delicious, but later I felt a little sweet. The taste of the cold was like ice cream. It was delicious. I am very happy and hope it will be the same every winter. Snow has brought a beautiful world to my friends and me

Although winter is very cold, it brings us a happy winter vacation. I love you, winter!


Look! The big trees in the distance were bent by the heavy snow. Only the pine trees stood upright in the wind and snow like brave soldiers of the People's Liberation Army. They did not fear the cold and became more green under the heavy snow. When the snow stopped, the children couldn't wait to put on their cotton padded clothes, cotton padded trousers, hats and gloves and quickly ran out of the house to the snow, playing with snowballs, snowball fights, skiing and making snowmen.

The most interesting thing is making a snowman. Its round head has a smiling mouth, a big and sharp nose, a pair of bright eyes above the nose, and two hands on both sides of its fat body. Finally, the children put a hat on the snowman, and finally they were done. Looking at my masterpiece, I smiled with satisfaction.

At this time, the north wind was blowing. The children are not afraid of the cold. They are still singing, dancing and chasing in the snow! It was very exciting and fun.


When making a snowman, first roll a big snowball and make a snowdoll. Then use the button as the eye, the radish as the nose, and the broom as the hand. After making the snowman, we hid behind the snowman and had a snowball fight. We formed a ball of snow and threw it at each other, often covered with snow.

What I like most is skating. It's very interesting to skate on the skater! However, if you fall down carelessly, you may break your leg, so you must pay attention to safety.

Children are happy in winter. We played games on the snow, running and laughing happily. The scene was like moving flowers embroidered on white satin. Happy laughter adds infinite vitality to the silver world. In particular, it is interesting to spend winter in the countryside during the winter vacation. On the fallen persimmon tree, several remaining persimmons were red and lovely.


This morning, I listened to the teacher in the classroom. I heard someone outside shouting, "It's snowing! It's snowing!" Suddenly, my heart flew out of the window... My heart has been wandering in the clouds for a long time, but the class is still not over

The bell finally rang, which changed my mind from the horizon. I quickly ran out of the classroom and came to the playground.

"Eh!" How can it snow? I remember the weather forecast didn't say snow! It's sunny today. Is it because I have a bad memory. No matter how much, play! I looked at the sky and saw big snowflakes flying all over the sky. The earth seemed to be covered with a layer of white carpet, and it was soft to step on. Seeing such heavy snow reminds me of an idiom related to snow, "sending charcoal in snowy weather".

After school, I strode to Grandma's house. When I got home, I plunged into the house and ran to the yard to play with snow after finishing my homework

Ah! What a beautiful winter!


The snowflakes are dancing in the sky. They can't wait to come to the earth mother's arms to cover the sleeping grass with thick quilts and the tall trees with big pajamas. Footprints on the ground are signs of winter.

If people leave the air-conditioned room and come to the snow, they will find that the snow is so interesting in winter. You can play with the snow everywhere. You can make snowmen, have snowball fights, enjoy the white beauty of winter, and of course, you can also ride sledges and ski. It's very interesting.

Winter is full of snow. Although it is cold, it is very interesting. Everything is white and beautiful in winter.

冬天是一年四季当中最冷又最亲切的,冬天的美很难用语言说的而清楚,为了让大家能够写出关于冬天的英文作文,的我为大家准备了三篇《描写冬天的英文作文》,欢迎大家阅读,内容供大家参考! 希望大家喜欢!!!

I like winter best. I often go skiing on Sundays with my family. When it snows, everything turns white. There is thick snow on roads,strees,trees and houses. It's a beautiful world! My friends and I like making snowmen. Sometims we paly with snow . It's very interesting and exciting, And one of the most important reasons is that Spring Festival comes at this time of the year.


Winter is my favourive season,you know?the weather in winter is very cold,and even rain hard and snow,some animals sleep all the winter ,such as snakes,tree leaves have been fell down by the strong wind .I thing the winter is the most beautiful saeson,everywhere is full of snow,and I can make little snowy perpons with my good friends,and we also can play more games with snow,the snow give us so much happiness,it make me feel relaxed and warm all the winter.


At dusk,the weather became colder while the sky was gray,and the cold wind was blowing strongly. It seemed that it was going to snow soon.

A moment later,the snowflakes began to fall the land before my eyes was all white,like a beautiful it snowed more and more trees were all covered with white whole city became a silver world.

The next morning,it stopped snowing and cleared went into the far away,I saw a beautiful silver white group of children were playing were throwing snowballs to each other,others were making a seemed to bring us warm and as it was,nobaby felt cold in the white world.

