

小思 2024-09-18 42
柬埔寨英文介绍摘要: 黄埔军校英文介绍Whampoa Military Academy或Huangpu Military Academy正式全称Chinese Nationalist Party A...


Whampoa Military Academy或Huangpu Military Academy正式全称Chinese Nationalist Party Army Officer Institute(中国国民党陆军军官学校)

In 1924, the KMT and the CPC to work together for the first time, surging national revolution, Dr. Sun Yat-sen far-sighted man of the century, as "the sacred cause of education, founded as a great talent," personally set up in Guangzhou, a text of a two-wu school -- - National Guangdong University (today's Sun Yat-sen University) and the Whampoa Military Academy. When school is formally known as the "Chinese Kuomintang Military Academy", because of their school in south-east of Guangzhou Huangpu Island, known as the Whampoa Military Academy. Whampoa Military Academy was established for the purpose of the National Revolutionary Army officer training, and then the Nationalist government of the Northern Expedition to unify China's major military power. In 1946 the transfer of the Chinese Kuomintang army in the country later renamed "Republic of China Military Academy," up to now. Whampoa Military Academy is the Dr. Sun Yat-sen in the Communist Party of China and the Soviet Union's active support and help of the founder, is the first product of cooperation between the Kuomintang. China's modern history as the first train cadres of the revolutionary new military-political school, their far-reaching effects of the huge reputation of prominent are the only expectation. Since the establishment of the Whampoa Military Academy, Dr. Sun Yat-sen so as to "create a revolutionary army to save China's peril" for the purpose; "Dear absolute sincerity" as its school motto; to the training of military and political personnel, so as to composition of the Whampoa students as the backbone of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of the implementation of Armed overthrow of imperialism and feudal warlord rule in China, for the purpose of the completion of the National Revolution. On the one hand, actively carry out Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Three Principles of the People Revolution education; on the one hand, instilling the idea of Marxism-Leninism. Military use of military and political equal emphasis on theory and practice of teaching and learning, the Chinese revolution has trained a large number of military and political talent. Huangpu majority of the teachers and students against imperialism and feudalism in the fight for national independence and national unity in the struggle to set up military exploits hehe, as China made a significant contribution to the revolution. Since the Whampoa Military Academy in June 1924 to set up in Guangzhou by the end of 1949 moved to Fengshan City, Kaohsiung County, Taiwan, the mainland has done a total of 23 in Taiwan has continued to do 73, on the mainland during its graduates, including Gefen Xiao, training courses, including 41,386 people. Who come forth in large numbers, a prominent military exploits, winning Chinese and foreign, far-reaching impact on the modern history of China occupies a prominent position. The former site of the Whampoa Military Academy in 1988, was the third of the National People's Republic of China as a key cultural unit.

黄埔军校(Whampoa Military Academy)

Huangpu Military Academy!



kingdom of cambodia—— 柬埔寨王国国家概括【国名】 柬埔寨王国(Kingdom of Cambodia),代码KH【面积】 181035平方公里。【人口】 1400万。有20多个民族,高棉族是主体民族,占总人口的80%,少数民族有占族、普农族、老族、泰族、斯丁族等。高棉语为通用语言,与英语、法语同为官方语言。佛教为国教,93%以上的居民信奉佛教,占族信奉伊斯兰教,少数城市居民信奉天主教。华人、华侨约60万。【首都】 金边 (Phnom Penh) ,人口约102万。【同北京时差】 比格林尼治时间早7小时;比北京时间晚1小时【国际电话码】 855【国花】 稻花【国庆日】 11月9日【国家元首】 诺罗敦·西哈莫尼国王(His Majesty Norodom Sihamoni, King of Cambodia ), 2004年10月29日宣誓登基。

