

小思 2024-09-18 40
简短个性签名带英文唯美摘要: 个性签名英文唯美简短带翻译1、谁耽误我一阵子,我让他后悔一辈子。 Who delayed me for a while, I let him regret for life...


1、谁耽误我一阵子,我让他后悔一辈子。 Who delayed me for a while, I let him regret for life. 2、我不是不理你,我只是在等你先开口。 I'm not ignoring you, I'm just waiting for you to speak first. 3、不要总是顾虑着别人,毕竟做自己才是一件潇洒的事情。 Don't always worry about others, after all, it is a natural thing to be yourself. 4、所谓的喜欢,就是别人担心你会胖,我却担心你没吃饱。 The so-called love is that others worry that you will be fat, but I worry that you are not full. 5、驴骑后,马骑前,骡子骑在腰中间。 After the donkey, before the horse, the mule sits in the middle of his waist. 6、别人在装逼的时候,我喜欢默默看着,揭穿就没意思了。 When others are pretending to be forced, I like to watch in silence. It's boring to expose. 7、我爱你,可是我不能跟你在一起。 I love you, but I can't be with you. 8、你不能让所有人满意,因为不是所有人都是人。 You can't satisfy everyone because not everyone is human. 9、恋爱不代表幸福,幸福也不只属于恋爱。 Love doesn't mean happiness, and happiness doesn't just belong to love. 10、简单生活、简单爱,我要和你这样呆一辈子。 Simple life, simple love, I want to stay with you for a lifetime. 11、既然睁开眼睛享受风的清凉,就不要埋怨风中细小的沙粒。 Since you open your eyes to enjoy the cool wind, don't complain about the small sand in the wind. 12、我假装不在乎你,心里却很痛很痛。 I pretend I don't care about you, but it hurts. 13、心宽一寸,路宽一丈。若不是心宽似海,哪有人生风平浪静。 One inch wide heart, one foot wide road. If it is not for a broad heart like the sea, there is no calm life. 14、我,即便是年之后也不会改变,我仍然会象现在这样爱你! I will not change even after years, I will still love you as I do now! 15、说出口的伤痛都已平复,绝口不提的才触及心底。 Said that the pain has been healed, never mentioned before touched the bottom of my heart. 16、再多的眼泪,也掩盖不了你给的心碎。 No amount of tears can cover up your heartbreak. 17、岁月让我知道,除了快递我谁都不必等。 Years have taught me that I don't have to wait except for express delivery. 18、想见你一面,想遍了你每个不在身边的日日夜夜。 I want to see you once and think about every day and night when you are not around. 19、你看看你,真的有够土的,但没办法啊,我就是五行缺土。 Look at you. It's really earthy, but I can't help it. I just lack soil in the five elements. 20、对于认识到死并不可怕的人,生活中就不会有可怕的东西。 For those who realize that death is not terrible, there will be nothing terrible in life. 21、太柔软的心,不敢敞开给人任意伤,只能背起坚硬的壳,继续流浪。 Too soft heart, dare not open to people arbitrary injury, can only pick up the hard shell, continue to wander. 22、原谅我生性倔强,不擅长挽留,也从不回头。 Forgive me for being stubborn, not good at retaining, and never looking back. 23、至于未来怎样,反正路还长,天总会亮。 As for the future, it's still a long way to go. It's always bright. 24、我唯一能做的,就是做到一切我能为你做的。 The only thing I can do is to do everything I can for you. 25、只不过有人穷的是金钱,有人是精神,有人是感情。 It's just that some people are poor, some are spiritual, some are emotional. 26、爱在行动里,誓要爱,爱在我心里。 Love in action, vow to love, love in my heart. 27、人要永远做小孩子虽办不到,但想要保持沉默是能办到的。 It is impossible for a man to be a child forever, but it is possible to keep silent. 28、回想这半辈子,当过最大的官也就是QQ群管理员了。 Looking back on this half of my life, I have been the biggest official, that is, QQ group administrator. 29、这时代的门槛好高,就算想当宅男,也得先买房子。 The threshold of this era is so high, even if you want to be an otaku, you have to buy a house first. 30、回忆再美丽也只是烟花落寞的哀伤,填不满命运黑色的嘲弄。 No matter how beautiful memories are, they are just sad fireworks, filled with black mockery of dissatisfaction with fate. 31、雨天,适合睡觉,醒来,适合想你。 Rainy day, suitable for sleeping, waking up, suitable for thinking about you. 32、我终于懂了,原来你只是习惯对我好,不带感情的对我好。 I finally understand that you are just used to be good to me, good to me without feelings. 33、想和你,一房两人三餐四季,四海三山二心一生。 Want to be with you, one room, two people, three meals, four seas, three mountains and two hearts for a lifetime. 34、把生活的无聊寄托于无聊的空想,只会更加无聊。 The boredom of life depends on the boredom of fantasy, it will only be more boring. 35、当爱情,不再纯粹。倒数计时,不如结束。 When love is no longer pure. The countdown is better than the end. 36、以我颜值做担保,从今以后再也不会熬夜了。 With my beauty as a guarantee, I will never stay up late again. 37、心痛是我不说,想的太完美终是错。 Heartache is I don't say, think too perfect is wrong. 38、眼泪残忍留在背后,会议的伤口,又怎么抵过时间的沙漏。 Tears left behind cruel, conference wound, how to reach the hourglass of time. 39、人各有相,生有百苦,有你而始甜。 Every man has his own face. He is born with a hundred hardships. He is sweet with you. 40、春风十里不如你,愿无岁月可回头,且以深情共白头。 Spring breeze ten li inferior to you, is willing to have no time to turn back, and with the deep feeling altogether Whitehead. 41、姐也是站在人渣肩膀上成长起来的好姑娘。 Elder sister is also a good girl growing up on the shoulder of scum. 42、如果没有你,没有过去我不会有伤心。 Without you, I would not be sad without the past. 43、户口本上,只有我一个人的名字。 In the account book, I'm the only one. 44、这一生,我明白得最早的一个道理就是,人是铁,床是磁铁。 This life, I understand the first truth is that people are iron, bed is magnet. 45、学会感受生命的美好,或许你会发现过程比结果更加重要。 Learn to feel the beauty of life, and you may find that the process is more important than the result. 46、当我闭上眼睛的时候,我看不见自己,但是我却可以看到你。 When I close my eyes, I can't see myself, but I can see you. 47、我曾经跟一个人无数次的擦肩而过,衣服都擦破了,也没擦出火花。 I used to brush past a person countless times. My clothes were all scratched and there was no spark. 48、送你一束甜蜜玫瑰花,愿你爱情浪漫真情留身边。 Send you a bunch of sweet roses, wish you love and romance around. 49、每当冲锋号响起,我就赶紧躲进壕沟里,因为:我是卧底! Whenever the charge sounded, I quickly hid in the ditch, because: I was undercover! 50、我什么都会,就两个不会,这也不会,那也不会。 I can do anything, just two can't, this can't, that can't. 51、能用暴力解决的事,尽量不要去麻烦智商。 What can be solved by violence, try not to trouble IQ. 52、夜深人静的时候,每个画面都是你。 In the dead of night, every picture is you. 53、我不能选择那最好的,是那最好的选择我。 I can't choose the best. It's the best that chooses me. 54、我如花般的年龄,遇到了如花般的爱情,再如花般的凋零。 I'm as old as a flower. I've met a flower like love and then withered like a flower. 55、我还是会笑,只是笑中不再温暖,带着冷漠与疏离。 I will still smile, just smile no longer warm, with indifference and alienation.

1、你不爱我了,我也不要你了。 You do not love me, I do not want you. 2、忍住说我爱你,这纷扰的爱情何时停息。 To say I love you, this love when troubles cease. 3、年华岁月,终究抵不过一句寂寞。 Years, eventually arrived but a lonely. 4、原谅我这一生脸大不羁还爱吃。 Forgive my life also eat uninhibited face. 5、恨也无法去恨,毕竟你是我爱过的人。 Hate can not hate, after all, you are the one I loved. 6、我不想承认,我想你了。 I don't want to admit, I miss you. 7、承诺再美,也经不起时间的改变。 Commitment to the United States, but also can not stand the change of time. 8、给不了你要的幸福,所以选择退出。 Can't give you want happiness, so choose to quit. 9、希望有那么一个人,把我宠的无法无天。 Hope someone put my pet lawlessness. 10、你没有错,是我飞蛾扑火。 You are not wrong, I like. 11、水不试不知深浅,人不交不知好歹。 Water not try not to know the depth of things, people do not pay not to know good from bad. 12、我总是以为是一场梦,可是却不想醒来。 I always thought it was a dream, but I didn't want to wake up. 13、说好一起到白头,你却中途染了头。 You agreed to go to white, but midway with head. 14、脾气好的男人,特别迷人。 A man of good temper, especially charming. 15、所谓了逃避,只是无法面对迩。 The so-called escape, just can't face. 16、泪,是幸福?点缀,没有人能够体会。 Tears are happy with, no one can understand. 17、以前我不懂得,未必明天就有以后。 I did not know before, not necessarily tomorrow. 18、不要焦急,不要贪心,不要放弃。 Don't worry, don't be greedy, don't give up. 19、生活的真正意义是:生下来,活下去。 The true meaning of life is to live, to live. 20、忘了,不是时光机,回不到过去。 Forget, not the time machine, can not go back to the past. 21、不需要你说太多,从爱你开始为你守贞。 You do not need to say too much, from the beginning of love you for you. 22、什么是幸福?幸福就是筷头上的肉丝。 What is happiness? Happiness is the head of the shredded meat. 23、爱得痛苦,爱得累,爱是一场空。 Love is painful, love tired, love is nothing. 24、我的不安全感毁掉了太多的东西。 My insecurity ruins too much. 25、爱所有人,信任少数人,不负任何人。 Love all, trust a few, and trust no one. 26、别替我遮风挡雨我怕突然没有你。 Don't I Zhefengdangyu suddenly I am afraid without you. 27、你说不离开可怎么手放开的那么快。 How can you say you can not let go so fast. 28、我的即使再廉价,也轮不到为你打折。 Even if my cheap, but also less than round for you to discount. 29、和爱的人吵架,和陌生人说心里话。 And love of people quarrel, and the strangers say the truth. 30、原来头像不亮的人,动态还会自动更新。 The original picture does not shine, the dynamic will automatically update. 31、载着我满满的怀念,你渐行渐远。 Carrying my full memory, you're far away. 32、一个微笑,一个眼神,只是忽然很想你。 A smile, a look, just suddenly miss you. 33、抿着嘴微笑,微笑回忆你给的回忆。 Pursed her lips in a smile, smile memories of your memories. 34、爱我,玩我,损我,你还想怎样,分吧。 Love me, play me, hurt me, what do you want, points. 35、让我牵着你的手,陪你一起走。 Let me hold your hand and walk with you. 36、我是该有多幸运,才能够认识了你。 How lucky I was to get to know you. 37、街道如往常平静,回忆却比梦境清晰。 The streets are calm as usual, but memories are clearer than dreams. 38、我们的爱情,希望一直没有句号。 Our love, hope has no end. 39、童话故事已结束,剩下?却只有悲伤。 The fairy tale has ended, the rest is only sad. 40、君记我一瞬,我念君半生。 You remember my moment, my life I miss you. 41、记忆就好像是穿衣服一样,总也忘不了。 Memory is like wearing clothes, always forget. 42、已散了场的电影,不再有回顾的意义。 A movie that has gone away, no longer has the meaning of review. 43、我只能用强颜欢笑,来祭奠我不明的伤。 I can only smile, to pay homage to my unknown injury. 44、人生若只如初见,我愿停留在昨天。 If only the first life, I would like to stay in yesterday. 45、你,就是我不爱别人的理由。 You are the reason why I don't love others. 46、正因为爱得不够,才借口多多。 Because love is not enough, just a lot of excuses. 47、有些人,看清了,也就看轻了。 Some people see, also underestimate. 48、我怀念的不是你,而是你给的致命曾经。 What I miss is not you, but you gave the fatal once. 49、每一次的自欺欺人,我都做的很完美。 Every time I have to do is self deception, perfect. 50、你掌心的温度不高,却足以温暖我。 Your palm temperature is not high, but enough to warm me. 51、你的女人不一般,一般女人没法比。 Your woman is not generally, is no ordinary women. 52、再繁华的笑,依旧夺不走专属的寂寞。 Again busy smile, still won't take exclusive loneliness. 53、俄仅有的笑容,只?你绽放。 My only smile, only for you. 54、天暗下来,你是光,专属于我的光。 The sky is dark, you are light, belong to my light. 55、若不是我变了模样,便是你淡忘了时光。 If I do not change the appearance, you forget the time. 56、淡然,是人生的一种成长。 Indifferent, is a growth of life. 57、无法理喻的爱情,没有结局的你我。 Don't get love, no end of you and me. 58、看穿了所有,就是看不穿自己的心。 If you see through all, you can't see your heart. 59、别感动我,然后头也不回的离开我。 Don't touch me and leave me without my head. 60、爱情,不是喜欢就可以在一起。 Love, can't be together. 61、帮人帮到底,送佛送到西,流氓流上床。 Help people to help in the end, sent to the west of the Buddha, rogue flow to bed. 62、放弃了所有青睐,等你个不确定的未来。 Give up all the favor, waiting for you an uncertain future. 63、当生存是规则,不是你的选择。 When life is a rule, not your choice. 64、今生就要在一起,我不要下辈子。 This life will be together, I don't want the next life. 65、手拿菜刀砍电线,一路火花带闪电。 Holding a kitchen knife cut wire, along with a lightning spark. 66、余音终究是余音,能循环不能重来。 It is sound and sound, can be re circulation. 67、有些爱只能止于唇齿,掩于岁月。 Some love can only stop at the mouth and cover in years. 68、笑,只是个表情,与快乐无关。 Smile, just an exPssion, and happiness has nothing to do. 69、人生到老不容易,不能事事都如意。 It is not easy to get old, but not everything. 70、流光容易把人抛下,任誓言在风间流走。 Streamer easy to throw people off, any oath in the wind flow away. 71、快乐给了你,寂寞给自己。 Happy to you, lonely to myself. 72、我们都有一个,想回却回不了的过去。 We all have one, but we can't go back to the past. 73、不同于他的对待,你给的温柔犹在。 Unlike his treatment, the tenderness you gave in. 74、无论聚散与死活,白头到老与你过。 No matter together with anyway, and you reach old age together. 75、你微笑的脸,好久不见。 Your smiling face, long time no see. 76、我就是太念旧,习惯的东西不舍得丢。 I was so NianJiu, accustomed to things not willing to lose. 77、不是我不明白,只是我太执着。 It's not that I don't understand. 78、爱我你说,搁在心里多坎坷。 Love me you say, put in the heart more bumpy. 79、无论受了多少委屈,只能自己憋在心里。 No matter how many grievances, only in their hearts. 80、如果你是我错爱的人,我愿意一错再错。 If you are the person I love, I want to be right.