I love snow,because it is pure brings us hope and vigour.





1.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇一

In the morning, when I opened the window, there were beautiful snowflakes floating in the sky, and a silvery white world came into my eyes. The ground was covered with thick snow, like a thick white carpet. A few feet of snow in the sun shines out of colorful light, dazzling white, dazzling flowers. The trees in front of the door were covered with silver, and the silver flowers blossomed one after another, which really responded to the saying, "Suddenly, like the spring breeze in one night, thousands of pear trees bloom.". The bare trees turned into shining silver bars, just like Santa Claus' snow sticks. Every car has accumulated layers of snow, as if they were wearing beautiful lambskin coats. It has become a snowy world.

I opened the door and couldn't wait to run to the snow world. Look! The girls were making snowmen, while the boys began to play a snow fight mischievously. I was also excited to join their team, making fun together, and the crisp laughter spread all over the earth. We were all sweating and had a good time.

Winter is white, beautiful, cold and "warm", although it is not as beautiful as the charming singing of birds and flowers in spring, the spectacular thunder and lightning in summer, and the attractive rich fruits in autumn. I love winter!

2.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇二

"Wow, it's snowing." The snowflakes are fast, slow, urgent and slow... This is how a beautiful picture is formed, which makes people relaxed and happy. "Yeah, it's snowball fight." The voices of my friends came from afar, and I soon joined them. As a result, snowball fights and snowmen have become the focus of our games. At this moment, a group of adults could not help playing with us when they saw us playing so happily. Suddenly, I had no time to prepare and was thrown the snowball on my head. "Hum, I'm not easy to get into trouble." I started to fight back, "Ya." "Ah." Our laughter shook the snow on the treetops, red faces hung with naive smiling faces, and our hands still held the snowflakes reluctantly.

Ah, snowflake, although you are not as beautiful as the red rose, you are not as delicate and beautiful as other flowers. But you have unique patterns and good quality, which is enough for us to like you.

3.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇三

In the morning, snowflakes came home, and a new morning came. The snow outside is already very thick, as if the ground is covered with a layer of white quilt. The dog painted plum blossom; The deer stepped on the snow spot; Chickens print bamboo leaves... What a beautiful quilt in winter!

At noon, the plum blossom fairies also enjoyed themselves, lighting the flowers with purple petals and golden stamens, so that the plum blossoms could light up the whole winter. The plum tree is like a "fire tree". How bright it is!

In the evening, I went out of my house, even if it was colder, just for a "snow walk". It was snowing white. My feet were in the snow. The snow was soft and soft. It was very comfortable to step on! The snow is falling harder and harder, and the sound of "rustling" is heard from time to time under my feet. I know that it must be the snow playing this song, which is very beautiful and makes me miss it very much.

Winter is so beautiful. It comes and goes quickly every time. When I haven't regained my senses to appreciate your beauty, you leave in a hurry.

4.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇四

I don't know when the green trees disappear slowly, waiting for the rebirth next year. The animals hid in their nests, as if to tell people that winter is coming. The weather in winter is extremely cold. The snow is falling in profusion. The white and transparent rime is one of the most beautiful scenes in winter. Then what is the most beautiful scenery? That is wintersweet. There are yellow, white, purple... Although the size of the thumb of wintersweet is small, it is still so strong. Among them, the strongest one is cedar. Its pine needles are still verdant and green. They are like mighty soldiers, standing on the roadside and patrolling in order!

In the snow not far away, the children were playing a snowball fight. They hid behind two big rocks to make snowballs. After they finished making snowballs, they threw them left and right. They had a good time!

5.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇五

The most beautiful sign in winter is the beautiful snowflakes. When the wind blows gently, the snowflakes float like dandelions. They float to the top of the tree, to the roof, and to my dark hair. The more they float, the more they float, and I dress up as a thick old man. Look at many young friends who have become little old men one by one. Their hair is pale, and the weather is so cold. The naughty snowflakes want to slip into our necks, so they all tighten their necks, hunch their backs, and try to curl up. Look! So many lovely little old men!

Don't think that trees in winter must be ugly if they don't have leaves. Look at those trees along the road. Their winter clothes are even more strange. With heavy snow, suddenly thousands of pear trees bloom.

The ice pillars on the eaves are crystal clear, and the ice flowers on the windows are interesting and beautiful, like birds' feathers, dense coniferous forests, and seaweed in the water. That is a world of various forms, but they are presented on a small piece of glass.

The sun comes out, but we are not afraid of it. The snowflakes become ice gradually when they are held together. The world of snow becomes more interesting when it becomes ice. We forget the cold and skate on the ice. Even adults can't help but participate in it. You can tumble around as much as you like, and no one laughs at you.

