

小思 2024-09-18 41
课程培训英文摘要: 培训课程的英文education名词educate动词问题一:课程怎么写 英文 课程course; curriculum有些课程,比如数学、物理和英语,本系学生都是必修的...



问题一:课程怎么写 英文 课程course; curriculum有些课程,比如数学、物理和英语,本系学生都是必修的。Some subjects, such as mathematice, physics and English, are pulsory for the students in this department.补修不及格的课程repeat failed courses听李博士开设的课程attend a course by Dr. Li在大学开设世界语课程establish a course in Esperanto at a university大连大学开设自然科学和人文科学课程。Dalian University offers courses in science and in the humanities.我们学校课程中的主要科目the main (major) subjects in our school curriculum课程评价course evaluation课程设置courses offered in a college or school; curriculum你必须通过考试才能获得那门课程的学分。You must pass the examination to get credit for the course.这门课程预定在一年内修完。The course of study is to be pleted within a year.中等教育课程secondary program进修课程安排得十分紧凑。The training program has a very tight schedule.系主任给新生介绍了课程。The department chairman briefed new students on the curriculum.学校新增设了计算机课程。The school has newly added the puter course. 问题二:英语单词课程怎么写 course 英 [k??s] 美 [k?rs] n. 科目;课程;过程;进程;道路;路线,航向;一道菜 vt. 追赶;跑过 vi. 指引航线;快跑 网络释义专业释义英英释义 课程 课程(Course):表示字串栏位,字元长度为20。 费用(Charge):表示实数栏位,总长度为6个数字,其中小数点后有2个 数字。 问题三:课程表用英语怎么写 syllabus; curriculum schedule 问题四:课程表用英文怎么写? 老外一般用:Subject Timetable 问题五:参加英语培训课程英语怎么写 我加强英语的方法就是看英文资料片 辅以英语学习软件,然后找一家英语学习中心帮我练口语,我就感觉.好.去年上课的ABC天口语还行 很专业 上课方便!明显才怪!忽悠人的学习学校!我买了万多的课程,学了几天就不学了,原因是天天对着那的电脑学,烦的要死,教材内容非常之无聊,想约外教跟见美国总统似的困难。而且我发现去那学的都是成天没事做的无聊人,跑那去就是找人解闷去的。大概类似很多学习学校都差不多, 问题六:“你教什么课程? ”用英语怎么说? What courses do you teach ? 问题七:专业课 用英文怎么说 专业课, major courses, professional cl抚sses 联合国的高官,senior officials of the United Nations, UN senior officials 自由职业者 self employed 问题八:校本课程 用英语怎么写 school-based lesson 问题九:英语课的英语怎么写 英语课 English class English lessons 上英语课have English class 上一堂英语课have an顶English lesson 问题十:课程设置用英语怎么说阿 Curriculum 专用名词 curriculum cur.ric.u.lum AHD:[k…-r1k“y…-l…m] D.J.[k*6r!kj*l*m] K.K.[k*6r!kj*l*m] n.(名词) 【复数】 cur.ric.u.la[-l…] 或 cur.ric.u.lums All the courses of study offered by an educational institution. 全部课程:由某一教育机构开设的所有学习课程 A group of related courses, often in a special field of study: 专业课程:一组相关的课程,通常指某一专业学习领域的: the engineering curriculum. 机械专业课程 n.attributive.(定语名词) Often used to modify another noun: 课程:常用于修饰另一个名词: curriculum development; curriculum enhancements. 课程的发展;绩程的改进 Latin [course] 拉丁语 [道路] from currere [to run] * see current 源自 currere [跑] *参见 current curric“ular AHD:[-l…r] (形容词) curriculum [kE5rikjulEm] n. (pl.curriculums, -la [-lE]) 课程; 全部 课程 (一门)课程 路线, 途径 high school curriculum 中学课程 curriculum schedule 课程表 curriculum vitae [5vaiti:] [拉](简短的)履历 place...on its curriculum 把...列入课程之内 academic curriculum 学术课程 activity curriculum 活动课程 child-centeredcurriculum 儿童中心的课程 classicalcurriculum 人文科课程; 古典课程 core curriculum 基础[核心]课程 correlated curriculum 相关课程 differentiated curriculum 适应个别差异的课程 experience curriculum 经验课程 formal curriculum 正式[非正式]课程 informal curriculum 正式[非正式]课程 fused curriculum 混合课程 hidden curriculum 非正式课程 hono(u)rs curriculum [美]快速班课程 individualized curriculum 因材施教课程 integrated curriculum 一体化课程 primary school curriculum 小学课程 problem-of-living curriculum 生活问题课程 professional curriculum 专业课程 project curriculum 设计课程 spiral curriculum 圆周[螺旋]式课程 subject-centred curriculum 学科中心课程(强调 观念、结构和问题) student-centred curriculum 学生中心课程 termi......>>



[词典] Education and training


1、We should strengthen and improve education and training of officials to enhance their competence.


