

小思 09-18 8
留学生活英语介绍视频摘要: 一年级英语介绍生活视频教学初中数学教学视频全套下载百度云。I have many like to do many me share a few. I like vide...



I have many like to do many me share a few. I like video games are cool, could play them all day. I like collecting play games with trade them with my friends.










We all know it can be a frustrating and sometimes painful experience going to study in a foreign country, with its different language and culture. But while overseas study has its drawbacks, the difficulties are far outweighed by the advantages. Indeed, people who go abroad for study open themselves up to experiences that those who stay at home will never most obvious advantage to overseas university study is real-life use of a different language. While a person can study a foreign language in his or her own country, it cannot compare with constant use of the language in academic and everyday life. There is no better opportunity to improve second-language during one’s studies offers a distinct advantage when one is applying for jobs back home that require the a university campus, the foreign student is not alone in having come from far away. He or she will likely encounter many others from overseas and it is possible to make friends from all around the world. This is not only exciting on a social level, but could lead to important overseas contacts is later professional , living and studying abroad offers one a new and different perspective of the world and, perhaps most important, of one’s own country. Once beyond the initial shock of being in a new culture, the sutdent slowly begins to get a meaningful under. Standing of the host society. On returning home, one inevitable sees one’s own country in a new, often more appreciative last, while any anxiety about going overseas for university study is certainly understandable, it is important to remember that the benefits offered by the experience make it well worthwhile我们都知道,它可以是一个令人沮丧的,有时是痛苦的经历去到国外学习,以其不同的语言和文化。但是尽管出国留学有其弊端,困难是远远超过了优势。事实上,那些出国留学经历那些呆在家里。  最明显的优势,以海外大学学习是真实的使用一种不同的语言。当一个人在学习一门语言,在他或她自己的国家,它无法与不断的使用语言的学习与生活中。没有更好的机会来改善二语在一个人的研究提供了一个明显的优势之一是求职时回家需要的语言。  在大学校园里,外国学生”并非来自很远的地方。他或她可能会遇到很多其他人来自海外及有可能来自世界各地的朋友。这不仅是对一个社会的水平,激动人心,但可以导致重要的联系是后来的职业生涯海外。  最后,在国外居住和学习提供了一个全新的视角的世界,也许最为重要的是,对自己的国家。一旦超过最初的震惊的是在一个陌生的文化中,sutdent慢慢地开始有意义。站在主机的社会。回到家,看到一个不可避免的在一个新的,通常更珍惜光明。  最后,当任何忧虑出国学习当然是可以理解为大学,重要的是要记住这个福利的经验使它很有价值的 Recent years, more and more Chinese people have chosen to study abroad. To this tendency, some people think it is not good, as most of the overseas learners do not come back, whereas I hold a different opinion. In my opinion, it is a good thing that more Chinese people go abroad. There are three reasons. First, the overseas learners can improve their ability through the study. They can grasp advanced technologies and their language ability can be improved as well. Second, with the rapid development of China, more and more overseas learners will choose come back, using their abundant knowledge studied abroad to serve for the motherland. The third, the government and most domestic enterprises are willing to provide favorable treatments to attract them to come back. For the above reasons, I think it is not a bad thing for more and more Chinese study abroad.  近年来,越来越多的中国人已经选择出国留学。这种趋势,一些人认为这样做是不对的,因为大部分的海外学生不回来了,而我持有不同意见。    在我看来,这是一件好事,越来越多的中国人出国。有三个理由。首先,海外学生可以通过学习提高他们的能力。他们能掌握先进技术和他们的语言能力可以改善。第二,中国的快速发展,越来越多的外国学生将选择回来,用他们的丰富知识留学服务为祖国。第三,政府和大多数国内企业提供良好的治疗方法来吸引他们回来。    因此,我认为这并不是一件坏事,越来越多的中国人出国学习的机会。

英语作文。 Invitation. Hello William, I'd like to invite you to join our party before you go back your home. The party will start at 5pm in the Sunshine Bar where we had the party before. Please join us and see what a surprise you may have.. Mark.