The beauty of winter is incomparable to any other season. There is no spring, no fruit, but there is no less happiness. This is the charm of winter!

6.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇六

The ground was covered with a warm eiderdown quilt, and the originally bare trees were also covered with snow. It was like putting on a new cotton padded jacket to prepare for the New Year. Several children were playing in the snow, and the laughter spread far away. The snowflakes begin to fall. At first, they are like a fairy falling from the sky. Later, they gradually become larger and larger, some of them become hexagonal, some of them become irregular. If you catch them with your little hands, the snowflakes will melt immediately, and you will feel that the cool ice water has entered your palm.

Plum blossom on the land in winter. It has many colors, pink, white, red... What a tenacious life! Other flowers withered in winter. Only plum blossoms stood alone in the snow and ice, fearing neither cold wind nor loneliness. Some plum blossoms stood like a noble princess on the branches; Some flowers crowded together, like whispering; Others are just buds, like a shy girl hiding in the house to dress up; The others are half open, as if they want to laugh but dare not.

Winter is coming, and the New Year is coming. The streets are full of red lanterns, red couplets and inverted blessing characters. The children wore new clothes, hats and scarves and went to visit. When they asked for New Year's money, the children took it and smiled. After returning home, the children put their New Year's money back into their wallets.

What a beautiful winter! I like winter.

7.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇七

Winter is beautiful and noble. Every winter, the earth will change into a snow-white dress. This beautiful snow scene is actually made up of little snowflakes, which are still tenaciously following its mission, falling and melting. This is a flower that blooms in the coldest winter. The unique scenery in winter highlights its uniqueness and nobility. In winter, although the wind is biting and cold, the beautiful snow scenery is still intoxicating. The ice on the lake seems to seal time. I like this silent time, and I prefer the beauty and nobility in winter.

Winter is still fun and happy. In winter, ants curl up their tentacles, and frogs have long slept comfortably. The birds have flown to the south, only a few lonely sparrows occasionally. Squirrels are eating the pineapples stored industriously in autumn. The animals are doing their own things.

Winter is also happy and joyful. We can make a lovely snowman and play with it. We can also have a snowball fight with three or five friends, leave our footprints in the snow together, and step on our happy childhood together.

In my eyes, the most beautiful scenery is the beautiful snow scenery in this winter. I like the snow in winter. The snow in winter is spotless.

8.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇八

The cold spirit was flying all over the sky, making everything rustle. It dances mischievously around people and invades people's skin from the collar and cuffs. Oh! It seems that pedestrians don't like playing with it. They wear cotton padded clothes and put up their collars one by one, as if they want to hide themselves completely in their clothes, speeding up their steps. But the children seemed to like its cold aura and jumped and chased with it. Look, a group of students come out of the campus. The bright red, light yellow, green and blue coats embellish the cold wind with colorful notes, like adding colorful flowers in the bleak winter. The jumping notes and colorful flowers scattered in all directions accompanied by the winter spirits.

The mother tree also took advantage of the arrival of winter to remove the green blouse from the leaves and put on the golden winter clothes. Looking around, the branches are covered with gold medals. The envoy of the north wind in winter leads these golden leaves to bid farewell to the branches, dancing in the air and floating to the earth. Fall into a stream, become a boat, drift with the current; Float down to the earth and lay a soft carpet on the path; Falling flowers, like butterflies among the dead branches

9.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇九

In the cold winter, many plants withered, and only the "three friends" - pine, bamboo and plum trees braved the cold and stood in the cold wind. I thought of a poem: "There are several plum trees in the corner, and Linghan is alone. I know from afar that it is not snow, so there is a subtle fragrance." The spirit of plum blossom is worth learning.

Eh? Where have all the animals gone? In the past, only a few small sparrows can be seen flying around in the noisy sky. Where are the ants? oh They all hide in their nests and eat the food stored in summer!

I really hope it will snow heavily! Snowflakes fell from the sky one after another. They put a white hat on the roof, a thick cotton padded jacket on the tree, and a carpet on the earth. The whole world is white, just like a fairy tale ice and snow kingdom.

Guess, what do children like to do in snowy days? Ha ha, you guessed it - we came to the snow like happy birds, some had snowball fights, some made snowmen, and some rolled snowballs... Look! Xu Xinrui and I are having a snowball fight! Xu Xinrui threw the snowball at me. Fortunately, I was clever and avoided the snowball. I didn't want to be outdone. I quickly rolled a super big snowball and threw it at Xu Xinrui. "Whip!" ha-ha! I hit Xu Xinrui. She looks funny, like an old man with white hair

Winter is beautiful and fun, I like winter!

