

小思 2024-09-18 68
过筛粉英文sieve摘要: 筛粉英文sieveA sieve, or sifter, is a device for separating wanted elements from unwanted ma...


A sieve, or sifter, is a device for separating wanted elements from unwanted material or for characterizing the particle size distribution of a sample, typically using a woven screen such as a mesh or net or metal.sieve或sifter 是一种使用编织网将不需要的物质从需要的物质中分享出来或为了表征样品的粒度分布的装置。The word "sift" derives from "sieve". In cooking, a sifter is used to separate and break up clumps in dry ingredients such as flour, as well as to aerate and combine them. sift源于sieve。做饭时sifter用于将干的团块(例如面粉)分离和分解,让空气通过充分混合。A strainer is a form of sieve used to separate solids from liquid.strainer也是一种sieve,用于将固体和液体进行分离。


[ 筛 ] 拼音:shāi, 繁体:筛部首:竹 部首笔划:06 五行:木简体笔划:12 繁体笔划:12 吉凶寓意:凶拼音输入:shai 五笔输入:tjgh 笔顺:撇横捺撇横捺竖撇横竖折竖筛bolt;griddle;riddle;screen;sift;筛(1)筛shāi(2)(形声。从竹,师声。本义:一种竹器,筛子) 同本义 [sieve;sifter]滤泉花满筛。――唐·李洞《喜鸾公自蜀归》(3)又如:筛子喂驴(歇后语。筛子喂驴,豆必漏下。漏豆谐“漏透”,即用光、穷极之意)

筛(1)筛shāi(2)用筛子过物[sift;sieve]筛土筑阿房之宫。――《汉书·贾山传》(3)又如:筛瓦(从瓦隙筛过);筛糠(用筛子来回摇晃糠。比喻身体发抖打颤);筛箩(一种形似筛子的竹器);筛扬(用筛簸扬);引申为穿过孔隙窗外疏梅筛月影,依稀掩映。――清·林觉民《与妻书》(4)斟酒[pour wine]。如:筛酒(斟酒);筛春(筛酒。斟酒)(5)击,敲[strike;beat]。如:筛锣(敲锣);筛锣掌号(敲锣吹号);筛金(连声敲锣)(6)摇动;抖动 [shake]摇漾无声,一任风筛,依约翠侵帘隙。――清·江昉《疏影》(7)洒;分散地落下 [sprinkle]先将叶著怀中令暖,用刀剪碎,筛于纸上。――明·戴羲《养余月令》(8)把酒盛在容器里,放在火上使热 [warm]两个老婆子蹲在外面火盆上筛酒。――《红楼梦》(9)胡言乱语 [talk nonsense]则你那小鬼头胡乱筛,俺判官头何处买?――明·汤显祖《牡丹亭》筛除shāichú[screen out] 筛选除去筛分shāifēn[sieving;sift] 通过筛选加以分类筛号shāihào[screen size;mesh number] 表示筛子的筛孔大小的一种编号,筛网上每英寸直线长度中平行金属丝的数目(筛孔数)即为筛号筛汰shāitài[eliminate through selection] 筛选,淘汰新闻局过去依赖这项标准,每年筛汰不合要求的制片筛洗shāixǐ[sieve and wash] 筛选清洗筛洗原煤筛选shāixuǎn(1)[scalp]∶指作物或树木选种的方法(2)[sift;sieving;screening]∶泛指在同类事物中去掉不需要的,留下需要的人员经过筛选,办事效率更高了筛余shāiyú[tail over] 在粉碎过程中的筛上物(不能通过筛的物料)筛渣shāizhā[screenings] 筛去细料后留下的物质筛子shāizi[sieve;sifter] 用竹条、铁丝等编成的有许多小孔的器具,可以把细碎的东西漏下去,较粗的成块的留在上面,以达到分选的目的筛(筛)shāi ㄕㄞˉ(1)用竹子或金属等做成的一种有孔的器具,可以把细东西漏下去,粗的留下,称“筛子”。(2)用筛子过东西:~米。~析。~选。(3)斟酒,热酒:~酒。(4)敲:~锣。


vibrating screen


厨房秤(或者自己估一下)、电动打蛋器、蛋清分离器(或者自己弄也行的)、蛋糕刮刀、不锈钢面粉筛、放置蛋糕的模具、锡箔纸。。。。。材料:1、清水80g,色拉油(可换橄榄油,玉米油)10g,蛋黄4个 2、微波炉蛋糕预拌粉125g 3、蛋白4个,幼砂糖80g(随量),塔塔粉5g 做法: 将1材料拌匀加入2材料拌匀无颗粒 将3材料快速打发拉起鸡尾弧形状 再与蛋黄糊混合均匀即可 倒入模具或纸杯中(可根据喜好放入蔓越莓、提子干、杏仁片等更美味) 放进微波炉,以高火6分钟即可注意:叮的时间根据微波炉功率等的情况而定,切勿时间过长,否则容易过硬甚至焦了哦,建议第一次做的先少量尝试,摸清时间准确度后再做哦~~(蛋糕里面也可以自己加入喜欢的辅料)