【 #马来西亚留学# 导语】马来西亚是一个非常重视高等教育的国家,而且马来西亚的生活环境也非常的不错。所以国内很多的留学生都会选择马来西亚留学。下面是 考 网分享的关于马来西亚留学生活介绍。欢迎阅读参考! 1.关于马来西亚留学生活介绍   1.衣着   马来西亚是一个热带国家。全年气温保持在相当高的水平。很少有温度低于25℃。留学生在马来西亚学习不需要带太重的衣服。一两件相对厚的外套足以御寒,而夏天时穿普通的T恤也够了。不过有些大学规定学生必须要穿正式的formal装上课,其中也规定不能穿无袖,紧身上衣,裤子只能穿长的,裙子长度至少过膝等等,所以要记得准备一些正装哦!   需要带的鞋子包括旅游鞋和皮鞋,尤其是凉鞋和拖鞋。因为马来西亚一年到头都很暖和,凉鞋使用时间很长,外国学生可以多准备几双。   马来西亚温暖的天气也给了海外学生很多在海里游泳的机会,有这种爱好的海外学生可以带上泳衣。   2.饮食   毫不夸张地说,马来西亚是美食天堂,华人餐、马来餐、印度餐、泰国菜,到处都可以吃到,虽然每个地方的口味也不太一样,但都很好吃。另外,大马夜市也很多,一个城市可能有很多大小规模不一样的夜市,想去夜市记得提前查询好地址和时间。夜市上的小吃各种各样,绝对可以满足大家的中国胃。想吃猪肉的朋友,去华人餐厅。马来西亚属于热带国家,因此这里的热带水果很出名,每隔一段时间都会有各种新鲜水果上市,榴莲、火龙果、芒果、木瓜、山竹等可以常年吃到饱,而且还不贵。   在马来西亚餐厅和酒店吃饭的时候,一般没有给小费的习惯,因为很多餐厅和酒店会从顾客那里多收取消费金额的10%作为服务费。   马来西亚大多数美食都是采用当地原生天然植物作为材料,坚持传统的手工制作方法,保证食物保留天然健康的味道和健康作用。每一道天然健康美食的背后可谓是当地人对生活本质的理解和阐释。   说马来西亚人最懂生活,并不是说他们像英国人那样追求精致的贵族生活,也不是法国人的浪漫艺术生活,更不是德国人那样极致严谨生活。马来西亚人的生活,是最原始的而又最富有健康活力和生活朝气的。   3.住宿   学校设有学生宿舍,也可住在当地寄宿家庭或自己找房子住学校宿舍。当然你也可以临时在旅馆住宿。马来西亚的旅馆种类各式各样五花八门,而且通常并不难订。尤其像自助旅行者经常投宿的宾馆、经济旅社等,除了部分热门的景点外,一般都不须事先预订。   4.通讯   当然,和国内的沟通是到达之后的头等大事,所以就要去办一张手机卡。   马来西亚有很多电信公司,大家一般倾向于DIGI,还有U Mobile、Hotlink、Celcom、Tunetalk等,根据自己的实际情况选择就可以。   在机场、车站以及路边百货商场都会见到大大小小的购买点,充值就更加方便了,在市区的各大便利店都可以充值。这些卡都是单向收费,马来西亚国内无市话长途之分,即使预存话费为0也可以接听。买卡有赠送话费,开号时需要请员工或店员帮忙换成英文,并开通上网(温馨提示:请根据自己实际情况选择合适的手机套餐)。2.申请马来西亚留学注意事项   一、语言早准备   虽然去大马读书,授课语言是英语,而大家在国内有丰富的学习经验,积累很充足,但是要想将它作为一门日常语言,还是需要进行专业的培训的,一方面是为了通过考试。   另一方面则是能够更快的融入到本地的生活中,大家可以和本地人以及海外其他国家的同学,进行没有障碍的交流,英语应该是目前国际通行的原因,不管和哪里的人都能自如交流。   二、寄宿要过渡   如果大家入住的方式是选择寄宿到本地的家庭内的话,则需要调整自己适应家庭的规则,因为他们是主人而你是客人,要保证自己的习惯不会影响到他人的生活。   这是需要一段时间进行过渡的,建议大家遇到问题的时候,一定要提出来,和家庭成员一起解决,才可以顺利的融入到他们的生活中去,而且大家还要保证自己的学习不受到影响。   三、活动要积极   学校组织的各项活动,大家一定要积极地参与,这些在国内可能会被忽视的活动,在马来西亚会有比较大的作用,因为这些是可以直接写进大家的生活经历中去的,会影响大家的生活。   而且大家还有机会在和其他人的交流中,获取到友谊,因为有一样的兴趣爱好,是进行顺畅沟通的基础,这样就可以在活动中得到乐趣,这些会直接对大家的生活带来积极的影响。   四、沟通要频繁   而即便到了一个陌生的国家,大家也不要忘记和国内的亲人朋友进行交流,因为他们可以为你带来心灵上的慰藉,从而产生很不错的影响,这样是会有积极地作用的。   在学习生活中和日常中,大家也要重视沟通的作用,信息的交换可以让大家能够即时感受外界的变化,从而认识更多的人,不会因为直接疏忽而带来不好的影响。3.马来西亚留学环境介绍   一、社会环境   大马的经济水平,在亚洲是排在前列的,周边和国内的环境很稳定,发展是在一个很好的背景下进行的,而且这里的治安,还拥有完善齐全的法律保障,留学生在这里是很有保障的。   此外还很重视环境的保护,自然植被保存和维护完好,在这里会有比较强的归属感,华人在居民的比例中,也是非常高的,大家前期英语不太好,也可以很好的融入新生活。   二、语言环境   英语目前是这里的官方语言,本土的马来语使用的人数也比较多,还有各国移民带来的自己的语言,其中说中文的人数量就很多,东南亚小国的语言在这里,也有比较广的适用范围。   所以整体上,大马的语言环境还是比较包容的,各民族聚居也带了的开放的国际化环境,授课使用的主要是英语,大家有学习的背景,适应起来也会更加的方便。   三、教育环境   马来西亚的高等教育同样很出色,这也是能够吸引到学生的主要原因,大学的数量多而且质量高,还有不少海外在这里开分校,以及境内学校和的联合课程,为学生提供了很好的跳板。   高质量的教学,为大家带来的是文凭的高含金量,在这里就读的学生,获取了毕业证明之后,学历在各国都是会直接受到认可的,回国也同样享受归国学生的各项福利。   四、就业环境   完成了在大马的课程学习之后,学生面对的是全球的就业选择,大家只在境内就业,可以选择的就由本国的企业、中国的企业、欧美国家的企业,以及不同种类的合资企业。   只要本人的专业技能合格,大家就可以找到自己满意的工作,而且一般薪资发展都很不错,大家可以享受非常不错的生活,未来的前景是非常光明的。

