

小思 09-18 5
规定条款英语摘要: 条款规定英文In accordance with the relevant provisionsArticle[名词]文章.论文[冠词]商品.瞬间.物件.名人.列举[及物动...


In accordance with the relevant provisions


terms,做条款讲时,意思和conditions差不多,翻译成情况、条件更合适,指限制或定义某件事(如协议或合同)的一些条件或规则,大家都同意这些条件的情况下,此事才有效或发生。此外,一定要做复数用clause:指法律条款或有法律效力的条款Article: 正式协议、契约、或者包括部分处理特别指向文件的条款。

协议书专用短语:(1)"According to the Terms & Regulations Stipulated..." =依照(2)"Comply with the Terms & Regulations Stipulated..." =遵守(3) "Follow the Terms & Regulations Stipulated..." =依照注:(a) Terms = 条款;(b) Stipulate/stipulated = 规定/明定


According to the related regulations


In accordance with the relevant provisions

terms,做条款讲时,意思和conditions差不多,翻译成情况、条件更合适,指限制或定义某件事(如协议或合同)的一些条件或规则,大家都同意这些条件的情况下,此事才有效或发生。此外,一定要做复数用clause:指法律条款或有法律效力的条款Article: 正式协议、契约、或者包括部分处理特别指向文件的条款。



培训机构不退钱最怕向消费者协会投诉。学员有选择放弃学习的权利,培训机构在合同中规定不能退费是“格式条款”、“霸王条款”,培训机构和学员之间可以有约定,但约定不能违背相关法律法规。学员或家长提供缴费依据和书面材料,他们可以协调退费事宜。所谓消费者投诉,是指消费者为生活消费需要购买、使用商品或者接受服务,与经营者发生消费权益争议 ,从而提出的书面或者口头上的异议、索赔和要求解决问题等行为。消费者协会接受消费者的投诉,实行以地域管辖为主,级别管辖为辅的原则:1、对消费者的投诉,由被诉方所在地的县级消费者协会或下属分会处理;被诉方所在地与常住地不一致的,由常住地县级消费者协会或下属分会处理。2、案情涉及两个县级辖区以上的,由共同的上一级(市级或省级)消费者协会处理。3、案情涉及两个市级协会辖区以上的,由省消费者协会处理;省消费者协会对已受理的投诉可以委托辖区内与案情有关联的任何消费者协会处理。


1. The seller failed to faithfully perform all the provisions of contract documents and the two sides then agreed to amend, supplement and change, including the replacement or repair of your defective goods that (hereinafter referred to breach of contract), as long as you have to determine whether the contractor has any objection, the Bank will be based on your written notice of default and immediately raised by your side does not exceed the total cumulative amount of the above and in accordance with the provisions of the notice to pay your way.2. The deposit of any payment under the tax and net worth should be, no matter on what grounds any person who made the deduction of existing or future taxes, duties, fees or charge, are not deducted from the deposit.3. The provisions of this letter constitutes a guarantee that our unconditional and irrevocable obligation directly. Any future changes to the terms of the contract, your accommodation in time, other tolerance, compromise, or taken from your side apart from this subsection are in addition to the possible application of the Bank from any responsibility for the deletion or other acts, can not release or waive Bank letter of guarantee under this responsibility.4. The letter of guarantee in the contract before the expiry of the warranty in full force and effect.

assumpsit promise




don' run in the classroom

Don't fight in class.

be quiet on class.上课安静。

don't throw rubbish casually.不要随处乱扔垃圾。

no smoking or drinking.不要吸烟喝酒。

don't fight or  say rude words.不打架不骂人。

don't bully girls.不要欺负女生。

ask for leave one mergency.有事请假。

be friendly to classmates.友好待人。

no cheat in exam.考试不能作弊。

Clean the classroom every day. 每天坚持打扫教室。

Don't talk loudly at school. 不要在学校大声喧哗。

1、 We don't walk on the grass. 2、 We don't pick flowers. 3、We don't destroy our tables and chairs. 4、We can't fight in the school. 5、We can't throw things in the school. 6、We can't speak other people swearword. 7、We should comity in the class. 8、We should keep the classrooms clean and tidy every day. 9、We should respect each other. 10、We shouldn't take any toys in the school.


作者:小思本文地址:http://aiyundongfang.com/yingyuxuexibaike/11155.html发布于 09-18
