Finding NemoThis is a story about finding a very small fish in a very large ocean. Marlin is a more-than-slightly paranoid low Fish who is extremely devoted to his young son. Nemo while it’s hardly marlin’s nature to explore unfamiliar waters. When hr and Nemo are accidentally separated near the Great Barrier Reef, Marlin gathers airs courage and sets out to find his son. Along the way, Marlin makes friends with a friendly but absent-minded Regal Blue Tang named Dory, and together they find themselves taking part in the adventure of a lifetime.This film is very good. It’s very interesting, and all the people like watching it very much. Marlin is a cowardly fish, but when he is finding his son Nemoin the sea. He never Zengxiaois afraid anything. So we can know he loves his son very much.At the beginning of the film. We know Marlin's wife is dead. Because she wants to help her son from shark. So at the film, his father loves him very much.From the film, we know the father and mother are great. We must love our father and mother very much.小时候写的,是海底总动员,忘记是几年级了,你自己挑几句吧
Finding Nemo This is a story about finding a very small fish in a very large ocean.Marlin is a more-than-slightly paranoid low Fish who is extremely devoted to his young son.Nemo while it’s hardly marlin’s nature to explore unfamiliar waters.When hr and Nemo are accidentally separated near the Great Barrier Reef,Marlin gathers airs courage and sets out to find his son.Along the way,Marlin makes friends with a friendly but absent-minded Regal Blue Tang named Dory,and together they find themselves taking part in the adventure of a lifetime. This film is very good.It’s very interesting,and all the people like watching it very much.Marlin is a cowardly fish,but when he is finding his son Nemoin the sea.He never Zengxiaois afraid anything.So we can know he loves his son very much. At the beginning of the film.We know Marlin's wife is dead.Because she wants to help her son from shark.So at the film,his father loves him very much. From the film,we know the father and mother are great.We must love our father and mother very much. 小时候写的,是海底总动员,忘记是几年级了,你自己挑几句吧
My thought about the film A Beautiful Mind
Yesterday I saw a film named A Beautiful Mind , which I like very much. A Beautiful Mind is a story film about a real genius. The prototype of the story was a mathematician named Jr.Jone Fordes Nash. In his early age ,Nash, who was handsome but very odd, made a remarkable mathematical discovery and began to enjoy international reputation. Facing the challenge of schizophrenia which destroyed many people, with the help of his wife named Alicia , he was not beaten by it and on the contrary, he fought against it bravely. Through hard efforts of decades of years ,he finally conquered the unfortunate and won the Nobel Prize for economics. This is a true moving legend story, which I like very much.