After the British, students usually the first registered in the school near the hospital, next to the hospital will be more convenient. Whether foreigners orlocals, England, on medical care, welfare is the same. In the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremonies on, Britain also show their most proud of medical service, which is recognized by the world. But also need a long row of the addition, because no hospital pharmacy, so the doctor will prescribeprescription, let patients to fill a prescription. So it should be going abroadstudents, their preparation of some commonly used train is the cheapestBus stop no namesFor students, the cheapest transport is a bus and train. If you want to go out, the train is the best choice. Students aged 16 to 25 years old will be to do a youth card, free of charge, do after buying a train ticket is only 40 percent to the train, the bus will make students have a headache, because no names only the number of board. Often don't know whichnumber is which place, return the road is different, so if I can train train names the mark is very taxi is more expensive. British taxi is divided into two kinds. A yellow taxi is similar to Chongqing, the driver is unified outfit, parking has special site. Anothertaxi is similar to the "black car", can call on call, the price is slightly lower than the previous one, but also the legal.到了英国后,留学生一般会在学校附近的医院先注册,下次去医院就会方便些。不管是外国人,还是英国本地人,在医疗上的福利都是一样的。在2012年伦敦奥运会的开幕式上,英国也展现了他们最为自豪的医疗服务,这也是被世界认可的。只不过也需要排很长的队。  另外,因为医院没有药房,所以医生只会给病人开个药方,让病人自己去抓药。因此建议将要出国的学生,自己备些常用的药。  坐火车最便宜  公交站牌没有地名  对于留学生来说,最便宜的交通工具是公共汽车和火车。如果要出远门,火车是最好的选择。16岁到25岁的留学生都会去办一张青年卡,免费的,办了之后买火车票就只需要6折。  相比火车,公交车会让留学生头疼,因为站牌上没有地名只有编号。经常搞不清楚它的编号是哪个地方,来回的路线也不同,所以如果能坐火车火车上的地名标得非常清楚。  出租车比较贵。英国的出租车分两种。一种类似于重庆的黄色出租车,司机都是统一着装,停车有专门的站点。而另一种出租车类似于“黑车”,可以打电话随叫随到,价格比前一种稍低,但也是合法的。



Hello everyone, autumn is here, and so am I. My name is XX. Im 6 years old! Im very glad to be a student of XX primary school. Im very excited to stand here and introduce myself to you. Im very active and like to play. My mother said that when I was in her stomach, I always stretched out my arms and legs to support my mothers belly together. Unfortunately, there was no video, otherwise I could see it. What a magic thing it would be!

