

小思 2024-09-18 43
货物损坏索赔函范文英文摘要: 关于货物损坏索赔的英语对话Part One    goods we ordered on February 12 have arrived in a damaged co...


Part One    goods we ordered on February 12 have arrived in a damaged condition.   我们2月12日订购的货物于破损情况下抵达    number of cases are broken and the contents are badly damaged.   一些木箱破裂,货物严重受损    package are insufficient and the contents leak out considerably.   包装太差,货物渗漏严重    wish to inform you that five of the cars we bought from you have been seriously out of order within 50Km driving distance.   我们要通知你我们向你订购的汽车有5辆已严重超过每小时50公里速度    20% of the bales were broken and the contents badly soiled.   近20%的包破损,货物严重受污    the shipment of 2,000 cases of glassware, we find that a number of wooden cases and the contents have been broken.   从2,000箱玻璃货物中抽查了一些,货物已经破碎。    inspection, we found that about 50 bags are broken and it is estimated that 240Kg of cement had been lost.   在检查时,我们发现约50只袋子已破,估计240公斤水泥丢失    regret to inform you that eight of the cases of your consignment arrived in a badly damaged condition.   我们遗憾地告诉你发来的货物中有8箱受损    have examined the contents and find that 92 pieces are missing and the rest unfit for use.   我们已检查货物,发现92块遗失,其余不宜使用    shipment of goods has been found short in weight by reinspection.   经重检你方的货物被发现短重    are now making a claim against you for the ten defective sew machines.   我们就10台缺陷的缝纫机向你方索赔    is a shortage of 1,450 pounds in this shipment.   该货短重1,450磅    arrival of the shipment, we found at least 50 cases damaged, which made up 20% of the total quantity.   货一到达,我们发现至少50箱受损,占总箱数的20%    had the material inspected immediately when the goods arrived, and a shortage of 15kg was found.   货物抵达时,我们立即检查材料,发现短重15公斤    was found, much to our astonishment, that nearly 30% of the electronic components were water-stained.   惊讶地发现有近30%的电子产品被水污染    should make amends for the losses by replacing all the detective products, and paying for the business we have lost.   你方应当赔偿因更换缺陷品导致的损失,以及我们生意上产生的损失    the inspection of the goods arrived, we found a shortage of 50MT.   货到后经过检查,我们发现短重50公吨    NO 16 was found to be 3 packages short.   16号箱发现少了3包    are now lodging a claim against you for the short weight of fertilizer.   我们就肥料的短重向你方索赔    have to ask for compensation of the loss incurred as a result of the interior quality of the goods concerned.   我们就因为相关产品缺陷产生的损失提出索赔   Part Two    hope indemnification will be made for all expenses incurred.   我们希望对所有产生的费用赔偿    the basis of the survey report, we register our claim with you for $3,000.   基于检查报告,我们向你方索赔3,000美金    are requested to compensate us for the total loss of sugar at value of $105 Per MT.   你方被要求就所有糖的损失按每公吨105公吨赔偿    claim compensation of $1,800 for inferiority of quality.   我们为质量低劣索赔1,800美金    have to file a claim against you to the amount of $7,000 plus inspection fee.   我们向你方索赔7,000美金外加检查费    should compensate us by 3% , plus the inspection fee.   你方应按3%赔偿我们,另加检查费    is a statement of loss and you should indemnify us $2,450.   这是一份损失声明,你方就赔偿我方2,450美金    are compelled to claim on you to compensate us for the loss, $27,500, which we have sustained by the damage to the goods.   我们被迫向你索赔27,500美金,和受损货物价值相等    found that the quality of the TV sets we received last week is below standard. So we request a 5% allowance.   我们发现上周发来的电视机质量低于标准,故我们要求5%的补偿    claim an allowance of £230 on account of the quality of this shipment.   根据这批货的质量我们索赔230美金    have to ask for compensation of £6,000 to cover the loss incurred as result of the inferior quality of the goods.   我们不得不就货物劣质产生的损失索赔6,000美金    are compelled to claim on you to compensate us for the loss, $20,000, which we have sustained by the disqualified goods.   我们被迫向你索赔20,000美金,其与不合格品价值相等    are willing to accept the shipment only if you allow a 30% reduction in price.   只有你方降价20%,我们才愿接近这批货    hope you will settle this claim as soon as possible.   我们希望你方尽早解决索赔    for shortage must be made within 30 days after arrival of the goods.   短货索赔须在货到30日内执行    remit us the amount of claim at an early date.   请早日将索赔款汇给我们    examination, we have found that many of the sewing machines are severely damaged.   检查时,我们发现许多缝纫机严重受损    dispatch, within one week, the replacement of another five refrigerators with a price reduction of thirty percent of the total value of the five refrigerators.   请一周内发货,更换另外5台冰箱并就五台总金额降价30%    should be obliged if you would forward us a replacement for the machine as soon as possible.   若你方尽可能地更换机器,我们将不胜感激    insist that you should send perfect goods to replace the defective goods.   我们坚持你方发来优质产品来更换次品

