

小思 09-18 8
窥阴镜用英语怎么说摘要: 英文小说窥镜读后感英文服务密码是中国移动用户入网后收到初始密码后根据短信的提示更改后的密码,可以用户来查询和办理业务。The Looking-Glass by 安东·契...



The Looking-Glass by 安东·契诃夫 Anton Chekhov ▌阅读时长:8分钟 ▌内容简介 契诃夫被称为“现代短篇小说之父”(“father of the modern short story”),他的作品特点是以人物为核心。 In “The Looking-Glass,” a woman feverishly attempts to seek help for her husband, sick with typhus, but is met with a surprise. This particular story nods to the author’s day job as a physician. 在《窥镜》中,一个女人疯狂地为她患了斑疹伤寒的丈夫寻求帮助,最终收获了一个大“惊喜”。这部作品刚好与契诃夫医生的职业相呼应。 ▌精彩选段 Then she saw against the grey background how her husband every spring was in straits for money to pay the interest for the mortgage to the bank. He could not sleep, she could not sleep, and both racked their brains till their heads ached, thinking how to avoid being visited by the clerk of the Court. 在灰色的背景下,她看到丈夫每年春天为贷款利息而捉襟见肘。他夜不能寐,她也一样,他们为此绞尽脑汁,想得脑袋生疼,生怕法庭找上门来。 She saw her children: the everlasting apprehension of colds, scarlet fever, diphtheria, bad marks at school, separation. Out of a brood of five or six one was sure to die. 她看到了她的孩子们,总是生活在无尽的恐惧中:他们害怕感冒、猩红热、白喉,害怕成绩差,害怕被分开。一个人若离开了五六人的小群体,那将必死无疑。


剧本主要是由台词和舞台指示组成的,是戏剧艺术创作的文本基础,编导与演员演出的依据。与剧本类似的词汇还包括脚本、剧作等等。它是以代言体方式为主,表现故事情节的文学样式。 [1-3]





