

小思 2024-09-18 42
家庭垃圾英文摘要: 家庭垃圾英语litter 是最文明的讲法garbage 是家常生活产生的垃圾,可以用以骂人trash 是常指已经放在垃圾筒里等收的垃圾junk 是形容东西垃圾的,比如垃圾食物...


litter 是最文明的讲法garbage 是家常生活产生的垃圾,可以用以骂人trash 是常指已经放在垃圾筒里等收的垃圾junk 是形容东西垃圾的,比如垃圾食物 junk food,,垃圾邮件 junk mail


垃圾英语:rubbish ; waste ; garbage

rubbish 读法 英 ['rʌbɪʃ]  美 ['rʌbɪʃ]

1、n. 垃圾,废物;废话

2、adj. 毫无价值的


1、rubbish bin 垃圾筒,垃圾桶

2、rubbish dump 垃圾堆;碎石堆


1、They had piled most of their rubbish into yellow skips.


2、He described her book as absolute rubbish.



waste, rubbish, litter, garbage, junk这组词都有“废物,垃圾”的意思,其区别是:

1、waste 普通用词,概念广泛,指任何被丢弃的东西。

2、rubbish 普通用词,指任何成堆的、破损的、用过的或无用的东西,尤指弃掉的垃圾堆。也可作引申用。

3、litter 是四下乱丢物品的总称,尤指散落于地,有碍观瞻的废物。

4、garbage 主要指有机废料,包括厨房的剩菜剩饭或不能再用的食物。也可作引申用。

5、junk 指回收的旧汽车或大型机器,也指毫无实用价值,或破烂物体,但不指垃圾。


rubbish; garbage; refuse; breeze;  dust; raffle; waste.


1. Don't forget to take out the garbage.   别忘了把垃圾拿出去。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》

2 .Throw it in the garbage.   把它扔到垃圾箱里去。 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》

3. He screwed the paper small and chucked it in the bin.   他把纸揉成小团,扔进了垃圾桶。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》


1.垃圾混置是垃圾,垃圾分类是资源。Garbage mixing is garbage, and garbage sorting is a resource.2.见垃圾,弯个腰,争做绿色小使者。see garbage, bent a waist, to become a small green angel.3.拣回垃圾分类老传统,倡导绿色文明新时尚。sorting garbage, sorting out old traditions, advocating green, civilized, new fashion.

垃圾分类Waste Sorting or Garbage Classificationwaste 除了表示“浪费”的意思,名词形式可以指“垃圾”;而 sort 和 classify 则是分类的意思。有害垃圾 Hazardous Wastehazardous 危险的;有害的;会产生威胁的这一类的垃圾包括电池(battery),药片(pill),水银温度计(mercurial thermometer),口服液(oral liquid),荧光灯(fluorescent lamp)等。可回收垃圾 Recyclable Wasterecyclable waste 可回收垃圾可回收垃圾包括:纸类(Paper),塑料(Plastic),玻璃(Glass),织物(Textile),金属(Metal)。常见的可回收垃圾有:日历(calendar),宣传单(leaflet),牛奶盒(milk box),圆珠笔(ball-point pen),塑料桶(plastic bucket),泡沫塑料(polyfoam)等。湿垃圾 Household Food Wastehousehold 家庭的household food waste这个词组顾名思义主要指家庭产生的厨余(食物)垃圾;这类垃圾包括:剩饭菜(leftovers),果皮(pericarp),蛋壳(eggshell),骨头(bone),内脏(internal organs),落叶(leaf)等。干垃圾 Residual Wasteresidual 剩余的;残留的这种类型的垃圾也被称为其他垃圾,也就是除了我们上文提到之外的其他垃圾都叫干垃圾。例如:尘土(dust),塑料袋(plastic bag),香烟(cigarette),纸巾(tissue),一次性餐盒(disposable meal box),纸尿裤(diaper)等。这些关于垃圾分类的英文表达你学会了吗?让我们从自身做起(start from one's own)共同建设更好的环境

垃圾箱 Litter bin纸娄 Paper Low

你好,Garbage classification,from ourselves.垃圾分类,从自己做起。希望可以帮到你,望采纳





garbage can

trash can

garbage bin




ash cart

ash bin




The dustbins clashed as the men emptied them.