In my opinion, a good film may conduct our behavior, purify our soul and change our bad minds. It may not affect you immediately, but will work when you meet with something similar. As for me , I think the hero could get through the hard times to get great success, and so can I . I believe a famous remark—There is nothing difficult in life if you try your best. As for a postgraduate, to research is really a boring and lonely job. It needs patience. We should believe we can do it better if we insist on it.
肖申克的救赎 Andy Dufresne,一个永垂电影史册的名字。 1 关于《The Shawshank Redemption》的评论,太多,该说的差不多都已说了千万遍。对于这样一个热门的话题,再想要抒发一些个人的喜爱之情,不免有拾人牙慧之嫌。为了避免这样没新意的事情发生,许多单词我就不再提了,譬如“希望”,譬如“自由”。当然,这些都是很好很好的,也是可以第一时间从电影里感受到的。 那么,我先说说我曾经感受到过的另一个单词,“理性”。安迪的胜利是理性的胜利,安迪的成功是理性的成功。无论面临怎样的局面,顺境也好,逆境也罢,他都不动声色,默默地审时度势,做他能做的努力,以达成自己的目标。 这是一种伟大的才华! 人类是感性的动物,时常受到情绪的支配,这是人之常情。面对残酷的环境,人本能的反应便是奋力抗争,而当这个环境恶劣到一定的程度时,人的抗争之心就会慢慢被消磨殆尽,成为行尸走肉。这两种情况,都是在许多文学影视作品中可以看到的。 肖申克的囚犯也大都如此。在入狱之前,他们想必大都是目无法纪为非作歹的凶徒,人性中叛逆抗争的一面应该比常人要猛烈得多。但是长期被囚禁的生活,对权威的恐惧,对未来的绝望,对体制的顺应,使他们逐渐成为了去掉獠牙的狼。但冲动的血性并没有消失,囚犯之间时不时地争斗,“三姐妹”的恃强凌弱,都是证明。但,这一切都臣服于肖申克的石墙之内。就像驯服的狼被一起圈禁在铁栅栏中,也会彼此斗殴撕咬。这是动物的本性,也是人类的本性。 安迪的伟大之处,便在于他超越了这种本性,在它上方数万英里高空的地方,用人类的理性俯视着这一切。典狱长的冷酷,狱警的残暴,“三姐妹”的兽欲,他当然从心底里反抗。他的抗争看起来如此虚弱无力,但却如此又坚定持久。他在用他的智慧和理性反抗这一切。有的时候,他看似已经忍气吞声,但很快我又欣喜地发现,他始终不曾屈服。当“三姐妹”强迫他口交的时候,他一番心平气和的叙述让对方无计可施;同样的,当狱警头子恶狠狠的要将他推下屋顶之时,他仍是面不改色地说出一番话来,立刻说服了对方。面目狰狞穷凶极恶的是他们,但真正咄咄逼人的,却是他。 老瑞德曾经看错了安迪,以为他只是一个普通的知识分子,没有霸气,没有血性,是个软弱的人。没错,安迪没有张扬的锋芒,人性中野蛮与粗暴的一面,在他体内都已凝炼成了理性,从而爆发出更加巨大的能量。 我想,瑞德一定庆幸他输掉了那两包烟。 2 接着我想说的是,“毅力”。这个力量或许和前面所说的“理性”有些关联。 人都有一时冲动的时候,那一刻会爆发出平常所没有的力量,叫做爆发力。对短跑运动员来说,爆发力很重要。然而那一刻爆发的力量是有限的,它会被一种叫做时间的东西消磨。这个力量来自于人的本能,像顽石一样不经琢磨。 而“毅力”却是琢磨而出的。时间不断的腐蚀它,而理性不断的加固它。这是一场艰苦卓绝的拉锯战。 安迪可以坚持每天挖掘石洞,挖了近二十年;可以每周写一封信,后来每周写两封信,直到州政府给了回应,资助他建立起图书馆;可以穿越长达五百米的恶臭肮脏的下水道,逃离肖申克。这样的毅力不只是可敬可佩,简直是可怖。 我没有毅力。我只会被时间消磨成一堆灰,一堆沙,而安迪却被琢磨成了钻石。他让我激动,是因为他身上的“理性”和“毅力”是我所没有的。 我推想安迪从哪一天开始生起了挖洞逃生的念头。也许是他刻下名字的那一刻,他发现石墙的质地松动,可能使他成功,于是他开始奋斗。但我想,这个念头一定在那之前就有,一定是这种想要摆脱困境的念头,与他百折不挠的精神,使他成为一个出色的银行家。而后,使他成为一个出色的逃犯。接着,在电影结束之后,他必将成为一个出色的开拓者。 3 瑞德说,你不是罪犯,也许,不是个好丈夫。安迪却不这么认为,他痛心疾首,认为是他的性格害了他的妻子。他很爱她,但是不善于表达,她说他就像一本阖上的书,永远不知道他在想什么。 其实从电影一开始,我就明白了为什么安迪的妻子会红杏出墙。当然,他很出色,他不只是有才华,还有一种奇妙的人格魅力。但是这不是爱情的基础,起码,他的妻子并不因此而爱他。 有人说这是部“男人必看”的电影,我想除了因为这部电影宣扬了理性、希望、奋斗之外,还因为其中有一种男人之间的友情。安迪的魅力没有吸引到他的妻子,却深深吸引了他身边的囚犯兄弟,特别是瑞德。 瑞德是个老大哥般的人物,慷慨任侠,老成世故,颇有头脑。他在监狱里法力无边,若不是最初他帮助安迪搞到了许多工具,安迪也无法完成越狱的奇迹。 安迪心中明白“体制化”对瑞德的影响,他们曾在一次谈话中提到希望,于是引出了这部电影最经典的两句台词:“希望,是好事,甚至也许是人间至善。而美好的事永不消失。”“要么赶着去生活,要么赶着去死。”然而在监狱里生活了三十年的瑞德,怎么可能仅仅被这两句话而挽救呢?他可能会走Brook的老路。 于是安迪为瑞德安排了一件事,或者说,为他打造了一个梦想。当瑞德从绝望和恐惧中走出来,走向那棵巨大的橡树,走向碧海蓝天的时候,我彻底被安迪折服了。他用智慧拯救了他自己,又用智慧拯救了他的朋友。说得好听点,他给了瑞德一个叫做“希望”的东西,通俗点说,他让瑞德有点事情做做,让他“赶着去生活”。要做到这点,光有美好的愿望和深厚的友情是不够的,还有智慧,对人性的洞察。 安迪的这一招,非常像程灵素,她也是以她的感情与智慧,救了胡斐的命,最关键是,给了他活下去的理由。不能怪胡斐不爱她,就好像不能怪安迪的妻子不爱她一样,他们的智慧和人格魅力,也许只有站在朋友的立场才能够欣赏。许多男读者爱程灵素,应该也只是把她引为一位异性知己吧。 5 Andy Dufresne,他的智慧战胜了漏洞百出的制度;他的理性战胜了野蛮狂暴的本能;他的意志战胜了冷酷无情的时间;他战胜了肖申克的石墙;他战胜了他自己;他战胜了一切。 他战胜了一切,却输给了,Forrest Gump。
阿甘有自己的坚持,他不断地跑步,JUST RUNS. 他跑步不为任何理由。他说:"人要往前看,千万不要被过去拖累。我想我跑步就是这个意义”和过去告别,不停留在原处。也许这世界上太多人随拨逐流,很少人会坚持做一件事,阿甘坚持自己的坚持,于是他成了“神”。
Film Review of Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice is a famous classic written by Jane Austen. I was attracted by the characters and plots of the film adapted from the novel.