A sieve, or sifter, is a device for separating wanted elements from unwanted material or for characterizing the particle size distribution of a sample, typically using a woven screen such as a mesh or net or metal.sieve或sifter 是一种使用编织网将不需要的物质从需要的物质中分享出来或为了表征样品的粒度分布的装置。The word "sift" derives from "sieve". In cooking, a sifter is used to separate and break up clumps in dry ingredients such as flour, as well as to aerate and combine them. sift源于sieve。做饭时sifter用于将干的团块(例如面粉)分离和分解,让空气通过充分混合。A strainer is a form of sieve used to separate solids from liquid.strainer也是一种sieve,用于将固体和液体进行分离。

鸡蛋相克食物6个6 grams of egg food低筋面粉200gLow gluten flour 200g糖220gSugar 220g牛奶相克食物80gGrams of milk food 80g麦芽糖12gMaltose 12g黄油52gButter 52g皇冠海绵蛋糕的做法图片步骤,怎么做皇冠海绵蛋糕好吃?Crown sponge cake step by step, how to do the crown sponge cake delicious?模具内刷软化黄油。Mold brush to soften butter.洒干面粉,之后将模具翻转倒出余粉。Sprinkle dry flour, pour the remaining powder after mold turning.黄油和牛奶倒入容器,隔水融化。Butter and milk are poured into the container, and the water is melted.将麦芽糖放入一个大点的容器,也隔水融化。然后加入白砂糖。Put the malt sugar in a large container, and also the water to melt. Then add the white sugar.低粉称重,过筛。备用。Low powder weighing, over sieve. spare。将六个鸡蛋打入加了糖和麦芽糖的容器。用打蛋器高速打发。Put six eggs into the container with sugar and maltose. Beat the egg with high speed.开始会是大的粗泡,慢慢颜色会变白,泡会变细。Start will be a big thick bubble, slowly the color will become white, the bubble will be fine.直打到蛋液滴落变慢,用打蛋器画个8字不会很快消失,打蛋器头上会流有一寸左右的液体不易掉落。将速度调慢,再打1分钟,使蛋液更为细腻。Straight hit into the egg dropping slow, with eggbeater painting eight words will not disappear soon, will be a whisk head flow an inch or so of the liquid is not easy to fall off. The speed is slow, and then hit 1 minutes, the egg is more exquisite.烤箱170度预热。之后将低粉分两次加入蛋液。Preheat oven 170 degrees. After the low two add in egg powder.要用翻拌的手法哦,免得消泡。这时候的面糊很稠。To use the way to turn the mix Oh, so as to avoid the bubble. When the batter is very thick.将融化的牛奶和黄油慢慢向容器四周及刮刀上慢慢倒,一边倒一边翻拌(也可以先用少量蛋糊加入液体中拌均匀,再全部倒入)直到面糊变光滑,没有干粉和没融合的油水。The melted butter and milk slowly to the sides of the bowl and blade slowly pour, leaning to one side stir (can also be first with fewer eggs paste adding liquid mix evenly, then pour) until the batter is smooth, no powder and no fusion of oil and water.将蛋糕糊倒入模具,轻磕几下,去除大气泡。Pour batter into a mold, gently a few times, removal of large bubbles.模具放入烤箱。烤20分钟后,转150度,再烤40分钟。表面如果上色太深,可以盖锡纸。Mold into the oven. Bake for 20 minutes, turn 150 degrees, then bake for another 40 minutes. If the surface color is too deep, you can cover foil.出炉后稍凉一会儿,然后倒扣模具,在烤网上方磕几个,蛋糕就会落到烤网上。After cooler for a while, then buckle the mold, in the baking net knock several, the cake will fall to roast online.



