

小思 2024-09-18 50
蓝色代表欧洲英语摘要: 欧洲英文代码欧洲联盟(European Union),简称欧盟(EU),是由欧洲共同体 (European Communities,又称欧洲共同市场) 发展而来的,是一个集政治...


欧洲联盟(European Union),简称欧盟(EU),是由欧洲共同体 (European Communities,又称欧洲共同市场) 发展而来的,是一个集政治实体和经济实体于一身、在世界上具有重要影响的区域一体化组织。1991年12月,欧洲共同体马斯特里赫特首脑会议通过《欧洲联盟条约》,通称《马斯特里赫特条约》(简称《马约》)。1993年11月1日,《马约》正式生效,欧盟正式诞生。 欧盟现有27个成员国和近5亿人口(2007年1月),总部设在比利时首都布鲁塞尔。欧盟的宗旨是“通过建立无内部边界的空间,加强经济、社会的协调发展和建立最终实行统一货币的经济货币联盟,促进成员国经济和社会的均衡发展”,“通过实行共同外交和安全政策,在国际舞台上弘扬联盟的个性”。

1、挪威  NO  Norway

全称为挪威王国(The Kingdom of Norway, Kongeriket Norge)。

2、葡萄牙  PT  Portugal

全称为葡萄牙共和国(葡萄牙语:República Portuguesa)。

3、日本  JP  Japan


4、瑞典  SE  Sweden


5、英国  GB  United Kingdom

英国,全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)。

6、约旦  JO  Jordan

7、越南  VN  Vietnam

8、赞比亚  ZM  Zambia

9、扎伊尔  ZR  Zaire

10、乍得  TD  Chad

11、直布罗陀  GI  Gibraltar

12、中国  CN  China

英国 伦敦 LON 法国 巴黎 PAR 德国 柏林 BER 瑞士 日内瓦 GVA 希腊 雅典 ATH 埃及 开罗 Cairo CAI 以色列 耶路撒冷 Jerusalem JRS 沙特阿拉伯 吉达 Jedda JED 俄罗斯 莫斯科 Moscow MOW 菲律宾 碧瑶 Baguio BAG 伊朗 德黑兰 Tehran THR 阿拉伯联合酋长国 迪拜 Dubai DXB 阿富汗 喀布尔 Kabul KBL 巴基斯坦 卡拉齐 Karachi KHI 印度 德里 Delhi DEL 孟加拉 达卡 Dhaka DAC 缅甸 仰光 Rangoon RGN 泰国 曼谷 Bangkok BKK 阿富汗 博斯特 BST 中国 香港 Hong Kong HKG 韩国 汉城 Seoul SEL 日本 东京 Tokyo TYO 澳大利亚 阿德莱德 Adelaide ADL 澳大利亚 悉尼 Sydney SYD 新喀里多尼亚 努美阿 Noumea NOU 新西兰 惠灵顿 Wellington WLG 夏威夷 火奴鲁鲁 Honolulu HNL 美国 安克雷奇 Anchorage ANC 美国 洛杉矶 Los Angeles LAX 美国 丹佛 Denver DEN 美国 芝加哥 Chicago CHI 美国 纽约 New York City NYC 委内瑞拉 加拉加斯 Caracas CCS 泰国 洛坤府 Nakhon Si Thammarat NST 巴西 里约热内卢 Rio de Janeiro RIO 阿根廷 布宜诺斯艾利斯 BUE