He picked up the banana skin and put it in the dustbin.



Mom dumped the leftovers into the trash can.


I think you look like a brash bin.


It is not hard to put trash in a trash can.


You could put the rubbish in the garbage bin.


We want the city to put trash containers at each corner.


A dog was nosing at one of the cans.


You can put the dust in the garbage can.


Trash can (trash bin): 美国,澳洲常用表达方式。泛指家庭所用的垃圾桶。我想我有必要来诠释这个词。前年在一个展会上有个澳洲的美女问我“where is trash?” 那一刹那我没反应过来愣了一下,她拿了个空瓶子晃了下我才算懂她的意思,她是找垃圾桶。自那之后我明白不仅仅我们中国人会引申义,老外也会,trash原意虽然是废品,垃圾,也可以引申为垃圾桶的意思。

*Garbage can (bin): 美国常用表达垃圾桶的词语,泛指家用垃圾桶。 与此相关的 garbage truck(垃圾车),美语,指的是专门用来收集垃圾桶里垃圾的机动车辆,俗称垃圾车。我想84年以前的朋友们都有幸见过,也还有些残存的记忆,曾几何时垃圾车在我们国内也是相当普遍。

*Dustbin:英式叫法,泛指家用垃圾桶。与此相关的衍生词 dust-cart (垃圾车),英式英语。英国对垃圾车的叫法。

*Rubbish bin: 英(澳)式俚语,译为垃圾桶、果皮箱。80年代的学生应该深有体会,那时候英语教材是澳洲人编定的,所以里面把垃圾的英文单词定位为rubbish, 而垃圾这个词在中文中有个贬义用来形容某人很差劲,于是乎我们一天骂人就rubbish, rubbish 的,显得自己很洋气,让我感叹的是还真让我们蒙对了,英语中也有这层意思,忍不住感叹一句:我们的悟性真高啊。据我了解现在英语教材已经改版,由美国人编制,充斥了美国英语的味道,其中垃圾这个词已经改为 trash,文化差异可见一斑。