你还在找寻优秀经典的.诗句吗?无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家一定没少看到经典的唯美句子吧。这些语句言简义丰,具有凝练和跳跃的特点,它能让您的生活和人际沟通更加多姿多彩。一起欣赏《22句唯美的英文个性签名 中英文对照》中这唯美的句子吧。


love you for my life past.


just have to pretend that you are happy just to stop everyone from asking you that the hell happened.


cant be figured past just cant be reached again.

there is no eday ill make a mun .


tout le courage de mettre en place le plus brillant sourire.


not touch the mitment.


rain has stopped, but the heart still drop by drop dopany, only the lonely winding.


si chacun de ces derniers tre vieux les jeunes.(法文)


est un non-tout, les larmes aux flux de la langue.(法文)


we, read before, is a understand all of the old man.




1、Hope and trust is the tail of a lizard, which can reproduce even after being cut


2、To lost in something you love is better than to win in something you hate、


3、 One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music、 Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone、


4、 Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand、 It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love、


5、Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow、 When the lamp is off, you will find the shadow everywhere、 Friend is who can give you strength at last、

爱情是灯,友情 是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。

6、I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you、

我爱 你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。

7、Love makes man grow up or sink down、


8、 If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down, it's called burden-bearing、 pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love、


9、Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love—pure without any defect、 However the truth is most people are having the glass-like love-same transparent but easily broken、

许多人向往水晶般的爱情——晶莹剔透没有一点瑕 疵。更多人拥有的却是玻璃般的爱情——同样透明但容易破碎。

10、 We all live in the past、 We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone、


1、Sometimes you need to look back, otherplaining eone eone doesnt love you the etimes, I just .


20、Do you think that the sourest feeling is to be jealous? No, the sourest thing is that you have no rights to be jealous. Thats the sourest thing.


21、The love world is big, which can hold hundreds of disappointments;the love world is small which is crowded even with three people inside.



I've been running e are lovers, not lovers.


Movies that have ended are no longer retrospective.


Some memories, even if they can't be forgotten, must pretend that they can't be remembered.


One day you forted me.


If a ter one. I just don't want any better one with you.

1、happiness is ise.


30、If one day you lost me, I‘ll never let you find me.

In the ance.


35、In life, then boring time, also are limited edition.


36、The most beautiful pany.


40、We are all explorers trying to find ourselves.


I enjoy e people become not simple.


Is the fate of the sad, or reincarnation of pain.


Their choice of road, kneeling also the Luli midnight.


Tears meaningless and futile liquid, tears of people are stupid and sad.


Falling in love is like peeling onions. There is ale what you havent.


Fate as the palm of the hand, no matter hoee of the phenomena here; so stupid, so cruel, but othere people, who are striving for a goal in life.


Dont laugh at any. In order to open a flower, it has to pay more efforts than other species.


My love for you, like the red blood is full of body.


To mature is experience, not years.


Missing is like hard sulfuric acid drops into the heart, a little oute eone else. Life is too short to mon people also have a firm and unflinching the beginning of the Rubiks cube is back to the beginning, from the first to return to the original game.


Struggling feet in the foot of broken their own breeding ground, but to open up a road of creation.


Under the night sky, the moon is long, to listen to a curtain of moonlight, such as water, tell the warm as yesterday.


The world, to laugh at you too many people too. True and inclusive of you, too little too little.

The precipitation of love is gradually buried, one day can not see its sorroanishly fussy, aunt of mon dream, but I never see you.


As long as my parents are still alive, the brothers do not come loose, love does not go, the other can go to hell.


I only care about you, and noent of brake does not live the car, it became hate.


To lose more than to get terrible, because there is a process called once oe things. I dont say, I dont ask, dont mean I dont care.


Miss the love in the lonely out of the beautiful floe back.


pull your left hand, run in the rain e an excuse.


So the reality of the an choosing shoes, finally do not fit together, only you knoplex e a scene of the absurd drama.


I e people can be easily erased by time, like dust.


You say I dont love you, but I love you and hoorroans heart is bitchy, puter, I can only help them.


Do not say hoan said to break up just to let him stay.


Usually did not dare to openly shoain the position on the left chest, is the most happy thing.


Just want to mature, but also old, time, not to use.


Dont say you dont love me, because you never loved me.


Love is a eone to understand me, even if I don't say anything.




Maturity does not mean that one's heart groe a scholar-tyrant.


Hand in hand, etimes there must be something in life, but there is no demand in life.


Sunfloeone, but it's easy to give up.


Sometimes life is ironic. A turn around may be a lifetime.


If I have you in my future, I'm not afraid of anything else.


Some things are beyond our control and her.


1、谁耽误我一阵子,我让他后悔一辈子。 Who delayed me for a while, I let him regret for life. 2、我不是不理你,我只是在等你先开口。 I'm not ignoring you, I'm just waiting for you to speak first. 3、不要总是顾虑着别人,毕竟做自己才是一件潇洒的事情。 Don't always worry about others, after all, it is a natural thing to be yourself. 4、所谓的喜欢,就是别人担心你会胖,我却担心你没吃饱。 The so-called love is that others worry that you will be fat, but I worry that you are not full. 5、驴骑后,马骑前,骡子骑在腰中间。 After the donkey, before the horse, the mule sits in the middle of his waist. 6、别人在装逼的时候,我喜欢默默看着,揭穿就没意思了。 When others are pretending to be forced, I like to watch in silence. It's boring to expose. 7、我爱你,可是我不能跟你在一起。 I love you, but I can't be with you. 8、你不能让所有人满意,因为不是所有人都是人。 You can't satisfy everyone because not everyone is human. 9、恋爱不代表幸福,幸福也不只属于恋爱。 Love doesn't mean happiness, and happiness doesn't just belong to love. 10、简单生活、简单爱,我要和你这样呆一辈子。 Simple life, simple love, I want to stay with you for a lifetime. 11、既然睁开眼睛享受风的清凉,就不要埋怨风中细小的沙粒。 Since you open your eyes to enjoy the cool wind, don't complain about the small sand in the wind. 12、我假装不在乎你,心里却很痛很痛。 I pretend I don't care about you, but it hurts. 13、心宽一寸,路宽一丈。若不是心宽似海,哪有人生风平浪静。 One inch wide heart, one foot wide road. If it is not for a broad heart like the sea, there is no calm life. 14、我,即便是年之后也不会改变,我仍然会象现在这样爱你! I will not change even after years, I will still love you as I do now! 15、说出口的伤痛都已平复,绝口不提的才触及心底。 Said that the pain has been healed, never mentioned before touched the bottom of my heart. 16、再多的眼泪,也掩盖不了你给的心碎。 No amount of tears can cover up your heartbreak. 17、岁月让我知道,除了快递我谁都不必等。 Years have taught me that I don't have to wait except for express delivery. 18、想见你一面,想遍了你每个不在身边的日日夜夜。 I want to see you once and think about every day and night when you are not around. 19、你看看你,真的有够土的,但没办法啊,我就是五行缺土。 Look at you. It's really earthy, but I can't help it. I just lack soil in the five elements. 20、对于认识到死并不可怕的人,生活中就不会有可怕的东西。 For those who realize that death is not terrible, there will be nothing terrible in life. 21、太柔软的心,不敢敞开给人任意伤,只能背起坚硬的壳,继续流浪。 Too soft heart, dare not open to people arbitrary injury, can only pick up the hard shell, continue to wander. 22、原谅我生性倔强,不擅长挽留,也从不回头。 Forgive me for being stubborn, not good at retaining, and never looking back. 23、至于未来怎样,反正路还长,天总会亮。 As for the future, it's still a long way to go. It's always bright. 24、我唯一能做的,就是做到一切我能为你做的。 The only thing I can do is to do everything I can for you. 25、只不过有人穷的是金钱,有人是精神,有人是感情。 It's just that some people are poor, some are spiritual, some are emotional. 26、爱在行动里,誓要爱,爱在我心里。 Love in action, vow to love, love in my heart. 27、人要永远做小孩子虽办不到,但想要保持沉默是能办到的。 It is impossible for a man to be a child forever, but it is possible to keep silent. 28、回想这半辈子,当过最大的官也就是QQ群管理员了。 Looking back on this half of my life, I have been the biggest official, that is, QQ group administrator. 29、这时代的门槛好高,就算想当宅男,也得先买房子。 The threshold of this era is so high, even if you want to be an otaku, you have to buy a house first. 30、回忆再美丽也只是烟花落寞的哀伤,填不满命运黑色的嘲弄。 No matter how beautiful memories are, they are just sad fireworks, filled with black mockery of dissatisfaction with fate. 31、雨天,适合睡觉,醒来,适合想你。 Rainy day, suitable for sleeping, waking up, suitable for thinking about you. 32、我终于懂了,原来你只是习惯对我好,不带感情的对我好。 I finally understand that you are just used to be good to me, good to me without feelings. 33、想和你,一房两人三餐四季,四海三山二心一生。 Want to be with you, one room, two people, three meals, four seas, three mountains and two hearts for a lifetime. 34、把生活的无聊寄托于无聊的空想,只会更加无聊。 The boredom of life depends on the boredom of fantasy, it will only be more boring. 35、当爱情,不再纯粹。倒数计时,不如结束。 When love is no longer pure. The countdown is better than the end. 36、以我颜值做担保,从今以后再也不会熬夜了。 With my beauty as a guarantee, I will never stay up late again. 37、心痛是我不说,想的太完美终是错。 Heartache is I don't say, think too perfect is wrong. 38、眼泪残忍留在背后,会议的伤口,又怎么抵过时间的沙漏。 Tears left behind cruel, conference wound, how to reach the hourglass of time. 39、人各有相,生有百苦,有你而始甜。 Every man has his own face. He is born with a hundred hardships. He is sweet with you. 40、春风十里不如你,愿无岁月可回头,且以深情共白头。 Spring breeze ten li inferior to you, is willing to have no time to turn back, and with the deep feeling altogether Whitehead. 41、姐也是站在人渣肩膀上成长起来的好姑娘。 Elder sister is also a good girl growing up on the shoulder of scum. 42、如果没有你,没有过去我不会有伤心。 Without you, I would not be sad without the past. 43、户口本上,只有我一个人的名字。 In the account book, I'm the only one. 44、这一生,我明白得最早的一个道理就是,人是铁,床是磁铁。 This life, I understand the first truth is that people are iron, bed is magnet. 45、学会感受生命的美好,或许你会发现过程比结果更加重要。 Learn to feel the beauty of life, and you may find that the process is more important than the result. 46、当我闭上眼睛的时候,我看不见自己,但是我却可以看到你。 When I close my eyes, I can't see myself, but I can see you. 47、我曾经跟一个人无数次的擦肩而过,衣服都擦破了,也没擦出火花。 I used to brush past a person countless times. My clothes were all scratched and there was no spark. 48、送你一束甜蜜玫瑰花,愿你爱情浪漫真情留身边。 Send you a bunch of sweet roses, wish you love and romance around. 49、每当冲锋号响起,我就赶紧躲进壕沟里,因为:我是卧底! Whenever the charge sounded, I quickly hid in the ditch, because: I was undercover! 50、我什么都会,就两个不会,这也不会,那也不会。 I can do anything, just two can't, this can't, that can't. 51、能用暴力解决的事,尽量不要去麻烦智商。 What can be solved by violence, try not to trouble IQ. 52、夜深人静的时候,每个画面都是你。 In the dead of night, every picture is you. 53、我不能选择那最好的,是那最好的选择我。 I can't choose the best. It's the best that chooses me. 54、我如花般的年龄,遇到了如花般的爱情,再如花般的凋零。 I'm as old as a flower. I've met a flower like love and then withered like a flower. 55、我还是会笑,只是笑中不再温暖,带着冷漠与疏离。 I will still smile, just smile no longer warm, with indifference and alienation.