2、Education and training is the key that will unlock our nation's potential.


3、He called for much higher spending on education and training.


4、Vocational education and training should be strengthened.



教育 培训是近年来逐渐兴起的一种将知识教育资源信息化的机构或在线学习系统。那么,你知道教育培训的 英语单词 怎么说吗?


educational training



The website askedu.com, which provides educational training information, lists133 similar schools around China.


It would also cut into subsidies that some journals provide for educational trainingand professional meetings, they say.


This enabled him to create an unrivalled legislative record, dealing with suchconcerns as healthcare, education and training, safety at work and a wide rangeof other social concerns.



In admitting battle-scarred vets back to civilian life, most campuses tookcognizance of any educational training taken by many GIs while in service. iipdigital


In that role, she oversees special-education training programs for teachers, as well as district mentoring programs.


It is widely used, among other things, in post-graduate training of health providersand researchers.


Today, the two parties signed a conservation, education and training cooperationagreement.

这种情况只有通过教育培训以及 经验 积累来解决。

This is an issue that can only be resolved through education and experience.


To liaise with the National Customs Education and Training Center.


Jinde Charities is involved in a number of fields including humanitarian emergencyaid, social development, education and training, scholarships, HIV/AIDSprevention and caring for the elderly.


We will improve vocational education and training for the labor force and intensifypre-employment training for surplus labor transferred from rural areas.


Education and training, supervision, inspection and services must be reinforced to improve the capacity and effectiveness of protection.


In this spirit, the government offers tax benefits to small-business owners andfunds educational programs.

教育培训专题组由两位共同主席领导。 一位是英国国家医疗服务局前首席执行官尼吉尔•克里斯爵士,另一位是非洲委员会负责社会事务的委员比昂斯•加瓦那斯。

The Task force on Education and Training was co-chaired by Lord Nigel Crisp,former chief Executive of NHS and Bience Gawanas, Commissioner of SocialAffairs on the African Commission.


If you have a continuing education program or adult education program in yourarea seriously consider taking a course or two that could directly apply to yourpotential future role.


Another survey by TES magazine last year found that three quarters of teachersdon't feel they have been given the training they need to deliver adequate sexeducation.

组织机构转型将被引入自上而下的金字塔政 策,整个组织内部的教育培训和授权。

Organizational transformation will gravitate towards a top-down hierarchy ofpolicy, education, and empowerment across the entire organization.


To be responsible for the cadre’s education and training and intelligenceimportation of the Commission and affiliated institutions.


This organization is dedicated to helping teens improve their financial literacythrough various means of education.


The largest of the UGA-Tunisia Partnership programs focuses on e-learning insupport of the Virtual University of Tunis, particularly teacher training and onlinecourse development.



training    英[ˈtreɪnɪŋ]    美[ˈtrenɪŋ]

n.    训练; 培养; (枪炮,摄影机等的) 瞄准; 整枝法;

v.    训练,培养( train的现在分词); 教育; 瞄准; 整枝;


[其他]    原型: train 复数:trainings




remedial classes 手册或辅导班在某一特定领域提供指导的书或班 A book or class that provides instruction in a particular area. 孩子们在辅导班上获得的自信持续到他们正常的学校学习中去 The confidence gained in remedial classes carried over into the children's regular school work. 在职培训班 in - service training workshops. 在职培训班 In - service training workshops. 有许多培训班与夜校。 There are many training classed and night classes. 你参加这次培训班有什么体会? What have you learned from the training course? 1986年至1987年,我教过英语培训班,学员来自外贸和大众传播单位。 From1986to1987I was teaching English training courses for students in international trade and mass communication. 据负责培训的老师介绍,由于这些女教师大多数从来没接触过电脑,所以培训班将从开关机器教起,主要进行计算机基本操作和网络知识的讲座以适应不同学员的水平。 Since most of them have never had an opportunity to use computer,the training began with turning on and off the computer.Basic computer and Internet skills were the main courses offered,according to the trainer.