觉得你的问题太高度概括了一个城市各个方面的内容很多的这里是大概你最好到连接上好好看看你需要的内容吴哥窟 most important archaeological site in Cambodia is the City of Angkor. It is estimated that over one million people lived there; making it the largest metropolis in its time. Witness the two hand dug reservoirs that served the civilization's rice growing agriculture: The Eastern Baray measures 7 km by 1.8 km and the Western Baray a staggering 8 km by 2.3 km. The 'lost City' of Angkor was to remain undiscovered by mostly French archaeologists until the late 19th century and ever since has continued to amaze all who see it for the first time. The temple is accessible by a giant stone causeway across the hundred ninety meter moat to the west face of the Wat. This is in itself an incredible feat of engineering. The three most amazing temples at Angkor are the Angkor Wat, The Bayon, with its multi faced towers and Ta Phrohm, the famed jungle temple, which was deliberately left un-restored. Most people recommend to visit these sites several times to appreciate their grandeur. 柬埔寨 Conventional Name: Kingdom of Cambodia (Locally called Preahreacheanachakr Kampuchea). In short by local: Kampuchea Capital: Phnompenh Location: Southeast Asia, bordering the Gulf of Thailand to the south, Thailand to the east, Vietnam to the West, and Laos to the North Climate - Tropical Rainy Season: June to October Cool Season: November to February Hot Season: March to May Monsoon season: May to November); Dry season (December to April) - Average Temperature: 32 degree Celsius Size: 181,035 square kilometers, with coastal line of 443 km. Population: 11,626,520 (1999) Khmer 90%, Vietnamese 5%, and Chinese, Chams (Khmer Island), Hilltribes, Chinese constituted remaining 5% Population growth rate: 2.49% (1999 est.) Birth rate: 41.05 births/1,000 population (1999 est.) Death rate: 16.2 deaths/1,000 population (1999 est.) Military Age: 18 years of age Religion Officially Theravada Buddhism 95%; others Islam and Christianity Language Officially Khmer - others: English, French, Chinese and Vietnamase Literacy: 35% of total population Time: +7 GMT Communication: The handphone has become a necessity in Cambodia. Handphone numbers start with 011, 012, 015, 016 or 018. Phone cards can be bought at hotels post offices and supermarkets for use at public phones. Economy (Estimated) GDP: purchasing power parity?7.8 billion (1998 est.) Agriculture: 51% Industry: 15% Services: 34% Inflation rate: 15% (1998) Labor force: 2.5 million to 3 million Labor force: agriculture 80% Industries: rice milling, fishing, wood and wood products, rubber, cement, gem mining, textilesNatural resources: Timber, gemstones, some iron ore, manganese, phosphates, hydropower potential

柬埔寨王国(the Kingdom of Cambodia) ,通称柬埔寨,旧称高棉,位于中南半岛,西部及西北部与泰国接壤,东北部与老挝交界,东部及东南部与越南毗邻,南部则面向暹罗湾。柬埔寨领土为碟状盆地,三面被丘陵与山脉环绕,中部为广阔而富庶的平原,占全国面积四分之三以上。境内有湄公河和东南亚最大的淡水湖-洞里萨湖(又称金边湖),首都金边。柬埔寨人口约1500万,高棉族占总人口80%。华人华侨约100万。 柬埔寨是个历史悠久的文明古国,早在公元1世纪建立了统一的王国。20世纪70年代开始,柬经历了长期的战争。1993年,随着柬国家权力机构相继成立和民族和解的实现,柬埔寨进入和平与发展的新时期。柬埔寨是东南亚国家联盟成员国,经济以农业为主,工业基础薄弱,是世界上最不发达国家之一。








有的 新王牌啊,小班和一对一都有的....


Unit 20J,FuXing commercial building,No.163 West HuangPu Avenue,TianHe district,Guangzhou city,GuangDong Province,China.

East Tower 20 J Unit, FuXing Business Building, 163# HuangPu Avenu West, TianHe District, GuangZhou Province, PRC.望采纳!


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/wap/6222.html发布于 2024-09-18