Because of you, I know how to love.


There are always some care, the old like a scar.


Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.


Love is not complicated, complex is a person.


Say good not emotional, but I move the heart.


People who fall in love are not rational.


I would like to use my everything for your long stay.


Who will smoke scattered, scattered and bond.


Love a way, don't ever since the stroke.


Your way, and not see my old.


Don't act too true, otherwise it will scar.


Wisdom is the art of knowing what to ignore.


To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of life.


Where there is great love, there are miracles.


I'll think of you every step of the way.


I need him like I need the air to breathe.


Why take dignity to retain a changed heart.


I pretend not to care about you, but the pain is my own.


Don't expect him to be perfect. No one is perfect.


I also like you, ah, I think you like me.


If you believe in yourself, people will believe in you.


Don't promise me forever, just love me day by day.


Don't wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend.


Any form of claim will have to pay back the day.


Willing to go down to the dust, in order to be able to open flowers.


I'm sorry, I don't know that true love is out of date.


Time on the track we just a lonely subway.


Heart will be cold love will be tired, this is the process of love to go through.


Is there a kind of forever, never change.


Love is a kind of encounter, can not wait, can not be prepared.


If the heart has no place to perch on, walk to where all is wandering.


If you and I can not see this life, how can I say forever.


I didn't cry, just suddenly learned to miss it.


I firmly believe that you will not be just a passer-by in my life.


I would also like to have a person will be afraid to lose me, even if only once.


This depression and self assertion perk, this is a woman.


Be good to yourself when you are alone, and be good to one another when you are together。


True love is God given gift alone the world numerous living beings.


Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。


Always thought that their own time is still a lot, so there are so many missed.


I am most proud of, that is to fall in love with a person who should love.


I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.


You are good to me, and I will do you good. Is so simple.


If the sun were to rise in the west, my love for you would never change.


This is my journey countless times, sad countless times sad.


Sometimes life is always very ironic. May be a turn around the world.


As long as you remember me, I don't mind that the whole world has forgotten me.


To be lonely is not because you have no friends, but no one is living in your heart.


Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened。


Look into my eyes, you will see what you mean to me.


If you need me, I'll be here for you, I'm with you.


With me you are not lack of anything, heart and wild also know that the refusal.


Some people will never be forgotten, some are alwayssubstitutes.


You said that love is only, for the lucky and the strong.


Don't go for a lie, because you can cheat, you are the one who believes in you.


Do not because of love and sad tears, once owned is the most important.


Tied memories of our time, our memories of the time tearing.


If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their slave.。


Memories of the time, there is a moment of pain, helplessness, despair.

1、Your love is a dream, but a real pain. 你的爱是个梦,却有真实的痛。

2、A we missed the time, France.时间一点点被我们错过,擦肩而过。

3、I am not without feelings, just not so perceptual 我不是没有感情,只是不那么感性

4、You love so deep so serio 你爱的那么深、那么认真

5、C. Brief is life, but love is long.(命虽短,爱却绵长)

6、Love your heart pain . 心疼你的心疼

7、I do not change, because I have adapted to the changes in others. 我不改变是因为我适应了别人的改变

8、Lonely people is shameful 孤独的人是可耻的

9、My thoughts are deep into you 我深深地想念著你

10、Love, no crack password. 爱情密码,无人破解。

11、If I can I love you forever!!如果可以的话,我将永远爱你!

12、I am all good, except, I miss you。我的一切都很好,除了,很想你。

13、We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us 。我们看错了世界,却说世界欺我们。

14、I love waking up and seeing text messages on my phone我爱一觉醒来时,读到你发来的手机短信。

15、The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved——生活中最令人幸福的就是,坚信有人爱着我们。

16、Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad. 与其伤心回忆,不如微笑遗忘。

17、Trust is like an eraser. It gets smaller and smaller after every mistake——信任如同一块橡皮擦,每犯一次错,就会变小一点。

18、Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching——偶尔要回头看看,否则永远都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了什么。

19、Perhaps you get worse today, but tomorrow will always be new。——或许今天你过得很糟糕,但是明天总会是崭新的!

20、Small 3 is malicious pleasure 小三是不是狠快乐。

21、Do not say goodbye to me not good-bye, good-bye after.不要对我说再见,再见后就不要再见。

22、If yesterday is memory, today I want to memory loss 如果说昨天是回忆,今天我却想失忆。

23、You are my most adventure youth dream .你是我年少时最冒险的梦。

24、I have not much but would like to leave you with the best.我有的不多但愿意把最好的留给你。

25、Scatter it,if you can not hold the sand. 握不住的沙,干脆扬了它。

26、The missing distance, always show the elusive. 思念的距离,总是显的那么遥不可及。

27、Because of you , so i madness .因为有你,所以我疯狂。

28、Can you feel my world Zxx 一个拥抱足以相偎相依。

29、No one can replace you 没有人能取代你

30、I can’t live without you 我不想一个人

31、Ireallycareaboutyou 我真的很在乎你

32、The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.过去的没办法改变,但未来还在你的掌握之中。

33、Please hours fly fast.美好时光最易逝。

34、In fact, you hypocritical than anyone else .事实上,你比任何人都虚伪。

35、You are not along 你并不孤单

1、Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past.回忆本来是十分完美的,只要你能让过去的都过去。

2、There are billion people in this world, yet my heart chose you.世界上有七十亿人口,但我的心选择了你。

3、To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.爱自我,是一段延续终身的罗曼史。

4、The happiness you gave me before has been there for me when I am sad.以前你给过的欢乐,此刻都陪着我难过。

5、Love this stuff, living not bring, bring death.爱情这种东西,生不带来,死不带去的。

6、No need to abandon their own people more than tears desperate not born.没必要为了抛弃自我的人就流泪不止心死不生。

7、Live like sunflower whom forever follow sun.像向日葵一样向着太阳生活

8、Crouch down,hold your knees when you are others and yourself.郁闷的时候蹲下来抱抱自我,原谅别人也原谅自我。

9、Ce n'est pas jamais, jamais oublier que, une fois.到不了的就是永远,忘不了的就是以往。

10、I hate that you’re just a memory now.我恨此刻你仅仅是回忆而已。

11、You’re my Achilles heel .你是我无法抗拒的弱点。

12、Once you start to dislike someone. Everything they do begins to annoy you.一旦开始厌恶某人,无论TA做什么都会让你厌烦。

13、Braver are those who have hurt cuz they know nothing would be more painful than ever.一些受过伤的人会更加勇敢,因为他们知道,最痛可是如此。

14、I always looked at him in here,but he never noticed me.我时常在那里看着他,他却从来没有注意到我。

15、From now on,love yourself,enjoy living then smile.从此刻开始,爱自我,享受生活并且微笑。

16、Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.生活不是等着暴风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。

17、I only hope you are my eternal lover.我只期望你是我永恒的爱人。

18、Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.你笑,全世界陪你笑;你哭,惟独你一个人哭。

19、A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.做别人告诉你别做的事情,也是人生一大乐事。

20、I love you pass though life enter life.我爱你透过生活进入生命。

1、Parted as friend and not because he had hurt.分手以后不做朋友, 是因为曾经伤害过。

2、Do not waste your new tears for the old sorrow. ——不要为旧的`悲伤,浪费新的眼泪。

3、If do not have ,if you do not need to lose?如果不曾拥有,是否就不用失去?

4、Betray me, I will let you have nothing .出卖我,我将让你一无所有

5、Relax. Breathe in deep. Hold it. Let it out.别紧张。深呼吸。坚持住。扛过去。

6、I know the people I really care about a few.我知道 真正在乎我的没几个.

7、My love once a life,a time cost whole life.我的爱一生一次,一次一生。

8、Mistake is temporary regret but missing is the forever one.过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾。

9、Do not base your happiness off someone else.不要把你的幸福寄托在其他人身上。

10、Then that be together, in the flow of unease, time is well.就那样相守,在来往的流年里,岁月安好。

11、When I was a child, was buried the most true most sweet smile.小时候,埋葬了最真最甜的微笑。

12、The youth, the scenery along the way again also is just a paper elegance.青春,沿途再美的风景也只不过是一纸风华。

13、You jump,I jump. 生死相随

14、I wanna be with you.我想要和你在一起

15、Find me. Love me. Marry me.找到我,爱我,娶我.

16、I think-I think too much——我想是我想太多

17、Pain past is pleasure.过去的痛苦就是快乐

18、He lost heart, the ruthless gave me.他丢了心,把无情给了我。

19、Sorry, you are not in my mind.对不起,你不在我心里。

20、Even next second we did not meet, on one second we will meet.即使下一秒我们没有相遇,上一秒我们也会相见。

21、爱情这种东西,生不带来,死不带去的。Love this stuff, living not bring, bring death.