*Waste-bin, waste-basket:中文作废物箱,废纸篓,美语常用说法。

*Waste-paper basket:废纸篓,英式英语。

*Refuse bin:垃圾箱。也有人喜欢用这个词来表达。


trush bin伟大的楼主,如果我的回答对您有帮助,请务必点“采纳"哦!感谢合作!O(∩_∩)O~

trush bin 没错

翻译为 the garbage can


1.英语手抄报 垃圾分类 The report says lack of water in the future may result in several problems. It may increase health problems. Lack of water often means drinking waters not safe. Mr. Engelman says there are problems all over the world because of diseases, such as cholera, which are carried in water. Lack of water may also result in more international conflict. Countries may have to pete for water in the future. Some countries now get sixty percent of their fresh water from other countries. This is true of Egypt, the herlands, Cambodia, Syria, Sudan, and Iraq. And the report says lack of water would affect the ability of developing to improve their economies. This is because new industries often need a large amount of water when they are beginning. 报告表明,在未来,水资源的缺乏可能会导致一些严重的后果。 首先它可能会产生更多的健康问题。水资源的缺乏就意味着饮用水不再有保障。 安格曼先生说,诸如霍乱等在水中传播的疾病会使世界出现许多问题。水缺乏也会引起更多的国际纷争。 各国可能由于水而发动战争。现在有些国家,例如埃及,荷兰,柬埔寨,叙利亚,苏丹和伊拉克等,60%的纯净水是从国外进口的。报告认为水缺乏将影响发展国家发展经济的能力。这是因为新工业在开始阶段经常需要大量的水。 2.英语手抄报 垃圾分类 The report says lack of water in the future may result in several problems. It may increase health problems. Lack of water often means drinking waters not safe. Mr. Engelman says there are problems all over the world because of diseases, such as cholera, which are carried in water. Lack of water may also result in more international conflict. Countries may have to pete for water in the future. Some countries now get sixty percent of their fresh water from other countries. This is true of Egypt, the herlands, Cambodia, Syria, Sudan, and Iraq. And the report says lack of water would affect the ability of developing to improve their economies. This is because new industries often need a large amount of water when they are beginning. 报告表明,在未来,水资源的缺乏可能会导致一些严重的后果。首先它可能会产生更多的健康问题。水资源的缺乏就意味着饮用水不再有保障。安格曼先生说,诸如霍乱等在水中传播的疾病会使世界出现许多问题。水缺乏也会引起更多的国际纷争。各国可能由于水而发动战争。现在有些国家,例如埃及,荷兰,柬埔寨,叙利亚,苏丹和伊拉克等,60%的纯净水是从国外进口的。报告认为水缺乏将影响发展国家发展经济的能力。这是因为新工业在开始阶段经常需要大量的水。 3.我们来宣传垃圾分类的翻译英文 垃圾分为四类: 不可以回收和利用的垃圾。 厨房里的果壳, 菜叶, 残羹剩饭等,用绿色塑料容器收集。 可以回收和利用的垃圾。纸, 塑料, 玻璃, 织物和金属等,用蓝色塑料容器收集。 有毒和有害的垃圾。报废的电池, 过期的药品, 油漆桶, 水银温度计, 荧光灯灯管和日用化学品等,用红色塑料容器收集。 其它的垃圾,用灰色或黄色塑料容器收集。 Garbage is divided into four categories: Garbag that can not be recovered and used. Kitchen husk, leaves, leftovers , etc. collected with green plastic containers. Waste that can be recovered and used. Paper, plastic, glass, fabric and metal, etc., are collected in blue plastic containers. Toxic and hazardous waste. Scrap batteries, expired medicines, paint buckets, mercury thermometers, fluorescent tubes and household chemicals, etc., are collected in red plastic containers. Other rubbish, collected in gray or yellow plastic containers. 4.