I also like reading books, especially when there are new books, and I cant wait to see them! Sometimes because reading affects other things, my father always scolds me, and even says that I dont read in an orderly way! In fact, there are some things in the book that I cant understand, but I know reading is a good habit. I will stick to it. With the accumulation of time, I can become able to read! Id like to make friends, because Im very cheerful. Well have a good time when we make friends. Lets move quickly! thank you!


hello everyone! My name is Ren Changhang. I was born in Qinhuangdao. My school is the experimental school attached to Qinhuangdao teacher training school. Would you like to ask me if I can study well? Then I replied that it was OK. Well, lets take a look at my shortcomings and advantages!

My shortcomings are much less than my advantages, that is to say, some small problems I often make in my daily life. For example, I dont do my homework seriously in school, at home, when I write my Chinese homework and diary, I dont write every word carefully, I love watching TV and playing

I have a lot of advantages. I wont boast about myself. In short, I have more advantages than disadvantages.

Well, if you want to be friends with me, come to class xx of affiliated primary school to find me!


My name is Cheng Kejia. Im eight years old. Im a naughty and lovely boy. Im in the third grade of Baoji experimental primary school. Im the English group leader in my class.

Im meters tall. Im wearing blue and white short sleeves and dark blue jeans. I have a small flat head, big eyes and a smart mouth.

In my spare time, I like playing computer best. Once, after lunch, I began to play games. Until dinner time, my mother called several times, but I didnt answer, so my mother finished the meal. When I came to the restaurant, my mother only left me a bowl of soup. Since then, I never play games.

I have many advantages, such as helping my father sweep the floor and mop the floor, helping my mother wash clothes and dishes. But I also have some disadvantages. For example, Im always careless in my homework and slow in my writing. Im going to get rid of these bad habits.

My ambition is to be a naval soldier when I grow up, to ride the wind and break the waves and defend the sea.


Hello, teachers and students. My name is XX. Im XX years old this year. Im glad to meet you in class xx.

I am a lively and lovely little boy, my character is a bit stubborn, like to stick to their own ideas, because my mother said that they have to believe in things to succeed. Usually I like painting, painting my own small world with beautiful colors, always full of curiosity about fun and interesting things, and like to go after the root. More like to make friends, I hope we can all become friends, get along with each other, happy learning together, games. I have a dream that when I grow up, I can be an astronaut, like Uncle Zhai Zhigang, I can go to explore the magical space. For my ideal, I will study hard now, and become an excellent primary school student. I hope everyone can like me. thank you!




Hello!Every name is ...I'm a 'm 10 years old. I'm in Class....I like playing I like cake,I think it is delicious.

My favorite subject are Chinese,math and am very am a quiet you like me?


我最喜欢的科目是 语文、数学和英语。我非常瘦。我是一个文静的女孩子。你们喜欢我吗?


Good afternoon, teachers! My name is XuLulu. I`m 11. I com#e from Class1 Grade 5 of TongPu Primary School. There are 4 people in my family. My father is tall. My mother is sister has (long hair. And I`m a good home is near the school, but I often get up early. Because I must work hard. after school, I like playing com#puter games and reading books. I`d like to eat apples. They are sweet and healthy. And I like Tuesday best. We have English, music, com#puter and . on Tuesdays. My math teacher is Miss Huang. Her class is so much fun. So my favourite class is math. And I like Chinese and English, too. This is me. An active (活泼的)girl. Please remember (记住)XuLulu. Thank you very much!

Goodafternoon, teachers! Today, I`m very happy to make a speech(演讲) here. Now, let me introduce (介绍)myself. My name is ZhuRuijie. My English name is Molly. I`m 12. I com#e from Class1 Grade 6 of TongPu Primary School. I`m an active girl. I like playing basketball. Because I think it`s very interesting. I`d like to eat potatoes. They`re tasty(好吃的). My favourite colour is green. And I like math best. It`s fun. On the weekend(在周末), I like reading books in my room. I have a happy family. My father is tall and strong(强壮).My mother is hard-working(工作努力) and tall, too. My brother is smart.(漂亮) And I`m a good student. My dream(梦想) is to be a teacher, because I want to help the poor (贫穷的)children in the future(在将来). Thank you for listening! Please remember(记住) me!


Everybody is good, my name is called xxx, my English name is called Angle. Everybody knew that Angle is the angel meaning, I hoped that I forever can look like the angel equally happily, joyful, is carefree all day! I in the sixth grade, faced with rose the middle school now, father and mother, grandfather paternal grandmother, teacher schoolmates place the very big expectation to me, I will certainly not disappoint their expectation, will study diligently, passes an examination junior middle school's key class! In the future will becom#e social a person of great ability and tremendous potential, will make the contribution for the motherland!




Hello, my name is_______. I am_______ years old. Now I am studying in_______Primary School(小学). I am in Grade _______, Class_______.