22、Nothing in the life is to be feared,it is only to be understood.生活中没有什么可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西。

23、One person you loved is not love 万千宠爱也不及你一人疼爱

24、Love you more than myself 爱你胜过爱自己

25、North of the city to the north is not to miss .北城以北思念不归

26、Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind.青春不是一段年华,而是一种心境。

27、I am not lazy,i just really enjoy doing noting.我不懒,我只是喜欢什么也不做而已

28、Playing with my heart you can not afford to lose.跟我玩心你输不起。

29、Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。

30、I look not beautiful but I have to do my own.我长得不美,但是我一直做我自己。

31、We hadd better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past.后悔过去,不如奋斗将来。

32、Tough times do not last, but tough people do.痛苦的时日不会长久,但坚强的人会一直坚强。

33、Time is the fault of fatalistic testimony people.时光的宿命就是见证人们的过错。

34、Hate missing, and a smile and min. 恨不知所踪,一笑而泯。

35、My heart beats for you 我的心跳动为了你

36、I do not know how to love at you is the only way I know.不知道,如何爱你,看着你,是我唯一的方式。

37、The sky is blue, white clouds very white, under the sun we were happy.天空很蓝,白云很白,在阳光下的我们很快乐。

38、Just do not give up, Russia are then buchibuqi.只要不放弃,俄们便不离不弃。

39、╰You are in my life the most warm moved.╰你是我生命中最温暖的感动。

40、Bad language than lie clean one thousand times 脏话比谎话干净一千倍

41、Cause I can feel you in me 因为我可以感觉到你在我心里

42、Love you love a good pain 爱你爱的好痛

43、my love to you makes me heart broken 你让我爱你爱的好痛苦

44、最后说我爱你 是我所能做的唯一 Finally say I love you, yes I can do only

45、Sometimes, instead of multicore, as less jin.有时候 , 与其多心,不如少根筋。

46、The truly rich are those who enjoy what they have.真正富有的人,是那些懂得享受自己所拥有的人。

47、Pain setbacks pressure reminding us do not because of the lost sight and stagnation.疼痛挫折压力提醒着我们不要因为眼前的迷途而停滞不前

48、Is there a way never, never, ever change.有没有那样一种永远,永远永远不改变。

1、Love is a joke smile dead somenoe huyts himself/爱是一个笑话 笑死了别人 笑疼了自己。

2、If you feel sad for buring it in your heart, then just smile and let it go. 如果放在心里会觉得难过,那么就请微笑着放手吧。

3、I am on my way to future, where you are there. 我要去有你的未来。

4、Believe is one kind of love. For loving you, so I believe you 信任也是一种爱。爱你,所以相信

5、For you, I came into this world. 为了你,我来到了这个世界上。

6、Don’t be easy to get, or you’ll be easy to forget. 不要轻易让人得到你,不然你会很容易被忘记。

7、You made my life ,Holly,but i‘m just one chapter in yours 你完整了我的人生,但我却只是你人生中的过客。

8、For every love there is a heart to receive it.每一份爱,总会有一颗心会感受到。

9、I just need someone who never lets me down-我只是需要一个永远不会放弃我的人

10、If love, time and distance, will not hinder.若爱,时间和距离,都不会是阻碍。

11、You are in my heart.你在我心里

12、My attitude is based on how you treat me. 我对你的态度取决于你怎么对待我。

13、You are the one,in care,I treasure. 你是唯一,是特定的。我在乎,我珍惜。

14、Miss a person, two people of the picture. 一个人的想念,两个人的画面。

15、My first thought is always you. 我第一个想到的,永远是你。

16、Cherish what you have 珍惜所拥有的

17、Wise man have their mouths in their hearts, fools have their hearts in their mouths!(智者嘴在心里,愚者心在嘴里。)

18、Never underestimate your power to change yourself!( 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!)

19、The more you care, the more you have to lose——在意的越多,失去的就越多。

20、Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.( 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。)

21、And to the whole day through每一分每一秒直到一天结束

22、Not because of my persistence, but because you are worth it.不是因为我执着,而是因为你值得。

1、Blissful love and profound hatred.欢乐无忧的爱和深沉强烈的恨。

2、Thank you for your selfless help.谢谢你的无私帮助。

3、Forever love.永远的爱。

4、I need you sane and sober.我要你清醒冷静。

5、Smile like you have never been hurt.微笑吧,像从没受过伤一样。

6、If just like an.做一个坚强而有原则的女人。

35、My youth is yours.我的青春属于是你的。

36、Although I was stupid,but the heart is pure.虽然我有点傻,但心是纯真的。

I never told you, I e fits and starts doing all this to overexert yourself.我开始厌恶这个患得患失忽冷忽热拼尽全力去逞强的自己。

Love,,It e to an end; matter ho give pain.我的年少轻狂,是你给予的伤

Time always save the best for last.时间总是把最好的人留到最后

Down enough to let go 失望攒够了就放手吧

I love you,just because. 我爱你,没有任何理由

Sorry, you are not in my mind.对不起,你不在我心里。

Everybody wants to be loved 谁都想被疼爱

Tears are no color of blood.眼泪是没有颜色的血.

Just like the sunflower proud alive . 像向日葵一样骄傲地活着

At last,my voice feels like sniffling.终于,声音变得哽咽了,

The time that you are my most fatal. 时光深知你是我最致命的爱人

Delay is the deadliest form of denial.拖延其实就是最彻底的拒绝

Its not as good as the envy of others accelerate their pace.与其羡慕别人不如加快自己的脚步。

Be the best version of you. 做最好版本的你。



Love you do not need too many is not me, can I tear up his suit?


I began to learn to imagine a place eone, but your heart e the person you like, and everything the sweet time I spent with you in my life.


ed, but it has been remembered in mind.


You are a doctor. When I was seriously injured, you were an idiot and talked with me in my dreams.


I knoance, you still cherish each other.


Happiness can be acquired through learning, although it is not our mother tongue.


In the future, I hope you can e people love 's game is more important than Lao Tzu's.


eone else's hand and forget e things you like no longer belong to you, and some things you miss are doomed to give up.


The most painful thing in the etimes the most rare happiness.


1、谁耽误我一阵子,我让他后悔一辈子。 Who delayed me for a while, I let him regret for life. 2、我不是不理你,我只是在等你先开口。 I'm not ignoring you, I'm just waiting for you to speak first. 3、不要总是顾虑着别人,毕竟做自己才是一件潇洒的事情。 Don't always worry about others, after all, it is a natural thing to be yourself. 4、所谓的喜欢,就是别人担心你会胖,我却担心你没吃饱。 The so-called love is that others worry that you will be fat, but I worry that you are not full. 5、驴骑后,马骑前,骡子骑在腰中间。 After the donkey, before the horse, the mule sits in the middle of his waist. 6、别人在装逼的时候,我喜欢默默看着,揭穿就没意思了。 When others are pretending to be forced, I like to watch in silence. It's boring to expose. 7、我爱你,可是我不能跟你在一起。 I love you, but I can't be with you. 8、你不能让所有人满意,因为不是所有人都是人。 You can't satisfy everyone because not everyone is human. 9、恋爱不代表幸福,幸福也不只属于恋爱。 Love doesn't mean happiness, and happiness doesn't just belong to love. 10、简单生活、简单爱,我要和你这样呆一辈子。 Simple life, simple love, I want to stay with you for a lifetime. 11、既然睁开眼睛享受风的清凉,就不要埋怨风中细小的沙粒。 Since you open your eyes to enjoy the cool wind, don't complain about the small sand in the wind. 12、我假装不在乎你,心里却很痛很痛。 I pretend I don't care about you, but it hurts. 13、心宽一寸,路宽一丈。若不是心宽似海,哪有人生风平浪静。 One inch wide heart, one foot wide road. If it is not for a broad heart like the sea, there is no calm life. 14、我,即便是年之后也不会改变,我仍然会象现在这样爱你! I will not change even after years, I will still love you as I do now! 15、说出口的伤痛都已平复,绝口不提的才触及心底。 Said that the pain has been healed, never mentioned before touched the bottom of my heart. 16、再多的眼泪,也掩盖不了你给的心碎。 No amount of tears can cover up your heartbreak. 17、岁月让我知道,除了快递我谁都不必等。 Years have taught me that I don't have to wait except for express delivery. 18、想见你一面,想遍了你每个不在身边的日日夜夜。 I want to see you once and think about every day and night when you are not around. 19、你看看你,真的有够土的,但没办法啊,我就是五行缺土。 Look at you. It's really earthy, but I can't help it. I just lack soil in the five elements. 20、对于认识到死并不可怕的人,生活中就不会有可怕的东西。 For those who realize that death is not terrible, there will be nothing terrible in life. 21、太柔软的心,不敢敞开给人任意伤,只能背起坚硬的壳,继续流浪。 Too soft heart, dare not open to people arbitrary injury, can only pick up the hard shell, continue to wander. 22、原谅我生性倔强,不擅长挽留,也从不回头。 Forgive me for being stubborn, not good at retaining, and never looking back. 23、至于未来怎样,反正路还长,天总会亮。 As for the future, it's still a long way to go. It's always bright. 24、我唯一能做的,就是做到一切我能为你做的。 The only thing I can do is to do everything I can for you. 25、只不过有人穷的是金钱,有人是精神,有人是感情。 It's just that some people are poor, some are spiritual, some are emotional. 26、爱在行动里,誓要爱,爱在我心里。 Love in action, vow to love, love in my heart. 27、人要永远做小孩子虽办不到,但想要保持沉默是能办到的。 It is impossible for a man to be a child forever, but it is possible to keep silent. 28、回想这半辈子,当过最大的官也就是QQ群管理员了。 Looking back on this half of my life, I have been the biggest official, that is, QQ group administrator. 29、这时代的门槛好高,就算想当宅男,也得先买房子。 The threshold of this era is so high, even if you want to be an otaku, you have to buy a house first. 30、回忆再美丽也只是烟花落寞的哀伤,填不满命运黑色的嘲弄。 No matter how beautiful memories are, they are just sad fireworks, filled with black mockery of dissatisfaction with fate. 31、雨天,适合睡觉,醒来,适合想你。 Rainy day, suitable for sleeping, waking up, suitable for thinking about you. 32、我终于懂了,原来你只是习惯对我好,不带感情的对我好。 I finally understand that you are just used to be good to me, good to me without feelings. 33、想和你,一房两人三餐四季,四海三山二心一生。 Want to be with you, one room, two people, three meals, four seas, three mountains and two hearts for a lifetime. 34、把生活的无聊寄托于无聊的空想,只会更加无聊。 The boredom of life depends on the boredom of fantasy, it will only be more boring. 35、当爱情,不再纯粹。倒数计时,不如结束。 When love is no longer pure. The countdown is better than the end. 36、以我颜值做担保,从今以后再也不会熬夜了。 With my beauty as a guarantee, I will never stay up late again. 37、心痛是我不说,想的太完美终是错。 Heartache is I don't say, think too perfect is wrong. 38、眼泪残忍留在背后,会议的伤口,又怎么抵过时间的沙漏。 Tears left behind cruel, conference wound, how to reach the hourglass of time. 39、人各有相,生有百苦,有你而始甜。 Every man has his own face. He is born with a hundred hardships. He is sweet with you. 40、春风十里不如你,愿无岁月可回头,且以深情共白头。 Spring breeze ten li inferior to you, is willing to have no time to turn back, and with the deep feeling altogether Whitehead. 41、姐也是站在人渣肩膀上成长起来的好姑娘。 Elder sister is also a good girl growing up on the shoulder of scum. 42、如果没有你,没有过去我不会有伤心。 Without you, I would not be sad without the past. 43、户口本上,只有我一个人的名字。 In the account book, I'm the only one. 44、这一生,我明白得最早的一个道理就是,人是铁,床是磁铁。 This life, I understand the first truth is that people are iron, bed is magnet. 45、学会感受生命的美好,或许你会发现过程比结果更加重要。 Learn to feel the beauty of life, and you may find that the process is more important than the result. 46、当我闭上眼睛的时候,我看不见自己,但是我却可以看到你。 When I close my eyes, I can't see myself, but I can see you. 47、我曾经跟一个人无数次的擦肩而过,衣服都擦破了,也没擦出火花。 I used to brush past a person countless times. My clothes were all scratched and there was no spark. 48、送你一束甜蜜玫瑰花,愿你爱情浪漫真情留身边。 Send you a bunch of sweet roses, wish you love and romance around. 49、每当冲锋号响起,我就赶紧躲进壕沟里,因为:我是卧底! Whenever the charge sounded, I quickly hid in the ditch, because: I was undercover! 50、我什么都会,就两个不会,这也不会,那也不会。 I can do anything, just two can't, this can't, that can't. 51、能用暴力解决的事,尽量不要去麻烦智商。 What can be solved by violence, try not to trouble IQ. 52、夜深人静的时候,每个画面都是你。 In the dead of night, every picture is you. 53、我不能选择那最好的,是那最好的选择我。 I can't choose the best. It's the best that chooses me. 54、我如花般的年龄,遇到了如花般的爱情,再如花般的凋零。 I'm as old as a flower. I've met a flower like love and then withered like a flower. 55、我还是会笑,只是笑中不再温暖,带着冷漠与疏离。 I will still smile, just smile no longer warm, with indifference and alienation.