Elizabeth is the heroine of the story. When she meets Darcy, a handsome, rich but arrogant man, on the party for the first time, she is dissatisfied with the proud manner of Darcy. Darcy looks down on those who are in a lower social class,including Elizabeth. However, after getting to know the courage, independence and confidence of Elizabeth, he almost falls in love with her. But Elizabeth believes the lies of Wickham which causes her great prejudice to Darcy. She rejects Darcy’s propose marriage to protect her self-respect. Finally, Darcy goes away because he couldn’t tolerate Elizabeth’s sisters’ vulgar manners. He writes a long letter to explain his thoughts and love to Elizabeth. After reading it, Elizabeth feels guilty about misjudging Darcy and regrets turning him down. As time goes away, Darcy gradually improves his pride and keeps helping Elizabeth’s family out from troubles. At last, Elizabeth removes the prejudice to Darcy and accepts his propose marriage.
From the film I learn that we can’t judge a man immediately by the first impression. If we are controlled by our subjective senses, it will easy cause prejudice and misunderstanding and probably influent the developments of many events. To avoid this situation, we need more communication to understand others deeply by ourselves.
A review of the Pursuit of Happiness
“The Pursuit of Happyness” was released on the 15th of December 2006. It is a dramatic story based on a biography of Chris Gardner’s nearly one-year struggle with homelessness. Directed by Gabrielle Muccino, the film stars Will Smith as Chris Gardner, and co-stars Jaden Smith playing Chris’ son, Christopher Jr. For Will Smith’s performance in the film, he was nominated for an Academy Award and a Golden Globe for Best Actor. The ‘different’ spelling of the title, ‘Happyness’ is seen by Chris Gardner on the building outside the play centre is son attends, which Chris reminds the owners of the building multiple times that it is spelt with an ‘I’.
The film shows us the struggles Chris Gardner has with homelessness. He is bankrupt because he invested his life savings in portable bone-density scanners, which he thought hospitals would be interested in buying, but in the end hardly any doctors wanted one, as they considered it an ‘expensive luxury’. During the struggles, his wife Linda leaves to go to New York and Chris and his son are left in San Francisco with no income and living in a motel. Chris sees interest in become a stockbroker, but to become one he has to go through an internship. Meanwhile, Chris and his son are evicted because they can’t pay rent, and they are forced to go to a homeless shelter, and even one night had to sleep in the bathroom of the underground rail system. During his internship, he never once mentions his financial struggles and at one point he is asked to give one of his bosses 5 dollars for a cab, a sum that he can’t afford. After an intense six months, Chris is taken into the bosses’ office, and is offered a job as a stockbroker, the final scene shows him being in unbelief of the position he was offered and showing his happiness and gratefulness for the opportunity, Chris realises that his financial struggles are over as he now has a job with a regular income.
Christ was unfortunate, for he got a wife who was not understandable at all (though she has her own difficulties) and was in bad luck with his business. But he was very fortunate also, for he got a son who was very thoughtful and, I think, tough life experiences always make a great person. It is said that this movie is inspired by a true story, and I want to say, this movie does inspire me a lot. What impressed me most are: Christ’s wife left him because of life pressure; Christ’s love to his son and Christ’s strong belief towards life. Through these, I know that it is not easy to be a good husband and a good Papa, since in reality, only love cannot only make everything. And I also learn that one has to strongly believe in himself, no matter how difficult the situation is, but of course, hard-working is indispensable.