Nature in the human face showing a colorful world. Each language has many color words as the core vocabulary. However, there are different languages, different numbers of color words. Ancient Chinese scholars believe that: aquatic wood, color blue, on behalf of the East; wood fire, Sechi, on behalf of the South; fire, adobe, yellow, representing the Central; native gold, color white, representing the West; gold raw water, the color black, on behalf of the North . Stern said in ancient China (green, red, yellow, white, black) and secondary colors (green, red, bi, purple, yellow monkeys) essentially covers the classification of the color of modern optics. International Olympic flag has six colors of the, background is white, symbolizing purity of friendship and fair competition; flags are colored ring link from the central color were blue, yellow, black, green and red order. Blue for Europe, yellow for Asia, on behalf of the African black, green Oceania, red for the Americas. [1] Berlin & Kay (1969) on the study of color words in multiple languages proves the theory of cognitive anthropology to the development of a prototype had an important impact of cognitive linguistics. [2], cognitive science, emphasized the common human perception. Acquisition and use of English, we see the color of the mother tongue and English words in common use there, and we have to pay attention to differences between. Because long-term use of color words, in addition to its literal meaning, but was also given them more rich cultural connotations. Application of color words in English and Chinese have many similarities, but because of two different cultures, people have different ways of thinking, different nationalities have different living environment, cultural psychology, aesthetic taste, so people for use of color terms also have a great difference. English different symbolic meaning of color words, and a nation's historical and cultural background. National differences, people of color for the same understanding and interpretation are also different. In different cultures, the meaning of the expression of the different color words. As English and Chinese languages belong to two different systems, the two languages express the same meaning of color words different, both have different points the same point. By language and cultural characteristics of people of various colors have a different association, resulting in different colors in both English and Chinese word contains a different meaning. Many color terms due to psychological reasons, historical background, traditions and customs, language, idiomatic expressions, etc. vary widely different meanings. For the same color word in English to understand and use two languages, there are also quite different. Therefore, to understand and study the differences between the two is necessary, it helps people to improve cross-cultural communication, better practice in the translation. Hu Wenzhong that "must be the language and cultural knowledge can be successfully combined to communicate." Between different cultures will show different cultural forms, such differences in cultural patterns reflected in the language level, the performance of the language difference. Because of this, resulting in the social culture of the color word, because of its different soil formation, cover the information and give it meaning not the same. American linguist Leonard Bloomfield (Leonard Bloomfield) said: "Foreign Language in any meaning of a word or sentence is always an approximation different from the native language, the corresponding word or sentence." It is this not so easy to make use of our bias in different languages. In cross-cultural communication, the color word as a symbol system in both Chinese and English languages have different uses and cultural values, cultural implications. We should pay attention to language use of language in the right and so on.

Nature in human presence presents multicoloured world. Every language has many words of color constitute the core of vocabulary. But different languages exist different number of color words. Ancient Chinese scholars think that generates wood, the color green, representative east, Wood produces fire, red, on behalf of the south; Fire generates, the color yellow, on behalf of the central, Native gold, the color white, representative western; Gold living water, dark, on behalf of the north. Ancient Chinese said primly (green, red, yellow, white, and black) and JianSe (green, red, Bess, purple, Liu yellow) basically includes modern optical to color classification. The international Olympic flag six kinds of color composition, the base of color is white, symbolizing the pure friendship and fair competition, Flags central have colored ring links and become, color respectively, blue, yellow, black, green and red alignment. Blue for Europe, yellow for Asia, black for Africa, green represents Oceania, red to represent the americas. [1] Berlin & Kay (1969) to a variety of language color words research proof cognitive anthropology to prototype theory development has produced important influences on the cognitive linguistics. [2] cognitive science is the emphasis of human cognitive similar. In language acquisition and application process, we see native language and English words of color in the use of existing similarities, at the same time, we should pay attention to the difference between more. Due to long-term use of color words, in addition to its literally outside, people also gives them more rich cultural connotation. In the application of color words, English and Chinese many similarities but because in two different cultures, people have different ways of thinking, different nationalities have different living environment, cultural psychology and aesthetic temperament and interest, so people for the use of color words, also has the very big difference. Chinese-english symbolic meaning of color words are different, and a nation's historical and cultural background are concerned. National differences, people in the same color understanding and interpretation of different also. In different cultures, color words to express the meaning of different. Due to the Chinese and English belong to two different languages department, so both languages of the same color words to express the meaning of endless and same, both similarities also differentia. Language under the influence of culture, people to all sorts of color produces different lenovo, resulting in both Chinese and English languages different color word contains a different meaning. Many color words because of psychological reasons, historical background, traditional custom, language expressions of the different meaning the difference is very big. For the same color words, chinese-english two languages in understanding and using on also put in bigger difference. Therefore, to understand and study the difference between the two is very necessary, it helps people to develop the cross-cultural communication, in translation practice, do better. Mankind must put thinks, "the language knowledge and cultural knowledge combine can successful communication".Different cultures will present different forms of culture, the cultural form language level reflected to the differences, which was manifested as linguistic differences. Because of this, produced in the social culture of color words, because of its formation, soil is different, its covers the information and gives the meaning is not the same. The famous American linguist Leonard blanchett lung anfield (Leonard Bloomfield said: "foreign language in any one word or sentence means always different from your own language an approximate, corresponding word or sentence." It is this wrong wait easy enabled us to different language produces deviation. In cross-cultural communication, color words as a symbol system in chinese-english both languages have different purposes and cultural value, cultural connotation. We should be in the language utilization attention in language the unequal phenomena.

