

小思 2024-09-18 34
考研英语二历年真题视频讲解摘要: 英语二历年考研真题讲解这在原文中有:they were more aware of the struggles of others体现,但是这只是说有了一种意识,而不是真的“e...


这在原文中有:they were more aware of the struggles of others体现,但是这只是说有了一种意识,而不是真的“each other”的与任何人都去“struggle against”,故属于同形不同义,排除。   [C]challenge their lifestyle,C选项,挑战了他们的生活方式。   该选项符合文章中的相关内容,与题干结合有歧义,即人们自己挑战自己的生活方式。实际上,原文所提及的一些题改变是人们迫不得已的重新思考的结果,而不是人们自主的挑战。所以,排除此选项。   [D]reconsider their lifestyle ,D选项,重新思考他们的时候方式。   文章中“had improved them in some ways;”;“they had become less materialistic and more financially prudent; they were more aware of the struggles of others。”;“At the very least, it has awoken us from our national fever dream of easy riches and bigger houses, and put a necessary end to an era of reckless personal spending”都是一种基于改变的思考,故选D选项。   第38题,结合文章研读选项:   [A]impose a heavier burden on immigrants,A选项,加重外来移民的负担。   原文中表述如下:Anti-immigrant sentiment typically increases即反移民的情绪增加,但是这不是移民的负担,所以与上题的多干扰项一样,属于同形不同义,排除。   [B]bring out more evils of human nature ,B选项,使显示出更多的人性的罪恶。   通过对“engthy periods of economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more mean-spirited and less inclusive, and have usually stopped or reversed the advance of rights and freedoms. Anti-immigrant sentiment typically increases, as does conflict between races and classes。”的综合,可以确定,此选项为正确选项。   “[C]Promote the advance of rights and freedoms,C选项,推动权力和自由的进步”以及“[D]ease conflicts between races and classes,D选项,缓和各个种族与各个阶级之间的冲突”明显与原文“stopped or reversed the advance of rights and freedoms。”以及“does conflict between races and classes”不符合,所以排除。   故,最终确认,答案为B选项。   第39题,结合文章研读选项:   Income inequality usually falls during a recession, but it has not shrunk in this one. Indeed, this period of economic weakness may reinforce class divides, and decrease opportunities to cross them--- especially for young people. The research of Till Von Wachter, the economist in Columbia University, suggests that not all people graduating into a recession see their life chances dimmed: those with degrees from elite universities catch up fairly quickly to where they otherwise would have been if they had graduated in better times; it is the masses beneath them that are left behind。   [A]lag behind the others due to decreased opportunities,A选项,由于缺少机会而落后于其他人。   文章中有“decrease opportunities to cross them”,但是此句,只是在讨论前面的核心点“class divides”,而不是有关于“elite universities”。   而“left behind”所在“ it is the masses beneath them that are left behind。”这一句是一个明显的强调句型,还原为原句后是:the masses beneath them are left behind. 其中them指代前面的“those with degrees from elite universities”即题干中的大学生。故该句翻译成:在大学之后的大众们被抛在后面。   所以,大学生没有因为机会少而落后,故属于同形不同义,排除。   [B]catch up quickly with experienced employees,B选项,以很快赶上了经验丰富的员工。   原文中有:those with degrees from elite universities catch up fairly quickly to where they otherwise would have been if they had graduated in better times。其“catch up quickly with ”对象是“where they have been”,而非人,所以,排除不选。   [C]see their life chances as dimmed as the others’,C选项,和其他人一样把他们的生活机会看的很暗淡。   根据原文,同样可以知道,他们不会如同其他人一样,所以排除。   [D]recover more quickly than the others,D选项,比其他人回复的更快速。   在原文中的“those with degrees from elite universities catch up fairly quickly to where they otherwise would have been if they had graduated in better times; it is the masses beneath them that are left behind。”说明,第一大学生会去到在较好的时代不能去到的高度,其次他们可以超过其他人,所以,答案为,他们恢复的更快。   第30题,在文章中不好确定,故进入第四步骤解题。   第四步骤:全文解题。   全文前四个段落都已出题,唯独最后一个段落没有出题,根据出题区域不重复的原则(相见同上),所以研读选项后,重点研读最后一个段落。   [A]certain ,A选项,确定的。   [B]positive,B选项,积极地。   [C]trivial,C选项,琐碎的。   [D]destructive,D选项,毁灭的。   C选项与D选项,属于负面选项,纵观全文,内容较为可观且积极,所以负面的选项,应该排除,其实这也好理解,就是如果真的是全负面的影响,美国人民可能就是去活下去的勇气了……   而,很多同学会被B选项,积极地,所迷惑,原因是文中提及了很多好一点的内容,但是,在文章中的最后一段有原文:We will have to wait and see exactly how these hard times will reshape our social fabric. But they certainly it, and all the more so the longer they extend。   所以,答案为A选项,确定的。