1、你不爱我了,我也不要你了。 You do not love me, I do not want you. 2、忍住说我爱你,这纷扰的爱情何时停息。 To say I love you, this love when troubles cease. 3、年华岁月,终究抵不过一句寂寞。 Years, eventually arrived but a lonely. 4、原谅我这一生脸大不羁还爱吃。 Forgive my life also eat uninhibited face. 5、恨也无法去恨,毕竟你是我爱过的人。 Hate can not hate, after all, you are the one I loved. 6、我不想承认,我想你了。 I don't want to admit, I miss you. 7、承诺再美,也经不起时间的改变。 Commitment to the United States, but also can not stand the change of time. 8、给不了你要的幸福,所以选择退出。 Can't give you want happiness, so choose to quit. 9、希望有那么一个人,把我宠的无法无天。 Hope someone put my pet lawlessness. 10、你没有错,是我飞蛾扑火。 You are not wrong, I like. 11、水不试不知深浅,人不交不知好歹。 Water not try not to know the depth of things, people do not pay not to know good from bad. 12、我总是以为是一场梦,可是却不想醒来。 I always thought it was a dream, but I didn't want to wake up. 13、说好一起到白头,你却中途染了头。 You agreed to go to white, but midway with head. 14、脾气好的男人,特别迷人。 A man of good temper, especially charming. 15、所谓了逃避,只是无法面对迩。 The so-called escape, just can't face. 16、泪,是幸福?点缀,没有人能够体会。 Tears are happy with, no one can understand. 17、以前我不懂得,未必明天就有以后。 I did not know before, not necessarily tomorrow. 18、不要焦急,不要贪心,不要放弃。 Don't worry, don't be greedy, don't give up. 19、生活的真正意义是:生下来,活下去。 The true meaning of life is to live, to live. 20、忘了,不是时光机,回不到过去。 Forget, not the time machine, can not go back to the past. 21、不需要你说太多,从爱你开始为你守贞。 You do not need to say too much, from the beginning of love you for you. 22、什么是幸福?幸福就是筷头上的肉丝。 What is happiness? Happiness is the head of the shredded meat. 23、爱得痛苦,爱得累,爱是一场空。 Love is painful, love tired, love is nothing. 24、我的不安全感毁掉了太多的东西。 My insecurity ruins too much. 25、爱所有人,信任少数人,不负任何人。 Love all, trust a few, and trust no one. 26、别替我遮风挡雨我怕突然没有你。 Don't I Zhefengdangyu suddenly I am afraid without you. 27、你说不离开可怎么手放开的那么快。 How can you say you can not let go so fast. 28、我的即使再廉价,也轮不到为你打折。 Even if my cheap, but also less than round for you to discount. 29、和爱的人吵架,和陌生人说心里话。 And love of people quarrel, and the strangers say the truth. 30、原来头像不亮的人,动态还会自动更新。 The original picture does not shine, the dynamic will automatically update. 31、载着我满满的怀念,你渐行渐远。 Carrying my full memory, you're far away. 32、一个微笑,一个眼神,只是忽然很想你。 A smile, a look, just suddenly miss you. 33、抿着嘴微笑,微笑回忆你给的回忆。 Pursed her lips in a smile, smile memories of your memories. 34、爱我,玩我,损我,你还想怎样,分吧。 Love me, play me, hurt me, what do you want, points. 35、让我牵着你的手,陪你一起走。 Let me hold your hand and walk with you. 36、我是该有多幸运,才能够认识了你。 How lucky I was to get to know you. 37、街道如往常平静,回忆却比梦境清晰。 The streets are calm as usual, but memories are clearer than dreams. 38、我们的爱情,希望一直没有句号。 Our love, hope has no end. 39、童话故事已结束,剩下?却只有悲伤。 The fairy tale has ended, the rest is only sad. 40、君记我一瞬,我念君半生。 You remember my moment, my life I miss you. 41、记忆就好像是穿衣服一样,总也忘不了。 Memory is like wearing clothes, always forget. 42、已散了场的电影,不再有回顾的意义。 A movie that has gone away, no longer has the meaning of review. 43、我只能用强颜欢笑,来祭奠我不明的伤。 I can only smile, to pay homage to my unknown injury. 44、人生若只如初见,我愿停留在昨天。 If only the first life, I would like to stay in yesterday. 45、你,就是我不爱别人的理由。 You are the reason why I don't love others. 46、正因为爱得不够,才借口多多。 Because love is not enough, just a lot of excuses. 47、有些人,看清了,也就看轻了。 Some people see, also underestimate. 48、我怀念的不是你,而是你给的致命曾经。 What I miss is not you, but you gave the fatal once. 49、每一次的自欺欺人,我都做的很完美。 Every time I have to do is self deception, perfect. 50、你掌心的温度不高,却足以温暖我。 Your palm temperature is not high, but enough to warm me. 51、你的女人不一般,一般女人没法比。 Your woman is not generally, is no ordinary women. 52、再繁华的笑,依旧夺不走专属的寂寞。 Again busy smile, still won't take exclusive loneliness. 53、俄仅有的笑容,只?你绽放。 My only smile, only for you. 54、天暗下来,你是光,专属于我的光。 The sky is dark, you are light, belong to my light. 55、若不是我变了模样,便是你淡忘了时光。 If I do not change the appearance, you forget the time. 56、淡然,是人生的一种成长。 Indifferent, is a growth of life. 57、无法理喻的爱情,没有结局的你我。 Don't get love, no end of you and me. 58、看穿了所有,就是看不穿自己的心。 If you see through all, you can't see your heart. 59、别感动我,然后头也不回的离开我。 Don't touch me and leave me without my head. 60、爱情,不是喜欢就可以在一起。 Love, can't be together. 61、帮人帮到底,送佛送到西,流氓流上床。 Help people to help in the end, sent to the west of the Buddha, rogue flow to bed. 62、放弃了所有青睐,等你个不确定的未来。 Give up all the favor, waiting for you an uncertain future. 63、当生存是规则,不是你的选择。 When life is a rule, not your choice. 64、今生就要在一起,我不要下辈子。 This life will be together, I don't want the next life. 65、手拿菜刀砍电线,一路火花带闪电。 Holding a kitchen knife cut wire, along with a lightning spark. 66、余音终究是余音,能循环不能重来。 It is sound and sound, can be re circulation. 67、有些爱只能止于唇齿,掩于岁月。 Some love can only stop at the mouth and cover in years. 68、笑,只是个表情,与快乐无关。 Smile, just an exPssion, and happiness has nothing to do. 69、人生到老不容易,不能事事都如意。 It is not easy to get old, but not everything. 70、流光容易把人抛下,任誓言在风间流走。 Streamer easy to throw people off, any oath in the wind flow away. 71、快乐给了你,寂寞给自己。 Happy to you, lonely to myself. 72、我们都有一个,想回却回不了的过去。 We all have one, but we can't go back to the past. 73、不同于他的对待,你给的温柔犹在。 Unlike his treatment, the tenderness you gave in. 74、无论聚散与死活,白头到老与你过。 No matter together with anyway, and you reach old age together. 75、你微笑的脸,好久不见。 Your smiling face, long time no see. 76、我就是太念旧,习惯的东西不舍得丢。 I was so NianJiu, accustomed to things not willing to lose. 77、不是我不明白,只是我太执着。 It's not that I don't understand. 78、爱我你说,搁在心里多坎坷。 Love me you say, put in the heart more bumpy. 79、无论受了多少委屈,只能自己憋在心里。 No matter how many grievances, only in their hearts. 80、如果你是我错爱的人,我愿意一错再错。 If you are the person I love, I want to be right.

一、没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。Take ae disappear after beautiful hover.

十四、对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。 To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world.

十五、当香烟爱上(_火柴时,就注定受到伤害 es to the end, if u look back, u will find flowers and sorrows, but its always beautiful.每段爱情在走向终结时,倒带回去,一路上或花草鲜美,或落英缤纷,而最初总是倾心的。

十八、宁愿笑著流泪,?不哭著说后悔 心碎了,还需再补吗? I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix?

二十、请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。 Tell me you are mine. Ill be yours through all the years, till the end of time.

二十一、与你保持着一种暖昧的关系,怕自己会爱上你,怕你离开后,我会流泪 panyed by the memory of...

二十八、when you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us if the sky is still vast,clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesnt take away the world that belongs to you. 当你的心真的在痛,眼泪快要流下来的时候,那就赶快抬头看看,这片曾经属于我们的天空;当天 依旧是那么的广阔,云依旧那么的潇洒,那就不应该哭,因为我的离去,并没有带走你的世界。


Love you do not need too many is not me, can I tear up his suit?


I began to learn to imagine a place eone, but your heart e the person you like, and everything the sweet time I spent with you in my life.


ed, but it has been remembered in mind.


You are a doctor. When I was seriously injured, you were an idiot and talked with me in my dreams.


I knoance, you still cherish each other.


Happiness can be acquired through learning, although it is not our mother tongue.


In the future, I hope you can e people love 's game is more important than Lao Tzu's.


eone else's hand and forget e things you like no longer belong to you, and some things you miss are doomed to give up.


The most painful thing in the etimes the most rare happiness.


Change my heart, give me a heart of stone。


Love is two things, not their own solo。


I like to laugh, the kind of unrestrained laughter。


No, because I endure tears, smile very embarrassed。


The tin bus is hard, soft and supple。


In fact, he is a child, the pain will cry baby。


I do not bother, just love feeling too obvious。


War: bite it with your tongue!


Some people, some things。 See, also underestimate。


Back not to, not once I, but once we。


To youth without regret, the guy must be brave。


When the time, now it still has a my sorrow。


Dont treat me as a good person, because in addition to their own everyone may be bad。


passing by your love, for a long time for a long time, I still remember that tender。


Teacher, when you put on this robe, you are my people。


But the wound in my heart, but no one can heal。


You are the scenery, I am a tourist, can not avoid let me through。


After losing to know to cherish, all understand, why should do so?


Give me a fulcrum, I put Alice neighbor kid car into the ditch, save him see me on the horn。


Drunk before the wine is thick, loved only informed。 You cant be my poem, just as I cant be your dream。


My strong is separated by a door, the tears are not on the down。


And humble love you。 Can not satisfy you, but the arrogant and hypocritical heart!


Wine is empty, color is empty, my wife and people go; money is empty, gas is empty, the phone has no money。


Just those who never look up at the stars will not fall into the pit。


Women not only to their own good, but also to their own ruthless。


Never had a thing to go, only to have no mood to go。


Workers work, small boss to do things, the boss in the city, big boss to do potential - you are what kind?


I turned over and over again you give the map, but can not find my home。


Im busy making others happy, but I forget my good。


This age, love too early, say love and feel too little。


Time, not let people forget the pain, but let people used to。


The best friend in the world, is the one who asks you to eat five cents。


At the time, I often ask myself, had decided to come to the earth, what is right or wrong。


My wife wants to see the lightning, with a kitchen knife cut wire。


When you need me to accompany you, I need you when you are?


In a bad mood, go to the school gate to kick a bike, kick a row。


Theres nothing in the world, and its not permanent。 Just look for a reason。


In class, someone handed a note, I really want to see the contents of the flat he wrote: in it?


Flirt with hot chicks like hanging QQ, two hours a day, her bubble will soon be the sun。


When the kite is tired of the sky, whether you threw into the sea。


When I tried to smile in the face of life, I found myself laughing is so ferocious。


Look at the green mountains and rivers near far, far see Lushui Hill show ones teeth, close look with spots。


Want to go on a trip without you。 Want to be born again for yourself。


I am chowhound how, none of your business, its not like you to support me。


Take me through the most memorable trip, and then leave the most painful souvenirs。


Like a song, a lot of time is not because like, just by one way, to miss a person。


Dream of eating noodles last night, second days to find the shoe is gone。


There is no such a person, you hear his name, will suddenly silent。


Real forget, not no longer remembered, but occasionally think of, there is no waves in my heart。


Internationally, there is really a man who is attached to you, love you, but not close to you。


Success is a kind of idea, become rich is an obligation, happiness is a kind of power。


We used to talk every day, but now we do not know the same as。


We always for the so-called dream, to give up the most simple happiness。


Five pieces of chewing gum can not only fill the stomach, but also to lose weight。


Is there such a person around you, you angry he was happy?