Nature in human presence presents multicoloured world. Every language has many words of color constitute the core of vocabulary. But different languages exist different number of color words. Ancient Chinese scholars think that generates wood, the color green, representative east, Wood produces fire, red, on behalf of the south; Fire generates, the color yellow, on behalf of the central, Native gold, the color white, representative western; Gold living water, dark, on behalf of the north. Ancient Chinese said primly (green, red, yellow, white, and black) and JianSe (green, red, Bess, purple, Liu yellow) basically includes modern optical to color classification. The international Olympic flag six kinds of color composition, the base of color is white, symbolizing the pure friendship and fair competition, Flags central have colored ring links and become, color respectively, blue, yellow, black, green and red alignment. Blue for Europe, yellow for Asia, black for Africa, green represents Oceania, red to represent the americas. [1] Berlin & Kay (1969) to a variety of language color words research proof cognitive anthropology to prototype theory development has produced important influences on the cognitive linguistics. [2] cognitive science is the emphasis of human cognitive similar. In language acquisition and application process, we see native language and English words of color in the use of existing similarities, at the same time, we should pay attention to the difference between more. Due to long-term use of color words, in addition to its literally outside, people also gives them more rich cultural connotation. In the application of color words, English and Chinese many similarities but because in two different cultures, people have different ways of thinking, different nationalities have different living environment, cultural psychology and aesthetic temperament and interest, so people for the use of color words, also has the very big difference. Chinese-english symbolic meaning of color words are different, and a nation's historical and cultural background are concerned. National differences, people in the same color understanding and interpretation of different also. In different cultures, color words to express the meaning of different. Due to the Chinese and English belong to two different languages department, so both languages of the same color words to express the meaning of endless and same, both similarities also differentia. Language under the influence of culture, people to all sorts of color produces different lenovo, resulting in both Chinese and English languages different color word contains a different meaning. Many color words because of psychological reasons, historical background, traditional custom, language expressions of the different meaning the difference is very big. For the same color words, chinese-english two languages in understanding and using on also put in bigger difference. Therefore, to understand and study the difference between the two is very necessary, it helps people to develop the cross-cultural communication, in translation practice, do better. Mankind must put thinks, "the language knowledge and cultural knowledge combine can successful communication". Different cultures will present different forms of culture, the cultural form language level reflected to the differences, which was manifested as linguistic differences. Because of this, produced in the social culture of color words, because of its formation, soil is different, its covers the information and gives the meaning is not the same. The famous American linguist Leonard blanchett lung anfield (Leonard Bloomfield said: "foreign language in any one word or sentence means always different from your own language an approximate, corresponding word or sentence." It is this wrong wait easy enabled us to different language produces deviation. In cross-cultural communication, color words as a symbol system in chinese-english both languages have different purposes and cultural value, cultural connotation. We should be in the language utilization attention in language the unequal phenomena.

Colourful Olympic Games five rings signs , the continent representing five respectively,\x0d\x0ablue is Europe , \x0d\x0ablack is Africa , \x0d\x0ared is America , \x0d\x0athe yellow is Asia , \x0d\x0agreen is Australia.