a net for catching birds; sieve; sifter; screen;

screen: [ skri:n ] n. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风v. 选拔,掩蔽,遮蔽词形变化: 形容词:screenable 名词:screener 动词过去式:screened 过去分词:screened 现在分词:screening 第三人称单数:screens 英英解释: 名词screen:1. a white or silvered surface where pictures can be projected for viewing同义词:silver screen, projection screen2. something that keeps things out or hinders sight同义词:blind3. display on the surface of the large end of a cathode-ray tube on which is electronically created同义词:CRT screen4. a covering that serves to conceal or shelter something同义词:cover, covert, concealment5. protective covering consisting of a metallic netting mounted in a frame and covering windows or doors (especially for protection against insects)6. a strainer for separating lumps from powdered material or grading particles同义词:sieve7. a door that consists of a frame holding metallic or plastic netting; used to allow ventilation and to keep insects from entering a building through the open door同义词:screen door8. partition consisting of a decorative frame or panel that serves to divide a space动词screen:1. test or examine for the presence of disease or infection同义词:test2. examine methodically3. examine in order to test suitability同义词:screen out, sieve, sort4. project onto a screen for viewing5. prevent from entering同义词:block out6. separate with a riddle, as grain from chaff同义词:riddle7. protect, hide, or conceal from danger or harm同义词:shield


应该是sieve:sieve 英[sɪv] 美[sɪv] n. [粮食][矿]筛子;滤网;不能保守秘密的人,嘴不严的人 v. 筛,筛选;滤 第三人称单数:sieves;过去分词:sieved;名词复数:sieves;现在分词:s... [例句]Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve to remove all of the solids , then pour the toner into a clean bottle with a tight-fitting lid.把混合物倒入细网筛,过滤掉所有固体,再倒入一个干净的有不漏水的合适盖子的瓶子里。如有疑问,可追问!


curtain 释义:

n. 窗帘;门帘;幕(布)

vt. (用帘)装饰;(以帘)遮蔽

读音:英 ['kɜːtn] 美 ['kɜːrtn]


1、过去式: curtained

2、过去分词: curtained

3、现在分词: curtaining

4、第三人称单数: curtains


The curtain was suddenly drawn and a bright light shone in.





读音:英 [dreɪp] 美 [dreɪp]

n. 布帘;褶皱

v. 用布帘覆盖;(使)呈褶裥状;悬挂

We have drape for living room, but we need kitchen curtain.



读音:英 ['pɔːtiər] 美 ['pɔːtiər]

n. 门帷;门帘

A portiere was hanging in front of the door.


名词 n. [C]1.帘;窗帘;门帘;帷幔Please draw the curtains. 请把窗帘拉上。 2.(舞台上的)幕;开幕;落幕The curtain rises. 戏开演。 3.幕状物A thick curtain of fog hid the mountains from view. 一层浓雾遮蔽群山。 4.【俚】横死;完蛋[P][(+for)]及物动词 vt. 1.给...装上帘子I bought some material to curtain the house. 我买了一些料子给房子装上窗帘。 2.(用帘子)遮掉,隔开[(+off)] curtain1.窗帘,帘子雅思听力应考单词-住宿场景雅思听力英语考试...curtain 窗帘,帘子2.(内部设施)幕,(窗)帘汽车配件英文速查词典-C - 『原版英语』...curtain (内部设施)幕,(窗)帘3.窗帘,挂帘家具英语 - 台州市双语学校curtain 窗帘,挂帘


1、n. 窗帘;门帘;幕(布)

2、vt. (用帘)装饰;(以帘)遮蔽


1、When the play is over, and the curtain comes down, we can walk out of the theatre.


2、When the curtain was rung up on the first performance, the audience broke intoenthusiastic applause.











1、n. 布帘;褶皱

2、v. 用布帘覆盖;(使)呈褶裥状;悬挂

例句:She adjusted the drape of her skirt.





1、n. 屏幕;银幕;隔板;屏风;掩蔽物;纱窗;纱门;筛子

2、v. 掩蔽;包庇;放映;筛;检查

例句:The curtains screen out the sunlight.