关于垃圾分类回收的英语作文 On the environmental protection information To the earth tomorrow, we must start to work hard from now on, to protect environment . Here we make the following remendations:The implementation of bags of garbage classification . This will not only reduce the workload of environmental sanitation workers, but also better serve the waste utilization, reduce pollution, conserve shopping, use less plastic bags, try to use a bamboo as far as possible for the core to reduce the ball-point pen casing, the volume of waste and out try not to use disposable lunch is the seed sown want the garbage and environmental problems of excess waste recycling and resource prehensive utilization of waste recycling and prehensive utilization of resources ( under) the sea bathroom science From drink water think Nowadays, the drinking water is being a trend. Though the media more than once introduced to drinking water all sorts of malpractices, but the " drinking water " family is still water is not only the pure water, also including mineral water, distilled water and even space water and so on. And we drank up water into the relative " no drinking water ." we do not exclude the current drinking water swept, speculation had certain effect, but it reflects the current water pollution has e to it is difficult to is a human life important matter, the clean person can bring lush flowers and trees, birds' twitter and fragrance of flowers, quiet and fortable, beautiful and picturesque surroundings, to bring peace, happiness and peace. But today the polluted water to people's pain, horror and disaster. In order to make life more beautiful, so beautiful landscape in the world, let the water flow continuously, people have more and more clearly recognize the importance of preventing water is the seed sown want the garbage and environmental problems of excess water from the drinking of waste recycling and resource prehensive utilization of waste recycling and prehensive utilization of resources of bathroom science。 5.英文的垃圾分类标语 参见 *** There are many waste types defined by modern systems of waste management, notably including: Municipal Waste includes Household waste, mercial waste, and Demolition waste Hazardous Waste includes Industrial waste Bio-medical Waste includes Clinical waste Special Hazardous waste includes Radioactive waste, explosives waste, and Electronic waste (e-waste) 6.垃圾分类小知识有哪些 垃圾分类的好处 垃圾分类的好处是显而易见的。垃圾分类后被送到工厂而不是填埋场,既省下了土地,又避免了填埋或焚烧所产生的污染,还可以变废为宝。例如被称为“微型杀手”的废电池,众所周知生活中的电池都是含有汞或镉等重金属的,这些重金属如果留在地下就很容易通过雨水的淋溶,进入到地下水当中,对水资源和土地造成严重的迫害。但是废电池里含有多种有用的金属矿才,回收利用的价值很高。正因为废电池有严重的危害和特别的回收价值,许多国家严禁它们在与垃圾混置,日本的社区专门有这种黄色的桶,将纽扣电池等分别投放。再如剩饭生菜,蛋壳果皮,采帮菜叶一类的厨房垃圾等生物垃圾,它们却可以用来制造很好的有机肥料。像槐柏树小区里这台大纳梦生物垃圾处理机,就可以将生物垃圾烘干,粉碎,制成高效的有机肥料。居民可以用它种花养草。用它们施种出的蔬菜,比起化肥食品来,既安全又健康,在超市还挺受欢迎。生物垃圾通常占了垃圾总量的40%,如果他们都能变成有机肥,既省下用做填埋场的土地,又节约运送他们的车辆和能源,还防止他们滋生蚊蝇和细菌。 所以,垃圾分类好处多多。 介绍环保分类垃圾桶 一般来说,常见环保分类垃圾桶分为绿色,黄色,和红色。 绿色的是投放可回收垃圾的,可回收垃圾:纸类、塑料、橡胶、金属、玻璃等。 黄色的为不可回收垃圾,不可回收垃圾:主要是厨房垃圾,包括果皮、菜 皮、剩饭菜等。 红色的投放有毒有害垃圾有毒有害垃圾:电池、荧光灯管、水银温度计、 油漆桶、药品、化装品等。 有关垃圾分类的宣传口号 1.垃圾分类益处多,环境保护靠你我 2.请给垃圾找个合适的家 3.要是垃圾变为宝,分类回收不可少 4.众人一条分类心,垃圾也能变成金 5.垃圾分类,举手之劳 6.垃圾分一分,环境美十分 7.举手之劳,资源永续的源泉 8.扔掉“白色污染”,变成“白色资源” 9.养成文明餐饮习惯,减少餐厨垃圾 10.垃圾儿女要分家,安居乐业靠大家 7.垃圾分类的小常识 从国内外各城市对生活垃圾分类的方法来看,大致都是根据垃圾的成分构成、产生量,结合本地垃圾的资源利用和处理方式来进行分类。如德国一般分为纸、玻璃、金属、塑料等;澳大利亚一般分为可堆肥垃圾,可回收垃圾,不可回收垃圾;日本一般分为可燃垃圾,不可燃垃圾,等等。 如今中国生活垃圾一般可分为四大类:可回收垃圾、厨余垃圾、有害垃圾和其他垃圾。目前常用的垃圾处理方法主要有:综合利用、卫生填埋、焚烧发电、堆肥、资源返还。 可回收垃圾 主要包括废纸、塑料、玻璃、金属和布料五大类。 厨余垃圾 包括剩菜剩饭、骨头、菜根菜叶、果皮等食品类废物 有害垃圾 包括废电池、废日光灯管、废水银温度计、过期药品等,这些垃圾需要特殊安全处理。 其它垃圾 包括除上述几类垃圾之外的砖瓦陶瓷、渣土、卫生间废纸、纸巾等难以回收的废弃物,采取卫生填埋可有效减少对地下水、地表水、土壤及空气的污染。