简单点说:口服阿奇霉素分散片 首次(4片)一天一次,以后每次(1片)也是一天一次,共服21天,这是一个总的疗程。基本不在复发了。

一、什么是非淋菌性尿道炎? 非淋菌性尿道炎是由性接触传染的一种尿道炎,但在尿道分泌物中查不到淋球菌。女性还有子宫颈炎等生殖道的炎症。病原体多为衣原体,支原体、滴虫、疱疹病毒、念球菌、而衣原体、支原体的感染占80%以上。尿道炎可分为两类,淋菌性尿道炎和非淋菌性尿道炎。前者是指淋病双球菌致成的尿道炎,也秒为特异性尿道炎。而后者则指的是淋病双球菌以外的其它微生物所致的尿道炎,也称为非特异性尿道炎。这类尿道炎中,已知其病原体的,则称为真菌性尿道炎和滴虫性尿道炎等,而不再包括在非淋菌性或非特异性尿道炎之内。目前,通常被称为非淋菌性尿道炎的是指衣原体(占40%-50%)、支原体(占20%-30%)及一些尚不明致病病原体的尿道炎。 二、非淋菌性尿道炎病原体 非特异性尿道炎与淋病一样,也多发生于青年性旺盛期,25岁以下占60%。60年代以来非特异性尿道炎发病率骤增,在欧美已超过淋病居性传播疾患发病率的首位。80年代美国每年新发生的病例达300-1000万人。 (一)衣原体 根据许多国家报告,NGU中30%-50%,淋病病人中20%和性活动强但无尿道炎症状的人中,以目前常用的培养方法,尿道分泌物可培养出衣原体。女性病人因多数无症状或仅表现为白带增多等妇科症状,难以确定其发病率,有人估计女性病人可能为男性的4倍。 衣原体是一种寄附于腺上皮细胞胞浆内的微生物。呈球型,有特殊的生长周期。每个生长周期有两种发育型。 感染型为原体(elementary body)呈球形,大小介于细菌与病毒之间(300-400mm)。原体可在细胞外生存,有感染性。当其附着在易感细胞表面时,被细胞吞饮,在细胞内原体变成另一种繁殖型。 繁殖型即始体(initial body)始体呈圆形或椭圆形。始体按二分裂方式繁殖,最后始体重新组织成原体,从细胞内释放出来,再感染其他健康易感细胞。整个生长周期为72h。 衣原体分类:1、鹦鹉热衣原体。2、沙眼衣原体(Chlamydia trachomatis) 沙眼衣原体至少有15个血清型。D-K8种血清型与NGU有关。L1、L2、L33个型与性病性淋巴肉芽肿(第四性病)有关。 (二)支原体 1、分解尿素支原体(ureaplasma ure-alyticum)是一种原核微生物。能产生尿素分解酶分解尿素。呈球杆状。因其缺乏坚硬的细胞膜,故不为青霉素所抑制,四环素、红霉素、壮观霉素对之有效。现已从人类泌尿生殖道分离出来7种支原体,其中分离率较高而与泌尿生殖道疾病有关,是分解尿素支原体,其次是人型支原体。婴儿或无性交接触的女性生殖道内找不到分解尿素支原体。而性生活越乱,这种支原体阳性率也越高。Mc Donald 1982年报告587例急性尿道炎症状病人中,209例(36%)中段尿中分离出分解尿素支原体。 2、人型支原体(mycoplasma hominis)支原体对外界环境抵抗力弱,45℃15min即可被杀死。对肥皂、酒精、四环素、红霉素敏感。 衣原体除致成尿道炎、眼结膜炎外,还可致成其他生殖器官炎症,如附睾炎、前裂腺炎、宫颈炎、阴道炎、输卵管炎及盆腔炎等。新生儿通过感染的产道可诱发眼结膜炎、肺炎。男性同性恋者,可患直肠炎及咽炎。 三、非淋菌性尿道炎为何不断扩大流行: 因为ngu发病缓慢,症状轻,不容易受到重视。引起非淋菌性尿道炎的病原体可持续存在数月之久,且治疗需要较长时间。未正规用药后有并发症者,可长期带菌。性交时不用阴茎套,也造成了非淋菌尿道炎的不断扩大流行。 四、临床症状与诊断 (一)临床症状 1、非淋菌性尿道炎潜伏期为10-20天。 2、起病不如淋病急,症状拖延,时轻时重,但比淋病轻。约50%的病人有尿痛、尿道痒等症状。初诊时很易被漏诊。男性非淋菌性尿道炎表现为尿道不适、发痒、烧灼感或刺疼,尿道红肿,尿道分泌物多为浆液状、稀薄、晨起有“糊口”现象。女性非淋菌性尿道炎表现为宫颈的炎症和靡烂、分泌物增多,宫颈分泌物中有多数分叶型白细胞(高倍镜下每视野超过10个),阴道及外阴瘙痒,下腹不适感。注意:有些病人可无症状或症状不典型,易被漏诊。宫颈分泌物中有多数分叶型白细胞(高倍镜下每视野超过10个)。 3、尿道分泌物少,稀薄,粘液性或粘膜脓性。较长时间不排尿(如晨起)尿道外口可溢出少量稀薄分泌物。有时仅表现为晨起痂膜封住尿道口或污染内裤。检查时,需由后向前按挤前尿道才可能有少许分泌物由尿道口溢出。有时病人有症状无分泌物,也可无症状而有分泌物。 4、常与淋病同时感染。前者先出现淋病症状,经抗淋病治疗后,淋球菌被青霉素杀死,而衣原体、支原体依然存在。在感染1-3周后发病。临床上很易被误认为淋病未治愈或复发。 5、处理不当或治疗不及时可引起并发症(1%)。如急性附睾炎、前列腺炎、结肠炎、咽炎。女性宫颈炎、宫颈糜烂、前庭大腺炎、阴道炎、输卵管炎、盆腔炎、异位妊娠、不育等。 6、新生儿通过感染的产道、生后3-13d可发生眼结膜炎,眼部有粘液脓性分泌物,也可无分泌物。但多不侵犯角膜。下生后2-3周可发生肺炎。症状不断加重,呼吸急促为其特点,但不发热。其中半数患儿有眼结膜炎。 7、极少数病人可伴发Reifer综合征:尿道炎、关节炎、角膜炎、结合膜炎及皮疹。 (二)诊断 1、不洁性交史、潜伏期及症状。 2、尿道分泌物涂片及培养排除淋球菌、念珠菌及其他细菌感染。涂片有大量白细胞,10-15个以上/400倍,5个以上/1000倍显微镜检。 3、尿道分泌物或宫颈刮片,单克隆衣原体荧光抗体检查或培养。标本取法:男性2h以上不排尿,棉拭子插入尿道2-4cm,轻轻旋转5s,放置2-3s,然后取出培养。女性用窥阴器充分露暴宫颈,第一根拭子将宫颈表面分泌物擦掉,第二根拭子插入宫颈1-2cm,旋转10s,停2-3s,取出拭子,不要碰阴道壁。 五、非淋菌性尿道炎的并发症有哪些? 男性:附睾炎、前列腺炎、精囊炎。衣原体还可影响精子活力,造成性功能障碍。 女性:急慢性输卵管炎,异位妊娠、不育、流产、死胎。 六、治疗与判断治愈标准 非淋菌性尿道炎确诊后,采用广谱抗生素疗法,并且强调要连续不间怕用药,要规则、定量、彻底治疗。治疗后10-20天复查再次均为阴性,并用临床症状消失为治愈。本病治疗时所需的疗程较长。 (一)治疗 1、目前对四环素、强力霉素、红霉素已有不少菌株产生耐药。新一代合成抗菌药喹诺酮类,不但对衣原体、支原体有效,对淋球菌也高度敏感。(1)氟哌酸200mg,3/d 共用14d。(2)氟嗪酸200mg,2/d共用14d.(3)环丙氟哌酸250mg,2/d,共用14d。 2、磺胺、利福平对衣原体有效,对支原体无效。 3、庆大霉素、新霉素、多粘菌素对衣原体无效。 4、链霉素、壮观霉素对衣原体无效,对支原体有效。 5、四环素,4/d,共用7d,改,共用14d。 6、强力霉素,共用7d。 7、红霉素硬脂酸盐,4/d,共有7d。 8、红霉素琥珀酸乙酯,4/d,共用7d。 9、美满霉素即刻,,2/d,共用14d。 (二)判断治愈标准 治疗结束一周应随访复查。治愈标准: 1、临床症状消失1周以上,尿道无分泌物,或分泌物中白红胞≤4个/100倍显微镜。 2、尿液澄清,沉渣镜检阴性。 3、尿道(宫颈)标本衣原体、支原体检查阴性(有条件时)。 七、患非淋菌性尿道炎后应注意哪些问题? 治疗期间禁饮酒、劳累、熬夜性生活。 夫妻双方有一方感染时,双方应同时检查治疗。 不与别人共用洗阴部的毛巾、盆具,不混用内衣裤。家中有婴幼儿者,要严格物品及手的消毒,以防通过密切接触传播。 性生活时使用避孕套可减少非淋菌性尿道炎的传播 一、四环素 500毫克,每日4次口服,至少连用7天,一般为2周~3周,也可在7天后改为250毫克,每日4次,服至21天。 二、强力霉素 100毫克,每日2次口服,连服7天~14天。 三、二甲胺四环素(美满霉素) 100毫克,每日2次口服,连服7天~14天。 四、土霉素 250毫克每日4次口服,连服7天~14天。 五、氧氟沙星200毫克,每日2次~3次口服,连服7天~14天。 六、罗红霉素 150毫克,每日2次口服,连服7天。 七、阿齐霉素 1克顿服。 八、红霉素 500毫克,每日4次口服,连服7天。新生儿眼结膜炎或肺炎,每日50毫克/千克,分4次口服,连服10天~14天。儿童体重>>45千克按成人剂量,体重<45千克,每日50毫克/千克,分4次口服,连服10天~14天。 九、中药双黄连粉针剂 每日60毫克/千克,加于生理盐水500毫升中静脉滴注,每日1次,连用10天 非淋菌性尿道炎是完全可以治愈的,但是应得到正规的治疗。应针对病原体治疗,如条件不允许,用广谱抗生素治疗。Gopla在临床中发现,由于抗药性,广谱抗生素治疗效果越来越低。 治愈标准:自觉症状消失,无尿道分泌物,尿沉淀涂片无白细胞。 治疗非淋菌性尿道炎的常用西药是: (1)四环素 每次,每天4次,至少服7天。一般2-3周。或四环素合剂(由3种四环素合成,每片含盐酸去甲氯四环素69mg,盐酸氯四环素,盐酸四环素)1~2片,口服,2次/日,连服2~3周。四环素类药物对妊娠妇女有致畸作用,故应禁用。 (2)强力霉素 首次口服,以后每次,每日2次,共服7-10天。 (3)阿奇霉素 首次,以后每次,每天1次,共服5天。或1g,一次顿服。 (4)美满霉素(二甲胺四环素) 即刻,每次,每天2次,共服7~10天。患者服用后,部分有头晕、心慌、胃脘不适恶心,呕吐等不良反应。 (5)红霉素:口服每天每天3-4次,7-10天疗。 (6)罗红霉素 每次,每天1次,共服7天。或每次,每天2次,共服7天。有7%的病人出现副作用。 (7)红霉素硬脂酸盐 每次,每天4次,共服7天。 (8)红霉素琥珀酸乙酯 每次,每天4次,共服7天。 (9)土霉素250mg,每天4次,连服7天。 (10)氟嗪酸(氧氟沙星):口服200mg-300mg,每天2次,连服7-14天。亦可用氧氟沙星注射注液静脉滴注,但不可滴速过快。 (11)氟哌酸200mg,每天3次,共用14天。 (12)环丙氟呱酸250-400mg,每天2次,连服7-14天。 (13)泰力特(红霉素类的抗菌素)口服消炎治疗。 (14)菌必治(头孢三嗪)肌注或稀释后静脉滴注。 (15)先锋五号(头孢唑啉钠):2-6g分多次肌注或衡释后静脉滴注。 (16)壮观霉素:男性2g,女性4g一次肌注。 (17)环丙沙星:250-500mg一天分两次口服。可静脉滴注。不宜跟茶喊类药物同时使用。 (18)泰利必妥 每次,每天2次,共服7天。 应遵循及时量,规则用药的原则,根据不同病情选用相应的抗生素治疗。磺胺、利福平对衣原体有效,对支原体无效。庆大霉素、新霉素、多粘菌素对衣原体无效。链霉素、壮观霉素对衣原体无效,对支原体有效。孕妇及儿童不宜用四环素、强力霉素、喹诺酮类药物,可选用红霉素。如属淋病和非淋菌性尿道炎双重感染者,则先采用青霉素、淋必治等治疗。目前对四环素、强力霉素、红霉素已有不少菌株产生耐药。新一代合成抗菌药喹诺酮类,不但对衣原体、支原体有效,对淋球菌也高度敏感。总之,治疗非淋菌性尿道炎以四环素、红霉素族药物为主,阿奇霉素、美满霉素是近年来常用的治疗本病的药物,它们的疗效较四环素高,有效率约90%以上。全国各地在治疗本病时,均有不同的经验。内服药物治疗时,同时应局部外用"洁尔阴"或"皮肤康"洗剂等中药清洗,按时服药,以免出现并发症。 非淋重在调养。从我的经验,治疗时要避免焦急、过多疲劳,注意充足睡眠,忌烟酒和辛辣食物。本病治疗时所需的疗程较长,最需要耐心。如果治疗效果不佳,就要查明原因。如果是因为耐药性造成的,则要更换另外一种药物治疗。如果性伴侣也有同样的病,而且没有进行治疗,则疗效也不好。