We've given your claim careful consideration. 我们已经就你们提出的索赔做了仔细研究。 We filed a claim with (against) you for the shortweight. 关于短重问题,我们已经向你方提出索赔。 We have received your remittance in settlement of our claim. 我们已经收到你方解决我们索赔问题的汇款。 Claims for incorrect material must be made within 60 days after arrival of the goods. 有关错误货品的索赔问题必须在货到后60天内予以解决。 We have already made a careful investigation of the case. 我们已经对这个索赔案件做了详细的调查研究。 I want to settle our claim on you for the 100 tons of bleached cotton waste, as per Sales Confirmation No. 1254E. 我们想处理一下关于销售确认书第1254E号100吨漂白废棉的索赔问题。 We are not in a position to entertain your claim. 我们不能接受你们提出的索赔要求。 We regret our inability to accommodate your claim. 很抱歉我们不能接受你方的索赔要求。 I'll write to our home office to waive our claim immediately. 我立即写信给我们的总公司提出放弃索赔。 I'm afraid you should compensate us by 5% of the total amount of the contract. 恐怕贵公司要赔偿我方合同全部金额的百分之五。 We regret for the loss you have suffered and agree to compensate you by $500. 我们对你方遭受的损失深表歉意,同意向你们赔偿500美元。 I propose we compensate you by 3% of the total value plus inspection fee. 我想我们赔偿贵方百分之三的损失,另外加上商检费。 There are some different types of claims. 索赔有几种不同的类型。 This is a claim on quality. 这是质量索赔。 This is a claim on shortweight. 这是短重索赔。 This is a claim on delayed shipment. 这是延期装运索赔。 Claim on shortweight is caused by packing damage or shortloading.短重索赔是由包装破损或装运短重引起的。 Claim on delayed shipment is that sellers fail to make the delivery according to time schedule. 延期索赔是对卖方没有按时装运货物而提出的索赔。 Claim on quality originates from inferior quality of goods or quality changes. 品质(质量)索赔是在货物质量低劣或是质量改变的条件下发生的


史密斯: The inspection certificate, which is based on a random selection of 20% of the consignment as we've agreed on beforehand, is considered final and binding upon both parties. We do not accept any claims for compensation for loss incurred in transit, becaus


盖茨: We've already got in touch with the underwriter. But they have refused to accept any liability. They attributed the accident to the effects of dampness during the long sea voyage.


史密斯: That's a matter over which we could exercise no control, then. I'm afraid I have to insist that you approach the insurance company for settlement, that is, if you have covered this risk in your coverage.


盖茨: To my regret, we failed to cover contamination. This is an unfortunate oversight on our part and a lesson to us.


史密斯: Otherwise the insurance company would no doubt have entertained your case.


盖茨: Well, live and learn. It seems we'll have to waive the claim.


A:How are you going to arrange insurance?


B:We’ll insure the goods against W. P. A. at invoice value plus 10%.


A:I suggest risk of breakage should be added, for the goods arc fragile risk of breakage


B:That’s an additional risk item, and an extra premium involved will be charged to your account.


A:I see. Please send us the insurance policy together with your receipt for the premiums paid in due time.


B:We will.


(Miss Yang is discussing insurance terms with a clerk of the insurance company. )

(A: Miss Yang; B: the clerk of the Insurance Company)

A: May I ask you a few questions about insurance?

B: Yes, please.

A: Now we've given a CIF. Shanghai price for some steel plates. What insurance rate do you suggest we should get?

B: Well, obviously you won't want All Risk coverage.

A: Why not?

B: Because they aren't delicate goods and are not likely to be damaged on the voyage. FPA will be good enough.

A: Then am I right in understanding that FPA does not cover partial loss of the nature of particular average?

B: That's right. On the other hand, a WPA Policy covers you against partial loss in all cases.

A: Are there any other clauses in marine policies?