10.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇十

Oh! Winter comes. It is really an interesting season. It has so much fun!


1.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇一

In the morning, when I opened the window, there were beautiful snowflakes floating in the sky, and a silvery white world came into my eyes. The ground was covered with thick snow, like a thick white carpet. A few feet of snow in the sun shines out of colorful light, dazzling white, dazzling flowers. The trees in front of the door were covered with silver, and the silver flowers blossomed one after another, which really responded to the saying, "Suddenly, like the spring breeze in one night, thousands of pear trees bloom.". The bare trees turned into shining silver bars, just like Santa Claus' snow sticks. Every car has accumulated layers of snow, as if they were wearing beautiful lambskin coats. It has become a snowy world.

I opened the door and couldn't wait to run to the snow world. Look! The girls were making snowmen, while the boys began to play a snow fight mischievously. I was also excited to join their team, making fun together, and the crisp laughter spread all over the earth. We were all sweating and had a good time.

Winter is white, beautiful, cold and "warm", although it is not as beautiful as the charming singing of birds and flowers in spring, the spectacular thunder and lightning in summer, and the attractive rich fruits in autumn. I love winter!

2.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇二

"Wow, it's snowing." The snowflakes are fast, slow, urgent and slow... This is how a beautiful picture is formed, which makes people relaxed and happy. "Yeah, it's snowball fight." The voices of my friends came from afar, and I soon joined them. As a result, snowball fights and snowmen have become the focus of our games. At this moment, a group of adults could not help playing with us when they saw us playing so happily. Suddenly, I had no time to prepare and was thrown the snowball on my head. "Hum, I'm not easy to get into trouble." I started to fight back, "Ya." "Ah." Our laughter shook the snow on the treetops, red faces hung with naive smiling faces, and our hands still held the snowflakes reluctantly.

Ah, snowflake, although you are not as beautiful as the red rose, you are not as delicate and beautiful as other flowers. But you have unique patterns and good quality, which is enough for us to like you.

3.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇三

In the morning, snowflakes came home, and a new morning came. The snow outside is already very thick, as if the ground is covered with a layer of white quilt. The dog painted plum blossom; The deer stepped on the snow spot; Chickens print bamboo leaves... What a beautiful quilt in winter!

At noon, the plum blossom fairies also enjoyed themselves, lighting the flowers with purple petals and golden stamens, so that the plum blossoms could light up the whole winter. The plum tree is like a "fire tree". How bright it is!

In the evening, I went out of my house, even if it was colder, just for a "snow walk". It was snowing white. My feet were in the snow. The snow was soft and soft. It was very comfortable to step on! The snow is falling harder and harder, and the sound of "rustling" is heard from time to time under my feet. I know that it must be the snow playing this song, which is very beautiful and makes me miss it very much.

Winter is so beautiful. It comes and goes quickly every time. When I haven't regained my senses to appreciate your beauty, you leave in a hurry.

4.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇四

I don't know when the green trees disappear slowly, waiting for the rebirth next year. The animals hid in their nests, as if to tell people that winter is coming. The weather in winter is extremely cold. The snow is falling in profusion. The white and transparent rime is one of the most beautiful scenes in winter. Then what is the most beautiful scenery? That is wintersweet. There are yellow, white, purple... Although the size of the thumb of wintersweet is small, it is still so strong. Among them, the strongest one is cedar. Its pine needles are still verdant and green. They are like mighty soldiers, standing on the roadside and patrolling in order!

In the snow not far away, the children were playing a snowball fight. They hid behind two big rocks to make snowballs. After they finished making snowballs, they threw them left and right. They had a good time!

5.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇五

The most beautiful sign in winter is the beautiful snowflakes. When the wind blows gently, the snowflakes float like dandelions. They float to the top of the tree, to the roof, and to my dark hair. The more they float, the more they float, and I dress up as a thick old man. Look at many young friends who have become little old men one by one. Their hair is pale, and the weather is so cold. The naughty snowflakes want to slip into our necks, so they all tighten their necks, hunch their backs, and try to curl up. Look! So many lovely little old men!

Don't think that trees in winter must be ugly if they don't have leaves. Look at those trees along the road. Their winter clothes are even more strange. With heavy snow, suddenly thousands of pear trees bloom.

The ice pillars on the eaves are crystal clear, and the ice flowers on the windows are interesting and beautiful, like birds' feathers, dense coniferous forests, and seaweed in the water. That is a world of various forms, but they are presented on a small piece of glass.