sieve tube

花蜜的英文为:nectar,honey,Flower Honey,flower-nectar。





简明英汉词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark [bB:k] n. 树皮, 吠声 v. 吠, 咆哮, 剥树皮 美国传统词典[双解]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark bark 1 AHD:[b?rk] D.J.[b$8k] K.K.[b$k] n.(名词) (1) The harsh, abrupt sound uttered by a dog. 吠声:刺耳的短促的狗叫声 (2) A sound, such as a cough, that is similar to a dog's bark. 似吠声:似狗叫的声音,如咳嗽 v.(动词) barked, bark.ing, barks v.intr.(不及物动词) (1) To utter the harsh, abrupt sound of a dog. 吠,吼叫:发出刺耳短促的狗叫声 (2) To make a sound similar to a bark: 犬吠声:发出犬叫似的声响: “The birds bark softly, sounding almost like young pups”(Charleston SC News and Courier) “鸟象小狗似地清脆柔和地叫着”(查尔斯市新闻和信使报) (3) To speak sharply; snap: 厉声说话;急促地说: “It is power that can often be misused—as when an obscure lieutenant colonel can bark at a Pentagon general, commanding him to do something questionable ‘because the White House wants it done’”(John Hughes) “经常被误用的是权力——如一无名中校厉声命令五角大楼的将军去做可疑之事,‘因为白宫希望这样做’”(约翰·休斯) (4) To work as a barker, as at a carnival. 大叫大喊招徕顾客:如在巡回演出的游艺团里当招徕观众的人 v.tr.(及物动词) To utter in a loud, harsh voice: 厉声喊出,仓促地说出: The quarterback barked out the signals. (橄榄球赛中的)四分卫厉声发出信号 习惯用语--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark up the wrong tree To misdirect one's energies or attention. 找错目标:精力或注意力集中在错误地方 语源-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) From Middle English berken [to bark] 源自 中古英语 berken [吠叫] (2) from Old English beorcan 源自 古英语 beorcan 基本词义--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark bark 2 AHD:[b?rk] D.J.[b$8k] K.K.[b$k] n.(名词) (1) The tough outer covering of the woody stems and roots of trees, shrubs, and other woody plants. It includes all tissues outside the vascular cambium. 树皮,茎皮:包在树、灌木和其它木本植物的根部、茎部的硬皮,包括维管形成层外的所有组织 (2) A specific kind of bark used for a special purpose, as in tanning or medicine. 特殊树皮:一种特殊树皮,有特殊用途,如用于制革或医药 v.tr.(及物动词) barked, bark.ing, barks (1) To remove bark from (a tree or log). 剥皮:剥去(树木或木料)的皮 (2) To rub off the skin of; abrade: 擦破…的皮;擦伤: barked my shin on the car door. 小汽车车门擦伤了我的胫部 (3) To treat medically, tan, or dye using bark. 用树皮治病、制革或印染 语源-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Middle English 中古英语 (2) from Old Norse b?rkr 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 b?rkr 基本词义--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark bark 3也作 barque AHD:[b?rk] D.J.[b$8k] K.K.[b$k] n.Nautical (名词)【航海】 (1) A sailing ship with from three to five masts, all of them square-rigged except the after mast, which is fore-and-aft rigged. 三桅帆船:有三至五个桅杆的帆船,除了后部的桅杆有纵帆装置其余桅杆都有横帆装置 (2) A small vessel that is propelled by oars or sails. 轻舟:用桨或帆驱动的小船 语源-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Middle English barke [boat] 中古英语 barke [船] (2) from Old French barque 源自 古法语 barque (3) from Old Italian barca 源自 古意大利语 barca (4) from Latin 源自 拉丁语 现代英汉词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark 1 [bB:k] n. (1) 吠声;狗叫声 (2) 似狗叫声 (3) 咆哮 词性变化--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark vi. (1) 吠;狗叫 Barking dogs do not bite.(谚); Barking dogs seldom bite.(谚) 吠犬不咬人。 Dogs always bark at strangers. 狗总是对着陌生人吠。 (2) (枪炮)发出声响 (3) 吼叫;大声喊叫 Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out. 然后它便坐在那里直叫到有人放它出去为止。 The officer barked out an order. 那军官大声发出命令。 基本词义--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark 2 [bB:k] n. 树皮 词性变化--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark vt. (1) 剥树皮 (2) 擦破皮肤 to bark one's shin 擦破了小腿上的皮肤 基本词义--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark 3 [bB:k] n. 三桅船,四桅船 现代英汉综合大辞典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark [bB:k] n. (1) 树皮; 茎皮; 鞣酸皮; [俚]皮肤 (2) 脱炭薄层; 染槽, 染缸 The bark of some trees can be used as medicine. 有些树皮可以作药材。 词性变化--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark [bB:k] vt. (1) 剥(树皮) (2) 覆以树皮 (3) 用树皮鞣(革) (4) 擦破(皮肤) He fell down the steps and barked his shins. 他从台阶上跌下来, 擦破了小腿上的皮。 继承用法--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark-bed n. 鞣革的温床 bark-bound adj. 被树皮紧箍而生长受阻的; 皮封的 -less 词性变化--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark [bB:k] adj. 习惯用语--------------------------------------------------------------------------------between the bark and the wood 对双方无得失 come between the bark and the tree 管闲事(特别是人的家务事) go between the bark and the tree 管闲事(特别是人的家务事) take thebark of sb. [美俚]揍某人一顿 take the bark of sth. 