B: Oh, lots of them! For example, War Risks, TPND and SRCC.

A: Well, thank you very much for all that information. Could you give me a quotation for my consignment now?

B: Are you going to make an offer today?

A: Yes, my customers are in urgent need of the steel plates.

B: OK. I'll get the rate right away.

A: Thank you.

B: Sure.


Dear:Please note because your fabric shorted so many in the bulk,This will cause the quantity of the bulk short to much,The total quantity will shorted 79 side have to bear the responsibility of short note,once we confirmed the short set,The terms of our compensation is the EUR price by three times . Please conform this by return。Thanks!请注意因为你的布大货少了这么多,导致我们的大货数量少了很多,总共79套。你方必须承担我们少货走的损失责任。请注意我们一旦确认了少数走的具体数量,赔偿将按欧元价格的3倍,请在此邮件确认回。谢谢!

have to ask for compensation of £6,000 to cover the loss incurred as result of the inferior quality of the goods.   我们不得不就货物劣质产生的损失索赔6,000美金    are compelled to claim on you to compensate us for the loss, $20,000, which we have sustained by the disqualified goods.   我们被迫向你索赔20,000美金,其与不合格品价值相等    are willing to accept the shipment only if you allow a 30% reduction in price.   只有你方降价20%,我们才愿接近这批货    hope you will settle this claim as soon as possible.   我们希望你方尽早解决索赔    for shortage must be made within 30 days after arrival of the goods.   短货索赔须在货到30日内执行    remit us the amount of claim at an early date.   请早日将索赔款汇给我们    examination, we have found that many of the sewing machines are severely damaged.   检查时,我们发现许多缝纫机严重受损    dispatch, within one week, the replacement of another five refrigerators with a price reduction of thirty percent of the total value of the five refrigerators.   请一周内发货,更换另外5台冰箱并就五台总金额降价30%    should be obliged if you would forward us a replacement for the machine as soon as possible.   若你方尽可能地更换机器,我们将不胜感激    insist that you should send perfect goods to replace the defective goods.   我们坚持你方发来优质产品来更换次品

Dear xxx: we regret to inform you that your company failed to deliver all the cloth for order , which unfortunately resulted in the fact that we were unable to complete the scheduled garment-making work (approx. 79 peices short of the target number). Therefore we require your company to compensate us for the incomplete delivery as quickly as possible. faithfuly, xxx

下面是我整理的 商务英语 信函之索赔理由及依据汇总,以供大家学习参考。


landed goods were quite different from what expected.


2. We find …… so we have to ask you to indemnify us for a loss of £6,000.


3. This consignment is not up to the standard stipulated in the contract. We are now lodging a claim against you for £2,000.


4. The quality of you shipment for our order is not in conformity with the specifications, we must therefore lodge a claim against you for the amount of £280,000.


5. Case NO 16 was found to be 3 packages short.


6. We are now lodging a claim against you for the shortweight of fertilizer.


7. We have to ask for compensation of the loss incurred as a result of the interior quality of the goods concerned.


8. Our customers complain that the goods are much inferior in quality to the samples.


9. The quality of the goods you shipped last week is much interior to that of the goods of our last order.


10. The inspection reveals that both the quantity and quality of the wheat delivered are not in conformity with those stipulated in the contract, though the packing is all in good condition.


11. It was found by the inspection that there is a difference of 40 Kg between the actual landed weight and the invoiced weight.


12. Closer inspection by the health officers showed that the canned fruit were considered unfit for human consumption.


13. The loss was due to the use of substandard bags for which you should be responsible.


14. The survey report can certify that the weight shortage was caused by improper packing.

这份检验 报告 可以证实,货物的短重是由于包装不良所致。

15. On inspection, we found that about 50 bags are broken and it is estimated that 240Kg of cement had been lost.


16. We regret to inform you that eight of the cases of your consignment arrived in a badly damaged condition.


17. We have examined the contents and find that 92 pieces are missing and the rest unfit for use.


18. On the basis of clause 15 of the contract, we place our claims before you as follows.


19. We have to put in a claim against you for all the losses sustained.


20. The dried mushroom you sent us are far below the standard stipulated in the contract.


21. We require you to replace the damaged goods and grant us a special discount of five percent to compensate for the loss.

