

小思 2024-09-18 36
过度依赖英语摘要: 过度依赖的英文Depend too much on sth.过于依赖某物太过依赖:英文原文:Depend too much on sth.英式音标:[dɪˈpend]...


Depend too much on sth.过于依赖某物


英文原文:Depend too much on sth.英式音标:[dɪˈpend] [tuː] [mʌtʃ] [ɒn] [ˈestˈiːˈetʃ] . 美式音标:[dɪˈpɛnd] [tu] [mʌtʃ] [ɑn] [ˈestˈiːˈetʃ] .

依赖某人如果地道一点 是不是可以说就是黏人了~比如小孩很黏人 就是指深深依赖了黏用cling例句 小孩很黏他妈妈the child cling to his mother tenaciouslydepend on 更多是指 取决于依赖药物 成瘾 用addictaddict to drugs 吸毒成瘾


太过依赖:over rely on deeply rely onrely on :依赖depend on:取决于

依赖是 rely on太过依赖 too much rely on somebody/something例句:Nowadays people too much rely on computers.如果依赖的是人,可以用depend on 或者tie to例句:Kids always depend on parents too much.My daughter is tied to me too much.注意:深深依赖不能用deeply,那是Chinglish

excess reliance

Depend too much on sth.过于依赖某物


手机依赖症cellphone-dependence disease

Mobile phone addiction

mobile phone addictpad addict

很明显他过度依赖手机Obviously, he relies excessively on the cell phone.明显 也可以用 clearly如果答案对亲有所帮助请采纳予以鼓励!如果有疑问欢迎追问...


In today's modern world, the excessive use of computers has become a common phenomenon. People are spending more and more of their time on computers for various purposes like work, entertainment or socializing. This has raised concerns regarding the negative impacts of excessive computer usage on individuals and of the most significant consequences of excessive computer usage is physical health issues. Sitting in front of a computer for extended periods of time can cause eyestrain, neck pain, back problems, and other health problems related to poor posture. Additionally, the overuse of computers can also cause a lack of physical activity, leading to obesity and other related health health is another area that is negatively affected by excessive computer usage. The overuse of computers can lead to addiction and social isolation, which can cause depression, anxiety, and other related mental health issues. Moreover, excessive computer usage can also affect a person's ability to focus and concentrate, leading to decreased productivity and potential difficulty in other areas of health-related problems, excessive computer usage can also have social implications. People who excessively use computers may become less social, replacing face-to-face interactions with text messages, emails, and social media. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and conclusion, while computers have become an integral aspect of modern life, they should be used in moderation. Overuse of computers can lead to serious health problems, mental health issues, and social isolation. To maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle, it is essential to limit computer usage, prioritize physical activity, and engage in face-to-face interactions with others.【译文】在当今现代社会,过度使用电脑已经成为一种普遍现象。人们花费越来越多的时间在电脑上进行各种活动,如工作、娱乐或社交。这引起了人们对过度电脑使用对个人和社会产生负面影响的担忧。过度使用电脑的最显著后果之一是影响身体健康。长时间坐在电脑前会引起眼疲劳、颈痛、背痛和其他与不良姿势相关的健康问题。此外,过度使用电脑还会导致缺乏身体活动,导致肥胖等相关健康问题。精神健康是另一个受过度使用电脑负面影响的领域。过度使用电脑可以导致成瘾和社交孤立,这可能导致抑郁、焦虑和其他相关心理健康问题。此外,过度使用电脑还可能影响一个人的注意力和集中力,导致生产效率下降,以及在其他方面可能出现困难。除了与健康有关的问题,过度使用电脑还可能产生社会影响。过度使用电脑的人们可能变得不那么社交化,用文字消息、电子邮件和社交媒体代替面对面交流。这可能导致孤独和断开感。总之,虽然电脑已成为现代生活的重要组成部分,但应该适度使用。过度使用电脑会导致严重的健康问题、精神健康问题和社交孤立。为了保持健康与平衡的生活方式,有必要限制电脑使用、优先考虑身体活动,并与他人进行面对面交流。

Don’tRely Too Much on Computers With the rapid development of technology, computers have already become a part of our life. And computers seem to make our work much easier but not if people rely too much on it. Owing to this, many problems of all, relying too much on computer can make us slow to react. Second, using computers for a long time will make our necks and eyes vague ached. Last but not least, we may lose the ability to communicate with others in real world. In short, if we want to gear to the challenge of the future,we must make the best use of the computer, but not overly depend on it.