欧洲联盟(European Union),简称欧盟(EU),是由欧洲共同体 (European Communities,又称欧洲共同市场) 发展而来的,是一个集政治实体和经济实体于一身、在世界上具有重要影响的区域一体化组织。1991年12月,欧洲共同体马斯特里赫特首脑会议通过《欧洲联盟条约》,通称《马斯特里赫特条约》(简称《马约》)。1993年11月1日,《马约》正式生效,欧盟正式诞生。 欧盟现有27个成员国和近5亿人口(2007年1月),总部设在比利时首都布鲁塞尔。欧盟的宗旨是“通过建立无内部边界的空间,加强经济、社会的协调发展和建立最终实行统一货币的经济货币联盟,促进成员国经济和社会的均衡发展”,“通过实行共同外交和安全政策,在国际舞台上弘扬联盟的个性”。

欧洲英文简称 : EUR

Euro (European Monetary Unit)   欧元(欧洲货币单位)

European   n. 欧洲人

Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs (US State Department)   欧洲和亚洲的欧亚事务(美国国务院)






例句:They hitchhiked around Europe.



western europe 西欧。

eastern europe 东欧。

Europe letter 欧洲字体。



Europe letter 欧洲字体。

central Europe n.中欧。

eastern europe东欧。


应该是七大洲。七大洲(seven continents)指地球陆地分成的七大陆地部分,即亚洲(全称亚细亚洲)(Asia)、欧洲(全称欧罗巴洲 )(Europe)、北美洲(全称北亚美利加洲)(North America)、南美洲(全称南亚美利加洲) (South America)、非洲(全称阿非利加洲)(Africa)、大洋洲(Oceania)与南极洲(Antarctica)。亚洲在世界七大洲中亚洲面积最大、人口最多,它的名字也最为古老。亚洲是“亚细亚洲”的简称,意思是“东方日出之地”。相传亚细亚的名字是由古代腓尼基人所起。公元前2000年中期,腓尼基人在地中海东岸(今叙利亚一带)兴起,建立起强大的腓尼基王国。他们具有精湛的航海技术,活跃于整个地中海,甚至能穿越直布罗陀海峡驶入茫茫的大洋中。他们发展了自己的文化,创造了腓尼基字母,为世界许多民族的文字发展做出了贡献。频繁的海上活动 ,要求腓尼基人必须确定方位。所以,他们把地中海以东的陆地一律称之为“Asu”,英语“Asia”是由腓尼基语“Asu”演化而来,音译为“亚细亚洲”。 到了公元4世纪初,人们便把乌拉尔山脉等作为两洲的界限,分界线以东南的地区称为亚细亚洲,简称亚洲;以西北的地区则称为欧罗巴洲,简称欧洲。非洲是“阿非利加洲”的简称,意思是阳光灼热。北美洲和南美洲合称美洲,美洲是“亚美利加洲”的简称。 美洲的得名,普遍的说法是为纪念意大利佛罗伦萨的一位名叫亚美利哥·维斯普奇的著名航海家。南极洲,因该大陆处在地球的最南端南极点的周围,由此而得名。其英文名为Antarctica,源出希腊文anti(相反)加上Arctic(北极),意为北极的对面,即南极。 欧洲的全称是“欧罗巴洲”,意译则为“西方日落之地”。大洋洲,意即“大洋中的陆地”。一般指太平洋的多数岛屿,狭义上指澳大利亚、新西兰、太平洋东部的波利尼西亚群岛、中部的密克罗尼西亚群岛和西部的美拉尼西亚群岛。 过去 ,大洋洲也曾被称为“澳大利亚洲”,简称澳洲,因为澳大利亚的面积占了大洋洲陆地面积的85% 。希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