问题一:人流手术怎么做 1、做人流手术之前,首先是确定妊娠。 根据停经史,妊娠试验阳性者一般可诊断为妊娠,但必须排除宫外孕及葡萄胎等滋养细胞疾病。只有确诊为宫内孕,才能行人流术。 2、人流术前准备。若发现自己怀孕后而又不想生育时,应尽量争取在10周内做人工流产。因为妊娠月份愈大,手术并发症愈多,故不要等妊娠月份大了再行流产或引产手术。 3、为人流手术期。用手术或药物将胚胎从子宫内清除出来,这是关键的―步。手术方式有多种,当前使用最多的方法是无痛人流、微管无痛人流、可视无痛人流和内窥式无痛取胚术,适合于3个月内的早孕. 问题二:人流是怎么做的 专家介绍说:无痛人流的过程一般可分为术前检查、手术过程及术后恢复等三个过程,只要保证这三个步骤顺利进行,才可保证人流女性的安全,也是对自己健康负责的表现! 1、术前检查 女性并不是所有情况都适合进行无痛人流的,如宫外孕不能进行人流,手术前患有妇科炎症需要先行治疗控制等,因而女性在无痛人流手术前应该进行相关的术前检查,以帮助查看女性有无不适合进行人流的情况,帮助医生在术前做好相关准备。 一般情况下,无痛人流术前的检查可B超检查、白带常规、HCG尿检、血凝四项、心电图等。 2、手术过程 无痛人流使用新型、安全、有效的静脉注射全身 *** ,受术者经过麻醉师静脉给药后,约30秒便可进入睡眠状态,在孕妇毫无直觉的状态下医生便可完成手术,整个手术过程仅需3―5分钟。无痛人流具有无痛、无恐惧感、出血少、手术时间短 、安全无副作用等的优势。 3、手术结束 手术结束的时候可能你醒来的时候已经在病床上了,你感觉不到任何疼痛的,可能这个时候 *** 会有少量的出血症状,如果出血量不是很多那都没有什么问题。 3、术后恢复 女性在进行无痛人流后,在医院休息并进行术后消炎后,如果没有异常情况,便可离院。在离院后女性应该注意休息、饮 食、卫生及性生活等方面的事项,以帮助身体尽好尽快的恢复,如果有异常情况,则需要及时到医院检查治疗,以免危害身体 健康。 相信通过上面的说明您对“无痛人流手术的具体过程”有了一定的了解,同时为了保证人流手术的安全,女性一定要选择一 种安全的方法进行, *** 阳光泌尿生殖医院专家推荐――凯尔保宫无痛人流术。 先进技术对子宫伤害更小:进行先进的产道维度测评后,选择合适的手术方式,包括较佳器具规格型号、负压系统的压力指数、术中病人的 *** 等,运用微创、可视的手术方法,准确定位,精确操作,一次性完整吸出胎囊,有效防止普通无痛人流术的多次操作和对子宫内膜的多次吸刮,避免对子宫的大面积损伤。 问题三:人流怎么做手术图解 人流是人工流产,是故意结束妊娠,取出胚胎或者导致胎儿死亡的行为。近些年来,我国的人流率不断增加,而且每年还是出现几个“人流潮”,据国家相关部门的统计,全国每年有将近500万例人流手术,尚不包括某些黑诊所所做的案例。这个手术到底是怎么进行的呢? 人流手术术前准备 在手术之前,正规医院应该对孕妇进行术前检查,如包括血常规、尿检、B超、心电图、白带常规等。通过这些检查可知是否患有全身性疾病、是否是宫外孕、有无妇科炎症,并且可以准确判断孕囊大小和位置等,增加手术的安全性。 人流手术过程 取胎 吸引宫腔 碎胎 吸胎 1、手术者应穿清洁工作衣,戴帽子、口罩,洗手并戴无菌手套。 2、受术者取刮宫位(膀胱截石位)。 3、外阴盖以无菌孔巾。 4、详细复查子宫位置、大小及附件。 5、用窥阴器扩开 *** ,拭净 *** 内积液,暴露出子宫颈,在宫颈及颈管消毒后,用宫颈钳钳夹宫颈前唇或后唇。 6、用探针依子宫方向探测宫腔深度。 7、用宫颈扩张器以执笔式逐号轻轻扩张宫口(扩大程度比所用吸管大半号到1号)。 8、吸引宫腔 (1)将吸管与术前准备好的负压装置连接。 (2)依子宫方向将吸管徐徐送入宫腔,达宫底部后,退出少许,寻找胚胎着床处。 (3)松开负压瓶装置上的夹子,感觉有负压后,将吸管顺时钟或逆时钟方向旋转,上下活动,待感到有物流向吸管,同时有子宫收缩和宫壁粗糙感时,可折叠捏住皮管,取出吸管(注意不要带负压进出颈管),再降低负压到100―200毫米汞柱,继续以吸管按上述方法在宫腔内吸引1―2周后,取出吸管,测量宫腔深度。 (4)抽出吸管时,如胚胎组织卡在吸管头部或管腔中时,需开动机器,将组织吸到瓶中再关机器。如组织卡在子宫口,可用卵圆钳将组织取出。 必要时可用小刮匙轻轻刮宫底及两角,检查是否已吸干净。如需放置宫内节育器者,可按常规操作。 9、确保孕囊及周围组织吸引干净 吸净的标志为: (1)吸管头紧贴宫腔壁有紧涩感。 (2)宫腔缩小~。 (3)宫颈口有血性泡沫出现。 10、用纱布拭净 *** ,除去宫颈钳,取出窥阴器,手术完毕。 11、将吸出物过滤,检查胚胎及绒毛是否完全。分别测量血及组织物的容量,如发现异常情况(无绒毛等),应送病理检查。 12、医生填写手术记录 人流手术术后消炎 人流术后一般需进行必要的消炎处理,以预防术后感染,避免并发症。术后清洗完外阴,穿好衣服后即可进行,一般采用输液或者药物进行消炎。 人流的危害已经无需多言,但是人流率仍在节节攀升,事前做好安全措施,是杜绝事后麻烦最好办法。如果某一次的不小心或者不经意之后,遭受到了不能承受的意外怀孕,也应当了解什么是正确并且安全的处理方式,避免受到二次伤害。总之,请不要随便的流来流去。 希望对你有所帮助! 问题四:人流手术过程一般是怎样的 一般是先进行检查,检查有没有怀,孩子多大等等 检查确定有,医生会问你要不要, 如果不要,就排期做手术,手术前要进行清洗 清洗完毕还要含一个东西,具体是啥我也说不来,就是裤子脱了,在床上躺办小时,然后就去手术事,这时候主刀医生来了,她先看看,然后麻醉师打麻药,然后就昏睡过去了。 等护士来叫你的时候,你就可以穿裤子离开了,然后他们会让你躺一会,因为麻药过后,会有点疼的,你可以在那里睡一觉,醒来,觉得没用啥不适就可以回家了。 注:虽然各医院打出广告说什么3分钟解决。真正手术有没有这么快,我真不知道,但是加上前面的检查、清洗等等,也要一个上午。我建议你早上去,下午回来可以好好休息下。 问题五:现在人流怎么做 不要再有错误的想法!看看《残蚀的理性》就知道了,这是杀生,会让自己一辈子走霉运,而且自己和爱人的关系,因此而中断了80%,如果堕胎两次,基本不可能在一起了,就是在一起也不会幸福。就是生下来扔到庙里也比杀掉自己的孩子要强,至少,将来,还有个怀念和牵挂…… 一般来说,年龄不超过20岁女孩子(特别是16-18岁的),她们的身体还没有完全成熟,如果这个时候堕胎一次,对身体的危害影响极大,以后她们患许多妇科病的几率要比正常的女人大好几倍。怀孕随便乱堕胎不只危险性高,而且还可能会产生严重的后遗症;高雄市小港医院近来就接到3例因堕胎不完全,子宫腔内残留胚胎骨头或组织而造成不孕。 医师表示,随着性观念的开放,有越来越多不预期的怀孕案例,甚至还有所谓“九月堕胎潮”,不过人工流产会造成出血、发炎、子宫腔黏粘等不孕后遗症,严重时还会死亡。 台湾高雄市立小港医院近来更发现3个罕见的人工流产后骨头残留造成不孕的案例。第一个案例是一名24岁的林姓妇人,婚后一直不孕,医师进行超音波检查发现她的子宫内有类似子宫避孕器的异常显像,但是林姓妇人并没有装置子宫避孕器。医师进一步以子宫镜检查发现子宫腔内有一块残留的胎儿骨头,询问之后发现,原来是病患6年前未婚怀孕,在怀孕4个月时接受人工流产,医师推断应该是当时流产所造成的后遗症。 第二个案例是一名26岁的李姓妇人,4年前因为胎死腹中接受人工流产,之后出现异常出血和痛经,但是李姓妇人并没有注意,近日是因为怀疑自己不孕而到医院接受超音波检查,同样被医师在腹中发现有子宫避孕器的异常显像,经过子宫镜检查,医师从李姓妇人的腹中取出7块胎儿的骨头。手术后异常出血和痛经的情况也就此消失。 第三个案例则是一名20多岁的妇人,同样因为不孕接受检查,结果发现子宫内有已经钙化的胚胎组织,医师询问发现她在7年多前还是青少年时,曾经一度怀孕8、9周,然后接受人工流产。 子宫腔内骨头的存留,通常会造成妇女子宫异常出血、月经量多、痛经和不孕,曾经接受人工流产的妇女如果出现上述症状,就应该特别注意;他也建议接受人工流产的患者如果在手术后第一次月经有异常出血或痛经的情况,最好就要接受检查。 如果女人堕胎超过三次,你可以去问问那些经验丰富的妇科医生,她们会告诉你,你可以怀孕,但你以后很难再生出Baby!Baby会在你怀孕7-8个月自动流产!