The resources of the earth are limited. We should cherish and cherish these resources. So we're going to do garbage sorting, and reuse the available resources again.

At home, remind everybody garbage classification, water bottles, cans, such as waste paper packed together to sell, resources recycling, and made money, the waste batteries, cartridges, etc in the recycling bins. In school, you can reuse and reuse garbage, put in two different trash cans, one is recyclable and one is unrecyclable. Learn from your classmates and discuss ways to classify rubbish. In the suburbs, we will use two bags to classify garbage, pick up the garbage that we see and classify it, so that it is the best young pioneers. This allows you to easily is sorting garbage, and the earth is beautiful. We will see the thick wood, the clear water, the blue sky and the blue sea, everyone has a sweet smile.

10张简单的垃圾分类英语手抄报垃圾分类爱护校园拂晓中心小学英语组垃圾分类主题手抄报活动关于生活垃圾的简谱英语手抄报英语英语手抄报垃圾分类 爱护环境英语手抄报设计大赛垃圾循环英语手抄报英语英语手抄报垃圾分类爱护校园拂晓中心小学英语组垃圾分类主题手抄报活动垃圾分类爱护校园拂晓中心小学英语组垃圾分类主题手抄报活动关于生活垃圾的简谱英语手抄报英语英语手抄报10张简单的垃圾分类英语手抄报保护环境手抄报英语版关于环境的手抄报英语关于生活垃圾的简谱英语手抄报英语英语手抄报保护环境手抄报英语版关于环境的手抄报英语初三关于垃圾的手抄报初三英语手抄报垃圾分类爱护校园拂晓中心小学英语组垃圾分类主题手抄报活动关于环保的简单的英语手抄报简单的英语手抄报三年级英语垃圾分类手抄报三年级英语手抄报英语小报 垃圾分类简约请在自然手抄报英语八年级上册关于保护环境手抄报 五年级上册手抄报


rubbish basket、garbage bin


1、 公共场所的垃圾箱

英式:Rubbish Bin(有轮子的叫Wheelie Bin)

美式:Trash Can

2.、街道上的小型垃圾桶:Litter Bin



5、办公室的废纸篓:Waste Paper Bin, Waste Paper Basket, Waste Basket





美式:Garbage, Trash









garbage can

trash can

garbage bin




ash cart

ash bin




The dustbins clashed as the men emptied them.


He picked up the banana skin and put it in the dustbin.



Mom dumped the leftovers into the trash can.


I think you look like a brash bin.


It is not hard to put trash in a trash can.


You could put the rubbish in the garbage bin.


We want the city to put trash containers at each corner.


A dog was nosing at one of the cans.


You can put the dust in the garbage can.


Trash can (trash bin): 美国,澳洲常用表达方式。泛指家庭所用的垃圾桶。我想我有必要来诠释这个词。前年在一个展会上有个澳洲的美女问我“where is trash?” 那一刹那我没反应过来愣了一下,她拿了个空瓶子晃了下我才算懂她的意思,她是找垃圾桶。自那之后我明白不仅仅我们中国人会引申义,老外也会,trash原意虽然是废品,垃圾,也可以引申为垃圾桶的意思。

*Garbage can (bin): 美国常用表达垃圾桶的词语,泛指家用垃圾桶。 与此相关的 garbage truck(垃圾车),美语,指的是专门用来收集垃圾桶里垃圾的机动车辆,俗称垃圾车。我想84年以前的朋友们都有幸见过,也还有些残存的记忆,曾几何时垃圾车在我们国内也是相当普遍。

*Dustbin:英式叫法,泛指家用垃圾桶。与此相关的衍生词 dust-cart (垃圾车),英式英语。英国对垃圾车的叫法。

*Rubbish bin: 英(澳)式俚语,译为垃圾桶、果皮箱。80年代的学生应该深有体会,那时候英语教材是澳洲人编定的,所以里面把垃圾的英文单词定位为rubbish, 而垃圾这个词在中文中有个贬义用来形容某人很差劲,于是乎我们一天骂人就rubbish, rubbish 的,显得自己很洋气,让我感叹的是还真让我们蒙对了,英语中也有这层意思,忍不住感叹一句:我们的悟性真高啊。据我了解现在英语教材已经改版,由美国人编制,充斥了美国英语的味道,其中垃圾这个词已经改为 trash,文化差异可见一斑。

*Waste-bin, waste-basket:中文作废物箱,废纸篓,美语常用说法。

*Waste-paper basket:废纸篓,英式英语。

*Refuse bin:垃圾箱。也有人喜欢用这个词来表达。


垃圾桶用英语是 Trash 垃圾桶garbage cantrash cangarbage binwastebinashcanash-binash cartash bin【例句用法】1.她把剩饭倒进垃圾桶。She threw the leftovers in the garbage. 2.把它扔到垃圾桶里去!Chuck it in the bin!


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/wap/7498.html发布于 2024-09-18
