

小思 2024-09-18 48
酒店英语课程描述摘要: 用英语描述酒店Hotel internal elegant environment, facilities for the guests provide the comfort...


Hotel internal elegant environment, facilities for the guests provide the comfortable, concise, sweet living space. Equipped with standard rooms, big bed room, four men and other kinds of room over four hundred rooms, to meet days lion group headquarters staff, various regional distributors and external different levels of guests accommodation requirements. Guest room equipped with air conditioning, television, telephone, free broadband. At the same time also has restaurants, conference center, supermarket, FangYingTing, gym, table tennis hall, reading room and other supporting service facilities, meet the dweller's conference, dinner, shopping and recreation and sports, entertainment demand, let you feel the same sweet. Interstate conference center covers an area of 30000 square meters, construction area of about 28000 square meters, indoor total number for about 6100 people. The international conference center is divided into five layer, a layer of one hundred people theatre form conference rooms, 500 people staged a training room and multi-function hall, one thousand people staged meeting each a; Floor to have small meeting rooms and film studios take pictures; Three layer has room for 3700 more than person circular staged hall and a VIP reception room, global nine languages simultaneous interpretation, and can live synchronization. This building is global research and quality inspection center, its building use will represent the days lion group the most advanced research and development of the most scientific quality level, days lion of scientific and technological achievements in here and the promotion will be born to the world! Days lion will put the independent research and development of products and best-selling products star together in this, and in product exhibition center will be one appearance, can let guest feel days lion products unique charm. Can meet the needs of the guests travel shopping.

我大大的推荐这家.好. ABC天卞英语中心不错滴 关键是老师的指导 推荐去听下他们的轻松试听课程 货比三家嘛;My name is XX. And I'm years old. I graduated from XX university in 00 and my major is Business Management. I have been work for two years. I am a honest and modesty person. And I treat work very conscientious. I hope that you can give me an opportunity to let me show you my whole ability. I will do my best and won't let you down.纯手工打造,后面那里我帮你改了一下。希望贵酒店能够给我一个锻炼与提高的机会,我改成了希望贵酒店能够给我展示我全部能力的机会。我一定会努力的做好自己的工作!,这句我改成了我会尽全力做好工作,不会让你们失望的。希望能帮助你 怎么总有人拿机器翻译的在这里祸害人啊。。机器翻译的全是语法不通,单词不对,时态不会的,人家去面试,怎么能这么祸害人呢?

My ideal hotel My ideal hotel mainly includes the following several aspects. The first aspect is the service concept.Firstly ,the hotel should be based on the service.It moving and attraction is not tall buildings and good facilities,but the heart of the service.Hotel competition is the key characteristic,the characteristic is the core of the brand,brand protection is the high quality service.So my ideal hotel service should be attentive service,patience,compassion,whole-hearted service,family service,premium service,extension service,zero defect service.In addition,the hotel should also is favorable for the guest to be permanent,something helpful,such as measures to encourage the establishment of hotel brands.So money is limited,but the service unlimited and endless.The development of the hotel must be based on the high quality service.Secondly ,my ideal hotel operation and management should be people-oriented.On the one hand,hotel management must first take the guest as this,from the service and quality management to really think for the guest.Everything from safeguard the vital interests of the guest,setting the service idea of the guest is always right.On the other hand,hotel service should based on employees.As the called “no employee is in a good mood,no happy customers”.So in the process of the hotel management should respect and care employee and save a lot of problem in the practical work for the employees.Hotel is the focus of market competition,to win the market is the key to a professional management personal.So in the hotel’s operation and management to people-oriented.What’s more,my ideal hotel should also has its unique business model. The second aspect is the hotel’s facilities.Firstly ,according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory,the guest is the first demand of security requirements,so the hotel should have good security measures,such as fire control facilities and monitoring facilities.Second ,the hotel need to meet the guest to eat,live,entertainment,meeting the demand,so the hotel need to provide the perfect accommodation,catering,entertainment,conference and other places and facilities.In addition,there should be a complete set of the complete emergency plans,at the same time,the hotel should always train employees and carry out emergency drills on regularly.in order to dealt with promptly in the event of danger. The third aspect is the geographical location of hotel.To success for any hotel,three important factors are location,location and location.My ideal hotel not only needs to be away from the bustling city,but also has convenient transportation,and it has the good ecological environment and the beauty of the scene. This is my ideal hotel,I believe that in such an environment,I can wholeheartedly into work to go,to try and get a better tomorrow.