因为堕胎超过三次以后,女性的子宫口已经阔开,加上现在条件好,营养好,婴儿都比较重,子宫拖不住婴儿,自然流产! 有一次有个大学二年级的女生,已经堕胎过三次,第四次的时候,她对医生说:我要把孩子生下来!医生对她说已经不可能了,她当时大哭起来. 而且堕胎还带来一种严重的隐性心理疾患,美国科学家研究,堕过胎的妇女患抑郁症的比例高于没堕胎的三倍。堕过胎的妇女的自杀率竟然高于没堕过胎的妇女五倍。最令人匪夷所思的是,研究表明,堕过胎的妇女,意外死亡(车祸、被杀等)的几率也高于没堕过胎妇女三倍…… 堕胎为什么会这样,科学界也没明确的结论,科学家很奇怪,许多堕胎后果看起来风马牛不相及,比如堕胎跟车祸以及盗匪奸杀有什么关系?因此大为头疼。 许多人认为堕胎是严重违反宇宙自然意旨的事,冥冥之中自然有感应。而且世界上大多数民族都相信有婴灵的存在。婴灵就是堕胎小儿的灵魂。据说,一个生命能投生为人是很难的事,当这个魂神好不容易进入母胎,成为一个人形,而竟然被轻易而且残忍地搅碎吸出,婴灵哀怨不去,总是追扰着母亲,他们在多维空间中有能量进行破坏,这是堕胎妇女万事不如意的根源。 所以先建议那些男的,请爱护你身边的女孩子,......>> 问题六:无痛人流的整个过程是怎样的。 5分 “无痛”的道理其实很简单,就是在吸宫流产手术的基础上,加了静脉全身麻醉。手术中没有一丝一毫的痛感,想像力丰富的人还能在 *** 的作用下做一个美梦呢! 很多人担心:麻醉是否能确保安全? 医生们一致肯定地回答:能。 无痛人流手术使用的麻药是复合 *** ,这种药物代谢很快,在身体里只停留很短的时间,没有任何后遗影响。只是在麻醉过程中,很少数人发生过敏等反应,但在麻醉医生的监护下也可安全过关。 无痛人工流产,一级 *** 的48小时 其实整个手术过程只需要大约15分钟,但加上事先的准备,即使一切顺利,至少也需要两天时间。 以下就是一位人流客人按照医生的叮嘱,48小时详细日程。 手术预备时 上医院前要准备的: *停止性生活,以免增加感染 *** 炎的危险。 *去医院的当天早上洗个淋浴,着重清洗外 *** ,但注意不要让水进入 *** 。 *穿上便于穿脱的 *** 和外裤。带上足够的现金。如果有固定的医院病历也带上。 *最好有人陪。穿梭于挂号处、门诊、检验科、交费处、药房,两个人比一个人快些。 *出门前,带几片卫生护垫,一些干净的面巾纸。检查时医生要用消毒液消毒外 *** ,如果没有这些准备,检查完了湿乎乎的可就尴尬了。 来到医院要做的: *挂号,买检查用的垫子和 *** 窥器,等待就诊。 *详细回答医生的每一个问题。 如果医生问到“怀孕过几次?”“流产过几次?”,千万别因为难为情而隐瞒真相,一定坦言相告。医生需要了解这些情况,对你的子宫状况做一个正确评价。 *医生让你躺上妇科检查床。 这种脱掉一边衣裤、双腿分开、架在两边的姿势可能非常令人尴尬和紧张,但要尽量放松些。检查中如果感到疼痛或不适,一定要马上说出来,并要求医生轻一些。 *穿好衣服,拿好医生开的化验单,到交费处交费、到检验科抽血化验,回医生那里预约手术时间。 最快可以约到第二天,最迟也在一周之内。有些人会在检查中发现患 *** 炎―这种疾病确实很常见,医生会先帮助病人治疗 *** 炎,治愈后再预约手术。有些医院,无痛人流是要住院的,你就会得到一张住院条。 手术进行时 *前一天晚上早早上床,保证睡眠充足。 *当天早上千万不能用早餐,再渴也不能喝水。 否则麻醉医生将拒绝麻醉。于是,结局就是两种:要么推迟手术时间,要么不麻醉,做普通的人流手术。 这是因为:麻醉后可能有胃肠道反应,如果胃中有食物,会被呕吐出来,并进入气管,引起窒息。但可以带上一些高热量、易消化的食物和水,等手术之后进食。 *按医生的要求,当天早上往 *** 里放一片药。 这种药能够软化宫颈,减少扩开宫颈时的创伤。放药时要用消毒手套(药房有卖),将药片放到 *** 最深处,最好触到宫颈,这样才能达到最佳药效。 *带上卫生巾、面巾纸。手术之后会有一些出血。 *如果上一次是一个人去的医院,除了感到有些孤单外,其他一切都还好,那么这一次,必须有人陪你一起去。 因为很可能在麻醉醒转之后还觉得有些头晕转向,一个人回家是很不安全的。 *进了手术室之后,躺上那张与妇科检查床十分相似的手术床,麻醉师扎静脉,准备输液、输麻药;护士进行外阴和 *** 的消毒;慢慢地,睡意侵袭,这是麻药在起作用;大约十几分钟后(当然自己不知道有多长时间),忽然醒来,心情十分愉快,甚至想再美美地睡一觉。这时候医生和护士扶你下床,坐上轮椅,推去休息室休息一会儿,就可以回家了。 超导可视无痛人流,800元,在可视技术引导检测下进行,有利于看到附着在子宫内的孕囊,手术在无痛、睡眠中3-5分钟完成,时间短,副作用小,术后即醒,无不适应症,使用常规器械,减少手术并发症。 Belson 数字超导负压吸宫术,1000元,采用微创器械直取孕囊,减少宫腔搔刮......>> 问题七:无痛人流到底怎么做 堕胎的真相 把这类文章让自己的男人也了解,读一读, 让他了解堕胎带给女性的痛苦,不要让他只认为是一个他不痛不痒的常规小手术--当你无所谓时, 他也无所谓了。 女孩子一定要懂得爱护自己。 1刻快乐,换来的是你在手术台上死一次。 知道人流会不孕吗?会有机率死在手术台上知道吗?你忍心把什么都给了你的女人推上地狱之门?你爱你女人就不要伤害她,也不要伤害你们的爱情结晶 西方普遍法律禁止堕胎,比如: 美国,英国,法国,意大利,葡萄牙,瑞典,瑞士,俄国,阿根廷,葡萄牙,爱尔兰,肯尼亚,苏格兰。。。 了解一下正确的堕胎常识, 不要认为只是个常规小手术。 堕胎被人默许的原因之一,是因为他们看不见堕胎手术对腹中胎儿的影响。 即使我们的电视堕胎节目也被审查,电视台禁止播送。所以电影“无声的尖叫”(播送堕胎时子宫内的情形)引起很多争论,使人情绪沸腾。这部电影剖视一个十一个星期大的女婴被堕胎时的情形: 这部电影用新的音波技术,让我们看见一个孩子在子宫内的轮廓,她在挣扎,但是无 法反抗抽吸器,于是头部被撕掉,跟着你看见死去的孩子被肢解,头部被压碎,然后逐块 被吸走。 看过这部电影的人,没有人还会讲“无痛”的堕胎。执行这堕胎手术的医生也不忍看完这部影片,他马上冲到播放室的外面,虽然他曾做了几千次堕胎手术,他以后再也没做 过一次。 那些明白堕胎情形的人难于忍受这件事,所用的办法视乎未诞生胎儿的年龄,有时需 要采用多种办法。 大部分的堕胎是在前十二个星期内进行的,胎儿仍然很小,可以用一个强力的抽吸器把他吸出,这个抽吸器的能力是普通家用吸尘机的二十五倍。 这个方法叫做抽吸割除术 (suction curettage),抽吸器的力量撕裂或者绞拧胎儿的身体,将肢体逐部撕开,直至只剩下头部来。胎儿的头部太大,不能从吸管中通过,所以堕胎的人需要用 钳子插入子宫内,攫获这个单独漂浮的头部,然后将它钳碎,直至能够通过抽吸管,那么头部也就被挪走。 尼芬淳博士描写这个过程说:“基本上,胎儿是被砍碎,然后用抽吸器吸出,出来的 时候只是一堆的肉碎。” 当抽吸管在子宫内转动,胎儿四周的膜和液体马上被抽走,那小小的生物也被撕裂,最后,连接于子宫表皮的胎盘也被拔出。有一本手册封这一阶段的堕胎作如下的 形容:“无论何时察觉有物质流入管内,活动就会停止,直至它全部流出,然后又继续转动,在整 个抽吸割除术过程中,你会看见混着血的粉红色组织,一点一点的通过塑胶管流出。” 另一个堕胎程序叫做D&E“扩张和吸取” (dilation and evacuation)。这个程序通常用在第四到第八个月。子宫颈被扩大,插入子宫的不是抽吸器,却是手术钳(好象大工具钳),把胎儿的身体夹着,逐部拧 掉,一块一块的取出,然后将脊骨和头颅骨压碎拔出, 另外用一把割除器或者锋利的椭圆形刀子刮干净。 在 D&C“扩张不和割除”(dilation and curretage)手术中,这把刀子被放置子宫内转动,当碰上障碍物,刀子就集中刮擦。换言之,胎儿的手臂可能被割走,腿部被割走,面部被砍碎,头部被 砍掉,身体被肢解,切断为很多细块,然后身体各部分和胎盘被抽吸 而出…… 将胎儿身体有计划地砍碎的技术名词是“分碎术” (morcellation)。这些手术都有很多潜伏的危机,如果堕胎手术是将胎儿切割或者抽吸,身体各部分必须谨慎地被重新凑合,证实整个婴儿都在子宫 外,因为胎儿的任何部分如果被留在子宫里,会有感染病毒的危险。1978年,一份呈交“双亲计划协会”(Association Planned Parent......>>




