

小思 2024-09-18 35
葛朗台夫妇英文摘要: 关于葛朗台的研究文章英文英语毕业论文之英美文学研究论文(共54篇2008年5月30日更新)1.海丝特与卡米拉爱情观的对比分析 A Comparative Analysis of...


英语毕业论文之英美文学研究论文(共54篇2008年5月30日更新)1.海丝特与卡米拉爱情观的对比分析 A Comparative Analysis of the Attitudes Towards Love Between Hester and Camilla.解读《简.爱》的帝国主义意识On the Imperialistic Consciousness of Jane Eyre .像鲁滨逊一样在逆境中创造精彩The Creation of Splendor in Adversity like Robinson Crusoe .《三国演义》对诸葛亮和《教父》对考利昂的描述对比 A Comparison Between the Depiction of Zhuge Liang in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Corleone in The Godfather.论《美国悲剧》中萝贝塔的悲剧性The Tragedy of Roberta in American Tragedy.从《鲁滨逊漂流记》看人的性格对命运的决定作用 The Decisive Effect of Character on Fate From Robinson Crusoe.《哈姆雷特》戏剧中的悲剧因素The Tragedy Aspects in Hamlet .从电影《美丽人生》看完美男人形象 About the Perfect Man Viewed from the Movie Life Is Beautiful .从《宠儿》透视美国黑人女性的悲剧与成长 The Tragedy and Growth of the Black Women Embodied in Beloved.从《哈利波特》看儿童的成长Harry Potter and the Growth of Children .苔丝的反叛精神The Rebellion of Tess .一位坚强独立的女性简爱A Tough and Independent Woman .《德伯家的苔丝》悲剧成因探析Causes of Tragedy of Tess of the D’Urbervilles .浅析苔丝之死The Death of Tess .《老人与海》象征主义探究The Inquiry of the Symbolism in The Old Man and the Sea .论《白象似的群山》中海明威独特的写作风格Hemingway’s Unique Writing Style in Hills like White Elephants .浅析爱默生的《论自助》人生自主的源泉On Emerson’s Self-reliance —The Source of Life’s Reliance .盖茨比美国梦的幻灭—透视现实生活中的爱情 The Disillusionment for Gatsby American Dream Analysis of Love in Reality.从《西风颂》看英国积极浪漫主义的特征 Analyzing the Features of British Positive Romanticism from the Poem of Ode to the West Wind.我看简爱的爱情An Analysis of the Concept of Jane Eyre’s Love .谈如何理解海明威《一个干净明亮的地方》On Hemingway’s Short Story A Clean, and Well-Lighted Place .从《简爱》看知识改变女性命运Knowledge Changes Female’s Fate Through Jane Eyre .从《红字》和《荆棘鸟》看宗教禁欲主义下的爱情 The Love under Asceticism in The ScarletLetter and The Thorn Birds.解读《皆大欢喜》中的浪漫主义An Analysis of Romanticism in As You Like it .基于作品人物浅析菲茨杰拉德 Elementary Analysis on Fitzgerald Based on the Characters of The Great Gatsby.《老人与海》的悲剧色彩:对完美主义的质疑 The Tragic Color of The Old Man and the Sea:Challenge to the Perfectionism.分析简爱的美An Analysis of the Beauty in JaneEyre .论《红字》中的孤独因素On the Aspects of Loneliness in The Scarlet Letter .从《喧哗与骚动》中凯蒂的悲剧看20世纪初女性的社会地位 Social Status of Women in the Early 20th Century Reflected from Caddys Tragedy in The Sound and the Fury.论福斯塔夫的性格The Character of Falstaff .斯佳丽:旧时代的新女性Scarlett:A “New”Woman in the “Old” Time .美国社会的葛朗台现象 Grandet Phenomenon in America.透过《飘》看现代女性对待生活的态度 Analysis of modern females attitudes toward life through Gone with the Wind.从迷茫的玛尔特的悲剧看女性存在的社会价值 An Analysis of the Social Value of Womens Existence from the Tragedy of Confused Mathlide.从伊丽莎白一世的婚姻看现代爱情观 About the Notion of Modern Love from ElizabethⅠs Love Experience.《倾城之恋》与《飘》的女性主义解读 Feminism in Love in a Fallen City and Gone With the Wind.《简?爱》的浪漫主义解读 Romanticism in Jane Eyre.从《鲁宾逊漂流记》看创新精神和知足长乐The Spirit of Innovation and Satisfaction-The Thought of The Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.从《变形记》透视家庭环境对塑造儿童健康心理的影响 The Family Influence on Molding Childrens Healthy Psychology Through The Metamorphosis41.论《傲慢与偏见》中的爱情观和婚姻观Analysis on Love and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice .从劳伦斯及其作品《儿子与情人》看恋母情结 Mother Fixation in and His Work Sons and Lovers.论雪莱的自由之路Analysis of Shelley's Freedom Road .《威尼斯商人》中的人物形象分析An Analysis of the Characters in the Merchant of Venice .论盖茨比悲剧的必然性On Inevitability of Gatsby’s Tragedy .从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合 The Cultural Conflicts and Blending Embodied in the Joy Luck Club.《乱世佳人》对21世纪女性的启示 Enlightenment for Women of 21st Century from Gone with the Wind.《喜福会》中母爱主题的文化阐释A Cultural Interpretation of Maternal Love in the Joy Luck Club .试析《老人与海》的悲喜色彩 An Analysis of the Combination of Tragic and Delightful Facets in The Old Man and the Sea.解析《长腿叔叔》少女茱蒂 成长的日志A Girl’s Growing- up Story in Daddy-Long-Legs .莎士比亚的悲剧世界的分析An Analysis of Shakespeare’s Tragedy World .《鲁滨逊漂流记》中殖民文化对殖民地文化影响解读 the Women’s Status Seen in Pride and Prejudice Fixation in and His Work Sons and Lovers