Who like me, do not stop to change the signature, in fact, just want to let a person feel。


The world is still a big encounter you, the world is still a little lost you。


The people who know you know you are not your friend, but your enemy。


The wealth of knowledge of happiness belongs to, trust and emotional communication is the cornerstone of marriage。


There is no one like me, in order to a no results of the persistence and perseverance。


On the way, to see the world; on the way, recognize themselves。


You dont have to like criminals in exile, has loved me is suffering。


Sometimes feel like a nervous, not only to their own, but also disturb others。


Youth is a beautiful sad, I didnt cry, but the tears flow down。


I love him, but he does not like me, every time he broke up with others, I accompany him。


My dream is: let each Japanese drink a glass of milk every day。


Good woman is a school, good man graduated can teaches。


If my hand accidentally touch your hand, you will escape, still subconsciously hold。


We are all actors, in someone elses story, I shed tears in my eyes。


A man is like a woman choose shoes dont fit me, finally, only you know。


We have been looking for, looking for, that we have the outcome。


A person who dare to listen to the truth, need courage, a man who dares to tell the truth need courage。


Sometimes, even if separated, or think hes in your side, watching you。


Tired of the mountain is not far away, but a grain of sand in my shoes。


Be nice to yourself, because no one else has the ability to make you happy。


Stone tells us: those who really love the last are scattered, always mix finally reunited。


Man is a greedy animal, get this, and forget that, reluctant to three words delayed the number of people。


Heart words, said it may be a poem, may be a history, it may be an oath, but in the stomach will certainly become feces。


Intend to open innovation business, one or two out of ten people favor when you can start, before its too late。


Those who have been on the age of the people, mostly against too much, too long to negotiate, the action too late, regret too early。


What is the failure of the monk, the people around whether the enemy is still friends all want to send him to the west。


Each persons life has many dreams, but if one constantly troubling you, the rest is just for action。


You can lead the industry having foresight in hindsight, struggling to catch up, to be eliminated or imperceptibly。


Love like deposit the money in the same pitiful, lonely and desires are the same as the loan kept active。


1、Blissful love and profound hatred.欢乐无忧的爱和深沉强烈的恨。

2、Thank you for your selfless help.谢谢你的无私帮助。

3、Forever love.永远的爱。

4、I need you sane and sober.我要你清醒冷静。

5、Smile like you have never been hurt.微笑吧,像从没受过伤一样。

6、If just like an.做一个坚强而有原则的女人。

35、My youth is yours.我的青春属于是你的。

36、Although I was stupid,but the heart is pure.虽然我有点傻,但心是纯真的。

I never told you, I e fits and starts doing all this to overexert yourself.我开始厌恶这个患得患失忽冷忽热拼尽全力去逞强的自己。

Love,,It e to an end; matter ho give pain.我的年少轻狂,是你给予的伤

Time always save the best for last.时间总是把最好的人留到最后

Down enough to let go 失望攒够了就放手吧

I love you,just because. 我爱你,没有任何理由

Sorry, you are not in my mind.对不起,你不在我心里。

Everybody wants to be loved 谁都想被疼爱

Tears are no color of blood.眼泪是没有颜色的血.

Just like the sunflower proud alive . 像向日葵一样骄傲地活着

At last,my voice feels like sniffling.终于,声音变得哽咽了,

The time that you are my most fatal. 时光深知你是我最致命的爱人

Delay is the deadliest form of denial.拖延其实就是最彻底的拒绝

Its not as good as the envy of others accelerate their pace.与其羡慕别人不如加快自己的脚步。

Be the best version of you. 做最好版本的你。



Love you do not need too many is not me, can I tear up his suit?


I began to learn to imagine a place eone, but your heart e the person you like, and everything the sweet time I spent with you in my life.


ed, but it has been remembered in mind.


You are a doctor. When I was seriously injured, you were an idiot and talked with me in my dreams.


I knoance, you still cherish each other.


Happiness can be acquired through learning, although it is not our mother tongue.


In the future, I hope you can e people love 's game is more important than Lao Tzu's.


eone else's hand and forget e things you like no longer belong to you, and some things you miss are doomed to give up.


The most painful thing in the etimes the most rare happiness.

一、没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。Take ae disappear after beautiful hover.

十四、对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。 To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world.

十五、当香烟爱上(_火柴时,就注定受到伤害 es to the end, if u look back, u will find flowers and sorrows, but its always beautiful.每段爱情在走向终结时,倒带回去,一路上或花草鲜美,或落英缤纷,而最初总是倾心的。

十八、宁愿笑著流泪,?不哭著说后悔 心碎了,还需再补吗? I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix?

二十、请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。 Tell me you are mine. Ill be yours through all the years, till the end of time.

二十一、与你保持着一种暖昧的关系,怕自己会爱上你,怕你离开后,我会流泪 panyed by the memory of...

二十八、when you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us if the sky is still vast,clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesnt take away the world that belongs to you. 当你的心真的在痛,眼泪快要流下来的时候,那就赶快抬头看看,这片曾经属于我们的天空;当天 依旧是那么的广阔,云依旧那么的潇洒,那就不应该哭,因为我的离去,并没有带走你的世界。


Love you do not need too many is not me, can I tear up his suit?


I began to learn to imagine a place eone, but your heart e the person you like, and everything the sweet time I spent with you in my life.


ed, but it has been remembered in mind.


You are a doctor. When I was seriously injured, you were an idiot and talked with me in my dreams.


I knoance, you still cherish each other.


Happiness can be acquired through learning, although it is not our mother tongue.


In the future, I hope you can e people love 's game is more important than Lao Tzu's.


eone else's hand and forget e things you like no longer belong to you, and some things you miss are doomed to give up.


The most painful thing in the etimes the most rare happiness.


Change my heart, give me a heart of stone。


Love is two things, not their own solo。


I like to laugh, the kind of unrestrained laughter。


No, because I endure tears, smile very embarrassed。


The tin bus is hard, soft and supple。


In fact, he is a child, the pain will cry baby。


I do not bother, just love feeling too obvious。


War: bite it with your tongue!


Some people, some things。 See, also underestimate。


Back not to, not once I, but once we。


To youth without regret, the guy must be brave。


When the time, now it still has a my sorrow。


Dont treat me as a good person, because in addition to their own everyone may be bad。


passing by your love, for a long time for a long time, I still remember that tender。


Teacher, when you put on this robe, you are my people。


But the wound in my heart, but no one can heal。


You are the scenery, I am a tourist, can not avoid let me through。


After losing to know to cherish, all understand, why should do so?


Give me a fulcrum, I put Alice neighbor kid car into the ditch, save him see me on the horn。


Drunk before the wine is thick, loved only informed。 You cant be my poem, just as I cant be your dream。


My strong is separated by a door, the tears are not on the down。


And humble love you。 Can not satisfy you, but the arrogant and hypocritical heart!


Wine is empty, color is empty, my wife and people go; money is empty, gas is empty, the phone has no money。


Just those who never look up at the stars will not fall into the pit。


Women not only to their own good, but also to their own ruthless。


Never had a thing to go, only to have no mood to go。


Workers work, small boss to do things, the boss in the city, big boss to do potential - you are what kind?


I turned over and over again you give the map, but can not find my home。


Im busy making others happy, but I forget my good。


This age, love too early, say love and feel too little。


Time, not let people forget the pain, but let people used to。


The best friend in the world, is the one who asks you to eat five cents。


At the time, I often ask myself, had decided to come to the earth, what is right or wrong。


My wife wants to see the lightning, with a kitchen knife cut wire。


When you need me to accompany you, I need you when you are?


In a bad mood, go to the school gate to kick a bike, kick a row。


Theres nothing in the world, and its not permanent。 Just look for a reason。


In class, someone handed a note, I really want to see the contents of the flat he wrote: in it?


Flirt with hot chicks like hanging QQ, two hours a day, her bubble will soon be the sun。


When the kite is tired of the sky, whether you threw into the sea。


When I tried to smile in the face of life, I found myself laughing is so ferocious。


Look at the green mountains and rivers near far, far see Lushui Hill show ones teeth, close look with spots。


Want to go on a trip without you。 Want to be born again for yourself。


I am chowhound how, none of your business, its not like you to support me。


Take me through the most memorable trip, and then leave the most painful souvenirs。


Like a song, a lot of time is not because like, just by one way, to miss a person。


Dream of eating noodles last night, second days to find the shoe is gone。


There is no such a person, you hear his name, will suddenly silent。


Real forget, not no longer remembered, but occasionally think of, there is no waves in my heart。


Internationally, there is really a man who is attached to you, love you, but not close to you。


Success is a kind of idea, become rich is an obligation, happiness is a kind of power。


We used to talk every day, but now we do not know the same as。


We always for the so-called dream, to give up the most simple happiness。


Five pieces of chewing gum can not only fill the stomach, but also to lose weight。


Is there such a person around you, you angry he was happy?


Who like me, do not stop to change the signature, in fact, just want to let a person feel。


The world is still a big encounter you, the world is still a little lost you。


The people who know you know you are not your friend, but your enemy。


The wealth of knowledge of happiness belongs to, trust and emotional communication is the cornerstone of marriage。


There is no one like me, in order to a no results of the persistence and perseverance。


On the way, to see the world; on the way, recognize themselves。


You dont have to like criminals in exile, has loved me is suffering。


Sometimes feel like a nervous, not only to their own, but also disturb others。


Youth is a beautiful sad, I didnt cry, but the tears flow down。


I love him, but he does not like me, every time he broke up with others, I accompany him。


My dream is: let each Japanese drink a glass of milk every day。


Good woman is a school, good man graduated can teaches。


If my hand accidentally touch your hand, you will escape, still subconsciously hold。


We are all actors, in someone elses story, I shed tears in my eyes。


A man is like a woman choose shoes dont fit me, finally, only you know。


We have been looking for, looking for, that we have the outcome。


A person who dare to listen to the truth, need courage, a man who dares to tell the truth need courage。


Sometimes, even if separated, or think hes in your side, watching you。


Tired of the mountain is not far away, but a grain of sand in my shoes。


Be nice to yourself, because no one else has the ability to make you happy。


Stone tells us: those who really love the last are scattered, always mix finally reunited。


Man is a greedy animal, get this, and forget that, reluctant to three words delayed the number of people。


Heart words, said it may be a poem, may be a history, it may be an oath, but in the stomach will certainly become feces。


Intend to open innovation business, one or two out of ten people favor when you can start, before its too late。


Those who have been on the age of the people, mostly against too much, too long to negotiate, the action too late, regret too early。


What is the failure of the monk, the people around whether the enemy is still friends all want to send him to the west。


Each persons life has many dreams, but if one constantly troubling you, the rest is just for action。


You can lead the industry having foresight in hindsight, struggling to catch up, to be eliminated or imperceptibly。


Love like deposit the money in the same pitiful, lonely and desires are the same as the loan kept active。