A. 酒店管理专业有哪些课程 人力资复源管理、餐饮服务、制酒店前台流程、酒店业管理理念、住宿服务、食品卫生、厨房设计、烹饪法、信息技术应用软件、会计学Ⅰ、会计学Ⅱ、组织行为学、控制Ⅱ、酒店美食学、提高个人效率的技巧、经济学导论、旅游业市场学、旅游零售商实务、国际旅游目的地、航空旅行、预定及票务、商务沟通技巧等 酒店管理总裁研修班所针对的专业课程分别有酒店产业发展分析 、市场营销与定位 、财务管理与成本控制、酒店人力资源与绩效管理 以及创新经营与人文素养等。 酒店管理高级研修所针对的专业课程: 1.新经济观与酒店产业机遇 2.区域经济活力与酒店投资 3.酒店经营战略思维 4.投融资市场可行性分析方法与决策 5.酒店集团化战略 6.酒店经营法律实务 B. 求酒店管理专业 课程描述 客房部管理 其实澳大利亚蓝山酒店管理学院很不错的 C. 酒店管理有哪些课程 课程 1 旅游学概论,2 海外案源市场概论、3 旅游英语、4 旅游管理学,5 涉外法规、6 国际礼仪、7 国际酒店管理实务、8 国际酒店餐馆管理、9 国际酒店房务管理、10 国际酒店康乐设施管理、11 国际酒店人力资源管理、12国际酒店财务管理等。 在国外修完酒店管理副学士学位课程(Associate Degree Hotel Administration)或酒店工商管理学士学位课程(Bachelor Business Administration Hospitality Management) 主要课程 酒店管理概论、现代酒店管理、酒店心理学、前厅客房服务与管理、餐饮服务与管理、菜点与酒水、酒店英语、现代酒店营销、酒店财务管理、会议服务与管理、康乐服务与管理。 D. 关于酒店管理专业的课程共有哪些 《现代酒店管理》《酒店心理学》《前 厅客房服务与管理》《餐饮服务与管理》 菜点与酒水、酒店英语、现代酒店营销 酒店财务管理、会议服务与管理、康乐 服务与管理、酒店实用英语等。 E. 酒店管理都有什么课程 嘻嘻,帮你找了一些。酒店管理其实包括的挺多的,我参考紫荆国际惯例学院课程设置是这样的,餐饮操作、餐饮服务、食品知识、食品卫生、设备使用与管理、客房操作与管理、世界酒店业概论、基础会计学、酒店业伦理与道德规范、形体训练、基础英语、雅思预备班。 F. 酒店管理专业主修课程 建议选择专业的厨师学校具体咨询,详细了解下,其实也看个人爱好喜欢那个就学回习那个,学习的话要系统答的学习,不建议选择到饭店里跟师傅学习 专业的厨师学校会给你提供材料,不只是理论知识,学校开设很多实训课程,学生不仅能系统的学习,更能很好的操作 G. 酒店管理主修的课程是什么 学习酒店管理,无论是想日后找工作,还是想在职业生涯发展的更好,一定要选对好的学校,才能拥有好的平台就业机会。学校开设酒店管理专业,为名企酒店定向培养。 H. 专科酒店管理专业都学些什么课程 主要是下面的,餐饮操作、餐饮服务、食品知识、食品卫生、设备使用与管理、客房操作与管理、世界酒店业概论、基础会计学、酒店业伦理与道德规范、形体训练、基础英语、雅思预备班 希望能帮到你。 I. 酒店管理专业课程 实际上可以说什么都学,当然学得多少也要看你所选择的学校,有的学校管得相对严的话,学的就巨多。 简单介绍一下吧,英语是永恒的主题!!!恐怖的会有各种样式的英语课,在大二之前足以把你累死,其次就是各种管理,还有恐怖的高数,当然既然学习酒店管理重视的是逻辑思维而不是然你永远算题,所以高数老师会量力而行的~~最恐怖的就是各种管理和统计学。。。我们系的统计学老师他是相当的无私,据说是所有老师中最恐怖的一个。。。从来不会睁一只眼闭一只眼。。。。所以大家学的相当努力~~生命学概论啦,地理啦,什么时事政治啦,健康教育啦,职业生涯规划啦,都会在大一出现。。。。 上了大二就学的高雅一点了,老师会带着你一边看个小电影,以便来个影评什么的~~比较美好。。。但是。。。挂科率高一点的要属财务管理和微观宏观经济学。。。 到了大三大四就开始了专业课的学习,想什么酒店管理的专业书籍。。。食品安全管理。。。 其实简单理解就是管理系