最佳答案 - 由提问者2008-02-11 15:52:02选出 The love of money and the passionate pursuit of it, studied in detail in the person of Grandet, is seen as a dynamic force in society. But the dynamics that infects all the characters (except Eugenie and her mother) who are after the hand of rich heiress has an ugly face. Grandet is totally insensitive to the anguish of his daughter and, of course, his wife. Not once do his habitual expressions of greed and avarice turn into the lineaments of thought and conscience. All that mattered was the hoard of gold and if his own flesh and blood suffered because of that obsession, it was just too bad. Grandet is an avaricious man and it is avarice in its worst form that surfaces when he is faced with the prospect of his daughter's marriage and the gold snatched away from him. But Balzac doesn't tell us why. He doesn't have his characters examining, dissecting and explaining themselves from breakfast soliloquies to evening meditations on this and that. He has no time for such nonsense because he had a vision of the world based on what he saw, observed and experienced.这样行吗,不行的话我再改吧

Eugénie Grandet (1833) is a novel by Honoré de Balzac about miserliness, and how it is bequeathed from the father to the daughter, Eugénie, through her unsatisfying love attachment with her cousin. As is usual with Balzac, all the characters in the novel are fully realized. Balzac conceived his grand project, The Human Comedy, while writing Eugénie Grandet and incorporated it into the Comedie by revising the names of some of the characters in the second edition.


[ ju:'dʒeni ][ 'grændit]

High Busaike / Gelangsi / Niuqingen / V delinking cold / Baosaiang Mrs. / Lasidinie


作者:Honore de Balzac——巴尔扎克主要人物:Eugenie Grandet——欧也妮葛朗台Pére Grandet (Monsieur Grandet)——老葛朗台Madame Grandet ——葛朗台夫人Charles Grandet——查理葛朗台(老葛朗台的侄儿)相关链接:免费ebook:网上书店:


你总有一天将爱我,我能等  你的爱情慢慢地生长;  像你手里的这把花,经历了  四月的播种和六月的滋养。  今天我播下满怀的种子,  至少有几颗会扎下根;  结出的果尽管你不肯采摘,  尽管不是爱,也不会差几分。  你至少会看一眼爱的遗迹——  我坟前的一朵紫罗兰;  你的眼前就补偿了千般苦恋,  死有何妨?你总有爱我的一天。  You’ll Love Me Yet  by Robert Browning  You'll love me yet! —and I can tarry  your love's protracted growing:  June reared that bunch of flowers you carry,  From seeds of April's sowing.  I plant a heartful now: some seed  At least is sure to strike,  And yield—what you'll not pluck indeed,  Not love, but, may be, like.  You'll look at least on love's remains,  A grave's one violet:  Your look?—that pays a thousand pains.  What's death? You'll love me yet!


I feel that I am the king of time

I possess the earth and everything on it

and ride into the sun upon my horse.

When I love

I become liquid light

invisible to the eye

and the poems in my notebooks

become fields of mimosa and poppy.

When I love

the water gushes from my fingers

grass grows on my tongue

when I love

I become time outside all time.

When I love a woman

all the trees

run barefoot toward me…

Love is holding hands in the street

Marriage is holding arguments in the street

Love is dinner for 2 in your favorite restaurant

Marriage is Chinese take-out

Love is cuddling (拥抱)on a sofa

Marriage is deciding on a sofa

Love is talking about having children

Marriage is talking about getting away from children

Love is going to bed early

Marriage is going to sleep early

Love is a romantic drive

Marriage is a tarmac (停机坪)drive

Love is losing your appetite

Marriage is losing your figure

Love is sweet nothings in the ear

Marriage is sweet nothing's in the bank

Love is a flickering flame

Marriage is a flickering television

Love is 1 drink and 2 straws (麦杆,吸管)

Marriage is "Don't you think you've had enough!"


What does little birdie say, 小鸟说些什麼呢?

In her nest at peep of day? 在这黎明初晓的小巢中?

Let me fly, says little birdie, 小鸟说,让我飞,

Mother, let me fly away, 妈妈,让我飞走吧。

Birdie, rest a little longer, 宝贝,稍留久一会儿,

Till the little wings are stronger. 等到那对小翅膀再长硬些儿。

So she rests a little longer, 因此它又多留了一会儿,

Then she flies away. 然而它还是飞走了。


What does little baby say, 婴儿说些什麼,

In her bed at peep of day? 在破晓时分的床上?

Baby says, like little birdie, 婴儿像小鸟那样说,

Let me rise and fly away. 让我起来飞走吧。

Baby, sleep a little longer, 乖乖,稍微多睡一会儿,

Till the little limbs are stronger. 等你的四肢再长硬点儿。

If she sleeps a little longer, 如果她再多睡一会儿,

Baby too shall fly away. 婴儿必然也会像鸟儿一样地飞走。

And paced upon the mountains overhead


as i stand here today with the world as my witness,

i pledge to you my undying and everlasting love.

i will stand beside you as your partner,

i will stand before you as your protector,

and i will stand behind you as your solace.

please spend and end your life with me.

for, you see, each day i love you more,

today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow

your lips speak soft sweetness

your touch a cool caress

i am lost in your magic

my heart beats within your chest

i think of you each morning

and dream of you each night

i think of your arms being around me

and cannot express my delight

never have i fallen

but i am quickly on my way

you hold a heart in your hands

that has never before been given away

i wrote your name in the sky,

but the wind blew it away.

i wrote your name in the sand,

but the waves washed it away.

i wrote your name in my heart,

and forever it will stay.

She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways

by William Wordsworth

She dwelt among the untrodden ways

Beside the springs of Dove,

A Maid whom there were none to praise

And very few to love:

A violet by a mossy stone

Half hidden from the eye!

--Fair as a star, when only one

Is shining in the sky.

She lived unknown, and few could know

When Lucy ceased to be; 10

But she is in her grave, and, oh,

The difference to me!















The Indian Serenade

by Percy Bysshe Shelley

I arise from dreams of thee

In the first sweet sleep of night,

When the winds are breathing low,

And the stars are shining bright

I arise from dreams of thee,

And a spirit in my feet

Hath led me--who knows how?