e warm winds blew gently. I was very tired and lay down to rest for a little while. Very soon I went into a state of dreaming. A little girl sleeps in a corner of the garden. She cries and cries until her sound is broken. Suddenly a bright figure appears before the child. A beautiful fairy stands in front of her. She had a wand in her hand. “Why do you cry? What’s the trouble? Perhaps I can help you”, the fairy says. “My mother is dead. I am lonely, and nobody loves me”, answers the girl. “I am a fairy, my home is in the moon. Do you see the light of the moon? How pleasant it is. Would you like to live with me in the moon?” “Thank you, dear fairy, I want to go with you”. The fairy leads the girl into a wood where there are many dwarfs. They look very busy. Every one of them has to dig the soil. They are trying to find varieties of seeds. They cultivate the fields with their hands. All day long though they are exhausted, yet they are forced to work on. Otherwise they will be whipped to death. I made up my mind to save all of those dwarfs. The sound of the bell suddenly came to my ears. I had to wake up. Oh! This is no other than a dream. I will not let it trouble my mind. (264 words)考试作文2: Title: A Visit to My Uncle (Grandfather,… ) Time Limit: 30 minutes Word Limit: No less than 120 words 参考范文
影片试图通过这个角色告诉观者生活总是美好的. A Gan has his own perseverance. Although so many people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing, Mr英文电影,不停留在原处,让他活了下来,责怪阿甘当初救了他。失去双腿后他开始憎恨生活, Mr。关键是看我们给不给自己一个好心态:阿甘正传观后感(中英文对照)
阿甘有自己的坚持:或许做好我们该做的每一件事, and life will return us well. The key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation;人要往前看。只要有一种坚持就会出现一个奇迹. A Gan does and bees “GOD”,很少人会坚持做一件事. He said that his fate is death in war. A Gan saved him and let him be alive;t save him。我想我跑步就是这个意义”和过去告别,千万不要被过去拖累. 他跑步不为任何理由, living on fishing with A Gan, Dan was decadent and disgusted with life: “Man has t look forward,有了收获后. However. I thank that',去和阿甘一起捕鱼生活.” Say goodbye to foretime and don'. There will be a miracle if only there is perseverance, and never encumbered by foretime, plaining that A
Gan shouldn'. There is another character Captain Dan. Dan lost his legs in Vietnarm War;s the meaning of my running。感谢阿甘当初就了他。他说. When he adjusted his mind. The movie is intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character;s help. The movie is also sent such a message to us。他说他的命运就是战死。乌云后有彩虹。影片中还有一位主要人物是上校丹:",生活就会给我们一个好的回馈, keeping on running without of any reason。他在越南战争中失去了双腿,生活得很颓废。然而阿甘却救他,一个机会去改变不好的现状,绝境后有重生。也许这世界上太多人随拨逐流. After losing legs. Rainbow is always after cloud: do well what we should do,阿甘坚持自己的坚持。然而当他调整心态, JUST RUNS, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank A Gan',于是他成了“神”. He said,开始感觉到生活的美好,JUST RUNS。
Mr;t stay in-place,他不断地跑步。影片试图向观者传达这样一个信息
Mr. A Gan has his own perseverance, keeping on running without any reason, JUST RUNS. He said: “Man has to look forward, and never encumbers by foretime. I think that's the meaning of my running.” Say goodbye to foretime and don't stay in-place. Although so many people in the world are used to following others and few people can stick to one thing, Mr. A Gan does and bees “GOD”. There is another character Captain Dan. Dan lost his legs in Vietnam War. He said that his fate was death in war. However, Mr. A Gan saved him and let him be alive. After losing legs, Dan was decadent and disgusted with life, plaining that A Gan shouldn't save him. When he adjusted his mind, living on fishing with A Gan, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank A Gan's help. The movie is intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character. Rainbow is always after cloud. The key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation. The movie also sends such a message to us: do well what we should do, and life will return us well. There will be a miracle if there is perseverance. 。
这是关于中国建国60周年的 英语读后感 有中文翻译 题材比较新颖 往笑纳To celebrate the 60th anniversary of People's Republic of China. In this unusual year,the number of tragic,how many have touched,how many dreams,how much glory there is,bearing in mind the hearts of the people in China,written into the history of the Republic. The success of the Beijing Olympic Games,the Chinese people realize the dream of a century. Chinese athletes to outstanding athletic ability and indomitable fighting spirit of the first gold medal total to create the best score in history. Win back the Shenzhou VII,the three astronauts returned to space out all *** iles. Shenzhou VII manned space mission a plete success,the implementation of China's space technology development milestone major leap forward,the people of China are climbing the peak of world science and technology of another great feat,but also dedicated to the great homeland of the precious 60-year-old birthday present General of the Chinese nation just like the Great Wall of steel indestructible! The return of Hong Kong in 1997,the return of Macao in 1999;in 1998 the south face of the history of a rare flood in 2003,the face of panic-stricken people of the SARS epidemic in 2008,some ten provinces in the face of the rare snow disaster, earthquake SichanWenchuan,the Chinese people united,will be suffering at the foot of resistance!We firmly believe that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on the journey is bound to occur one after another glorious 30 years! The rise of the Chinese nation will surely make the world as we can be proud of!为了庆祝60周年,中华人民共和国。
神州七载人太空飞行任务圆满成功,执行中国航天技术的发展具有里程碑意义的重大飞跃,中国人民正在攀登高峰的世界科技的另一个伟大的成就,但也致力于伟大的祖国珍贵的60岁生日礼物一般是中华民族一样坚不可摧的钢铁长城!香港回归于1997年回归的澳门于1999年,于1998年南方面对历史罕见的洪水在2003年,面对人们的惊惶失措的“非典”疫情在2008年,在面对一些十个省份的罕见冰雪灾害、地震SichanWenchuan、中国人民团结在一起,将会遭受山脚的抵抗! 我们坚信,实现中华民族的伟大复兴的旅程开始一个接一个光荣的30年!中华民族肯定会使世界,我们可以自豪。
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is where Harry Potter and his friends learned about magic.