我方要求你方更换损坏的,并希望能给5%5 特殊折扣以补偿我方的损失。

22. According to the contract, you are responsible to compensate us for the loss we have suffered.


23. We have the right to claim against you for compensation of all losses.


24. The products we received last Monday didn’t agree with the samples and feel that you should make it up.


25. We regret to inform you that we are compelled to return the disqualified goods at your expense.



1. All of the shirts are of a smaller size. I wonder if you made a mistake when sending the goods.


2. There are too many defective items in this shipment.


3. The goods we ordered on February 12 have arrived in a damaged condition.


4. A number of cases are broken and the contents are badly damaged.


5. The package are insufficient and the contents leak out considerably.


6. We wish to inform you that five of the cars we bought from you have been seriously out of order within 50Km driving distance.


7. The leather shoes you sent us last Friday are not the right size. They should be size 42.


8. The quality of the goods you sent us last week is too poor to suit the requirements of this market.


9. The quality of your shipment for your order No. 346 is far from the agreed specifications.


10. Nearly 20% of the bales were broken and the contents badly soiled.


11. Your shipment of goods has been found short in weight by reinspection.


12. There is a shortage of 1,450 pounds in this shipment.


13. This is the survey report issued by CCIB in support of you claim.


14. Almost everyone of the drums was leaking slightly. We must hold you responsible for the loss.


15. We have lost considerable business because of your delay in shipment. We expect compensation from you fro the loss.


16. On arrival of the shipment, we found at least 50 cases damaged, which made up 20% of the total quantity.


17. We had the material inspected immediately when the goods arrived, and a shortage of 15kg was found.


18. We have suffered a loss of 20% on the selling price because of the inferior quality of the products you sent us. You must compensate us for all this.


19. All expense including inspection fee and losses arising from the return of the goods and claims should be borne by you.


20. You must hold responsible for all the losses caused by the delay in delivery of the goods.


21. It was found, much to our astonishment, that nearly 30% of the electronic components were water-stained.


22. You should make amends for the losses by replacing all the detective products, and paying for the business we have lost.


23. We find that the quality, quantity and weight of the goods are not in conformity with those stipulated in this contract after re-inspection by the China Commodity Inspection Bureau, we are now returning the goods to you and lodge claims against you for compensation of losses.


24. The surveyor’s report indicates that there has been some serious damage to some of the goods.




We've given your claim our careful consideration.     我们已经就你们提出的索赔做了仔细研究。

We filed a claim with(against) you for the shortweight.     关于短重问题,我们已经向你方提出索赔。

The Chinese representative and discussed the claim.     中方代表与贝克先生商谈了索赔问题。

We have received your remittance in settlement of our claim.     我们已经收到你方解决我们索赔问题的汇款。

Claims for incorrect material must be made within 60 days after arrival of the goods.     有关不合格材料的索赔问题必须在货到后60天内予以解决。

We have already made a careful investigation of the case.     我们已经对这个索赔案件做了详细的调查研究。

I want to settle our claim on you for the 100 tons of bleached cotton waste, as per Sales Confirmation No. 1254E.     我们想处理一下关于销售确认书第1254E号100吨漂白废棉的'索赔问题。

We are not in a position to entertain your claim.     我们不能接受你们提出的索赔要求。

But we regret our inability to accommodate your claim.     很抱歉我们不能接受你方索赔。

I'll write to our home office to waive our claim immediately.     我立即写信给我们的总公司提出放弃索赔。

I'm afraid you should compensate us by 5% of the total amount of the contract.     贵公司要赔偿我方合同全部金额的百分之五。

We regret for the loss you have suffered and agree to compensate you by $500.


I propose we compensate you by 3% of the total value plus inspection fee.     我想我们赔偿贵方百分之三的损失,另外加上商检费。

There are some different types of claims.     索赔有几种不同的类型。

This is a claim on quality.     这是质量索赔。

This is a claim on shortweight.     这是短重索赔。

This is a claim on delayed shipment.     这是延期装运索赔。

Claim on shortweight is caused by packing damage or shortloading.     短重索赔是由包装破损或装运短重引起的。

Claim on delayed shipment is that sellers fail to make the delivery according to time schedule.     延期索赔是对卖方没有按时装运货物而提出的索赔。

Claim on quality originates from inferior quality of goods or quality changes.     品质(质量)索赔是在货物质量低劣或是质量改变的条件下发生的。


史密斯: The inspection certificate, which is based on a random selection of 20% of the consignment as we've agreed on beforehand, is considered final and binding upon both parties. We do not accept any claims for compensation for loss incurred in transit, becaus


盖茨: We've already got in touch with the underwriter. But they have refused to accept any liability. They attributed the accident to the effects of dampness during the long sea voyage.