1、我怕我爱你爱的太深,却得不到你的回报。 I'm afraid I love you too much, but I can't get your return. 2、只要我可以独自走过这四季,那么便也能走完这余生。 As long as I can go through the four seasons alone, then I can go through the rest of my life. 3、有些事,不需要聪明,只需要坚定,不需要智慧,只需要勇气。 Some things, do not need to be smart, just need to be firm, do not need wisdom, just need courage. 4、微笑看你转身离开,然后轻扯嘴角,抽自己一耳光。 Smile to see you turn away, and then gently pull the corner of the mouth, slap yourself in the face. 5、愿山野浓雾都有路灯,风雨漂泊都有归舟。 May there be streetlights in the mountains and in the fog, and boats in the wind and rain. 6、曾喜欢你,笨拙而热烈,一无所有又倾尽所有。 I used to like you, clumsy and enthusiastic, with nothing and everything. 7、我的东西,从来就不喜欢与人分享。 I never like to share my things with others. 8、生活不止是眼下的吃喝,还有远方的路费和住宿费。 Life is not only the present food and drink, but also the distance travel and accommodation. 9、你走的那天我决定不掉泪,迎着风撑着眼帘用力不眨眼。 The day you left, I decided not to shed tears. I held my eyes against the wind without blinking. 10、世界太大我还是遇见了你,世界太小我还是弄丢了。 The world is too big, I still met you, the world is too small, I still lost. 11、青春,便是承受一切的伤,然后坚强,然后成长,最终遗忘。 Youth, is to bear all the injuries, and then strong, and then grow, and finally forget. 12、爱情,不是一辈子不吵架,而是吵架了,还能一辈子。 Love is not a lifetime without quarrel, but a lifetime after quarrel. 13、我总是间歇性地对生活充满希望,又长期一丧到底。 I am always intermittently full of hope for life, and long-term mourning to the end. 14、记忆的梗上,谁不有两三朵娉婷,披着情绪的花。 On the stem of memory, who doesn't have two or three graceful flowers with emotions. 15、原来感情只要破碎过一次,就真的再也经不起折腾了。 The original feelings as long as broken once, really can no longer stand the toss. 16、你自不量力的在我面前装,我也只好笑着看着你继续装。 You overstepped in front of me, I only laugh at you to continue to install. 17、其实,两个人最好的状态就是朋友之上,恋人未满。 In fact, two people's best state is above the friend, the lover is not full. 18、我要带你去喝酒,喝好了我们是朋友,喝醉了我们是夫妻。 I'm going to take you to drink. We're friends when we're drunk. We're husband and wife when we're drunk. 19、在原谅与绝望之间游荡,唯一的感觉是伤!伤!伤! Wandering between forgiveness and despair, the only feeling is hurt! Hurt! Hurt! 20、生命中所有的缺失都会得到补偿,无论是以何种方式。 All the imperfections in life will be compensated, no matter how. 21、对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。 The first impression of you is unforgettable for a long time. 22、你说十里桃花两人一马,后来谢了繁华生死无话。 You said that the peach blossom in ten li was a horse for two people. Later, after thanking the prosperity, there was nothing to say about life and death. 23、比我差的人都在努力,我有什么资格原地踏步。 People who are worse than me are working hard. What qualifications do I have. 24、如果害怕黑暗的话,那我就帮你造一个星空吧。 If you are afraid of the dark, I will help you build a starry sky. 25、爱情就像鬼,相信的人多,看见的人少。 Love is like a ghost, more people believe, less people see. 26、已经查过黄历了,今天除了爱你,诸事不宜。 I've checked the Yellow calendar. Today I don't want to do anything except love you. 27、最孤独的时光,会塑造最坚强的自己。 The most lonely time, will shape the strongest self. 28、雨下了一整夜,却怎么也不能把你从我心中洗掉。 It rained all night, but it couldn't wash you out of my heart. 29、我知道今生我不会是你的唯一,只求你曾经真的爱过。 I know that this life I will not be the only one for you, just ask you have really loved. 30、如果你爱我,请拿出你的真心,不爱我就衮出我的世界。 If you love me, please show your heart. If you don't love me, my world will come out. 31、忽冷忽热都收回去吧,你这样的垃圾谁爱要谁要。 Take it back when it's hot or cold. Who wants garbage like you. 32、其实你不用那么冷淡,我没想过纠缠。 In fact, you don't have to be so cold, I didn't want to entangle. 33、最终一切都会好起来的,如果没有好起来,那说明还没到最后。 In the end, everything will get better. If it doesn't get better, it means it's not the end. 34、求求你,别让我梦见你,因为我好久没见到你了。 Please, don't let me dream about you, because I haven't seen you for a long time. 35、有时候我真的想放弃,我不想再这样折磨我自己。 Sometimes I really want to give up, I don't want to torture myself like this. 36、冬天最流氓了,总是喜欢对我冻手冻脚。 Winter is the most rogue, always like to freeze my hands and feet. 37、淡定是一种心态,是生活的一种状态,更是一种思想境界。 Calmness is a state of mind, a state of life and a state of mind. 38、有多少爱可以重来,有多少人愿意等待。 How much love can be renewed and how many people are willing to wait. 39、宁愿一生孤独,不愿随波逐流。 I would rather be lonely than drift with the tide. 40、失去了缘分的人,即使在同一个城市里,也不太容易碰到。 People who have lost their fate are not easy to meet even in the same city. 41、笑过,哭过,伤过,痛过。如今离开了你,一切都只是回忆。 Laugh, cry, hurt, pain. Now left you, everything is just a memory. 42、从某种意义上讲,人生的坎坷是人的精神财富。 In a sense, the frustrations of life are people's spiritual wealth. 43、我喜欢你,怎会舍得轻言放弃,除非时光逝去,我死去。 I like you, how can be willing to give up, unless time passes, I die. 44、时光一点点剥落,年少的我们年少的梦也已渐渐远去。 Time a little bit off, young we young dream has gradually gone. 45、遇到你,我才找到我自己。 I found myself when I met you. 46、受思深处宜先退,得意浓时便可休。 In the depth of thinking, we should retreat first, and rest when we are satisfied. 47、原来不被你喜欢的这种感觉真的好累好受伤。 The feeling that you didn't like was really tired and hurt. 48、人生的旅程就是这样,用大把的时间迷茫,在几个瞬间成长。 The journey of life is like this, with a lot of time lost, in a few moments of growth. 49、面对你,真的是一件很难的事情。 It's really hard to face you. 50、我很懒,也没什么特长,但爱你是一把好手。 I'm lazy and have no special skills, but I love you very much.





Because of you, I know how to love.


There are always some care, the old like a scar.


Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.


Love is not complicated, complex is a person.


Say good not emotional, but I move the heart.


People who fall in love are not rational.


I would like to use my everything for your long stay.


Who will smoke scattered, scattered and bond.


Love a way, don't ever since the stroke.


Your way, and not see my old.


Don't act too true, otherwise it will scar.


Wisdom is the art of knowing what to ignore.


To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of life.


Where there is great love, there are miracles.


I'll think of you every step of the way.


I need him like I need the air to breathe.


Why take dignity to retain a changed heart.


I pretend not to care about you, but the pain is my own.


Don't expect him to be perfect. No one is perfect.


I also like you, ah, I think you like me.


If you believe in yourself, people will believe in you.


Don't promise me forever, just love me day by day.


Don't wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend.


Any form of claim will have to pay back the day.


Willing to go down to the dust, in order to be able to open flowers.


I'm sorry, I don't know that true love is out of date.


Time on the track we just a lonely subway.


Heart will be cold love will be tired, this is the process of love to go through.


Is there a kind of forever, never change.


Love is a kind of encounter, can not wait, can not be prepared.


If the heart has no place to perch on, walk to where all is wandering.


If you and I can not see this life, how can I say forever.


I didn't cry, just suddenly learned to miss it.


I firmly believe that you will not be just a passer-by in my life.


I would also like to have a person will be afraid to lose me, even if only once.


This depression and self assertion perk, this is a woman.


Be good to yourself when you are alone, and be good to one another when you are together。


True love is God given gift alone the world numerous living beings.


Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to。


Always thought that their own time is still a lot, so there are so many missed.


I am most proud of, that is to fall in love with a person who should love.


I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.


You are good to me, and I will do you good. Is so simple.


If the sun were to rise in the west, my love for you would never change.


This is my journey countless times, sad countless times sad.


Sometimes life is always very ironic. May be a turn around the world.


As long as you remember me, I don't mind that the whole world has forgotten me.


To be lonely is not because you have no friends, but no one is living in your heart.


Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened。


Look into my eyes, you will see what you mean to me.


If you need me, I'll be here for you, I'm with you.


With me you are not lack of anything, heart and wild also know that the refusal.


Some people will never be forgotten, some are alwayssubstitutes.


You said that love is only, for the lucky and the strong.


Don't go for a lie, because you can cheat, you are the one who believes in you.


Do not because of love and sad tears, once owned is the most important.


Tied memories of our time, our memories of the time tearing.


If you care about what others think of you, then you will always be their slave.。


Memories of the time, there is a moment of pain, helplessness, despair.

1、Your love is a dream, but a real pain. 你的爱是个梦,却有真实的痛。

2、A we missed the time, France.时间一点点被我们错过,擦肩而过。

3、I am not without feelings, just not so perceptual 我不是没有感情,只是不那么感性

4、You love so deep so serio 你爱的那么深、那么认真

5、C. Brief is life, but love is long.(命虽短,爱却绵长)

6、Love your heart pain . 心疼你的心疼

7、I do not change, because I have adapted to the changes in others. 我不改变是因为我适应了别人的改变

8、Lonely people is shameful 孤独的人是可耻的

9、My thoughts are deep into you 我深深地想念著你

10、Love, no crack password. 爱情密码,无人破解。

11、If I can I love you forever!!如果可以的话,我将永远爱你!

12、I am all good, except, I miss you。我的一切都很好,除了,很想你。

13、We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us 。我们看错了世界,却说世界欺我们。

14、I love waking up and seeing text messages on my phone我爱一觉醒来时,读到你发来的手机短信。

15、The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved——生活中最令人幸福的就是,坚信有人爱着我们。

16、Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad. 与其伤心回忆,不如微笑遗忘。

17、Trust is like an eraser. It gets smaller and smaller after every mistake——信任如同一块橡皮擦,每犯一次错,就会变小一点。

18、Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching——偶尔要回头看看,否则永远都在追寻,而不知道自己失去了什么。

19、Perhaps you get worse today, but tomorrow will always be new。——或许今天你过得很糟糕,但是明天总会是崭新的!

20、Small 3 is malicious pleasure 小三是不是狠快乐。

21、Do not say goodbye to me not good-bye, good-bye after.不要对我说再见,再见后就不要再见。

22、If yesterday is memory, today I want to memory loss 如果说昨天是回忆,今天我却想失忆。

23、You are my most adventure youth dream .你是我年少时最冒险的梦。

24、I have not much but would like to leave you with the best.我有的不多但愿意把最好的留给你。

25、Scatter it,if you can not hold the sand. 握不住的沙,干脆扬了它。

26、The missing distance, always show the elusive. 思念的距离,总是显的那么遥不可及。

27、Because of you , so i madness .因为有你,所以我疯狂。

28、Can you feel my world Zxx 一个拥抱足以相偎相依。

29、No one can replace you 没有人能取代你

30、I can’t live without you 我不想一个人

31、Ireallycareaboutyou 我真的很在乎你

32、The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.过去的没办法改变,但未来还在你的掌握之中。

33、Please hours fly fast.美好时光最易逝。

34、In fact, you hypocritical than anyone else .事实上,你比任何人都虚伪。

35、You are not along 你并不孤单

1、Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past.回忆本来是十分完美的,只要你能让过去的都过去。

2、There are billion people in this world, yet my heart chose you.世界上有七十亿人口,但我的心选择了你。

3、To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.爱自我,是一段延续终身的罗曼史。

4、The happiness you gave me before has been there for me when I am sad.以前你给过的欢乐,此刻都陪着我难过。

5、Love this stuff, living not bring, bring death.爱情这种东西,生不带来,死不带去的。

6、No need to abandon their own people more than tears desperate not born.没必要为了抛弃自我的人就流泪不止心死不生。

7、Live like sunflower whom forever follow sun.像向日葵一样向着太阳生活

8、Crouch down,hold your knees when you are others and yourself.郁闷的时候蹲下来抱抱自我,原谅别人也原谅自我。

9、Ce n'est pas jamais, jamais oublier que, une fois.到不了的就是永远,忘不了的就是以往。

10、I hate that you’re just a memory now.我恨此刻你仅仅是回忆而已。

11、You’re my Achilles heel .你是我无法抗拒的弱点。

12、Once you start to dislike someone. Everything they do begins to annoy you.一旦开始厌恶某人,无论TA做什么都会让你厌烦。

13、Braver are those who have hurt cuz they know nothing would be more painful than ever.一些受过伤的人会更加勇敢,因为他们知道,最痛可是如此。

14、I always looked at him in here,but he never noticed me.我时常在那里看着他,他却从来没有注意到我。

15、From now on,love yourself,enjoy living then smile.从此刻开始,爱自我,享受生活并且微笑。

16、Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.生活不是等着暴风雨过去,而是学会在风雨中跳舞。

17、I only hope you are my eternal lover.我只期望你是我永恒的爱人。

18、Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone.你笑,全世界陪你笑;你哭,惟独你一个人哭。

19、A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.做别人告诉你别做的事情,也是人生一大乐事。

20、I love you pass though life enter life.我爱你透过生活进入生命。

1、Parted as friend and not because he had hurt.分手以后不做朋友, 是因为曾经伤害过。

2、Do not waste your new tears for the old sorrow. ——不要为旧的`悲伤,浪费新的眼泪。

3、If do not have ,if you do not need to lose?如果不曾拥有,是否就不用失去?

4、Betray me, I will let you have nothing .出卖我,我将让你一无所有

5、Relax. Breathe in deep. Hold it. Let it out.别紧张。深呼吸。坚持住。扛过去。

6、I know the people I really care about a few.我知道 真正在乎我的没几个.