Main Characters:Harry Potter is an 11 year old boy who's parents died, and he goes to Hogwarts.
Ron Weasley is an 11 year old boy who has 5 brothers and 1 sister, and he goes to Hogwarts.
Hermione is a 10 year old girl who likes learn a lots , and she goes to Hogwarts.
Quirrell is Hogwarts's teacher,Voldemort's helper.
Voldemort is an evil guy of the magic world.
Climax:Harry never thought Quirrell was helping Voldemort. Quirrel cought Harry and let him to get the Philospher's stone, but when Harry got it, he didn't give it to Quirrell, and Voldemort came out,from the back of Quirrell's head!And Voldemort orderd Quirrell to catch Harry and get the stone, but when Quirrell touched Harry, his body dissolved,and then he died.
Conclusion:Harry defeated Voldemort, and the year has finished,it's time for the school cup,Gryffindor was in last , but 4 more things let them win!
First is for Ron, because he play the best game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years,he got 50 is for Her mione,for the use of cool logic in the face fire,she got 50 is for Harry, who defeated Voldemort, get the stone, he got 60 points for that!Last, for Neville,he got 10 points for his moxie,and Gryffindor won!
英文电影:阿甘正传观后感(中英文对照)阿甘有自己的坚持,他不断地跑步,JUST RUNS. 他跑步不为任何理由。
只要有一种坚持就会出现一个奇迹。Mr. A Gan has his own perseverance, keeping on running without of any reason, JUST RUNS. He said: “Man has t look forward, and never encumbered by foretime. I thank that's the meaning of my running.” Say goodbye to foretime and don't stay in-place. Although so many people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing, Mr. A Gan does and bees “GOD”. There is another character Captain Dan. Dan lost his legs in Vietnarm War. He said that his fate is death in war. However, Mr. A Gan saved him and let him be alive. After losing legs, Dan was decadent and disgusted with life, plaining that AGan shouldn't save him. When he adjusted his mind, living on fishing with A Gan, he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank A Gan's help. The movie is intended to tell people that life is wonderful by this character. Rainbow is always after cloud. The key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation. The movie is also sent such a message to us: do well what we should do, and life will return us well. There will be a miracle if only there is perseverance.希望对你有帮助~ 望采纳O(∩_∩)O~。
I watched the movie in the last week of the dragon. In the movie the hero is brave, and he was armed with a knife, defeat the dragon, and with wit tamed the dragon. In his father found him will not be disappointed dragon-slaying will tame dragons, he should not hesitate to stand up, against big dragon! The film is very good, gave me a lot of courage!。
1Legally Blonde is about a girl that thought she was going to propose but found out that she got dumped by her boyfriend Warner. Supposely She wasnt *** art eough for his parents to except her. To prove him wrong she tries to get into Harvard Law School. She studies for the LSATs, submits a video essay--in which she appears in a sequined bikini--and, miraculously, is accepted. At first, Elle is rebuked by Professor Stromwell and is the target of snide ments from other students. 2Ice age 3 was really funny and it stays true to the series. Same old characters, a whole new adventure that everyone at any age can saw the critics and I thought to my self that it would be good, but I didn't expect much, but I really did enjoy it more than I thought. It may not be the best pared to the other Ice Age films, but it still a great thrill ride that the audience can if you find a theater near you that has it in digital 3D, go and watch it in 3D, because the action and adventure will excite you even more than it actually people think since it's a third part, then the movie won't be that great, but hear me when I say that keep that thought out of your mind and parents, take your kids with you, they are sure to leave with a *** ile and a long lasting excitement for more. 歌舞青春 I watched the film called High School watching it, I felt very happy and it touched me very is an American tells American high school students' students are very different from our Chinese are in high spirits when facing their lives and their out-of-class games are quite colorful. Main actress is a very beautiful girl called was unconfident to sing at a boy told her that she sang very they sang together happily. I think as long as you try your best,whether you fail or not,you will never must believe in ourselves forever。
Hi all!
There will be a screening of the movie “Homeless to Harvard: The Liz Murray Story” tomorrow evening from 7pm to 9pm in the school hall. This movie is about the inspirational story of how a girl went against all odds to achieve success as an Ivy League student despite a dysfunctional family background and poor upbringing. We hope that this movie will serve as a motivation for everyone to study and work hard, seeing how someone from a less priviledged background than ours can do the very same with hard work and determination.
Please do not be late for the movie screening, and there will be a piece of writing task in the form of a movie review and reflection to be done as homework.
Hope to see you there!
Li Hua
Today, I watched a movie, the name of this movie was called:The day after this movie speaks BE:A world happened to bee ICY,what can people do .when the greenhouse effect brought about by global warming caused Lightning 、hail storm 、tornado 、hurricane ,the whole world was in great trouble. The scene of this film is touching ,you can see New York City destroyed by huge waves,you can also see Hawaii hit by the hurricane.
it really let the audience burst out tears, make the audience 's hearts can't keep calm for a very long time, I realised that If we let this situation go as it is, our environment will suffer a great destruction .so we must do something to protect our plan from being warmer.