Computers One of the greatest advancements in modern technology has been the invention of puters. Computers are changing the way people live and work. They are already widely used in industry, business and in academic institutions. With the popularization of science and technology, puters have found an increasingly wide application in all fields. A puter can do a lot of work. It is capable of doing extremely plicated work in all fields of learning. It can solve the most plex mathematics problems. Computers are able to store large amounts of information, which can be recalled rapidly at any time. The truth of the matter, however, is that any new technology has a “dark”side. The problems caused by the use of puters are quite different. For example, assembly lines will be a slow process to retain workers to build and operate new equipment. Nevertheless, the dark side of the puter shouldn't mean that we should abandon the use of puters. Technology only can make the real work cheaper, faster, and less tedious. It cannot solve problems.

Don't Rely Too Much on Computers Do we relay too much on puters? Yes, we do. Almost everything we do and every aspect of our life is affected by modern technology with puters above all. We use puters in business, public services, education and entertainment. However, overreliance on puter may give rise to some problems. One is that people are more likely to make spelling mistakes when they have to handwrite something. Another is that people are so dependent on puters that they have lost the ability to think for themselves. If "the puter says XYZ", then XYZ must be true. If you want to make someone believe you like an idiot, just tell him "that's what the puter said". In my opinion, puters make our lives easier but we should never rely on them pletely. These machines should be used as a tool to aid work rather than the only tool. Otherwise, chaos can our when suddenly our puters crash or what is worse, refuse to take our orders.

Student Use of Computers 学生对电脑的使用 As can be clearly indicated in the above chart, the average number of hours a student spends on the puter per week has rising at an astonishing speed from the year 1990 to the year 2000. 上表中清楚的显示出从1990年到2000年的十年中,学生花在电脑上的周时数以惊人的速度在增长。 When we talk about the changes, we have to take the following reasons into aount. First of all, with puter being cheaper, more students can afford one to assist them in their studies; additionally, the great convenience and capacity of puter is a certain lure for the younger generation. 谈及这些变化,我们应该考虑以下两个原因。首先,电脑的价格越来越便宜,更多的学生可以拥有电脑来帮助他们学习;同时,电脑的方便和无尽的能力对于年轻学子来说是一个很大的吸引。 In spite of all the benefits obtained from puters, many people also plain about their drawbacks, for instance, they are worrying that some kids spend so much time playing puter games; while a technological defect of puter system can be very destructive. But in my opinion, so long as we can make the best use of it, we may obviously find that its advantages oueigh the disadvantages. 尽管电脑带给人们很多好处,但是很多人也在抱怨它所存在的问题,他们担心孩子花太多时间打电子游戏;而且电脑的技术故障通常是毁灭性的。但是,在我看来,只要我们能很好地利用电脑,它的优点肯定要超出其缺点。

第一篇: The puter is a product of advanced civilization and its invention, aording to some people, signals the advent of a Second Industrial Revolution. Formerly a bulky machine that demanded much space, the puter is now being *** aller and *** aller and scientists have made it more sophisticated and aordingly more useful. As is generally known, the puter can do a wide range of work, including plex putation and *** yses. People now also use it as a teaching aid in designing. An infinite variety of sofare can be put into the puter, which explains why it is so powerful. There is, however, one thing which we should bear in mind: that the puter cannot think but man can. So there need not be any fear that someday the puter will control us and all we should expect is try our best to bring it to perfection. A puter age is not a pipe dream and there will e a day when most of our needs can be met by this wonderful machine. 第二篇: Until now inventors have developed an impressive array of machines called puters. At first I was mystified by these machines, but now I know what they are and what they can do. As a sophisticated electronic device the puter has a wide range of functions including the storage and memorization of information, calculation, *** ysis and the making of right decisions. All these functions can help man in handling difficult or plicated situations. But technological advance often cuts both ways. Computerization, or for that matter automation, can lead, for example, to unemployment and unemployment in turn will create social problems. The use of puters, however, is modern trend here to stay. We cannot resist this trend and should. In anticipation of a puterized world all those interested in the puter should find time to get the hang of it.