The sun comes out, but we are not afraid of it. The snowflakes become ice gradually when they are held together. The world of snow becomes more interesting when it becomes ice. We forget the cold and skate on the ice. Even adults can't help but participate in it. You can tumble around as much as you like, and no one laughs at you.

The beauty of winter is incomparable to any other season. There is no spring, no fruit, but there is no less happiness. This is the charm of winter!

6.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇六

The ground was covered with a warm eiderdown quilt, and the originally bare trees were also covered with snow. It was like putting on a new cotton padded jacket to prepare for the New Year. Several children were playing in the snow, and the laughter spread far away. The snowflakes begin to fall. At first, they are like a fairy falling from the sky. Later, they gradually become larger and larger, some of them become hexagonal, some of them become irregular. If you catch them with your little hands, the snowflakes will melt immediately, and you will feel that the cool ice water has entered your palm.

Plum blossom on the land in winter. It has many colors, pink, white, red... What a tenacious life! Other flowers withered in winter. Only plum blossoms stood alone in the snow and ice, fearing neither cold wind nor loneliness. Some plum blossoms stood like a noble princess on the branches; Some flowers crowded together, like whispering; Others are just buds, like a shy girl hiding in the house to dress up; The others are half open, as if they want to laugh but dare not.

Winter is coming, and the New Year is coming. The streets are full of red lanterns, red couplets and inverted blessing characters. The children wore new clothes, hats and scarves and went to visit. When they asked for New Year's money, the children took it and smiled. After returning home, the children put their New Year's money back into their wallets.

What a beautiful winter! I like winter.

7.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇七

Winter is beautiful and noble. Every winter, the earth will change into a snow-white dress. This beautiful snow scene is actually made up of little snowflakes, which are still tenaciously following its mission, falling and melting. This is a flower that blooms in the coldest winter. The unique scenery in winter highlights its uniqueness and nobility. In winter, although the wind is biting and cold, the beautiful snow scenery is still intoxicating. The ice on the lake seems to seal time. I like this silent time, and I prefer the beauty and nobility in winter.

Winter is still fun and happy. In winter, ants curl up their tentacles, and frogs have long slept comfortably. The birds have flown to the south, only a few lonely sparrows occasionally. Squirrels are eating the pineapples stored industriously in autumn. The animals are doing their own things.

Winter is also happy and joyful. We can make a lovely snowman and play with it. We can also have a snowball fight with three or five friends, leave our footprints in the snow together, and step on our happy childhood together.

In my eyes, the most beautiful scenery is the beautiful snow scenery in this winter. I like the snow in winter. The snow in winter is spotless.

8.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇八

The cold spirit was flying all over the sky, making everything rustle. It dances mischievously around people and invades people's skin from the collar and cuffs. Oh! It seems that pedestrians don't like playing with it. They wear cotton padded clothes and put up their collars one by one, as if they want to hide themselves completely in their clothes, speeding up their steps. But the children seemed to like its cold aura and jumped and chased with it. Look, a group of students come out of the campus. The bright red, light yellow, green and blue coats embellish the cold wind with colorful notes, like adding colorful flowers in the bleak winter. The jumping notes and colorful flowers scattered in all directions accompanied by the winter spirits.

The mother tree also took advantage of the arrival of winter to remove the green blouse from the leaves and put on the golden winter clothes. Looking around, the branches are covered with gold medals. The envoy of the north wind in winter leads these golden leaves to bid farewell to the branches, dancing in the air and floating to the earth. Fall into a stream, become a boat, drift with the current; Float down to the earth and lay a soft carpet on the path; Falling flowers, like butterflies among the dead branches

9.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇九

In the cold winter, many plants withered, and only the "three friends" - pine, bamboo and plum trees braved the cold and stood in the cold wind. I thought of a poem: "There are several plum trees in the corner, and Linghan is alone. I know from afar that it is not snow, so there is a subtle fragrance." The spirit of plum blossom is worth learning.

Eh? Where have all the animals gone? In the past, only a few small sparrows can be seen flying around in the noisy sky. Where are the ants? oh They all hide in their nests and eat the food stored in summer!

I really hope it will snow heavily! Snowflakes fell from the sky one after another. They put a white hat on the roof, a thick cotton padded jacket on the tree, and a carpet on the earth. The whole world is white, just like a fairy tale ice and snow kingdom.