Film Review of Pride and Prejudice.
Pride and Prejudice is a famous classic written by jane Austen. I was attracted by the characters and plots of the film adapted from the novel.
Elizabeth is the heroine of the story. When she meets Darcy, a handsome, rich but arrogant man, on the party for the first time, she is dissatisfied with the proud manner of Darcy. Darcy looks down on those who are in a lower social class,
including Elizabeth. However, after getting to know the courage, independence and confidence of Elizabeth, he almost falls in love with her. But Elizabeth believes the lies of Wickham which causes her great prejudice to Darcy. She rejects Darcy’s propose marriage to protect her self-respect. Finally, Darcy goes away because he couldn’t tolerate Elizabeth’s sisters’ vulgar manners. He writes a long letter to explain his thoughts and love to Elizabeth. After reading it, Elizabeth feels guilty about
misjudging Darcy and regrets turning him down. As time goes away, Darcy gradually improves his pride and keeps helping Elizabeth’s family out from troubles. At last, Elizabeth removes the prejudice to Darcy and accepts his propose marriage.
From the film I learn that we can’t judge a man immediately by the first impression. If we are controlled by our subjective senses, it will easy cause prejudice and
misunderstanding and probably influent the developments of many events. To avoid this situation, we need more communication to understand others deeply by ourselves.
Forrest Gump grows up in the county of Greenbow, Alabama. He lives with his mom, who is a real smart and strong woman. Although Forrest’s IQ is only 75, his mom manages to let him have the finest education, and always tell him “You are no different”. In school, Forrest meets a girl named jenny, and they become best friends. Under jenny’s encouragement, Forrest discovers his ability to run like the wind blows. Fortunately, this ability gives him the chance to go to college where he becomes an all-star football player.
After graduation, Forrest joins the army for service in Vietnam, and he finds new friends Bubba and Dan. In the war, Forrest rescues many comrades, but Bubba is seriously wounded and dies. Lieutenant Dan, the platoons commanding officer, is also badly wounded and loses both legs. He chastises Forrest for saving him, insisting that he should die honorably on the battlefield instead of becoming a cripple.
When Forrest gets back from Vietnam, he is awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions. During the next several decades, Forrest becomes a war hero, a famous ping-pang player, a national celebrity, a successful businessman, and something of an American idol. Forrest successfully realizes Bubba’s dream and help Dan discover his self-worth. Finally, Forrest marries jenny, and has a happy life with his son after jenny dies.
“Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.” When the first time jenny asked Forrest to run away and the first time Forrest freed himself from the bondage, hope has been growing up in his mind. Though Forrest is surely a little stupid, he believes “stupid is as stupid does”, so he fears nothing and does his best. In his innocence, Forrest does what he feels he has to do, no matter the situations and the people around him, lead only by an inner sense of right. My heart is deeply shocked by this “stupid” man, and I think in recent times we surely need this spirit. So, let’s have a try now.
Gongfu panda is a lazy panda, he worked in a samll shop, one day he went to a temple to take part in a choose of the dragon contender, unexpectedly the lazy panda was choosen as the dragon contender, at first everybody doesnt like the panda, because he is very lazy, a few days later the mob master die, the panda study at the palm civet master . The panda is dragon contender!at first he doesnt like to study anything of the Gongfu, the palm civet master had no way to do with him .
A few days later palm civet master discover the panda only like one thing -------eating, the panda was very very like eating . for eating he can do anything, he can break xylograph and then palm civet master using eating to induce the panda study gongfu . Finally the panda became a gongfu master and then he beated depravity white leopard and be the best of the gongfu master and be the first of the gongfe.
Watch theI thought everybody can be the first as long as make great efforts
The movie Kung Fu Panda looks like a kung-fu novel, in accordance with Chinese-style plot development. It is mainly about a fat pandas dream to bee a master of kung fu, and a coincidental let that dream bee a reality. Of course, Po (the panda) has gone through a series of twists and turns before reaching success.
Impressed me most is a series of Chinese elements in the film,fromthe name we can know it is the film for Chinese - kung fu and panda. It is not just kung fu and panda. There are other Chinese elements in it. Such as the Chinese mandarin, the Chinese house, acupuncture, erhu, calligraphy and so on.
Of course, that it can bee North Americas box office leader and could attract foreigners are not only those causes. In this film, everywhere is full of philosophical dialogues. The turtle said "There are no accidents. " Pos father, described in the mysterious soup, said "To make something special, you just have to believe its special. " That I like the most is "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why its called the present. " It tells us to make good use of today.
20xxis a Chinese year, Kung Fu Panda also allow international friends to learn more about Chinese culture and connotation.
Toady I want to share something about a new film this year named Pacific Rim . As a standard Hollywood film,it quiet hot before it came out and it is believed that Pacific Rim will surely be a hit just as Avatar and 20xx.