"La Traviata" is a classic immortal novel, has swept the world, tens of millions of issuance, opera, drama, film and television works of thousands. The author Dumas with his portrayal of life to weave a poor, pathetic, alas, lovely, amiable, respectable prostitute destiny, La Traviata Margaret in the fickleness of the world customs, social background, to find a true love, and this love will be kept out of the world. Poor a roll of Camellia female, broken all the world swing son soul!

Poor and amiable - and Armand love, to love the innocent Margaret, everything can be sacrificed to her as long as he loves himself, nothing more. She had to reduce the burden of Armand, secretly sold her jewelry, jewelry, which fully shows a amiable girl pure, selfless, pursuit and persistence of love, but her purity can not resist the Armand really loved the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, although Margaret, but because of the misunderstanding, blindly extreme suspicion. The results hard to revenge, with their love shame so innocent and poor young girl. Good people, the heart of evil, although this is proportional to, but I have to say the good may become evil, evil will become good, both of which are closely related, it is these people so I know, everyone on the beauty, it is very easy to be found, you will get to know it is why, perhaps, no, yes, Margaret is no way to change a prostitute, but in the real, beautiful style, showing a poor and amiable highbrow.

Sad and lovely Margaret on his own career prostitute hated, in life, only the transaction and the false display of affection, the naked money relations, break the pale, here, she had thought of himself as great scourges, like a pariah scorned, some day in the future, will be like a dog who can not destroy others also, ruined himself. She did not voluntarily choose this dirty road, but she was forced by society. I think it is because of this sad fate that inspired her and bravely found what she really wanted and looked forward to. And Armand abandoned all the pursuit of their own happiness, spent in the country, I think it is the only happy time in her life, she is like a child, lively, naive. She is trying to be an ordinary person, ordinary appearance, ordinary life, at least they can make her happy, not by money, she is worthy of love, because of her courage, because of her persistence, because her in the real, fling caution to the winds, touch tone, showing a a sad and lovely beautiful and elegant figure.

Alas, Armand and Margaret - honorable matchmaking old prostitute F Lui Don S during the debt in her ill, and not only what did not help her, but don't even see her, it shows what? It was the complex darkness of society at that time, but a kind woman who could not get any relief. Armand and her girlfriend OLIMP collusion hurt be Margaret, what she can do, because Armand no longer believe her, she had to write her voice in the diary, which explains what? Margaret is the cry sad tired of hard life, is a respectable figure, a lost death scene. Margaret worthy of respect, people's hearts are the most incisive Jiachou foil the soul of the value.

This is a Dumas "La Traviata" report. I have read this book for a short period of time, feeling really profound feelings and thinking, to record their own, but think what questions can't express my feeling after reading, whether it is the vision of imagination or grief, mourning, feel is not accurate enough, if it is called the book, I also simple. Can make the only correct title.

Who is the most noble and respectable whore in the world? Believe that more than half of the people will say "Margaret", do not rule out that some will say that Du Shiniang, Li Shishi or something, but their influence is significantly less than the former. Indeed, she is beautiful. Pure, kind and selfless, elegant, although prostitution. Still maintain a pure heart and independent personality. She is the lover of Armand's love is as keen as selfless enough to commendable. Besides, Margaret is out of shape based on the true story of the processing, and his portrait is really beautiful.

Of course, the novel is not to depict the highlight of Margaret's appearance and character, mainly the sentimental love story, and the end of doomed tragedy, and the real delicate psychological description. Especially Armand's psychological description is simply an inspired passage. The truth, the substitution of sex, are not questioned. As if he were Armand, Margaret's love, is his own love for her.

Generally speaking, a novel is a tragedy, a tragic tragedy, and this tragedy is inevitable. Fireworks women's love is so difficult to think over, and men's paranoia and monopoly desire will inevitably lead to the development of this tragedy. While I was reading, I was wondering if Armand was a Scorpio, and that personality seemed to be the picture of the sky crab. However, there is no way to verify it. In fact, no matter what constellation, as long as falling in love with a man, will inevitably have the same idea as he.

I don't need to say more about the plot of the novel. It's so famous. I'm sure most people would have read it. Even my mother has seen it. At the end I talk about the author of the novel Dumas.

Dumas was Alexandre Dumas's illegitimate child, at the age of 7 was admitted by Alexandre Dumas. I like Alexandre Dumas's work very much. Popular, but it has an unusual appeal. From the view of the camellia girl, the book is difficult to find the shadow of Alexandre Dumas, but still the same classics, long lasting. The book was written by the author when he was 24 years old, based on his own experience. At that time, the prototype of the camellia woman had just died. By the famous dumas. That's what we call "dead money.". Little man has many works in his life, but no one can compare with his own confession, which is another great tragedy of his.

This story’s name is “The little prince”。 As it known to all, we will encounter a lot of difficulties, even hardships. Different people may have different ways to deal with them. After reading The Little Princess, I am deeply impressed by Sara’s way to deal with difficulties. The Little Princess was written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, a famous novelist and dramatist. Sara, the heroine of the novel, was born in a rich family. In order to get a better education, her father took her from India to London so that she could go to the best school. Because Sara was kind-hearted, generous and most of all—rich, she was loved by everyone. All went well until her father died in an accident. Everything changed completely. She didn’t understand why the teachers and classmates treated her so badly. Even the principal who used to be fond of her, made her work 16 hours a day. Sara’s miserable life began.When I finished reading the book, I was shocked by what the unimaginable pain Sara had suffered after her father’s death. She used to be a happy, worriless, and rich Princess,() but now she was a lonely and poor servant. She had to work very hard without any rest but only had little food. Besides she had to endure the unfriendly and even rude ways that her classmates treated her. All teachers and students in the school looked down upon her. The most important fact is that Sara had lost the love and care of her parents.What a mighty pain! If you were Sara, could you stand such pain? Needless to say, an 11 years old girl, even if it were an adult, he might not put up with it. But to my surprise, Sara faced it bravely.