即作者认为是有影响的,但是影响的最终结果,仍需等待。   所以结合上面的真题解析,我们可以知道,在阅读之时不要为相同但是却不同意义的选项所迷惑,原文才是检验真题的途径!   希望该文章能对各位同学的复习有所帮助。   韩 苏   2012年1月8日   附录:2012年考研英语(二)第四篇文章   Text 4   The great recession may be over, but this era of high joblessness is probably beginning. Before it ends, it will likely change the life course and character of a generation of young adults. And ultimately, it is likely to reshape our politics, our culture, and the character of our society for years。   No one tries harder than the jobless to find silver linings in this national economic disaster. Many said that unemployment, while extremely painful, had improved them in some ways; they had become less materialistic and more financially prudent; they were more aware of the struggles of others. In limited respects, perhaps the recession will leave society better off. At the very least, it has awoken us from our national fever dream of easy riches and bigger houses, and put a necessary end to an era of reckless personal spending。   But for the most part, these benefits seem thin, uncertain, and far off. In The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth, the economic historian Benjamin Friedman argues that both inside and outside the . , lengthy periods of economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more mean-spirited and less inclusive, and have usually stopped or reversed the advance of rights and freedoms. Anti-immigrant sentiment typically increases, as does conflict between races and classes。   Income inequality usually falls during a recession, but it has not shrunk in this one. Indeed, this period of economic weakness may reinforce class divides, and decrease opportunities to cross them--- especially for young people. The research of Till Von Wachter, the economist in Columbia University, suggests that not all people graduating into a recession see their life chances dimmed: those with degrees from elite universities catch up fairly quickly to where they otherwise would have been if they had graduated in better times; it is the masses beneath them that are left behind。   In the internet age, it is particularly easy to see the resentment that has always been hidden within American society. More difficult, in the moment, is discerning precisely how these lean times are affecting society’s character. In many respects, the . was more socially tolerant entering this recession than at any time in its history, and a variety of national polls on social conflict since then have shown mixed results. We will have to wait and see exactly how these hard times will reshape our social fabric. But they certainly it, and all the more so the longer they extend。    saying “to find silver linings”(Line 1,)the author suggest that the jobless try to___。   [A]seek subsidies from the government   [B]explore reasons for the unemployment   [C]make profits from the troubled economy   [D]look on the bright side of the recession   37. According to Paragraph 2,the recession has made people_____。   [A]realize the national dream   [B]struggle against each other   [C]challenge their lifestyle   [D]reconsider their lifestyle   38. Benjamin Friedman believed that economic recession may_____。   [A]impose a heavier burden on immigrants   [B]bring out more evils of human nature   [C]Promote the advance of rights and freedoms   [D]ease conflicts between races and classes   39. The research of Till Von Wachther suggests that in recession graduates from elite universities tend to _____。   [A]lag behind the others due to decreased opportunities   [B]catch up quickly with experienced employees   [C]see their life chances as dimmed as the others’   [D]recover more quickly than the others   40. The author thinks that the influence of hard times on society is____。   [A]certain   [B]positive   [C]trivial   [D]destructive


