亚洲:Asia 欧洲:Europe 非洲:Africa 拉丁美洲:Latin America/South America 北美洲:North America 大洋洲:Oceania 南极洲:Antarctica 大西洋:Atlantic Ocean 太平洋:Pacific Ocean 印度洋:Indian Ocean 北冰洋:Arctic Ocean 扩展资料 一、Asia ['e] n.亚洲 联主见→A(拼音:ya亚)+ si(读:“细”)+ a(拼音:ya亚) 说明:亚洲曾被译作“亚细亚洲”。 二、Africa ['frk] n.非洲 联主见→afr(=after在……之后)+ ica 说明:开展最落后的大洲。 留心:非洲Africa和南极洲Antarctica词尾都有ica这三个字母,一个最热 和一个最冷! 三、Europe ['jrp] n.欧洲 谐音法→Europe(读:“优若颇”) 说明:日子优越感颇强的一个洲。 四、Oceania [siɑ:ni] n.大洋洲;澳洲 词中法→Oceania中有单词ocean(海洋)。 ocean ['n] n.海洋 谐音法→ocean(读:“噢深”) 说明:海洋是非常深的。 五、South America 南美洲 south [saθ] n.南边 adj.南边的 adv.在南边;向南边 回想要害:词中词法→south中有单词out(在外)。 说明:南边气候温暖,更适宜人们在户外活动。 America ['merk] n.美洲;美国 说明:我们现在广泛把America,音译成“美利坚”。 六、North America 北美洲 north [nθ] n.北;北方adj.北的.;北方的 adv.在北方;向北方 回想要害:联主见→no(没有)+ r(拼音:人)+ th 说明:北方冬季气候冰冷,室外没有多少人。 America ['merk] n.美洲;美国 说明:我们现在广泛把America,音译成“美利坚”。 七、Antarctica [n'tɑ:ktk] n.南极洲 词中词法→Antarctica中有单词Arctica(=Arctica北极)和前缀ant-(=anti- 表“反的”)。 说明:北极的反方向。 Arctic ['ɑ:ktk] n.北极 adj.北极的 谐音法→Arctic(读:“啊涕咳”) 说明:在北极的科学家经常流鼻涕和咳嗽。 千渡托福代报我提醒大家留心:非洲Africa和南极洲Antarctica词尾都有ica这三个字母,一个最热和一个最冷!


亚洲 Asia

欧洲  European

非洲 Africa

北美洲 North America

南美洲 South America

大洋州 Oceania

南极洲 Antarctica


大西洋The Atlantic ocean

太平洋The Pacific Ocean

印度洋The Indian Ocean

北冰洋The arctic ocean

南冰洋The southern ocean





在世界七大洲中亚洲面积最大、人口最多,它的名字也最为古老。亚洲是亚细亚洲 的简称,意思是“东方日出处”。到了公元4世纪初,人们便把乌拉尔山作为两洲的界限,乌拉尔山以东的地区称为亚细亚洲简称亚洲;以西的地区则称为欧罗巴洲,简称欧洲。




非洲是阿非利加洲的简称。 对于阿非利加一词的由来。


大洋洲,意即大洋中的陆地。一般指太平洋的多数岛屿,但狭义上也指澳大利亚和新 西兰,太平洋东部的波利尼西亚群岛,中部的密克罗尼西亚群岛和西部的美拉尼西亚群岛。


南极洲,被称为“世界第七大洲”,英文名为Antarctica,源出希腊文anti(相反)加 上Arctic(北极),意为北极的对面,即南极。


五大洲英文如下:亚洲 Asia; 非洲 Africa; 拉丁美洲 Latin America; 北美洲 North America; 欧洲 Europe; 澳洲 Australia; 南极洲 Antarctica。


亚洲Asia,欧洲Europe,大洋州Australia,南极洲Antarctica,非洲Africa,美洲 America



亚洲(Asia);欧洲(Europe);北美洲(North America);南美洲(South America);非洲(Africa);大洋洲(Oceania);南极洲(Antarctica)。


太平洋(Pacific Ocean);大西洋(Atlantic Ocean);印度洋(Indian Ocean);北冰洋(Arctic Ocean);南冰洋(Southern Ocean)。















北冰洋,又称北极海,是世界最小最浅又最冷的大洋。大致以北极圈为中心,位于地球最北端,被亚欧大陆和北美大陆环抱着,有狭窄的白令海峡与太平洋相通;通过格陵兰海和许多海峡与大西洋相连。 北冰洋是世界大洋中最小的一个,面积仅为1475万平方千米,不到太平洋的10%。它的深度为1097米,最深为5527米。

七大洲指的是亚洲(全称亚细亚洲)(Asia)、欧洲(全称欧罗巴洲 )(Europe)、北美洲(全称北亚美利加洲)(North America)、南美洲(全称南亚美利加洲) (South America)非洲(全称阿非利加州)(Africa)、大洋洲(Oceania)、南极洲(Antarctica)

亚洲、欧洲、非洲、北美洲、南美洲、大洋洲、南极洲的英文各是:Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, Oceania, Antarctica。

它们称为七大洲。They are called the seven continents.










作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/wap/9706.html发布于 2024-09-18