给你一篇范文参考下,但是没有英文的:今天,国内酒店市场的寒冬正在悄然逼近。受此次危机影响,首先,酒店行业的入境客源明显减少;其次,多数国内公司开始严格控制差旅费用支出,导致商务出行人数、次数与酒店住宿等级降低;再者,国内某些地区已经出现的高星级酒店供大与求的现象更加恶化。凡此种种皆与人们的信心产生了互为因果的关系。 为应对全球金融危机在中国可能出现的蔓延与加剧,中国政府迅速提出了四万亿人民币的经济刺激计划,国家旅游局与相关部门也在制订“国民休闲计划”,进一步落实职工带薪休假制度。那么,在营销方面,酒店应该做什么呢? 一、在市场定位不变的情况下,整体价格构成向下调整。降价是原则,如何操作,则是技巧;降价的目的非常明确:给顾客以实惠,稳定主体客源;合理减少GOP,争取营业收入最大化。在酒店营销诸要素中,价格最敏感、最直接、最有效。 酒店运用价格杠杆,有这样几点理由:首先是顾客的需求改变,这种改变表面上是顾客需求标准降低,例如由行政楼层降为标准客房,实质上是支付能力下降,也就是说,顾客并不是自愿降低自己的住宿标准,而是无力维持原住宿标准,因此,顾客,尤其是对于公务出差的顾客而言,这样的改变是痛苦的和被迫的,他们仍然渴望维持原状,在这种情况,如果酒店降价,这些顾客就可能继续留住,如果酒店坚持不降,这些顾客就可能流向其他酒店;其次,对于酒店产品而言,由于其无法贮藏的特性,今天未卖掉的房间,其价值就是零,直接受损失的是酒店;此外,就酒店营销而言,尽管许多业内人士对降价都持反对态度,但是笔者认为,该降的时候,一定要降,除非有足够的现金流,否则,就应该随行就市。 降价操作当然有技巧,要考虑市场需求、竞争对手、产品特点等诸多因素的相互作用关系。同时必须指出,降价不是营销的唯一手段,不能造成市场错位;降价与否也许是酒店可以独自决定的事情,但是降价的效果如何却非酒店独自可以决定的。这里,与顾客的沟通,特别是与大客户、常客的主动、积极沟通至关重要,我们不能采取简单的线性思维方式———酒店降价→顾客占便宜→顾客当然不反对,那么,酒店只要告知顾客就可以了,没有必要搞什么复杂的沟通。这样想法不能算错,但过于简单,因为降价的目的首先是酒店获益,酒店由于没有更好选择而不得不降价,而顾客则总是有更多其他酒店的选择。因此,降价沟通做得好,有利于酒店与顾客的双赢,顾客得到了自己想要的价值,酒店的资源得到了最大化的利用。 二、在主打产品基本不变的情况下,增加产品价值,丰富顾客选择。一般来说,在酒店可研阶段,客源定位就基本确定,由此与之配套的主打产品设计成型。因此,面对当前经营困境,一家高星级酒店没有必要考虑将适应商务客源需求的主打产品转型去适应旅游客源需求,而应该考虑将适应境外商务客源需求的产品转向适应境内商务客源需求,即调整这两部分客源的构成比例,将境外商务客源的减少部分,力争通过开发境内市场进行弥补。 具体可采取如下几种做法。首先,留住核心客户群,方法是在他们支付能力被迫降低的情况下,酒店通过降价或升级手段,尽量维持提供客户的产品标准不变;其次,吸引更多的顾客,最大限度地增加所有产品的价值,而增值部分必须为其细分顾客群所认认可。例如比较常见但也确实为顾客乐意接受的方法有减免服务费、提供免费早餐、赠送自助餐券、VIP升级、常客计划双倍积分奖励等;再者,在整合酒店内部资源(例如房间与餐饮、娱乐等的捆绑销售)基础上,整合酒店外部相关可利用资源,例如,国内有些酒店与提供天然健康睡眠用品的公司合作,向客人提供具有安眠功效的睡枕,酒店的目的是发掘、诱导客人的住房需求,而睡枕公司的目的宣传自己的产品。那么,当客人在用了酒店的睡枕感到确实舒服有效的时候,酒店可以把同样的睡枕卖给客人。 酒店在整合外部资源时,必须遵守这样几条原则:第一,酒店、顾客与合作方三方均合理受益;第二,整合进来的外部服务/产品要货真价实;第三,酒店受益不是体现在通过卖合作方的服务/产品获得利润,而是作为促销手段,销售酒店自身的产品;第四,此类做法只是锦上添花,不可过多过滥,影响酒店主业形象。 三、在发挥销售人员主导作用的情况下,提高一线面客员工销售意识。面对正在到来的市场寒冬,首先感觉到寒气逼人的,就是酒店的销售人员———今年的销售任务能不能完成,明年的预算指标是不是还要年年加码?作为酒店的经营决策者,首先要做的工作就是稳定并强化销售队伍。 第一,要深入销售一线,同销售人员一起分析市场的形势与酒店的任务,目的是对市场达成基本共识,对酒店的经营目标达成基本共识;第二,在共识的基础上制定灵活的销售策略,随着市场变化迅速调整;第三,客观地制定销售人员的业绩考核指标,促使他们完成指标的相应支持,包括管理支持,例如各种政策的倾斜,也包括产品支持,例如酒店的客房、餐饮的质量、特色保证等;第四,调动那些有销售才华或有培养潜力的其他部门员工充实到销售队伍中。 酒店的销售离不开全体部门和人员的共同努力,应使全体员工,特别是一线面客员工真正理解并切身感受到酒店销售业绩好坏与自己的关系,例如个人收入、工作评价等。这里并不是说,因为市场形势不好,所以酒店全体员工不管是什么岗位都分配指标去拉客户,而是要求大家在完成好岗位职责的基础上,能够站在酒店销售的立场上,思考酒店的经营与管理。对于一线面客员工,如果他们销售意识提高了,就更容易与二线、销售部合作,形成立体的销售网络。要做到这一步,管理要扁平化,授权向一线下移。 此外,对于基层员工,不要进行过多的原则、理念灌输,应该着重通过案例分析、集体讨论来增强其销售意识,通过启发的方式逐步让一线员工体会、认知、固化。谈销售并不一定就是向顾客推销什么酒店的产品,而是根据自己的岗位特点与顾客的需要随机处理。有时顾客需要的只是一个真诚的微笑,有时顾客需要的只是聊上几句贴心的家常,这些看似简单平常的待客行为,都可以起到意想不到的销售效果。