史密斯: That's a matter over which we could exercise no control, then. I'm afraid I have to insist that you approach the insurance company for settlement, that is, if you have covered this risk in your coverage.


盖茨: To my regret, we failed to cover contamination. This is an unfortunate oversight on our part and a lesson to us.


史密斯: Otherwise the insurance company would no doubt have entertained your case.


盖茨: Well, live and learn. It seems we'll have to waive the claim.


A:How are you going to arrange insurance?


B:We’ll insure the goods against W. P. A. at invoice value plus 10%.


A:I suggest risk of breakage should be added, for the goods arc fragile risk of breakage


B:That’s an additional risk item, and an extra premium involved will be charged to your account.


A:I see. Please send us the insurance policy together with your receipt for the premiums paid in due time.


B:We will.


(Miss Yang is discussing insurance terms with a clerk of the insurance company. )

(A: Miss Yang; B: the clerk of the Insurance Company)

A: May I ask you a few questions about insurance?

B: Yes, please.

A: Now we've given a CIF. Shanghai price for some steel plates. What insurance rate do you suggest we should get?

B: Well, obviously you won't want All Risk coverage.

A: Why not?

B: Because they aren't delicate goods and are not likely to be damaged on the voyage. FPA will be good enough.

A: Then am I right in understanding that FPA does not cover partial loss of the nature of particular average?

B: That's right. On the other hand, a WPA Policy covers you against partial loss in all cases.

A: Are there any other clauses in marine policies?

B: Oh, lots of them! For example, War Risks, TPND and SRCC.

A: Well, thank you very much for all that information. Could you give me a quotation for my consignment now?

B: Are you going to make an offer today?

A: Yes, my customers are in urgent need of the steel plates.

B: OK. I'll get the rate right away.

A: Thank you.

B: Sure.






要求;索赔 [C]


The court sustained his claim.



We cannot entertain your claim.


值得 [U,C]


His personality is his only claim to remembrance.


声称;断言 [C]


The prophet's claim is proved to be wrong.



But an Australian expert said the claim was baseless.



(提出)要求 [I,T]


After the Duke's death, his eldest son claimed the title.



The old man claimed the land.


声称;断言 [T]


Soft-determinists claim that free will and determinism are compatible.



He claimed the election was rigged.


需要;索取;认领 [T]


Have you claimed the insurance yet?



Has anyone claimed this pencil box?




这些动词均有“要求,请求”之意。 ask最普通用词,指向对方提出要求或请求,长、晚辈,上下级之间都可使用。 beg指恳切地或再三地请求或要求,常含低三下四意味,也多用于应酬场合。 demand一般指理直气壮地提出强烈要求,或坚持不让对方拒绝的要求。 require强调根据事业、需要或纪律、法律等而提出的要求。 request正式用词,指非常正式,有礼貌的请求或恳求,多含担心因种种原因对方不能答应的意味。 implore书面用词,着重指迫切、焦急或痛苦地恳求或哀求,常含较强的感情色彩。 claim指有权或宣称有权得到而公开提出的要求。 pray语气庄重,指热情、诚恳和敬祈的要求,现不很常用。 entreat泛指一般“恳求或哀求”,含企图说服对方或用热烈的请求软化反对意见的意味。



这些动词均含有“断言,声称”之意。 assert主观意味强,指自认为某事就是如此,而不管事实如何。 affirm侧重在作出断言时表现出的坚定与不可动摇的态度。 allege多指无真凭实据,不提供证据的断言或宣称。 maintain与assert近义,但前者指坚决维护某种主张或观点。 testify多指在法庭作证,庄严地宣称自己所说属实。 claim可与assert换用,但语气弱一些,侧重指行为自己的权利提出要求他人承认。


wage claim


insurance claim


baggage claim


claim form

催询单, 催缺通函


Can you substantiate your claim?


She renounced her claim to the property.


He resigned his claim to the copyright.


I surrender my claim to the alimony.


He submitted a claim to the insurer.


He advanced a large claim for damages.


My expenses claim includes 15 for sundries.


His claim to ownership is invalid.


They also claim to understand history.


You should claim compensation for the loss.