I live in_______. There are _______ members /people in my family—father, mother and me. My father is a_______ but my mother is working in _______. I love both of them.

In my spare(业余) time, I like _______, and my favorite colour is_______. Also I love__________very much, such as (比如/像)________________.

I hope I can learn English well, because I think it is very important(重要). But_______ is favorite subject, because it is very interesting.

I wish I can becom#e(成为) a_______in the future(在将来).


Hello,boys and I am very glad to stand here and introduce name is FengJiamin,I'm


12years old. I'm in Class1, Grade 5. I like listening to music and playing I like ice-cream very


's sweet and favorite subjects are Chinese,math and English. I thingk I am an easy-

它又甜又美味. 我最喜欢的科目是语文,数学和英语. 我想我是一个随和的小女孩,

going girl,and I hope everyone will like me. Thank you.












你好,学英语的三大策略: 第一、单词为主,语法护航 考试中,如果我们听不懂文章,直接的原因就是词汇不认识。也就是说,词汇是我们英语备考的最大障碍。如果我们连 aphid 这个单词都不认识,如何能够听懂蚂蚁的生活习性和食物来源的文章?如果我们连dinosaur 都不认识,如何能够理解大型生物的生活习性及如何灭绝的?抑或是不认识火山场景中的volcanic、lava 等词汇,又何尝能理解关于关于微生物的生活习性的文章?所以,单词将会起着决定性的作用。 如果哪一天我们的词汇没有问题了,那么之后的问题一般就会是“听单个单词绝对可以听懂,但是为什么放在句子里就什么也听不懂了呢”?这是因为我们背的是单词,但是考试考查的是句子,而且句子有简单句、复合句、复杂句之分。我们日常使用的最多的是简单句,但是考试,一般来讲,考查的最多的恰恰是复合句和复杂句,所以,对于我们的基本的语法知识,各位英语备考的同学可以有意识的强化一下复合句和复杂句的知识。这样在考试中,自己才会明白到底什么地方会是考点。一般来讲,what 引导的从句和强调句肯定会是相关的考点。比如:what surprised us is the fact that 等句型。 第二、明白具体的场景和出题规则 一般来讲,英语考试作为标准的模块化考试,其出题的规律是不变的,听力材料千变万化,但是,我们应该明白最核心的最本质的考点是不变的。下面结合笔者3次参加新英语考试的经历来谈谈英语听力中的几大必考类型题目。 1、优缺点必考 此类题目一般集中于典型的高科技、生物化学类听力当中。比如笔者2008年2月14日参加过的考试中,有一篇听力考到了科学家利用细菌来去除海洋污染物的文章,文章中清晰地给出了此方法的优点和缺点,缺点的题目是一个多选题,基本就是原文中的比较耗费时间和速度比较慢等。以,对于此类文章,一定要明白其相关的结构,这样才可以在考试中游刃有余。 2、原因、结果类必考 任何类型的lecture 题目当中都有可能会考到此类问题,一般来讲,表示原因的听力内容特别值得我们关注,但是由于我们日常接触的原因类的词汇只有一个,所以会误以为只有because 是必考的,但是事实上,表示原因的还有since, as, for, the reason is that 等表达方式,这就需要我们的日常积累? 3、专业名词必考 在英语听力中,我们经常会听到类似的说法如“this is what we call + 专有名词”,或者“this is +现象”。 一般来讲,此类专有名词是我们所不熟悉的,但是会用一种比较简单的方式表达出来,或者更难的考法是用另一个专有名词来解释一个专有名词,那么考点非常明显了,就是考察what is the definition for+ 专业名词。不管考试题目如何千变万化,考试的要点是不变的。具体的试题题目可参阅下TPO 的第四套题目的关于动物行为的那一篇文章。 4、小于五的数字必考 此类题目一般会出现我们所谓的多选题,一般会考到具体的作用、表现形式、逻辑关系等,具体的题目在巴朗中多为常见,比如考到具体的绘画的三种作用,四种排水系统等,或者是修正主义对于早期农业的消极影响的三个方面表达等。需要各考生注意的是,专业名词在此类听力中可以适当使用缩略语以减少听力笔记时间。 5、例子必考 此类听力题目中经常会使用具体的简单的例子来解释某一专业说法,比如会使用我们放在冰箱里的食物会变坏这个例子来说明细菌的作用,也会使用自行车的轮子来说明某种排水系统,也会使用某一历史事件来说明绘画的具体作用。所以,当听力中出现for example, for instance, let’s say, let’s put it this way, just like, just as, as we all know 等说法时,我们一定要保持足够的警觉。希望对你有帮助!










作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/wap/6928.html发布于 09-18