教育 培训是近年来逐渐兴起的一种将知识教育资源信息化的机构或在线学习系统。那么,你知道教育培训的 英语单词 怎么说吗?   教育培训的英文释义:   educational training   教育培训的英文例句:   提供教育培训信息的网站,在中国列举了133个类似的学校。   The website askedu.com, which provides educational training information, lists133 similar schools around China.    他们还说,这也将切断一些期刊为教育培训和专业会议提供补贴的可能。   It would also cut into subsidies that some journals provide for educational trainingand professional meetings, they say.    这使他有能力创下一个无人能及的立法记录,处理了诸如医疗保健、教育培训、工作安全以及其他受社会广泛关注的问题。   This enabled him to create an unrivalled legislative record, dealing with suchconcerns as healthcare, education and training, safety at work and a wide rangeof other social concerns. 教育培训英语怎么说   为使经历战争洗礼的退伍军人重返平民生活,大部分学校都认可许多军人在服役时接受的教育培训课程。   In admitting battle-scarred vets back to civilian life, most campuses tookcognizance of any educational training taken by many GIs while in service. iipdigital   她负责监管对教师们的特殊教育培训项目以及学区内的咨询辅导项目。   In that role, she oversees special-education training programs for teachers, as well as district mentoring programs.    它尤其被广泛地用于卫生保健提供者和研究人员的继续教育培训。   It is widely used, among other things, in post-graduate training of health providersand researchers.    今天,两国有关方面签署了文物保护、教育培训等合作协议。   Today, the two parties signed a conservation, education and training cooperationagreement.    这种情况只有通过教育培训以及 经验 积累来解决。   This is an issue that can only be resolved through education and experience.    联系指导全国海关教育培训中心。   To liaise with the National Customs Education and Training Center.    目前,进德公益的服务范围已经扩展至紧急人道主义援助、社会发展、教育培训、助学金、预防爱滋病、反拐卖、安老和受托项目八类服务。   Jinde Charities is involved in a number of fields including humanitarian emergencyaid, social development, education and training, scholarships, HIV/AIDSprevention and caring for the elderly.    健全面向全体劳动者的职业教育培训制度,加强农村富余劳动力转移就业培训。   We will improve vocational education and training for the labor force and intensifypre-employment training for surplus labor transferred from rural areas.    加强教育培训、监督检查和服务保障,不断提升境外中国公民和机构安全保护工作的能力和水平。   Education and training, supervision, inspection and services must be reinforced to improve the capacity and effectiveness of protection.   本着这样的精神,政府向小企业提供税收优惠和教育培训资金。   In this spirit, the government offers tax benefits to small-business owners andfunds educational programs.   教育培训专题组由两位共同主席领导。 一位是英国国家医疗服务局前首席执行官尼吉尔•克里斯爵士,另一位是非洲委员会负责社会事务的委员比昂斯•加瓦那斯。   The Task force on Education and Training was co-chaired by Lord Nigel Crisp,former chief Executive of NHS and Bience Gawanas, Commissioner of SocialAffairs on the African Commission.    如果你参加了一个与你的领域相关的连续教育培训或者成人教育培训,那么,考虑一下参加一两门可以直接应用于你将来可能成为的角色的课程。   If you have a continuing education program or adult education program in yourarea seriously consider taking a course or two that could directly apply to yourpotential future role.    去年TES杂志另一项研究发现,四分之三的教师认为没有接受足够的性教育培训。   Another survey by TES magazine last year found that three quarters of teachersdon't feel they have been given the training they need to deliver adequate sexeducation.    组织机构转型将被引入自上而下的金字塔政 策,整个组织内部的教育培训和授权。   Organizational transformation will gravitate towards a top-down hierarchy ofpolicy, education, and empowerment across the entire organization.    负责机关及本系统干部教育培训和智力引进工作。   To be responsible for the cadre’s education and training and intelligenceimportation of the Commission and affiliated institutions.    这个组织一直努力通过采取各种形式的教育培训来增强他们的理财观念。   This organization is dedicated to helping teens improve their financial literacythrough various means of education.    这项伙伴计划有几个组成部份,其中的最大项目以支持突尼斯网络大学的网上教学为重点,特别是教育培训和网上课程的开设。   The largest of the UGA-Tunisia Partnership programs focuses on e-learning insupport of the Virtual University of Tunis, particularly teacher training and onlinecourse development.