Guess, what do children like to do in snowy days? Ha ha, you guessed it - we came to the snow like happy birds, some had snowball fights, some made snowmen, and some rolled snowballs... Look! Xu Xinrui and I are having a snowball fight! Xu Xinrui threw the snowball at me. Fortunately, I was clever and avoided the snowball. I didn't want to be outdone. I quickly rolled a super big snowball and threw it at Xu Xinrui. "Whip!" ha-ha! I hit Xu Xinrui. She looks funny, like an old man with white hair

Winter is beautiful and fun, I like winter!

10.美丽的冬天英语作文范文 篇十

Oh! Winter comes. It is really an interesting season. It has so much fun!


Grandpa Dong has been to many places, fields, villages, parks... Everywhere he goes, he becomes a world of makeup and jade. The wheat in the field is covered with thick quilts. The farmer's uncle said happily, "In winter, the wheat is covered with three layers of quilts. The next year, he will sleep on steamed bread." The houses in the village are covered with white "hats". People hide in the houses. The grass and flowers in the park are all changed into new clothes. Grandpa Dong came to the little tree and said, "Are you cold? I'll make you a white quilt!" With that, he covered the "white quilt". Xiao Shu said happily, "Thank you. I'm not afraid of cold now." Grandpa Dong came to the road and saw a man with a black hat on his head, a white scarf around his neck, a red cotton padded jacket on his upper body, blue jeans on his lower body, and thick cotton shoes on his feet, but his face turned purple with cold and he shivered. Then it blew fiercely into the sky, and all the clouds dispersed, revealing the red sun. When the sun shone on the man, he suddenly felt warm. Grandpa Dong came to the river and saw that the small fish were frozen stiff. With a gentle wave, the river was covered with thick ice. The little fish plunged into the deep river and was busy preparing for the wonderful winter dance. Grandpa Dong came to see me. I felt the piercing cold wind and put on a down jacket to have a snowball fight with my friends.

Do you like Grandpa Winter? I like it because it brings me a happy childhood.


In winter, the gap between the north and the south is very large. There are more than ten degrees in the south. Generally, people can spend the winter with an extra coat. Many people do not need to wear sweaters. But most places in the north are already at about zero, and some are even more than ten degrees below zero. The ground is frozen, and it often snows heavily, making everything outside the house white. At this time, people will wear large cotton padded jacket, cotton trousers, down coat, cotton boots, gloves when going out, and some people also have to wear masks.

Besides the changes in plants, there is a big gap. The climate in the south is relatively warm, so trees, flowers and grass are still green and some flowers are still blooming, such as autumn chrysanthemum, orchid, etc. However, the trees in the north are already bare, leaving only dry branches. They can only close their eyes and rest in the cold winter, waiting for the arrival of spring. The grass is also covered with snow, and there are almost no flowers in the park or in the wild.

In winter, children in the south still play ordinary games. Playing badminton and roller skating outdoors. However, children in the north can play snowball fights, roll snowballs and skate on the ice that is as flat as a silver mirror.

In winter, there is a big difference between the north and the south!


A heavy snow fell in the evening, and it cleared up the next day. Xiaohong suggested to her mother, "Mom, let's go to the park and play!" "Good," my mother promised. So they came to the gate of the park, and they saw a vast expanse of white, as if they had entered a world of ice and snow fairy tales. The ground seems to be covered with a thick carpet, the trees seem to be covered with a white coat, and the lovely snowman at the gate of the park seems to be greeting people, saying, "Welcome to the park!"

Xiaohong and her mother came to the side of the hill. Mother said, "Just take a picture here." Xiaohong put a "POSS". Mom was about to take a picture when she found Xiao Hong running away from the camera.

What's going on here? It turned out that Xiaohong saw a little brother fall down not far away. Xiaohong hurries to comfort her and says, "Don't cry, little brother."

When my mother saw this scene not far away, she quickly pressed the shutter to take a picture of the most beautiful scene in winter.

I think this is the most beautiful scenery in winter.


In winter, the ground seems to be covered with a layer of white blanket, but we can't see such a beautiful scene as soon as the sun comes out, because the sun is just like a special snow killer. The overcoats we wore could not keep out the piercing cold. We were just like in a big refrigerator.

Although the winter is very cold, the snow in winter is very interesting. The children will roll the snow into a big snowball, and then pile it into a snowman. They will also play around it, just like a moving snowman.

In winter, the field is like a warm quilt covered with snow. Once snowflakes float into the lake, they will be eaten by the lake. Whenever I stand at the door of my house, I can see from a distance that the bamboo in the mountains in front of me is carved from white jade.


The roaring north wind whipped the fallen leaves all over the ground indiscriminately. The wind blew across the ground and made a whirl, making a sound of "Zizi". The big tree stood upright, pitifully whipped by the whip.