2020考研英语二|04.英语一写作基础-王江涛|03.基础阅读-唐迟|02.核心语法及长难句解析【英语二】-田静|考研基础核心词特训【直播】-董仲蠡|英语直播系列|考研英语 阅读的逻辑 适用于英语一、英语二 唐迟.pdf|2020新东方英语一语法与长难句应试全攻略【句句真研】.pdf|2020新东方英语二语法与长难句应试全攻略【句句真研】.pdf|2020新东方英语词汇大全解【研词】.pdf|2020新东方英语长线备考.pdf|英语语法答疑及学习规划课.mp4|考研英语全程班备考指导-李旭.pdf|考研英语全程班备考指导-李旭.mp4|06.暑期长线备考导学-语法.mp4















这篇关于2014考研英语一真题——翻译题分析及答案,是 无 特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 基本分析: 原文选自李奥帕德的《沙郡岁月:李奥帕德的自然沉思》,本书是环保生态的经典著作,中译本由吴美真翻译,中国社会科学出版社出版。 以下是我做的一个初译稿,时间仓促,有误的话,请指出。 后面我有详细的分析。 46)Ornithologists (出题人改为:Scientists) jumped to the rescue with some distinctly shaky evidence to the effect that insects would eat us up if birds failed to control them。 科学家们迅速赶来救援,他们使用的证据明显站不住脚,大意是说:如果鸟不能控制这些虫子,虫子就会吃光一切。 47)but we have at least drawn nearer point of admitting that birds should continue as a matter of biotic(出题人应该把biotic“生物的” 改为了intrinsic“固有的,内在的”) right, regardless of the presence or absence of economic advantage to us。 但是我们起码得到了一种比较相近的观点,即:承认鸟类应该继续享有其固有的生物权利,而不管它们是否对我们具有经济价值。 48)Time was when biologists somewhat overworked the evidence that these creatures preserve the health of game by killing weaklings(出题人把这个词改为the physically weak), or that they control rodents for the farmer(出题人应该把这句删除了), or that they prey only on worthless' species。 有一种证据认为,这些生物通过猎杀弱者来保存猎物的健康繁衍,或者这些生物捕杀的只不过是毫无意义的物种;曾几何时,生物学家有点滥用这种证据。 49)In Europe, where forestry is ecologically more advanced, the non-commercial tree species are recognized as members of the native forest community, to be preserved as such, within reason. 在欧洲,其林业在生态上更加发达,公益林木被认为是原始森林群落的一部分,本身应该得到合理保护。 50)It tends to ignore, and thus eventually to eliminate, many elements in the land community that lack commercial value, but that are (as far as we know)(命题人把原文括号部分删除了) essential to its healthy functioning. 我们很容易忽视,因而最终会淘汰土地群体里的很多重要因素,虽然这些要素缺乏商业价值,但他们对土地的健康机制却至关重要。



2020年自考备考已经开始,自考历年真题对考生来说是十分宝贵的资料,考前每道真题至少要做1-2遍才会事半功倍。网给大家整理了 2019年4月自考《英语(二)》真题及答案解析 ,一起来试试吧!


My Brother

My brother is off at college, and at 14, I miss him terribly. My brother is a rare kind of guy. He’s *** art and kind. And my friends say he’s lovely. But it’s how he handles things and how he treats his friends and his family that make me feel more proud.

He applied to 14 colleges. He was accepted by all but one, the one he wanted, Brown University. So he took his second choice, and off he went to a first year. When he came home for summer vacation, he said he’d move to Rhode Island near Brown, find a job, and do whatever he could to bee known in the area. He’d work his heart out and do his best at everything. Someone,he was sure,would notice. This was a big deal for my parents as it meant agreeing to a year without college. But they trusted him and encouraged him to do whatever he thought it would take to realize his dream.

It wasn’t long before he was hired as an *** (业余的)play director at Brown. Now was his chance to shine, and shine he did. He put every bit of himself into the job. He met teachers and school officials, talked to everyone about his dream and never hesitated to tell them what he was after.

And, sure enough, at the end of the year, when he reapplied to Brown, he was accepted.