train 或者是cultivate,taining是名词

教育 培训是近年来逐渐兴起的一种将知识教育资源信息化的机构或在线学习系统。那么,你知道教育培训的 英语单词 怎么说吗?   教育培训的英文释义:   educational training   教育培训的英文例句:   提供教育培训信息的网站,在中国列举了133个类似的学校。   The website askedu.com, which provides educational training information, lists133 similar schools around China.    他们还说,这也将切断一些期刊为教育培训和专业会议提供补贴的可能。   It would also cut into subsidies that some journals provide for educational trainingand professional meetings, they say.    这使他有能力创下一个无人能及的立法记录,处理了诸如医疗保健、教育培训、工作安全以及其他受社会广泛关注的问题。   This enabled him to create an unrivalled legislative record, dealing with suchconcerns as healthcare, education and training, safety at work and a wide rangeof other social concerns. 教育培训英语怎么说   为使经历战争洗礼的退伍军人重返平民生活,大部分学校都认可许多军人在服役时接受的教育培训课程。   In admitting battle-scarred vets back to civilian life, most campuses tookcognizance of any educational training taken by many GIs while in service. iipdigital   她负责监管对教师们的特殊教育培训项目以及学区内的咨询辅导项目。   In that role, she oversees special-education training programs for teachers, as well as district mentoring programs.    它尤其被广泛地用于卫生保健提供者和研究人员的继续教育培训。   It is widely used, among other things, in post-graduate training of health providersand researchers.    今天,两国有关方面签署了文物保护、教育培训等合作协议。   Today, the two parties signed a conservation, education and training cooperationagreement.    这种情况只有通过教育培训以及 经验 积累来解决。   This is an issue that can only be resolved through education and experience.    联系指导全国海关教育培训中心。   To liaise with the National Customs Education and Training Center.    目前,进德公益的服务范围已经扩展至紧急人道主义援助、社会发展、教育培训、助学金、预防爱滋病、反拐卖、安老和受托项目八类服务。   Jinde Charities is involved in a number of fields including humanitarian emergencyaid, social development, education and training, scholarships, HIV/AIDSprevention and caring for the elderly.    健全面向全体劳动者的职业教育培训制度,加强农村富余劳动力转移就业培训。   We will improve vocational education and training for the labor force and intensifypre-employment training for surplus labor transferred from rural areas.    加强教育培训、监督检查和服务保障,不断提升境外中国公民和机构安全保护工作的能力和水平。   Education and training, supervision, inspection and services must be reinforced to improve the capacity and effectiveness of protection.   本着这样的精神,政府向小企业提供税收优惠和教育培训资金。   In this spirit, the government offers tax benefits to small-business owners andfunds educational programs.   教育培训专题组由两位共同主席领导。 一位是英国国家医疗服务局前首席执行官尼吉尔•克里斯爵士,另一位是非洲委员会负责社会事务的委员比昂斯•加瓦那斯。   The Task force on Education and Training was co-chaired by Lord Nigel Crisp,former chief Executive of NHS and Bience Gawanas, Commissioner of SocialAffairs on the African Commission.    如果你参加了一个与你的领域相关的连续教育培训或者成人教育培训,那么,考虑一下参加一两门可以直接应用于你将来可能成为的角色的课程。   If you have a continuing education program or adult education program in yourarea seriously consider taking a course or two that could directly apply to yourpotential future role.    去年TES杂志另一项研究发现,四分之三的教师认为没有接受足够的性教育培训。   Another survey by TES magazine last year found that three quarters of teachersdon't feel they have been given the training they need to deliver adequate sexeducation.    组织机构转型将被引入自上而下的金字塔政 策,整个组织内部的教育培训和授权。   Organizational transformation will gravitate towards a top-down hierarchy ofpolicy, education, and empowerment across the entire organization.    负责机关及本系统干部教育培训和智力引进工作。   To be responsible for the cadre’s education and training and intelligenceimportation of the Commission and affiliated institutions.    这个组织一直努力通过采取各种形式的教育培训来增强他们的理财观念。   This organization is dedicated to helping teens improve their financial literacythrough various means of education.    这项伙伴计划有几个组成部份,其中的最大项目以支持突尼斯网络大学的网上教学为重点,特别是教育培训和网上课程的开设。   The largest of the UGA-Tunisia Partnership programs focuses on e-learning insupport of the Virtual University of Tunis, particularly teacher training and onlinecourse development.