After a heavy snow, everything on the roof, on the car, on the trees, on the grass... became white, and the heavy snow was still falling. I reached out to pick it up. But when the snow fell on my palm, it suddenly became little drops of water, crystal clear, how lovely the snow is.

The children's laughter came from downstairs. I looked downstairs and found that several good friends were playing in the snow below. I was also a bit itchy, so I put on my hat and gloves to play with them. In this happy atmosphere, there was no one who cried loudly because of wrestling, nor did they stop playing because they were hit by snowballs. After a while, everyone became a snowman!

Ah! What a lovely winter! It's crystal clear and pure. It's a symbol of winter beauty!


This winter makes me happy! This winter makes me unforgettable! In the winter of the previous few years, I only heard or saw the snow in winter in newspapers or on TV. This year, I saw and touched the scene of thousands of miles of ice and thousands of miles of snow in Shanghai.

Ah! What a heavy snow! The river, trees and houses were all covered with a thick layer of white snow. Overlooking from afar, thousands of miles of rivers and mountains have become a world of powder and jade. Close up, those leafless trees are covered with fluffy and heavy snowballs. The partners can make snowmen outside the house, have snowball fights, and play and play freely in the silver world. I was watching the snow falling again, and I suddenly had an idea: What's the taste of snow! Now is a good opportunity to taste the snow. At first, I felt that it was not delicious, but later I felt a little sweet. The taste of the cold was like ice cream. It was delicious. I am very happy and hope it will be the same every winter. Snow has brought a beautiful world to my friends and me

Although winter is very cold, it brings us a happy winter vacation. I love you, winter!


Look! The big trees in the distance were bent by the heavy snow. Only the pine trees stood upright in the wind and snow like brave soldiers of the People's Liberation Army. They did not fear the cold and became more green under the heavy snow. When the snow stopped, the children couldn't wait to put on their cotton padded clothes, cotton padded trousers, hats and gloves and quickly ran out of the house to the snow, playing with snowballs, snowball fights, skiing and making snowmen.

The most interesting thing is making a snowman. Its round head has a smiling mouth, a big and sharp nose, a pair of bright eyes above the nose, and two hands on both sides of its fat body. Finally, the children put a hat on the snowman, and finally they were done. Looking at my masterpiece, I smiled with satisfaction.

At this time, the north wind was blowing. The children are not afraid of the cold. They are still singing, dancing and chasing in the snow! It was very exciting and fun.


When making a snowman, first roll a big snowball and make a snowdoll. Then use the button as the eye, the radish as the nose, and the broom as the hand. After making the snowman, we hid behind the snowman and had a snowball fight. We formed a ball of snow and threw it at each other, often covered with snow.

What I like most is skating. It's very interesting to skate on the skater! However, if you fall down carelessly, you may break your leg, so you must pay attention to safety.

Children are happy in winter. We played games on the snow, running and laughing happily. The scene was like moving flowers embroidered on white satin. Happy laughter adds infinite vitality to the silver world. In particular, it is interesting to spend winter in the countryside during the winter vacation. On the fallen persimmon tree, several remaining persimmons were red and lovely.


This morning, I listened to the teacher in the classroom. I heard someone outside shouting, "It's snowing! It's snowing!" Suddenly, my heart flew out of the window... My heart has been wandering in the clouds for a long time, but the class is still not over

The bell finally rang, which changed my mind from the horizon. I quickly ran out of the classroom and came to the playground.

"Eh!" How can it snow? I remember the weather forecast didn't say snow! It's sunny today. Is it because I have a bad memory. No matter how much, play! I looked at the sky and saw big snowflakes flying all over the sky. The earth seemed to be covered with a layer of white carpet, and it was soft to step on. Seeing such heavy snow reminds me of an idiom related to snow, "sending charcoal in snowy weather".

After school, I strode to Grandma's house. When I got home, I plunged into the house and ran to the yard to play with snow after finishing my homework

Ah! What a beautiful winter!


The snowflakes are dancing in the sky. They can't wait to come to the earth mother's arms to cover the sleeping grass with thick quilts and the tall trees with big pajamas. Footprints on the ground are signs of winter.

If people leave the air-conditioned room and come to the snow, they will find that the snow is so interesting in winter. You can play with the snow everywhere. You can make snowmen, have snowball fights, enjoy the white beauty of winter, and of course, you can also ride sledges and ski. It's very interesting.

Winter is full of snow. Although it is cold, it is very interesting. Everything is white and beautiful in winter.