To thy chamber window, Sweet!

The wandering airs they faint

On the dark, the silent stream--

The champak odors fail

Like sweet thoughts in a dream;

The nightingale's complaint,

It dies upon her heart;

As I must on thine,

Oh, beloved as thou art!

O lift me from the grass!

die! I faint! I fail!

Let thy love in kisses rain

On my lips and eyelids pale.

My cheek is cold and white, alas!

My heart beats loud and fast;--

Oh! press it to thine own again,

Where it will break at last.




























研究用英语怎么写How to write in English

research on

不可数,do some research

a/the research on...a/the study on....介词一定、必须是 “on”


动物研究,是一项观察动物行动,能更好的体会动物所具有的理性,更好融入到生活中。In order to explore the mysteries of nature, expand human vision, increase wisdom and invent, animals should sometimes be regarded as teachers. For example, the invention of radar was created step by step on the basis of the study of bats. Submarines are created on the basis of studying why fish sink into the water and why they float to the surface.中文:为什么需要动物研究英语作文可以写为了探索大自然的奥秘,为了扩大人类的视野,为了增长智慧,为了发明创造,有时应当把动物当做老师。比如雷达的发明,就是在研究蝙蝠的基础上一步步创造出来的。潜水艇是在研究鱼为什么会沉入水中、又为什么浮到水面的基础上创造出来的。





The original intention of animal experiment is to understand and understand the phenomenon of life, doubt and challenge the confinement of human thought by religious theology. This exploration and understanding has formed the basic life science theories of zoology, anatomy and physiology.


When the understanding of normal anatomy and physiology of human and animals is gradually clear, the prevention and treatment of disease research began. Thanks to animal experiments, the theoretical system of modern medicine such as immunology, microbiology, infectious diseases and virology has been gradually formed.


In the game between human and disease, cholera, smallpox, polio and other infectious diseases have taken a large number of innocent lives. Scientists have found that many human diseases occur in some animals as well.


On the premise of not using human as experimental objects, scientific research must rely on experimental animals and animal experiments to study the disease mechanism, diagnosis and treatment methods, and then apply it to human beings under safe and effective conditions.