ESL(English as a Second Language,以英语为第二语言/外语)是为母语非英语,并把英语作为第二语言的学习者设置的英文课程,是外国学生申请美国大学所必修的一门语言课程。一、ESL课程分类1、 强化课程(Intensive ESL)许多私立的中学或大学都会为本校还未通过ESL考试,雅思考试,托福考试的国际学生提供语言培训课程,这类语言培训课程就是ELS课程中的强化课程。 2、 学术课程(Academic Course)学校为了便于本校的学生能进行更深入的学习,为已达到相应的语言考试成绩标准后开设的语言课程,这类语言培训课程就是ELS课程中的学术课程。二、ESL等级ESL课程根据学生对英语的掌握程度分为五个不同的等级。新学生抵校后将进行考试,并按照成绩编入以下五个等级中的一个等级,每个等级的学习持续四周。1、A 等级(IntroductoryLevel)课程针对没有英语基础的初学者,旨在帮助学生进行英语入门学习,注重基础词汇,简单语法和语言功能的运用,同时帮助学生初步了解加拿大生活和学习的一些基本情况。2、B 等级(BasicLevel)课程针对具备基础英语水平的学习者,旨在进一步提高学生的英语听说读写水平,培养学生在生活中的英语语言运用能力,进一步帮助学生熟悉国外环境。    3、C 等级(PrimaryLevel)英语文化课程,目的是在提高学生英语各项技能的同时,让学生了解基本的西方文化。  4、D 等级(IntermediateLevel)英语学习技巧,目的是为学生进一步修读学术类英语及应用英语做好准备,同时在C等级课程的话题基础上适当加深话题的广度。5、E 等级(AdvancedLevel)课程针对已具有坚实英语基础的学生,需要:拓展英语话题讨论和理解范围;扩展语法知识并加强语法的运用;扩充词汇量和词汇知识;提高口语的流利度和准确性。



英语培训分为线下和线上,线上英语课程除了上课比较方便之外,还是一种高效型的英语学习课程,对比线下最大优点是:  1.线上英语培训多数是由外教老师主导,相比中教来说,外教确实更适合当孩子的英语教学老师,而在线英语机构提供优质英语母语外教能够利用标准的英语语音、地道的英语思维和文化来为孩子营造真实纯正的英语环境,接近母语,孩子可像母语一样在无意识中自然拥有优秀的英语交流表达能力。  2.权威的国际原版教材是线上英语培训广泛使用的,能够保证课程内容的专业性和原汁原味。  3.线上技术是一对一教学模式,跟一对多的区别,考虑到语言的自然习得需要充分保证语言输入输出,以及线上课程对孩子的约束力较弱,孩子的注意力不容易集中,所以上课的孩子越少越好,一对一课程模式是最为理想的。  扩展资料:  我个人比较倾向于在线少儿英语,可以说是现在在线教学模式很火。特别是家长平时要上班的,可以节省来回接送孩子的麻烦,小孩的安全问题也有保证。重点在线少儿英语比线下的价格要便宜的多了,现在这社会,性价比高才是王道!  对比了好几家,在这里推荐下,我家孩子正在学习的这一家在线一对一的少儿英语,一年的课时费还不到七千块,很优惠,在家就可以学习了,顺便分享下它家的免费试听课:有兴趣的可以去感受下它家的免费体验课 。


英语培训机构有很多,可以在当地找一找比较有名的学校。  学习英语的方法:  首先,要学习音标,然后跟着英语磁带或录音把每一个单词都读准确,记住如果你喜欢美语,那就只学习美语发音,千万不要学习英式的英语发音。  其次,就是要买一本有关口语学习的书,学习连读,失爆,变音,吞音等发音技巧,试着连贯的去读一个句子。  最后就是要多看美国电影,我很喜欢美语,所以一直都只看美国拍的美语电影,像《寻找梦幻岛》。


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/wap/3477.html发布于 2024-09-18