Despite of the torture of the principal and all those pressures above, she still was optimistic towards life. By reading this novel, I felt inspired and think much. When we meet such difficulties, what should we do? Some people always complain that the fate is unfair to them. Some people can’t sustain the hardships and choose to give up. Few of them even try to commit suicide because they lack the courage to overcome it. Compared with Sara—an eleven years old girl who can treat the pressure of life with optimistic spirit, these people’s performances are sounded so lamentable. Why can’t they make it?However, what impress me most are her characteristics and the thought of her “being a real princess.” This “real princess” does not mean luxury palaces, beautiful clothes and the apple of the others’ eyes, but being kind, generous and having good manners. It is unnecessary for “a real princess” to be strong in body, but she must be strong in will. Sara is a real princess in my heart all the time, whether she was rich and wore beautiful clothes in the classroom or she was cold and hungry in the attic, just because she had the good characters and kind heart. The story went on.

Fortunately, a friend of Sara’s father found her and told her that her father left a great sum of money to her. I pray and believe that every good person in the world deserve a good result, and of course, we are the same.

哈姆雷特 读后感" Hamlet " of Shakespear is a classical representative work. This book certainly does not have the big difference in the superficial plot with the historical fable, spoke or the Danish prince the story which revenged for the father, in which fills the rank smell of blood violence and dies.Just like the dramatis personae Horatio said: " you may hear to to rape massacre, the unusual repair behavior, the dark center decision, accidental slaughter, borrows the hand murder , as well as falls into suicide result." Windingly elects the plot, tightly centers on the revenge to launch. Hamlet Wittenberg hurries back the home in a hurry from Germany, is attends his father's funeral, enables him to accept, he not catches up with father's funeral, actually witnessed the mother and the Uncle Claudius' wedding ceremony, this had caused Hamm the Wright suspicion at the heart, added night above meets in the royal palace castle with father's ghost, the ghost sorrow sued, this pile atrocity was Uncle Hamlet the behavior, and wanted him to revenge for the father.To this, he started the difficult revenge course, launched the life and death contest with Claudius. Finally, sent out sword the revenge to Claudius.





"La Traviata" is a classic immortal novel, has swept the world, tens of millions of issuance, opera, drama, film and television works of thousands. The author Dumas with his portrayal of life to weave a poor, pathetic, alas, lovely, amiable, respectable prostitute destiny, La Traviata Margaret in the fickleness of the world customs, social background, to find a true love, and this love will be kept out of the world. Poor a roll of Camellia female, broken all the world swing son soul!

Poor and amiable - and Armand love, to love the innocent Margaret, everything can be sacrificed to her as long as he loves himself, nothing more. She had to reduce the burden of Armand, secretly sold her jewelry, jewelry, which fully shows a amiable girl pure, selfless, pursuit and persistence of love, but her purity can not resist the Armand really loved the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, although Margaret, but because of the misunderstanding, blindly extreme suspicion. The results hard to revenge, with their love shame so innocent and poor young girl. Good people, the heart of evil, although this is proportional to, but I have to say the good may become evil, evil will become good, both of which are closely related, it is these people so I know, everyone on the beauty, it is very easy to be found, you will get to know it is why, perhaps, no, yes, Margaret is no way to change a prostitute, but in the real, beautiful style, showing a poor and amiable highbrow.

Sad and lovely Margaret on his own career prostitute hated, in life, only the transaction and the false display of affection, the naked money relations, break the pale, here, she had thought of himself as great scourges, like a pariah scorned, some day in the future, will be like a dog who can not destroy others also, ruined himself. She did not voluntarily choose this dirty road, but she was forced by society. I think it is because of this sad fate that inspired her and bravely found what she really wanted and looked forward to. And Armand abandoned all the pursuit of their own happiness, spent in the country, I think it is the only happy time in her life, she is like a child, lively, naive. She is trying to be an ordinary person, ordinary appearance, ordinary life, at least they can make her happy, not by money, she is worthy of love, because of her courage, because of her persistence, because her in the real, fling caution to the winds, touch tone, showing a a sad and lovely beautiful and elegant figure.

Alas, Armand and Margaret - honorable matchmaking old prostitute F Lui Don S during the debt in her ill, and not only what did not help her, but don't even see her, it shows what? It was the complex darkness of society at that time, but a kind woman who could not get any relief. Armand and her girlfriend OLIMP collusion hurt be Margaret, what she can do, because Armand no longer believe her, she had to write her voice in the diary, which explains what? Margaret is the cry sad tired of hard life, is a respectable figure, a lost death scene. Margaret worthy of respect, people's hearts are the most incisive Jiachou foil the soul of the value.

This is a Dumas "La Traviata" report. I have read this book for a short period of time, feeling really profound feelings and thinking, to record their own, but think what questions can't express my feeling after reading, whether it is the vision of imagination or grief, mourning, feel is not accurate enough, if it is called the book, I also simple. Can make the only correct title.

Who is the most noble and respectable whore in the world? Believe that more than half of the people will say "Margaret", do not rule out that some will say that Du Shiniang, Li Shishi or something, but their influence is significantly less than the former. Indeed, she is beautiful. Pure, kind and selfless, elegant, although prostitution. Still maintain a pure heart and independent personality. She is the lover of Armand's love is as keen as selfless enough to commendable. Besides, Margaret is out of shape based on the true story of the processing, and his portrait is really beautiful.

Of course, the novel is not to depict the highlight of Margaret's appearance and character, mainly the sentimental love story, and the end of doomed tragedy, and the real delicate psychological description. Especially Armand's psychological description is simply an inspired passage. The truth, the substitution of sex, are not questioned. As if he were Armand, Margaret's love, is his own love for her.

Generally speaking, a novel is a tragedy, a tragic tragedy, and this tragedy is inevitable. Fireworks women's love is so difficult to think over, and men's paranoia and monopoly desire will inevitably lead to the development of this tragedy. While I was reading, I was wondering if Armand was a Scorpio, and that personality seemed to be the picture of the sky crab. However, there is no way to verify it. In fact, no matter what constellation, as long as falling in love with a man, will inevitably have the same idea as he.

I don't need to say more about the plot of the novel. It's so famous. I'm sure most people would have read it. Even my mother has seen it. At the end I talk about the author of the novel Dumas.

Dumas was Alexandre Dumas's illegitimate child, at the age of 7 was admitted by Alexandre Dumas. I like Alexandre Dumas's work very much. Popular, but it has an unusual appeal. From the view of the camellia girl, the book is difficult to find the shadow of Alexandre Dumas, but still the same classics, long lasting. The book was written by the author when he was 24 years old, based on his own experience. At that time, the prototype of the camellia woman had just died. By the famous dumas. That's what we call "dead money.". Little man has many works in his life, but no one can compare with his own confession, which is another great tragedy of his.

This story’s name is “The little prince”。 As it known to all, we will encounter a lot of difficulties, even hardships. Different people may have different ways to deal with them. After reading The Little Princess, I am deeply impressed by Sara’s way to deal with difficulties. The Little Princess was written by Frances Hodgson Burnett, a famous novelist and dramatist. Sara, the heroine of the novel, was born in a rich family. In order to get a better education, her father took her from India to London so that she could go to the best school. Because Sara was kind-hearted, generous and most of all—rich, she was loved by everyone. All went well until her father died in an accident. Everything changed completely. She didn’t understand why the teachers and classmates treated her so badly. Even the principal who used to be fond of her, made her work 16 hours a day. Sara’s miserable life began.When I finished reading the book, I was shocked by what the unimaginable pain Sara had suffered after her father’s death. She used to be a happy, worriless, and rich Princess,() but now she was a lonely and poor servant. She had to work very hard without any rest but only had little food. Besides she had to endure the unfriendly and even rude ways that her classmates treated her. All teachers and students in the school looked down upon her. The most important fact is that Sara had lost the love and care of her parents.What a mighty pain! If you were Sara, could you stand such pain? Needless to say, an 11 years old girl, even if it were an adult, he might not put up with it. But to my surprise, Sara faced it bravely.