ExtinctionExtinction is a natural process. Many species had ceased to exist before humans evolved. However, in the last 400 years, the number of animals and plants becoming extinct has reached crisis point. Human population levels have risen dramatically in the same time period and man's predatory instincts combined with his ruthless consumption of natural resources are directly responsible for the situation. DodoThe Dodo is a classic example of how human behavior can cause irreparable damage to the earth's biological diversity. The flightless Dodo was native to the Island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. It lived off fruit fallen from the island's trees and lived unthreatened until humans arrived in 1505. The docile bird became a source of food for sailors and lacked the ability to protect itself from animals introduced to the island by humans such as pigs, monkeys and rats. The population of Dodos rapidly decreased and the last one was killed in AnimalsIn 2002 many animals remain threatened with extinction as a result of human activity. The World Wildlife Fund works tirelessly to raise awareness of the predicament facing these animals and find ways to protect them. By focusing on a number of high profile, 'charismatic icons' such as the rhino, panda, whale and tiger, the WWF aims to communicate, 'critically important environmental issues'. The organization's ultimate goal is to, 'stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature'.RhinosThe Rhino horn is a highly prized item for practitioners of Asian medicine. This has led to the animal being relentlessly hunted in its natural habitat. Once widespread in Africa and Eurasia, most rhinos now live in protected natural parks and reserves. Their numbers have rapidly decreased in the last 50 years, over half the remaining rhinos disappeared in the 1970s, and the animals remain under constant threat from Giant PandaThe future of the WWF's symbol is far from certain. As few as 1000 remain in the wild, living in small isolated groups. These groups have been cut off from each other as a result of deforestation and human expansion in to their natural habitat. The Chinese government has set up 33 panda reserves to protect these beautiful animals and made poaching them punishable with 20 years in prison. However, the panda's distinct black and white patched coat fetches a high price on the black market and determined poachers still pose one of the most serious threats to the animals continued International Whaling Commission meets every year. The agenda covers ways to ensure the survival of the species and the complex problems arising from countries such as Japan, wishing to hunt certain whales for 'scientific' purposes. Despite the fact that one third the world's oceans have been proclaimed whale sanctuaries, 7 out of 13 whale species remain endangered. The plight of the North Atlantic Right Whale is particularly serious. Hunted for their rich supply of oil, their numbers have dwindled to just 300. Collisions with ships, toxic pollution and becoming entangled in fishing nets are other major causes of whale last 100 years has seen a 95% reduction in the numbers of remaining tigers to between 5000 and 7000 and The Bali, Javan, and Caspian tigers are already extinct. The South China tiger is precariously close to disappearing, with only 20 to 30 still alive. Like the Rhino horn, tiger bones and organs are sought after for traditional Chinese medicines. These items are traded illegally along with tiger ActionThe WWF is actively involved in many areas of the world fighting to protect the natural habitats of endangered animals from further damage and curb the activities of poachers. They also work to influence governments and policy makers to introduce laws aimed at reducing the threat of pollution and deforestation. Our own individual efforts at home and in the workplace can also make a difference. By reducing waste and pollution, saving water, wood and energy, and reusing and recycling whenever possible, we can reduce the possibility of even more animals being lost, never to turnDo you think enough is being done to protect animals? If not, what else could be done? Send us your out into the ocean to the north and west of Britain are the cold wild islands of the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. They make a line of beautiful beaches 150 miles long. Further west is the small group of islands called Saint Kilda. They are cold and wild too, but without beaches. The islands are tall volcanic rocks hundreds of metres high. For thousands of years, people lived on these islands. In 1930 the last people, there were only 36 of them, had a meeting and decided to leave. The biggest island in the group is called Hirta. Sheep still live there without any people. When you arrive by boat, you see very tall black rocks all around. Some big rocks make their own small islands. This true story happened on the tallest of the rocks – “Stac An Armin” in those days, people still lived on the islands of Saint Kilda. Their stone houses were all in one village by the ocean at the bottom of a tall dark hill. The houses only had one room – for people and sheep, which used to live with them in the winter and spring. Two men from the village, McDonald and McKinnon, were on the rock. It was their work to collect birds – some for food, some to make shoes or hats with. Some dead birds they put in the earth to help their vegetables grow. They found one strange big bird. It was sleeping. They decided to bring it home to the think people in the village were interested in the bird. We now know that this was a Great Auk, a kind of swimming bird that lived in many parts of the North Atlantic. It was big and strong and had a loud cry. They began to talk with the other people in the village about what they should do with it. After two days, the weather got worse and then there was a terrible storm. The people in the village decided that this was because of the bird and they killed it. This was the last example of the Great Auk in Britain. Four years later, the last Great Auk in the world died in know the Great Auk died out because of people. But where did the people of Saint Kilda go? This is more difficult to explain. Some say that they were bored living on the island so far from modern cities. Other people think that the problem was tourists, who began to visit Saint Kilda at the end of the 19th century. A new theory says that using too many dead birds as fertilizer made their food unhealthy. I think it was a mistake to kill the that resulted in killing this bird. The day after the people brought the bird home, the weather got worse and worse. At that time, they had less knowledge about nature, they could only believe in God to help them decide what was wrong and what was right. So it was so easy to make mistake about what they didn’t know and it happened by mistake. The article is very clear about that. But at the first they thought they should bring it home and kill it for food. That is not good. Unfortunately, it was the last bird.”Oswaldo Herrera writes “This article is very interesting, and we need to think about it. Nowadays we are destroying our world and furthermore, the animals and plants that exist in it. There are a lot of warnings but most of the time we do not care about them - I think that this articles helps us to reflect and to be conscious about all the animals and plants that we are destroying with all the pollution that we generate nowadays.”


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/wap/6586.html发布于 2024-09-18