剥去某事物动人的外表; 降低某事物的价值 talk the bark off a tree [美口]哇啦哇啦地说个不停; 痛骂一顿 tighter than the barkon a tree [美]极吝啬的 with the bark on [美口]质朴的, 粗鲁的 特殊用法--------------------------------------------------------------------------------alder bark 赤杨树皮(单宁材料) cassia bark 肉桂皮 cryptocaria bark 厚壳桂皮 fever bark 退热树皮 fissured bark 裂缝状树皮 flake bark 片状树皮 fringe tree bark 流苏树皮 Honduras bark 苦樗皮 horse chestnut bark 马栗树皮 late bark 晚皮(主要为薄壁组织及少数小筛管及筛细胞) hard bark 晚皮(主要为薄壁组织及少数小筛管及筛细胞) ordeal bark 毒树皮 outer dead bark 外皮 over bark 外皮 primary bark 初生粗皮, 初生皮 raw bark 粗皮 renewed bark 更新树皮 rimose bark 龟裂的树皮 ring bark 环状剥皮 rough bark 【植】粗皮病 scaly bark 鳞状树皮 secondary bark 次生粗皮 sooty bark 黑孢皮(由烟皮病菌引起) tan(ning) bark 树皮鞣料 under bark 内皮 参考词汇-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 见skin 用法词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark 中古英语 berken<古英语 beorcan,象声来源 [七国语言]英汉地质大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark 胜 [七国语言]英汉建筑大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark 胜 [七国语言]英汉农业大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark 胜 [七国语言]英汉轻工业大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark 胜 [七国语言]英汉生物学大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark 胜 [七国语言]英汉冶金大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark 薄脱碳层 美国传统词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark bark 1 AHD:[b?rk] D.J.[b$8k] K.K.[b$k] n. (1) The harsh, abrupt sound uttered by a dog. (2) A sound, such as a cough, that is similar to a dog's bark. v. barked, bark.ing, barks v.intr. (1) To utter the harsh, abrupt sound of a dog. (2) To make a sound similar to a bark: “The birds bark softly, sounding almost like young pups”(Charleston SC News and Courier) (3) To speak sharply; snap: “It is power that can often be misused—as when an obscure lieutenant colonel can bark at a Pentagon general, commanding him to do something questionable ‘because the White House wants it done’”(John Hughes) (4) To work as a barker, as at a carnival. v.tr. To utter in a loud, harsh voice: The quarterback barked out the signals. 习惯用语--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark up the wrong tree To misdirect one's energies or attention. 语源-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) From Middle English berken [to bark] (2) from Old English beorcan 基本词义--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark bark 2 AHD:[b?rk] D.J.[b$8k] K.K.[b$k] n. (1) The tough outer covering of the woody stems and roots of trees, shrubs, and other woody plants. It includes all tissues outside the vascular cambium. (2) A specific kind of bark used for a special purpose, as in tanning or medicine. v.tr. barked, bark.ing, barks (1) To remove bark from (a tree or log). (2) To rub off the skin of; abrade: barked my shin on the car door. (3) To treat medically, tan, or dye using bark. 语源-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Middle English (2) from Old Norse b?rkr 基本词义--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark bark 3also barque AHD:[b?rk] D.J.[b$8k] K.K.[b$k] n.Nautical (1) A sailing ship with from three to five masts, all of them square-rigged except the after mast, which is fore-and-aft rigged. (2) A small vessel that is propelled by oars or sails. 语源-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Middle English barke [boat] (2) from Old French barque (3) from Old Italian barca (4) from Latin [名词委审定]英汉林学名词(1989)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark 树皮 [名词委审定]英汉药学名词(1999)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark 皮 [名词委审定]英汉植物学名词(1991)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark 树皮 英汉船舶大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark n.三桅帆船 英汉地质大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark n.茎皮,树皮 英汉纺织大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark n.槽,缸 英汉航海大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark n.三桅帆船,任何小型帆船 英汉环境大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark n.树皮 英汉化学大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark n.树皮;vt.剥 英汉海运大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark 树皮三桅帆船(后桅纵帆,其它桅横帆)船 英汉计算机大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark n.树皮;vt.剥 英汉机械大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark n.脱炭薄层,擦 英汉建筑大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark n.树皮,呔声,三桅帆船 英汉农牧林大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark n.树皮,茎皮,筋膜 英汉水利大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark n.树皮,槽,缸 英汉冶金大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark n.树皮,茎皮 英汉医学大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark n.树皮,金鸡纳树皮 英汉中医大词典--------------------------------------------------------------------------------bark n.茎皮,树皮



作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/wap/311.html发布于 2024-09-18