市场营销部sales & Marketing Division 销售部Sales Department 公关部Public Relation Department 预订部Reservation Department 客务部Room Division 前厅部Front Office Department 管家部Housekeeping Department 餐饮部Food & Beverage Department 康乐部Recreation and Entertainment Department 工程部Engineering Department 保安部Security Department 行政部Rear-Service Department 商场部Shopping Arcade 人力资源开发总监Director of Human Resources 人事部经理Personnel Manager 培训部经理Training Manager 督导部经理Quality Inspector 人事主任Personnel Officer 培训主任Training Officer 财务总监Financial Controller 财务部经理Chief Accountant 成本部经理Cost Controller 采购部经理Purchasing Manager 采购部主管Purchasing Officer 电脑部经理EDP Manager 总出纳Chief Cashier 市场营销总监Director of Sales and Marketing 销售部经理Director of Sales 公关经理P.R.Manager 宴会销售经理Banquet Sales Manager 销售经理Sales Manager 宴会销售主任Banquet Sales Officer 销售主任Sales Officer 高级销售代表 Senior Sales Executive 销售代表 Sales Executive 公关代表 P.R. Representative Executive Office总行政办公室 宾客关系主任Guest Relation Officer 公关部经理Public Relation Manager 公关部主任Public Relation Supervisor 客户经理Account Manager 高级客户经理Senior Account Manager 资深美工Senior Artist 美工Artist 销售部联络主任Sales Coordinator 资深销售中心预订员Sales Center Senior Reservation Clerk 销售中心主任Sales Center Supervisor 礼宾部经理Chief Concierge 行李员Bellboy 女礼宾员Door Girl 礼宾司Door Man Accounting财务部 Sales & Marketing Dept.营销部 General Manager总经理 Human Resource & Training Dept.人力资源及培训部 Deputy General Manager常务副总经理 Room Division房务部 Food & Beverage Dept.餐饮部 Purchasing Dept.采购部 Electronic Data Processing Dept.电脑部 Security Dept.保安部 Engineer Dept.工程部 客房总监Director of Housekeeping 前厅部经理Front Office Manager 前厅部副经理Asst . Front Office Manager 大堂副理Assistant Manager 礼宾主管Chief Concierger 客务主任Guest Relation Officer 接待主管Chief Concierge 接待员Receptionist 车队主管Chief Driver 出租车订车员Taxi Service Clerk 行政管家Executive Housekeeper 行政副管家Assistant Executive Housekeeper 办公室文员Order Taker 客房高级主任Senior Supervisor 楼层主管Floor supervisor 楼层领班Floor Captain 客房服务员Room Attendant 洗衣房经理Laundry Manager 餐饮总监F&B Director 餐饮部经理F&B Manager 西餐厅经理Western Restaurant Manager 中餐厅经理Chinese Restaurant Manager 咖啡厅经理Coffee Shop Manager 餐饮部秘书F&B Secretary 领班Captain 迎宾员Hostess 服务员Waiter ,waitress 传菜Bus Boy, Bus Girl 行政总厨Executive chef 中厨师长Sous Chef(Chinese Kitchen) 西厨师长Sous Chef(Western Kitchen) 西饼主管Chief Baker 工程总监Chief Engineer 工程部经理Engineering Manager 值班工程师Duty Engineer 保安部经理Security Manager 保安部副经理Asst. Security Manager 保安部主任Security Manager 保安员Security Manager 商场部经理Shop Manager 商场营业员Shop Assistant