We've given your claim our careful consideration.     我们已经就你们提出的索赔做了仔细研究。

We filed a claim with(against) you for the shortweight.     关于短重问题,我们已经向你方提出索赔。

The Chinese representative and Mr.Bake discussed the claim.     中方代表与贝克先生商谈了索赔问题。

We have received your remittance in settlement of our claim.     我们已经收到你方解决我们索赔问题的汇款。

Claims for incorrect material must be made within 60 days after arrival of the goods.     有关不合格材料的索赔问题必须在货到后60天内予以解决。

We have already made a careful investigation of the case.     我们已经对这个索赔案件做了详细的调查研究。

I want to settle our claim on you for the 100 tons of bleached cotton waste, as per Sales Confirmation No. 1254E.     我们想处理一下关于销售确认书第1254E号100吨漂白废棉的'索赔问题。

We are not in a position to entertain your claim.     我们不能接受你们提出的索赔要求。

But we regret our inability to accommodate your claim.     很抱歉我们不能接受你方索赔。

I'll write to our home office to waive our claim immediately.     我立即写信给我们的总公司提出放弃索赔。

I'm afraid you should compensate us by 5% of the total amount of the contract.     贵公司要赔偿我方合同全部金额的百分之五。

We regret for the loss you have suffered and agree to compensate you by $500.


I propose we compensate you by 3% of the total value plus inspection fee.     我想我们赔偿贵方百分之三的损失,另外加上商检费。

There are some different types of claims.     索赔有几种不同的类型。

This is a claim on quality.     这是质量索赔。

This is a claim on shortweight.     这是短重索赔。

This is a claim on delayed shipment.     这是延期装运索赔。

Claim on shortweight is caused by packing damage or shortloading.     短重索赔是由包装破损或装运短重引起的。

Claim on delayed shipment is that sellers fail to make the delivery according to time schedule.     延期索赔是对卖方没有按时装运货物而提出的索赔。

Claim on quality originates from inferior quality of goods or quality changes.     品质(质量)索赔是在货物质量低劣或是质量改变的条件下发生的。





英 [ˈkɒmpenseɪt]   美 [ˈkɑ:mpenseɪt]




compensate by 用…来补偿

compensate for 弥补

compensate with 赔偿


We will have to compensate for all the loss incurred.



英 [ˈpeɪmənt]   美 [ˈpemənt]



charge payment 索取报酬

demand prompt payment 要求立即支付

enforce payment 强迫支付


The firm was behind time in payment.








1、compensate v. 赔偿,补偿

〔辨析〕指因使他人受到伤害、损失等而给予赔偿,也指对某事的不良影响进行弥补,常后接介词 for。

〔例证〕The lawyer said she should be compensated for the sufferings.


2、atone v. [正式]补偿,弥补

〔辨析〕指弥补过错或赎罪,常后接介词 for。

〔例证〕He felt he had atoned for his sins.





1、I’m afraid you should compensate us by 5% of the total amount of the contract.


2、We regret for the loss you have suffered and agree to compensate you by $500.


3、I propose we compensate you by 3% of the total value plus inspection fee.


4、There are some different types of claims.


5、This is a claim on quality.


6、We have already made a careful investigation of the case.


7、I want to settle our claim on you for the 100 tons of bleached cotton waste, as per Sales Confirmation No. 1254E.


8、We are not in a position to entertain your claim.


9、But we regret our inability to accommodate your claim.


10、Claims for incorrect material must be made within 60 days after arrival of the goods.


11、We’ve given your claim our careful consideration.


12、We filed a claim with(against) you for the shortweight.


13、The Chinese representative and Mr.Bake discussed the claim.


14、We have received your remittance in settlement of our claim.


15、I’ll write to our home office to waive our claim immediately.


16、This is a claim on shortweight.


17、This is a claim on delayed shipment.


18、Claim on shortweight is caused by packing damage or shortloading.


19、Claim on delayed shipment is that sellers fail to make the delivery according to time schedule.


20、Claim on quality originates from inferior quality of goods or quality changes.


A: Look, this is your product! Easy to break and easy to burst!B: Oh, that's not true. It was broken because of the improper usage.A: Improper?? Look! This is your instruction and we just follow what it says. And according to the ISO international standard, this should be classfied as the unqualified product! We will return this batch and you should return our money.B: Oh, that's not the case! Our product process is always strictly follow the ISO standard and we get the certification. Maybe this one did have problem but it doesn't mean that this batch are all unquallified.A: Please don't forget our contract!! You have promised thatyour company were willing to compensate all cost for the unqualified products. B: Yes, that's true. We will certainly pay the unqualified ones but not all products we have sent to you. If you have the further certification and tests result for all the unqualified products, we will pay for it. 2


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/wap/3346.html发布于 2024-09-18