题记 年幼,懵懂纯真的时光。稚嫩的梦想那时候就萌芽了吧。 指著天空的点点繁星,仰头问妈妈: 那是什么啊? 星星。 我长大会变成它们吗? 摸着我的小脑袋,妈妈笑了, 以后你会懂的。 那时,我多么梦想的,一定要变成它们吧,闪耀,迷人。 小时候的梦想,是绚烂的。 时间在迁移,梦儿的嫩芽也破土滋长了。 上了学,见到亲切善良的老师,有怀有另一份念望。我想,如果以后也当老师,会不会很快乐呢?高尚的职业,又可以和孩子们畅游在知识的海洋 于是,乐呵呵的,更努力学习了。 那时候的梦想,是美好的。 不曾想过,当看见那幅唯美的画儿时,心灵那样惊喜,如同遇到了知音,动容了。摩挲著带着浅浅墨香的画纸,我忽然很想当画家 或许自此就坚定地握上笔了吧。 四处涂鸦,白纸记忆著点滴,手臂镶嵌了汗、泪的宝珠。 画过成荫的绿林,赐予春天生机;绘下金黄的沙滩,赋予夏日暖融;染出火红的枫叶,给予秋日私语 画儿缀出了双翅,那是梦儿吧 这时候的梦想,是喜悦的。 伴我成长的,是那些纯真的梦想。它们,流露著浓浓的诗情画意,洋溢着清清的美好真诚,散发著淡淡的清香幽情 心灵最圣洁的源泉,就是那一个个美丽的梦想吧。它们伴着我成长,哪一天,回首望去,它已历经风雨,滋润雨露,沐浴阳光 长成了坚强的小树了,承载着幸福与泪水,梦想的光芒永远在心底闪动 梦想,伴我成长。

My father I have a happy family. There are three people in my family, my mom, dad and me. My father is a busines *** an. He sells puters. He is a kind man. He isn't good at talking. He is very busy. Last week he flew to London. I told him to bring some interesting things to me. But when he came back home, he brought nothing. I was mad. But he said he had bought some snacks and some books for me. When he flew back to this city, in the street, he met a poor girl. She didn't have enough money to go to school. She was begging in the street. My father gave her the snacks and books and some money. So I had nothing. But I was also happy. I am proud of my father.

Computer, for me, is so new, and what it strange. I often heard people say that puters magical wand, will manage the plant, play chess, are still stronger than the Monkey King skills ...... my heart will itch Zizi, every hope, every night hope, even dream of playing puter. I wish that schools can teach us a puter class ah! Soon, the school really to fifth grade arranged a week of o puter classes, since I met a friend who coveted. Today on the puter for a long time to class. Under the leadership of the teachers we went operating room. Entered the operating room, I saw the puter neatly arranged, like soldiers lined up waiting for our arrival. Closer look, I was very surprised, it looked too weird. No hands, body covered with buttons, like a television screen. I really can not believe this thing has so much ability. Under the guidance of a teacher, I know the heart slowly friend - the puter. I began typing with one finger, but also constantly carried head to see the screen and keyboard under lift, but after the correct guidance of the teacher, I can not dunk a keyboard played letters. For example, this afternoon, the teacher let us not look at the keyboard, just reading and screen play, I first put a finger placed in the standard position, and then looking at the book hit the four "S", four "J" and the o "X . " So I saw a dozen, hand suddenly bee active again. I was ecstatic playing, heard a class ring, I really could not bear to go back somewhat in the last few minutes, I was racing against time to finish the first 10 lines of letters. what! Computer, my friend, thank you for giving me a great deal of fun, and you will put my life more magnificent and colorful embellishment. I will always be with you, the Divine Land colorful dress.