部门Department 职务(你要翻译的内容应该是职位) Positions 人事部 HR department 人事经理 HR manager 行政专员Administrative executive 文员 Clerk 培训师 Training Specialist 美工 Art designer 行政PA PA(Public Area) executive 行政部Administrative department 人事主任HR administrator 厨师 Chef 财务部Financial department 主管Supervisor 会计 Aountant 出纳Cashier 稽核Auditor 仓管Store administrator 工程部Engineering departmemt 水电工Plumber 经理Manager 施工员Construction crew 综合维修 Comprehensive maintenance 预算员 Budgeter 维修工 Maintenance worker 预算员 Budgeter 网管 Neork administrator 施工员 Construction crew 保安部 Security department 保安领班 Security captain 保安主管 Security Supervisor 保安 Security 前厅部Front desk department 前厅经理 Front desk manager 行李员 Bellman 前台接待 Receptionist 前厅主管 Front desk supervisor 前厅收银 Front desk cashier 大堂副理 Assistant Manager 前台主管 Front desk supervisor 吧台主管 Bar supervisor 大堂吧服务员 Bar Server 吧台员 Bartender 综合维修 Comprehensive maintenance 网管Neork administrator 客房部Room/Housekeeping department 客房经理 Housekeeping manager 客房领班 Housekeeping captain 保洁领班 PA captain 房务文员 Housekeeping clerk 客房服务员Housekeeping attendant PA员 Public area attendant