However,after it came out and everyone rushed into the theater,we only find that it just like another Independence Day. But this time the alien are from the deep ocean not the space. So its predictable plotting really made me sick.
In terms of scenes,it dose have an exciting and fantastic scenes,just as other science-fictiony movies. But with the development and dissemination of the technology,these special effects are mon to the audience. It is not the monopoly of Hollywood film. So it is very important to have interesting plot and profound meaning.
Unfortunately,I didn’t see any active meaning in this film but learning English is important for all the pilots that can not speak English were killed or defeated. Although there are many countries in the film but all the monsters are killed but several American.
At first,many Chinese audiences are glad to find something about China in the film. The battlefield was also in Hong Kong. And many machines were made by China,but it can not conceal the arrogance of the American. They are still in the dream that they are the hero of the world.
In the movie,Chinese people used the body of the monster as medicine and sold these things. The Chinese robot is the largest and need more pilots,but in the battle the robot was defeated by one hit while American robot seemed to be immortal. It made me feel unfortable while seeing these scenes. When all said and done,it is made by American.
In the past,Hollywood film were very popular around the world relying on the advancement of puter technique. But people have bee resistant to it after watching so many similar scenes. It is impossible to suit the audiences’ taste if a film doesn’t show fantastic imagination and moving contents.
So I wonder where are the Hollywood films are going to. In my mind,Hollywood films will not be a sign of excellent films and attractive as it used to be if it still focus on the tedious mercial films. Film is a stage to give human dreams and realize the dream that we all dreamed
侏罗纪公园...One of the biggest movies of all time, "Jurassic Park" is the story of regenerated dinosaurs. John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) is the owner of a newly developed dinosaur park, but after an employee is killed in an accident he needs to satisfy lawyer's questions by bringing in a team to prove the park is safe. The team includes dinosaur digger Alan Grant (Sam Neill), his girlfriend, paleontologist Ellie Satler (Laura Dern), mathematician Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum), and lawyer Donald Gennaro (Martin Ferrero). Another of Hammond's employees, a computer technician named Dennis Nedry (Wayne Knight) has been hired by an outside organisation to steal dinosaur embryos. Based on the Michael Crichton book, the stars of "Jurassic Park" are definitely the dinosaurs. There's a lot of people who deserve credit for bringing these extinct animals to brilliant on screen life, but the main four are Stan Winston, Michael Lantieri, Dennis Muren, and Phil Tippett. Mixed with some unbelievably great sound effects, these dinosaurs are some of the most stunning visual effects I've ever seen and rightfully earned an Academy Award. The king of the dinosaurs, the T-Rex, was an amazing creature to see, but surprisingly it was outdone by the velociraptors. These raptors provided some very suspenseful moments, and are dinosaurs that people will never forget. The main complaint I've read is that the human characters had no development and that the scenes that didn't feature dinosaurs were boring. This surprised me since it was directed by Steven Spielberg. In my opinion, they didn't need to be more developed because "Jurassic Park" is one of those movies that just doesn't need that much. As for being bored, I never was. I knew it was going to get exciting, and the buildup was great thanks in part to the characters, the special effects, and the John Williams score. Unfortunately, the dialogue was cheesy in several spots perhaps explaining why people didn't like the dino-fre GOD....
Film Review of Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice is a famous classic written by Jane Austen. I was attracted by the characters and plots of the film adapted from the novel.
Elizabeth is the heroine of the story. When she meets Darcy, a handsome, rich but arrogant man, on the party for the first time, she is dissatisfied with the proud manner of Darcy. Darcy looks down on those who are in a lower social class,including Elizabeth. However, after getting to know the courage, independence and confidence of Elizabeth, he almost falls in love with her. But Elizabeth believes the lies of Wickham which causes her great prejudice to Darcy. She rejects Darcy’s propose marriage to protect her self-respect. Finally, Darcy goes away because he couldn’t tolerate Elizabeth’s sisters’ vulgar manners. He writes a long letter to explain his thoughts and love to Elizabeth. After reading it, Elizabeth feels guilty about misjudging Darcy and regrets turning him down. As time goes away, Darcy gradually improves his pride and keeps helping Elizabeth’s family out from troubles. At last, Elizabeth removes the prejudice to Darcy and accepts his propose marriage.
From the film I learn that we can’t judge a man immediately by the first impression. If we are controlled by our subjective senses, it will easy cause prejudice and misunderstanding and probably influent the developments of many events. To avoid this situation, we need more communication to understand others deeply by ourselves.
A review of the Pursuit of Happiness
“The Pursuit of Happyness” was released on the 15th of December 2006. It is a dramatic story based on a biography of Chris Gardner’s nearly one-year struggle with homelessness. Directed by Gabrielle Muccino, the film stars Will Smith as Chris Gardner, and co-stars Jaden Smith playing Chris’ son, Christopher Jr. For Will Smith’s performance in the film, he was nominated for an Academy Award and a Golden Globe for Best Actor. The ‘different’ spelling of the title, ‘Happyness’ is seen by Chris Gardner on the building outside the play centre is son attends, which Chris reminds the owners of the building multiple times that it is spelt with an ‘I’.