Computer bring more convenience, online aess to information, published an article, watch movies, online remote virtual learning and other functions, to bring a lot of benefits. It also can keep abreast of the day's latest weather information. News events and tourist information, you can also see the day's newspaper, stocks can stay at home at home, shopping, entertainment and leisure, enjoy the telemedicine and tele-education. Incorrect use of puters, will affect the physical and mental health. Teen long indulge in the online world, you will not know how to municate and reality ours after listlessness and physical disfort and other symptoms, abandoned their studies and work. So, when we use puters, the Inter must be reasonable, correct use of this high-tech product. Let us better service.


With the development of technology, computers have become an indispensable part of our daily life. However, excessive use of computers has also brought some negative , overuse of computers can lead to physical problems such as eye strain, neck and back pain, and even carpal tunnel syndrome. Sitting in front of a computer for long periods of time can also cause obesity and other health , over-reliance on computers can affect our social skills. Instead of communicating face-to-face with others, people often choose to chat online or play games alone. This can lead to social isolation and even , excessive use of computers can also affect our mental health. Being constantly connected to the internet can lead to addiction and compulsive behavior. It can also increase stress levels and reduce our ability to focus and conclusion, while computers have greatly improved our lives, it is important to use them in moderation. We should take breaks from screens, engage in face-to-face communication, and maintain a healthy balance between technology and real life.随着科技的发展,电脑已经成为我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。然而,过度使用电脑也带来了一些负面影响。首先,过度使用电脑会导致身体问题,如眼睛疲劳、颈椎和背部疼痛,甚至是腕管综合征。长时间坐在电脑前还可能导致肥胖和其他健康问题。其次,过于依赖电脑会影响我们的社交能力。人们往往选择在线聊天或独自玩游戏,而不是与他人面对面交流。这可能导致社交孤立甚至抑郁。第三,过度使用电脑也会影响我们的心理健康。持续连接互联网可能导致上瘾和强迫行为。还可能增加压力水平,降低我们的注意力和集中能力。总之,虽然电脑极大地改善了我们的生活,但适度使用它们非常重要。我们应该从屏幕上休息一下,进行面对面的交流,并在技术和现实生活之间保持健康的平衡。


目前windows phone 7可以通过如下几种途径上网:1.使用zune同步工具和USB线缆来共享电脑的网络上网。这个很简单,同步手机就可以了,问题是不能同时打开手机上的市场和Zune HUB。2.WIFI:重度依赖,这是最必要,最常用的,因此无线路由器是不可少的。A.注意要打开路由器的SSID广播 ,热点才能被WP7搜索到。B.建议使用WPA/WPA2无线安全增强模式(现在路由器一般都默认是这个),太老的不支持这种模式的路由器可能导致WP7无法连接。C.注意路由器的MAC过滤会导致连接失败,WP7上现在没办法直接查看MAC地址。D.WP7不支持AD-HOC无线热点,也就是说笔记本建立的WIFI热点现在不可用。3.3G/GPRS设置:A.移动2G:Settings>Mobile network>Add apn>APN内填写cmnet(如果开通cmwap就可以使用cmwap)B.联通2G:Settings>Mobile network>Add apn>APN内填写uniwapC.联通3G:Settings>Mobile network>Add apn>APN内填写3gnetWindows Phone 7的网络请求优先级则就是按照上面的顺序排列的。如果你的手机插着USB线,它就会使用USB线通过你的电脑网络上网,其次才是使用Wi-Fi网络。至于电话的数据网络(例如GPRS)则是在最后才会使用。所以,如果您在家里或者公司已经将手机和Wi-Fi节点配置好无线访问,那么完全不用担心GPRS数据流量的问题。如果还不放心,可以到系统的设置里面直接把电话的数据网络功能关闭(settings-cellular-data connetion),这样就完全关闭了无线流量的大门。

你好。诺基亚710设置联通上网参数方法:1、通过wifi连接方式进入微软应用商城搜索网络设定这款应用并下载安装,如无法搜索可使用“nokia”关键词。2、进入应用列表,找到网络设定,打开。3、打开之后,会有一个自动识别的过程,然后可以看到图中运营商一栏中出现你运营商的英文名。中国联通为China Unicom,选择中国联通即可上网。



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyu/1788.html发布于 2024-09-18