7、My love once a life,a time cost whole life.我的爱一生一次,一次一生。

8、Mistake is temporary regret but missing is the forever one.过错是暂时的遗憾,而错过则是永远的遗憾。

9、Do not base your happiness off someone else.不要把你的幸福寄托在其他人身上。

10、Then that be together, in the flow of unease, time is well.就那样相守,在来往的流年里,岁月安好。

11、When I was a child, was buried the most true most sweet smile.小时候,埋葬了最真最甜的微笑。

12、The youth, the scenery along the way again also is just a paper elegance.青春,沿途再美的风景也只不过是一纸风华。

13、You jump,I jump. 生死相随

14、I wanna be with you.我想要和你在一起

15、Find me. Love me. Marry me.找到我,爱我,娶我.

16、I think-I think too much——我想是我想太多

17、Pain past is pleasure.过去的痛苦就是快乐

18、He lost heart, the ruthless gave me.他丢了心,把无情给了我。

19、Sorry, you are not in my mind.对不起,你不在我心里。

20、Even next second we did not meet, on one second we will meet.即使下一秒我们没有相遇,上一秒我们也会相见。

21、爱情这种东西,生不带来,死不带去的。Love this stuff, living not bring, bring death.

22、Nothing in the life is to be feared,it is only to be understood.生活中没有什么可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西。

23、One person you loved is not love 万千宠爱也不及你一人疼爱

24、Love you more than myself 爱你胜过爱自己

25、North of the city to the north is not to miss .北城以北思念不归

26、Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind.青春不是一段年华,而是一种心境。

27、I am not lazy,i just really enjoy doing noting.我不懒,我只是喜欢什么也不做而已

28、Playing with my heart you can not afford to lose.跟我玩心你输不起。

29、Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。

30、I look not beautiful but I have to do my own.我长得不美,但是我一直做我自己。

31、We hadd better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past.后悔过去,不如奋斗将来。

32、Tough times do not last, but tough people do.痛苦的时日不会长久,但坚强的人会一直坚强。

33、Time is the fault of fatalistic testimony people.时光的宿命就是见证人们的过错。

34、Hate missing, and a smile and min. 恨不知所踪,一笑而泯。

35、My heart beats for you 我的心跳动为了你

36、I do not know how to love at you is the only way I know.不知道,如何爱你,看着你,是我唯一的方式。

37、The sky is blue, white clouds very white, under the sun we were happy.天空很蓝,白云很白,在阳光下的我们很快乐。

38、Just do not give up, Russia are then buchibuqi.只要不放弃,俄们便不离不弃。

39、╰You are in my life the most warm moved.╰你是我生命中最温暖的感动。

40、Bad language than lie clean one thousand times 脏话比谎话干净一千倍

41、Cause I can feel you in me 因为我可以感觉到你在我心里

42、Love you love a good pain 爱你爱的好痛

43、my love to you makes me heart broken 你让我爱你爱的好痛苦

44、最后说我爱你 是我所能做的唯一 Finally say I love you, yes I can do only

45、Sometimes, instead of multicore, as less jin.有时候 , 与其多心,不如少根筋。

46、The truly rich are those who enjoy what they have.真正富有的人,是那些懂得享受自己所拥有的人。

47、Pain setbacks pressure reminding us do not because of the lost sight and stagnation.疼痛挫折压力提醒着我们不要因为眼前的迷途而停滞不前

48、Is there a way never, never, ever change.有没有那样一种永远,永远永远不改变。

1、Love is a joke smile dead somenoe huyts himself/爱是一个笑话 笑死了别人 笑疼了自己。

2、If you feel sad for buring it in your heart, then just smile and let it go. 如果放在心里会觉得难过,那么就请微笑着放手吧。

3、I am on my way to future, where you are there. 我要去有你的未来。

4、Believe is one kind of love. For loving you, so I believe you 信任也是一种爱。爱你,所以相信

5、For you, I came into this world. 为了你,我来到了这个世界上。

6、Don’t be easy to get, or you’ll be easy to forget. 不要轻易让人得到你,不然你会很容易被忘记。

7、You made my life ,Holly,but i‘m just one chapter in yours 你完整了我的人生,但我却只是你人生中的过客。

8、For every love there is a heart to receive it.每一份爱,总会有一颗心会感受到。

9、I just need someone who never lets me down-我只是需要一个永远不会放弃我的人

10、If love, time and distance, will not hinder.若爱,时间和距离,都不会是阻碍。

11、You are in my heart.你在我心里

12、My attitude is based on how you treat me. 我对你的态度取决于你怎么对待我。

13、You are the one,in care,I treasure. 你是唯一,是特定的。我在乎,我珍惜。

14、Miss a person, two people of the picture. 一个人的想念,两个人的画面。

15、My first thought is always you. 我第一个想到的,永远是你。

16、Cherish what you have 珍惜所拥有的

17、Wise man have their mouths in their hearts, fools have their hearts in their mouths!(智者嘴在心里,愚者心在嘴里。)

18、Never underestimate your power to change yourself!( 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!)

19、The more you care, the more you have to lose——在意的越多,失去的就越多。

20、Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.( 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。)

21、And to the whole day through每一分每一秒直到一天结束

22、Not because of my persistence, but because you are worth it.不是因为我执着,而是因为你值得。



Because of you, I know how to love.


There are always some care, the old like a scar.


Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.


Love is not complicated, complex is a person.


Say good not emotional, but I move the heart.


People who fall in love are not rational.


I would like to use my everything for your long stay.


Who will smoke scattered, scattered and bond.

一、没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。Take ae disappear after beautiful hover.

十四、对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。 To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world.

十五、当香烟爱上(_火柴时,就注定受到伤害 es to the end, if u look back, u will find flowers and sorrows, but its always beautiful.每段爱情在走向终结时,倒带回去,一路上或花草鲜美,或落英缤纷,而最初总是倾心的。

十八、宁愿笑著流泪,?不哭著说后悔 心碎了,还需再补吗? I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix?

二十、请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。 Tell me you are mine. Ill be yours through all the years, till the end of time.

二十一、与你保持着一种暖昧的关系,怕自己会爱上你,怕你离开后,我会流泪 panyed by the memory of...

二十八、when you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us if the sky is still vast,clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesnt take away the world that belongs to you. 当你的心真的在痛,眼泪快要流下来的时候,那就赶快抬头看看,这片曾经属于我们的天空;当天 依旧是那么的广阔,云依旧那么的潇洒,那就不应该哭,因为我的离去,并没有带走你的世界。


Love you do not need too many is not me, can I tear up his suit?


I began to learn to imagine a place eone, but your heart e the person you like, and everything the sweet time I spent with you in my life.


ed, but it has been remembered in mind.


You are a doctor. When I was seriously injured, you were an idiot and talked with me in my dreams.


I knoance, you still cherish each other.


Happiness can be acquired through learning, although it is not our mother tongue.


In the future, I hope you can e people love 's game is more important than Lao Tzu's.


eone else's hand and forget e things you like no longer belong to you, and some things you miss are doomed to give up.


The most painful thing in the etimes the most rare happiness.


Change my heart, give me a heart of stone。


Love is two things, not their own solo。


I like to laugh, the kind of unrestrained laughter。


No, because I endure tears, smile very embarrassed。


The tin bus is hard, soft and supple。


In fact, he is a child, the pain will cry baby。


I do not bother, just love feeling too obvious。


War: bite it with your tongue!


Some people, some things。 See, also underestimate。


Back not to, not once I, but once we。


To youth without regret, the guy must be brave。


When the time, now it still has a my sorrow。


Dont treat me as a good person, because in addition to their own everyone may be bad。


passing by your love, for a long time for a long time, I still remember that tender。


Teacher, when you put on this robe, you are my people。


But the wound in my heart, but no one can heal。


You are the scenery, I am a tourist, can not avoid let me through。


After losing to know to cherish, all understand, why should do so?


Give me a fulcrum, I put Alice neighbor kid car into the ditch, save him see me on the horn。


Drunk before the wine is thick, loved only informed。 You cant be my poem, just as I cant be your dream。


My strong is separated by a door, the tears are not on the down。


And humble love you。 Can not satisfy you, but the arrogant and hypocritical heart!


Wine is empty, color is empty, my wife and people go; money is empty, gas is empty, the phone has no money。


Just those who never look up at the stars will not fall into the pit。


Women not only to their own good, but also to their own ruthless。


Never had a thing to go, only to have no mood to go。


Workers work, small boss to do things, the boss in the city, big boss to do potential - you are what kind?


I turned over and over again you give the map, but can not find my home。


Im busy making others happy, but I forget my good。


This age, love too early, say love and feel too little。


Time, not let people forget the pain, but let people used to。


The best friend in the world, is the one who asks you to eat five cents。


At the time, I often ask myself, had decided to come to the earth, what is right or wrong。


My wife wants to see the lightning, with a kitchen knife cut wire。


When you need me to accompany you, I need you when you are?


In a bad mood, go to the school gate to kick a bike, kick a row。


Theres nothing in the world, and its not permanent。 Just look for a reason。


In class, someone handed a note, I really want to see the contents of the flat he wrote: in it?


Flirt with hot chicks like hanging QQ, two hours a day, her bubble will soon be the sun。


When the kite is tired of the sky, whether you threw into the sea。


When I tried to smile in the face of life, I found myself laughing is so ferocious。


Look at the green mountains and rivers near far, far see Lushui Hill show ones teeth, close look with spots。


Want to go on a trip without you。 Want to be born again for yourself。


I am chowhound how, none of your business, its not like you to support me。


Take me through the most memorable trip, and then leave the most painful souvenirs。


Like a song, a lot of time is not because like, just by one way, to miss a person。


Dream of eating noodles last night, second days to find the shoe is gone。


There is no such a person, you hear his name, will suddenly silent。


Real forget, not no longer remembered, but occasionally think of, there is no waves in my heart。


Internationally, there is really a man who is attached to you, love you, but not close to you。


Success is a kind of idea, become rich is an obligation, happiness is a kind of power。


We used to talk every day, but now we do not know the same as。


We always for the so-called dream, to give up the most simple happiness。


Five pieces of chewing gum can not only fill the stomach, but also to lose weight。


Is there such a person around you, you angry he was happy?


Who like me, do not stop to change the signature, in fact, just want to let a person feel。


The world is still a big encounter you, the world is still a little lost you。


The people who know you know you are not your friend, but your enemy。


The wealth of knowledge of happiness belongs to, trust and emotional communication is the cornerstone of marriage。


There is no one like me, in order to a no results of the persistence and perseverance。


On the way, to see the world; on the way, recognize themselves。


You dont have to like criminals in exile, has loved me is suffering。


Sometimes feel like a nervous, not only to their own, but also disturb others。


Youth is a beautiful sad, I didnt cry, but the tears flow down。


I love him, but he does not like me, every time he broke up with others, I accompany him。


My dream is: let each Japanese drink a glass of milk every day。


Good woman is a school, good man graduated can teaches。


If my hand accidentally touch your hand, you will escape, still subconsciously hold。


We are all actors, in someone elses story, I shed tears in my eyes。


A man is like a woman choose shoes dont fit me, finally, only you know。


We have been looking for, looking for, that we have the outcome。


A person who dare to listen to the truth, need courage, a man who dares to tell the truth need courage。


Sometimes, even if separated, or think hes in your side, watching you。


Tired of the mountain is not far away, but a grain of sand in my shoes。


Be nice to yourself, because no one else has the ability to make you happy。


Stone tells us: those who really love the last are scattered, always mix finally reunited。


Man is a greedy animal, get this, and forget that, reluctant to three words delayed the number of people。


Heart words, said it may be a poem, may be a history, it may be an oath, but in the stomach will certainly become feces。


Intend to open innovation business, one or two out of ten people favor when you can start, before its too late。


Those who have been on the age of the people, mostly against too much, too long to negotiate, the action too late, regret too early。


What is the failure of the monk, the people around whether the enemy is still friends all want to send him to the west。


Each persons life has many dreams, but if one constantly troubling you, the rest is just for action。


You can lead the industry having foresight in hindsight, struggling to catch up, to be eliminated or imperceptibly。


Love like deposit the money in the same pitiful, lonely and desires are the same as the loan kept active。


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/wap/8581.html发布于 2024-09-18