销售部Sales department 销售经理Sales manager 销售员 Sale *** an 销售文员 Sales clerk #有很多有重复。真正在酒店中不会这么细,比如文员都是clerk,没有部门字首。希望可以帮到你!

I'm glad to be here do simple to introduce myself, my name is XXX. 20 years old this year. From guangzhou, is a , my interest is in this aspect of the puter, considering the future interest to work, so I choose professional is also concerned with the puter of the e-merce subject. Due to the needs of work and puter knowledge serious shortage, school of learning is simple, the office sofare EZXCEL WORD to me is not what I want. I have a lot to learn the basic system sofare, for example, there are too many not understand, many procedures. All need to spend lots of time to understand. Especially after graduation to work in that place to use puter knowledge is insufficient, how these three years after the work out at school after the discovery of their knowledge is how, how they found themselves to knowledge. Now in the work place is based on the need of basic English office sofare, because without sake, so here!!!! At work, the boss didn't get reused now finally realized. Also want to have their own business, no cultural knowledge nothing, now I need to arm themselves with knowledge, need appreciation for the future development, get help. If you can go through this little chance to foreign advanced yourself, improve yourself, for the future road play well. Hoping to get a chance.


设有X个学生,Y棵树苗 7X+5=Y(每个人种树五棵,还有五棵每种 8X-1=Y(每个人种树8棵,其中有个人少种一棵) 7X+5=8X-1 X=6人,Y=47棵

第一题,5 第二题,17,11

what are

hello, I'm a 20 year-old young man(woman) named XXX. I'm so glad to have the was born in Xi'an .My hobbies are singing and majored in Food and Beverage Management in Xi' an International just graduated from the the past 2 years of my university life I learned a lot of things about my major. I'm a hard-working person and I hope you can let me work with you . Thanks for listening.


1. Commercial Negotiation - proceed with L/C if things are ok 2. The buyer to apply for L/C 3. The banker to issue L/C notification 4. The seller to ship cargo with documents submitted against payment 5. Documents review and payment settlement

让我降低一下自己的采纳率来写一下:我已经见到好多次类似的提问了,我猜都是同一个人问的。这种简单的东西自己查字典就行了。英语学霸是不会来回答这种问题的,such as myself.你就好像在问南大数学系的学生1+1等于几一样。


EC Excutive Chef 行政总厨,GM General Manager 总经理,HRM Human Resource Manager 人事经理,MM Marketing Manager 市场经理,EAM Excutive Assistant Manager (大堂)副理,RM Receiption Manager 前台领班。

CFO Chief Financial Officer 财务主任,SCM Supply Chain Manager 采购经理,SM Security Manager 安保主任,EM Engineering Manager 工程部主任,QC Quality Controllor 质保。












AM---ASSISTANT MANAGER 大堂经理(住店时投诉可以找的'人)













