Sun Wukong 这是西游记英文版的正式翻译法,有时候也说the Monkey King猴王、美猴王Handsome Monkey King; [例句]孙悟空春风满面,高登宝座。Sun Wukong, his face lit up with youthful vigour, climbed up onto his throne.
stone Monkey
孙悟空Sun Wukong 这是西游记英文版的正式翻译法,有时候也说the Monkey King猴王、美猴王Handsome Monkey King猪八戒one of the chief characters in “Pilgrimage To The West” who was supposedly incarnated through the spirit of pig, a symbol of man's cupidity沙和尚Sha Monk 或者 Friar Sand ,《西游记》中唐僧的三徒弟
Monkey King
monkey king,,,真的好像就是这个
stone Monkey
monkey mang ki
monkey king,,,真的好像就是这个
孙悟空 [名]Sun Wukong 这是西游记英文版的正式翻译法,有时候也说the Monkey King猴王、美猴王Handsome Monkey King;
Sun Wukong 这是西游记英文版的正式翻译法,有时候也说the Monkey King猴王、美猴王Handsome Monkey King
猴子[hóu zi]monkey ;
Sunwukong,also known as Qitiandasheng,which title he appointed himself ,an equivalent of emperor above.
He was a spirit stone on the top of Huaguo mountain many years ago,exposed naked in the alternative of sun and moon,experienced the bathing of sun and rains,he got some magic power and turned into a monkey,which had every character of human and was extremely clever .
At an occasional chance,he met a Taoist whose name was Taiyi zhenren,who was a supernatural being。
Sunwukong was attracted by his ability of turning himself into many animals,so he pleaded for being the Taois's apprentice,the Taoist agreed and taught him many skills,which helped Sunwukong to be in the highlight of both in heaven and in the world.
Sunwukong,also known as Qitiandasheng,which title he appointed himself ,an equivalent of emperor above.He was a spirit stone on the top of Huaguo mountain many years ago,exposed naked in the alternative of sun and moon,experienced the bathing of sun and rains,he got some magic power and turned into a monkey,which had every character of human and was extremely clever .At an occasional chance,he met a Taoist whose name was Taiyi zhenren,who was a supernatural being;Suenwukong was attracted by his ability of turning himself into many animals,so he pleaded for being the Taois's apprentice,the Taoist agreed and taught him many skills,which helped Sunwukong to be in the highlight of both in heaven and in the world.
Monkey King 是英文版西游记的名字!!是“猴王”的意思Sun Wuking
1.猴群中的首领。 2.特指孙悟空。
孙悟空是中国著名的神话角色之一,出自四大名著之《西游记》。祖籍东胜神州,由开天辟地以来的仙石孕育而生,因带领群猴进入水帘洞而成为众猴之王,尊为 “美猴王”。后历经千山万水拜须菩提祖师为师学艺,得名孙悟空,学会地煞七十二变、筋斗云、长生不老等高超的法术。神通初成的孙悟空先大闹龙宫取得如意金箍棒,又大闹地府勾去生死簿,后被天界招安,封为弼马温。得知职位低卑后生气返回花果山,并战胜托塔天王和哪吒三太子的讨伐,迫使玉皇大帝封其为齐天大圣,并在天庭建齐天大圣府,奉旨管理蟠桃园。因醉酒搅乱王母的蟠桃盛会,偷吃太上老君的金丹,炼成了金刚不坏之躯,阴差阳错间在太上老君的炼丹炉中炼就火眼金睛。之后大闹天宫,十万... 更多→ 猴王
The monkey king
feel space sun
monkey king