If winter comes, the leaves on the trees drop light, the north wind whistling, The earth a depression spectacle. The river caked with thick ice. People around scarf wearing gloves, wearing sections of the cotton-padded jacket, but still difficult to resist invasion of cold cold red face.

Winter is a DiShuiChengBing, HaQi into frost season. Winter ferment a silvery dream. Winter girl gift - snowflakes, give children brought joy. Lo, children overcoated some in the skiing, some in snowball fights, some is in a snowman, and still working on the snow, silver-coated world forever stay.

Snowflakes drifting down from the sky slowly, really like pieces of plum flower! Fall on the ground, the white people trample on top, and squeak cheerful singing, like.

I love the winter, the more love beautiful snow. Snow, is also the symbol of winter. Winter if less snow, it can only be called winter, can't call winter. You know why is this? That is because, under burming sun, rain, wind, snow is chun xia qiu dong's messenger. If less angel, people cannot produce a kind of idea: the winter of this year how come so suddenly?

I love the winter, but I more notice its angel - snowflakes. As the saying goes: good harest. Snow lets the farmer uncle smile more splendid. Snow also give children bring unique joy.


Speaking of winter, winter is my favourite season, although it was very cold but full of emotional appeal feeling. Standing in a do you think the highest place overlooking hope, you will suddenly feel that the world is so beautiful so fine.

When I was a child, I will only in the winter with my friends to play with snow. For example a snowman ah, I like a snowball fight! This series of play snow method. Every winter grew when I won't go to play with snow filled with childishness, I'll use appreciation vision to enjoy the beautiful snow, occasionally the snow hold it in your hands careful observation of snow is how warm hand in my melting. Again fine point you will feel snow really good beautiful beautiful! Breathtaking dare not to trample. I sometimes find the white snow into the mouth taste it is what taste. Wow! Good cold ah. It melted quickly just on the mouth cape side becomes water, sometimes also want to snow will meet any setbacks, will we do meet with difficulties, then by their own belief the setback and difficult to solve.

Now I'm junior middle school second grade students. Time eye passed. Some memories do before regret only alas! Sigh. The snow in winter is still so pure so charming. The snow in winter I like you I think you let all my things away, troubling all my wishes are realized. The snow in winter you really good beautiful beautiful!


winters in taipei are very cold during the evening and very windy during the daytime. i usually look forward to the lunar new year's day and the winter vacation when i can go to the village where the climate is warmer during these holidays. also, i look forward to seeing my grandmother, great-grandmother, and my friends in the village; i like my grandmother's food very much. winter is the time everyone is in a festive mood. in the city, i usually do a lot of reading at home in the winter because of the cold weather outside.


I was born in Guangdong, the southernmost province in mainland China where in winter the temperature seldom falls be low 5C.

For the past 19 years, I had never seen couldn't remember from when I had been dreaming of seeing a real snow, and experiencing a bleak I entered the university, I had never expected the climate difference of Shanghai and Guangzhou.

But as October came, the falling golden leaves and the chilly winds indicated that this winter would be walked away in the whisper of the falling approached in November, and then December.

The dazzling golden color already faded away, leaving only the bare branches sticking out into the frosty air. Grass that was once as thick as a fine cardigan carpet could no longer be found anywhere. What I saw were the slushy fields which were jade green in September.

I considered it a great fortune to watch the sun, which was mild, jumping off the horizon and into those bare on sunny days, the temperature was still low. The campus was left deserted and lifeless.

Was this what I had been longing for? Could it be called a bleak winter? I thought I should feel satisfied. Shanghai is still in the south. I couldn't expect more. But there was still some thing in my mind, as it was only one step to my dream. I prayed every day for a snow. A slight one could be enough. Once heard.

I'll never forget the morning of Christmas. On my way to the library, a white elf found its way into my took me more than a minute to realize what was happening. Believe it or not, it snowed. Suddenly I understood why God took all the signs of life away in must have been clearing up a stage for his spoiled kid

snow, to show for his spoiled kid

snow, to show off.

Tears welled up in my eyes, for my thankfulness to God and to the special, bleak winter.


It is cold and dry outside. The wind often blows strongly. The days are shorter and the nights are longer. Many animals go to sleep. They will sleep for a long time till the spring comes. People don’t like to go outside. They have to wear heavy coats, scarves and gloves. But children like to be outside. Because it often snows. There is snow around. There is ice on the ground. Children can throw snowballs, make the snowmen. Oh, look. What a surprise! Do you see? The river is frozen! Here come the boys, there come the girls, they are skating in the river happily.

Oh! Winter comes. It is really an interesting season. liuxue86It has so much fun!


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyu/2544.html发布于 2024-09-18