市场营销部=sales & Marketing Division

销售部=Sales Department

公关部=Public Relation Department

预订部=Reservation Department

客务部=Room Division

前厅部=Front Office Department

管家部=Housekeeping Department

餐饮部=Food & Beverage Department

康乐部=Recreation and Entertainment Department

工程部=Engineering Department

保安部=Security Department

行政部=Rear-Service Department

商场部=Shopping Arcade

人力资源开发总监=Director of Human Resources

人事部经理=Personnel Manager

培训部经理=Training Manager

督导部经理=Quality Inspector

人事主任=Personnel Officer

培训主任=Training Officer

财务总监=Financial Controller

财务部经理=Chief Accountant

成本部经理=Cost Controller

采购部经理=Purchasing Manager

采购部主管=Purchasing Officer

电脑部经理=EDP Manager

总出纳=Chief Cashier

市场营销总监=Director of Sales and Marketing

销售部经理=Director of Sales


宴会销售经理=Banquet Sales Manager

销售经理=Sales Manager

宴会销售主任=Banquet Sales Officer

销售主任=Sales Officer

高级销售代表=Senior Sales Executive

销售代表=Sales Executive

公关代表=. Representative

Executive Office=总行政办公室

宾客关系主任=Guest Relation Officer

公关部经理=Public Relation Manager

公关部主任=Public Relation Supervisor

客户经理=Account Manager

高级客户经理=Senior Account Manager

资深美工=Senior Artist


销售部联络主任=Sales Coordinator

资深销售中心预订员=Sales Center Senior Reservation Clerk

销售中心主任=Sales Center Supervisor

礼宾部经理=Chief Concierge


女礼宾员=Door Girl

礼宾司=Door Man


Sales & MarketingDept=营销部

General Manager=总经理

Human Resource &Training Dept=人力资源及培训部

Deputy General Manager=常务副总经理

Room Division=房务部

Food & Beverage Dept.=餐饮部

Purchasing Dept=.采购部

Electronic Data ProcessingDept.=电脑部

Security Dept.=保安部

Engineer Dept.=工程部

客房总监=Director of Housekeeping

前厅部经理=Front Office Manager

前厅部副经理=Asst . Front Office Manager

大堂副理=Assistant Manager

礼宾主管=Chief Concierger

客务主任=Guest Relation Officer

接待主管=Chief Concierge


车队主管=Chief Driver

出租车订车员=Taxi Service Clerk

行政管家=Executive Housekeeper

行政副管家=Assistant Executive Housekeeper

办公室文员=Order Taker

客房高级主任=Senior Supervisor

楼层主管=Floor supervisor

楼层领班=Floor Captain

客房服务员=Room Attendant

洗衣房经理=Laundry Manager

餐饮总监=F&B Director

餐饮部经理=F&B Manager

西餐厅经理=Western Restaurant Manager

中餐厅经理=Chinese Restaurant Manager

咖啡厅经理=Coffee Shop Manager

餐饮部秘书=F&B Secretary



服务员=Waiter ,waitress

传菜=Bus Boy, Bus Girl

行政总厨=Executive chef

中厨师长=Sous Chef(Chinese Kitchen)

西厨师长=Sous Chef(Western Kitchen)

西饼主管=Chief Baker

工程总监=Chief Engineer

工程部经理=Engineering Manager

值班工程师=Duty Engineer

保安部经理=Security Manager

保安部副经理=Asst. Security Manager

保安部主任=Security Manager

保安员=Security Manager

商场部经理=Shop Manager

商场营业员=Shop Assistant

市场营销部=Sales&Marketing Department

礼宾司=Chief Concierge

房务部=Room Division

康体部=Recreation Department

娱乐部=Entertainment Department

销售部总监=Director of Sales

高级销售代表=Senior Sales Representative

销售代表=Sales Representative

行政总厨=Executive chief


职位描述 :












岗位要求 :












My clothes store I have a clothes store.It's very big.And there are many beautiful clothes in it.There are green jackets,blue shorts,yellow skirts and black pants.Many people like buying some clothes in my store.They are very happy!And the clothes in my store are very cheap!Come and buy the clothes for yourself!


美语小对话-商店介绍Male Voice:"Hello and thank you for calling American Vision, this area's finest store in eyeglasses for you and your family. Our store hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM. We're open Saturdays until six. Closed on Sundays.Please visit our store on Saturday for an additional 20% off on our already low prices on all brands of eyewear. And remember: eye exams are free."finest(adjective): excellent, high quality- May I use your pen. Yeah, sure.additional(adjective): extra, added- Buy now and receive an additional two dollars off the regular price.

Come and buy your clothes at my Clothes Store.Do you like hats?We have many hats only 15$!Do you like sweaters?We have many good sweaters in red,green,black and white!Only 25$!Anybady can afford our pirces!


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/wap/9153.html发布于 2024-09-18