Despite of the torture of the principal and all those pressures above, she still was optimistic towards life. By reading this novel, I felt inspired and think much. When we meet such difficulties, what should we do? Some people always complain that the fate is unfair to them. Some people can’t sustain the hardships and choose to give up. Few of them even try to commit suicide because they lack the courage to overcome it. Compared with Sara—an eleven years old girl who can treat the pressure of life with optimistic spirit, these people’s performances are sounded so lamentable. Why can’t they make it?However, what impress me most are her characteristics and the thought of her “being a real princess.” This “real princess” does not mean luxury palaces, beautiful clothes and the apple of the others’ eyes, but being kind, generous and having good manners. It is unnecessary for “a real princess” to be strong in body, but she must be strong in will. Sara is a real princess in my heart all the time, whether she was rich and wore beautiful clothes in the classroom or she was cold and hungry in the attic, just because she had the good characters and kind heart. The story went on.

Fortunately, a friend of Sara’s father found her and told her that her father left a great sum of money to her. I pray and believe that every good person in the world deserve a good result, and of course, we are the same.

"Island of gold and silver" is a classic masterpiece in the world, is the author of the famous British writer Steven Health. This book describes Jim as a juvenile pedestrian island to find a sea pirate treasure buried money, and with the arrival led to John piracy groups conducted soul-stirring fierce fighting, the story itself. Editorial delicate fluid novels, romantic story novel, readers will stimulate the imagination, allowing readers to experience the wonderful adventure with the world moving heartstrings. Novels praised poor, vagrants, orphans, on the noble, courageous and well intentioned, who have expanded the evil, cowardly and insidious way to pay tribute to character and good people.


英语读后感 《老人与海》The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway’s most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. It played a great part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers. Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.This novel mainly wrote one old person alone in marine fishes. He fished one big fish, tied up the fish head and the upper part of the body side the boat above. But he met the shark fish, the old person causes all one's skill and the shark fish fight, the shark fish the fish flesh which could eat all eats finished also has about 800 pounds.This book promulgates the truth, not showed the person how regardless of, most feared is does not have the confidence. The confidence is just like is the automobile motor, is power which the person goes forward.I first read this book when I was in my fifteens. And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday.

1.《汤姆索亚历险记》是美国大文豪马克·吐温以美国少年生活为主体写成的。故事的时代背景,是十九世纪美国密西西比河的圣彼得堡。故事的主人公汤姆是个天真、活泼而又顽皮的典型美国少年。他和野孩子夏克,各干出了许多令人捧腹的妙事。像汤姆被罚粉刷围墙,竟施出诡计,不但使别的孩子心甘情愿代替他工作,还自动奉上谢礼。后来和夏克逃到荒岛去,人们以为他们淹死了,正在教堂为他们举行丧礼,而他们却躲在教堂的钟楼上偷听。这些顽皮的举动,虽然不能给我们做模范,但是,他为了正义,毅然地挺身出来作证人,拯救那无辜的罪犯沫夫彼得。并在顽皮之余,居然和夏克破获了一桩谋杀案,成为众人钦佩的小英雄。看来,汤姆也有值得我们学习的地方。其实孩子的顽皮有时候正好体现了孩子的天真烂漫。 这种童真过了孩童时代就很难再寻,能让我们找到的,就只有一点点偶尔才会想起的甜蜜回忆。我相信,即使你的童年再艰苦,回想起来你也会很开心。谁没有在小时候做过一件半件的傻事?当你越长大,你就会越觉得这些傻事有趣。 我说童年就像一罐甜酒,时隔越久,尝起来就越香,越纯,越让人回味。人总是会长大的,除了个儿长高了,身子强壮了以外,人的思想也在长。你对世界的看法不同了,懂事了,不再幼稚了。不过人是要越变越好才是。千万不能像历险记里的那个心狠手辣的坏蛋卓伊一样,他坏事做尽,人见人憎。但最后他还是恶有恶报,得到了一个活活饿死在山洞里的下场。看完《汤姆索亚历险记》,我真羡慕汤姆能有如此有趣的经历。这本书让人看起来津津有味,甚至废寝忘食。我想,《汤姆索亚历险记》在你烦闷的时候或许能让你一笑解千愁。在这本书里,小主人公汤姆索亚带着我来到了他的童年,在他的童年里,淘气的汤姆索亚带我来到他的家庭,他的学校。他喜欢和哈克贝恩、乔埃哈波、班恩罗杰、吉姆哈林斯……一起玩耍。他有一次说出了真相,把印第安乔告上法庭,把可怜的墨菲波特解救了出来。又有一次,他把哈克和乔埃叫到荒岛上,来当海盗。还有一次,他把撒切尔法官的女儿贝琪撒切尔从难以走出的“迷宫”里救了出来最后他又和他的好朋友哈克一起寻宝他们把蕴藏在地下的宝藏成功地挖了出来,汤姆又把自己的机智发挥出来了,他把宝藏藏在了两个小口袋里,吃力地运了出来。汤姆的童年是充满叛逆和冒险的,我希望大家能跟着这个机智勇敢的小主人公,共同感受童心的透明,青春的美丽,人生的温馨,自由的可贵……让我们为自己的童年,自己的人生,打下良好的基础,让我们一起进入他的童年,进入他的回忆吧!说到读书,那可是我最大的爱好。我读过的书不计其数,其中最富有童趣的要数《汤姆索亚历险记》了。这本书的作者是美国著名文学大师马克.吐温。读了这本书后,我深深地感受到了主人公汤姆的勇敢和正义。一天,汤姆和伙伴哈克在坟地目睹了一场惊心动魄的杀人案。但凶手波特却冤枉哈波,于是,哈波被抓了。汤姆决定在法庭上证明一切。这需要多大的勇气啊!这可是杀人案,况且,当时杀人犯波特也在场,他就不怕波特吗?正因为汤姆有超强的正义感,所以他才不顾一切救哈波,要还他清白。我对他真是佩服得五体投地!又有一次,汤姆和伙伴贝琪在游玩。在一个伸手不见五指、通道又纵横交错的大山洞中迷了路。他们被困在里面几天几夜。贝琪是个女孩,她那时再也走不动了,全靠汤姆冒着生命危险探路,直到走出山洞。多勇敢啊!在死神面前毫不示弱。汤姆的一举一动,无不证明了他的勇敢。一般的人首先会被自己吓倒,而他却勇敢地面对并解除了所有的困难和危险!读了这本书,我也变得勇敢正义起来了。现在,我终于明白,读书给我们带来的影响有多大。在以后的人生坎坷中,我一定会想起这个名字――汤姆《神秘岛》叙述的是美国南北战争时期,有五个被困在南军的北方人,他们是工程师——哈丁上尉、战地记者——史皮莱特、哈丁的仆人——奈伯、水手——潘克洛夫特和他养的孤儿——赫伯特。另外还有一只训练有素的探险犬,属于哈丁的。他们趁一次机会用气球逃脱了,他们中途被风暴吹落在太平洋的一个荒岛上,但是他们并没有绝望,而是团结起来。来到孤岛,大家一致推选哈丁上尉为首领,开始了原始社会的生活,经过大家的努力,“居民”们有了两个住宅,建了一条护“城”河,还有大刀、弓箭、钉子等等,存粮食的地方和汤锅都有了,还有面包吃,居民们的日子过得很充实,大家也更加团结了,在岛上还安了一个电台,可是也有许多离奇的事发生了:一次赫伯特得了疾病,就在他快死时却找到了救命药,海盗船入侵被鱼雷炸飞,剩余的五个匪徒流窜了四个月突然死了,身上只有一个红点,以及一个装有了他们最需要的皮箱……这些怪事使他们百思不得其解,到了最后,他们知道这些都是尼摩船长做的。原来尼摩是六年前来到这里的。他偶然发现这些被抛弃在荒岛,没有任何资源的落难者,但他又不愿意暴露自己。他发现这些人非常诚实,富有活力,而且相互团结友爱,船长逐渐对他们产生兴趣。他情不自禁地深入到他们生活中去。而之后尼摩还帮他们到塔布岛留字条,但回来后不久,他却病死了。最后遇难者乘邓肯号回到祖国,用尼摩船长留下的财产买下了一块土地,大家还是团结在一起,因为他们知道,荒岛上如果他们不团结,是不可能活下来的。是的,如果他们不团结是活不下来的.如果一个人在荒岛生活,又怎能耐住寂寞,一个人怎么能发现制造东西,而他们这五个人也是缺一不可:缺了工程师,他们无法制造生活用品,无法知道自己的地理位置,就连日常生活中最容易得到的火都无法摄取;缺了水手,他们不能制造船只去塔布岛救人;缺了赫伯特,他们吃的东西就没有了安全保障,因为其他人并不知野菜是否有毒……如果他们不团结,也就不能战胜海盗;如果他们不团结,就不能将这里从一无所有到应有尽有.古今中外有无数名言说的就是团结的重要,比如:共同的事业,共同的斗争,可以使人们产生忍受一切的力量_奥斯特洛夫斯基.而我们中国人往往就是输在这里,比如说:当足球比赛是世界性的时候,中国队是很难踢出国门的,而中国队的强项则是单打,比如:乒乓球.这是因为像足球这样的运动,是体现每个队的团体合作精神,它不是一个人怎样把球踢进去的事,而是需要11人在共同配合下,把一个足球踢进去,而有些队员们只想着个人进球时的荣耀却忽视了合作的重要.牺牲精神有时也是值得我们学习的.尼摩船长在病入膏肓之时,还不忘帮助这些人.他独自驾船去几千英里之外的塔布岛,而他驾的船,只是一只最普通无法抵挡风暴的小船,并且他出航的时间是太平洋风雨交加的时候.上岛之后他留了一张纸条在岛中的屋中,纸上说:”岛上的已经在另一个岛上,岛上还有5人,请营救他们.”如果不是尼摩船长,这些人再次遇险时,也不会有人来救他们。做到承诺是一个人做人之本.当火山爆发,这些遇难者再次遇难时,格兰特船长的儿女来接从前那个罪不可赦的爱尔顿.十三年前,他们曾约定当船长觉得爱尔顿已经赎清了罪,就来接他,船长去塔布岛看到那张纸条后,就在遇难者几乎绝望时,他们来了,他们做到了当初的承诺。这就是我读这本书的收获,一个人必须拥有的:团结的精神、牺牲的精神,还要信守承诺海底两万里》读后感再次读完这本书,心中还是存在这个愿望,就是希望随尼摩船长一起探尽海底所有的秘密,可恨没有阿龙纳斯教授的好运。故事起于1866年一件闹的满城风雨的怪事,许多船只在海上发现了海怪,法国生物学家阿龙纳斯教授受邀追逐怪兽淮知,落入水中,与同伴一起周游四海,最后不堪海底的沉闷,想方设法,重回陆地。写到这里,竟然情不自禁地想到了<<哈利波特>>,而此书的价值远远胜过前者(就我个人而言),毕竟在1870年能写出这样奇幻小说并流传至今是极为珍贵的。135年千千万万读者还有时光流逝的考验并没有使它的锐气磨减,反而更肯定了它的价值,而我觉得它在文学史上这所以屹立是因为它从头至尾贯穿的两个字”幻想”。幻想自古以来便是推动社会发展的力量源泉。而至今天,事实证明作者儒勒。凡尔纳的一切幻想或是推理都是有现实作为基础的,例如:海底森林,穿越海底隧道(阿拉伯海底地道,苏伊士下面一条通往地中海的地道),一块沉没的陆地(大西洋洲),在未来世界,一切幻想皆成为了现实。在<<海>>中,尼摩般长说了一句话:”人类进步的实在是太慢了。”幻想其实便是进步的翅膀。100多年前的人的幻想在100多年后成为现实,探索是无止境的呀!<<海>>赞美了那深蓝的国度,史诗般壮丽的海洋,一个无忧无虑,与世无争的地方,那里有数不清的珊瑚,植藻,游鱼,矿产,正是一幅瑰丽的锦图,我无法用语言来赞美或形容它。”诺第留斯号”不管在哪个时代都是一部不朽的神话。是它揭开了海洋中无限神秘的一切,对于船长尼摩来说,更是精神的家园。终于说到尼摩船长了,这个谜一样的人物一样为此书增色不少,他可以为法国偿还几百亿国债,看到朋友死去会无声的落泪,会把上百万黄金送给穷苦的人,会收容所有厌恶的陆地的人,会把满口袋的珍珠送给可怜的采珠人,会逃避人类,施行可怕的报复,他对人类有根深蒂固的不信任感,这个弃绝人世天才,我一向都是由衷喜欢这类人,对于尼摩船长无尽的痛苦,我总想探个究竟,我不明白,这样的人有着怎样的经历和出身。但我相信他是一个善良的人。<<海底两万里>>委实是一本经典名著,而在现代,却很少见到这样的经典的名著,那些浮华的东西倒是很多,真是可惜得很!