We were all happy, but for me the happiness went very deep. I had learned an important lesson-a lesson no one could have taught me with words. If I work hard for what I want, and if I keep trying after I’ve been turned down, my dreams can also e true. This is a gift I still hold in my heart.


1.  My brother had many good qualities.

2. Only one university accepted my brother.

3. My brother’s first year at college was terrible.

4. My brother would like to find a job in Rhode Island.

5. My parents disagreed with my brother’s plan.

6. My brother took every opportunity to promote himself.

7. My brother never told anyone what he was after.

8. My brother applied to Brown University three times.

9. My brother set a good example for me.

10. I wanted to go to college, too.


A. True

B. False

C. Not Given

1 .  A

2 .  B

3 .  C

4 .  A

5 .  B

6 .  A

7 .  B

8 .  B

9 .  A

10 .  C

1 .  由“He’s *** art and kind. And my friends say he’s lovely.”可以得出答案。

4 .  由“he said he’d move to Rhode Island near Brown, find a job”可以得出答案。

10 .  文中没有提到“我也想上大学”。

今天教务老师给大家收集整理了自考英语二教材及答案,自考英语二教材答案 百度网盘的相关问题解答,还有免费的自考历年真题及自考复习重点资料下载哦,以下是全国我们为自考生们整理的一些回答,希望对你考试有帮助!2010年10月自考英语二答案2010年10月自考英语(二)试题及答案第一大题:1A:protect2D:reference3C:span4B:otherwise5A:superior6C:from7D:afford8B:addto9D:adapt10A:necessarily第二大题:Cloze(完型填空)主要讲述图书馆经费的问题(at)thesametime同时(risen)依靠17Bthereis18Ccostly花费大的19Ddisgree不同意20Dbut但是第三大题:ReadingComprehension(阅读理解)主要讲述人工智能的发展在将来可能给人们带来的便利以及对人们工作的影响…….选择….….世纪后半叶。。。。。Cniumerousworkerswereforcedtoretireearlier(得早退休)25。这篇文章的态度是。。。Cobjective客观的这篇摘录自苹果公司总裁乔布斯在斯坦福大学的演讲,讲述他一生被dropout(可理解为抛弃)的经历,的意思是:。。。。Bone’smotherthroughbirth(生物学母亲的意思是出生他的母亲)27.作者的父母…itistruethattheauthors’parents…Dhadnocollegedegrees(没有大学学位的)作者退学的原因是:Chedidnotthinkhiscollegetuitionworthwhile他觉得大学学费花的不值得29.作者退学后Ccontinuedtopursuehisinterests继续追求她的兴趣30.作者认为他的dropout是…Drewarding有回报的讲述电子垃圾的毒性,第一世界国家开始处理但是相当部分转移到第三世界国家危害环境的意思是….Cpoisonoussubstances有毒物质…通过电子垃圾相关法律是因为…Be-wastecontainstoxinsandbiodegradeslowly(有毒并且难以降解)33.第三段暗示….B大部分第一世界的电子垃圾得到妥善处理…Adoesmoreharmthangoodinfact意思:运往第三世界国家的电子产品坏处大于好处35.这篇文章主要讨论thepassagemainlydealwithAthedangerouscausedbye-waste第四大题:WordSpelling(单词拼写).第五大题:WordForm(词汇正确形式)第六大题:TranslationFromEnglishIntoChinese(汉译英)’.第七大题:TranslationfromEnglishintoChinese(英译汉)直到二十世纪初人们才认识到食物和饭菜中含有某种重要的物质,可以抵抗疾病的发生,这些重要的物质对身体发育,健康以及身体的一些正常的功能都有重要的作用。一个良好均衡的饮食习惯应该能够提供我们身体的一些正常的维他命的需要,那些能够幸运的买到充足食物的人不会发生维他命的缺乏,然而,因为多种原因,一些人不能保证一个平衡的饮食习惯,人们经常因为疾病而缺乏食欲,独居的人往往没有正常的饮食习惯,偏食的。答案自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/wap/6974.html发布于 2024-09-18