The film shows us the struggles Chris Gardner has with homelessness. He is bankrupt because he invested his life savings in portable bone-density scanners, which he thought hospitals would be interested in buying, but in the end hardly any doctors wanted one, as they considered it an ‘expensive luxury’. During the struggles, his wife Linda leaves to go to New York and Chris and his son are left in San Francisco with no income and living in a motel. Chris sees interest in become a stockbroker, but to become one he has to go through an internship. Meanwhile, Chris and his son are evicted because they can’t pay rent, and they are forced to go to a homeless shelter, and even one night had to sleep in the bathroom of the underground rail system. During his internship, he never once mentions his financial struggles and at one point he is asked to give one of his bosses 5 dollars for a cab, a sum that he can’t afford. After an intense six months, Chris is taken into the bosses’ office, and is offered a job as a stockbroker, the final scene shows him being in unbelief of the position he was offered and showing his happiness and gratefulness for the opportunity, Chris realises that his financial struggles are over as he now has a job with a regular income.
Christ was unfortunate, for he got a wife who was not understandable at all (though she has her own difficulties) and was in bad luck with his business. But he was very fortunate also, for he got a son who was very thoughtful and, I think, tough life experiences always make a great person. It is said that this movie is inspired by a true story, and I want to say, this movie does inspire me a lot. What impressed me most are: Christ’s wife left him because of life pressure; Christ’s love to his son and Christ’s strong belief towards life. Through these, I know that it is not easy to be a good husband and a good Papa, since in reality, only love cannot only make everything. And I also learn that one has to strongly believe in himself, no matter how difficult the situation is, but of course, hard-working is indispensable.
英语电影观后感60字,关于 电影观后感英语怎么说 ,下面我为你带来 电影观后感英语作文 ,欢迎阅读参考,谢谢!
my personal favorite "101D" medium is Disney's "101 Dalmatians: the Series". It combines many themes of the existing material (Dodie Smith book, 1961 and 1996 movies). But still does its own things, too.
Our main pups include brave Lucky, who gets a strong personality mirroring his character in the book, lovable Rolly, the gourmand of the pups, and sweet little Cadpig, who is the true runt of the litter. Also there is Spot the chicken, who longs to be a dog. I find them all extremely amiable and enjoyable to watch.
They are usually foiling Cruella's schemes for their land, or outwitting Lt. Pug (I'll get to him later), or sneaking into Grutely, or...just having fun, ma-ki-ng a very likable show.
20** is actually an captivating film with some spectacular effects scenes. Cusack is great as the everyman hero. Ejiofor grabs your attention as the young government scientist trying to prepare for the inevitable. Glover and Harrison are also effective in smaller roles: Glover as the resolute President, and Harrison as the wackjob conspiracy theorist who might not be so crazy after all.
Many other characters are merely stereotypes (like the Russian) or one dimensional (like the wife), but let's be honest, it's not the characters that we're coming to see. If you are, you'll probably be disappointed.
20** is not great but it entertains as a doomsday thriller.
The Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事集》;The Prince and the Pauper 《王子和贫儿》
The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland 《艾丽丝漫游记》
The Great Expectation 《远大前程》;A Tale of Two Cities 《双城记》
Aesop\'s Fables 《伊索寓言》;Sister Carrie 《嘉丽妹妹》
Vanity Fair《名利撤;A Farewell to Arms《永别了,武器》
The Merry Wives of Windsor《温莎的风流娘儿们》
The Age of Innocence《纯真年代》;Dances with Wolves《与狼共舞》
St. Mark《马克福音》;Robinson Crusoe 《鲁宾逊漂流记》
The Mayor of Casterbridge《卡斯特桥市长》;Dombey and Son《董贝父子》
A River Runs Through It《一条流过记忆的河》;Sleeplein Seattle《西雅图夜未眠》
Patton《巴顿将军》;The Net《网络情缘》
Moonstruck《月色撩人》;Sand and Blood《碧血黄沙》
Uncle Tom\'s Cabin《黑奴吁天录》(试比较:《汤姆叔的小屋》)
David Copperfield《块肉余生述》
本文来源于百分网(http://www.oh100.com/),转载请保留此标记,谢谢!Silas Marner 《织工马南传》(试比较:《塞那斯·马南》)
The Bridges of Madison County《廊桥遗梦》(试比较:《梅德逊郡桥》)
First Knight《剑侠风流》;Sabrina《情归巴黎》
Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》;Pygmalion 《皮格马利翁》
Red Star Over China 《西行漫记》 ; Gone with the Wind 《乱世佳人》
Pinocchio 《木偶奇遇记》;As You Like It《皆大欢喜》
The Pilgrim\'s Progress《天路历程》;For Whom the Bell Tolls《战地钟声》
Jane Eye 《简.爱》;Robin Hood 《罗宾汉》
Martin Eden 《马钉伊登》