确实不好找,下面是金银岛的Kant said: "I have chosen the path to its own, I will unswervingly. Since I have set foot on the road, then anything should not prevent me along this path. "Ah, if a person, his life is always difficult to avoid the encounter, then he life is wasted, and will never have any success; and contrary, if a person has a strong sense of responsibility, then he will be successful owner. Before, I aversion difficult, but since I read this "Treasure Island", I determined to be the masters of success. This book mainly to small proprietors of Jim as the center, around the choppy sea, witty and courageous young, ferocious and cunning pirates and a mysterious treasure map to Jim about the opportunities in the accidental, the Pirates Fulinde be in possession of hidden treasure on Treasure Island map. With a fleet to treasure, and rely on their own resourcefulness and courageous launched a fierce pirate life and death struggle, the ultimate safe return of adventure stories. Read contents of the briefing, you probably do not think any inspiration to you, but I have benefited enormously. I know a lot know indomitable spirit and courage is the life of the treasures, we know in the face of hardship, we should not bow, but should bravely face difficulties. This is the blind Pew his is a sharp contrast to the doings Although blind Pew, who ultimately died at the Horseshoe, the people can not help but feel refreshing.But some of his memories are still Let me deep, "the opportunity to get rich in your eyes, you are still not in the depression must! Obviously ... you certainly did not know what was taken away, but the courage to continue looking for one ... "If you are a Pew hands of the case, the chances of success in front of you, you have the courage to move forward? We Forget about this problem, out of fiction world, we came to the realities of life. This sentence was read, "half of life is unfortunate, and the other half is dealing with tough luck," we can see that our lives around the many thorns. Our pursuit of knowledge, the pursuit of their quest, with the expansion of the scope of life, a new person will definitely encounter setbacks and failures, which are what you need? Need courage. Of course, brave, does not mean recklessly engaged in reckless, brave means that you repeated discretion after you decided to take some of the things that fall.This word: love life, we should thank the giver of life, not abandoned escaped to try to surpass themselves - then you will find that your ability to greatly exceed your imagination. Like Jim in the text, how brave he is ah! When he caught posting, the doctor let him escape, he said, "I must stay here and refuse to leave, because I have the oaths, and do not live up to the trust of my songwriting," It is often said: "The language characters often reflect the character of a person of quality, and Jim the result of excellent quality the dripping is to do. of course, in addition to the courage, but also the same as the indomitable spirit of Jim, we must not encounter difficulties, said: "NO! "Otherwise, your life will be wasted. We must be bold in the face of difficulties, and I did not do that. Take today for! Mom let me do a paper, but which is also how one can not make it subject to, I will put aside his "sleeping", and after the time go slowly He digest. up to now, the truth is somewhat regret it! Marie also said: "If I follow the ideal of life, liberty, in the true spirit of determination to move ahead, and to be honest and self deceiving ideas OK, it will be able to achieve excellence to the US level. "Echocardiography than action, let us learn the spirit of Jim - the courage to face the work and a strong will power to overcome the difficulties, he conquered, sitting," Shays classes about Latin America, "learning to sail on the" Treasure Island "and find learning valuable minerals!


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/wap/6319.html发布于 09-18
